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I was seventeen years of age and in the sixth form of my local school, in central England and lived at home, with my thirty-five year old mother and nineteen-year-old disabled brother Rob. Eighteen months prior to the events I recount here today, my dad died, leaving the three of us to help each other through the loss.

I’d had good results in exams at school and considered myself a conscientious student and enjoyed playing sport, being a part of several school teams and part of the local Swimming Club team.

Rob developed a condition called, Charcot Marie-Tooth, which wasn’t life threatening but meant limited use of his hands and restricted how far he could walk and how much balance he had, so used a wheelchair out of the house. He was able to do most things for himself but I was used to helping him with any aspect of daily living, with neither of us being embarrassed. He was 5’2, with blonde short hair, piercing blue eyes, good looking and slim. However, attention from the opposite sex never happened but as with other aspects of life, he didn’t let it bother him.

Although, I had never noticed, my friends were forever telling me that I had a ‘hottie’ for a mom. She was 5’4, with long sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, curvy but not fat, with at least D cup boobs. I was constantly reminded of just how much I looked like her. I am 5’6, long dark hair, my dad's colouring, blue eyes, slim, 34b boobs and as the story begins, an unshaved pussy.

It was Thursday, school as normal for me, with double PE followed by a study period in the afternoon. I’d changed from my school uniform, into the obligatory white panties and bra, white vest top, short white skirt and bare feet, before walking into the sports-hall for the lesson. We took turns, using various apparatus and, because of the heat, began to work up a sweat. The climbing bars were easy to scale but some found the slide down the rope more of a test, especially with sweaty hands. However, when Anna Derby fell, landing heavily on her right ankle, it meant the lesson was called to a premature end.

I decided not to wait around for my study period and run home. I was already sweaty, so the three mile run would do me more good than a study period, which was always a waste of time. It took about thirty minutes to get home but because I’d not got the front door key to hand, I entered the house via the back door.

We lived in a single storey house, which had three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, dining and living room. Entering from the front door was a big lobby area, from which all rooms were connected. Entering the kitchen, I took off my trainers and socks, deciding to go and say hi to Rob before I changed.

Ever since dad died, none of us closed our bedroom doors, which meant most nights I’d hear moans of pleasure coming from Mom’s room as she masturbated. To begin with, being a horny teenaged girl, hearing her made me feel very self-conscious when I became turned on, thinking I should resist touching myself in response. However, it was never long before my fingertips went to work but I made a big effort to contain my moans of pleasure. As the, near nightly ritual continued, the more I masturbated, the noisier and less self-conscious I became. In fact, the thought of being heard became a turn on too, encouraging me to let go.

As I moved into the lobby, I was surprised to hear the sound of an electric shaver coming from Rob’s room. Moving stealthily through the lobby, I soon had a clear view of Rob’s bed through his open door. However, I never expected to see him sat naked on his bed, using the trimmer to shave off his pubes. Curiosity got the better of me, so crept to a spot where I’d be unseen and I could spy on my naked brother. I noticed, as soon as I saw him that his cock was hard, making me wetter the closer I got. Eventually, I settled into position, took off my school rucksack and watched. I’d have been happy seeing Rob shave off his pubic hair but the show was only just beginning. Rob re-adjusted his pillows against the wall, before turning to rest against them. With his legs parted slightly and stretched out towards me, it gave an unobstructed view of his hard cock and hairless balls dangling beneath. As a guy of only 5’2, I never expected a cock to make suck an impression on me. My initial guess was that it was between six and eight inches long and quite thick.

Rob began licking between his fingers and thumb, before placing his hand on his cock and slowly stroking it up and down for a few minutes. He licked his fingers and thumb again as I watched his cock glisten, twitch and ooze pre-cum. My breathing shallowed as I watched him stroke again, only a little faster than before and felt my undies getting wetter by the second. I couldn’t resist unclipping my skirt and teasing my pussy through my saturated undies as I watched Rob’s hand stroke his cock faster. I bit my lip, attempting to contain my moans and amazed gasp as I saw Rob’s cock erupt, spurting five ropes of cum into the air.

I expected the show to be over but Rob’s cock remained fully hard and twitching furiously. Once again, Rob licked his fingers and thumb before stroking his cock again. I believed that once a guy had cum, his cock would go limp but I was left in awe, seeing my disabled brother’s cock, spurt cum five times and he continued to wank. He was stroking up and down his saliva covered shaft, very slowly and deliberately, eyes closed, face contorted with pleasure.

