Alekhya s Mom 8211 A Surprise
- 4 years ago
- 43
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An eerie light was emitted in the night, not a terribly bright light but almost as though each and every object possessed its own form of fluorescence. In this almost-night a boy wandered, too tall to be a mere child but too innocent to be called a man, through the streets of an unnamed city. His clothes were tattered where they weren’t ripped or absent, but contrasted by the pale cleanliness of his ivory skin though these parts didn’t seem to concern him in the least. His bright, wonder-filled eyes reflected the world around him, a Dumpster to his right, piles of garbage stacked three or four feet high opposite that, all down a narrow alley leading out to a still-filthier street, but if he saw this, it didn’t diminish the magical appreciation of his gaze. Still walking, the boy caught site of a woman lying in the midst of this garbage pile, bleeding and battered and murmuring to herself. He ignored her.
Over the years this boy would grow, becoming more a man in stature and size but maintaining his overwhelming sense of wonder and curiosity. His face would become hard, his eyes cold, and the cruel nature of the world around him would seep into his bones, but still he would remain a curious, milk-skinned figure. His curiosity would attract many followers, and his childlike qualities would make him many friends in the would-be heartless society he existed, for everyone trusted him, where they could not trust the murderers and thieves they called neighbors. Naturally, this too made him many enemies, and that is where this story is to take place.
* * *
‘Alek. Alek, wake up.’
Our protagonist rose, to the call of his own name.
‘It’s time to be going. They are coming.’ This was his sarir, the woman he spent his life with, his house, his bed. Or, as close to a house and bed as any human being at this time possessed, which isn’t saying very much. Alek – the pale-boy-turned-man from earlier, for the not-so-sharp of readers – had learned from an early age to not trust anyone, no matter how close, but he faltered on this point with Eefit and wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Breathing lightly, freely, Alek took hold of a pistol beside his bed, put on his shirt, did his oral ministrations at the sink, looked around for any thing of significant value, and left the place he had spent the night. Outside, an honor guard took up post around him, eyes scanning the concrete foliage around for any sign of danger. The years had been good to Alek, promoting him to the head of a small group of mercenaries who called themselves Aidran, and now they were on the move again, tents and things being gathered up and preparing for travel. Two small tanks were being stocked with grenades and M-16s were slung over the shoulder of any man not carrying heavier weaponry.
Enemies were supposed to be coming soon, from the North, and the camp was fleeing in an orderly manner so that they could regroup with a squadron of twice the size of their current infantry and then engage the enemy with superior manpower.
Two guerillas approached Alek with a third body held between them by either arm. Seeing the insignia on the man’s chest, Alek gave the signal – a slight flick of his wrist with his ring and middle fingers down – and he was killed on the spot. A general of his rival army. That must have been how the intelligence was gathered by Eefit’s spies. They would have gotten any useful information from him, so no need to keep him alive. Alex was quite definitely king of all around him, and ruled his throne with an iron fist despite his gentle face and innocent demeanor. He was a sweet person to anyone who knew him, but his candy-filled center was protected by the coldest iron known to man.
As the general’s head exploded, a shriek escaped from chest as his heart exploded. ‘Tagged,’ said one of the guardsmen. ‘They know where we are.’ A radio turned itself on somewhere inside the General, obviously programmed to do so in case of his death, and the voice of Alek’s enemy – the only enemy he felt he had, the rest were merely pawns placed before him by said enemy – filled the air, in his strangely sing-song manner:
Some say I’m psycho, some say I’m sick
I’ve got a disease and they don’t know what to call it
Some say I’m insane, some say possessed
Either way I’m going to the loony bin nonetheless
Chills ran down Alek’s spine, and his sarir fainted, but the guardsmen held the cadaver before him until he gestured for them to take it away. Obviously not a general then, a messenger in disguise. Is the information reliable? I’d have to ask my love, but that would seem doubting, and I have the utmost faith in her abilities. No, I shall believe the information true until she tells me otherwise. Stepping through the puddle of blood and brain pooled at his feet, Alek ignored the sploshing sound and continued on his way to gear up and complete his goals.
* * *
The group of mercenaries Alek had sent out to extradite a group of dissenters from his own rank had failed. Alek knew this, but not to what degree. He had sent fifty thousand of his best troops, out of a full seventy-five thousand. Of the extradition party, only twenty thousand were left, but the Man-in-Charge was incompetent, having been put at his rank by a dying comrade who had been given charge of the quest. The comrade died of a bullet to his left temporal lobe, and the narrator must comment that he doubts he could distinguish one person from anyone else, much less remember who he was giving charge to. The incompetence of the new General can be measured by just one action: He didn’t tell Alek about the losses.
