Fantasy HD Porn Videos

1 year ago
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The Emperor s New Clothes Takes A Turn

You've most likely heard the story, a pair of tailors come up with a plan to defraud a gullible and vain Emperor by offering him clothes made of cloth so fine that the stupid and gullible cannot see or feel it. The emperor: being both stupid and gullible, feels he cannot admit that he cannot see or feel this amazing cloth because then everyone would KNOW he was stupid and gullible. He, therefore, commissions the tailors to make him four suits of royal regalia from their finest bolts and...

1 year ago
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If only I could start over

Sarah was standing at the edge of the bridge ready to jump at any time. No one in her life knew why she was about to do this, hell most people had no idea she was about to do this. Ever since she turned eighteen her life had turned into a living hell and she just had no idea just how it happened for it to go downhill so fast. Just half a year ago she was happy, yet within such a short time everything went from good to bad. It pretty much started the evening of her birthday, she had always been...

1 year ago
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Goblin breeding slave

Kazex was a tribal goblin who lived in the enchanted forest far from civilized society. He lived in a cave with tribal decor, an alchemy lab, and a large sleeping mat. He left his tribe almost a year ago. He felt that he could run the tribe a lot better than the current chief and he spoke his mind off it. That got him exiled but didn't mind. He made a plan to start his own tribe. He had the skills and knowledge to start one and make it prosper. There was only one thing he needed. Tribe members....

1 year ago
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Adventures of the Silver Wolves

Lance stared at the ceiling above him. He was once again in the Forestgrove jail. He had been in and out so often that he had his own cell that they reserved especially for him. He never did anything over the edge like murder or steal. He just got a little unruly when he had a little too much to drink and they would take him to the jail until he sobered up. He wasn’t exactly sure why he was in Forestgrove anymore. It was just this little town that he had come across in his journeys. He had been...

1 year ago
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Cat Got Your Tongue

Every day was the same for Jack: crawl out of bed, struggle to stay awake in the shower, get dressed, rush to the university, daydream about the cute redhead a few seats in front of you while your professor rambles on about tangent planes and gradient vectors, go home, eat, tool around on line, then sleep. Every day, that is, until today. As Jack struggled to stay awake in Calculus, he noticed his redheaded sweetheart in between nods. He thought he was dreaming, because he noticed she had two...

1 year ago
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Its mostly self insert fantasy stories. A little bit of isekai and sex. I will seperate each story and it will be shown from various perspectives. All fantasy worlds.

1 year ago
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I grew a BBC

*If anyone wants to either add on to or start a completely new line to this story feel free to* John Kingman was your average what guy, 24 years old, about 5’10”, little over 170lbs, not too muscular but had some definition to him. The one thing he didn’t care for was that he always seem to lack in his manhood, according to him atleast. Even tho he sports a nice 8” erect and his girlfriend always tells him she’s satisfied after sex, he just wishes it was on the larger side of the spectrum. John...

1 year ago
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Buffy The Vampire Fucker

Buffy was searching for an ancient dagger in the bottom of this crypt, she was very sad because her boyfriend, Angel, was gone, Buffy was searching for a way to revive it with a ancient ritual dagger. She was searching, and she hear a strong noise comming from a door. She decided to open it, and behind it she find 5 white vampires. But they where not normal vampires, they were the old NightRape council, 5 vampires banned of the world because they were too violent. Buffy could fight them, but...

1 year ago
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The old manor in Swamp Point

A small car was circulating through a lone and dirty road near the small town called Swamp-Point. The destination an old manor in the swamp. Three persons were sitting aboard the car, Jonathan, Kim, and Sonia. They were college friends and at the end of last semester they had decided to do a road trip together during summer, but not any normal road trip they wanted to see the places that were supposed to be haunted. The three young adults loved those things. In fact, every week they meet at...

1 year ago
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The Ruler

Abused by your family because you are the only man in the house after your father left. Bullied at school because you are labelled as a loser. Life can get any worse than this. After a hard day of being abused and bullied. You rest your head onto your matress with no bed frame because your mother thought it'll be wasteful to use money for someone like you. As sleep begins to take you, you suddenly awoken at a lush plain. You look around to see a woman sitting under a tree drinking tea. You...

1 year ago
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Erotic Lands

THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND IS BARELY IN PLAYABLE CONDITION WITH ONLY A COUPLE SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. PLAYERS PLEASE CHECK BACK IN, LIKE, A MONTH OR SOMETHING. (prospective writers may read on to get a feel for the style of the game and inspiration for content to contribute) This work is intended to be experienced as a game, rather than simply read in any old order. If you do not follow the limitations of the game, you will surely see chapters that will not make sense with...

1 year ago
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Born For Lust

( In the making of this story you have the choice of being good or bad. Each action will influence how the other characters react to your choices, as well as in peak of your lust or urges. In essence, you can do things in a more subtle and rightious way or in an agressive and evil way.) Your name is Vlad Bucio Javez, Your mother and father died in an accident when you were three coming back from a family get together. Your sister, Jane Lilia Javez, was only seven at the time. You both were left...

