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Moving from Oklahoma to be with my widowed father was difficult. On the one hand I was unhappy to leave four close friends behind. On the other, because of my divorce it was not that difficult, particularly when I learned dozens of friends and acquaintances had known about Wyatt’s affairs. What hurt even more was that one of those four friends not only knew but had helped her sister hide the affair from Tammy’s husband.

The fourteen months after first moving to Oak Hill were filled with loneliness. Beyond a few friends at the office I had no local friends. Between caring for my father and his house and my travels to the field I had little social life. Living with my father had its difficulties and tensions. Our heated disagreements sometimes left me wondering if I did the right thing moving into his home. Yet on many more days I knew he needed help otherwise he would hardly eat well or keep his house clean.

Both voracious readers, Kara and I met at a local book signing. Kara attracted my attention as she was wearing a Sooner Rose Bowl shirt. I introduced myself as my Masters is from OU. She laughed that she had not attended OU but became an OU fan when her and her husband attached themselves to Sooner fans at the Rose Bowl. The warmth and welcoming spirit of the OU fans impressed her. After the reading we moved to the coffee shop.

That Saturday afternoon I had learned Kara and Tim relocated from Illinois eleven months before I moved from Oklahoma. My heart went out to her when I learned she has uterine cancer. That Saturday was her second outing since undergoing a hysterectomy. I guess I connected with Kara as my mother died with the same cancer in 1989.

She learned following my father’s hip surgery in May 2002 I relocated to make sure he was keeping himself right. We were two lonely women who befriended each other.

Over the following months Kara and I became fast friends and sharing closely held personal information and anguishes. It was a relief to have a local confidant. She helped me work through my frustration with my father’s stubbornness and unwillingness to take early retirement from his banking position. Her wisdom surpasses her years.

She cried with me when I told her about Wyatt’s cheating, his uncaring attitude, and my bitterness toward men in general. In 2002 Kara discovered her husband was having an affair. She thought she would leave him, but did not give up on him and their marriage. Tim quietly suffered her anger and her kicking him out of the bedroom. Though the affair ended, their relationship remained tense for months but was slowly rebuilt. Though Tim held full responsibility for the affair, Kara felt she needed to accept some blame. She created the ground for the affair as their sex life had dwindled due to her lack of interest and the discomforts she had dismissed. She bemoaned dismissing the early signals of cancer as just life changes.

One evening I expressed my unending frustrations to get my father out of the house and his lack of interest in dating. He needed someone other than me in his life and to love. Kara just laughed, ‘that’s a hoot Ann. You two are so alike.’ She was right. I was just not ready to date. I distrusted men. I eased up on my father.

Early last year my father suffered a massive cardiac arrest. I saw my mother’s death coming, but not my father’s. Kara and Tim were my comfort and encouragement. Seeing I was in an immobilized state, Tim directed the funeral details. He worked with my brother in Missouri on arrangements. As the months passed Tim helped Ben and me find our father’s last will and move it to probate. Though Kara and Tim said that they would help me go through my father’s personal belongings, Tim did the work as Kara was increasingly becoming fatigued.

I was shaken the Saturday afternoon before Memorial Day when I learned cancer had been detected in Kara’s intestines. We cried together as this was far from good news. When Kara fell asleep I found Tim on their deck. He looked like he had not had a good night’s sleep in days. He lamented that the mother of his two children and wife was slowly dying. With a wine glass in his hand he mumbled several times he failed Kara terribly, that he has was a terrible husband and was loosing his love before he could do better for her. I assured him Kara thought no such thing. He said I just did not understand. I understood her feelings more than he knew.

Though tempted to tell him that Kara had long forgiven him I remained silent. Such an assurance could only come from her. I could not tell him that Kara understood his libido was as high as ever and she understood why he went looking elsewhere for satisfaction.

I did not tell him that Kara often told me that marrying him was one of her best decisions. They both passionately loved each other but had been not been adequately communicating their feelings and fears.

