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Serena McGuire hated boats, that was all there was to it. The rolling beneath her feet, the closed confinement, even the sea air bothered her although it never had before. Of course, she had been on a beach then. But the combination now had her stomach rolling along with the waves of the ocean.

Her best friend, Isabel Trecher, instructed her that if she would actually spend some time on the deck instead of in their cabin (which happened to be on the lowest deck, complete with two beds, one dresser, and no window) she would feel much better. Probably, Serena mused, because she would be as liquored up as Isabel was on a few of those colorful, umbrella-crowning concoctions.

She felt slightly better while imagining an intoxicated Isabel charming the staff of the Carnival cruise ship. But then she felt the ship pitched ever so slightly and her stomach rolled uncomfortably in the opposite direction.

With an unsteady hand, she grabbed the glass of water sitting beside her and took a long drink. Her eyes wandered slowly around the cramped room, and she realized how ridiculous she was being. Deciding right then to go up to the Lido deck and lounge in the spa with her friend, Serena slammed the glass of water down onto the nightstand and popped up off the bed. Maybe she’d even get one of those fruity things Isabel had been raving about since day one.

Regardless, she was getting out of that room.

Quickly, before she could change her mind, she pulled on her new bathing suit, a little yellow bikini she had bought just for this trip and had wore once, for an hour, on a hot St. Lucian beach. She wrapped a shift around her, swept out the cabin door with her towel bag, and ran right into someone.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, looking up, and up and up. The man she had run into was so tall, standing above her slight frame by more than a foot. “Oh, my…”

“Well now, lass, where might you be off to at such a pace?”

Serena just stared up at the man, blinked once as if to assure herself that she wasn’t imagining things. He was Scottish. The pure velvet of his accent, combined with the deep, melodious timbre sent her nerves into utter chaos. “I, uh, well…” she closed her eyes for a moment, and pushed a breath out, stealing herself to look at the guy and speak as if an intelligent person. When she open her eyes, her mind went completely blank again, “Oh, my Holy God.”

“I’m sorry?”

He is so gorgeous! she thought to herself. All that untidy black hair scraped back into a short queue, and his green eyes glittering as emeralds shimmered under the rays of the sun. She couldn’t stop staring. The man was some major sex-on-a-stick.

He was guardedly watching her, as if she were completely insane. Perhaps she was.

Serena rolled her eyes at herself, “Christ,” she said, pushing her bangs away from her face in a gesture of nervousness, “I’m sorry. I’m a dweeb.”

“A… what?” A smile tipped the corner of his mouth as he tried to control his amusement. “I’m afraid I doona quite have the knack of American colloquiums just yet.”

Sighing, Serena decided that she was a first class loser, “A dweeb, is a person who is a complete dork that can‘t seem to keep a hold of her brain for more than a minute at a time. I,” she pointed at herself, “am the dweeb, and you,” she pointed at him, “are the reason I lost my brain.”

“Am I now?” He spoke slowly. Serena wondered if he were trying to think of a way to avoid the crazy American woman for the duration of the cruise. Then he shifted closer to her, his voice dropping to a low intimacy that had shivers running over her entire body. “Well, that’s encouraging.”

Serena stared at him for a moment. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“On the contrary, my dear. Men thoroughly enjoy flustering a beautiful woman such that she becomes speechless,” his unbelievably green eyes twinkled at her, seeming to mock her, “It’s quite the compliment.”

She opened her mouth, closed it, and then opened it again. His smile grew as he watched her confusion race across her face. “Oh, wow,” she finally managed.

“Amazing. That was exactly what I thought when you ran into me,” he took up her hand, gave it a light kiss, and then tucked into his own, “Now then, where were you running off to at such a speed?”

“I, uh,” he had begun walking down the ships corridor, her hand firmly captured in his, “was thinking about visiting the spa on the Lido deck.”

He gave her a once over, his gaze heating a little as he saw what was beneath the white gossamer shift. The tiny bits of bright yellow cloth that was her bathing suit did nothing to cover the curves of her body. “I doona think that a wise idea. The spa on the top deck is always full of rowdy youths, drinking and splashing around. Might I suggest the spa on the Veranda deck? It‘s closer to the back of the ship, so you‘ll have an extraordinary view, and is usually much quieter.”

“I didn’t know there was a spa on that deck.”

“It’s hidden quite effectively. Come with me lass, I’ll show you where it is.”

Suddenly, she realized they were in the elevator and they were already half way to the Veranda deck. She couldn’t believe how crazy she was, just wandering off with some strange man (even if he was sex-on-a-stick man) without even knowing his name.

“Is there something wrong?” he asked politely.

“No, well, uh,” she wondered if she’d ever be able to speak to him without tripping over her tongue, “it’s just that you’re being so nice to me…”

“The crime of the century, I’m sure,” he added.

“…even though I must seem to be insane to you…”

“It crossed my mind at first, I must admit.”

“… but I don’t know you, or even know your name. You’re just so gorgeous, and I just can’t figure out why you’re being so nice to me,” Oh my god, did I just say that out loud?! “Jeez, I can’t even speak without making myself look like a fool. I think I’m just going to go back to my room and throw myself a pity party for the rest of the cruise.”