Cyril was a private. He hadn’t long-since joined Aidran, but his father had been an Aidran soldier, his father’s father, and so on down the line, Cyril’s brothers had also joined up, but quickly left the group after having been offered much more money working for Bal Han, the rival group previously mentioned, but despite this, Cyril believed himself to be loyal to the group and the Aidranian cause. He disagreed with the new commander, who had just given the order to him to pack up and move further north, away from their allies, in order to better position themselves for the coming attack. Cyril was of the opinion that they should move south to meet their allies, then use the gap between two mansions positioned nearby to bottleneck their enemies, and rain SMG and small-arms fire down at them until they could infiltrate the buildings. But it was not his to plan, and so he gave the message to the troops and saw to the packing of their make-shift camp.
* * *
No one was there. Alek, accompanied by his sarir and a small platoon of twenty men, had reached the rendezvous but the army he had been anticipating had not shown up. Alek had heard reports of a Hammer squad coming up from beyond the Smithian mansions to the north, and was desperate to inform his new commander, so that they could repel both attacks – anvil, coming from the behind, and hammer, coming from above, to crush their enemies between, an effective plan by a shrewd leader – but the army or a representative never showed. Damn. Alek and his squad decide to head back to the troops they do have, since it was highly impractical to bring the entire army with them.
* * *
The sounds of gunfire had died long since, but the fires and bullets and bodies paid tribute to what had happened to his comrades. Alek didn’t know what he could do – Bal Han had eliminated both of his armies, to his knowledge – with no soldiers left. He felt he had two options – engage now, and die honorably, or retreat into the shadows with Eefit and hope that his expectations of how Bal Han would run the new nation he planned to build were too generous in their cruelties. Alek was no coward. ‘Find them and kill.’
* * *
Cyril had visited the nearby lake to wash his uniform, but he heard iron groaning, and knowing better than to attribute such a noise to random acts
of nature, he retreated behind a condemned building, stark naked, and watched. His new commander – he wasn’t familiar with the name of him, but he didn’t care either – was accompanied by another man, and they appeared to be arguing. The new man was the incarnation of obsidian glory – dark skin, a shadowy cloak, and no light seemed to reflect off him – but as to their conversation, Cyril could not hear, so he approached with more care than the two must have taken when coming to the lake.
‘I’ve done exactly as you said!’ Commander-in-Charge.
‘It is no longer required that you send this army off the edge of the world. Aidran is dead – this is all that’s left. I want you to go back, give Alek some confidence, some men, and his death sentence.’ Cloak.
‘Then what was the point in coming this far, only to return to where I came from?’ A shriek. CIC.
‘Points… you want points? Points I have, points I can give you,’ and with this he unsheathed a hitherto unnoticed sword from his side and pressed the tip forcefully into the shoulder of his would-be ally. ‘Here’s a point for you. Any other points are mine to know, do we understand?’ The pressure released on his sword, and the skin that was being displaced returned, but the silhouette turned the blade up towards the Commander’s throat.
‘We understand,’ stuttering.
Cyril did not want to die, so he fled, without concern for sound or any thing else. The cloak had been looking into his eyes when he asked, and Cyril took this for his dismissal by the unknown figure. He did not stop running (south, as the case may be) until he came upon the ruins of what appeared to be a camp of mercenaries – dead mercenaries. Stopping to view the uniforms of the fallen soldiers, Cyril understood what he was looking at and screamed.
* * *
A guttural yell pierced through the coming dawn, and Alek tracked it down. The sound emanated from a man of no more than twenty, hate and loss mixed in his eyes. His hands were bloody and his face haggard, but Alek felt only a burning desire for vengeance and noticed not the uniform of the man he attacked but merely the emotion – anger.
Alek did not favor the sub-machine guns his troops did, nor even the grenades and smoke bombs. No, instead he carried a six-shot revolver, an old, old Gary Reeder 500 BMF .50 Maximum. Most people would tell you that the gun was a piece of plumbing tube with a trigger, shooting kitchen sinks, but Alek could handle the recoil. One shot from the gun would knock over an elephant with a well-placed shot, and no armor made could stop it. It lived up to it’s namesake – best made firearm. He cooked off a shot, and felt the ground jerk upwards to hit him in the back.
