Incestia [1] free porn video

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Necessary? Yes. But also illegal.

And yet, it continued. Slowly. Lewdly. The man moved in obscene cadence, pushing in and pulling back, his erect tool slow-plowing like a tiller before seed. His back arched and his loins swiveled as guttural moans emanated in his depths.

Criminal. Criminal copulation.

And, there were witnesses. Four of them.

Two young girls sat close. They watched. Two weeks before, they would have fled such an idea, but things had changed and so had their understanding.

They were not ordinary girls.

These were the man’s own daughters.

Two other witnesses were Avan Volka, the man’s brother, and Xia Zan, a roundish Asian woman who toted a leather bag. They were acquaintances who lived apart in the nearby nation of Incestia.

The daughters were pretty with petite features, aqua eyes, golden hair that wisped past their shoulders, and virtues of untouched innocence. While few would have believed that Verity and Cambria would ever watch their father engage in a sex act, none would have believed they had become part of it.

Under Uncle Avan’s direction, the two had seduced their father with “strong drink”, a mixture of alcohol and passion berry. They had dressed themselves provocatively and with exotic perfumes and the promise of a prostitute---a mouth-whore---their father had followed them to his bed.

With dancing streams of moonlight and shadowed bedding, they watched and smiled while their father was breaking two of the most strident laws in the nation of Kassan---incest and sodomy; sodomy because the nation of Kassan was the only one in the region that treated penetration of the mouth under that ancient definition.

Illegal? Yes. But also necessary.

In secrecy and darkness, Yuri Volka was enjoying the passions of the mouth-whore yet under the influence of that strong drink, he was unaware of one thing: the mouth-whore he was defiling was his own son, Caci.

The boy was the youngest of the three children. He had an appearance much like his sisters and was nearly as effeminate. He had been willing right from the start, willing to lay side-by-side with is father and receive his father into the depths of his throat, a throat that had been prepared for just that.

Avan had worked with Caci to take it deep although he had not used his own cock since that would have betrayed his brother’s trust. Instead, he had used a dildo and he was pleased to see that it had worked well.

He had told his nieces that it would not be difficult for them to seduce their father because Yuri had not been himself for months and had not been with a woman for just as long, not since their mother had left amid a growing chaos.

And indeed, the seduction hadn’t been difficult. Yuri’s fall from cognition had been fast. His ongoing stupor was fueled by alcohol for what lay behind and fanned by the dread of what was yet to come. In his weakened state, he had obediently followed his temptress daughters to a bedchamber of iniquity.

Verity leaned toward her father. “Do it, daddy. Fuck her!” she said while seeming mildly shocked at her first use of a four-letter word. “She’s a prostitute, daddy, and she’s here for you!”

Yuri was moaning more now as his hard cock burrowed deeper and pulled back before pushing back in with a pace that was slowly building.


Unaware that he was fucking the mouth of his own son.

Cambria was silent. It wasn’t fair! She should have been the one to lay with their father and receive their father’s seed. She was the one who should replace their departed mother and satisfy their father’s sexual needs and even bear his child. Yet, Caci was laying with him instead of her!

She had pleaded with Uncle Avan beforehand but he had staunchly declined and said, “We don’t have time for that! If we don’t get this done soon, the lot of you will find yourselves in the sex markets of Talamira.”

Verity whispered again, “Do it daddy! And, you MUST ejaculate inside of her. You must!”

For quite some time, no one spoke as they watched the incestuous coupling. Yuri’s slow and animalistic undulations began to move with greater urgency. His pace increased a little and then a little more. His moans became more commonplace while his son’s eyes were closed in fervent rapture.

The girls were startled when they saw their father’s hands grasp Caci’s head more firmly and they hoped their father would not figure things out. They looked to Uncle Avan and he calmed them by shaking his head in silent assurance that Yuri was oblivious.

The man was fucking now. Yes, fucking. Like a man desperate for release, Yuri clung to the mouth-whore and pistoned his erection deep and fast until...yes! Yes! His body was convulsing and trembling and he...he was ejaculating! He was ejaculating deep inside his son’s throat in an orgasm that lasted for nearly ten full seconds.

