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I used to be a fairly wealthy man. I designed and sold improved parts for cars, my company was doing pretty well, too.

Enough so that I bought a small ranch, a nice house with stream frontage that had been part of an estate.

The old man that owned it had split it into two sections, several acres in each, giving one half to each of his two sons.

I bought the lower half from the one son, the other lived up above on a newer home he had built, we got along fine.

Then one day there was some bad news, he had been nailed broadside by a drunken driver and didn’t make it.

The upper property sold as part of his estate, the new guy and his fat wife were a bit of a pain in the ass.

Still, I could ignore them and all was fine, until a survey report arrived in the mail.

It seemed that the new guy had his property lines surveyed, no big deal, one would think.

Except the old man had paced off the property, and called his paces each three feet, then recorded the property lines in feet.

He had long legs.

He hadn’t considered the differences between hillsides and flat land.

The surveyed property lines in accordance to the recordings went right through the middle of my living room!

Then began the court battle, it went on and on and on. I put up a fight, but the law goes by the exact letter of the law, not common sense or what some old man long dead intended.

It was years later before I found out about a little known law called ‘Adverse possession’ and my attorney wasn’t smart enough to know about it, either.

It seems that constant and continuous use over 7 years is enough to imply legal ownership. I had been there over 12 years, with an established fence line.

Without the attorney citing the law in court, the established propery lines as indicated in the recordings applied.

Stupid, of course. But it happened. I lost.

My business, bled of all assets. My house and land, whittled down to a fraction of what it was before.

I got drunk that night, I was sitting in my house drinking the last of a full case of beer when the phone rang.

It was the asshole up the hill, getting his digs in, laughing at me.

I hung up.

He called back, telling me he wanted me out in 30 days or he would have me dragged out.

‘I got you, you stupid cocksucker!’ was his exact last words to me.

Yes, those were his last words.

I went into my den, picked up my doublebarrel 12 gauge shotgun, loaded it with two buckshot rounds and walked up the hill.

I rang the bell, he opened the door.

He had time to look me in the eyes, and glance down.

I tripped both barrels, almost cut him in half.

I just turned and walked back down the hill, threw some gear into the back of my old truck…

and vanished.

There is a place owned by the government, it is wild and remote. Literally thousands and thousands of acres.

That is where I went, after disposing of the truck off the end of a launch ramp. I knew the current ran fast, the water was very deep. The old truck would end up a long ways away, perhaps one day discovered but it would be a long time if ever.

I carried what I could and walked for days to a spot I had seen years before while out hunting. Some of the gear I hid off the trail where it would not be found.

I knew I would need several trips to bring what I needed in.

I found a huge mound of blackberry bushes, I chopped an opening and cleared it out inside. I had some camouflage tarps that I used to cover the mound.

I dug ditches for drainage, in a month or so of hard work I ended up with a pretty good camp, it was warm and dry inside.

I had a stove I made of rocks, I fashioned a shroud to catch and direct the smoke out, running some pipe I had salvaged at night from a scrap yard down by the river to direct the small amount of smoke away and dissipate it.

No point in attracting the attention of the forest service.

The woods are full of food if one knows where to look, I happened to know. I grew up on a ranch, I knew about wild plants, how to catch animals with snares.

Rabbits and Squirrels were easy. Once I even caught a wild Turkey. Deer were harder to catch, but I got one or two every year or so.

I knew enough not to shoot, that could attract attention, even though I was many miles from anyone.

But I still had that shotgun, and a small pistol.

The creek nearby was full of Trout, they eagerly came to a bit of bait. They were small, less than 8 inches except in the Fall when a few Salmon came.

I made a spear and took several, drying the meat for later.

Several years went by, I saw no one except for my rare trips out to gather up beer bottles and cans for a dab of cash. Sometimes I would find small amounts of metal, I sold that at the scrap yard.

Salt and sugar was what I bought mostly, sometimes a sack of flour.

If there was enough, I would buy one of those red licorice whips, I liked those.

No one recognized me now with the hair over my shoulders and a full beard. They weren’t even looking, I knew.

I had simply vanished.

I even had a small garden, a bit of a risk if a helicopter happened to go over and look down.