“A pity party? Now that won’t do,” he said with a shake of his head. He caught her arm before she could get away from him, “I think you would be better off in the spa.”

The elevator door opened, and sunlight blinded Serena for a moment. She felt herself being pulled from the elevator by the strange man, and reluctantly followed.

“What are you a doctor or something?” she asked a little peeved.

“Actually, I am, yes. I advise several relaxing hours in the spa, preferably,” he smiled a delightfully boyish grin, “not alone. Since there doona appear to be anyone onboard the ship capable of being relaxing company for a respectable lass such as yourself, I shall gladly sacrifice myself for your benefit.”

“Well,” she mused, perfectly charmed by him. They were now stopped, facing each other alongside the railing of the ship, the ocean beneath them reaching for the sun. Both her hands were held in his, as she gazed up into his emerald green eyes, completely entranced. Her voice came out in a whisper, “one shouldn’t argue with the doctor, I suppose.”

“No, lass, I doona suppose you should.” He looked as if he were about to kiss her, and Serena’s lips parted instinctively in anticipation. Instead, he raised her hand and feathered a kiss on the back of it, flashed her that boyish smile again, and said, “By the by, Gwydion McConnell at your service.”

“Serena. I’m Serena McGuire.”


Maybe she was a tad insane, but then again, all Americans were to Gwydion. Nevertheless, Serena McGuire just happened to be the most delightfully sexy, insane person he had ever met. Her complete inability to string a sentence together without bumbling it was positively enchanting. The fact that he was the reason she continued to bumble her sentences didn‘t hurt much either. She was sweet, almost innocent to his jaded eyes.

She looked just like what he always thought a pixy would look like. Her face was small and heart shaped, her skin a smooth ivory complexion. Her petite nose, which was turned slightly up at the tip, had a dash of freckles that she had attempted to cover with powder. Her hair was a violent explosion of red curls that made her face seem smaller than it really was. Ocean blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight, showing the confusion and desire which had tripped up that lovely pink tongue.

Gwydion wanted her. From the moment she ran into him he had desperately wanted her. He would do anything to have her. Have her, and then keep her forever.

She just didn’t know it yet.

“So, Serena McGuire, why is your husband not accompanying you,” he questioned none too subtly.

Serena sighed, letting the soft brogue of his question carry her away to green hills and wattle and daub houses. “Hmm? Oh, I’m not married.”

“You are here alone?”

When she smiled, his heart clenched, “No, not alone. My girlfriend is probably off somewhere coercing a free drink from some unsuspecting bartender.”

“Your… girlfriend,” he hesitantly asked, thrown by the sudden turn of events.

` Serena gazed at him, uncertain of his tone. When she understood, she began laughing and couldn’t stop. A tear squeezed out from between her tightly closed eyes, as she clutched at his arm, trying to hold herself upright. “Oh my,” she gasped one last time, finally calming down, “my friend. She’s my friend, but a female. So, she‘s my girlfriend.”

“Ah, yes, I see.” He smiled at her, enjoying Serena McGuire now that she had become more comfortable with him. Her laughter had surprised him. It was completely unrestrained and full of joy.

They arrived at a spa at the rear of the ship where the ocean spread out forever. The sun shone down on the water, almost blinding them with light. A seagull soared gracefully on the salty air currents. There was no one around, which surprised Serena. It had seemed to her that she couldn’t escape the hoards of people on the ship unless she stayed in her room.

“Would you like a drink, lass? One of those fruity drinks everyone seems to be so fond of, or some wine?”

“Wine would be nice,” she replied, distracted by the view. Then, realizing that the nearest bar was two floor below, asked, “You’re not going go all the way downstairs for a glass of wine, are you?”

She almost sounded hopeful, Gwydion mused with an inward smile. He would go a lot farther than down a couple of flights of stairs to make her happy. “No, just to my room. The ship gave me a few complimentary bottles, so I figured I’d pour us a glass or two while I go and change.”

Serena’s suddenly realized that, while she was perfectly dressed for a dip in the spa, he was not, “But why didn’t you change while we were downstairs?”

His full lips stretched into a smile, and Serena decided that snacking on those lips might be an entertaining pastime for the rest of the day, “Because, lass, my room is on this level.”

“But why were you downstairs then? There’s nothing but rooms down there,” she asked, her brow frowned in thought.

“I started out by exploring the ship, but I suppose that was Fate’s excuse for sending me to you.” He turned and started walking down an aisle that lead to the front of the ship. “I’ll no be but a moment.”

Serena gazed after him, stunned speechless by his soft words. She wasn’t completely naive, she knew what he wanted from her. All men wanted only one thing from a woman. But Gwydion was smooth as silk, and his words a seduction Serena didn’t think she could refuse. She didn’t think she wanted to refuse.

She sighed and banished her trepidations away. If he was so intent on seducing her, she would let him. There was still five nights left on this ship, two days in between at port. Being romanced by him would make the memories of this trip all the sweeter.

Content with her decision, she focused on enjoying the view as he walked away from her. He looked like one of those Greek gods. His body was tall and powerful. His loose white cotton shirt sat gracefully on muscle laden shoulders, and his tailored khaki pants hugged trim hips and muscled butt in such a way that made watching him a woman’s paradise. Her paradise.