1 year ago
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The Borall Valley Faire

The city of Holly Grove. A small city by all respects, sits at the crossroads of the Borall Valley, a wide reaching expanse of farmland and forrests. Once every year, after the fall harvest, the faire grounds are prepared and the entire month is filled with revelry and celebration. Holly Grove swell in population, nearly 40,000 people come to attend the faire and partake in its events.

1 year ago
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Rise of the King

King Dante Shepard was bored, bored and incredibly tired of dealing with complete idiots all day long. So here he was in his little sanctuary, basically a closet full of artifact, swords and magical things he can't even begin to understand what they are for or what they are supposed to do. One thing he did know is that this 'seat' is damn comfortable. It was found some time ago in one of the 'steal catacomb' from before the collapse and like everything found in there was believed to be magical...

1 year ago
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The Convention 20xx

Saturday April 21st - 2:30 AM As I sit here writing this, people are still shifting. Friday was spent altering con goers. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some of them as they were but it is still more fun to alter them. First, thing I did after getting my stuff into the room was to break into the neighboring room. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. It wasn't exactly the neighboring room and I didn't exactly break in. It was my friend's room. My friends James and Bob are sharing the room two...

1 year ago
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Virus Survivor of Days

It started off slow - just like a light trickle of water before the onslaught of a rushing river. A few cases here and there, quickly shushed up by the government but still, the rumors spread - people were talking. A new virus, possibly a type of bioweapon, capable of deterioting a person's mind to such a point that they are debased to primal instincts - feed, fuck and kill. After the first few weeks more people began to take notice and the cover-up fell through - everyone knew it. Zombies...

1 year ago
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Master of the Manor

"HELLO!?" Amy barely hears her own knocking over the lashing downpour. The lights blinking in the window of the old, odd-looking estate had been the only possible reprise in sight. She had walked stubbornly for miles, convinced that the next town was far closer than it had proved to be, before stumbling across a huge wrought-iron gate amidst the thicket by the rural pot-holed road. Overjoyed and desperate, she ran through the creaking gate, slid on all fours over mud and autumn leaves up the...

1 year ago
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Scaly Butts

The bonfire burned brightly, lighting up the entire camp as the music played. The party was in full swing as all the goers danced, ate, drank and fucked, enjoying the celebration. All of them were kobolds. All of them part of the same tribe. And all were celebrating one of their own. To anyone else, this would've looked like an orgy gone wild. But to these bolds, it was a ceremony. For one of them was to journey out into the wild world, away from the tribe, and lose their virginity. In this...

1 year ago
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That Time I Got Isekai d To Another World Full Of Busty Girls

“It was on that fateful day. I was walking home from the latest anime convention held in my town. I had gone a bit overboard with the spending, so I didn’t have enough money left to buy a ride home. I was about a block away from my apartment where I could store my newly purchased figurines and signed merchandise, when it happened. A signed figure of my favorite isekai protagonist, Kasubito, fell out of my overstuffed bag into the road. As I reached down to pick it up, I dropped even more things...

1 year ago
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The Harem

Baron Abel Callahan sat looking out over the great expanse of his lawn and feeling at peace with the world for he had just finished hosting Queen Victoria by putting on a show with steam driven elephants and horses that could do tricks that live anaimals could never hope to do. "We did put on a good show." he said to himself as he sipped his brandy. "Prince Edward enjoyed himself although Prince Albert was a real stick in the mud." A knock on his door interupted his reverie. "Come in, come in."...

2 years ago
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The End Of Days Saga

I kneel naked before the small campfire, its flickering light dancing across my bare body as the night time creatures move beyond its small circle of illumination. Millions of insects call throughout the forest, each lending it desperate cry for a mate to the cacophony of sexual desperation, while their predators snatch, snare and feast upon the unfortunate ones. "O, Lady Lilith, Mother of demons, Defier of divine will, I beg you, grant me the power to defile the devout and corrupt the innocent...

2 years ago
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Dragon Age Sex Violence

A/N: Be warned! there may be the occasional bad end/game over chapter in the story where either the protagonist, protagonist's party member(s) or NPC(s) die. Said chapters may just involve the character(s) dying and it may include some smut too (no necrophilia tho cuz eww, seriously) so its up 2 u whether u wanna read it. I will put in capital letters for the bad end chapters so u can avoid it if u don't wanna read a bad end/game over chapter. If you have any suggestions then feel free to PM me...

2 years ago
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The Ring of Power

Greg Roberts was an average high school kid. He was 18, a senior in high school, and getting ready to graduate. He was book smart, got pretty good grades, but never really did well with the ladies. Greg had one sexual encounter 2 years earlier with a foreign exchange student, so he wasn't a virgin, but still very inexperienced. With his graduation approaching, Greg had only one thing in mind: to get laid. He had already been accepted into his college of choice, which would take him to England,...

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The Unreality Pandemic

The first signs of the Unreality pandemic were whispers on various sites on the internet. At first people claimed it was just creepy internet stories. When the pictures and videos arrived, they claimed it was special effects made with state of the art A.I algorithms. When hour-long live stream videos where victims answered questions arrived, critics went silent. Some governments began saying it was nothing to worry about. Some governments were quiet, too quiet for them to not be doing something...

