Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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For weeks everyone had been talking about it, discussing what they were going to wear, who they were going with and what they wanted to do. But for me, it was something else.
I'd been going to more casual swingers or sex clubs for several years, but this was a step up--a massive BDSM party with hundreds upon hundreds of attendees. A strict dress code was enforced; even if you had a ticket, if your outfit wasn't up to par then there was no way inside.
As soon as I had decided to go I started planning my clothing, what to wear and where to get it. I was going to look good and make sure I got in.
Finally, Friday came, I pulled on my latex outfit and headed off to meet a few friends who were also going. We met for a drink first at a nearby pub and I was disappointed not to see one particular friend.
Once 11 pm struck we headed to the venue, joining the line of fantastically dressed kinksters waiting to get inside. Approaching the fashion police my nerves set in, hoping they'd let us through. My fears were misguided and everyone was allowed admittance.
Walking in, we entered a perverted wonderland. Loud music blared from each of the five music rooms and the lighting ranged from atmospherically low to wild strobing. But more interestingly, there was more flesh on display than on most Mediterranean beaches.
Our party spread out, dissipating into the heaving crowd and I began to feel lost, almost overwhelmed by everything going on. I was amazed to see people of all ages, from eighteen to well over sixty, all getting their kink on.
Then, across the floor, I spotted Mandy and my excitement rose. It had been a few weeks since we’d last seen each other and a couple of months since she’d taken my anal virginity.
She looked as stunning as ever. Her tight black shiny latex dress hugged her toned figure and finished just an inch or so below the curve of her hard ass. The thin spaghetti straps showed off her smooth shoulders. A sheer expanse of her tanned thighs led to a cute pair of baby-pink latex stockings finished with impossibly tall heels. Completing her sexy look were a pair of slick black latex gloves that ended mid-bicep.
Approaching her from behind I caught a glimpse of her gorgeous pussy as she leant ever-so-slightly forward. She was going commando, what a delight!
While she was holding court with a table of male hangers-on I casually walked up and cupped her cheek, brushing my hand against her lips as I did.
She spun around, only grinning once she realised it was me. “You cheeky bastard,” she said with mock indignation and embraced me tightly. The feel of her firm tits against my chest was incredible. Glancing down I saw that the support offered by her half-cup dress made them look twice their actual size.
“Great outfit!” she said. “Is it new? I don’t remember it from before.”
Secretly I was delighted that she had noticed and surprised that she remembered what I had worn three months earlier. I replied, “Yes, thanks. I took your advice and headed to Liberation.”
“Give us a twirl then!” she urged.
Slowly I turned around, showing off my new all latex outfit. If I’m honest, I was delighted with how I looked. My tight black trousers hugged my legs, showing off what I felt was my best asset, my butt. A looser metallic-grey shirt matched nicely and the red tie brought everything together.
“Very nice,” she whistled, giving me a slight slap on the bum as I turned. “It really suits you.”
As she tucked her gloved hand through my arm, she added: “Let’s grab a drink.”
To the disappointment of her all-male court, we sauntered away to one of the bars. We openly admired the outfits all around us, even if we were taken aback by some of the more extreme dynamics on display.
Everything was on view, from the standard collared and chained slaves; 'babies' in diapers; girls wearing animal-tail butt plugs and crawling on all fours, and people wearing only thongs.
It was a full-on assault on the senses: women danced in cages, people of both sexes were being spanked, men licked boots and much, much more. It was as beautiful as it was erotic.
When we finally got our drinks Mandy pointed to some free chairs. As soon as we sat down a ripped man in tight latex shorts and nothing else appeared.
“Care to rest your feet?’ he asked.
Clearly not unused to this sort of attention, Mandy simply lifted her crossed legs up, careful not to flash her cunt to him. As he knelt on all fours she rested her feet on his back and promptly ignored him.
Turning to me once more, she asked: “So any big dates recently?”
I confided that I hadn’t really been on any. The occasional first date that I couldn’t wait to escape from, but nothing interesting.
“You’ve always got me, babe,” she smiled back.
We stayed and chatted for what must have been an hour or more. Every few minutes or so a random person would turn up and beg to suck Mandy’s toes, rub her back or do anything else she wanted. Each one she turned away with a soft smile.
I finally understood how annoying it can be to be as hot as Mandy and how lucky I am that we got on so well. She must have been hit on by thirty guys and at least a dozen girls, most of whom were better looking than me.
“We should check out some of the playrooms,” she suggested, pushing her footstool away. To give the man credit, he had knelt silently for more than an hour supporting Mandy’s feet with no reward.
Together we fought our way across a dance floor and down the stairs to the infamous Dungeon. Unlike many events, this one had separate rooms dedicated to couples, men or ladies only, pain, medical play and one for watersports.
“Let’s check out some pain,” she urged excitedly. So that’s where we began.
Entering the dark room we were greeted by the thwack of paddles, the crack of whips and a cacophony of howls, grunts, moans and cries. The air was redolent with a heady mix of lube, cum and the musky aroma of wet pussy.