When he returned, she was already in the spa. Juggling his towel, two glasses and a full bottle of white wine, his gaze swept over her. Her hair was finally tamed, slicked back by a dunk beneath the water. Water glistened on her fair skin, making her look even more the part of a pixy. The frothy little white thing that had covered her lush curves was now cast negligently over a nearby lounge chair. A little shiver of anticipation coursed through him. He couldn’t wait to explore those curves with his hands, and later with his mouth.

She was watching him as well, noting, with satisfaction, the way desire flared in his eyes as he looked at her. He tossed his towel on the chair next to hers, and carefully set down the bottle and glasses on the edge of the spa.

Serena sucked in a breath of air as he stripped off his silk robe. He was magnificent. Her imagination, which had been running wild since he left her, couldn’t compare to the real thing. Muscle was packed onto his body, but not like the way the young Arnold Schwarzenegger was. Gwydion was lean and wiry, which, to her, made him look all the more powerful. His shoulder length hair was tied back from a face of harsh lines and masculine beauty. Dark golden honey seemed to coat his skin, and Serena couldn’t wait to see if he tasted half as good as he looked.

With a feline grace, Gwydion slipped into the spa. After pouring the wine, he turned and handed Serena a glass. “To Fate,” he purred, holding his glass up. Serena tapped the rim of her glass to his, then took a small sip of the wine.

“So,” Serena began, watching his throat as he drank his glass down, “Gwydion, what does your name mean?”

He looked at her, the amused twinkle in his eye diminishing the wicked grin it accompanied, “It means: God of Magic.”

Serena snorted in an unladylike manner, “Oh, please,” she rolled her eyes at him, “you‘re just making that up.”

“You doona believe me?” He actually looked offended. Then he flashed her that wicked grin again, this time without the amused look that had relieved her before, “Mayhap you would like me to show you what magic I possess?”

Her eyes widened as he slipped in front of her, crowding her with his large body. When his hands slid silkily up her thighs, she jumped in surprise, “No, I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“But I do,” he growled, moving closer. Her eyes widened as his head dipped down close to hers.

The kiss started softly, a whisper of promise to things to come. When she opened her mouth in response, however, Gwydion took advantage and dipped his tongue in. Serena’s brain fizzled to a complete stop as he slowly made love with her mouth, leisurely slipping his tongue around hers in a blatant mimicry of sex. He caught her lip between his teeth and gently sucked on it as he watched her eyes languorously open.

“Do you believe me now, lass?” She nodded, her lovely sapphire eyes looking lasciviously dazed. A growl of victory sounded deep in his throat, “Good.”

This time, when he came down to kiss her, Serena was ready for him. As his lips claimed hers, she opened beneath him like a flower. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck when he slipped his tongue between her lips. Lust rippled through his body at the sound of her arousal. He broke away from the kiss, tightly closed his eyes, and fought to rein in himself before he made the mistake of tearing without thought into her. After a few moments, the desire better restrained, he opened his eyes and looked at Serena.

The look of exalted triumph made her eyes glitter. She did that to him. She made him want her that it hurt him to control it. It made her feel powerful. It made her want to make him thoroughly lose that control. She pushed herself out from her seat and into his arms. Without letting him think about it, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Pouring her soul into it, the kiss turned fierce and carnal. They nipped at each other, fighting with tongues and teeth and lips, each working to get the upper hand. Determined to get that upper hand, Serena pressed against him, molding her small soft body against the hard planes of his muscled body.

He caught her in his arms and pulled her long legs around his hips. She cried out in delight when he fitted his hard arousal into the apex of her pleasure. Pushing her up against the side of the spa, he grinded himself against her in circles. Roughly, he tore at the ties of her top, desperate to feel her generous breasts in his hands. Before he could get it undone, however, she pushed him off her.

Smiling sensuously, she slid a few feet away from him. When he tried to follow, she held up a hand, and said, “No touching. I want you to watch.”

Obediently, he sat down opposite from her and watched.

She stood up with her back to him, coquettishly looking over her shoulder at him as she slipped the knot of her bathing suit undone. She pulled the top off, and held it to the side with one hand, while she covered her breasts with the other. Flinging it in the direction of her shift, she turned to face him, covering herself with both arms in feigned shyness.

“Do you want to look at me,” she softly inquired.

“Yes.” His breath was ragged and fast. A thrill swept through her as she saw the craving building in his eyes.

“Do you want to tough me?”

He nodded, his mouth dry. Her little strip tease had definitely teased him straight to the edge of reason. She slid up to him and smiled. “Well, you can’t. Not yet,” she looked at him sternly, “Promise me.”

His mouth opened to protest, but when her arm slipped slightly, tantalizing him with the barest glimpse of her, he nodded his promise.


She moved her arms, and her breasts bounced free from their confinement. As she moved closer, he saw that her ivory skin there was flawlessly smooth, her small rosy nipples erect in anticipation. His hands balled into fists to keep him from touching her as she slithered into his lap.

“Christ,” he groaned, fighting to keep his promise as her hands wandered across the naked expanse of his chest.

“Sorry,” she purred, her hands dipping to follow the trail of black hair till she met the barrier of his swimming trunks, “He’s not here. You’ll have to make do with me.”

