One Good Turn Deserves Another
- 4 years ago
- 31
- 0
Every evening for the last year, Emily had walked through Emerson’s park at seven thirty on her way home. Every evening she felt cautious and wary of the ever increasing darkness that Autumn brings. It was either that or a taxi that she could ill afford or take the long way home adding an extra fifteen minutes to her journey.
She would enter the park at its West gate and walk around the great big horse chestnut trees until she encountered the long tiled area down the centre; lined with benches and beech trees that shed their bright orange, almost metallic leaves. Half way down was a small building where people often huddled together out of the rain; a few benches were scattered around the enclave but few frequented this place so late on in the day, let alone the season.
As she strode feigning confidence past the darkened building a man stepped out in front of her; a young man with a somewhat evil grin on his face. That wouldn’t have been a problem for Emily but it was the way he stepped into her path and made her pull up in front of him. His hand instantly came up to her chest as he grabbed her Gabardine coat by the collar.
“You’re in a hurry, little one?”
Little one, thought Emily. She palmed his hand and moved it off her coat. She was about to tell him where to get off but his hand moved so quickly. Before she knew it her own hand was tight against her back and twisted up and into her shoulder blades.
Emily screamed, but who the fuck would hear her at this time of the evening? She felt frightened, glancing from side to side to see if she had any leverage to break free, but he held her tightly against him. She could feel his sleazy breath against her neck and she wanted to turn and spit at him.
“Feisty little one, aren’t you?”
That term again, little one. Emily groaned, why the fuck hadn’t she taken up Karate or Kick-Boxing when she had the chance.
“Oi! Fuck Off you Twat!”
Emily’s ears pricked up. The man twisted around quickly, dragging Emily with him only to come face to face with a larger, much older guy brandishing what looked like half a tree trunk in his hand. The swipe of the makeshift weapon in their general direction was enough for him to let go of Emily and run as fast as he could.
The older man coughed and spluttered, eventually bringing his hand to his mouth as he rested the log on the floor.
“Fuck, that was heavy. Ya alright Ma’am?”
Emily nodded. “Thank you.”
“No worries. Get all sorts of twats in here this time of night, fink they’re someone special y’see.”
“I’ve no doubt.”
“You be careful now, don’t think ee’ll be bovvering you anytime soon though.”
With that the man turned and made his way back to the corner of the building.
Emily could vaguely make out a rucksack in the dark corner and some cloth around the floor, some newspapers stacked to one side.
“What’s your name?” she shouted after him.
“Graham.” He flicked his finger across his imaginary Stetson.
“Thank you, Graham.”
Emily watched until Graham reached his abode for the evening. Kneeling down he arranged some papers on top of what looked like a cotton sheet and snuggled inside. He pulled the edge up around his neck and donned a woollen cap. Graham settled down for the night in relative safety and away from the prying eyes of the law.
Emily made her way home. She couldn’t believe how stupid she was to walk through the park but then, she had done that a hundred times before. She reached the safety of her home and collapsed into a chair; all the time replaying the evening in her head. She made herself a meal and sat at the table eating. Every fork was forced as she thought of what Graham must be eating at that moment. Suddenly she felt sick. Sick to her very core as she looked around her room and saw all the luxuries: the spent money, the flowers, the food filled cupboards, the TV, and the burning lights contributing to the glow of the city. All these luxurious trappings, she thought, may have meant nothing, had that young man had his way with her, forced her to do things she would rather not do, or worse, kill her.
Emily swallowed hard and with that thought lodged deep in her mind, walked to the window to look out across the burning and glowing landscape that was home, a building urge to weep overtook her.
The following night Emily was prepared. She deliberately took the same route home, as much to convince herself that she had no reason to be afraid and to drop something special off for Graham.
She cautiously looked around the corner of the building as she approached it. Graham was nowhere to be seen. She looked around the park as much as she could in the dim light to see if he had chosen a bench to lie on this evening. She relented eventually and decided she would have to take the package home with her. At home, she unravelled it and kept some of the contents while throwing the rest in the bin.
The next evening was the same. Still no Graham, but she would continue with her insistence, at least for a while.
On the fourth night, Emily smiled as she looked around the corner.
“Thought you’d left this place.”
“Ah! I was comfort-ly detained at her Majesties convenience,” he replied, smiling and shrugging his shoulders at the thought.