“God I love that smell,” Mandy said, inhaling deeply, “it gets me so hot.” She was right, it was intoxicating.
As we walked around, we passed people in the throes of ecstasy as their play partners inflicted levels of pain I’d never seen before. There were girls bound tightly while needles were pushed through their nipples; whips drawing blood, and many asses riddled with the telltale welts of canes. With each scene, we witnessed our arousal growing.
Taking my hand, Mandy said, “Come with me.” Together we left the Pain Room and the sounds of impacts gradually subsided.
“That was incredible, I’ve never seen some of that before,” she confided, “but it was fucking hot!”
I agreed but told her I didn’t think I could take half of what we had just seen.
“You took much more the last time we were together,” she smirked. “I was so proud of you,” she added, grabbing my arm tightly.
Together we headed towards the Couples Room for something a little more relaxed. If the smell of sex was strong in the Pain Room, then here it was nearly overpowering. The air felt thick enough to cut and the sounds of pleasure filled our ears.
People of all shapes and sizes were fucking in every imaginable way. Some just as couples, others in larger groups, and most scenes were surrounded by a crowd of, mainly, men masturbating.
Giggling, Mandy leant in and whispered, “There’s a lot of cock in here! Have you seen that one?” nodding her head towards the largest penis I have ever seen. I didn’t measure it, but it must have been over twelve inches and wouldn’t have looked out of place on a donkey. The owner was furiously stroking it as he watched a couple deep into an anal session.
“You like a big dick, don’t you, Mandy?” I joked.
“Not that big!” she exclaimed. “It would never fit and I bet it fucking hurts. I like mine more manageable,” she added, reaching for my crotch and giving it a light squeeze.
“So, if you were going to play with someone, what would your scene be?” I asked innocuously enough, or at least I thought so.
“Are you asking to fuck me?” she bluntly replied as she turned to face me.
Her pouting pink lips were now just inches from mine; with her heels on she was actually taller than I. It was only at this moment that I realised her lipstick matched her stockings - what a beautiful touch, I thought to myself.
“Not at all,” I lied, “I’m just interested to know what really turns you on.”
“You know perfectly well what I like. How long was it until you could sit down again after the last time?” she teased, arching one perfectly shaped eyebrow as she spoke.
Of course, she was right, I knew at least some of the things that flicked her switches. I’d experienced that firsthand, at the mercy of her strap-on. She was also correct that it had been several days until my anus stopped aching. But the pain had been a sweet agony - a reminder of great pleasure.
“But if you really want to know, then that Pain Room has got my juices following. I feel like punishing someone,” she smiled, “what about you? What would your scene be?”
Without hesitation, I replied: “Now I’ve been getting into anal play, I’d love someone to milk me.”
“Reaaally,” she added, a glint appearing in her gorgeous blue eyes. Her latex glove reached for my cheek and held my face tenderly. “Maybe we could work something out,” she said wickedly, as she dragged her hand down to my balls.
With one simple look and a few words, she had me. I knew that very soon I’d find out just what Mandy meant by “punishing someone”. Suddenly doubts flooded my mind; had I made a mistake? Just what did she have in mind?
We headed back to the Pain Room and waited patiently for a bench to become available. Mandy now cuddled up to me with her arm around my waist and her head on my shoulder.
“You know I’m not going to be gentle, right?” she asked sincerely.
“I know, but you’ll be safe, I trust you,” I replied confidently, as Mandy pulled me closer.
Before an area was available we talked earnestly about safety and agreed that we'd used the standard traffic light signal system plus a safe word.
Now I was excited and ready to go. Soon a couple left, an attendant came by to wipe all the equipment down and a new rack of toys was set up just for us.
Mandy took me by the hand and led me into our own play area. Embracing me closely, she grabbed the back of my head and pulled my lips to hers. As her tongue caressed the inside of my mouth her other hand pulled my ass toward her, our hips pressing hard together.
Separating, she smiled at me and said: “I think it’s time for you to get undressed, I don’t want to damage your new clothes.”
Obligingly, I peeled off my clothes until I was totally naked, my ass and already stiff dick now on display for the growing crowd to see. It had escaped my mind that with Mandy involved we were bound to attract attention.
Grabbing me by the balls, Mandy dragged me to the bench.
“Now bend over,” she instructed forcibly.
As my knees met the lower area, she strapped me down. Slowly her hand dragged across my butt and onto my back, pushing me down onto the table. Reaching for my arms she bound my wrists together beneath the equipment.
Lying there I felt completely exposed. My legs were parted, my ass in full sight of the wanking crowd and my shaved balls hanging down. Mandy circled me, caressing me softly as she did. Her gloved hands smoothly stroked me all over.
“Good boy,” she muttered almost under her breath, continuing to explore my prostrate body.
Leaning over me, her body weight pressed me down. Her fingers began sliding down my thighs and then back up to my balls and cock. Each touch sent shivers of excitement raging through my body.
Walking back to my head, Mandy stopped right in front of me and slowly removed her gloves. “I want to feel you for this,” she said with a hint of evil in her voice.
