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2 years ago
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Hi I can control Time

Hi I am Ed. This is the story of me getting the power to control time and my great life after that. Well before I got the power to control time I was just an average looking kid maybe a bit below average. I was an introvert nothing too serious just no friends, low self esteem, when ever I get a chance locking my self in my room and masturbating to porn and of course I had zero sexual experience. A totally frustrated High School senior. I can still remember the day clearly. It was a Friday...

2 years ago
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The Land

Cyrus woke to the sound of music. A flute. He didn't remember his neighbors ever playing the flute and it was clear that this was an experienced player. And why was the sun so bright? He could see the glow through his eyelids. Did he forget to close his blackout curtains before going to bed? No, he'd never have gotten to sleep with them open, not with that damn streetlight. Slowly, he opened his eyes fully and saw... a blue sky? What the hell happened to his roof? He blinked a few times. That...

2 years ago
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The Invasion

(I'm gonna be adding to this story over time, so it has a lot of dead ends in it right now. i'm not a professional writer by far, but hopefully it's to your liking.) It started on Friday night. you where doing your usual porn searches as you usually do and forgot about the time. "fuck, it's 3am!" You exclaim quietly and decide to end the secession angry at not being able to release your load. You close the laptop and turn off the lights but you notice something outside your window is making it...

2 years ago
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Bibi Blocksberg wird erwachsen

Bibi Blocksberg die große Hexe kann so manches wovon ihr träumt, und sie wird euch immer bumsen, denn sie ist euer bester Freund! Bibi Blocksberg du große Hexe komm und zeig uns was du kannst! Wir mögen deine Streiche, wie du hext, wie du lachst, wie du fickst! Bibi, eigentlich Brigitte, Blocksberg war vor kurzem 18 Jahre alt geworden. Und wie alle 18-jährigen beschäftigten sie die üblichen Probleme. Was sollte sie anziehen, in welche Disco sollte sie gehe, wen sollte sie ficken? Da traf es...

2 years ago
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The wizard awakes

Deep within the volcano the tremors begin they shake the entire island. It feel like an earthquake and as the hours go by the tremors only increase. They are so intense that great cracks appear on the island. One of these cracks accidentally breaks open an ancient tomb sealed and buried deep in the earth. As the sunlight enters the tomb and strikes the statue all tremors cease. The statue shatters and from within emerges the great wizard dargin. He is a powerful wizard and sealed himself inside...

2 years ago
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Terrormoon Adventures part 1

(note; story works best if the first name is character's title, and the second name is the character's name. Example-"The mighty" Raven) Within the land of Dementia there is great turmoil. A king sits atop his throne with a troubled brow as his kingdom falls apart... The land is plagued with foul beasts and wretched demons, so much so that the once docile and content villagers and townsfolk of Dementia have given up all hope. In the streets there is violence, theft, rape and murder... And the...

2 years ago
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Curse of the Sorcerer

You lay prone in a field of wet green grass, the sprouts tickling your chiseled arms. Your short red hair, slick with rain, leaks cold water on to your large frame. Before you, just about 100 meters away, sits a small cottage. The walls seem to be crumbling, the brickwork yielding to the elements. This was where the woman in the tavern had told you to go. Supposedly, this was the location of a small force of a sorcerer and his minions, but you had been scouting the building for hours and had...

2 years ago
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Male In A Female Prison

The gates made a loud buzz as they opened. I walked through as a sole new inmate entering the prison. Either side of the concrete path I was walking along were tall metal fences. Either side girls were staring through looking at me entering the prison. You could practically sense the drool. You were the first person these girls had seen with a dick for a very long time. The girls scrambled to show a little extra flesh, lifting their jump suits and unbuttoning the top to show some extra...

2 years ago
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Hermaphroditic Dragons and Parasitic Pregnancy

Update: Ooh an actual sex scene! Go read Kiian implanting his/her egg into Mairr, and if you enjoy it say thanks to 4degrees who insured the continuation of this story by volunteering to roleplay Kiian and Raveth in future chapters. ^_^ [Note: While rape will be discussed a bit, this is not a non-con or authoritarian story. Rather, this is a story about pregnancy and forbidden romance of the interracial, incestuous, and attraction-to-a-freak varieties. Also, since all the characters in this...

2 years ago
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Van the Wicked

This story is still in its infancy, there's a lot I'd like to improve on and nothing is completely finalized. Reviews and criticisms are welcomed and appreciated, I'm a somewhat new author and I have a lot to learn. This story is also primarily based around a video game series called Dungeon Keeper with my own little twists to change the dynamics. New: Chapters that contain a sex scene will now be identified by the [S] at the end of a chapters title, so if you're here just for the hanky panky,...

2 years ago
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Build a Sex Demon ess

Thank you for calling IMP INC. We are here to supply all your needs. How may I direct your call? If you know your party's extension please dial it now... Please listen carefully for some of our menu options have changed.

2 years ago
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The Prerogative of Dragons

Duke Boulet stamped snow from his boots and stared hard at the fortress spanning the valley ahead. It was a grim place, grey stone walls and battlements lined with wicked looking spikes, and it had been a long journey to reach it, here at the heart of the Mistral Peaks. A long, hard, cold and hungry journey, but the Duke and his men had not wavered. The king’s scouts had identified this place as the lair of the monsters who had preyed upon his people for months, and Duke Boulet would put an end...