“Warmer bed though,” she said, raising her eyebrow.
“S’not the same though, is it.”
Emily shook her head.
“I suppose not. I wanted to thank you for what you did,” she said, handing him the package that she had religiously repackaged several times over the last few days, filling the contents with new and discarding the old and wilting food.
“For me?”
Emily nodded, enthusiastically.
Graham pulled at the paper holding everything together, his blackened and bitten finger nails were a bit of a sight, but the joy on his face when he gazed into the packet was unbelievable. His eyes were immediately drawn to a packet of cheese biscuits and he hurriedly opened it.
His first move was to offer the opened packet to Emily.
She welled up inside at the thought that the man’s first action was to offer some of his food to her; a man that had nothing in the whole world, probably starving and living in the coldness of the open air in late October.
She took one biscuit, just to be polite, and she stayed with him as he scoffed nearly half the packet in the same time as she nibbled at her one biscuit. Emily couldn’t help but smile at Graham or, was she smiling at how she had made a small difference in the world.
The next few nights sped by and Emily had walked past his building several times without seeing Graham. She kind of missed his presence and on one occasion, she sat in the same spot as he did and opened the packet herself. She stayed there until she could no longer stand the cold. She left the package on the floor before walking home.
The next night, Graham was once more in residence.
“You’re getting to be like the Queen,” she commented, “only here on special occasions.”
Graham smiled. His cough was beginning to fade and he was looking a lot healthier.
“Mind if I join you tonight?” she asked.
“Pull up a chair, my dear.”
Emily sat next to him on the floor.
“I got you something different this time,” she smiled handing him the package.
She had stopped at Costa coffee and purchased a large Cappuccino for him. Graham’s world lit up.
“I used to love expensive coffee,” he grinned.
Pulling the package apart he found a small knife, butter, some bread and some ham.
“Ham? Ham?”
“Fuckit if I’m not going to get arrested if they find the knife on me though!” he exclaimed.
Emily laughed.
“Come on let’s make some sandwiches.”
She pulled the bread out and buttered it, Graham pulled the Ham out of the packet with his slightly better, manicured fingernails; at least some of the blackness had disappeared at least.
Ham was put in between two slices and they divided the spoils equally between them.
“What’s in there?” asked Graham.
“Something special.”
“Can’t be as special as you, my dear.”
Emily caught her breath and bit her lip. Graham had, unknowingly, given her the best compliment that she had received in a long time. Emily bent over to retrieve the package. She pulled out a bottle of red wine and two plastic cups. She placed one down by her side while she filled the other for herself.
“Wine, bloody ‘ell, you must be rich Ma’am.”
Emily smiled at him and handed him the cup. She repeated the motion with her own. Putting the bottle down on the floor she held her cup high in the air.
“To your health,” she announced.
Graham touched her cup with his own.
“To your health, my dear. Mine’s not worth the effort.”
The night just disappeared and as far as Emily was concerned it was a total success. The conversation was opening up and the only time she caught herself was when Graham told her about the time his world collapsed in a heap when his wife died of cancer. He described how he felt and how he believed he couldn’t go on, how he ended up where he was today, why he should make more effort but had nothing to make the effort for.
He talked and Emily listened. The conversation eventually dried up and they stared out of the shelter into the cold night. Emily took a sip of her wine and made a comment.
“I love wine Sometimes, it’s better than sex.”
“Sex? What’s that?”
Emily was taken aback. Occasionally things would be said that would upset her. It never failed and normally they were things that she would take for granted. Things like food, wine and sex. She looked down to the floor and considered her next sentence.
“When was the last time?”
“Last time?”
“Last time you had sex?”
Graham shook his head.
“Can’t remember,” he shrugged. “A long, long time ago.”
Emily bit her lip. All that could be heard was silence, that and the flapping of a bird’s wings and the rustling of leaves on the floor. Occasionally, a falling leaf would interrupt the light reaching them from the nearby flats.
“Well, that stopped the conversation,” Graham piped up.
“Has it?” Emily retorted as she put her hand on Graham’s thigh and rapidly moved it upwards to his crotch.
Graham felt her touch but could not believe it at first, then he looked into her face and all he could see was the concentration on her face, looking down to his crotch as her hand squeezed him. His cock responded. It grew, much to Emily’s surprise and excitement.