2 years ago
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The Medallion of Zulu

You all know about the long lost, as legend dismissed, medallion of Zulu don't you? (This is my first story here and I'm sorry for my sometimes poor English. But for anyone who likes the idea, felt free to add as many chapters you like.) I found it some weeks ago didn't knowing that it is the medallion of Zulu and never thought the powers are real. It needed an accident with that cheap looking necklace and a left over shirt of a friend of me. The medallion still laying on a dresser in my living...

2 years ago
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Adventures of the Red Lady

The Red Lady has existed for as long as the world had civilization. She had a true name, once, but she has long since forgotten it in favor of her own moniker. Her abilities are rivalled by none, with the only beings that surpass her being the gods themselves. The layman would call her a witch; she prefers the term sorceress. The form she loves the most is that of a tall woman (about 6') with deep red hair that went down to her shoulders, large perky 36DD breasts, a beautiful hourglass figure,...

2 years ago
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Vein Wine

You get off the bus near the edge of the city of Ardetha at eight o'clock in the morning. The other riders had stared at you strangely as you traveled in your only suit. It wasn't the best, a little wrinkled, but it was the best you had. Having grown up in an orphanage, you've taken pride in your ability to get by and make a living but the recession down south has made you head north to this city in search of work. Yesterday you received a call from Carmen Vine, owner of Vein Tavern and Winery...

2 years ago
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The Necromancer and the Wandering Princess

For the first few years, you did not know anything about anything at all. You lay in darkness, pressed in from all ides. Beneath the cold ground, you were entombed. You did not think, you did not feel. It was as if you did not exist at all. All but for one tiny, glimmering star. A pinprick of light that had once been a burning nova. It resisted the darkness, threw back the cold, defiant, it burned even when nothing else did. And slowly, so very slowly, the rest of you started to burn as...

2 years ago
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Making a Mark

PLEASE USE THE "PLAY GAME" BUTTON, IT WILL WORK BETTER I PROMISE The flaming sun always made everything so hot here. The sparing pit, the barracks, even the bathroom was hot for Gods sake. "Such was the life of a VIXEN candidate" Amelia thought to herself as she hops up from her bunk. The Ludus had become quite empty, as most of the other girls had either taken their vows or been sold off into slavery. This was worrying to her, but she was also kind of relaxing. When she was first brought in as...

2 years ago
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"Wake up!" You hear. "It's time to go on your very first Pokem-- I mean magical adventure!" Your mentor has always spoke of odd things before, as if humouring himself. "What gender are you?" he asks, still in his silly joke. You say "Garzet, You know I'm a...

2 years ago
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Dungeons and dragons

(To be clear for everyone, I don't write this story. It was publish for ten years on by mulitiple autors and writers, so I only want to republish it here.) Welcome to the ever-so-wonderful world of 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons: Forgotten Realms! Many of the stories will begin in or around Waterdeep, the City of Splendors and the largest and most prosperous city state in Faerûn, the continent that the Forgotten Realms setting focuses...

2 years ago
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Lady Canterly s Castle

Lady Isabo Canterly entered the castle walls of her new home with an excited skip to her step. Since her husband had died some months back, leaving her a widow at 22, she couldn't be happier. Her father arranged her marriage to the much older Lord Canterly. In exchange, his rather large gambling debt was forgotten. Her husband and Lord had introduced her to the world of sex by roughly shoving his aged cock into her womanhood four times before collapsing on her with a grunt. She had cried...

2 years ago
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Dark Lord

You are in your room in the human world. On CHYOA, you find a story titled Dark Lord. You click on it and suddenly find yourself transported to the fantasy world of Arizelle. No, I mean literally, you are physically transported to that world. Now unlike most trapped in another world stories, your objective is to become the new Dark Lord and conquer this world.

2 years ago
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Linus woke up normally, just as any other. But one thing felt odd, he felt a bit too loose - like after having a really good massage. He didn't think more about it besides it feeling really good, all of his normal stiffness was gone. He checked his phone but nothing interesting got his interest. After a few minutes, he decided that it was time for breakfast, so he sat up, placed his legs over the edge and sat there staring at his stomach. Normally his stomach was flat, with a bit of excessive...

2 years ago
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Fairy Troubles

You knew instinctively that you were about to smash into a tree as you had a pretty clear picture of the area you were fighting in and where everything was. It was a good instinct to have in a fight. Always know your surroundings. Your armor would take the brunt of the hit you were about to receive you knew as you flew through the air. All you had to do was angle yourself a bit to allow your armor to protect you. Your shield took a pretty big hit from the Drake's tail which is why you found...

2 years ago
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The Luciferians

There are a few things everyone knows about demons. The pick these things up from books. Most of these things aren't true, of course. The biggest one is that demons are from Hell. Nope. Weird, right? Where else would demons come from? Well, the answer to that is twofold. Number one, there is no hell. At least, none that I've come across, and I've been in this game for a while. Number two, there is somewhere else for them to come from. In fact, you'd be surprised to learn, we make demons. Every...