That almost never happened, though.

One day I was checking my snares and I heard voices. I hid as three men and a young woman went by, speaking quietly in what I knew must be Spanish.

I followed them to an opening, they had Marijuana plants growing. They were traveling in to tend the plants. I watched as they went about their work.

That worried me, their crop was only a mile or so from my camp.

Far too close, and the risk was they could attract attention to me.

The woman was young, perhaps 25 or so. She went down to the creek, squatted down. Then she stood up, pulled her clothes off quickly and slipped into the cold water.

It took her some time to adjust, the water was very cold.

Her breasts were full and sagged a bit, she had a bit of a soft roll across her abdomen. There was a mass of black natural pubic hair, her buttocks were slightly large for her frame.

I found her beautiful, I sat there in the bushes and watched her from less than 20 feet away. I knew I could not be seen, the clothes I wore were just like the brush around me, I had laboriously used charcoal from the fire and different plants to stain everything I wore.

Most of what I wore were skins of animals I had harvested with the snares.

She couldn’t stay in the water for long, I watched as she turned and walked out onto the bank, driplets of water sliding down her brown skin.

I realized I wanted her, I felt the growth and my penis filled with blood.

It had been a very long time since I had even thought of that.

I managed to fight off my instinct to leap out and grab her, just take her. So many years I had simply taken what I wanted, but this was different.

I knew it would expose me.

Soon I heard the voices again as the men came down the trail. The woman hurriedly dressed.

I followed them as they walked on down the trail. At the highway, they waited, soon a van came by. They all climbed in and left.

I began to watch for them after that. They came every few days, sometimes just 3 or 4 days, sometimes 10 days. I knew they were trying to not develop any pattern.

Several times I went up to their field, the plants were growing rapidly, getting big.

They had carried in bags of fertilizer, I stole one, hoping they would not notice. They didn’t seem to. I used that on my own garden, it really helped.

Several times I watched the woman bathe, each time was the same. She would work, then walk to the small pool and strip down and bathe. The men would come soon, and they would leave.

I knew
that after the harvest they would be gone and I would be safe again.

Then came the disaster.

One of them stepped off the trail onto a side animal trail to urinate. I could see him reaching for his fly.

He stepped right into one of my small animal snares, it tripped and jerked his foot out from under him as the branch snapped back. He was too heavy for it to hold him, but he let out a loud yell as he fell.

The rest came running, one of them almost stepped on me as he went by.

There was a flood of discussion in Spanish, I knew they now knew someone was nearby.

I stayed completely still, knowing I was as close to invisible as it was possible to be.

Then the woman appeared. She was looking around, then her eyes fell on me. She squinted, I saw her expression change, then she looked away.

Finally they all left, and moved on down the trail. I didn’t follow, I waited for a long time, then returned to my camp.

They were back the next day, and the day after.

I stayed hidden, quietly waiting. I knew they could walk right by the huge blackberry patch that hid my little room and never realize, it was fully grown up and over the tarp I had placed so long ago.

They seemed to give up looking for me, everything went back to that same abnormal pattern, every few days they would appear.

They were starting to get in my way, I needed to be putting in stock for Winter.

One day the woman came down to the pool to bathe, she was earlier than normal. Sensing a possible trap, I moved up the hill to the opening, all three men were harvesting and bundling their crop.

I moved back down to the pool to watch.

I had just settled into my spot.

‘I know you are there.’ she said in perfect English, not turning to look.

I simply stepped out of the bushes.

‘Yes, I am here.’

She turned and looked at me and smiled, completely unashamed of her nudity.

‘I see why you are so hard to spot.’ she smiled.

‘Why didn’t you give me away the other day?’

‘They are not my friends, they force me.’


I thought I understood.

‘You can hide me, yes?’ She gave me that dazzling smile again.

‘Yes, but you must move quickly.’ Crazy to try to do this, but it was an impulse.

As she dressed, I moved downstream a ways, turned a rock over just where the water picked up speed to a furious rush down the mountain, then into a waterfall. It would be a full mile long walk through heavy brush to reach the pool below, I was hoping they wouldn’t bother.

I knew that all they really cared about was the crop.