And Caci lay still and received it all.

In time, Uncle Avan pried the boy from Yuri’s grip and Xia was quick to her task. She pushed a tube into the boy’s throat and let loose of a suction ball at the top. The others watched as thick, white sperm was drawn from the boy’s throat, up into the tube, then emptied into a sealed container.

Yuri was already sleeping as they left his room.

Verity danced in silent glee as Avan asked Xia, “When will we know?”

Xia responded, “It sometimes take days and there are no guarantees. And, one is not enough.”

“Yes. I know,” Avan replied. “That’s why you must be here the next five nights, Xia. Promise me!”

She promised, then departed for Incestia.

Avan didn’t return to Incestia immediately because Verity was worried.

“What if...What if we’re missing something?” she asked. “What if we do all of this and the officials say it isn’t enough or they say it’s not real or it doesn’t count because Caci is a boy or it was only in a mouth instead of...well, instead of...?”

“Sit down and I’ll read something to you,” Avan replied. “I got this from friends in high places in Incestia. This is a copy of the actual law that applies to us”

“‘Clause 9d: Fathers penetrating sons - oral:

In the matter of fathers engaged with oral sons, emergency refugee status shall be granted if:

a) the family seeking refuge is in immediate peril, and,

b) there is valid evidence of incest in which a father has penetrated, copulated in, and ejaculated in the mouth or throat of his natural son, and,

c) the father’s semen has been ingested by the son, and,

d) such oral copulation has occurred at least three times with each act taking place on a separate day within a recent three-week period, and,

e) there is corroborating forensic evidence and accredited eye-witness testimony.’”

Avan knew he could prove the family was in peril, but until he had three certified sperm samples from Caci’s throat and signed statements from Xia as witness, he would never prove they were a family of incest. And, it had to be done soon because Yuri’s trial was coming in less than two weeks and it seemed the grand tribunal was already leaning toward his guilt.

There had been one hurdle for Avan to overcome in the plan of seduction.

His nieces could not be the ones to lay with their own father. They were pure and beautiful girls and once they were in Incestia, their value would be immense! If his brother ever emerged from his months-long stupor, how would he ever explain that he had squandered their great value? Despite Cambria’s pleas, that could never happen! Instead, it had to be the boy.

Avan thought of Caci as peculiar, a boy who didn’t talk much and seldom expressed emotion. But, if Avan would have had a million bucks, he would have bet the boy would agree to being mouthfucked by his own father because, if his instincts were correct, the boy was a cocksucker-in-waiting.

So yes, Avan would help the family and he would also see to it that he helped himself. Once they were in Incestia, he would see to it that young Cambria got her wish and she got good and fucked by her father and once that happened, the plan for his own pleasure would be well on its way.

Before he departed, he warned the girls, “Kassanians hate incest and they hate queer things and we’re doing both. If they find out about it, they won’t wait for your dad’s trial so we must keep all of this secret. What we are doing is reviled in Kassan, but once we are across the border to Incestia, you will be welcomed because in Incestia, incest is celebrated.”

For the next five nights, Yuri’s daughters plied their father with strong drink and lured him to his bedroom and the man had sex in the mouth of the “prostitute” and each time, he buried his bone deep in his own son and he ejaculated deep in his son’s throat.

By then, Xia had six samples and soon thereafter, she announced that four of them were valid and within hours, Avan announced the family had an appointment with the Incestia Court of Immigration early Thursday morning.

Verity jumped for joy and hugged her uncle. “We were so close to terrible things Uncle Avan! Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us!”

“We will leave tomorrow and stay in a hospice near the border,” he said. “We’ll cross over to the courthouse first thing Thursday morning. Pack only what you can carry but make sure you have pretty dresses to wear in court.”

As the sun rose on Thursday and they prepared to leave for the courthouse, Cambria was upset because her father was not going with them.