When the doctors provided Kara with revised treatment options this past summer she kept asking how will they alter the prognosis and how much time would it likely add to her life. About an extra six months to a year, maybe eighteen months. Kara took herself off most treatments except those that diminished pain or that helped her to sleep. I greatly admire her decision to live and die with dignity.

Kara’s energy level continued to decrease month by month. Just before Labor Day I was dispatched to the Gulf Coast to assist in company’s damage assessment and restoration effort. Returning October 20th I really noticed Kara had lost about another 11 lbs during the period and her eyes were looking a little gaunt. Her decline was not as great as I would have thought, but she was still declining.

Tim’s depression continued to increase through to Christmas. His brave front for their two children was thin. Inside he was anything but a tower of confidence and courage. I noticed a higher number of dirty glasses in the sink or dishwasher. I suspected Tim was drinking more than he would admit to forget his pains.

I frequently stayed with Kara when Tim had to be on the road I often stayed with Kara. Due to her health he spent fewer overnights on the road than before, but all trips could not be left to others. In early November when Tim was on a three night trip to Pittsburgh I called to give him an update. While we talked for close to twenty minutes hour about nothing in particular, I noticed his words were slurred and he rambled.

On November 19th Tim took me to a nice restaurant. He did this periodically as his way of thanking me. Over dinner he had two drinks, likely one or two before as well. As we finished he again made reference to his failure. I told him enough of his cryptic language, tell me or stop it. Acquiescing he outlined the affair. He noted that he still had feelings for this other woman.

In the summer he asked if I thought it was possible for a woman or man to truly love more than one person deeply and truly. We discussed it again in September. He said it was theoretical, but I suspected it was not. I agreed it was possible and gave him my rationale. I think polygamist societies have demonstrated loving more than one spouse is possible. Yet our culture and laws have structures that make us believe such multiple loves cannot happen, and make us feel guilty if it does happen.

Driving home I thought Tim was in a most sorry and sorrowful state. He loved two women, one dying and the relationship with the other had long ended. It was ironic, I was on the opposite, had no one to love and was not thinking about it.

A week before Christmas found me in Springfield visiting my brother Ben and his family. I had driven Dad’s car out so that it could become Ben’s eldest daughter’s when she turned 16 this April.

I could see in how Ben and Pat interacted that they loved each other deeply. They were unaware how their little touches, their little looks and comments proclaimed their love. Ben still opened the doors for Pat and held her ha
nd as they walked along. Wyatt was like this even during the honeymoon. For Wyatt I was a sex partner, a bed warmer, a housekeeper, someone to look good on his arm at his Chamber of Commerce socials and eye candy on his television commercials. When I discovered two months after our sixth anniversary that he had been cheating on me repeatedly I was in shock. Though we had just months before decided to have a baby, fortunately we had not had any children to complicate the divorce.

When my shell of a marriage ended I started receiving a call or two a week inviting me out for dinner. Most of the invitations were men who just wanted to bed me. What disgusted me were the passes made by married men, including two from friends of Wyatt’s. I was a piece of ass back on the market. They incorrectly assume a woman craves a cock and is willing to jump into bed to satisfy the craving. They are wrong about women. They are certainly wrong about me. I distrusted men as a result.

Seeing Ben’s love for Pat reminded me what I should have expected from a husband and my long repressed dreams. On the evening of the 23rd I awoke to sounds of moaning with Ben and Pat being intimate. I looked at the clock, it was after 11:20. My mind recalled being in Galveston on spring break with a former college boyfriend, and my honeymoon in Wyoming. I missed the feeling of being pleasured. My boobs longed to be touched and suckled. By the final cry of release uttered minutes before midnight, tears filled my eyes. I heard them again Christmas and the night before I flew home. I envied Pat.