My teenage body was on auto pilot. Without thinking, I pulled off my top and unclipped my bra and sank my left hand inside my undies, immediately teasing my clit. I’d already cum once but watching my naked brother stroking his cock was making my body demand more. It was getting harder and harder to contain my moans, having to bite my lip hard. I didn’t take my eyes off Rob’s hand on his cock as he began to stroke faster and with increasing desperation. My pussy throbbed as I teased faster, until my body tensed, just as I saw Rob’s cock erupting once more. I was shocked to see my juices oozing through the fabric of my undies. My orgasm was so intense, legs shaking. Watching as my brother’s cock shot seven ropes of cum into the air.

Still with my eyes fixed on my naked brother, I watched him roll onto his knees, with his cock still hard and then, facing away from me, he lay down on his front with his legs spread slightly.

“Oh god, let me fuck you, Jo!”

Did I just hear that right, I questioned in my mind as I continued to watch my naked brother? Slowly, he started to grind his cock against the bed. Hearing him say what he did, it was impossible not to imagine him on top of me, fucking. With those vivid thoughts in my head, encouraged by the sight of his luscious arse moving up and down rhythmically, my pussy throbbed causing me to orgasm for a third time. I could easily imagine being under his body with my legs open and wrapped around him and at that moment I’d decided to give my virginity to him.

Rob continued to hump the bed, steadily increasing speed, building up to his third orgasm in just over an hour. I was so glad I’d come home early but wondered how long my brother’s cock could stay hard and how many times could he cum.  Even though I was wearing undies, when I looked down at the wooden floor between my legs, there was a puddle from where I’d cum. Rob was breathing hard as he began to pound his body against the bed, moaning my name periodically. Suddenly, he started to thrust hard, grunt and moan, “Oh god, yes, Jo,” as he started to cum.

I watched as Rob emptied his cum onto the bed, before I picked up my discarded clothes. I waited for a few seconds, until I saw my brother lying exhausted on the bed, before I crept towards the front door. I put my top on, before turning to open the front door and close it after a few seconds.

“Hi Rob, I’m, home early.”

As I’d always do, coming in using the front door, I put my trainers into the shoe rack by the door, along with my school shoes, which I took from my rucksack and walked across the lobby to the laundry room. Trying to act normally, I placed my school clothes in the washing machine, along with my sports skirt, bra, socks and top, leaving me standing in my undies. Before I could pull them off, Rob appeared in the doorway, standing in just his pyjama trousers. Although he was used to seeing me naked, I saw him looking down at my undies, which were so wet they’d turned transparent, allowing Rob to see my pubes and swollen pussy lips. I smiled as I turned around, peeling my saturated undies off my hips, down my legs and as I bent down, lifted each foot, before casually tossing my undies into the washing machine.

“You decided not to get dressed today. What have you been up to?” I quizzed mischievously.

Not waiting for his reply, I picked up a swimming costume and towel for my swim later, before skipping past my brother, aware that he was watching my every move. I couldn’t resist wiggling my arse as I stepped back into the lobby, moving towards my room with my school rucksack.

“Do you like my body. Am I sexy, Rob?”

“Jo, look in the mirror, you’re the sexiest girl I know.”

I felt a buzz of pride radiate through my body as I sat on my bed, hearing his words, my legs open, preparing to do my homework. Rob followed into my room, which was not unusual, sitting on the end of my bed talking to me as I wrote. Although none of our conversation was remotely sexual, my nipples were hard and sensitive and pussy dribbling steadily, meaning a puddle began to form on the duvet between my thighs.

Time passed quickly and I had to go swimming, leaving Rob alone. Once at the pool, I quickly focused on my swim, putting the events of the afternoon to the back of my mind but as soon as I’d arrived home, I began to wonder how I could seduce my brother a little further. Mom had picked me up from the pool and as we arrived home, we headed to our rooms to get changed for the rest of the evening. Within seconds I was naked and wondering what to wear to sit in the living room and watch television with my mom and brother. I selected, a black thong and a red half-length vest top, which barely covered the mounds of my breasts and put them on hurriedly.

Excited, I left my room, crossing the lobby to the living room. Rob, as ever was sprawled on the sofa, directly opposite from the television, focussed on the programme, still wearing his pyjama trousers but had added a polo shirt since I’d seen him earlier. Mom must have changed quickly because she too was in the living room, sat in a recliner chair to the right of the sofa, wearing only a dressing gown, which allowed a seductive view of her legs, most of her thighs and enough of her breasts to make me look twice.

“Oh my god Joanna, you’ll give your poor brother a heart attack dressed like that.”

“Don’t be daft, Mom, I spent an hour, sat on Jo’s bed this afternoon talking, with her totally naked and I’m still alive.”

“Look at you in your dressing gown, I can see as much of you as I can Jo. We are all comfortable being naked around each other, aren’t we?”

Of course, Rob was right, none of us would raise an eyebrow when one of us was nude, it was normal in our household. Maybe Mom had sensed my sexual energy and tension and had that in mind when she made her comment.