Her lips skimmed seductively across his. When he opened his mouth, to taste more of her, she backed away, shaking her head. Resuming his passive roll, he allowed her to whisper soft kisses over his lips and down the line of his jaw to his ear. She sucked soft skin of his lobe into her mouth and shivered as she rolled her tongue around it.

Small hands slipped over the lines of muscles of his stomach, and when they dipped a shy inch beneath the elastic of his trunks he sucked in a breath of agony. Serena saw him pleading her to explore, to touch. Emboldened by his wordless urging, she slid a hand down until she brushed against hot, hardened steel. Her eyes widened and her mouth popped in a small “o” as she tried, unsuccessfully, to wrap her hand around his width.

There was no way she could take all that man inside her. He was just too much, too over powering and uncompromisingly male. What confidence she had gained in her tease withered away as her hand shyly slipped up the long length of his arousal. He is too just much man for me, she thought. A groan sighed from Gwydion as her fingertips teased the sensitive skin, and Serena watched as his face tightened in the agony of desire.

Her hand tightened around him and his breath caught. She slowly began moving her hand and his body stiffened as if he were barely holding on to his control by the tips of his fingers. Serena gloried in her dominance over this stunning specimen of masculinity, that she, with her slight form and feminine vulnerability, could wield such control over him with such ease.

Serena explored him, amazed at the contradictions. He was soft velvet skin covering hard strength, deep ridges and subtle curves. As she massaged him, a wonderful tingling intensified in the pit of her stomach, steadily growing as she watched his reactions to her pleasuring him.

His chest rose and fell with each short breath he took he took through his slightly opened lips. Sensations rolled through his body, building in intensity with each stroke of her hand. When she pressed her body against his, rubbing those sweet breasts against him, he nearly exploded. She was so sensual, but didn’t even know it. Everything she did, everywhere she touched, every time she kissed him, Serena McGuire was perfect.

“Touch me, Gwydion,” she moaned in his ear, “Love me.”

A breath rushed out of him at the desperation in her pleading. He grabbed her roughly, pulled her against him, and sucked her soul from her lips to claim it for his own. He kneaded a breast with one hand, the other he thrust into her hair, holding her head in the best position to plunder the treasure of her mouth. His mouth trailed a wet path of sensations as it slipped down her neck.

Serena arched her back, allowing more access. He ran his hot tongue in the valley between her breasts, then up and over one. She jolted at the feeling of him sucking on her, rolling her sensitive nipple between his teeth. He pushed the two together and laved his tongue across both peaks, wringing soft, panting cries from her.

Gwydion kissed her lips as he ran his hands over her trim waist, then where it flared out at her hips. The only thing she had on, yellow bikini bottoms, felt alien against the silky smoothness of her skin. He pulled the offending fabric slowly off, kissing her with a tender gentleness that he never knew existed within him. He ran his hands back up the inside of her thighs, parted them, and without warning slipped a finger into the warmth of her body.

She cried out with a sudden explosion of sensation and he felt like the god of magic he was named for. With his thumb he sought her center and began rubbing in slow, erotic circles as he stroked her from inside. She pulled him closer, arching her back, and he took the breast that she offered into his mouth, sucking and nibbling until she began crying out.

“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!” Her body writhed beneath his expert hands and mouth. He was doing too much, caressing and touching and kissing until she felt as if she were burning from within. That first orgasm, which surprised her by its suddenness, left her wanting to melt into a puddle. Yet he would not cease the onslaught. Rather, he kept on driving her up again, and another blinding flash of light lit her world.

“Gwydion!” His every touch seared through her very being, and she knew, whether or not he wanted it, that she would remember with longing this day and Gwydion McConnell for the rest of her life. “Now,” Serena begged, though she never had to beg a man before. But she would do anything to have everything he could give her, “I need you, now!”

Without breaking their kiss, Gwydion managed to escape the confines of his trunks. Then he slipped his body between her legs, already wide open in welcome.

“Look at me, lass,” he commanded, and her lovely blue eyes focused onto him. A hoarse cry erupted from him as he thrust himself into her body, her succulent heat enveloping him. For a moment, he stayed there unmoving, just enjoying the feeling of being inside Serena. Then they began to move together, their tempo swiftly quickening beyond the lingering dictations of romance until they were moving to the wild pulsation that was pure, unadulterated passion.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she lifted her body from the seat, allowing him to delve deep into her. She felt lost in the fullness of this man inside her body. Every nerve cried out in delight. The fire that he had earlier created was rekindled and it burned like white heat as he plunged to the edge of her being.

Gwydion wanted to draw out their pleasure. He fought the impulse to give in to his own fire, but when her body contracted around him like a vise grip it suddenly blazed out of his control. Cradling her firm behind with both of his hands, he pulled her towards him as he pushed into her, moving faster and harder as a sudden desperation raced through him. He buried himself into her a final time, and his desire poured forth onto the very curve of her womb.

Serena cradled her lover’s head against her shoulder as he slumped against her, utterly drained, it seemed of his very life. He mumbled something in her ear in a language that, though she couldn’t understand, made her heart want to cry. Finally he looked into her eyes, losing himself yet again in her unfathomable blue depths.