* * *
No sooner had he yelled than a figure appeared before Cyril, and he was ready for it. But then he recognized the man he was squaring off against and almost passed out. It was Alek himself. Before he could stop the man, however, his opponent shot at him. Cyril had been conditioned against small arms fire, but this gun was a rocket launcher if he ever saw one. The Boom! at thirty feet nearly burst his eardrums, and he only barely made it away from the shot. The second time, he wasn’t so lucky, and his chest exploded like a rotten egg in the microwave too long.
* * *
Alek examined the body of the man he had just killed – an agile man, no doubt, to dodge his shot – and realized it was one of his own. He had shot too soon, without thinking. He reached into the man’s pockets, and found a hunting knife and an identification. Morocco Cyril, seventeen years old, a soldier of five year’s experience. Alek had known Cyril’s father, Antony Cyril, for over twenty-five years. The man had given his life for Alek.
* * *
‘What is wrong, my heart?’ asked Eefit.
‘I just killed a man,’ replied Alek.
‘Why, that’s wonderful news! What was his rank?’
‘A private in the Royal Armies of Aidran, son of Antony Cyril, martyr to the life of Megamus Aleksys.’
‘Oh my god….’
‘Strangely, I don’t think he would help me now.’
‘What are you going to do?’
‘What can I do? This has gone on too long. It’s time to end this fighting.
* * *
Alek knew where to find Bal Han, and he entered the encampments alone. A group of several soldiers tried to stop him, but he carved his path through them without a second thought. ‘I challenge you to end this, Bal! Enough men have died for our strife!’ In this proclamation, one could almost see the face of the boy with whom we have already been acquainted.
Bal Han’s reply: ‘I kill your army, and you offer me a duel? What kind of fool do you think I am? I could have you killed right now if I saw what good it would do. You are defeated, so live, defeated and forsaken!’
‘Knives it is then,’ and Alek rushes towards his enemy. The tide of soldiers around him close, but Alek stabs his way through, kicking, biting, before being overwhelmed. The weight of a thousand-plus men bears down upon him but he continues fighting from the ground, keeping knees off his windpipe and feet from his face, but defense quickly becomes his only method of survival.
‘Leave him be,’ comes the order from the throne. ‘I shall grant you your duel, Alek, this is too pathetic to bear.’ Drawing an axe, Bal Han approaches his enemy.
A few unsteady blows later, Alek falls, able only to defend himself from his enemy’s axe with his sword, and making every effort to get up while keeping his sword in play. Laughter ensues from the crowd around him, and even the ever-serious Bal Han realizes the irony of the situation. In his mercy, Bal strikes down with all his might and crushes the sword in Alek’s grip, taking no less than two fingers with him. Alek kicks upwards, a hard blow to Bal’s sternum, and Bal falls back. Scrambling up, Alek runs off, followed only by the laughter of his victorious opponent.
* * *
Mending his wounds, Eefit makes small noises of sympathy, but Alek pays no attention. Not only was he dead, he was dishonored. His army was obliterated, his enemy had won, and even the duel was an utter loss. But worse of all, he had killed his best friend’s son. Eefit was all that he had left, and they both knew it.
‘I love you, you are my every thing. If the world blows up, I couldn’t care less, as long as I have you.’ Alek truly meant the words he said, and it is the opinion of the narrator that it was the reply that killed him.
‘Too bad, Alek. That’s too bad.’ With these words she reached into her blouse and pulled out a small, leather-bound packet and said ‘Read.’
The person who bares this letter works at the command of the Empire of Avydus. You are to do exactly as instructed without question and with utter discretion at the price of your head.
The Royal Courts of Avydus
Emperor Bal Han
Tears rolling down his eyes, Alek lost all hope. ‘Get out. Get out! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!’ and Eefit left Alek in the ally where he lay, among a large pile of garbage with a dumpster supporting his feet.
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While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. Here now is the second part of that story. Chapter 9 Kelly found himself standing in front of a desk, behind the desk an older man stood, his graying hair cut military short. Both Kelly and this man were dressed in the black...
Guests should begin arriving at 12:30PM, she (the hosting Cd) said, so be here by noon. You’ll have time to get dressed, apply make up, and I’ll shoot some warm-up photos while we wait. I arrived promptly at 11:50AM. It’s always both exciting and a little spooky meeting a new gurl-friend as it was that day as I approached and rang the doorbell. But, she immediately made me feel warm and most welcomed. I couldn’t help but notice a table in her playroom where there were six of the largest rubber...