‘What are you doing?’ she stepped up beside me.

‘Trying to throw them off track.’ I said.

I took her hand and led her away, careful to leave no tracks. We moved slowly and carefully until we were several hundred yards away, then we moved very quickly.

I was hoping the men would find the overturned rocks and think she had fallen. A long shot but worth a try.

At my camp, I pulled the fresh bushes from the entrance, then we crawled in as I pulled it shut behind us.

We waited in silence until it was full dark, then I set a small fire and cooked a meal.

She ate greedily.

‘So why were you with them?’ I asked, finally.

‘I was smuggled into the Country, but they never let me go. They made me work, they…they…used me.’ Her eyes went downcast in shame.

‘You are safe now.’ I told her, not completely sure of that.

No one came after that, several days later I made my way up to the pool. I could see the tracks, they had found my ruse, had they accepted that she had fallen, perhaps died?

I couldn’t be sure.

She told me her name was Maria, I told her mine was Dan. Other than that, I simply went about my business, harvesting game, drying some Trout.

I came back to camp to find her weeding the garden. I also saw two small hides she had scraped and hung to cure, and she had carefully clipped the inside thorns that never failed to regrow.

Even the tarp I used for a flooring was swept and cleaned. She simply became part of the camp, part of my life.

I never made a move to touch her, even though I wanted to.

The truth is, I was enjoying her company.

Several times we walked over to a different nearby pool to bathe, she simply stripped and washed, I did the same. I found myself trying to not stare at her with little success, I caught her smiling at that, too.

At night we slept under the hides I used for blankets, sharing the warmth of our bodies.

I kept my hands to myself. That was also a struggle.

But one morning I woke up, feeling an odd sensation. I realized quickly that she was under the covers, and fondling me.

Things progressed quickly after that, she sighed as I entered her. I came quickly, in just seconds, but I never softened. I just kept on.

The thrill of a woman’s bare breasts pressed against my chest, the joy of sex again after more than a decade was almost more than I could handle.

I wanted her all the time, we quickly progressed to making love several times each day. We went through the entire Fall and Winter like that.

The warmer days of Spring arrived early, we saw high 60 degree days by March.

I knew what was going to happen, I planned for it.

I watched the trails, one day the three men came again. There was an area of the trail that opened up wider, just before the top of a rise. It was a perfect ambush point.

They were coming up the trail, I stepped out with my shotgun.

They stopped, looked at me in shock.

‘Hablo Ingles?’ I asked.

One of them nodded.

‘Si’. Yes, I speak English.’ He said, a flustered look on his face.

‘This is my land.’ I told him.

They all looked at each other.

‘Here is my deal. You plant your crops, then you leave and don’t come back. I will tend it, and leave a mark at the road to let you know.’

They looked at each other again.

‘When you see my sign, you come and harvest. You will bring me $1000.00, Then you leave again.’

‘Why do you do this?’ the one man asked.

‘And why for so little?’

‘I can’t have you giving me away, and that is all I need.’

He smiled, seeming to understand.

There was a short conversation in Spanish, they all began to nod.

Maria stepped out of the bushes, they looked at her in shock.

‘She is with me now.’ I told them bluntly.

They all nodded. Something about a double barreled shotgun with the hammers back ensures compliance.

I lowered the weapon, set the hammers down.

They walked on up the trail. I watched, out of their sight as they walked on past. I went on up to the upper field, I could see they had done their work.

Perhaps they would understand my rules. If not, I knew what would happen.

I think they knew, too.

The next day, I took Maria and we walked up to the pool where I had first seen her.

‘Will you stay with me?’ I asked her.

‘Yes.’ she smiled simply.

‘Will you be my wife?’

‘Yes.’ Another smile.

I took her hand, and spoke quietly, offering her my love. I knew we could not go to a church.

We held each other and kissed, then started the long walk back to our camp, our home, meager as it was.

I did not know how long we had, every day could bring my capture. If anyone knew of me, they would come. I knew that, too.

Life is but a moment. I planned on living it as best as I could.

Tomorrow somone could find me. Tomorrow Maria could leave.

So I live for today.