2 years ago
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The World Of Eros The Journey Begins

I had been traveling for a fortnight now. I had left my old boring life in a quiet little town in the forest with what I could carry. A pack on my back with what few clothes I owned, a little coin pouch that contained all the coin I could scrap up over the past year, an old hunting bow, a quiver full of hand made stone arrows, a dented hand ax I used to cut firewood on my hip and old rusty knife in my boot. Come the start of spring when the snows melted away I had left home to see the world for...

2 years ago
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You sit on your uncomfortable seat as the metro car scrapes and rattles its way through the old subway tunnel. The car bumps and jolts, jerking you around with it. The fluorescent lights cut out and flicker periodically. You keep your eyes locked on the seat in front of you, looking at the various scratches and pen marks left in the decades since that seat was made. You just wish that you hadn't left your headphones behind. The rest of the car is quiet, even for this late in the evening, but...

2 years ago
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Cum Filled Girlfriend

She was wearing a black lacy thong, with a sexy black dress which was lifted up around her hips. Laying on her back on the bed, looking so sexy, she was moaning around a thick cock which was shoving itself in and out of her throat. Legs spread wide, and feet dangling in the air, she was moaning loudly as she was brutally fucked into again and again by a massive black cock. As she was pleasured, the cock entering her was nearly ready to seed her, as with a grunted sounded, yet another load of...

2 years ago
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A Summoning Ritual

Wandering around the yard sale, a black board caught the sun's beams. As you looked at it, you took in its lavish gold etchings and strange runes. You've never seen them before, yet, you felt youself able to read them perfectly. "For those that struggle in bed, a roll of these dice keep her appetite fed." "Huh," you said. "That's kinda stupid." Even though it seemed like a gimicky toy, you couldn't help but pass up the free pricetag. You brought it back to your girlfriend, who was in the...

2 years ago
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My Gentle Goddess

It was a decently busy Saturday as our protagonist, John, was driving down the street and passing through Mystery Lane. This part of the city is where most magic users flocked to, so that is why it got its name. The street looked normal for the most part, pavement with a few trees in openings to soil and old-fashioned, traditional street lamps to light the streets when it was dark. Though this street also had a lot of older buildings, there were also some post-modern buildings that had various...

2 years ago
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Super Villain Escape

Deep up on the mountains in Argentina is an all-female prison for supervillains. It’s a maximum high security prison that seems to be impossible to escape. Thousands of guards patrol the corridors and security offices. All guards wear the matching uniform of black hat with guard written on it, tan polo or button up, black utility belt, tan pants with a white stripe down the side, and long black boots. Officers wear a similar uniform but it is a dark green and the female officers can wear a...

2 years ago
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The Quest

Welcome to The Quest. Embark on the quest with a woman. Throughout her journey, she will encounter many ordeals. Battles of will and might are down her path. It is up to you to decide if she will come out unchanged or if she will fall along the way. The Quest can be of anything whether it be getting a cake for a birthday or defeating a tyrant. The choice is yours. To the right of your screen, you can change various details about your protagonist to make her truly unique. Perhaps she will look...

2 years ago
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Mage quest

Welcome to mage quest. In this world, before a mage can fully graduate a leave the mage tower that they've spent the last 10 years in (imagine if high school to masters were all one building) to face the final trial, the hall of near infinite dungeons. If they pass the trial, they will receive their degree and be able to journey the world. Your name is Taylor. And you are eager to get out. And all magic requires you to have your magical tool. Though occasionally magic will happen wildly around...

2 years ago
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Transformation Super Story

Welcome to the Transformation Super Story. A collaborative effort between Transformation Writers. If you want to get onto the story please continue onto the chapter selection below. What is the Transformation Super Story? Every author given write access to this story is someone who has added chapters to Zekar's transformation themed stories in the past. The goal is to create an anthology of erotic transformation stories. What is the Transformation Super Story not? It is not a singular vision...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Codex

You’ve got a freind named Denise, with a strong interest in the supernatural--something you have in common. At times, it seems she has a crush on you, but you’ve been friends for years. Besides, Denise was just older than you by enough that you figured she didn’t think of you that way. One afternoon, you knocked on Denise’s front door. When the door opened, a pretty red-haired young woman appeared at the door, brushing her hair away from her glasses. "Hey Adam," Denise said. She noticed the...

2 years ago
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The universe was without form and void. The nameless nothing stretched across all things. Heat and time and matter were unknowable to it. All that was and is and would ever be sleeps in darkness. Unmoving. Unexisting. Then from the void formed two things. The first is time, a thoughtless urge that progresses all things from then forward. Eldest to all, uncaring and all-encompassing. Time creeps throughout all the void, stirring it from its stagnancy. The second is you. A consciousness that...