I flew home on an early Saturday afternoon flight and retrieved Daiquiri my cat from the neighbors. Entering my home at 8:50 I was overwhelmed. It was New Years Eve and I was alone for New Years Eve for the first time in my life. I hated the feeling. As I consumed a bottle of Chardonnay and cheese I took stock of my life. I need a man to love and who would love me tenderly. I needed a man who was not like Wyatt and his friends. My scientific nature told me to be methodical, not rush it and to lay out in my mind what characteristics I sought in a man.

Two nagging thoughts haunted me as the magic moment of transitioning from one year to another approached. I know such a man, a man who was more like my father and brother in many ways. And he matched many of what was on my mind’s list. I had some affection for him. He comforts, affirms and encourages. He makes me feel good about myself. We had similar broad interests. He hates city life and prefers small towns just like me. Yet, I was disturbed by my thoughts. He is married. I would rather remain single than go down that road with Tim.

Mid afternoon New Years day Kara invited me over. The house was quiet. Their eldest child had moved back to Illinois last summer. Their youngest son was out and Tim was upstairs on the computer while Kara and I chatted about our dreams. I told her about the drive to Springfield and being alone last night, except for the thoughts about Tim.

Noticing Tim’s third trip to the kitchen, Kara commented that his drinking was becoming a concern. Later I helped Kara bathe and get ready for bed. I was again struck by how much weight she has lost since we first met. Yet, I was pleased that she had gained 8lbs since Thanksgiving.

I found Tim in the den just before 10. I noticed his eyes were moist and soon I was comforting him. Between tears he cried he harmed two women he loved. He told me his love stories from beginning to end in greater detail than ever before. He recalled his life with Kara, their first dates, honeymoon in Niagara Falls and other special moments. He said that though he loved Kara, but the lack of physical intimacy frustrated him that he wondered. I listened quietly about his IMing Rene and how that led to his being unfaithful. He described how his feelings for Rene grew and their trip to St. Louis. I knew how he loved this other woman.

Though they had not seen each other for three years, Tim still had warm feelings for her. When he said ‘I thought Rene loved me too’ I noticed that past tense. Using a counseling skill my mother taught me I replied, ‘you thought’. Tim wondered if he could pick-up again the relationship with Rene. So just before Christmas in somewhat of an intoxicated state he drafted a sad tale to email Rene. He wanted to move her heart but instead changed his mind. Instead he sent an email about what was really happening. Later he sent a second email confessing to her that he almost deceived her. His heart could not allow him to do it or to keep from her what he almost did. Though I could understand why he did it, I thought privately it was fool for sending an email confession. Revealing private struggles and thoughts is not always the best, but likely the alcohol hindered his better judgment.

Rene’s reply hinted that she would take a few days to sort through her thoughts but he should expect a warm email around Christmas. With no word by New Years Tim realized his desires in that direction were all but dead. His heart was grieving.

In his somewhat intoxicated state I think Tim went into greater detail than necessary as we sat on the large sofa. He even described some of what they did. It was if he was trying to shock me. Though some things were kinky, I did not condemn and reject him. I have wondered what it would be like to go to a club too so I cannot judge him.

It was enlightening for me. Tim views sex as an emotional and cerebral connection as much as a physical one. I was impressed. He was not like Wyatt who cared little about the feelings of others. In my arms was a man who felt great pain because he loved deeply. Yes he is a cheater. I understood why. He was in a most unfortunate position. That night I became more aware of how my feelings for him were growing. I wished I could just hold him to by bosom and comfort the pains away.

Exhausted and emotionally drained Tim started to fall asleep with his head on my lap as my hand ran through his hair. It was then I quietly told him loves freely, deeply and passionately. Also I whispered that he had put the cart before the horse and lost. Yet, they are problems worth having then not loving at all. He moaned, ‘what am I going to do?’

In the quiet my mind started to wonder here and there as Tim fell asleep. Thoughts of Ben and Pat, the loneliness felt the prior, the feelings of compassion and concern felt as I listened to Tim all played in my mind. I pulled sofa blanket over us as I found sleep coming upon me as well. Having him now cuddled with me on the large sofa felt good, damn good. I sighed while whispering to myself, ‘Katherine, what are you going to do? You are falling in love with this guy.’