Hello readers, my name is Harshil Shah. Main abhi 21 years ka hu. Ye baat hai kuch do saal pehle ki, jab main college mein tha. Tab summer vacation mein main apni masi ke ghar gaya hua tha. Main Mumbai ke Andheri mein rehta hu. Aur meri masi Mumbai ke Virar mein rehti hai. Main every vacation waha par jata tha. Mujhe waha bohut maza atta tha. Baat karete hai is kahani ki heroin ki jo meri masi hai, meri mom ki cousin sister. Woh dikhne mein thodi si sawli hai. Perfect figure hai uska. Boobs and...
Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...
Dinner was fine. We finished the bottle of wine and had another. She was laughing, friendly and inviting. I made a point to touch her when ever possible. Always nervous that she might object to my aggressive moves. I had no reason to worry. Most guys moved too soon with a gem like this and blew their chance to become close to her. Not me. I planned every move. The moment came and I took my chance. “ Would you like to come back home with me and have a night cap?” What a corny line! “ Sure” she...
I was awakened at eleven in the morning by a ringing phone. I felt a body climb off me and rummage in a bag. I opened my eyes to see the cute girl I had picked up the night before, the memories of which came flooding back to me. I watched as Brittany sat naked on the edge of the phone talking to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Yes dad… I went to a club… I met a guy… No, he was a complete gentleman… Yes, I’ll come back to the hotel soon… see you later, bye.” She hung up the phone and...
Group SexGOOD RELATIONS By Geneva The ancient Asia Minor state of Genoria, whose women are descended from Amazons, faces threats from raiders, neighboring kingdoms and empires. A young citizen of Genoria plays her part in preserving her nation and discovers a few things about herself. This is another story set in the ancient state of Genoria, in Asia Minor, on the Black Sea. The date is around the ninth century B.C.E. START They had told me that this was to be one of the most...
Anthony Verdi was a college graduate. He was in the top of his class. Anthony Verdi was also a lucky son-of-a-bitch because his daddy owned a successful business. Anthony had all the credentials but didn’t even need them, because of who his father was.After graduating, Anthony transitioned into the family business. He was given a car, business account and a swanky corner office with a view. The best perk that his father could give him was the hot red head named Jessica Sonsa. She was...
Office Sex"Congratulations, Mz. Perkins," Eilene Branson said as she was taking another call from her receptionist's desk, "that was a big one, wasn't it!?!" "Thank's, Eilene," Ellyn replied, "and yes, it was a very big one, do you have any messages for me!?!" "Just one," the receptionist replied as she handed her a slip of paper with a phone number scribbled on it, and oh yes, Mr. Grogan wanted to see you as soon as you got in!!!" "Okay, thanks," Ellyn replied over her shoulder as she made her way to...
Is My Name Tammy? By : Girl pup Email : [email protected] ? To be perfectly honest the few months have been a complete blur for me. My name is Rich, oh; excuse me it used to be Rich. Now my name is Tammy, or Tam for short. It all started when I got evicted from my old apartment. I needed a cheap place to stay so I called on own of my old friends Jenn. She lived with three other girls, but one was moving out in two days. She said that she would talk it over with the other girls. I said...
The college category piques my interest here. It takes me back to a time when I was curious and increasingly adventurous. I'm fond of those days and grateful for them. On one particular night, I was more adventurous than I thought I could be, and I thought you might like to read about it.It was a random Wednesday night during my sophomore year. I had a boyfriend that I was getting serious with, but I was also into my own thing. I pretty much only got to see him on the weekends, so I pretty much...
College SexCindy and I were together in my bed. We’d got back from the prom around 11 o’clock since we had no dates and no after-party we wanted to be at. We chatted about the prom with Mom and Dad and then came up to sleep. It felt so good to strip off the kind of silly prom dresses we’d worn. She jumped into my bed with just her little party panties and a tee. I was in my old sweats and a tee. ‘Cindy? Don’t go to sleep yet.’ ‘Huh, what?’ I could see the sheet rising and falling rhythmically over her...
A Dream comes True. Ch 11 By Julian Irwin. I was left in a bit of a dilemma; I wanted to help Mummy prepare dinner. Now Daniel is home, I want to help him change into Denise again. By the look I gave both, had Mummy ask, "What's that look for my girl." "Well I want to help you get dinner, yet I also want to help change Daniel into Denise." "You go and bring me back Denise, I'm sure you have things to tell her about your day. You'll have many, many more days to help get the...