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Barakne s compendium

Welcome to Barakne's compendium! It's not much at the moment, but I intend to create a series of shorts that I have the impulse to write and to see how I can take the story from there (or if I should choose to do so). Any stories here can of course be used to develop your own story or to be lead on as you see fit. I'm just going to categorize it into 2 main tracks, because I guess it's what I'm into? Of course, feel free to drop a comment or request on an idea or thought you would like to see...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Zelda Your awakening

“HANG ON!” Screamed one of your friends as the waves hammered against your ship, thronging it around like a toy boat. You hold on with an iron grip, the freezing water numbing all the sensation in your hands and face. The storm appeared out of nowhere, and with no radio or means to call for help should you survive, “HELP!” screamed a voice just to your left. You look over and through the darkness see someone had lost their grip and was moments away from being plunged into the black abyss of the...

2 years ago
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A Demon s Revenge

Prologue When Aron Steelside begin adventuring, the golden years were already past. Almost all the High Demon lords had long been defeated by the heroes of old, whose statues now resided in the cities they had made safe. There was still some money to be had clearing out nests of goblins and protecting smaller villages from bandits, but fame was a pipe dream. The dark haired grey eyed young man was a dreamer though. His father was a smith, just as his father before him. Aron had been trained in...

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The Mercenary Life

I wander through the forest. My unit follows me weary of what needs to be done. I turn to them with a stern look as the journey has exhausted me as well, but we were too far in. "Look, we are right on them. The bandits aren't far and they are weak. We have been following them for days, they are just as exhausted as we are." They look at me with both relief and stress. We have not eaten for a few days and they hunger. I sigh in realization that I too could use some rest. "Listen, we will set...

2 years ago
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Dick Girls You

Your name is Ricky and it’s your first day back at school after break. You’re super excited because you get to see your crush, Wendy! She’s super pretty and has a fat bum. Not to mention her tits are to die for! She’s your dream girl, but something is missing... Either way, you’re planning on asking her out. However, you have a secret obsession which may be holding you back. Will she accept it? You wonder as you see Wendy walk into the room Over break, you developed an obsession with dick...

2 years ago
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The Pornstar Pass

Being a studio executive at YouFuck came with a lot of perks. Unlimited porn, the odd hooker sent up to your office to suck your cock, the money, fuck. But today it would all change. What was different about today was the Pornstar Pass that finally arrived at your apartment. Sent by the PPOFA (The Pornstar Pimping Organisation For Ass), the pass entitled you to free servicing and personal pornographic experiences from dozens and dozens of pornstars - availability providing, of course. Your...

2 years ago
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The Endangered Gender

“Argh!” I complained as the morning sunlight shone through the window and steadily beat away at his eyelids. I rolled over and muttered to the sun, “I hate you.” I lay there for a moment in gloomy silence. I was a light sleeper and knew that now that I was awake, I might as well get up. Sighing heavily, I rolled back my blankets and sat up, stretching. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and saw the notification on the front: INTERVIEW TODAY!! I grinned happily to myself, finally I had a...

2 years ago
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Night of the Living Feet

While Maddington had rumours of certain curses, like breasts coming to life, or even penises, there were a few lesser known curses. Curses that may be bestowed upon those unfortunate, or fortunate depending on one’s perspective, where they no longer have control over their own feet. Where they are taken, and what happens to the individual afflicted, only their feet can tell… (Notes) Don’t really have any rules for this one. Just a simple premise, an individual’s feet have come to life. Whether...

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Samotna Ekspedycja

Natemis krzyknęła, kiedy twarda dłoń oberżysty zacisnęła się na jej ramieniu, po czym zaciągnęła do wyjścia. Po chwili została niemal dosłownie wyrzucona przed drzwi. Jedynie dzięki latom treningu udało jej się utrzymać równowagę. Przynajmniej ocaliło ją to od całkowitej kompromitacji. -Bez złota nie przychodź – warknął oberżysta, zatrzaskując za nią drzwi. Dziewczyna westchnęła i położyła dłoń na brzuchu, który donośnym burzeniem domagał się swego. Nie był to dla niej zbyt owocny rok. No i...

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Silver Princess

The sun was dwindling over the purple mountains of Katara, and somewhere a couple servants were shouting and pointing at a distant silver speck chasing rapidly across the sky, probably a migrating dragon. Princess Machiko pulled shut the doors to her balcony with a sigh, retreating to the warmth of her private chamber. She faced a dilemma. Her father the Emperor had sent her a polite note written on rice paper, ordering her to appear at tonight's formal state dinner. She knew the dinner would...

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Irish Elves

My mother forced me to leave my beloved NYC to move to a small town in Ireland where she originally grew up and lived until she was 18. She loves the place, but I have my doubts. How will I cope? Going from all the traffic, noise and pollution to Trees and fresh air and so much quiet? The new house we moved into is my mother's childhood home. It's a two-story with plenty of room and no neighbors for a mile or so. I loved our cramped little apartment. And I know it sounds strange but I also...

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The New Court Jester

You are in control of the room. Their eyes riveted to you as you juggle 4 wooden fish while riding a unicycle and telling a bawdy tale about a fisherman who decided to wade into the deep water, and received a nice surprise. As you recite the punchline, you dismount the unicycle and catch all four fish. "And the trout said: 'that was the strangest worm I ever tried to eat!' " The room ROARS! A far cry from the lukewarm reception you received at first. This was a testimony to your natural...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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The erotic library adding encouraged

in An alley off of a street that seems to appear and disappear in the oldest most decrepit part of the city, there is a little shop front. An old overhead sign hanging from the storefront that says in fancy script The Library. You enter into the place through the old wooden entrance. You see pile after pile of books and bookcases with no real organization and a desk covered in books. An old lady sitting reading sees you. She gets up not even bothering to shut the book and says “welcome it’s...