Avan explained, “He is in no condition to be in court. The attendants here at the hospice will take care of him til we get back. He’ll be fine.”

He found it amusing that for the family to escape Yuri’s prosecution under one Kassanian law, it had to break two others. Yet had those things occurred in Incestia, none of it would have mattered because in Incestia, the standard was: “Everything that is agreeable is also legal.”

The courthouse boasted huge columns on the outside with an interior of rich woods, brass railings, wall coverings of rose-colored velvet, and a mammoth judge’s bureau that was elevated about five feet above the courtroom floor.

There were a few people scattered in the audience section while a court recorder and bailiff sat near the judge’s bureau. The Volka family was ushered to the front where they joined Xia who was already seated.

“ALL RISE,” came the commanding voice of the bailiff.

An older, robust man in a long robe entered and the bailiff announced, “The honorable Judge Ciro T. Nikolai.” Once the judge sat, the bailiff continued, “This court is in session. You may be seated.”

The recorder addressed Xia and the Volkas and swore the group to truthful testimonies.

Judge Nikolai read aloud the case before him, then announced, “This court will stipulate that Yuri Volka is incapacitated and will be represented by his brother Avan Volka. The court will also stipulate that semen samples provided by Miss Xia Zan are those of Yuri Volka, taken on the dates and in the manner that have been stated.”

Avan and the girls smiled.

“Now Miss Zan, let me ask you some questions. Your signed affidavit says that on multiple occasions---six to be exact---you witnessed Yuri Volka and his son---let’s see, that would be Caci---engaging in a sexual act in which Yuri Volka penetrated the mouth of his son. Is that true?”

“Yes, Your Honor. And, it was full penetration.”

“By ‘full penetration’ I suppose you mean all the way into the boy’s throat.”

“Yes, Your Honor.”

“Would you say what you witnessed would be an act of copulation? By that I mean, a man moving in a sexual manner with an apparent goal of achieving orgasm?”

“Very much, Your Honor. That is exactly what I saw.”

“And, how long did these sex acts usually last?”

“Twenty minutes; sometimes thirty.”

“And, did you also witness with your own eyes the completion of those sex acts? Did Yuri Volka achieve orgasm in the mouth of his own son?”

“Yes, Your Honor, although it was actually in the boy’s throat.”

“So it’s your testimony that you actually saw Yuri Volka inseminate his own son.”

“Yes, Your Honor.”

“Miss Zan, it is imperative that we be clear. Did you only witness the act of irrumatio, or mouthfucking as we call it, or did you actually see Yuri Volka inseminate the mouth and/or throat of his son?”

“I actually saw it, Your Honor. On six occasions. That is how I drew the sperm samples.”

“It seems odd to me that you were even there. Can you explain why a stranger to the family would be in such a situation?”

“Oh yes, Your Honor. Because of the laws and harsh penalties in Kassan, there was no way the family could trust any Kassanian to witness their acts of incest. They needed someone from outside of Kassan and Avan asked me and I said I would. They also needed certified sperm samples.”

“I see. Very well, Miss Zan. You may be seated. Avan Volka, it says here that you also witnessed these events. Is that true?”

“It is, Your Honor.”

“Would you say it is commonplace in Kassan for an uncle to watch his brother copulate in the mouth of his own son?”

“I...I don’t think so but my brother is incapacitated and they needed my help as a witness.”

“I see. And, is your testimony also that you witnessed your brother engaging in sex acts with his son and that it included the thrusting of his penis in the boy’s mouth?”

“Yes, Your Honor.”

“How many times did you witness that?”

“Six, Your Honor.”

“And is it also your testimony that you actually saw your brother inseminate Caci. Did you actually see that?”

“Yes, Your Honor, all six times.”

“How well do you know Caci Volka?”

“Very well. I’ve known him his whole life.”

“So, do you think you would be a good judge of the boy’s demeanor in different situations?”


“Did you see any evidence that the boy was in any disagreement to having is mouth used that way by his father?”

“Not at all. I’ve long suspected Caci was interested in doing it and---”

“Doing what?” the judge Ciro interrupted. “Sucking cock?”