“Come, lass,” he took her hands, and pulled her from the swirling, bubbling waters. Gwydion picked up her white shift and helped her into it before slipping into his robe.

“Where are we going?” She asked as he shouldered her bag.

He smiled and slid an arm around her waist, propelling her forward. “To my room, where I can take my time making sweet slow love to you, as you deserve.”

“Oh.” Serena’s heart melted as he took her mouth again, softly, lovingly. His hands moved up her back, his fingers softly caressing her skin.

“Please, Serena,” he begged her, “let me love you.”

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****************************************** Copyright Oggbashan April 2004 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Edited July 2006 ****************************************** ‘Tim?’ ‘Yes, Joanna?’ ‘You’re a Freeman of the City of London, aren’t you?’ ‘Actually, no. I’m...

4 years ago
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Graduation The morning of June 20th was sunny, with the searing heat of a summer solstice that burned the desert earth a gleaming red and created shimmering air waves on the horizon. The brightness of the Sun was almost blinding, and the hot air made it hard to breathe. Any sweat that could be procured from my glands had completely evaporated, leaving my skin feeling dry and my lips chapped. Yet in spite of the harsh conditions, life still flourished here in the serenely beautiful...

4 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 17 Mail Call

“John said that he wants to have your babies.” “What?” Dexter asked in shock. Dexter had just stepped into the office. That was not the kind greeting he had been expecting. Of course, hearing that some man wanted to have his babies, was a little out of the ordinary. Even at the best of times, he’d have had problems with that kind of greeting. “John is a very happy man, and he owes it all to you,” Eric said. That was a bit of good news. Dexter had hoped to help John and he assumed that...

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The unexpected awakening

This was an era in which sexual fulfilment and experimentation was the norm. It wasn't uncommon for people to host parties at their homes. Nearly every single sexual experiment one could imagine would take place at these parties, legally of course. It was a great time to be alive.And this mark Dave's first time going to one of these parties. Dave wasn't a strapping man, he wasn't a man who's body was that of a greek god. He stood six foot one, thin body frame and thin arms, and viewed the...

2 years ago
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An Evening at Home

This is my first and only erotic story. I’m welcome to any comments and/or suggestions. ‘Take a hot bath and freshen up for me.’ You tell her. ‘I’ll be home in an hour.’ On your way home, just thinking about the plans you have for tonight gives you a raging hard-on. When you walk through the door, she meets you with your favorite cocktail, a vodka cranberry. Her hair still damp from her recent shower, her nude body glistening in the light, she wears nothing but a thin diamond studded collar,...

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Georgia Part 26

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous parts. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 26 When I got to the club I discovered that Daniella was going to the Private Humiliation event with me. As I had no idea what was involved I asked Daniella if she’d been to one before. She first told me that it was a private gathering of like-minded people in one room of a workshop that would be cleared out,...

2 years ago
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At Your Service

True Story! While I was working in Mexico City in the 90’s, I started hanging out at this club that had a rock and roll band, and would get up and sing from time to time. I sang back in the States for years, and wasn’t too bad. One night after finishing I’m Your Captain by Grand Funk RR, a girl called out to me from the audience. When I got down I went over to her table and introduced myself, and we hit it off from the start. She was a 32 year old attorney, single, living at home, didn’t want...

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Nufriend two lonely gamers

bob was coming by later tonight, as usual our plan was to get buzzed and play video games all night (well not all night, sexual frustration combined with inabition blocking d**gs had led to masturbation with unspokeen bounderies like: under the cover, no touching and absolutely dont get your stuff on me. while I waited I flopped on the couch, lit up a bowl and noticed a dvd on the table. thinking out loud i said "huh, bob must have left this when he dropped off this smoke earlier today". I...

1 year ago
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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 12

I found Dana walking between classes right before lunch period for me. Her lunch period came right after mine did. She didn't seem comfortable to be speaking with me, but she did stop at least, to see what it was I needed. "Dana, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to avoid me." "What do you want Barry? I'm going to be late for class." "You know Carla Rizzo don't you?" "I know who she is, why?" "Audrey and I are having her come over to Audrey's house for...

3 years ago
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The Girl With The Emerald Eyes Chapter 9

With Emily and I having declared our love for each other, we were ready for the next few days to disappear into the usual Spring Break clichés. Soon we were drinking heavily, smoking a ton of weed and having sex at each and every opportunity. Still, we hoped to avoid Rob and the rest of the UT football crowd.Em and I were growing closer than I ever thought possible. I was so glad I had bitten the bullet and told her how I really felt, even if it was by accident. It was a huge weight lifted from...

College Sex
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Taking Advantage of my Teenage Babysitter

I had just finished work and was travelling back home after a long and hard day. I was a single parent so the c***dren were being looked after by Olivia our local babysitter. Olivia lives about a mile down my road and is the eldest of four daughters. She is 18 years old.She had put the c***dren to bed and was sitting in the lounge watching television, curled up on the sofa after doing some homework when I arrived home.As I entered the lounge she sat up, attentive and well-mannered, innocent...

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Corrupting Jay Melding Part 1

This little story started last September. My name is Tanika; I'm a twenty-two-year-old engineering student at a very well established university in Oregon. I happen to be African-American and love to run. I was on the track team in high school, running cross country. When I moved up to college, I ran on my own, never competing in races or up to my abilities.A friend suggested one of the local running stores which train for the various distances up to a half marathon. That's where I met Jay,...