The smooth skin on her hands electrified my senses as she brushed lightly across my eager flesh. Back she walked out of my sight, her hands telling me she was heading to my ass.
Firmly but lovingly she massaged my cheeks, her warm touch feeling more awesome with each squeeze. Suddenly and without warning her hand came crashing down onto my bottom, firing an initial warning of what was to come. Instantly she soothed the area, caressing with care.
Then the other cheek received its opening salvo as her palm smacked loudly into it. Smack, smack, smack she went, alternating from one side to the other.
“Ohh, ahh,” I moaned with each impact.
After every four hits, she stopped to tend to me.
“Oh, this is fun,” she chuckled, “you’re already turning very pink.” Then her voice changed to concern. “How are you doing? Still green?”
I confirmed I was good and was greeted with another round of spanks.
Her open hand sent a tingling through my butt right to my balls and left a warm stinging sensation wherever she landed. By now I couldn't have cared less how many people were watching Mandy handing out her punishment.
“I think it’s time we upped the stakes, don’t you?” she asked no one but herself.
Reaching the rack of toys, Mandy took her time to pick the perfect weapon for her next round on my behind. She selected a crop and tested it, but it clearly wasn’t what she wanted. Pulling a longer one out, she gave it a quick flick - this one seemed to fit the bill.
As she walked past my face she stroked it with desire as the leather tongue of the crop traced its way from one cheek to the other. Round my neck, she went, over my shoulder, and traced her way down the length of my spine and into my crack.
“Are you ready? she asked, but before I had the chance to respond I felt the sweet bite of the crop tasting my skin.
I yelped like a cat that’s had its tail stood on. But instantly her hand moved to soothe the sharp pain in my cheek.
“Was that good?”
“Oh, hell yes!” I replied as I heard the swish of the crop flying through the air. I braced just as another stinging swipe hit me, followed by another, then one more, before the final blow landed.
“Ow!” I screamed as my cheeks burned like an inferno. This time I could tell she had avoided the soft tongue and had instead used the shaft. I shifted my weight trying to ease the pain as I felt the inevitable welts rising. At the same time, my balls swelled and my cock twitched eagerly.
“It’s sooo pretty,” Mandy almost sang, clearly admiring her handiwork. “But you need more!”
Swish, crack, swish, crack she went, time and time again. With each swipe, the intensity increased and the pain with it. Now it was beginning to really hurt, still a sweet, stinging pain but now she was getting serious.
Mandy clearly saw me helplessly trying to pull away.
“Is my baby okay?” she asked with genuine concern, stroking my wounds.
As I welcomed the respite from Mandy’s punishment I replied: “I think we’re verging on the orange now,” letting her know I could take more but maybe not too much more.
“That’s my boy!” she exclaimed, carefully nursing my welt-ridden ass. “Can we go up a level?”
Now I was nervous, but the anticipation and excitement easily outweighed my fear. “Yes…at least I think so," I replied.
By now I’d been taking Mandy’s punishment for thirty minutes and I was sure I wasn’t going to be sitting comfortably for quite some time. My eyes followed her intently as she carefully selected her next weapon.
I could hardly believe it when I saw her grab an actual whip! There was going to be no more “playing”, Mandy was in for the big time. The braided leather felt both sensual and terrifying as she teased me with it.
“Are you sure you want this? You know this is going to really hurt?” she asked, ensuring she had my permission to continue.
“I want it. I want you to do it,” I replied, feeling her soft palm grab hold of my dick for a reassuring tug. Gently she played with it as she eased the firm whip around my ass.
I could feel the tension in the air, soon she’d be striking me with one of the most formidable “toys” in the arsenal, one I’d never experienced before. Gently at first, she slapped me with it - boy did it feel good.
“Mmm, mmm, that’s good,” I groaned despite the bite from each impact, “keep going.”
Then her pace built. With each hit, the stinging increased and now my ass felt like it was on fire and I was getting ready to call orange. Then I heard it, before I felt it, as the whip swished through the air. The crack as it hit my soft flesh was unmistakable.
“Holy fucking shit!” I screamed out loud as she hit me harder than ever. I’d never felt anything like it in my life. If the crop stings and bites, then this fucking thing burns and devours its prey.
“Fuck me! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I exclaimed. Despite Mandy’s best efforts at soothing, my ass was in agony - but still, I hadn't called red or uttered my safe word.
I heard an uncertain “Again?” from Mandy and managed to groan my agreement.
This time I braced long before the pain arrived but it didn’t matter. If anything, it was more intense than before, deliciously so. Once more she struck me before I heard the unseen crowd in unison cry, “Ooo” and the whip drop to the floor. Straight away I felt Mandy rubbing my cheeks but this time the sensation was different. My ass cheek felt wet.
“Are you okay?” she asked urgently. The sound of her voice made me feel nervous.
“Yes,” I stammered, “I think I’ll be fine.”
“Thank god,” she responded with deep concern making her voice tremble. “I didn’t mean to make you bleed,” she added, leaning tightly across my body and pulling me close.