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The Pact

The Lords of Hell are quick to bestow their powers on mortals foolish enough to accept such offers, but there is almost always a price to be paid. Some might argue that the price is well worth paying, read on and decide for yourself...

2 years ago
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Bimbo Genie

Trixi wasn't the smartest of genies. Over the course of her career, she has been trapped into more lamps, and given untold power to more wiley tyrants than any other genie. She had also ended up a sex slave more times than she could count. Although counting wasn't really her strong suit either. Being several centuries old doesn't help much when you have the brain of a goldfish. She has had many masters over the years. Pick one of her stories.

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An Unlikely Adventure

you start your adventure in a warm tavern bed. sunlight streams in through the curtained windows, and a warm fire crackles at the foot of your bed. this was the inn where you chose to stop after a long day of travelling. the innkeepers had welcomed you with open arms, offered you all the food and drink your weary heart desired, and prepared your room whilst you warmed up by the fire. most of the evening had involved telling the people at the inn stories of your travels, every set of eyes in the...

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Tales from lockdown

So It is the year 2020 and things are going fine. On the run-up to this year, everyone was joking about a new flue like a virus in China that shared its name with a make of Beer. The Coronavirus or COVID 19. It was all fun and games until it started spreading out of China as tourists brought it back to countries such as Italy. You were concerned but hoped it would all blow over. You laughed at people panic buying: toilet roll, pasta and hand sanitiser. The good weather was finally here and it...

2 years ago
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Breeding Buissnes

You are a small farmer. Nothing special but you love your job. You have liked to get up early as a child. Your parents have slowly guided you towards it. You first learned to plant different crops and later how to milk the cows and minotaurs. You already knew how to give first aid to a monster before you graduated as a farmer. The werewolves that guarded the farm were your first playmates and at 18 you were allowed to inseminate the first Minotaur girl. From then on you also learned how to...

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Wolf and Red

(To start off allow me to give a description of our two main characters, though more can be part of the story. These are just the two that will have a perspective in the story) Name: Elizabeth "Little" Red Age: 20 Height: 5"2' Description: Her height is the only thing small about her. She has a nicely sized D cup breasts. Her ass is nice, plump, and firm with nicely thick thighs. She's got a little fat, but she's not obese. Just enough to be kind of sexy. Her hair goes down to her ass, but she...

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Curse of Glory

You were one of the lucky thousand adults who were able to get their hands on the Beta testing version of the R-Rated new Fantasy VR MMORPG, "Curse of Glory", being able to receive it by mail before the official release date. The game quickly attracted a humongous amount of attention in a short time across the gaming community with it's exhilarating gameplay clips, stunning graphics and realistic experiences. You were truly excited for the mail, as you were the target of jealousy amongst your...

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Slave Tail

In the kingdom of Pendragon, slavery is a burgeoning industry. Anyone can end up as one if they aren't strong or lucky enough. Slaves can be purchased, sold, and traded legally by anyone with the right business sense and magic. Slaves cannot be freed and are at the mercy of their current owner. Often kept naked to denote their sub-human status, some are cherished pets, some are cheap labor, some are loyal servants, some are sex toys. But quite a few, if capable enough, are purchased by...

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The Devil

Jack awakens. The sun glares at his faces, making him recoil and groan, retreating back under his covers. It had been a long week for him at his melancholly bar Job, and was in need of a long, long lie in. But his body really didn't let him. In fact, his body was feeling much different this morning... much more built, bulky, firm? Perplexed, Jack flung his grey covers from his body, and his mouth gaped, as he laid eyes upon a finely toned, muscular body. Jack had been perpetually skinny and...

2 years ago
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Flexible Possition

Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. Shutting down my laptop I sigh and lean back as my chair creeks. I work from home, I had never been great with people in person, they thought I was too feminine so I started doing remote contracting and consulting work. It didn't pay a whole lot but it helped pay the bills I thought looking around. Looking down at my desk I see a picture of me and my girlfriend. Well back then I guess she was...

2 years ago
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The Successor

The world of Ethosis has entered a very sorry state, the five noble houses that controlled the continent have fallen on severely hard times, namely because the rulers of each have died and now their heirs are all that remain. These successors were not ready to fill the shoes of their late father's, most just barely of age. Worse yet, they also inherited all of the complications and delicate situations that their lord fathers were handling. Not to mention, they now need an heir of their own less...

2 years ago
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The Wizarding impregnator

(This story idea was inspired As well as all credit to TheZev ————————— Dear (student) You have been chosen to be one of this years impregnator student, you will be magically allowed to use and breed any witch you choose, anywhere, anytime, any place. The impregnator law was put in place do to the last war, as well as the decline of magical births. The 7 students are: Cedric Diggory Ron Weasley Oliver Wood Michael Corner Adrian...

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The Goblin Tribe

Lurking in the thick mountain forests of Albeon, hiding their homes in the mountains, are the goblin tribes, a menace upon the earth who cares only for themselves and their own survival. But still they are hunted, even the tribes who keep to themselves are killed for just being goblins, thus the goblins have begun to mobilize themselves to get better safety, keeping the majority of their people in caves and just a small group at villages they keep the majority of their kin safe. Among one of...