Around 4:30 I was stirred by the sound of someone in the kitchen. I found myself laying beside Tim with the blanket from the spare bedroom over us. While my heart was comforted by being able to just hold a man, and though the blanket should have disturbed me, being in a semi-slumber state I slipped back into dreamland.

In the morning I awoke hearing the flush of a toilet upstairs and the sound of creaking boards. I stirred and went to the washroom myself. Emerging from the downstairs washroom I saw Kara making coffee. Looking at me as I came into the kitchen she said, ‘we need to talk, but not here.’

With some dread I showered and practiced carefully chosen phrases like, ‘you are my friend, I would never do anything to harm you.’ Also, ‘Tim cried and cried last night how much he loves you. He fell asleep on my lap and I fell asleep later,’ and ‘yes, I think I have feelings for him, but my respect for you and him and your marriage is greater by far.’

Within the hour, with me dressed in one of Kara’s sweet shirts we were in the IHOP parking lot. At least the borrowed sweet shirt and shower kept me from looking like a sewer rat. Taking my hand to keep me in my Miata Kara told me that her husband is going to need someone to love and care for him when I am gone. She left me speechless wh
en she then said I had her blessing and that we would do well together.

This was not a development I anticipated. I was trying to process her statement. She reading too much into what she saw on the sofa I replied.

She shook her head, that was not what she was talking about. She has seen how we look at each other and feels we need each other. She argued he is a good man and would be a fool not to love me and take me as his wife. Looking into her face I saw tears running down her cheeks. Mine started flowing. Across the small console we hugged. It was then that I realized she was doing a most loving act, thinking about her husband’s happiness and joy beyond the length of her life.

We spent the next 10 minutes trying to get out our tears to end. I was pleased that neither of us had fixed our faces. Over breakfast I admitted having feelings for Tim but I would never act on them. I was not sure that they were romantic feelings or feelings that would be a basis for marriage. I also laughed that Tim would likely look elsewhere. Kara shook her head and told me he loves quickly and his generous heart could easy be captured by me. She went on to say her husband likely was not aware of his feelings for me.

Over breakfast we continued talked about Tim. She asked for three things, that we not do anything before she dies unless she clearly permits it. If something did develop, that we keep it from her, not do anything in her home, and be very discrete. I assured her I would honor their marriage if something were to develop.

Lastly, before I go further that I should be aware of Tim’s sexual desires and fantasies. She cautioned me to not get close to him unless I could understand his interests. She promised to email sites as she did not want to talk about them in public. Returning to more safe topics for a restaurant I promised I would keep an open mind. At the same time I was not sure about all this.

That afternoon I received an email containing links to sites she had drawn from Tim’s laptop. What I saw did not surprise or shock me. Some were pic and story sites. As I surfed around I wondered whether he was interested in all this stuff or just sections. Which pictures and stories did he download and look at would be more revealing.

Until then I looked at some pictures and read many stories. Some stories were crude, raunchy and revolting. Was Tim a pervert or was he interested in the milder stuff? Others were clearly unrealistic fantasies. Yet I found myself admitting that many stories were nicely written with well developed story lines. I found myself enjoying the more developed stories about couples. I liked issues that dealt with the heart and personal struggles rather than those just reporting sex acts. The stories reminded me of what my heart earned, loving intimacy and a life partner to please and be pleased by, a husband with whom to explore my sexuality and to satisfy me. I found myself thinking I could see myself writing stories if I had a story to tell. I could also see sharing stories with my husband.

Recognizing the potential hold Rene held on Tim I knew that demon needed to be put to rest and out of his mind if I was to have any relationship with him. I could not deal with the possibility of her being in the background undermining our relationship. And for his peace of mind the hope and ability to connecting with anyone, whether me or someone else, the hope of Rene had to be removed. The possibility of him emailing her or her him could only complicate his future. I needed to find a way to talk to him about her.