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Witch s Curse

Though it's obviously not required, this story is meant to be played as a game. Just click "Start Game" in the top right corner of the page. This allows variables to be kept track of, etc. You can also just choose to fail on purpose if you'd like. This story is only here to entertain! The idea is that if your character's arousal grows to a high enough value, he loses. It's often possible to remain at 100% for a bit but not for long. Please PM me if you run into any bugs. It took a lot of work...

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The Dreaded Cata Nines

Cata Nines, those who dare trail the seas would always keep a keen watch out lest they should feel the sting of her swift and strong Black Whip. From the stories told she was feline women about 5'6" in height her fur was a caramel brown with a slight black singe here and there from gunpowder and fire. She would wear a long green bucc coat tattered and ripped in many places, a white frilled shirt the left sleeve ripped off, a green mini skirt with a red sash around her waist, she wore green and...

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Whores and Soldiers

Among the citizens of LakeCross, there had always been three constants in life; patriotism, honor and justice. That ended at the hands of the Legion. And yes, they fought. And it didn’t take the Legion three months nor did it take the Legion three days to storm the outer walls to the city. It took only three hours. This is the story about two dredges of society, leeching off what had been heralded as “The last Free City North of the Snake River.” Lily had enjoyed her life as a whore or how...

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Future futas

It is the year 26XX on a cold Sunday night, an ear-piercing scream fills a city hospital as a Futa lays in a hospital bed surrounded by nurses and doctors. All of them are frantically making sure everything with this birth goes perfectly and after what seems like hours, the mother finally gives birth to a healthy baby boy (you). For the next few days, you and your mother are given some of the best medical treatment the Empire can offer, free of charge. You are put through dozen of tests to make...

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The Calling

“A quest has been issued.” A soft feminine voice chimes in your head. You start at the sound and look around, wondering if anyone else had heard. You don’t see any people similarly startled, but you do notice a floating window hovering in the center of your field of vision. What the fuck? You think as you begin to read the words laid out before you. “Invalid response. A quest has been issued. Will you accept it?” The voice responds to your unvoiced thought. Answer the Call A quest has been...

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Unholy Arts Scenes

This story contains many selected scenes from the erotic text-based game "Unholy Arts". The High Priestess, symbol of the Goddess herself in the Confined Valley, has died, and the tribes must find her successor. Each of them must send a Candidate, a pure woman who just became of age, who will have to show talent for the arts of magic, combat, and love... And manages to get the others to accept her leadership. The game is part Choose Your Own Adventure Novel, part RPG, part Simulation, with a...

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Die Legende von Alex

Es war ruhig an diesem Morgen im Königreich Natar. Du saßt am Esstisch im Speisesaal des Schlosses und aßt wie jeden Morgen mit deiner Mutter, Königsdame Esra, und deinem Vater, König Vincent, ein leckeres Frühstück mit den besten Gerichten des Landes. Wachteleier in Currysoße mochtest du ganz besonders, aber auch das Ingwer-Zimt-Risotto oder die Safrankroketten mochtest du gerne. "Vater, könntet Ihr mir die Karaffe mit dem Wasser reichen?" "Gerne, bittesehr!" Du nimmst das Gefäß aus seiner...

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Lair of the Cryptmother

Althea Amberhearth sat at her usual spot in the Black Crab tavern. Few windows and a scarcity of candles meant the establishment rarely rose above dim light. Probably so that the customer base would fail to notice the numerous stains littering the wood floor. A shame the lighting did little to stymie the stench, as the sickly sweet scent of old ale trickled into the young woman's nose. She idly flipped her loose, blonde braid from one shoulder to the other and glanced back toward the wooden...

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The Gods of Eroticism

You take your first steps inside the massive structure known as the Temple of eroticism. You have heard legends of this place, a grand monument to the gods of eroticism containing enormous sculpted depictions of each god within the sex pantheon. The stepped forward into the titanic hall, and immediately you confirm that the legends are true. Grand sculptures of stone and marble flank the sides of the long hall, illuminated by orbs of green flame that seemed to materialize in the air for a few...

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The Princess

Your name is Illiyena Sven you are princess of Alia. All through your life you have gotten everything you wanted since you were an only child. You were raised spoilt and snobby. Many of the castle servants and guards hated you, not that you cared or paid attention. You stand there waiting for your servants to lay out your clothes so you may pick what you want to wear. While waiting you look in the mirror at yourself. You lift your hand to your gorgeous wavy black hair. Running your hand through...

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New Life Note

Rule 1: The woman whose name is written in this note shall get pregnant. John Doe was born into a wealthy family. From childhood, John has been a genius in both physical and mental. Being able to achieve almost anything easily, John got bored. This year, John was 18 and went to study at a famous university. At first John was exciting, but the college life quickly proved that it's not different as John thought. John fell into boredom once again. However, one month later, an incident changed...