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I looked into the family room but it was empty, so I went upstairs to the boy's bedrooms to see if I could find them. I tried Jim's first since it was the first I came to. The door was slightly ajar, so I eased it open and stuck my head inside. The place was the mess I expected. There were clothes, schoolbooks, and piles of stuff everywhere. There was so much stuff piled on the bed that I did not notice at first that Jim was lying on it. He had his eyes tightly closed and his shorts down to...

3 years ago
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forced by my son

One evening when my husband was working late i came home after dark.The house was in darkness and as I walked in and noticed David was in his room. I walked past his door into my room and began to undress. Hearing a little knock at the door I looked around and saw David standing at the door in some new underpants he wanted to show meDarling, i said, how was your dayOk, i got these new undies, he said, as he wandered into the room.What did you do?I explained I just went to work and dropped into...

1 year ago
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Akanksha Jadhav My Childhood Love

I that time I was in 12 class. It was festive season and my parents had gone to home town in bihar. I had stayed because of the syllabus of the school. There was a girl in my class. Her name was aakanksha jadhav. I had a crush on her. But i was quite scared to express my feelings. We were good friends. But it just ended there. I wanted it to move it further. I am a green belt in taekwondo. That day we had a vigorous class. After class my friends prompted me to go and express my feelings to her....

2 years ago
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Carolinas Caper

This is a long tale in seven parts, meant to be read at leisure. Part 1 I was deep in thought as I strode down the hallway to the office restroom, grappling with the morning’s problems…the little, unexpected bureaucratic ones that always seem to crop up each day. I was so engrossed that I almost didn’t see her, a slim – though very curvy – African-American woman in a tightly fitted light blue sleeveless dress that lent much credit to her dark chocolate complexion. She apparently had seen me,...

2 years ago
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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 12

Karen was so used to not wearing a bra and leaving buttons open to tease Bobby she did not even think about how she was exposed when Taylor came in with Ken after school. Taylor was heading up the stairs. “I’ll be right down Ken. Talk to Mom while I change.” Ken greeted Karen with his usual big smile, “Hi Mrs. Jamison. Taylor and I are going to the mall after she changes if it’s okay with you.” Karen turned to face Ken. “That’s fine.” Then she saw the look on his face. Karen was...

1 year ago
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Teasing Elderly Neighbour the BeginningChapter 2

Now we continued around the store, Frank getting his items and sharing the trolley and me on very opportunity bending over or stretching up to either accentuate my arse or so that my skirt rode up a bit exposing bare leg and a bit of thigh. On one such time I lent over a freezer my skirt riding really high up, to mini length, my bare legs easily visible. I raised on leg and opened my legs slightly to try to give him a view up my skirt as best I could. My tits were freezing but my nipples...

2 years ago
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E127 A Goodbye To The Past Part Two

The meeting with Grace going so well, but giving Emma much to think about, did it alter her perception of her father?  She did look through her mother’s diary for entries in May of 1986 and did find one about that day.  Yes, she and Susan had a wonderful time together that day, which Charlotte went into detail describing.And yes, that night Edward did spank Charlotte; she was unsure of why, but he accused her of some misdemeanor.  Charlotte did write about how aroused she was being spanked out...

Love Stories
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Massage for a friend

Massage for a friend Davina and the family have been friends of mine for many years, now she is divorced and had been overworking, Davina was in need of a little TLC but no heavy stuff. The open plan lounge has low lighting, with the curtains drawn in mid afternoon, candles burning and a bed laid out in the middle. A light warm oil has been prepared and I wait for Davina to come in she has a robe on, she is a little coy for this is the allowed me to massage her. Davina undoes the robe at the...

3 years ago
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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 14

I woke up extra early Saturday, showered and de-frizzed my hair and tried not to fidget as I waited for Connor to show up. I felt nervous and excited, even though I told myself not to get my hopes up. Just because it looked like a date didn't mean it was. Connor showed up at eleven o'clock exactly and I met him at the door and watched as he stepped over the threshold before I could utter an invitation, squashing yet another myth about vampires. Hollywood sucks. "Aunt Claire already...