2 years ago
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Nursing Home Blues

© 2003 Ronda was a babe. Blue eyes, Curly blond hair. She stood 5'4 inches tall, nice 34c breast and the tightest little 34 inch ass you every put yours eyes on. Ronda always had a bright smile for every one at work, Riverside Nursing Home. She had been a Nurse Aide for 3 years now. She married young, to a guy name Bill. A drunk, bum, He hadn't worked in 3 years. Ronda put up with him for her daughter. They got married in high school, he had been her first and only man. Which now she...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 3

They were a few feet in front of me and both had their blades drawn. Based on their stance I could tell that they had experience with them, but they were overconfident. They lacked the discipline to treat each encounter seriously and that would ultimately prove their downfall. I drew both my sword and knife and got in a defensive stance. I had the knife facing towards the ground in my left hand and had my sword drawn in my right. Through the link, I could tell that Janet was pissed and, on...

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Les Girls

LE GIRLS' BY JANICE Last April when school was out for a week Carl, my best friend, and I were alone at our house watching a TV show about cross dressers. They kept talking about how much fun it was to be all dressed up as an attractive woman. We, Carl and I, to see exactly what they were talking about, decided to try on one of my sisters dresses. We got them from the pile she had ready for the used clothing box at...

1 year ago
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Relationships Are Made

Relationships Are Made By SuppositionLife Two lonely people find true love. As I looked spiral stairway as the bellman pushed our luggage into the elevator and thought " Ronnie did great as always picking this place for our honeymoon". I have never stayed at a 4 star hotel before and on my meager teacher salary probably never would if it was not for Ronnie. We were married this morning at the courthouse in Spartanburg SC and drove here to Charleston, where Ronnie booked us here at...

2 years ago
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Adult Bookstore Bisexual

Well, one night I got up and decided to go down to the Adult bookstore. I got out of the car and went inside. I got some tokens and went back into the arcade. It was very busy tonight and I heard some guys talking about a couple who had just gone into a booth. I walked down to the last booth and went inside. I locked the door because I was feeling very nervous. I figured the best way to get over being nervous was to strip naked right there in the booth. I unlocked my door and peeked out and...

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sum thing

She smiled. If she only knew what that smile did to me. While the feelings it generated in me, drew me toward my self-appointed task, it also exacerbated my case of nerves. Would I really be able to do this? "So how's Harry?" As soon as I said it, I felt stupid: so how's Harry. It seemed so lame once it was out of my mouth. And yet I knew that was just my own mind playing tricks on me. "Oh fine," said Chris. I detected just a hint of confusion in her face. And I knew that despite my nerves I'd...

1 year ago
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The Crusader Chapter 4 Blood Feud

The further adventures of Rollie Chambers. Constructive comments, emails and critiques are welcome and requested. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my story. Rollie Chambers was speeding. Weaving through traffic he jumped a yellow light and roared through another intersection. Damn rush hour, he thought. City's getting too crowded. Rollie cut in front of a car on his right, getting a one finger salute and a long horn blast for the maneuver. Turning into the lane leading...

2 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 32

Rockie sat with her coffee at the dining room table, reviewing the specifications for the standard Mercedes AMG GT C Roadster. She saw that the handcrafted four-liter engine was bi-turbocharged, claimed to accelerate from zero to sixty in three point six seconds, had active rear-wheel steering and dynamically enhanced handling. It looked like it would be a really fun car to drive. She would find out soon enough. Switching to the satellite imagery being fed to her directly from the NSA,...

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My maid lover Viji

This is something which happened in Chennai, about 4 years ago. I am from the North, was 36 then and was working in Chennai with a software company. My family was in Delhi and I had rented an apartment and was staying alone. The second day after starting to stay there I asked a watchman if I could get a maid to wash clothes, clean and sweep etc. He said he would arrange one. He brought a lady and her name was Viji (short for Vijaylakshmi), a Tamil lady. She was about 30 years old, had a sweet...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 491 Akash Ki Bhawna Didi

Narrated by Akash Hi dosto, main Akash, kafi din ho gaye apni kahani sunaaye. Pichle baar aaplogo ko bataya tha ki kayse Shobha bhabhi ke banaye plan ke hisaab se main Bhawna ke yaha uska cousin bhai bankar aaya. Plan yahi tha ki ab main agle 2-3 din Bhawna ke yaha uska bhai banke rahu aur maoka milne par uske sath maze bhi kar saku. Bhawna ke saans sasur, un dono ko to chutki mein bewakoof bana liya. Woh bina kisi shak ke mujhe Bhawna ka bhai maan gaye aur mere aur Bhawna ka raasta ab saaf...

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Caught in the MiddleChapter 5

I let the three take it easy for the rest of the afternoon and evening with the exception of the butt plug/tails in their asses. We ate a nice, simple dinner and watched some TV. I could tell they were waiting for the action to start. I wasn't going to do anything today or tonight wanting the anticipation to build. All three would stay the evening at my house. I could tell that Frank and Joyce, in particular, were feeling the butt plugs. I reminded all three of them that their tails had to...