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A Beast Unleashed

You will be taking on the role of creatures of Myth and Fantasy. From Minotaur's to Lamias and anything in between. Whilst there are no RPG elements to this story you will be able to choose between giving in to your more animalistic side(This path will tend more towards Forced/Non-con scenes) or using whatever intelligence you have (Still mostly reluctance/Forced but not nearly as hardcore). The end goal of all the creatures is to feed and breed and as such the end point of each story will be...

2 years ago
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Dungeon Building For Beginners

Authors note: This story is heavily inspired by Game Monster by Cantalope, be sure to check it out if this appeals to you. Something doesn't feel normal as you wake. Your mind is foggy and slow, like someone came along while you slept and stuffed it full of cotton wool. You struggle to remember what cotton wool is. You try to remember if this is normal, but you can't remember... anything, actually. Just the vaguest impressions. Instincts coloured with flashes of what you know used to be...

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Djinn My Wife 2 Proposal Forfilled

Feel free to contribute, contributions keep my stories going and give the enthusiasm to continue writing. And feel free to like the chapters... afterall the success of Djinn My Wife pushed me into this sequal.. so who knows 3,4,5 still to be written, Only if I know they are liked. At any stage feel free to branch it off in any direction you wish...... __ You're Brett a 30 something male looking for true happiness. You used to be married once, but you fucked that up when you fucked her sister....

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Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a great kingdom that had fallen into great distress. The old king, who had ruled his nation through times of peace and happiness, was on his deathbed. His only child, the eighteen year old princess Sofia, was to succeed him as ruler of their people. However, on the day Sofia was to undergo the crowning ceremony, she was kidnapped by a dark sorceress. The sorceress, Katalya, blackmailed the king, demanding she be made ruler of the kingdom. If her demands were...

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1 Soul 2 Bodies

* I’m publishing with so little because I’m unsure if I’m going to continue, but feel free to enjoy what’s here The pair began to stir, instinctively holding closer to each other’s warmth in the cold summer night, before they eyes flung open in surprise. They stared at each other in confusion for a moment, then fear, and then more confusion as they wrapped their head around what they were feeling. On one side of their vision was a toned man with a shapely face and the other was a busty girl...

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Succession to the Throne

"Close the door," you order and wait until the knave turns toward you. "Usually, I would ask my maids this favor...," you start before making a pregnant pause. "... but in this case, it isn't possible," you continue, lowering your eyes. "The... it's just impossible...," you sigh and turn your back on him. After waiting some moments, you finally come to the point. "This is where you come into play...," you say in a low voice. "I heard, that you took care of your lord's hair removal...," you add,...

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Night of the Living Cocks

The townsfolk of Maddington seem to never catch a break as the curse that keeps affecting people continues, but this time men find themselves on the receiving end as their own penises take life into their own ‘hands’. Maybe they can move on their own. Maybe they talk. Maybe they can control their owners body. At the end of the day they just want to live their own lives, not be shackled to the boxers and briefs of their owners.

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The Book Walker

* I just wanted to say that this is my first CHYOA story and it may take a bit to get to the erotica, so sorry. But if you want you can DM me if you have any tips for my writing. Also if you have any questions, leave them in the comments, I will try to reply to them. I will also try my best to update often, but that may be difficult because of work and my writer's block. I'm also working on other things, so sorry if I don't Update for a bit. But enough of me talking let's get into the...

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Like Magic

Merry Christmas, my fellow smut lovers! It's that time of the year when Santa plays peeping Tom on us, under the pretense of giving free gifts. Yeah, ya ain't fooling anyone, SANTA!. This is a story that got stuck in my head and refused to leave until I let it out the only I know how that is not having sex... Writing smut. I hope you enjoy this and enjoy the festivity. Everything revs by at breakneck speed as you sail through the air. You defy the bullshit of gravity within the span of that...

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Erotic Dungeon Crawl

Welcome to my newest story. For the full effect, remember to select, "Start Game", on the right side of the window. This allows the story to track conditions as well as provide a proper narrative (don't worry there are no dead ends in this one). The image is from the game, "Sakura Fantasy", and the full image can be found here. The setting of this story is an unspecific high fantasy world of elves, dragons, tantalising cleavage, etc. You know, the norm. It's written in the 3rd person, which is...

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A failed rescue through a hungry wolf

The following was intiially an RP between Ueteru (one of my characters) and Amelia Crownguard. The threads I add to this story (unless where noted) will be from the original writing of the RP and will be the main pathway for it. But of course, however, others are more than welcome to add alternative pathways / choices to it, too! (Just follow the criteria; ,That is, being anything as long as it doesn't involve ageplay (for the characters' sake, please)) Also, for the original pathway, posts of...

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Game ification

One day in a world almost identical to our own a person is granted by pure cosmic coincidence is granted the ability and or curse to transform the world around them into a video game. The world around this person is much like ours in many ways, such as lacking any sense of tangible magic or being relatively mundane in terms of the technology available to them but this cosmic change will cause these factors to become available to our protagonist at least. This, however, does not mean some...