“Yes, Your Honor.”

“Well, we’ll find out how agreeable he was in a few minutes and his answers better match yours.”

The judge seemed to study some papers, then continued. “Since I have the testimony of two witnesses and since this family has been through quite an ordeal, I will not require that the girls testify at this time. However, the matter of willingness has not be settled and the law requires that I question the boy.”

“Your Honor,” Avan intervened, “Caci is a bit different. He doesn’t talk much.”

“Can he manage one-word responses?” the judge challenged.

“I...I suppose.”

“You suppose!?! Mr. Volka, if the boy cannot manage even a one-word response then how is it that you can tell this court that he agreed to having sex with his father?”

“I mean...I just---”

“Sit down, Mr. Volka.” Judge Ciro Nikolai’s head turned side-to-side as he scoffed, “Can’t give a one word response...!”

He continued, “Now Caci, I’m going to ask you questions and you must answer truthfully. You must answer with words and not just shaking your head. Do you understand?”

The boy nodded.

“Dammit!” the judge hissed. “Answer yes or no! Do you understand?”


“Now Caci, I have two witnesses that claim you engaged in a sexual act with your own father. Did you?”


“And the testimony before me states that your father put his penis into your mouth. Is that true?”


“And did you let your father do that? Were you willing to have your father’s penis in your mouth?”


“And did your father move in a manner that we often call ‘mouthfucking’?


“And, were you willing to let your father do that?”


“Besides being willing, did you want your father to fuck your mouth?”


The judge stared at the boy and adjusted his position.

“I have semen samples and the testimony of others that say in the past week, your father ejaculated in your mouth or throat. Is that true?”


“In the past week, how many times has your father ejaculated in you?”


“And you were willing to let him do that each and every time?”


“You said earlier that you wanted him to fuck your mouth. Did you also want him to cum in your mouth?”


“For the record, let’s make this clear. In the past week, you willingly let your father fuck your mouth and you willingly let your father ejaculate in you.”


Judge Nikolai told Caci to be seated while he whispered to the court recorder.

Eventually, he spoke.

“The evidence and the testimony seem compatible, but I am not able to render a decision at this moment. I must see Mr. Avan Volka and the boy in my chambers in ten minutes. Court is recessed until 11am.”

The bailiff called the court to stand while the judge left through the same door he had entered.

Verity panicked. Avan assured her that there was no reason for concern and it was all just part of the process.

He hoped that was true.

The bailiff’s eyes had an ominous glint as he led Avan and Caci through a back hallway to the judge’s chamber. As they reached the chamber, the bailiff leaned toward them and said, “You all be nice to the judge ‘n’ he all be nice to you.”

With a wink, he opened the door and ushered them in.

[Part 2 follows]


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100% fiction! "hey man u coming over today to chill" "yeah man im on the bus now" i got off the phone to my mate i was heading to his place for the day when i got off i smiled and walked off to his house he didnt live far from the stop so when i got to his house i knocked waited and his mum answered wow she is the most hottest nice big tits probally DD she has the nice bad her husband left her once all three boys were born she hates him alot so thats why shes single "hey cassie" "heeey drake...

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The After Time Pt 01

Prefix Early in the century around 2015 the world as we knew it was changing. The earth had shifted about 3 degrees on its axis the ozone layer had gaps at the poles pollution was at record high levels. The have-not countries became the have countries. The west coast of the USA became a drought area San Diego was the first but in the following years it moved up as far as Washington State. No crops could grow the wheat belt was seriously reduced. The states could no longer feed its people...