I looked at Rob and with a cheeky grin, quipped, “Let your little sister lie down.”

Rob moved his legs and I sat down, fluffed the cushions to my left and with a chuckle, lay down on my front, resting my feet on Rob’s lap.

“Make yourself comfortable, sis.”

Wiggling my toes, I tried to get Rob’s attention. It worked  – within a few minutes, I felt Rob begin to run his fingertips up and down my lower legs. For a guy with restricted use of his hands, the way he moved on my skin made my whole body tingle and my pussy wet. Without realising what I was doing, my thighs began clenching together and grinding my pussy against the sofa.

I felt I would orgasm, enjoying the sensations radiating through my body. My heart rate quickened as I felt Rob lift my left foot, kissing the tip of each toe one by one but as he began licking and then sucking each toe, my pussy erupted as I started to cum. Catching me off guard, I couldn’t contain a moan of pleasure. As he repeated his action on my right foot, once more I was caused to orgasm, making me moan louder. I heard my brother chuckle as he placed my feet back on his lap and resume teasing my lower legs with his fingertips.

My plan to seduce my brother into taking my virginity was far from thought through but lying on the sofa, body tingling and thong soaked, I was quietly pleased with myself. He had to be interested.

Time ticked by and it was soon time for bed, so I carefully pulled my feet off Rob’s lap, lifting to draw my knees under my body, pausing to allow my brother a view of my thong covered arse. I glanced down at the sofa, where I’d been lying and noticed a sizable wet patch from where my pussy had been. Getting to my feet, I moved towards Rob, leaning forward to kiss him tenderly on the lips, bidding him goodnight. Then, taking three steps to my left to do the same to Mom but as I leant forward, she reached out and pulled me. Losing my balance, I managed to place my knees either side of her legs, straddling her. She wrapped her arms around my torso, pulling me close, hugging me.

Mom whispered, “You’re a very naughty girl, teasing your brother. I hope your orgasms were good.”

To my surprise, Mom kissed my lips tenderly before running her tongue across them and sucking my bottom lip. Instinct took over, mouth opening, inviting her tongue onto mine to kiss passionately. Lost in the moment, it felt as though the kiss lasted for minutes but in reality, was only about thirty seconds, before I pulled away to say goodnight and Mom told me to sleep well.

As I left the room, I thought to myself that sleeping wasn’t going to happen until I masturbated for some time. Whilst I’d had four or five orgasms, I felt so sexually charged that I needed more satisfaction. Walking to the loo, I’d undressed before I’d got through the lobby, throwing my thong and top towards the washing machine. Before I’d finished in the loo, Mom and Rob had left the living room and were preparing to go to bed.

I tried to relax in bed and ignore my sexual urges. Twenty or thirty minutes had past and had been teasing my nipples a little when I heard moans coming from Mom’s room. Barely audible at first, then as a loud gasp, followed by moans and then an, “Oh yes, finger me!” That was it, like an irresistible force, the fingers of my left hand were drawn to my clit, teasing hard, fast and desperately. Within seconds, I too was moaning as my pussy throbbed hard. I’d little control of my urges, my back arching and body writhing out of control as I started to orgasm.

Before my body had chance to recover, my mind went back to earlier in the day and seeing my brother nude and stroking his cock. My urge was to feel my pussy penetrated, without hesitation plunging two fingers between my lips. I groaned involuntarily as fingers thrust desperately into my pussy. Finding a rhythm, I was soon pumping my fingers in and out of my pussy, imagining they were Rob’s cock fucking me. As my imagination fuelled my desire, I felt my pussy squeezing my fingers with steadily building intensity. I thought to myself how good I felt, finger fucking my pussy and wondered how good sex with my brother might feel. With those thoughts circulating, my pussy contracted violently as I gasped and back arched. My body was held suspended, unable to breathe until my pussy relaxed and I started to cum.


Friday arrived and I woke with the smell of my previous night’s orgasms tantalising and teasing my senses. It was just another week day, Mom, Rob and myself waking around the same time. Without thinking, I got out of bed, still naked, went to the loo and then the kitchen to have breakfast. Mom followed me into the room, wearing her dressing gown.

“It’s so nice seeing your naked body in a morning, Jo. You were so noisy and horny last night.”

“So were you, Mom, it’s so hot hearing you.”

While I was focussed on the toaster, Mom had walked up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I went to snuggle back into her but she spun me around and put her mouth to mine. I responded, wrapping my arms around her and encouraging her tongue into my mouth as I felt her hands squeezing my arse cheeks. I felt my pussy throb and begin to dribble with arousal. I’d had the idea, after watching Rob masturbate, to seduce him into fucking me but I was the one being seduced by my mother and I couldn’t resist.