2 years ago
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Something for All

"This is perfect for Benjamin!" you say it over and over on the way back to your Fraternity House. Once in your own room a wicked thought comes to mind. Looking at the bottle of potion you rationalize that Ben might not take the liquid willingly. Then too he might drop or break the bottle making your trick just a forlorn foolish purchase. Instead you look around for something to hide and also spread the potion into different decanters. A beer can, bottle of Ben's hair gel, Mouthwash, yes...

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The Berserker

Authors note: So I tried to put some more effort into this one but I am not sure if it shows. I end up getting more done when I just keep writing new stuff rather than trying to perfect it. I mean the amount of time working on writing so I don't know if I will try to keep this up or not. There is no sex and I am not sure when I will add sex into this one. I will probably have some within the next four chapter that I write. I have no idea of where I am. It is dark like really dark here I can't...

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Warhammer Fantasy

The world is dying, but it has been so since the coming of the Chaos Gods. For years beyond reckoning, the Ruinous Powers have coveted the mortal realm. They have made many attempts to seize it, their anointed champions leading vast hordes into the lands of men, elves and dwarfs. Each time, they have been defeated. But a storm is building, and enemies of the Dark Gods must stand united or fall one by one. In the frozen lands of Norsca, savage tribes of Chaos worshipers clamor and struggle...

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Wishful Thinking

The day is bright and sunny. You are on your way to school, taking your time to appreciate the sights of the bustling people moving around to get to where they might need to be. Upon passing an alleyway, you are alerted by a muffled scream of distress. You move in to investigate. You discover a girl. Her clothes are shredded and there is a large thug looking to have his way with her. The petite redhead spots you and pleads for help. This alerts the thug who turns to you. "So, you wanna play...

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The Library Book

You walk into the chilly library with your friend, Kate. You are on a "mission" to find the 10 sources that are required for your school report which is due on Monday. Deep in the stacks of books, you find an interesting book! "Hey Kate, come here and look at this book!" you shout.

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Three Wishes

Smoke seeped out of the top of the bottle like feathers floating in the wind; seemingly random and ever so soft. Before my eyes it took shape, forming into the creature that I hadn?t really expected to see. Tangible it seemed, and yet I could see through the smoky flesh ever so slightly to the other side of the room. Its eyes opened and it looked at me, boring into my very soul. 'You have summoned me, Master?' it asked, its voice soft as bells and yet loud as thunder. The lips hadn?t moved on...

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Me Myself and Dick

By all accounts, Richard was your average high-school senior. Most would have called him nerdy, but he didn't mind that distinction. His friends were all male, and equally nerdy. They were all nervous around girls, Richard most of all. What no one knew, except for Richard himself, was that the young man had never had an erection. It just never happened. He knew what they were, from locker room talk and sex ed. He knew his friends spent a good amount of time jerking off, and as far they knew, he...

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Darktail High

You look up at the looming structure of the Darktail Academy, the school in which you will be enrolled for the remainder of your demon adolescence. Your tail flickers in excitement, you've heard tales of Darktail from your friends and older sister before. It was the perfect place for a budding demon; deception, fighting skills, magic, and much more were taught here at the highest level, it was also the perfect place to get your cock wet. You grin, your days as an imp are over, years of torment...

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Mannequin Spell

As Matt walk home from school he eagerly thumbs through the old, thin book he had lifted from the magicians backroom. It had been a stupid dare, but Ronny had put his latest issue of Milfs vs. Teens on the line and Matt had succumbed to his 18-year old hormones. Sneaking backstage had been easy, as the magician was still performing for the rest of Matt's class, and upon opening his changing room Matt had found all sorts of weird and esoteric objects lying around. He didn't know why he had...

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You Are An Orc

Authors Note: This is a massive story that was transferred from "editthis.into" to a more modern platform. The original work belongs to that of the original authors. We have corrected spelling issues, story issues, and removed content that breaks the rules. We also added lots of new content to wrap up or expand some popular storylines. It has something for almost everyone (harem, incest, nonconsent, gender swap, body swap, futa, etc.) so if you don't like a thread poke around. A lot of old...

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Adventures in the Mountains of Solitude

As a farm lad, growing up in the rain-soaked lowlands of Trin, you've always been fascinated by the great Mountains of Solitude; an impossibly large wide range of peaks so cold and desolate that even the tough and stone-loving Dwarves were unable to tame. As a child you would listen, enraptured, to the tales of adventurers who had journeyed across the region, and now as a man you spend hours staring up at the imposing peaks, imagining what it would be like to leave your cripplingly mundane farm...

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The Cream Convene

In the fantasy land of Arcadia, in the city of Creamlode, there is a restaurant. A famous restaurant. Peasants, adventurers, nobility, and even royalty come from all across Arcadia to dine there. Its clientele is largely female, though none can explain why. What makes it so special? Well, the patrons can never speak highly enough of the creamy, sticky, opaque sauce that covers each and every dish. With every tough-to-swallow mouthful, they crave more. /// "Reservation for..." The hostess calls...