1 year ago
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Savita Getting Trapped

Hi Smita this is Savita just mailing what happened to me so you can understand what happens to a women when is taken in to a different world. I married Manohar who was small time worker in MIDC Pune and we come from a very poor family. I never used to wear bra too even after my wedding so my breasts are smooth and big after I had my first daughter. But that doesn’t mean I am so beautiful. I am 5.4 brownish complex and normal looking girl. The second stuff is that I too worked in a net café as...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 93 That Name is Usui

(The guard outside Shishio's headquarters is seized, his throat swiftly cut. A blindfolded figure walks down the path inside.) Chou: A man who could kill fifty picked men in one night. There are two men like that in the Ten Swords. Sanosuke: Two... that's not that many. Chou: If he did it in one night, that probably means it took him one or two hours. I could have done it without a time limit. Sanosuke: Or it's possible that all the Ten Swords were behind it. How about that? You're...

2 years ago
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Part 4 ndash College Days and Working for a Livi

My wife told me that she decided to get married so she could leave the small town she was from and the reputation she had cultivated. So she married a guy a few years old than she was and who had a sport scholarship to a small college not far from her home town here in Texas. She moved off to college. She hoped that being married meant that she could get all the sex she needed to control the itch she had developed after learning how much she liked sex. She was disappointed. It was good for...

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Fantasy Realized

I was reading my email when I got an email that really got my interest. It read as follows: "Dear Masterhypnotist, I have really enjoyed your stories. I have a problem that I would like your help with. I have always had a fantasy of being raped and murdered. I have had many orgasms masturbating to that fantasy. Lately I have found the fantasy is not enough. Could you hypnotize me and have me live through my fantasy. I want to feel like I was raped, strangled and died. I also want to be...

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The Gift Book IIChapter 4

I made the trip back to New York City by train. I spent a few days there looking around, taking in the atmosphere of 1892 in NYC. I decided to go see a show. I went to see one, but was a little disappointed. I guess it was because from my vantage point of a little more than a hundred years in the future, it seemed a bit antiquated and unsophisticated. Still, I did enjoy the experience, over all. I did use my special abilities to move forward through time, then use modern transport to move...

2 years ago
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Area Wali Bhabhi Ki Sex Journey

Hello ISS Readers me Rocky from Mumbai ek nae story jo mere area ki bhabhi ki hai. Koe bhi girls aunt ya bhabhi mujhse sex karna chahti hai to mujhse mail kare Ye story Rupali bhabhi (name change) ki hai jo mere area me hi rehti hai. Nam isliye change Kiya qki mere friends bhi yaha stories padte hai aur unko jante hai. Wo kisi ko apne bare me nae batana chahti siwaye mere. So story continues. Rupali bahot hi sweet cute short heighted big boons pure white bhabhi ki hai jo mere ghar se 15 min k...

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MyPervyFamily Sierra Nicole I Know You Stole My Panties Step Bro

My younger sister loves to start trouble in our family. Even when we were growing up, she was constantly causing drama by making up stories. I don’t know how she got away with most of the things she did!. She even through a party when our parents were out of town and blamed the whole thing on me!! Of course, since she’s the youngest, their vision is skewed by her innocent face. But I know the truth about our perfect little angel.. A couple buddies of mine mentioned they saw my...

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A website such as this one surely can't be that fun, or can it? One of these days, I'm just going to get fed up with boring pages such as this one since they bring literally nothing to the table. The porn industry needs to step their game up because. Honestly, people simply want more and more. Sure, I'm not gonna ask for some revolutionary shit, like virtual reality porn that you can feel and smell (even though people are probably making something like that at this very moment) but you know,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Taming the Wifes Best Friend

Angie and Deb had been friends for a very long time, some twenty years or so. Angie used to tell everyone how dominant she was in bed and Reg (her old man) was a bit of a wimp in bed. as with all friend/couples we tended to share a lot. We would often go out over the weekend or have a BBQ in our garden, it was over one of these BBQ that with all the drink flowing that Angie really started to flirt with me. Now I am a big guy 6.4" 250pounds, Angie although not huge is still a size 14/16. We were...

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Reddit GoneWild30Plus, aka r/GoneWild30Plus! If you know anything about my horny ass, you know that I get off to bitches of all walks of life. Fuck yeah, I’m like most horny bastards that get off to college teens showing off their pussies for the old perverts to get off to, and for sure, I enjoy getting off and getting off Asian sluts (see what I did there); few things make me harder.And that includes the kinds of horny bitches that are 30+ you can find on Yeah, teens...