“It’s good to see a little lesbian action when you wake up!” we heard as Rob walked into the kitchen in his pyjama trousers.

“Well, I see the tent in your pyjamas suggest you like watching me kiss Jo.”

We laughed about the others arousal, as if attempting to ease any discomfort. Soon we’d eaten breakfast and I was in the shower. It didn’t take long to ready myself for school and had plenty of time to spare, so decided to spend some time talking to Rob.

I’d only been chatting for two minutes, when Mom offered to give me a lift to school as she had to get to work early. I leant forward to give Rob a lingering kiss to his lips, before picking up my school rucksack and rushing out to the car. Mom was wearing, a white shirt, bra, black jacket, short black skirt, thong and heels.

It took about ten minutes to crawl through the queues of rush hour traffic into the town and towards school. To my surprise, Mom turned off a few streets before the school gates, suggesting she didn’t want to ruin my street cred with my mates by dropping me by the gates. She pulled up in a secluded part of the street, before turning off the ignition.

We turned towards the other to kiss goodbye. I noticed her push off her shoes, just before her open mouth met mine and tongues began to swirl together, kissing passionately. Instinctively, my left hand rested on her thigh, before my fingers began teasing slowly up and down. A second later, Mom placed her hand on my wrist, encouraging me to tease higher up her thigh. She opened her legs a little, guiding my fingertips to her thong covered pussy. Immediately, I felt how wet her thong was, circling my fingers around her pussy.

“Wait, Jo!”

Disappointed, I pulled away. With her hands, Mom reached under her skirt, taking hold of her thong, lifting her arse up and taking it off completely. She smiled, seeing the disbelief in my eyes and pushed the thong into the right pocket of my school blazer.

“I orgasmed in my thong earlier, Jo, so you can smell how much you turn me on.”

Lost for words, is the best way to explain my reaction as I watched her. She eased forward on her seat, hitching up her skirt to reveal her shaved, wet pussy. Lifting her right foot up onto the dashboard, Mom opened her legs wider, inviting me with her eyes to continue teasing her. Instinctively, my fingertips went immediately to her clit.

“No, Jo! Slide two or three fingers inside me. Explore the top side of my pussy, towards my stomach.”

“Oh fuck yes! That little button you’re on now, is my g-spot. Tease it softly first, Jo, and gradually increase speed.”

She was so wet, soaking my fingers and hand as I followed her instruction. I leaned forward and began kissing her neck, below her left ear, occasionally sucking too as Mom moaned with pleasure.


“Feel how my pussy is reacting to you, squeezing your fingers. Slow down but tease harder as you do.”

The harder I teased, the more she moaned, her body writhing against my fingers but talking through her moans, she continued instructing and encouraging me.

“When we have sex, from now on, I want us to be naked. I will teach you how to fist me too.”

Teasing her g-spot as slow and hard as my fingertips would allow, I could feel her pussy squeezing hard, gasping with each throb of her pussy.

“Now tease my g-spot as fast as you can and I will cum.”

I did as Mom instructed, teasing as fast as I could, encouraged by her desperate moans. Within a minute, Mom let out as gasp as her back arched. A second later her juices had formed a puddle between her thighs on the driver’s seat. Before she had chance to recover, I put my mouth to hers, kissing passionately.

A few minutes later, Mom pointed out how wet my trousers were and we said goodbye. I had been so turned on by the experience that I’d cum.

The day seemed to drag by, thinking about Mom seducing me, wondering what might happen next. It had been an incredible experience and despite wanting more from her, I was still determined to seduce Rob into taking my virginity. Every time I sat down at a desk for a lesson, the smell of Mom’s sex would tease my nostrils, eventually, I couldn’t resist taking her thong from my pocket, putting it to my nose and inhaling.

To my relief, the school day ended and I could make my way home. I put the key in the lock and opened the door. Rob came out from the living room, dressed in trousers and polo shirt, standing in the doorway, watching me as I took off my shoes and socks.

I smiled and walked across the lobby to the loo, pulling down my trousers and undies, before sitting down to pee. I wasn’t surprised when Rob followed me, standing in the doorway watching everything. Still sat on the loo, I began unbuttoning my shirt, before taking it off, throwing it on the floor, along with my bra to leave me naked. I smiled, noticing the growing bulge in Rob’s trousers. Standing up, I flushed the loo and picked up my clothes, taking them into the laundry room and putting them in the washing machine.

Unlike twenty-four hours earlier, there was less time before I was due to swim. Staying naked, talking to Rob, I made myself a slice of toast and cup of coffee. I’d just about put on my costume and dressed ready to go, when my lift arrived to take me down to the pool and my swimming session.