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The Queen s Partner

John Doe was a perfectly normal guy. He was neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short, neither too handsome nor too ugly. In fact, he was the kind of person you would never notice among the crowd. And, of course, his sexual behavior was normal too: he's interested in girls and girls only. Somehow, he managed to get a girlfriend. Her name is Jessica. Unlike John, she was smart, beautiful and being born in a wealthy family. Seeing them together, people wondered how can they become a couple....

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Cassandra s night of Spirit Sex

last night I went to bed and then fell asleep. I ended up with a spirit beast that was ravaging me as girl all night in hot sex In dreamland while I slept. I was moaning the whole night till morning then I woke up with actual spirit cum inside my butt, It was flowing away from my butt and over my right thigh. i was so embarrassed and flustered red.. what amazing night

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Far Cry 5 reborn

“Alright listen up! We have a warrant for the arrest for Joseph Seed! Let’s get in and get out!” Marshal said climbing into the helicopter and joining him with the others sat patiently hearing the sherif arguing with the marshal. “You really want to try it, he has the whole of Hope County at his beckon call and you want to go to his home, to his church in front of all the other Peggies and arrest him!” Marshal pushed him to the side and climbing in looked directly in to my eyes said, “Don’t let...

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Four men of Gordor

Author Note- All Gordor related stories can be found here We heard of the Women of Gordor but what about the men. First Gordor is a city filled with magic, sex and adventure. You choose from some of the men. Firs Chris- Half Human, Half Elf. He the black love slave, and lover of the Ebony Amazon name Alisha. Despite his small size and quiet manner he is big where it counts and the expert with the tongue. Dan Smith- He is a cop in...

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Swap com

It is super late at night and you are trying to find something good to jack off too but nothing is working. In desperation, you go from website to website until you find one you have never seen before. In fact, you aren't even sure how you got there. The home page is just a wall of short looping videos. You see young girls and milfs. You see intimate fucks and gangbangs. From sex dungeons to pool sides and taxis. You see women of every color and creed with every body type getting railed in...

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The King of Tol Galadh

{[email protected] test=1}Please start the game mode, this story will not work otherwise.{endif} You wake up to the taste of earth in your mouth. You immediately spit, trying to get rid of the muddy sensation, then you're suddenly overwhelmed by all the other feelings in your body, most of all your leg that feels like a horse has stood on it for several hours. And you head! Did someone try to use it as an anvil? You take a few seconds to remember. You are John, you were sailor on board of a...

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Legends of the Displaced

You wake up with a terrible headache, laid down on an altar of some kind, your mind is a maelstrom of ideas, sensations, and other things. You can't remember who you are or what you are. Your body is on fire, melting and reforming. Suddenly everything stops. you open your eyes and see that you are in the open, in your peripheral vision you notice that the altar you are in is in the middle of a stone circle, in some kind of forest. immediately voices start to speak in your mind, thousands of...

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A King s Lust

Being a king is a gift only a handful of people through history have ever enjoyed. My father always reminded me that I was his first born and thus he had gifted me the throne but it wasn't until he laid in his bed, dying, that realized it was not his gift to give. I could have, just as easily, been born to two serfs that toiled and instead of inhetiting a crown, I would have inherited a plow and a debt. The gold that surrounded my father and the piles of expensive jade and frankensence that...

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Walking through the dense forest, Finn found himself at home. The pine needles beneath his bare toes and the scent of nature sent him into a place of wild peace. As he walked he could feel the moon slowly rising like a heavy weight against his shoulders, and it was pleasant. He rejoiced in the freedom that his half-human form would feel that night. He also knew that pleasure to be a sexual one as well. As a wolf he'd find himself rampaging and raping freely, enjoying all the victims and their...

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5 Rings

You sigh as you walk down the street, heading to your family's store. For four generations, your family has run 1 of the world's most prestigious auction houses. While there were many auction locations, there's also a storefront in downtown New York. You had wanted to get away from the family business, majoring in journalism at Columbia. However, after your graduation, it has been tough to find an internship at a news outlet, let alone a job. 7 months have passed and all you have written...

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Mage of the Tower

You awaken on the day of your 18th birthday. A special day as your training as a mage of the tower is complete. All that remains to take your place amoung that great order is to complete a quest set by your tutor. You rouse in your spartan bed chamber and wash your body, ready to present yourself to Alaria, your tutor and the ruler of your life for the past ten years, ever since you were gifted to the tower by your family. You never faulted them for it, coming from a poor peasant farming...

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The Wolfsbane Efect

You're walking in the woods one day, ignoring the stories of people dissapearing in the woods recently, you just walk on. There was also a weird report today about people getting infected with a virus that increases their sex drive, and then are never heard from again after awhile, their bodies are never even found. There's a sudden rustling in the bushes, and something jumps out at you, you feel a sharp pain in your shoulder as your knocked out. When you wake up, you find yourself lying in...

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All mighty

The war between kingdoms of Anistha, Samuth and Relinga lasted for 80 years. No one was emerged victorious because The king of Relinga proposed a idea it was Merging all 3 kingdoms to form a single and powerful kingdom the heirs from Anistha Samuth and Relinga are eligilble to sit on the throne only if they proved their knowledge and wisdom. Hearing the proposed idea Queen of Anistha agreed so did the king of Samuth but the queen of samuth was against on the proposed idea still she agreed only...