Finally, Emily looked him in the eyes. A calm lustful smile spread all over her face. Anyone looking at her right then would know that she was going to get her way.
Graham, however, wasn’t that clued up on want and need – he hadn’t been for a long time.
It wasn’t until Graham’s cock grew fairly large in his baggy trousers that Emily started to undo them; first the belt then the zipper and finally she tugged them down as much as she could.
Graham hadn’t moved an inch. He groaned when his cock surfaced, wrapped snuggly in its palm blanket as it touched the cold night air.
Emily fisted his cock for a while, very slowly and very considerately. She had intended to wank him and make him cum for her but when she saw the sight of his lengthy cock, other ideas flooded her mind. She slipped her bum away from Graham by a few inches and bent herself at the waist. Her head made a beeline for the crown of Graham’s cock.
For a person that travelled the streets, his cock was in wonderful condition, thought Emily. She lowered her head to it and gathered up the undersides with her tongue.
But, licking it while stroking it with her hand, was just a little too much for Graham. By the time Emily slipped her mouth over his cock he ejaculated. There was little or no warning except a grunt that Graham let loose just as the first jet of spunk hit the insides of Emily’s mouth.
To Graham’s surprise, Emily moaned and lowered her head down taking his cock into her mouth further. She swallowed his load as it erupted and she sucked greedily as the rest of his juices joined the first jet. All the time, she never let up on her stroking and pulling on his length.
When Graham was totally spent, Emily lifted her head from his cock and licked her lips. They looked at each other but said nothing. Emily was still stroking his cock despite it diminishing in size.
She started to put it back into his trousers but stopped when Graham took over the dutiful task.
“That was very nice,” he told her.
“Thank you, I enjoyed it. Maybe next time, I’ll get me tits out for ya,” she said, trying desperately to sound like Graham and make it sound funny as well.
Graham nodded before silence fell over the pair of them again.
In an awkward moment Emily downed the remaining wine and put her cup in the bag. Graham’s cup joined it, as did the empty bottle.
“Right well, I guess I must be off,” she said as she lifted herself from the floor.
“See you tomorrow,” she said as she tried to look into his eyes.
Graham looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you, I don’t know what to say, but yeah, see you tomorrow.”
Emily wandered home wondering. Wondering whether she should have gone that far and actually done what she did or whether she should have stopped at the naughty talk. Then it hit her, the realisation that it was probably the first sex he had had since his wife died. Emily felt gutted that she had invaded his private space without even asking whether he thought it was right for her to do so.
Time would tell, she thought.
Graham went missing for the following two nights. Emily was worried and afraid that she may have gone a little too far. A part of her wanted Graham to like her and a part wanted to mother him; purely because of his situation and well, his homelessness. He was a good egg, as far as Emily was concerned. She racked her brain to try and figure out who else would have helped her when she was about to get attacked. She drew a blank on the bloke side of things but then came up with Gemma. Yeah, thought Emily, Gemma would have been in there helping her out.
On the third night Emily walked around the park due to several younger lads that were congregating near the entrance. She wasn’t in a rush to relive that fateful night even though the route was a little longer.
Emily was relieved to find that Graham was back in his usual place on the fourth night. She smiled as she clocked him in the corner of the enclave. After the previous no shows, Emily did not have anything in the way of food or drink for him.
She took a wide berth of the building to give Graham time to recognise who was approaching and to give him time to run if he needed to. Emily stopped dead in her tracks, looked at the stranger in Graham’s place and started to turn away.
“Em,” a shout rang out with her name attached to it.
Emily turned and looked and saw a vague resemblance to Graham. The closer she got the more she recognised. His coat was new’ish, his beard had been trimmed much closer than the hedge bush that he had sported previously. His hair had either been cut or combed and he smelt; of something sweet, a kind of perfumed smell, but not aftershave.
“You’ve changed,” she smiled.
“My dear, one ‘as to make an effort these days,” he replied.
“Does one!”
“One does. Ow is you?”
“I’m fine thanks.”
Emily looked Graham over, more than once. She couldn’t believe the change in him. Then she let out a wicked grin.
“What bank did you rob?”
Graham looked across the park and pointed. “That one, there,” he said.
Emily was glad for him.
“I ummm – I don’t have anything today, didn’t think you would be here.”