We were up in his hotel room after a few drinks at the bar and he told me he wanted to teach me a little about face sitting. He said to take off all of my cloths which I did and then he did. Then he looked around to find my panties and he put them on. " I like, nice and very tight but full legs, they feel like pantyhose on me" as he climbed on the bed and kneeled over my face. Now I am going to slid my balls and ass, covered with your panties, over your face. Now kiss and lick my ass and balls...
Ashley Recounts her ride… Bill opened the throttle all the way, I held on for dear life as we accelerated to nearly 100 mph. I wasn’t sure exactly why I was so alive with anticipation, nor why this ride, which should have normally scared the hell out of me, wasn’t frightening me. Yes, I do have a love of the unknown, and edgy things do get me excited, but racing down a country road with the man who will shortly have me totally under his control, and using me as his very own slave-toy was...
IncestDay One "Ha Ha Hee Hee! Stop!" Tom cried breathless from laughing. "You are done being a brat. Understand?" "Yes! Yes! Just stop! Please!" Tom looked up beseechingly at Kate, his sixteen-year-old sister who was sitting on his arms, pinning them to the floor above his head. Her fingers remained poised over his exposed armpits. "Now apologize to your sisters," she said. "Or we're going to tickle you silly." Tom gulped. They'd already tickled him silly once. He didn't want to...
The story you about to read is completely true well this how it all started when I was about fo*****n I should tell you about my sister as that's person who got me way I am she was si****N at time she has long blond hair,she is 5ft 11,she had a figure to die for forget about magazines she was real hot & had boys after her all the all started when I would go to the washing basket where she used to put her panties after taking them of at night I would take them to my room sniff them...
Hi friends how are you? Im’ Vishal. I’m from kaithal, mail id is physic is good and I have 6.5″ tool.ab aage story.meri age 28 hain yeh story aaj se 9 year pahele ki hain jab ambala road per p.w.d. colony ki ek ladki ne mujhe purpose kiya or maine use mana kar diya but wo mere piche padi rahi mujhe mere friends ke pressure main aa kar use accept karna pada.uske baad humari baat shuru hui us time uska figure 28,26,30 tha yani ki wo bilkul patli thi but smart thi. Main usse baat karta...
And the story continues: Oh shit.He still likes me.Before you get confused, let me explain.Last time me and Valentino sae each other was our last time together.I was saying our goodbyes at the airport.When I got to him, he wanted to talk.I still remember our exact conversation.The guilt haunted me for years."Gaby.You can't leave.I-I think I l-l-love you.Y-you can't leave.Please." He looked about to cry."Val.I want to stay.I can't.I have to go.Please understand.I promise we'll see...
Magic Crayons by Maggie O'Malley This story is dedicated to my Auntie Sara the Art Angel. Her beautiful creations both art and literary bring joy and love to all they touch. Yet as wonderful as they are, they are not the greatest gift she possesses. The greatest gift of all is the beautiful young woman herself. Auntie Sara you are a kind, generous, and gentle soul with so much love to give, and so many who want to give love back to you. You bring a smile to my face every time...
I was at home and bored and so I started surfing sex sites on the internet. I'm not much of a pornography fanatic so I decided to check out the naughty story site my husband Travis is always on. I don't mind him being on it, it makes him horny and I'm totally fine with that. He was still logged in when I finally remembered which site it was. I started out reading a few of the stories on the home page. They were decent stories but didn't turn me on. Then I noticed that my husband had a couple of...
AnalI wasn't the first man that Nikki had cheated on her husband with. Ron came before me. Ron had made a mockery of Nikki's marriage after her husband left her. Ron lived across the hall from Nikki and opened his door to her when she had nowhere else to go.As a show of thanks, Nikki spread her legs for him, and let him fuck her. Nikki remained Ron's plaything until she moved back home. Nikki was truly submissive. She liked to be used, abused and dominated. Nikki chose to put herself in many...
CheatingHi everyone it’s me. Please be kind as once again I venture down an un tread story line. I realize the language is a lot more corse than I would usually use , but somehow it fits this story line, and yes there will be a part III and perhaps even part four in this series. I apologize to those who waited such a long time for me to finish this. Please read this to the end as the climax reaches it’s crescendo at the end of the story. I lay with my back against the...