“Thank you! You’ve been so, so brave,” she whispered in my ear.
I later learned that the final blow had ripped my skin open and blood was leaking down my left cheek.
She rushed around to my head and knelt down so we were looking eye-to-eye. “That was fucking incredible,” she exclaimed, grabbing my face and kissing me deeply. As she stood up the edge of her dress was at eye level and she lifted it just high enough.
“Can you see how wet it made me?”
Not only could I see, but I could smell the delightful fragrance of her now-dripping pussy. The intoxicating aroma made the pain in my bottom fade into the background.
“I want to taste it,” I replied while staring up into the blue pools of her eyes.
Immediately she reached between her thighs and stuck two fingers inside her. Pulling them out, she dragged them under my nose and then straight to my mouth. I sucked them clean, savouring every moment of her sweet taste.
Despite her heels, she still wasn’t tall enough for me to reach her pussy with my tongue, no matter how hard I tried. But it didn’t stop me from trying.
“Are you going to eat me out before I milk you?” she asked, reaching to free my hands. Once released from my shackles I was able to push back and make space for Mandy on the bench. With my legs still tied down, I couldn’t go too far, but enough to allow her to squeeze onto the table and wrap her legs around my head.
God, I love that girl’s cunt! It is smooth, so delicious and almost too incredibly tight to believe. Normally I would take my time, building to a smooth crescendo. But on this occasion, I knew neither of us wanted that. She needed to cum and I desperately wanted to taste it.
Pulling her towards me I didn’t need to part her lips, they were already open, and her clit was standing proud. I wasn’t going to miss out, so I dived in, licking her inner lips, teasing her bullet and easing two fingers inside her sacred passage.
Unlike before, it didn’t take Mandy long - clearly, my punishment had really turned her on. As I picked up the tempo she began to moan, softly at first, then more intensely. Grabbing my head, she pulled me tight to her wetness.
“Oooh, just there. Fuck yes, there, there, there,” she cried as her hips thrust into my face. I kept the rhythm of my motions and worked her right to the edge. As I knew her orgasm was about to peak I went all in. I drove my fingers into her, beckoning her G-spot, sucked her clit into my mouth working it firmly with my tongue, and it was more than Mandy could take.
“Fuuuck!”, she exhaled as her pussy gripped my fingers. “Ahh, ahh, ahh,” she moaned as I fought to pull them out from her constricting cunt. “Ooh, ooh, ooh,” she cried as the wave arrived.
Then it happened, her body tensed, her legs clamped me down and her hips fired into my face. Wave after wave hit her as those delicious juices shot in my mouth, I gulped to swallow all I could but it was too much. The rest shot across my face and onto the bench.
Slowly her climax subsided, her legs eased their pressure on me and she pulled my head from her slit. Much to my surprise, she was able to stand up.
“Are you ready to be milked, my baby?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye. “I think you’ve earned your reward.”
As she stood in front of me, she pulled her gloves back on, inching them up to her defined biceps. “I’m going to need these,” she said, with a wink, as she reached for a bottle of anal lube.
Back behind me, I felt the smooth latex on my cheeks as she parted my ass. Expecting the cool sensation of lubricant on my anus, I was delighted instead to feel the warmth of Mandy’s tongue.
Round and round she went, circling my tight hole. With every motion, her pressure increased until I could feel her entering me. In and out darted her tongue, then back to circling. The sensation was sublime.
Just as I thought it couldn’t feel any better she grabbed my cock. The latex stuck ever so slightly to me as she began stroking me. This is what I had been waiting for, I’d read all about prostate massages and was dying to feel it for myself.
When she thought I was ready, Mandy stopped rimming me and pulled away. The heat of her tongue was soon replaced by the chill of lube as she poured it all over my asshole, cock, balls and her gloves.
“This is for you, babe,” she said before she touched me again.
Her slick glove began massaging my balls and sliding down the length of my rock-hard cock. Up and down she went, taking a moment every few passes to engulf the head in her palm. At the same time, I felt a finger easing into my butt.
As the sensations built, a second finger slipped inside me. Still, she was working my dick, which had begun to twitch in anticipation of cumming. Feeling my growing excitement, her pace slowed and her grip softened.
“You don’t want to cum just yet,” she encouraged.
Instead, she focused more on my ass. Now the second finger was established, she slid both in and out easily, and I could feel her searching inside me for my prostate. Thoughts raced through my mind as I wondered what it was going to feel like. Did she know what she was doing? Would I even know when she did it?
Soon my fears were dispelled. Suddenly I could tell she had found it! An intense feeling of pleasure started building like I was about to cum but I wasn’t; like I needed to pee but didn’t.
I could feel both fingers working in unison with slow tender motions, gently stroking my prostate. Surprisingly it seemed my erection was failing. Not flaccid but not as hard as I had been, but Mandy kept working away, stroking it back and forth continually.
Gradually the feeling built, waves of pleasure grew and I was sure I was going to cum - but I didn’t. Instead, it just kept growing.
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Mandy asked, clearly enjoying the spasm my body was going through.