Reddit NSFW List
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A Road Not Chosen

The life and adventures of Margaret Stewart. This is a story based on a real person and facts about her life. I've embellished, dramatized, and taken literary license to make it more entertaining than a dry biography. I've found the facts in this story and what this woman accomplished amazing. She showed courage that many of us would be hard pressed to duplicate. Captain Reginald Collingsworth Smyth sat at the desk in his home office in Devonshire, England. It was early spring in 1894...

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SpaceChapter 31

I wanted her to see me as a man in uniform taking her. The sex and the visual aids I hoped would get her to adjust quicker to her new reality. At my unspoken command the ship started to climb once more and the cargo net became down. I climbed over the woman's body and was then able to put my cock into her mouth. She sucked a little and stopped. In her mind I said, "Suck my cock. You belong to me and I intend to use you." Connie sucked mechanically until I came in her mouth then I pulled...

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Hairys Story

The first memory I have is of seeing Haleen's loving smile looking down at me. I was probably 5 or 6 years old, (as near as we can reckon), but in the fur lined, small woven basket she found me in, I appeared as but a new born to her. According to Haleen, she was wondering through the forest, deep in contemplation, when she found herself standing beside a stream she had never encountered before. Thinking that she must have strayed from her usual path, she was preparing to retrace her steps,...

2 years ago
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Marg with father and son

I have found that my mature wife is getting bolder the older she gets. She is more willing to talk about fantasies and much more willing to act on them. A few days ago we had overnight visitors. An old friend was driving through town taking his son to a nearby university so we invited them to stay. I had noticed that both of them checked out Marg’s tits and that she had left a couple buttons undone to show a little cleavage. This is something she is doing more often and something that I am...

4 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 17 Conversation With a Cop

Gryllos had thought the night that the Gamelin came to tell him that he was to command the Heavy Weapons Company was the most exciting moment of his life, but this day was the same thing over again, only ten fold more than the other. He'd been having lunch with his officers when a messenger handed him written orders. "I'm sorry, sir, you have to read them quickly, then I'm to take them on to the next commander," Gryllos had been told. He read the two short paragraphs, and then reread...

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Punishment Is Sweet Part 1

Pulling me onto my feet, he brought me closer. The faint smell of cigarettes lingered on his clothing, but as I drew close, I could smell his cologne, making me wonder if he put it on right before I arrived.I moaned softly. I was so tired that I knew my brain wouldn't be capable of making the thirty-minute drive home in the dark without driving into a ditch."You look tired," Seth stated, matter-of-fact. I cast him a side-long glance. "What makes you think that?" I asked, my voice laced with...

1 year ago
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Jenns University Experiences

Chapter 1Jenn was sweating as she hauled her possessions towards the residence hall at Michigan State.  ‘Damn this late summer heat wave,’ she muttered to herself as she adjusted the heavy bag on her shoulder.  It wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t just spent 4 hours in an old rattling truck with no air conditioning.  Dad really needed to invest in a new one, especially as the farm was doing so well in recent years.  The large grey concrete residence hall loomed before her, reminding her...

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Dream Five

ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone call and...

First Time
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JulesJordan Mila Monet 18 Year Old Big Booty And Thick Mila Monet Makes Her Debut

18-Year-Old Internet Star Mila Monet gets her porn initiation from Jules! Mila’s a spunky bubble butt beauty that’s made a huge name for herself online fucking her boyfriend and some of her girlfriends, but she’s ready to be BIG time and so off her cock-handling skills. She’s wearing a fuzzy white sweater and a black miniskirt and high heels as Jules examines her monstrous curves. Mila lifts up her sweater to show off her perky pierced nipples before making her way over to the umbrella pole so...

4 years ago
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Realising a Dream

Many years ago, my now ex wife and I adopted the swinging lifestyle by joining a swapper's club. This was great fun and eroticism and actually strengthened our marriage, we divorced because we fell out of love and I suppose realistically began to get on each other's nerves, although we were married for 19 years. My wife, Karen, was five six tall, 196 lbs with 38C breasts raven haired and at the time was 25 years old. I was 24 years old and six one and a half tall, medium build 175 lbs with...