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Valendrel is a huge world of vast kingdoms and powerful nations. It's is populated by many different races with a wide variety of cultures. For many years it has been plagued by wars, plagues, and marauding bandits. Several of the larger kingdoms have recently used their power and influence to begin settling the many disputes and disturbances across the land. The three most powerful kingdoms are Tarendil, Raqdor, and Poltian. These three super powers are at the center of Valendrel and form an...

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The Unicorn s Gift

Elizabetta, just turned eighteen, slid her slippers from her feet and hiked her skirts to her knees so she could wade across the stream. She shivered with delight and smiled as the cool waters licked at her ankles. If there had been someone nearby, they might have noticed that a smile turned her otherwise plain face into something quite charming. But Elizabetta didn't often smile. As the seventh daughter and final child of the family, she had little to look forward to for marriage prospects....

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Le monde d Edenfer

Préambule : Cette histoire s’adapte à vos choix. Vos caractéristiques vont évoluer en fonction de votre caractère et vous offriront une expérience de jeu taillée à votre personnalité ! Pour cela, appuyez simplement sur la touche START ! Et maintenant l’histoire : Tarix vivait dans le village le plus passible du monde d’Endenfer. Peut-être parce qu’il était le plus isolé. Jamais la violence n’avait pénétré ses murs. Les épées et les haches servaient à scier du bois. Les remous du monde n’étaient...

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The World Stone

Andrew/Andrea is a typical freshman in college, he/she is 18 and on heading home after finding out that there boyfriend/girlfriend has been cheating on him/or her. As he/she comes to a street Andrew/Andrea notices a light, at further inspection the light seemed to be changing colors. Andrew/Andrea pulled over and examined the light. It was resonating from a small stone that appeared to be almost the same kind of stone found normally on the street except the light. Andrew/Andrea decided it was...

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It s a wonderful world

Since the parallel universe is the in thing right now, i've decided to dabble in it a bit. In this story, the men and women are separated, as in they live in different cities. A city dedicated entirely for men and one for women. The technology in this world is same as in the 18th century Italy. Steam powered engines are a big thing though people still believe in Magic and some cases have been reported though the sources are questionable. We are going to restrict ourselves to a single city of...

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The Turning

This is the story of how I became half-human half dragon. It all started when I was walking along the street at night. This man in a dark cloak stepped from the dark alleyway asking me to help him. Then another man stepped out of the shadows with a huge sword. He leaped for the man as he flew passed me with speed no human could see. I somehow hit him in the back of the head just as he got passed me. He fell to the ground. I step over his body and picked up his sword and held it to his thought....

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Cuntboy Survival (Pic off Jazzy, art is mine) Jazzy was not always a Lion cuntboi/cuntboy, he used to be your typical office worker, however little did Jazzbey know that he was targeted by a corrupt futa deity, capable of changing the very fabric of reality. He was at home playing some games and relaxing, when overwhelming tiredness came over him, deciding to call it a day he headed to bed. the next day....well you get the point. (Also some of you may have...

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*This starter chapter is only for letting the reader know what will be going on in the story no characters will remember this* Aww, but what if I really want to? *No Jacob you cant remember this* Remember what? And what if I want to remeber this? *God fucking dammit. Anyways hi I'm the author the other idiot is Jacob, you have decided for some reason that you want to spend your time following him and his weird fucked up dreams, because we all know with a title like dreams you know they're going...

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Elven Heart

Vor achtzehn Jahren erblickte eine Elfe das Licht der Welt. Geboren durch das erste Lachen eines Kindes begann ihre Reise. Nie hätte sie ahnen können, wohin ihr achtzehnter Geburtstag sie führen würde. Tabitha erwachte, als die Sonnenstrahlen durch ihr Fenster drangen und in ihr Gesicht und auf ihr zart lilanes Haar fielen. Sie blinzelte mit ihren meerblauen Puppenaugen der Sonne entgegen, ihre spitzen Ohren zuckten leicht. Ihre Pflegeeltern hatten ihr bereits das Geburtstagsfrühstück ans Bett...

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Halloween Party

1666 Dead End Boulevard, they call it that because the street is literally just a cul-de-sac lined on either side with dense trees and no buildings aside from a large community center at the end. The lone structure was once an elaborate mansion from the 1800s owned by a rich plantation tycoon. It was passed down through the generations until 1910; the final heir to the house, after living there for ten years, rushed out and decided to donate the land to the community. The reasoning is still...

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Knightly Adventure

It’s dark as you look out into the night. Your small cramped room illuminated by the soft glow of the candle light. It had been a rough fourteen years you went through to train. You had almost given up hope during your trials of knighthood, but you persisted and ended up here. In a cramped servants quarters in Hevidish Castle that stinks of filth and smoke. Your life had never been an easy one. You were born into a peasant family. Your mother had died giving birth to you. It hit your father...