“Uhh huh,” was all I could muster.
Now she changed her pattern of movements. One finger stroked, while the second just tapped up and down on my swollen walnut. My whole body began to shake and I felt more than ever that I was going to cum - yet she just kept going, my pleasure building all the time.
“Good boy, you’re dripping all over the floor,” Mandy told me to my surprise.
I honestly had no feeling of fluid leaking from my dick. I was too busy focusing on the rising power deep inside me.
With each stroke/tap, I moaned louder and louder. I realised I was constantly moaning or groaning to every movement of her delicate fingers. Nothing hurt, and the sweet sensation of deep satisfaction was getting stronger than ever.
Suddenly I knew it was nearly over as every muscle in my body tensed. I felt my anus clamp down hard on Mandy’s digits and I thought I was going to explode. I couldn’t speak, just animalistic grunts burst from my lips (Mandy later called it a roar).
Spasm after spasm ripped through me and my whole insides contracted. My cock shot to the largest erection I’ve ever had. My balls pulled tighter than ever and I fired. Instead of spurts, it was a jet of cum that shot out.
“That’s it, baby, that’s it!” Mandy screamed, as my semen splashed onto the floor. Still, she kept working my ass and my cock.
Yet again it pulsed through me, stream after stream of hot slick cum launched from my manhood and I couldn’t stop shaking. The slightest movement from either of us sent another cascade through my body.
Gradually the waves began to subside and the pressure inside reduced. Now all I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest.
Gently Mandy withdrew her fingers from my anus and gave my dick a final stroke, before hugging me tightly.
“Was it as good as you hoped?” she asked, but I couldn’t yet speak, I just lightly nodded.
Feeling totally spent, we simply lay there forever. Slowly our breathing fell into sync and we rose and fell as one, Mandy lying across my back holding me tight.
“Are you ready?” she inquired, once my breathing had returned to normal.
I muttered that I thought so. She climbed down and released my restraints.
Taking my hand, she guided me away from the bench. As I staggered to my feet I saw the incredible puddle I had produced and couldn’t believe what I saw. It was more the size of a giant piss than an orgasm. But there lay my seminal fluid for all to see.
A few seconds later and for the first time ever, my legs would not comply with my wishes and I fell hard into her.
“Woah there, are you sure you’re ready?” she asked sincerely, taking my weight. We sloped to some nearby chairs before Mandy returned for my clothes. I felt so exhausted that I curled up naked and lay my head on her lap.
Her gentle caress and soothing voice calmed me, but I knew my evening was over. We sat there resting, recuperating, as Mandy told me how amazing I had been. I wanted to tell her the same but couldn’t bring myself to speak. I have never felt so spent.
Gradually I sat up, forgetting the punishment my ass had taken. A searing pain shot through my behind and into my spine. By now, I had control of my faculties once more and started to get dressed again. The top half was fine, but when it came to the tight latex trousers, I simply couldn’t get them over my ripped-apart cheeks.
Luckily my shirt was long enough that by not tucking it in, you could almost, but not fully, fail to notice that my trousers weren’t pulled up.
“Let me take you home,” Mandy insisted.
“That would be lovely,” I replied weakly.
She guided me back upstairs, across the dance floor and outside. The cold breeze shocked me back to reality but still, I felt destroyed.
“We need to get you something to eat,” she said, taking my arm and heading to a takeaway down the road. We ordered some food, booked an Uber and headed back to my place. Sitting for the car ride was certainly an awkward experience!
Back at home we inhaled our food in seconds and began to get ready for bed, but I still couldn’t take anything covering my ass.
I climbed into bed nude and lay face down as Mandy curled up next to me, the warmth of her naked body pressed against my skin as she cuddled me.
“You really were incredible this evening,” she said, “thank you so much.” She planted a massive kiss on the top of my head.
“You were pretty fucking special too,” I replied, “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”
“Is that the whip or the prostate massage?” she quipped, “I’ve never seen anyone cum that much.”
“Both,” is the last thing I remember saying before I drifted into a deep, satisfying sleep.
Much to my delight, I awoke still in Mandy’s embrace; it seemed neither of us had moved as we slept. Shortly after I woke up, I felt her stroking my hair softly, unaware I was already awake.
“You were so, so, good to me, thank you,” she nearly sobbed under her breath, lightly kissing my head once again.
Making a show of waking up, I rolled onto my side with a cheery “Good morning,” carefully ignoring her wiping a tear away as she smiled at me.
That morning Mandy showed more care and consideration for me than almost anyone in my life. She borrowed a t-shirt and shorts to head to Boots for antiseptic cream and padded dressings. She patched my wounds and cooked breakfast.
I could stand, but not sit, so most of the day was spent lying in bed chatting or watching TV. I was delighted when she asked to stay another night to care for me. But eventually, she had to leave. I let her keep my shorts and shirt - I couldn’t have her walking home on a Sunday evening dressed all in latex!
Over the weeks I healed well, but to this day the scars from that whip are clearly visible on my ass. Every new partner inquires about them at some stage, and to only a few do I tell the true story.