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Virgin Girl In A Train 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, I’m Rahul from Kerala. This happened on a train journey from Ernakulam to Delhi. I’m working in Bangalore and happened to go to Delhi from Cochin after Easter. Since this journey was planned in such short notice, I couldn’t get any cheap flights. The only option available was in a Second AC Rajadhani train. I decided to book the same considering I’ll get some spare time to take rest. The day of the trip came and I was lucky to get a side lower seat. The train was on time. It was...

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Servicing the Latino Repairmen Part Two Cuckolded

You might want to read Part One of this story to get a better idea of the characters and context of the story, but I will give a brief synopsis here.My name is Ed, and I was forty-seven years old at the time of this story when we were living in Atlanta. My wife Joan was forty-five, and although we previously had an active sex life, in the last couple of years she had lost interest in sex. I didn’t really know why, but I do have a small dick, and that might have contributed to her lack of...

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The Bridge to NowhereChapter 2

*Recommend reading chapter one before this chapter because of the extended family characters. After the visits to the government offices, I had a nice bankroll in my purse. There was more than enough to see the family through the next month and I thought there was enough to buy some clothes for the twins who were God-awful hard on their clothing. I resented the fact that Jessica had already taken her share and spent it on French undies for showing off her tits and ass to Daddy Ethan. "Why...

2 years ago
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20 Years Of Infidelity Chapter Six

(((((Another chapter re-written.))))) After eating, Jason and I returned to our condo but I stopped him from entering. Instead, I handed him my key and a handfull of money. We needed supplies for a long hike and a longer day at an isolated beach tomorrow. I was wiped out from our flight so I gave him the list I'd started while on the planes and, with a kiss to send him on his way, left it to him to get us those things we'd need while I went in to sleep. Wednesday.........It was dark when I woke...

1 year ago
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CollegeSugarBabes Darcy Tyler 26500 Remastered

Darcy is striving to be a writer. But the only way she can reach that goal is if she’s constantly reading, writing and studying in school. Darcy can’t do that if she has to continually work to pay rent and bills. That’s why she’s got a sugar daddy. He’s a best-selling novelist who can afford to pay Darcy to be his muse. She does whatever he asks, when he has time. He said that he couldn’t get her published in return, but that he could give her a substantial...

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Maid with Benefits Part 1

I was married for a couple of years about 20 years ago, but I have been single for most of my life with no children (although there have been some close calls). I have been prudently saving for my retirement but my fortunes changed when one of my uncles passed away recently. He left me one of his homes – he owned several rental properties – and some money. It was like winning the lottery. When I combined that with my own savings, I suddenly realized that I could comfortably retire...

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Love can be a bitch sometimes

Nancy was a first time since she had been with Charly, How good it felt!She was as happy as she had ever been and it was probably as happy as she would ever be. She pulled her tit from Charley's mouth and said."Yet's go to your mothers house and show her the baby."Charly stopped sucking and drove into the sunset.

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His Maestro

The heels of Carl’s Cole-Hahn shoes clicked with a surprising resonance off the walkway as he approached the front porch steps of this house he had not visited in 25 years. The city’s elite and powerful had long since migrated to country estates and inner-city lofts leaving the neighborhood to the upper middle class and those who had planned their retirements well. While a good number of the expansive homes showed the neglect that often accompanies the absence of full-time gardeners and...

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My new life with Lee chapter 2

“I think the first thing you need to do for me is to fix this bed”Lee said as it squeaked when she laid down on it. Every move we seemed to make made us giggle as we tried to be quiet. Knowing Emily was in the room next door Lee whispered that she would hate to tease her since she has no man in her life. Finally after no result of being quiet in the bed I saw the chair beside the bed and moved to sitting on it. Lee got the idea and moved to sitting facing me “smart move” she whispered as...

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