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The Lonely God

So guess what? You're a god. I know, right? It's pretty cool. Infinite power has a lot of perks. You can be whatever gender or species that you desire. You can go to any universe and do whatever the fuck you want. For example, you could go to world where high fantasy is the name of the game. You could be a brave dragon-slaying knight or a buxom princess with a penchant for being kidnapped. That could be fun. Or you could travel to a science-fiction universe and have a rollicking space adventure...

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Dark Art

Eons ago, the world was in turmoil. The first Ork'han united the wandering Ork tribes of the wastelands and turned against the lesser races whilst the humans, dwarves, and goblins fought amongst themselves. Aeson the Noble, King of the Elves, deigned to intervene against the wishes of his court. Victory after victory, the hosts of the Besire beat back the Ork'han's horde. Unable to replenish their numbers without captured females as hosts, the parasitic Orks found their armies shrinking. In the...

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Krieger Prinzessinen

Isabelle und Caroline waren die mächtigsten Kämpferinnen ihres Stammes. Sie beschützten ihren Stamm vor den Gefahren der Männlichen Invasoren und waren bisher in jeder Schlacht Siegreich, ihre Fähigkeiten mit Schwerten und Bögen waren unübertroffen. Doch sie waren nicht nur tödlich sie waren auch wunderschön. Caroline war eine Göttin mit langen blonden Haar, blasse Haut, eine schlanke Figur mit mittelgroßen spitzen Brüsten (B Körbchen) und einem perfekten Knackarsch. Sie hatte ein wunderschönes...

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Sex World

I leaned aginst the cool bus window as I tried to stop myself from vomiting. I had just ended another unsuccessful night at the club the only way I know how: alcohol. It's a bad habit, I know, but it does the job. After months of being rejected by seemingly every single woman in the tri-county area, I needed something to kill my loneliness. I pulled the yellow cord below the window to signal the driver to pull over. As the bus came to a stop I pulled myself out of my seat, struggling to put one...

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Online Encounters

(Please feel free to add Chapters) Tammy woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, She rolled over looking at the empty space next to her. She had gotten used to this sight, ever since she married Scott. It wasn't his fault, he worked as a haulage driver but over the years the firm got bigger and now he was working long distance haulage going from country to country, he'd be gone for weeks, sometimes months at a time. When he was home he was always tired, never in the mood for sex, no matter how...

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The Djinn s Notebook

It was a dark and cold Halloween night and Lydia was walking in an alley outside of her apartment. She was your typical Goth with the white pale skin, black lipstick, and dark mascara. She wore a low-cut black sheer shirt with a red bra underneath that cupped her perky C-cup breasts, and black skinny jeans hugging her every curve. A 21-year-old senior in college and knockout to all straight guys and some lesbian girls, however, she was depressed and alone. Every relationship she had been in...

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Goth Girl Rivalry

(Author's note: Feel free to add chapters. I will publish if they follow the guidelines.) It was a big night at the club. A famous band had just played in town and Blackmail was holding the afterparty. Everyone who was anyone was there, and that meant feathers would be ruffled. Not only did everyone's friends show up, but everyone's enemies as well. The bar was doing brisk business. Not only would this keep the owner happy, and Cherise, the lovely barmaid's tips abundant, but the "social...

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The Secret Diary of a Vampire Teen

I know, I know, I know. You normally don’t start a secret diary at eighteen, but what can I say, I carry a secret and I can’t talk about it to anyone… So I have to write this diary. On my desk there’s The Diary of Anne Frank, another teenager who wrote a diary and therefore I think I’ll call you Anne. That way I’ll have the impression of talking to someone and not just simply going coocoo. So… Anne… Nice to meet you, my name is Sandra, I live in a medium sized suburban house with my parents...

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My Life Living with Lizardmen

Nothing. Not even a hint of color within the empty void. It feels depressing, hollow, dark, but the alternative is worse. Ever since it happened, it keeps playing like a bad movie, over and over again. Never changing, always ending the same, and yet it still shocks you. You never expect it regardless of knowing the outcome. And it's never easy. Why should it? It was what changed your whole life in the first place... The digital alarm clock brakes you out of your sleep, still dreamless, still...

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A Descent into Dreams

You fall asleep one night after watching a very interesting movie about dwarves, elves, leprechauns, and various other mythological beings. It had been one of the most amazing movies you had ever seen. You had still felt thoughts of it buzzing around your head as you drifted off into a very contented sleep. The next thing you realize is that you are standing in the middle of an open field. You see a beautiful blue lake in front of you, which is almost completely surrounded by a wooded area. The...

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Sanguine Rise

Vampires, creatures of extraordinary beauty and strength, blood drinkers of fairy-tales and nightmares. Capable of not only literally tearing a person limb from limb but extremely hard to kill as well unless one knew how. Silver and wooden stakes being the best options. Garlic was just a bullcrap myth created by Hollywood. Contrary to popular belief, vampires could handle the sun just fine, instead of being lethal it only weakened them. Another turn on the myth is that vampires were the living...