Mandy and I have had many more experiences and are probably closer and more honest with each other than most married couples. Yet we happily remain friends and play partners, despite sharing such intimate moments.
She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creator 渡鸦10492. This is just a translation. This is midnight, wearing a leather object and turning into a latex succubus wandering around late at night. The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty...
It was a blazing hot summer day as Jessica trudged down the burning sidewalk, her thick wool habit making the journey much more arduous than it needed to be. That had been the story of her life since joining the Sisters of Guadalupe. It might as well have been the sisterhood's motto. "Harder than it has to be." But not for much longer. Their mission was no longer hers. Jessica was charting a new course and the first stop was a sex shop in downtown Austin. She had desperately wanted to...
She had desperately wanted to wear her “bathing habit” for this excursion. It was the only convent sanctioned outfit that allowed a nun to show some skin. Typically it was worn when doing “dirty work” outside or on the rare occasion when the nuns went on a field trip to the beach. But for now, the bathing habit wasn't an option. Lilith's gift would have displayed much too prominently in that garment, so Jessica had to suffer and sweat in a full habit for a little while longer. As she did,...
Number 36 of a series of individual stories. Latex and Schoolgirls - What could be better By SONIA (E-mail [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) Chapter 1 - Sally Anne's Idea I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did, I loved it! We had a trip...
A balcony where? Where was she? Jessica looked around. She took in the behemoth building jutting into the sky behind her. The white marble, detailed carvings and ornate pillars of age-old Roman architecture were unmistakable. This is a place she had only seen in pictures. St. Peter's Basilica. She turned back to the skyline and looked out at the picturesque scenery. The Tiber river flowed in the distance, but not with the clear blue one would expect. Milky white waves cascaded down its...
The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...
It was a lovely morning as the sun crested the horizon at Stedman Farms. Margaret Stedman looked out the main window of the kitchen as she sipped her morning coffee. It was late autumn, but it was still fairly warm out. This time of year it rarely dropped below 70 degrees Fahrenheit and even during the Texas winter, going below 60 was rare. The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other...
The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...
Francis was garbed in his usual attire, a thick, black latex gimp suit, leather hood and rubber boots. He matched his owner's pace, his arms locked behind him in a tight arm binder. He proceeded quickly, but carefully. Any misstep could result in a painful fall and he would eat the ground face-first. Mistress Superior had opted for a less conventional outfit today. Tired of the typical habit, but never weary of latex, Jessica wore a gleaming one-piece purple dress. It started with two thick...
Mistress Superior and Francis were at the kitchen table, passing a joint back and forth between moves on the chess board. The kink fueled former nun and clergyman had established a routine that Jessica loved. Upon waking up, she fucked him in both holes. Then Francis made them breakfast and they enjoyed a game. Once he lost, she “punished” him with another round of deep dicking which the eager butt slut was only too happy to endure. Jessica wore a latex bra and skirt that draped down to just...
Rain drizzled down in a steady deluge on a gray, miserable, midwinter day. The temperature had dipped into the fifties and no one could be seen on the puddle strewn grounds of St. Michael's. The campus had changed much in recent days with artwork, crosses, statues and other emblems of the Catholic faith being painted over, destroyed and otherwise stripped from their former places of prominence. It would be a few more days until all the relics were gone, but the landscape was changing...
Mistress Superior and Francis were at the kitchen table, passing a joint back and forth between moves on the chess board. The kink fueled former nun and clergyman had established a routine that Jessica loved. Upon waking up, she fucked him in both holes. Then Francis made them breakfast and they enjoyed a game. Once he lost, she “punished” him with another round of deep dicking which the eager butt slut was only too happy to endure. Jessica wore a latex bra and skirt that draped down to just...
'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were lactating copiously. 'Ugh... why?!?' She wiped her fingers on the bedding. It was so dark in her room that Jessica couldn't decipher the long, black habit lying atop her office chair. She had discarded it immediately upon returning to her room, but kept on her red leather bondage brassiere. She had been too...
It was 3:58 AM and rain pitter-pattered steadily on the windows of the convent. Jessica awoke to almost pure darkness. There was no moonlight to illuminate her spartan room this evening. It had stormed on and off all night, but Jessica had slept like the dead. Her dreams had overwhelmed her with wanton Femdom lust. 'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas....
'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were lactating copiously. 'Ugh... why?!?' She wiped her fingers on the bedding. It was so dark in her room that Jessica couldn't decipher the long, black habit lying atop her office chair. She had discarded it immediately upon returning to her room, but kept on her red leather bondage brassiere. She had been too...
Chapter 2 With a smile Barb leaned in and gave me a little kiss on the forehead. "Just relax, there is no need to panic, it will be much more enjoyable for all of us if you relax. The more you relax the quicker we can get you ready and the quicker the drinks will wear off. Then you can really start to enjoy yourself." And with that she went back to the others in the room. All of us I thought? What the heck does she mean by all of us? What does she mean by get me ready? I really...