2 years ago
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Seoul Bound 2

Seoul Bound 2 We paid our bill, I found it strange that I needed to keep wiping my forehead as the perspiration kept building at an alarming rate. I hope the kitchen staff knew what they were doing with our potentially dangerous meal. I looked over at Dan who had a shit eating grin on his face. It seems that he just won the lottery. His happiness was out of bounds and seemed out of place, but we were now in the company of girls, no women the likes of which we had only ever dreamed of....

3 years ago
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Sunday Lunch

“He’s asleep, come with me,” whispered Jackie in Dave’s ear. Dave stood carefully, looked at the slumbering George and tip-toed out of the conservatory. Jackie eased the door shut, being careful not to let the latch click. They moved more quickly into the hallway where Jackie turned, put her arms around Dave’s neck and kisses him greedily.“Don’t worry he’ll sleep for hours.” She led him upstairs.About a year before, Dave had been sitting at the bar of ‘The Winner’ just coming up to eleven...

2 years ago
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Rich Guy 4a The Blue Dragon

--Present Day, end of Summer-- “Good crowd tonight.” I said, looking around the living room, which was packed with druken college kids. She did not reply. “You want some action tonight? It’s been a while.” I said, turning to look towards her. “Whatever you want.” Candace replied in a flat voice. ----- Spring, same year----- The night that Candace left me, I eventually left her room, clutching one of her shirts. I wandered down to the sex room. I found some rope that was intended for...

3 years ago
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Naughty Secrets

If any of our everyday friends, or family knew about this, they'd be shocked to say the least. My wife Sue and I led a normal everyday life just like most everyone else did. We were the typical average everyday sort of people. Or so you would think upon seeing us, or getting to know us. We certainly weren't prudes, not by a long shot. We didn't attend church every Sunday, nor did Sue dress provocatively when we went out either. Nor did either one of us openly flirt with our friends, or give...

2 years ago
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slut shaming your daughter

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall...the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love.Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

1 year ago
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Some Good Deeds

The banging at the door didn't surprise Mama Selma, even though the hour was late. She was no stranger to unexpected visitors, and she didn't sleep much these days, regardless. She calmly put her book down and grabbed the candle before rising from her chair. The sound continued as she walked, the intensity of the thumps growing with each knock. This didn't bother Mama Selma either. Folks that came to her door were rarely on social calls. More likely a husband had become particularly...

2 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 17 Girls will be Girls

Tuesday before the Wednesday Founders Lunch Kimi and I were removed from selection. We worked in the kitchen. Randy Robert had the kitchen running well. I almost never worked in the kitchen because I was almost always selected. We were off after lunch. Off from our kitchen duties. But not off from entertaining guests. One of our married lady guests, Betty T, was watching her husband receive double pleasure from two companions. She looked almost sorry for her husband. Kimi and I approached...

2 years ago
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Geeky boys part 2

I wrote about the summer after my first year at college. I connected with some of my younger friends still in high school and taught them about being bisexual. I gave all 5 of them their first blow job and I was the first person they fucked. The whole story is here. https://xhamster.com/stories/geeky-boys-9920469Over the next week, I met up with several of the guys to give them blow jobs and fuck me. Some days I would meet with 2 or 3 guys at different times. I was beginning to feel like a real...

4 years ago
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Testing my wife8217s fidelity 2

“Rajiv, what’s wrong, you look like hell?” ritesh exclaimed seeing my haggard appearance. “ritesh, please. Do me a big favor and don’t ask any questions”, i replied as i passed the contract agreement over the desk. He looked at it and looked up at me. “what the fuck is going on? Don’t tell me not to ask questions – i don’t deserve a statement like that. We’re supposed to be friends, or am i wrong about that?” i quickly debated whether to tell him or not. “you’re right, ritesh. We are friends,...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 34 Lauren

October 22, 1990, Chicago, Illinois When Katy finally calmed down, I brought her to the ‘Indian’ room then went to get Jennifer, who had become quite close to Katy in the time since Katy had moved in. I let my wives and Abbie know that we’d have dinner later, and just to keep plates warm for us. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?” I asked. “Any clues?” Katy shook her head, “No! Everything was fine. She left for school at the normal time, seemed to be in a great mood, and told me she...