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By our powers combined

Jacob fell backwards, his sweat laden arms draping over the freshly moved couch. He let out a sigh as his girlfriend wandered in. She tossed him a sandwhich, which he did not catch, and sat down next to him. "Do you know when the beds get here?" He asked, unwrapping the ham and cheese from its clingfilm prison. "Not till tomorrow last I heard," Ruby replied through a mouthful of bread and pickles. She chuckled again, "looks like we're both sleeping on the couch for once." "Well we're not doing...

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Rapunzel s discovery

Agneta looked out of her window, and saw the night sky filled with lanterns, she had just turned 18, one day she thought, one day she would see where they come from and why it was her on birthday that they always appeared. Agneta was always too afraid to ask. She knew her Mom had her best interests at heart, but she also knew that her Mother had a habit of being over-protective and tended to exaggerate when she was trying to dissuade her daughter from "dangerous" things... Sunlight illuminated...

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Creatures of Fantasy

This is a story about a guy (or girl) that makes it with a Neko, a Centurian, an Inu, or an alien. So, first thing's first: Are you going from a male point of view, or a female, and what gender is your partner?

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The Duchess

Not much was known about the Duchess; she was an eternal puzzle to those of Vavenofurt. Locked away sometime after her 18th birthday it was reckoned that she had fallen horibly ill and had become bed-ridden.

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MILF age regression

MILF age regression. History of mature, lazy woman, having all. Freedom, beauty, friends, money and relaxing, pleasurable life. But still it was not enough for her. She wanted more. Especially her body was a problem as she was aging, still being amazing and hot for every man but her ego ws not satisfied. Being ten years younger she was called goddess. Nobody refused her. Now it seemed her power began to decline. It was unacceptable. So the search began. Hundreds of ordered cosmetics, wonderful...

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Dungeon Crawl

Five adventures had traveled deep into the Ethanian mountains, had found the dungeon, their map had clearly marked. What lay inside the dungeon, none knew, but surely, treasure, and foes. Though the dungeon may prove to be dangerous indeed, the danger from within could get them all killed, before the dungeon, could have its way with them. You have come for your own selfish reasons, to this dungeon, with a band of evil and wicked adventured bent on their own gain, through whatever means. To...

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Sex Dreams Erotic Dream Life story

i've been having alot of pleasure time in bed lately.. wet dreams.. sexy ones. i dreamed that i was tied up like this and got fucked very hard deeply.. until he came inside me so much that i came too. in my spirit form, i was captured and got forced to bend over. from there now on i was violated anally, pumped until i was loosened up enough for him to pick me up and fucked deeply in my butt it kept pounding my poor butt until he came inside my butt. i dropped to floor, my butt up in air while...

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The Goddess Chronicles

In the early days of earth's creation, there were heavenly entities that oversaw the creation and development of the planets surface and the living species that called the planet home. The main overseers were the four Natural Goddesses, who would create and nurture the landscape, sculpting it to be perfectly stable and harmonious. The four Natural Goddesses were Pyra Goddess of Fire, Aqua Goddess of Water, Fauna Goddess of Land and Oxiya Goddess of Air. These four goddesses would work together,...

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Game of Change

A group of friends find a board game that will transform their bodies in all sorts of way both physically and mentally whether they wish for it or not. "This game seems cool" says one of the friends "might as well play it" says another bored "whats it about" one asks "lets read the rules" says the first friend Rules of game This game will transform your body and mind throughout the game. These transformation will remain this way till their is a winner. If the group is to stop playing all...

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A Wizard s RPG

Candles flickered inside the Inn while you slowly sip on your mug of ale. It was a cold night and the fires from the harth crackled. It's warmth, a luxury you hadn't had for several nights along the old road. The bar keep, a large portly fellow whom had recently started to go bald was chatting up a fellow customer at the far end of the bar. You smile as you hear the same sales pitch you had heard merely an hour ago. He had welcomed you inside with a big smile. Obviously seeing a easy sale. For...

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A Game of Gods Players Welcome

The Universe is without form and void: thus it has been created by AO and OM, and into it they have made 8 lesser deities, The Great Gas Pump, Sarenrae, The Ebon Dragon (TED), The Over-Toddler, Charon, Dog, Mystic X, and Olok, from these 8 would arise all things, and one day there would be sapient life, to worship the gods and occupy their attention, but for now there was a universe to build for it to inhabit, and it held only a handful of concepts, without even true patterns to their...

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Magic Touch

Note: If you see (WIP) before an option, it means it doesn't yet lead anywhere, but will in the future. Keep your eyes peeled, and do your best to wait for those options to be uploaded! It's been a week since you first started dating the love of your life, Ana'rina Laelithas. You never thought once that your incessant studying of the arcane would attract such a pretty, young elven woman. But here you are, standing before a figure of beauty that belongs only in the most sophisticated art...

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The storm raged on...and there was no shelter in sight other then the dense sea of trees all around them. Thunder and lightning crashed and roared as Kevin and Samantha ran through the forest, looking for some semblance of shelter. "Kevin...Kevin...I think we are getting more lost!" Samantha panted, yelling over the deafening winds. Kevin turned around, his short wet blonde hair sweeping over his eyes. Samantha looked exhausted...he wondered if he looked the same. Looking around, his eyes lit...