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Life as a Female Adventurer

Update: Sorry for not being active but I felt that I should let everyone know. My computer had stopped working which basically meant I had lost all of my progress on the story. I had planned to eventually pick up this story again but due to problems in my personal life I had put this on hiatus and not sure if I will continue it some other time in the future or not. I'm glad that some of you enjoyed what I had written so far, but I won't be continuing this story anytime in the near...

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Land of Ure

Hi, welcome to the Land of Ure dear Reader. Here you will face off against the wicked monsters and villains of Ure, where magic runs free as a stream of piss! You will have three choices for the Character you will play as. First is Venn Cilisu "The Alchemist" Venn has just graduated from the University of Dangerous Chemicals and has been enlisted on his first Guild Quest. He makes use of a vast array of gadgets, potions, bombs, healing salves, and ranged weaponry in combat. He has long limbs,...

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Happy Ever After

You awake lazily with the warmth of sunshine on your naked body. A cool wind sweeps over your skin. Looking up you see it gently pushing little white clouds around the beautiful blue sky. An air of peace fills your body as you lay still in the grass, breathing deeply. You hold your breath a moment and exhale with such calmness as to make your limbs tingle. You prop yourself up on your elbows to have a look at your surroundings. Green fields run for miles in every direction, except straight...

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Smelly Monster Girl Feet

For ages now, humanity has stood strong against the Monster Girls, and has managed to avoid becoming their foot-sniffing slaves. However, the Demon Queen of the Monster Girls has come up with a plan to crush humanity's resistance to her. She has created Six Monster Queens of Stink, and has sent them out into the world to enslave as many humans as they can. These Queens have all created their own kingdoms, and relentlessly attack the kingdoms of humanity. These six monster Queens include the...

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Trials in Absalom

The city of Absalom, also known as City at the Center of the World and the Jewel of the Inner Sea. One of the largest cities on the planet of Golarion with a population of over three hundred thousand, 64% of them human but it was not unheard of to see other races present in the grand city. There is much trade to be had at the port city, ships coming and going at all hours of the day. The city is ruled by the Grand Council chaired by the primarch, currently Lord Gyr of House Gixx. However, it...

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The Bizarre Perils of Dark Bat

My name is Anna Lan though I think most of the world knows me as The_Night. You see, I’m a writer…..well…..I guess more of an assistant editor for Dark Morning Comics. Basically what my job boils down to is reading the various comic books going out for publishing and checking for continuity, grammar and spelling errors. It’s not much of a job but it pays the bills, which is a good thing considering that my apartment is pretty big. Got a great deal on it. That being said, I’ve always had my...

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Dungeon of Desire

You wake slowly. Your head hurts and you're lying upon something cold and hard. The ground. What the hell happened? You remember riding your horse to the castle of the evil sorcerer. You fought the dragon that guarded the main entrance. Did you kill it? You can't remember. Opening your eyes, you raise your head, making the world spin around you. You feel like throwing up, but heroic adventurers do not lose their lunch if they can avoid it. It's rule #17 in the Adventurer's Handbook. Speaking of...

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Siege of Stormdale

Your Decisions are important. The wrong decisions can lead to disastrous outcomes for Alicia. Alicia sits on the banks of the Merwood river. It runs through central Stormdale under a magnificent cobblestone bridge. She scrubs the bed sheets of her master, angry that the stain will not come out. This is the fourth whore he has bedded this week and the fourth time she has had to clean his mess. Alicia catches a glimpse of herself in the rivers reflection. A truly beautiful girl who had her...

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Night Walk

Being sick sucks. The gnawing ache pulling at your back and shoulders, your nose and sinus filled like a splitting stuffed bell pepper, pulsating dull pain piercing the back of your skull and splashing throbbing against your forehead. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you feel like you’re going to paint the inside of your bedroom with a myriad of unsanitary colors. "Ugg," you think to yourself, "I'm just going to sleep for a week." Exhausted, a wave of calm washes over your body...

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The Night is Long

_The air was filled with smoke and blood. It was the dawn of 5th day of the siege when they finally broke through the gates, the city defenders stood no chance as the hordes of Beast and Man tore into them. I looked to the sky as i stood there on the balcony and i behold a red comet that streaked across the sky like an arrow let loose from its bow. On that day as the sun rose i knew one thing, a conqueror had been born.- - - - - - _ The world of Ayr is entering its next stage, for two centuries...

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Wedding Day Swap

It's the day of your wedding and you spend the morning getting things ready. You feel excitement mixed with nervous anticipation as you go to the church to go over last-minute preparations. You're happy to see Jackie already there (fortunately she doesn't ascribe to the rule about the groom not seeing the bride before the wedding). She greets you with a kiss and you respond passionately. "Hey, tiger, slow down!" she teases. "Save some for the honeymoon..." You pull apart and give her a wide...

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Monster Girl Tower

You are a poor farm boy named John Doe, you have never even seen the tower before but as with most young people you are entranced by stories of great fame and riches. So you set off for the capital city of Frostfall where the tower is, with all your money and supplies which amounts to 40gp, a small knife, a blanket, and about 8 days worth of food. Most of your trip is uneventful and you reach Frostfall just before night on the third day so you camp just outside the city for the night with plans...

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