Just over two hours later, Mom picked me up to take me home. During the short journey, she suggested that, to watch television, I wear what she’d put on my bed. Arriving back, I hurried to my room, curious to see what she had put out. Within seconds I was naked, sat on the edge of my bed. In the centre of my bed was a silk dressing gown, which I guessed Mom had bought for me. when I’d put it on, I was convinced she’d bought the wrong size because it didn’t cover my arse or pussy. Looking in the mirror, I smiled seeing how much of my body was visible, chuckling as I thought how naughty Mom was.

Walking into the living room, I was surprised to see Rob seated in the recliner chair, with Mom on the sofa, wearing her dressing gown. As soon as I entered the room, I noticed Rob’s eyes widen as he watched me. Mom didn’t say a word, simply making eye contact. She sat, leaning against the back corner of the sofa, right leg across the back of the seats and left foot on the floor. Her eyes instructed me to sit with my back resting on her, with my legs up on the sofa. Within an instant, Mom had wrapped her legs around mine.

I snuggled back into my mom, enjoying the sensation of her teasing my damp hair with her fingers. After a few minutes, with my neck exposed, I felt Mom’s lips on my skin,To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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My name is Clint. I am about 6 feet tall with short blonde hair and blue eyes. I am quite slim and not too muscular, and before 1 fateful day I thought I was just you average typical nerd. I worked and attended school part time. I spent the majority of my spare time playing video games or on the Internet. It all seemed to change with just the blink of an eye. I had a girlfriend named Myra but she had recently broken up with me. Myra was about 5’6” with shoulder length dark hair and amber...

2 years ago
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Nina Was Her NameChapter 2

The solution to our problem of not enough drivers was both simple and complicated. All of the wagons carried what was known as a “towing bar.” This could be used to replace the bar at the front of the wagon where the draft animals were attached, and the front of one wagon could be hooked to the rear of another. Thus, two wagons could be hooked in tandem, and only one driver was required for two wagons. In extreme situations, even more wagons could be hooked up this way, but the practical...

1 year ago
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Just a Little RideChapter 5

Still Rob. I looked around the small flat, and limped over to a chair. “Are you sure you want to do this?” “I’m sure. Are you comfortable, though?” I thought about that. “I don’t know,” I replied, honestly. “Once your parents are home from their holiday, I expect you could go to stay with them.” Lisa paused, before going on. “You’ll have to sleep in my bed, though, until they do.” I could feel my face heating. “What about you?” “It’s a big bed. If we have a problem, I have a futon as...

2 years ago
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Another Regency Romance Ch 03

3. George’s second tale The morning following that first little episode, when Miss Amelia caressed my thigh, she was due to come for her lesson alone. My emotions were hopelessly tangled, an admixture of dread that she should carry this behaviour forward, and a longing for her to do something more. Having spent so much time with her, and even more in thinking about her, she was coming to seem less like some creature from faerie, or a princess from an Arthurian romance, and more like a person...

2 years ago
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The Professor keeps a diary of it. Noting it’s habits, it’s needs, it’s growth, etc.! His wife is mentally drawn to want pleasure from it!! Mind controlled by it!! This This creature, This “Thing” It had already taken her once and drained her of all her juices sucked them from her vagina and left her labia and clitoral area all scratched up from it’s rough Velcro like sucker mouth at the end of the tentacle it used . She was still dehydrated from it’s session with her. It was now...

4 years ago
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Garibo Ki Randi 8211 Part 7

Agle din subh Puja school chali gayi. Anita 11 baje Puja ki flat par ati hai aur Birju bhi tabhi aa jata. Birju Anita ko peeche se daboch leta hai. “Haye meri jaan kitne dino se pyar nahi kiya tujhe.” “Pyar! Bol ke chut nahi maari.” “Jaan pyar hai woh mera tere liye.” “Rehne de saale, dusri chut milte hi bhag jayega. “Nahi re, jaisi chut tu marwati hai aur koi nahi marwa sakt, bohut mast hai re tu. Ye ab se humara adda tere sath suhagraat manane ke liye.” “Han bas do ghante...

2 years ago
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A Meeting At Sea

Alexandra stood at the railing of the 4 th floor deck watching the waves crash against the ship and the pod of dolphins playing in the steamy evening. It was getting late in the day and the sun had started setting, and she was enjoying it. She and her friend, Catherine had escaped their lives in the cold Midwest winter for a week in the Mexican Riviera. They couldn’t wait to sit together on their room’s balcony and share a bottle of wine watching the sun quickly drop below the horizon and the...