4 years ago
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It Been a Long Time

For those of you who want wet, animal like sex, I think you need to move to another story. This is my true love story, and it happened just like I’m telling it. It took me about 3 weeks to realize, my life was a real mess. I had left my wife and moved out, but I was hardly alone, you see my 14 year old daughter, and my dog came with me. But in a real way I was alone, for the first time in 30 years. I had gotten my apartment furnished, bought enough kitchen stuff to cook a meal, which is...

1 year ago
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BangBus Jackie Huff Horny Teacher Fucks For Cash

In Miami, anything can happen, and we mean ANYTHING. Today on the bus we found a school teacher with giant tits, ready to get naughty. When she told us her job, we figured there was no way that we’d be able to get her to show her tits and fuck our boy Tyler. But we’ve been wrong before and we’ll be wrong again! This girl was ready to FUCK. We paid her some money to flash her giant tits and then we got her on the bus where the real fun started. We made it rain with hundred...

1 year ago
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Micha and George on the Fourth of July

Micha and George on the Fourth of JulyMicha is a very sexy latina girl that I met just a couple of weeks ago. We had already spent several hours exploring and becoming intimately familiar with each other, body and mind. We discovered that we were both bisexual and had discussed a threesome, but made no firm plans. When she called me and asked me to join her and her boyfriend George for a holiday picnic, there was something in her voice that made me wonder. "Is there a threesome in the works?" I...

3 years ago
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A Day in the Life

"whore" has already been up for hours preparing for your day. "it" is expected to be fresh smelling, shaved, and dressed in your favorite slut outfit with hair in perfect soft curls. Last night's obedience lesson made for a particularly painful shower. Cold water ( you say "nasty fuck pigs have to earn the privilege to use warm water") and home-made lye soap burn whore's skin as it tries gently to scrub the dried blood from fresh wounds. Although whore works very hard to please its Sir, you...

2 years ago
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ReflectionsChapter 10

Carissa went to open it, sure enough it was the guy I had seen her kiss down in the lobby. The kissed again before walking arm in arm towards me. He had a shit eating grin on his face. "So that is hubby who can't hack it in the sack. What's the matter cuck? Hmm, not a pencil dick. Actually respectable. Must be quick on the trigger or worse can't get up even with help of the little blue pill." "Stop it Roger, he does just fine in the sack as you so delicately put it. The problem is...

1 year ago
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If the Shoe Fits Use It

Weezie, a comely city girl from Chicago was a very sexual creature. Her boyfriend Sal owned a large and successful adult business on Halsted Street in Chicago. A large part of his trade was exotic underwear and clothing for hookers, transvestites, and fetishists not just in Chicagoland but nationwide. They were en route to a lingerie trade show in Los Angeles and picked me up along Interstate 40 just west of Albuquerque. I was hitchhiking out to Santa Barbara in the summer of 1976 from New...

4 years ago
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Erotic Story Of A Hot Indian Wife

Vinni was smiling at herself. She was alone in the house and her husband had left for office. Her mother-in-law was at work too. She could hear some noise coming from the street below. In an hour, she would go to the gym. She was smiling because it had only been 6 months after her marriage and she has settled well in her new home. She got a loving, caring and supportive husband and more importantly, he was good in bed too. Growing up, Vinni was an ideal daughter and a model student. She was...

2 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 25 A Couple Discussions with No Voice

When I awoke, once again before the alarm went off, I was feeling more refreshed than I had been the prior evening. My throat didn't hurt quite as much, I felt more energetic and I had a nice healthy erection which was nestled up against something that felt quite nice. Glancing around the mass of hair which lay over my face, I saw I was still nestled up against Patricia; or "Patty" as she was now billing herself. I started playing with her breasts as I began gently moving my penis against...

2 years ago
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My Lilyxxx Part 1

I've known Lily for a fairly long time now. We met online, exhanged stories and flirted outrageously. So much so, 'online only' became we desperately wanted to meet each other.I met her once in 7 months, not enough and that was a fleeting encounter but we were so desperate for more to live out our online fantasies. We discussed it and I booked a hotel close to her so we could spend the whole day together.I waited patiently, aroused, heart beating hard. Not nerves...adrenaline and sexual charge....

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