I am not very good at writing stories, but I would like to share some of my kinky passions with you all.I love to dress in kinky, provocative and feminine outfits; some for public wear and some only acceptable in the bedroom. I love heels or boots, pantyhose and stretch vinyl but, my favorite is latex. I have had a latex fetish my whole life! Even at the age when I was too young to have a sexual interest in another person, or even knew about sex, rubber gloves would make me hard just from...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
It was a lovely morning as the sun crested the horizon at Stedman Farms. Margaret Stedman looked out the main window of the kitchen as she sipped her morning coffee. It was late autumn, but it was still fairly warm out. This time of year it rarely dropped below 70 degrees Fahrenheit and even during the Texas winter, going below 60 was rare. The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other...
Rain drizzled down in a steady deluge on a gray, miserable, midwinter day. The temperature had dipped into the fifties and no one could be seen on the puddle strewn grounds of St. Michael’s. The campus had changed much in recent days with artwork, crosses, statues and other emblems of the Catholic faith being painted over, destroyed and otherwise stripped from their former places of prominence. It would be a few more days until all the relics were gone, but the landscape was changing...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19 thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...
Jessica found herself on a balcony with a beautiful sunset fading into the distance. It cast an eerie orange and red light on all things. A gentle breeze tossed her dark hair about. Her nipples were erect, poking through the thick latex of her bodysuit and the elegant rubbery dress that provided a second layer of fetish attire. A balcony where? Where was she? Jessica looked around. She took in the behemoth building jutting into the sky behind her. The white marble, detailed carvings and...
This is not so much a story as it is a description of a full coverage latex catsuit that I once made. I thought that you people who have a latex fetish, as I do, and just can't seem to get enough, might find it interesting.I am gay, a Bottom and have a steady Boyfriend. I have only had a couple long term relationships where we progressed to the point of ditching the condoms and going bareback. This is about a suit that I made during one of those past relationships with a rubber loving...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
The woman was a “Mistress Demonica” who'd announced she was looking for a new submissive. After a quick look at her pictures and list of kinks, Camilo sent her a sincere, but not overly long, message complimenting her and asking for a chance to prove himself. He'd learned from experience that being too eager and lavishing praise to the point of groveling marked him as desperate. No woman liked that. Not even the kind that wanted a man beneath her heel. Mistress Demonica got back to him...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Warm sunlight peeked out in bright bursts through the mostly cloudy sky. Jessica’s heels clacked across the courtyard pavement as she led Francis to the Tabernacle of Divine Women. It was the same church that had once been under his guidance and care, but it was his no longer. The Daughters of Lilith had claimed it and the building now stood as a monument to heresy and sexual debauchery. The chain leash Jessica led him by jingled in the light spring breeze. Francis was garbed in his usual...
She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Frenzied thoughts spiraled through her mind for the ump-teeth time. 'What the fuck am I going to do???' 'How do I ever tell Jeff about this?' 'I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe...' 'What about the next time I go to the doctor?!?' 'WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?' *DING* The doors opened. Allison shouldered her bag and stepped into the empty elevator. She pressed the button for her floor and leaned...
The pair were freshly showered after a long morning romp that had satisfied both their thirsts. Jessica had a white bathrobe wrapped around her curvy mocha body and a light blue towel adorned her drying hair. Francis sat in a plain, white t-shirt, a fresh pair of boxers and nothing else. The self-satisfied Succubus fed herself fruit medley piece by piece as she watched him mull over his next move. It had been several years since she enjoyed a game of chess and Francis had a wonderful...
Latex party We are a normal couple at first sight. As everybody else we have our families, friends and work. It is possible to say we are living normal life like any average Europian. We only like during our night plays everything shining. A touch of latex makes us wild cats who recovere their natural instincts. My name is Marek and I have dated with Denisa for 5 years. She is my high school love, my first love , with whom I checked that babies are not brought by a stork. The relationship...
It was Friday afternoon on a cold and snowy winter day about two years ago and I thought the work day would never end. My boyfriend was coming for the weekend and I was really looking forward to having some fun together with him! He lives about fifty miles away and we only get to see each other once or twice a week. He had been away for a couple of weeks and I was just full up with pent up sexual energy! When I got home I didn't even eat. I jumped in the shower, got cleaned up, (and out),,...
Allison grimaced as she turned the key on her mailbox and retrieved her stack of mail. She closed the small metal door and locked it back up. It was her second day with a cock between her legs and it wasn't getting any easier. She wore a red, pleated leather skirt along with a white top and leather jacket. It was one of the few articles of clothing she owned that would hide the obvious bulge. It was thirty six hours since discovering her big surprise. Time hadn't lessened the stressful...
She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Frenzied thoughts spiraled through her mind for the ump-teeth time. 'What the fuck am I going to do???' 'How do I ever tell Jeff about this?' 'I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe...' 'What about the next time I go to the doctor?!?' 'WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?' *DING* The doors opened. Allison shouldered her bag and stepped into the empty elevator. She pressed the button for her floor and leaned against the...