3 years ago
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My Desire For My Aunt

I am Abhilash, age 20, the story which I ll be telling u all happened 3 months ago. I have been a regular reader of iss stories and after having my first sex experience I thought of posting it here. I live in Belgaum, Karnataka. Am doing my engineering third year. Whenever i get holidays I visit to my uncle’s place in Vizag to enjoy and spend my holidays with him. He is a project manager and works in night shift. He got married three years ago to a 29 yr old. His wife’s name is Akshata. She is...

2 years ago
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Laid in a day

I've been reading Xhamster stories now for a little over a year, wow some are pretty hot and some are funny. Here is my story I hope you enjoy. So about a month ago like any guy with work, bills, and little to no time for ones self. Decided to do the whole online dating thing to get some new pussy. Searched around for about a day or so reading about online sites, what they are charging and or any hidden gimmicks. I found this one site., made a profile and with in the...

2 years ago
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My night with the thick mature neighbor

It was a hard day and after working for hours, I felt the need for some good sex. I had a neighbor that lived. A few houses down and she was up for anything. She was a thick little number that never had her man around. She was older than me but in my case, it was the fact that she was mature that made me know that she needed something different. She had been wanting a piece of me ever since she met me, so tonight, I would finally give her what she wanted. When I got to her place, she opened the...

2 years ago
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The Saga Of A Call Boy In Bangalore

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Rakshith (name changed) from Bangalore, 23 year old, handsome call boy. Girls, couples and women of any age for any service can contact me at Coming to my physique, 5’9” and a sexy athletic body with a great sense of style. Coming to the story, it all had happened a few months back when I had breakup and was sex starving. Life without girlfriend and sex was frustrating . I thought for a while, made up my mind and uploaded my details to one of the websites...

4 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 10

I wanted to go home, but I needed to stop by the library first. I had a report due in the morning and I'd been putting it off until the last minute like I always did. I called home, borrowing the phone at the front desk. The girl working there was a high school girl named Lauren and Henry had a big crush on her, but I couldn't ever figure out why. She too tall or thin, or something, and hardly ever said a word anybody could understand. She'd come from Luxemburg, the place in Europe, not...

3 years ago
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The Plan backfired to my pleasure

After a while regular sex can be a tad boring and for myself personally I need new impetus and daring-do to stimulate myself, hence my leaving off certain articles of underwear, leaving a curtain drawn, door ajar, indecently exposing myself in an impulsive act of bravado, or just letting a man touch me indecently and giving a blow-job to a stranger, have all the elements of something different or excitement that drives my libido to new heights.I prowl chat rooms looking for sex with men and in...

4 years ago
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Castaway FearlessChapter 4

Throughout the greater part of the day we mingled among the town’s folk. After the evening’s feast I was told our stroll had more than reassured the guest workers and recent arrivals, and they were celebrating and congratulating themselves at their smart choice to move here. I didn’t really understand how a crowd’s mood could swing so broadly from fatal resignation over one calamity and then to sweeping happiness. Yet, hope was the fire that fed their emotions, even when a brief squall dumped...

2 years ago
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Brick House Pt 02 Ch 0102

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 2 (chapters one and two) of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’ While this part does not have erotic content, many of the others do. It is included for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story. Chapter 1 During my senior year in college I lived in an on-campus apartment with three other guys. It was an old concrete block building, rendered only marginally less ugly by the presence of a red brick facade. There were no discrete...

3 years ago
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Playing with Camilla

My wife’s friend Camilla called me that Saturday afternoon. She knew that Ana was out of town entangled with some of her regular black lovers.Camilla told me I would be home alone and sad and then asked me to join her at her place. She added that she had a nice surprise for me.When she opened the door, I was not surprised to see her holding a huge black dildo between her soft hands. She kissed me deeply and let me in.“We will play Heads or Tails” She announced smiling at me.“Fine… I have a...

2 years ago
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Bath Time

As I close the door to our apartment behind me and hang up my keys, I notice that yours are missing and assume you're working late at the studio. Exhausted and drenched from the sudden thunder storm that erupted as I made my way home, I let my hand bag fall to the floor and kick off my heels before making my way to the kitchen. Not knowing when you could be home, I decide to hold off on dinner and grab a bottle of wine from the fridge and the first wine glass I can get my hands on.I pour myself...

Straight Sex
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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 5

Not only did Mary give Jason a blow job with all the girls gathered around as close as they could get, but Mary got so turned on that she took a rubber out of Jason’s jeans on the floor and rolled it down his dick when she had gotten him sucked hard again. Then Mary straddled him and took his skinny little dick up in her pussy, fucking him right there in Marcy’s bedroom as the girls oooohed and aaaahed at what they were witnessing. Joani knew just exactly how to suck Hoot’s big ol’ wild...