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Vampires Seduction

Far back in the woods of northern Maine is an old, large house. The myth is that a vampire and his minion live their. They came to America a hundred years ago and since then have been feasting on the blood and flesh of young women and men of the surrounding towns. Armed with a stake, and an assortment of goods, Maya, a twenty eight year old, raven haired beauty, and her husband Rick are ready to take on the vampires. Their British accents give away their homeland and heritage. They are one of...

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Genie of the Ring

A simple gold ring, that was it. No jewels, no funny inscriptions, no faint aura of energy. It was simply a gold ring, an endless loop made out of a metal that never corrodes. How then was I suppose to know what was to come? But master, let me explain what has happened so far. I was happy and content, walking to school. I was 18, a senior in high school, dating, and well happy. Yes I was happy I see that now. As I came to an intersection, I spotted the ring, it wasn't clean but it still caught...

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Monstergirl University

My name is Kyle Barnum. I’m a junior at Ozarka Tech University, studying Electrical Engineering, and in my twenty years of life, I’ve never had a girlfriend. Granted, all that extra time spent studying and working got me a full scholarship to the best engineering university in the state with a nice bit of savings. And I do have a friend. And a job, sorta. So it’s not like I’m missing out on anything. And who knows, maybe this year will be different? August in Arkansas is hot, humid, and...

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sophie finds a man

Sophie is busy in the new world order. Gorgeous petite blonde, standing at 5 foot four with long toned legs curling up into slender hips and a high set firm ass. She hasn't been able to get through a day with out at least a half a dozen strangers and or friends of hers acting out and fucking her. no matter what she wore she would walk home after the day with the taste of cock in her mouth, the feeling of her pussy and ass sore and fucked. Her silky blonde gorgeous hair matted and messed up, cum...

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Bourbon Blow

Bourbon 'n' Blow~* Bourbon & Blow~* is an Experimental Third-Person XXX Action-Adventure CYOA. That’s a whole-bunch of things! (Sounds pretentious, right?!) It may be a long ride, or it may wind up swerving off road and crashing headlong into a ditch - burning car-wreck, anyone?! The author hopes you have fun along the way, regardless! Fair Warning; Bourbon’s adventures is guaranteed to guide her down a road of some very odd-ball fetishes - or perhaps, to you, they’re completely vanilla~! The...

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Sex Craving Zombies

It was a foggy night in Chicago, with clouds shrouding the moonlight, letting little down to brighten the night. The past few nights have been strange ones, with odd noises coming from below your window as you slept. Something wasn't right in the town, admittedly. However, that wouldn't stop you from making your weekly midnight trip to Wendy's for a bite to eat to celebrate the end of the work week, which for you was Friday. You decided to walk, since it was somewhat mild out, unusually warm...

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Demons in the Citadel

1 You are the youngest of five, and you stand to inherit little of your family’s property. You know that you were conceived as a potential replacement for the more sickly of your older brothers, in case he didn’t survive to adulthood. Not only did the sibling in question grow into a man, he is the next in line to take over the family farm. He runs it already in all but name. Now as you approach adulthood, you’ve decided to eliminate the unspoken burden your existence has been on your family for...

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The Lost World

[Authors Note] More than sixteen years ago I began contributing to a story called Amazon Women by augy6666. _Link: _ While I truly respect the story that augy6666 and so many of the other contributors have created, I want more creative control over the story I am trying to tell and have decided to branch off from that story. Many of the early chapters you will read in _The Lost Worlds are heavily modified versions of chapters that I originally wrote for...

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Becoming Goddesses

In the night sky a meteor falls to Earth on what would be an average night in Jackson, Mississippi. Contained in this meteor is an amulet that is said to give the wearer the power of the gods. The meteor crashes into the ground in a remote area just outside of the city. The meteor cracks and partially reveals the amulet.

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Matters at Home

Christine was acting like the older sister she was, as she sat beside her older brother Lee. She was crying while telling him about their younger and often impetuous brother Ronny. Ronny had left home to go and live with a household of several women of varied ages, a coven. Christine was sure her of brother as if had decided and became entangled with Demonism, maybe even devil worship. She added to her story telling as of strange tricks Ron likes to play, his oddest being the acquired ability...

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Warrior Princesses

Isabelle and Caroline were the mightiest warriors of their tribe. They protected their clan from the male invasion and were unbeaten, their skill with sword and bow were unmatched, but they were not only deadly, they were beautiful. Caroline was like a goddess, long blonde hair down to her hips, pale skin, a thin and fit form with perky b-cups and a tight ass. She had a beautiful face with blue eyes as the sea and her smile would have charmed every man, but she killed everyone of them. Her legs...

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Trudging The CessPonds

You are a penniless citizen in the kingdom of Gradrod. You are currently living in a large poor house with over twenty other people, taking odd jobs from the farms and plantations outside the kingdom's walls and barely making any money. You have always wanted to be an adventurer, but never knew where to look for treasure and even if you found a spot, it's usually too far from the kingdom to reach. Travelling far from the kingdom can cost you a lot of gold that you would need for equipment so...

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