Sunlight streamed through the open window of Francis' kitchen on a beautiful autumn day. The temperature was mild and a light breeze blew through the open window, carrying the scents of fresh fruit and warm oatmeal throughout the humble abode. Classic "big band" jazz music blared from a radio on the counter as Jessica and Francis sat at the kitchen table with a chess board in between them. The pair were freshly showered after a long morning romp that had satisfied both their thirsts....
The pair were freshly showered after a long morning romp that had satisfied both their thirsts. Jessica had a white bathrobe wrapped around her curvy mocha body and a light blue towel adorned her drying hair. Francis sat in a plain, white t-shirt, a fresh pair of boxers and nothing else. The self-satisfied Succubus fed herself fruit medley piece by piece as she watched him mull over his next move. It had been several years since she enjoyed a game of chess and Francis had a wonderful...
Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...
The cool recycled air slid across Jessica’s bare arms as she exited her office. It was an early summer day and the Texas heat was already blistering. It was much too warm to wear a full latex habit. She’d forgone the traditional top, veil and her usual latex arm-gloves for today. Instead, she wore a lovely black leather corset with a long latex skirt below. Her luxurious, dark curls hung all around her head, complimenting her mocha skin perfectly. Almost a year ago, Jessica swore the...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...
It was 3:58 AM and rain pitter-pattered steadily on the windows of the convent. Jessica awoke to almost pure darkness. There was no moonlight to illuminate her spartan room this evening. It had stormed on and off all night, but Jessica had slept like the dead. Her dreams had overwhelmed her with wanton Femdom lust. ‘What the hell!?’ She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were...
Almost a year ago, Jessica swore the Sisterhood would have central air. It was arranged in the spring and installed just in time as the days grew longer and hotter. The temperature, however, was never allowed to approach frigid. Women had suffered for ages in freezing work environments where the AC was cranked to accommodate men. At the Daughters of Lilith, women dressed as they pleased and men dressed as their Mistresses commanded. Most were confined to full leather or latex gimp suits,...
Allison grimaced as she turned the key on her mailbox and retrieved her stack of mail. She closed the small metal door and locked it back up. It was her second day with a cock between her legs and it wasn’t getting any easier. She wore a red, pleated leather skirt along with a white top and leather jacket. It was one of the few articles of clothing she owned that would hide the obvious bulge. It was thirty six hours since discovering her big surprise. Time hadn’t lessened the stressful impact...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Latex Dress When my sexy sixteen-year-old daughter said that she needed a special dress to wear up on stage for her solo during the school musical I thought to myself, “Why not.” Then I was sorry. When I took Valerie to the mall to shop I had no idea that they even sold dresses like that. She picked out a bright red skin-tight latex dress. If I could have seen the slit in her pussy I would have sworn that it was painted on. It fit her like a second skin. I had no idea that my...
I had to write this to fully acknowledge where I’m standing now.I have been in this lifestyle for many years now and I have been aroused by wearing many different types of lingerie and sexy attires.After years of crossdressing with regular stockings as a teen, my first fetish obsession was with fishnets. Putting them on set me in such a sexual mood! Then it was the full bodystocking. Since these early years, I think I’ve worn pretty much any kind of sexy outfit: the maid, the student, the...
Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Most of humanity goes around on their day to day lives. They work, they pay their taxes, and every once and while they vote for people who they think will make a difference. Of course, some theorists believe that there is a hidden world that they cannot see. Far from being insane, these people know the truth... just not all of it. The true elite of the world are not interested in running the world on a hidden bunker miles below ground or on a hidden airship in the sky. It's much to boring. The...
BDSMThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
Incestamar dujon mama achen.babllu ar bapan.dujoner biye hoye geche.bablu mamar ekta 12 bochorer meye ache.bablu mamar bou holo savita mami.boyos 36 hobe,gayer rong forsa,boro- gol pacha,sudol 34sizer mai duto khasa,thot jhora jeno rosalo modhu makhano lichu. Ami koushik,amar boyos 26yrs,ami ekta school ye porai.porikkhar pore chuti porle ami thik kori bablu mamar bari jabo karon dirgho 4 bochor jaona hoyni.amake dekhe mama mami to khub khushi.amake oder nijeder room ta diye dilo.mamar mayer satheo...
Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...
It was the hour of the wolf and Sister Jessica Felicita was troubled. She had been awake in bed for at least an hour reliving a particular event from the previous day and contemplating her life. Regret and anxiety had taken hold and no amount of prayer was getting her back to sleep. Frustrated, she tossed the thin blanket off her body and slid off the bed into the muggy Austin air of midsummer. The rays of a full moon beamed through her window, illuminating her ample curves through the...
Jessica ran the cold water and splashed some on her face before gazing into the mirror. What stared back was an image she'd grown tired of. A woman quickly approaching mid-life as the first creases and wrinkles of age began forming on her lovely bronze skin. Flowing locks of beautiful brunette hair that were hidden under a veil day by day. Piercing reddish-brown eyes that brimmed with curiosity and intellect, but also betrayed an unfathomable sadness. Full, pouty lips that had not known the...