January 6th, having to move some furniture provided me the opportunity to get Tim over to the house that night. It gave me the opportunity to raise a question or two about Rene. Our conversation was awkward at first until I put him at ease that what he shared about Rene would remain with me. Assuring him that I would not condemn him for what he did or for how he felt for Rene further put him at ease. I stopped short of saying I would not share any of this with Kara. He did not ask. I did not offer privacy.

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The official reason for taking the attic bedroom was its atmosphere, but the real one its view. Only from there I could watch May taking sunbaths. Last year I had been able to spot her a few times, had limited access though, as back then it still was a study. A few times watching her and playing with my penis. And doing it again and again while reviewing my own mindcam.Now it was May only but the sunbeams were warm and May was there. The first good day of the year and my eighteen year old...

1 year ago
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Theater Showing Porn Part 2 M2M

I was at a porn theater and had just gone a blown a guy eating a huge load of cum. My cock was out as I sat and slowly stroked it. The hot encounter that I just had made me incredibly horny and I was hoping for a little help with my cock. After about 15-20 minutes, I decided pull up my pants and try a local porn shop with gloryholes to see if my luck would be better. The movie on the screen was getting close to the money shot, so as I walked up the isle I looked over my shoulder. I got...

1 year ago
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Hot Interview

For the first time when I wanted to appoint a personal secretary I put an advt and called unmarried smart and experienced girls, many girls turned up and I started interviewing the girls asking them all about work and the girls I like I also inquire, if they can stay late, and then after clearing the other girls I have selected some six girls whom I again interview, this time I ask more personal questions like if they have had any sexual experience and finally if they will agree to show me...

2 years ago
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The TitleChapter 5

"God I'm bored," sighed Lucy. "What!" I said somewhat stunned. "No not with you, she said smiling up at me from the floor. She wasn't wearing anything and her hands were gently working between her legs and massaging her tits. "It's Tom," she smiled, "always the Estate comes first and I never do, unless I'm with you. I don't remember when I had his cock in me last." "You poor thing," I teased. "It's not funny," she snapped. "No of course not," I said trying to look...

3 years ago
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Sonia and Sally Annes Web Site

Sonia and Sally Anne's Web Site - by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - The Camera Arrives I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did we had some amazing times! I had recently pulled off a...

2 years ago
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2 An Evening

I lay down on the bed beside her. "Tell me everything, again."My wife was rubbing her sore nipples. She stopped, then turned to me."I met her, Denys, in my yoga class.""When?""She joined a bit after me, some weeks or a month. At the beginning we didn't have any contact, until one day we just started talking. I don't remember event what about. We started saying hello every lesson, and one day went out for a coffee after a morning class. It was nice, very nice, and I guess we just clicked. But...

1 year ago
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Candis Introduction

Candi?s intro Story Codes:??? F/m F+/m humiliation, Cross-dressing, B/D D/s Synopsis:????????? My first time where my fantasy of submitting to a women turned to reality.? I have changed the names of my mistress and her roommates.??????????????????????? I would love to hear any feedback or I would just love to hear what you would have done to me.? I can be reached at [email protected] Candi?s IntroductionBy cissykandi I'd like to introduce myself and let you know of my first...

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Teachers Dilemna

Ms. Crump was a rather stern and imposing teacher. One did not misbehave in her class. There was never any whispering. There was never any passing of notes. Students always arrived on time, if not a good five to ten minutes early. One always paid close attention, never got caught being distracted, which wasn't that easy as her lectures on Victorian literature could be so long and tedious. The students so much preferred Miss Bixley, but her classes this semester were all full (see "Miss Bixley...