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Ammi Ki Chudai Dekhi 8211 Part 2

Hie lundwalo and chutwaliyo, pichli chudai story mei aap ne padha hi hoga ki ammi ne eksath 3 Lund kaise liye.. uske Baad nikah ke samay bhi ammi khet mei chud Rahi thi. Us scene ke waqt Mai last me pahunch Gaya warna wo kahani bhi Mai likh deta. Mai aur ammi ab ek dusre ke sath Bohol khul Gaye hai, kyu ki ammi ne muje mere gf ke ghar me dekha tha, tab Mai gf ko doggystyle me chod Raha tha, tab se Mai aur ammi ek dusre ke friend ban Gaye hai, ammi mere saamne khul ke baate Karti hai, tour ki,...

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Secrets best kept

Months passed, month upon month, but we vowed we'd see each other one day, somehow. Then, a window opened up. Sue had a school camp coming up, some retreat or whatever one would call it, where they do some religious crap. We immediately set about making plans to see each other in this time frame, making sure everything was planned to the dot, no room for error. The time came, Sue’s camp was today, I drove to the school and waited near the school in my car, watching Sue's parents drop her...

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Ich war mit Susanne nach Frankfurt gezogen. Susanne, 22 Jahre, so 1,75m groß, mit langen Beinen, kleinem Knackarsch und festen stehenden Brüsten 80C, mittellange brünette Haare und grünen Augen. Ihre Eltern lebten in der Nähe von Marburg also nicht weit von Frankfurt und es war klar das wir sie öfter besuchten. Ganz besonders angenehm war es im Sommer, weil ihre Eltern auf dem Lande lebten, mit einem großem Garten. Es war im August und Frankfurt klebte richtig vor Hitze. Da ich noch im Büro...

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Valley of the Centaurs

A new dawn rose over the entry to the valley of the Centaurs. The tropical rain forest ambled on for as far as the eye could see. Mist was burning off the low-lying lakes clouding areas of the forest adding to the eerie landscape. The cry of a strange bird startled Cassie as she pondered her decision. Should she transverse the valley or march for ten days to skirt this unknown place. She could be home in half the time if she were brave and willing to face the great-unknown perils of this...

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Breaking Quarantine Chapter 4

Flynn was alone in the laundry room finishing loading his clothes in the washer. He popped in a few coins, jiggled the handle and the machine was off and running; not exactly humming, more like chugging and rattling. Regardless, he gave himself a high-five for levelling up to “Laundry Pro”.He couldn’t decide what to do next while waiting. Maybe a run? That meant going back up to his apartment to change out of his jeans and t-shirt into his gear. Regardless of what he was doing, he knew where,...

Straight Sex
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Claires Awakening 13 Punishing Pupils

The lunch time bell rang, sending a bolt of fear down Claire's spine. She'd spent the last two lessons stressing about what Mr Sunderland had meant by 'some kind of arrangement'. Surely he couldn't mean anything 'inappropriate'... However, it's hardly standard practice to catch his pupils fucking in his drama studio at break time. Claire's mind flashed back to the look on his face when he walked in and found her and Scott semi-dressed on the stage. He'd looked so angry, really letting rip on...

1 year ago
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The Best Job Ever

I had just finished high school and got a job working at this trash company, riding on the back of a garbage truck. After a couple of weeks they moved me to work with "Big Mike". Mike drove this stake body truck and went around and picked up items that could not go into the packer trucks. They called this guy Big Mike because he was seven foot one inch tall! The guy was tall but huge too and black as night. He was very funny and we seemed to get along really well even though he said he hates...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 33

As if she didn't have enough troubles, now that she had been to bed both with Yvette and Yvette's teenaged sister, Laura met a tall, thin, gorgeous model at a press reception. The girl was stunning. Nearly every man in the place clustered around her, though she was a head or more taller than most of them. She was black, with shoulder-length hair, big gold hoops for earrings, and the longest legs Laura had ever seen, even longer than Yvette's, in black net stockings. Laura felt familiar...

3 years ago
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Fucked Sticky Pussy Of Pooja

Hello all ISS readers. I am really glad to see that many of you have appreciated my last experience which motivated me further to share one more very awesome experience which will wet all the pussies. Also I would like to be more than happy if any of the cunt get so much wet that want me to be there to make her fluid oozes out of her hole… All of the girls and ladies know how to reach ??? very simple connect me at So get ready to be wet. Let your finger be ready to insert in that sweet hole...

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Tinkle BellChapter 15

After our totally unplanned for, totally surprising, and certainly shocking episode out on the patio deck with mom and dad of all people ... Bella and I soon after retired. I did have an early day ahead of me tomorrow with school again, though it was also an early day home too. Something I had purposely scheduled in order to take advantage of a somewhat extended weekend. And it was the fact that it was the weekend that Bella reminded me of something else as she curled up against me there in...

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Second Semester Working for a LivingChapter 4

Today was chilly and overcast; my school day was normal, boring with certain bright spots, like going between classes. We were on to things I hadn't learned about business as yet, so that was a class I really paid attention in. I was waiting for Judy when I felt something was wrong. Judy is always here when I get out of school on Tuesdays. I immediately turned my cell phone that I got for my birthday last month on. Once it found a tower, I called Judy. There was no answer, I immediately...