1 year ago
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Almost slavery

This story goes back about sixty years. Back then nobody was concerned with how old you were if you consented and they wanted to have sex with you.I tell this story in my mother-in-laws own words. When I was a young girl almost nobody had much money. Girls sixteen and some younger were placed out as hired girls. Most were town girls sent to farm familys. About the time I was eighteen my mother placed me with a farm family. A husband and wife with a pair of 18 year old twin boys.The boys were...

First Time
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Pune Lo Parichayam Aina Telugu Ammai

Ee incident 2014 lo jarigindi. Pune lo job vachindi naku. 15 days varaku hotel book chesaru office vallu. Pune ki vellaka mundu nunde flat kosam search cheyadam modalttanu online lo. Facebook groups lo kooda post cheyadam modalettanu. Na post ni oka ammai like chesindi. Ramya…Pune Infosys lo working ani facebook profile lo undi. From hyderabada. Mana telugu ammaye ani Friend request pettanu accept chesindi. Saradaga chat cehyadam modalettanu. Ammai chudadaniki sannaga undi ,23 years of age 5’4”...

1 year ago
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I come from a long line of sexually deviant women

I know from experience that there are men who get off on women being force fucked and that some women, themselves need to have that kind of dangerous sex.Sex on the edge, sex bordering the darker side of humanity, and I dont mean skin color, though for me it happened with black men.Used, abused, marked and branded, made to do things I once thought impossible, thats what can happen when your naked, helpless, and have a body that cant stop having orgasms, making those bestial men think your...

1 year ago
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Rene Completes His Schooling

Rene retired to his room, a ramshackle structure roofed over with asbestos sheets. He was preparing to stretch himself on the cot when he heard the sound of someone sluicing water into a tub in the next room. The room next was apparently the bathroom, and the plywood partition that separated the rooms was full of cracks and holes. Rene looked through some of them. Aunt must have been aware of the possible uses of these openings for she had papered them over from the other side. There was one,...

3 years ago
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Her Neighbors Games Ch 6

Helen was a bit hesitant to use the shower in the strange bathroom without any chance for modesty. To her big relief, Lisa left the room, announcing that she had to fetch something from the garden and with Jen still facing the wall she could enjoy the spray of warm water that washed away the sticky remainders of their dirty games. She thoroughly rinsed her mouth and was grateful to finally get rid of the stale taste of urine, and she tried not to look at the strange toilet that still held...

2 years ago
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A Shade of PurpleChapter 6

It is sometime before Sarah wakes up. It is the sound of waves lapping against the shore that enter her consciousness first. She feels grittiness all along her body and face. When she finally does open her eyes, it is dark. It isn’t darkness she sees but rather that it is still night. The moon is still casting its light, reveling that she is lying on the beach. Sarah starts to move and quickly she finds that her body is resistant. She is waterlogged and achy all over. It feels like she was...

4 years ago
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My Sister In Law Beth Chapters 2 4

It was already Wednesday and I had not heard a single word from Beth since Saturday night’s amazing encounter. I was beginning to think that she felt she had made a huge mistake. Even though that night was the most incredible experience for me since my wife Susan had passed away, it was not worth losing Beth’s friendship over. Several times that day I had picked up the phone to call her but was overwhelmed by panic every time. I made a promise to myself that if she has not called me by...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 54

After almost a month I awoke on a Monday morning to start my day at 6 AM. I got the fire rebuilt and then closed the draft. I did all that while I waited for the call from Jeremy or Alice. The one that told me they were on their way. While I waited I also reviewed the last few weeks of my life. I had to do that every so often to keep the big picture in mind. Otherwise I got mired down in whatever project that was most pressing at the moment. The reason I chose this morning to do the mental...

4 years ago
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Wife and I go on vacation

Just arrived in Prague for a a week of eating, drinking and site seeing. Our hotel is charming and nestled in the old city. Tired from travel we drop our bags, shower together, and after a relaxing fuck doze off in the comfort of our featherbed. We wake to a bell tower and the sounds of a rocking city friday night. Revelers in the streets. The high pitched buzz of motorbikes. The odd car horn. My wife suggests going clubbing as we are unlikely to get back to sleep after our serious power...

2 years ago
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Friday Afternoon Part 5

Part 5Following the dramatic events of Saturday morning both Bobby and hismother had been so exhausted that they slept until late afternoon. Normawas the first up and made them a beautiful dinner in the middle of whichJake, father and husband, unexpectedly showed up. It seems thateverything had been settled and he was back home again. That put a crimpon mother and son's plans for the rest of the weekend. Actually fromthat point on for some time.There didn't seem to be a spare moment when they...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter 34 In BusinessFor Real

Once Drew and Janice were established in the cottage our money-making activities took off in a new direction. Drew said that we could make money hand over fist based on the academic majors of Anthony students. He called a meeting of “the principals.” I looked around and didn’t see any elementary school administrators. I was confused and said so. “Mark, you’re the number one Principal. In business, Principals are owners and decision-makers. I’m a Principal. Do you agree that it’s fair that...