4 years ago
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Alone at Work Ch 3

I woke up later that night tired and sore, but I forced myself out of bed and got ready for work. Richard was off tonight so I knew it would be a nice quiet normal night. Just as I thought the night went by quickly and quietly, and by the time I got off work I'd almost forgot about the pervious nights events. After work I had a few errands to run and decided to get as much done before going to bed. I did some grocery shopping, paid some bills, and decided to stop at the mall for a...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Daughter Chapter 2

Becoming a Daughter - Chapter 2 In the car my mother told me to relax and try to enjoy our outing. She was certainly excited and looking forward to our shopping trip. Before she drove off, she took her tube of moisturizer and held my chin firm as she applied some to my lips. 'Don't worry honey, it is clear'. I looked in the vanity mirror. I thought there was a faint pink color in the moisturizer. As we got to the mall, I was reluctant to get out of the car. "Mom, I really can't do...

4 years ago
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Copyright 1996 by April May - For Sierra BBS Only Northern Territories, Canada 1976 Assignment Earth was half over as she programmed the biotransformer. Her next project, a 30 year study of earth female reproductive habits and biological and cultural forces. She programmed the machine for earth female, age approx. 14, slender, petite approx 5 feet 0 inches tall and 95 pounds mass. Clothing, young female, dresses and skirts no slacks. She had the computer analyze latest earth...

3 years ago
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BEFORE ANYBODY SAYS ANYTHING NEGATIVE, LET ME SAY THAT THIS IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL!Around the time I was 16, my grandfather died and my grandmother moved in with my family. She was about 60, 5'6, a bit on the large size and had really big boobs. The rooms of my house were set up weird. In the hall, there was her room with the bathroom right across, and in her room was a door leading to my room. One night, I got up from my desk to go to the bathroom. I opened my door quietly so I wouldn't wake...

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Betsys Creampie Part 3

To better understand and enjoy this chapter, I suggest that you read Betsy’s Creampie Parts 1 and 2. I was working from home. I had several conference calls; the last of which was a long, boring dissertation by some know it all from accounting on the benefits of their new system. My mind drifted. I leaned back in my chair and sipped my coffee. I thought about last weekend and the fun we had with Jeff and Lisa. I thought about jerking off. I thought how nice it would be to have Betsy come...

1 year ago
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Ashley in Amsterdam 2nd episode

After those two tsunami orgasms on the beath, Ashley was glad that Peter helped her up, as she really felt weak in her knees, although she was glowing with joy.Seeing the state she was in, Pete decided to lead her back to her room. As he planned to please her some more. As they got up, he noticed that several students had been watching them from some distance. While they walked away with a happy smile, some applauded. The couple bowed as if they´d been on stage.Her room happened to overlook the...

1 year ago
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Geeli Chut Waali Saira Ka Sabhi London Ko Pyaar Bhara Salaam

Salaam doston! Mera naam Saira hai. Main 31 years ki ek shaadi shuda ladki hoon aur teen mahine ki pregnancy hai abhi meri. Maine apni life mein bahot chudai ki hai….internet ke zariye mile logon se, crank call karne waale ladkon se, doston se, dost ke boyfriend se, jiju se, boyfriend ke doston se…..aur kai maze kiye hain….chalti gaadi mein handjob, blowjobs, anjaan gharon mein pehli baar mile ladkon ke lund ki chusai aur chut ki chudai, mukh chodan, movie theatre mein saath baithe ladke ki...

3 years ago
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butt slut part two

“Yeah, I saw her too but I didn’t want to freak you guys. I talked to her. She’s pretty cool about it. Mom’s kind of a swinger.” I could see a bulge in his pants. “She’s acting kind of weird around me an Tim today. She keeps looking at us funny and just now in the hall she kind of brushed her hand against the front of my pants and said ‘I hear it’s thick.’” “She’s just messing with your head. I told her everything about us and besides, she saw you up my butt. I told you, she’s cool...

2 years ago
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Getting The Picture

Chapter 1 Nearly five years ago, Sandy and I moved to a suburb of Atlanta near my new job in the publishing industry and we soon found a new church that we liked. Like what happens so often when you join a new church, we were soon asked to help out with the planning and production of the new Church Membership Directory. I had planned on using a professional photographer with the proviso that he or she be able to sell the prints to the members and provide a photo for the directory at no charge...