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Once again this story is total fiction, cooked up out of thin air. If anything resembles a person or place, well that’s a total accident. Remember this is fiction.That said I wonder if this has ever happened. In this day and age I’d be surprised if it hadn’t but that’s something for another day.THE DARESindee and Sara are two close friends, heck they’re like sisters from different mothers. Both met in the 1st grade and have been close ever since.As they grew up each would push the other when it...

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Pretty Hood Bitch

The Negro sat up and pulled the fellatrix off his dick by grabbing a bunch of the platinum, neon green, & jet black box braids. He stretched his arm placing a hand around the knob gobbler’s neck. “I can’t fuckin’ take it,” he groaned.“Oh, baby,” purred the doe-eyed, mahogany brown vixen. “Let me suck it!”“I can’t fuckin’ take it,” he reiterated still gripping.“Bae, stop choking me,” whined the eager pleasure artist. “You play too much!”“It feel too good!”“Come on, Daddy. It’s already 5:00...

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Date Night Part 3

When she got home on Monday evening from her weekend work out of town, Brenda greeted me. She explained that she had a friend named Paul who owned a motel just out of town. Brenda told me that she explained to the owner that her husband needed a dress to do housework in. I asked how she could have told anyone about our housekeeping arrangement. She said not to worry. The owner was very supportive, and in fact, told Brenda that in the event I was looking to expand my horizons and make a...

1 year ago
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Veni 8211 My Plumpy And Slutty Maid With Me In My Bed

Hi all… Saran here..From Kerala..I m back with my next story which happened to me recently… First of all I thank all those who mailed me… Coming to the story.. As I started my business,i sat home very less.I knew that my mom appointed a new maid in our house, I dont see her because of my busy schedule,this maid will come by 12 and will go by 2…One day I came home around 1:00 pm,i saw a lady of age 30(dnt knw the correct age)..She had good boobs and she had tummy which I like…She wore...

3 years ago
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My Summer JobChapter 2

Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2015 for his expertise in editing and proofing. Story intro: Andy continues his quest to become a versatile caddy. His sexual learning curve expands with more adventures with his sister, Jayden, and others. It is shaping up to be a memorable summer for a fifteen year old. This summer promises opportunities for better earnings and learning experiences. Two things really have changed my life: first, my fourteen-year-old sister, who has become my best friend in...

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Am From Kandivali Mumbai

Hello dosto mai 4m mumbai, age 26saal hai.meri hight 6.3″hai.mera lund 7″lamba aur 4″mota hai.ab tak maine sirf 2 ladko ki gand mari hai uss samay 11th ka student tha.mere pados me ek ladka rahta tha jiski umer 14saal thi.wah us samay 8th ka student samah hum log chawl me rahte the.humara ghar double mahle ka tha.niche hamare parents rahte the aur uper mera study rum tha.mai uper hi padhta tha.8th ka 6mnthly exam hone ke baad result aaya to sonu fail ho gaya tha.uske...

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Union RebellingChapter 28

Pan stared at his new leg in the full-length mirror of the hospital rehabilitation training room. Except for a scar that ran the circumference of his leg, and was still a little red as it finished healing, the leg was almost a perfect match for his real one. He twisted back and forth, viewing it from different angles and felt like a little kid on his birthday. The interface was still a little buggy though, as evidenced by the slight tremor in the artificial calf muscle and the delay between...

1 year ago
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Truth Or Dare The Family Reunion Chapter Five

I woke to dust dancing in the sunbeams. Billy was still sleeping, but Jim and Jon were nowhere to be seen. I stretched my legs and sat on the edge of my bunk. I tossed my tee shirt at Billy, waking him.“Mmmm, What the fuck,” Billy growled, “ I was sleeping.”“It’s ten fucking thirty, time to get up,” I said, “Let’s get something to eat.”“Ok, ok,” he caved, “But I want to grab a shower first.”Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I stood and grabbed my towel. “That sounds good to me,” I agreed. We...

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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 11

I returned Ken Geel's call. He thought things were going well but it sounded to me like some of the people who resisted change had gotten his ear. He questioned continued support for the 'Long Island Project'. I very pointedly said, "Ken, I'm glad you have made progress, but you must realize what you call the 'Long Island Project' isn't optional. I want our client base expanded to include other than very complex expensive projects. "We will maintain the highest quality but we will...

2 years ago
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A Family of Voyeurs

by Happierman I'm looking forward to you comments and suggestions. Thanks, Happierman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My wife and I had just enjoyed a Friday evening shower. I tried to get frisky, but she promised me a special treat if I waited for her in bed. I got out and walked out and sat on the side of the bed. I used my towel to dry off and noticed that my stiff cock felt nice as my body shook a bit. Soon Liz...

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Finding HomeChapter 09

Waking up Sunday morning I’ve a lot of stiff muscles. I get Sharon, Diane, and El up to join me in the shower. While I get my shorts on Sharon hustles the rest to get up. El rubs liniment into my arm, back, and chest muscles before I get dressed. I walk out just as Sharon shows the staff in with breakfast. There’s a few smiles and giggles when nude girls dash out to grab bags of clothes so they can put on their new underwear. Dad and Dee join us when we stand to the side while waiting for the...

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