1 year ago
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Our Stories Summer Evening in the Pool

The summer after the prom was amazing. We spent so much time together and really couldn’t get enough of each other to boot. Sheri got a part-time job working in a clothing store in a mall a few towns over. I would pick her up from work the nights she had to close. She’d let me in the back door of the store and we’d fuck in the dressing rooms or on her bosses desk. At first, it was different and exciting, but we did it so often that it became common place. Sheri really liked the idea that we...

Wife Lovers
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The Theatre

They had arrived at an opportune moment – no one was at the box office and the lobby appeared to be empty. “Two for theater two please,” her husband said to the cashier, who took their $13 dollars and handed over the two small green stubs that were their tickets to this adventure. She was getting nervous now, though they had done this before, she always got nervous – and excited. Their luck held as they strolled arm in arm through the empty lobby. The absence of an entourage, she hoped, would...

3 years ago
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Imagine my tonguevery soft and sublimeTraveling downthe length of your spineTickling your hipsthen parting your thighsYour taste brings me pleasure,you voice pleasurable criesImagine my handsAs they inspect and exploreMake your nipples erectyour body hungers for moreThen plumbing the depthsYour attention they getBringing you close to the chasmBut not over not yetImagine my armsAs they encircle your waistLift you up and on topYou slowly settle in placeThen they pull you in closeAround my neck...

2 years ago
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Excellence In Loving You Ch 04

Chayne reaches in her handbag for her Fashion First Aid kit and freshens up her face. Before heading home she needs to get her car washed. The car wash is like the dog park but only for cars. There are hot guys and hot cars a plenty! Chayne loves getting all dolled up and going to the car wash. Yes, she is shallow. Today is superhot and she already knows it’s going to be uber busy at the car wash. As she pulls up to the parking lot she sees that there is a 15 car pile-up. Without even looking...

3 years ago
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The interracial Sexual Surrogate

Introduction: It is about a poor childless young black couple that desperately wants a child and the wife is unable to conceive. My wife is so good at having children, and we already have six! She has offered herself through a local service then finds out that the couple in need is black! The Sexual Surrogate There is just something that is so sinfully erotic about pregnant white women whos lovers, are black that is so appealing! To see pictures of an attractive naked white women knocked up...

2 years ago
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Babysitting Blues

The fact that my gym was in the same building that I lived and worked was a plus. The incentive program my boss set up didn’t hurt either. The gym was state of the art and he could see my workout history any time he wanted to and he actually paid me for it. He insisted I stay in shape “for the business” he would say. I was perfectly ok with that as long as it resulted in money in my pocket and a tight body. The money was special. I didn’t tell anyone but the fact that a secretary, excuse...

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The AcademyChapter 48

Jack: In the meantime, the AI piped up with, "Oh?" I'd been talking out my ass... "Young Abe appears to be a viable candidate for the creation of such a video, given proper support." "Um." I was a little dazed and confused. Abe was there in the room, having viewed the video -- which, let's face it, hadn't even been rated 'R'. I shrugged. What the Hell... "Abe, the AI thinks you can make a...

3 years ago
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My Naughty Neighbor Cici Part 1

John and Cici moved in next door to us a few months back in our quiet little neighborhood just outside of Dallas. John is about thirty-something and a technical engineer for a software company. His wife, Cici, is from the Philippines. Although Cici was Filipino, she was born in the US, to Filipino parents who lived in California. We met them in passing, across the grassy area between our houses, shortly after they moved in.Jon and Cici pretty much kept to themselves. They did not have any kids,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e11 Melissa

Series 4, Episode 11: MELISSA We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Then we’re on a busy street in an old English city - not a lot of food traffic, but plenty of cars...

3 years ago
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Teen rani

Am sikh age 39 now but this is the real story of when I was 19 years old am living in govt officer flats in south delhi since my father was govt officer. Iam very sex loving boy i like to have sex with someone but could not get chance. These are 4 th class flats of peons working in govt deptts are behind our flats. On these days very few houses are having t.v telephone,cars,even twoweelers but we had every things then. One day i seen there are 2 girls playing badminton but with only one racket...

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sister brother Summer Lover

sister, brother, Summer Lover by SizeXIntroduction: It is fair to say that in many ways Gary and Jan were sister, brother, Summer Lover -------------------Prologue - RISE-------------------If you had asked him how it had started, he wouldn't have been able totell you.That was partly because Gary didn't understand exactly what hadhappened... but mostly because he was distracted, gazing down at hissister's moist red lips sliding up and down his teenage prick.The feeling was like nothing he'd ever...

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