1 year ago
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Camping Trip

Kara, Amy, Tom, and Leo went on a camping trip. Kara was 19 years old long blonde hair blue eyes and about 5 4 tall. amy was the same age, but with brown curly hair blue eyes and about 5 5 tall. Tom was 20 5 9 tall dirty blonde hair and a six pack. All the girls loved tom. Leo was 5 8 short dark hair brown eyes and verry skinny. None of the girls didnt really liked leo. On the way to the cottege Kara was sitting on the right side of Tom, and Amy was sitting on the left side of TOm. Both of the...

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Emilys unexpected situation

Emily?s Unexpected SituationAuthor: whyohwhySynopsisAfter being drugged at a party Emily awakes to find herself at home with a few new accessories John was standing at the party watching Emily from a distance. This party was a birthday party for someone John didn?t really know, but like many parties in the town he had heard about it and was invited. John didn?t stand out at all from most people in his year level as high-school, he had average grades and was well known and liked and mostly flew...

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How Sweet It IsChapter 3

We went straight to our room. Rob started changing into his trunks and told me to put on one of the Wicked Weasel suits. It took a while to figure the damn thing out. It’s mostly string. This is definitely a new experience for me. I’ve never even worn a thong before! My new Weasel is a one-piece suit, though to be honest there isn’t enough material to make a good eye patch out of it. I finally figured it out and pulled it on. With Rob’s help I managed to secure it in place. The back and...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 36

Bryant and David got the Kozlov family settled at the Seaside Inn before heading in opposite directions. David and Maria were going out to an intimate dinner at the Stone Crab Resort. The teenage girls had planned an evening of miniature golf and go-kart racing. Jan and Bryant settled down at her house for a quiet evening at her house. "Did you get all the invitations out for tomorrow?" Bryant asked. "I told Linda," Jan replied. "That should be enough." Bryant laughed aloud and...

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Parisian Chaperone

Parisian Chaperone Extracts from Sarah’s diary Thursday 10 th June: Today is a red-letter day it is my seventeenth birthday. My parents have let on that my main present is to be a holiday to Paris, France. It is meant to be a mixture of learning and fun. Friday 25 th June: The arrangements for my holiday to Paris have been finalised. I am to stay with the daughter of some family friends. Her name is Lily and she is studying French Literature at the Sorbonne. She lives in a one bedroom flat so I...

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tire change law

I needed my tire switch asap i forgot about the new date being 1st of december now and not 15shit shit shitbrowsing the garage on google and after the 5th call i realized how i fuck it up no one could have me schedulekijijij was my last resort i had to get em switch i had work to attendi finally found a guy working from his house 30 min away, i finished word and drive asap to himhe was huge , at least 6.3 big belly and strong black guy shaking my hand , mine so small and smooth in his bug...

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Dominated by Sisters BF

Freshman year of college was over and I was so happy to be back home to see my family and sister. College was fun and I made so many friends but it was nice for everything to finally end and now I can relax. I realized that I needed to save up money for next year of college so I started looking for jobs and conveniently found one at a gym pretty close to my house as a yoga instructor. This was a perfect kind of job for me, not only did I already love doing yoga, but now I would be paid to do...

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AnalMom Dana Dearmond Deadbeat

Dana Dearmond is tired of her husband’s brother coming over and treating their house like it’s his. But even though she’s annoyed, she can’t deny she’s turned on when he slips his cock through the shower curtains. She thinks it’s her husband at first, but when he dips his boner in her asshole, she knows something’s off. She finds out it’s our deadbeat stud, but she doesn’t give a shit. She lets him plow her tight MILF asshole and her body spasms as he thrusts. He fingers her slit and makes her...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 14 Rocky Mountain High

October 12, 1995, Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado When the flight from Los Angeles to Denver reached altitude, I put on my noise cancelling headphones and inserted a classical CD into my portable player. I put on my neck pillow and reclined the seat. I closed my eyes and began to examin how I truly felt about being with Jasmine. Was I falling back into old patterns? And if I was, how did I put myself into the correct mental and emotional state to not do that. It seemed, as I reviewed...

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Office WorkloadChapter 10

Characters introduced in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Mysterious Person: Unknown Setting for the current chapter: Authors home: A 3 bedroom apartment where the author lives alone I threw my punch too high and the figure ducked down and dodged the punch, my punch missed and hit the door. The figure stooped low and rushed towards me, with no time to defend nor offense, I just braced for impact. A loud thud...

4 years ago
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Scarlett Roses Part Two

Scarlett was sitting there in her English class. She was marking her classmate John’s paper since they were peer reviewing that day. She couldn’t believe how bad his paper was written but it made sense. John was obviously not very bright but more worried about parties and fitness. He was quite tall and muscular, catching Scarlett’s eye despite the lack of intelligence. Since her experience with Ryan, Scarlett had been wrapped up in sexual thoughts. She often found herself looking at the bodies...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 13 He Who Knows Love

Erik awoke early the next morning feeling oddly refreshed. "Well, it seems I was finally able to sleep undisturbed for more than half of an hour! I had forgotten how that felt. It seems like it has been years ... could it really be true? Has the dream plagued me for that long?" He thought about the subject of his silent musings and then shook his head as he shrugged away that particular distraction. "Does it really matter? I have something much more important to ponder upon ... am I...

2 years ago
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The adventures of Katie

Katie sat on the grass, letting the mid afternoon sun wash over her. The park was sparsely populated with a few couples dotted around. The frequent side glances from the men in the park proved her hard work in the gym paid off. At 5'7 and 19 years of age, she had powerful but toned legs, shaped by the tight fitting yoga pants and a flat stomach resting underneath her 34C breasts hugged tightly by a sports top. Opening her green eyes, she scanned the park, pushing the strands of mousy brown hair...

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Big brothers best friend

I mean, yeah why would he be at my door when my brother left an hour ago? But something was different tonight. There was an energy between us, that hadn't been there before. He said "Hey" and smiled at me, but differently than usual. I'd known him for years, but for the first time he wasn't looking at me like I was Kevin's little sister. Of course, if I had known he would come back, I probably would be dressed differently. Once him and Kevin left the house, I went and changed. Little...

3 years ago
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Dosti ki biwi dosti kerna chahti thi

Dosto main lahore main rehta hon aur aik firm main kam krta hon. Yahan sirf main aur meri biwi rehte hain baqi family pindi rehti hai. Sex stories parh ker main ne soch main b apne adventures ap se share kron. Mujhe larkeyon ke ass cheeks bahut pasand hain aur un ko chatna. Agar kisi dost ko meri story pasand aye tu plz mail me to Aarshad mera dost hai jis ka medical store hai. Us ki biwi ka naam noreen hai. Un ke do bache hain. Hamara aik dosre ke haan kafi ana jana hai. Us ke biwi ki height...

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The Power of the ChurchChapter 3

The chance to secure the services of John's mother, Joan, never happened all week so reverend James Deacons concentrated on the other boy who had seen Peggy's tits; as luck would have it the chance to speak to him came rather unexpectedly as he turned up at the church to try to join the choir. Reverend Deacons took him into the vestry and asked him out right; "Do you know Peggy Jones?" and having been told he did; Garth Lukes asked his own question, "Why do you ask, father?" "I am...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 4

Sue and I spent every day together and I even had to suffer a couple of days of celibacy when she had her menstruation. She was very generous with her panties during these days though, so I survived it without any wet dreams or blue balls. She even masturbated me a couple of times and she loved watching my spurting cock. The days passed quickly and soon it was time for Jennifer to come back home. She called as soon as she was back and we made a date for the next day to go to the pool. Of...

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