“But I do –“
Graham bent over and opened a small plastic bag and removed several items. Emily could see the letters ‘T E S’ on the side of the bag and her mind made up the supermarket store that it had come from. With glee written all over his face, Graham presented Emily with some cheese, a baguette and a small packet of ham. Emily knew the ham alone must have cost a fortune to Graham.
“C’mon, let’s eat,” he suggested.
“Excuse me! Where’s the wine.”
“Ah now, I did get the wine – but it was off – had to throw it,” he smirked.
Emily laughed and grabbed a concrete seat next to Graham. They ate chatted and laughed. He told her all about his recent travels and how he was going to turn all this around. Graham pointed to his world, the trees, the grass, the concrete building and the park.
He told her how rich he was and that he had come to this place, he pointed once more to everything around him, because of what happened with his wife.
“I’m gonna change back into me former self,” he told Emily.
“That’s good, that’s what I want to hear,” said Emily, not fully believing every word of how he was going to do it, but she remained up-beat and enthusiastic for him.
The conversation dried up a little and both of them were unsure as to how to proceed given the excitement of the last time.
“I bought this for you,” Graham said, handing Emily a soft package wrapped in soft plain paper.
Emily smiled and started to open it. Her mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ as she pulled the black lace knickers from its wrapping. She stood up and held it across her waist. It must have been two sizes too big but she just smiled and wrapped it up into her arms.
“You shouldn’t have,” she indicated, shaking her head. A tear formed in her eye and she quickly wiped it away. Emily stepped in and kissed him. Her hand came up across the back of his neck and she pressed herself to him. Her tongue eventually found its way inside his mouth.
Graham was not slow to respond. His hand cupped her breast beneath the heavy flax coat she was wearing and soon, by a dual effort, it was discarded and thrown to the floor. Hands pawed at her smart dress until her breasts filled them. Graham responded to Emily’s urgent kisses as she struggled to release his trousers and pull his cock into the fresh night air.
After struggling with the new belt he had bought, Emily finally released his manhood and she pushed him onto the concrete floor; pulling down his trousers until they rested just below his knees.
With Graham’s cock held upright by his own hand, Emily lifted the sides of her dress and tugged her knickers to one side, and pulling them down one leg to be left hanging around the other. She lifted her skirt up and straddled Graham; lowering her pussy onto his stiff and erect cock.
She took over control when his cock was inches from her pussy and Graham’s hands once more came up to her cup her breasts.
Emily’s knees hurt as they rubbed on the concrete. Just a little more foresight, she thought, and she would have placed her coat on the floor to lean on, instead it was heaped up against the wall of the concrete building. Emily, let his cock plunge into her hot and waiting cunt.
Graham let out a loud groan as he felt it sink into the smooth velvet sheath. He pushed his bum upwards to help it move into her but Emily sat firmly down on him preventing any further movement. She looked into his eyes; a twisted grimace appeared on her face like she was in agony. She slowly started to rock her body on Graham’s cock savouring every slight movement of both his and her body.
Emily rolled her head and placed both her hands on her hips. She tried her best to minimise the movement of her knees and legs as she slowly fucked Graham; savouring every nuance, every touch of flesh and every sound that spewed from their lips.
“Emily. Oh! Emily, you make me want to live again!”
Emily didn’t know how to respond, so she raised her body off is cock and then fucked herself down on him as hard as she could. His cock hit her insides like it was a blade of fire. His hands cupped her breasts as she rode him to oblivion. It wasn’t all that long until Graham was grunting once more; until he would come inside her. Emily’s hands reached down and rested on his chest. She leant into him, raising her knees from the floor as she fucked him. His erect cock reached parts of her that had not caused her any pleasure in ages. It was stiff and unforgiving. She looked into Graham’s eyes and nodded. Her lips moved but he could not hear anything. They moved again just before they quivered. The third time he heard what she was saying.
“I’m coming-“
Graham started to push his cock into her whenever she gave him the freedom of movement to do so. Though, he had to admit, it was limited; the more he tried the more he knew he wouldn’t last long enough to pleasure this beauty on top of him.
Nevertheless, Graham lowered his hands onto Emily’s hips and started to fuck his cock into her in time to her own movements.
Emily started nodding. Her words became cruder. She lost herself in the moment and was repeating sentences over and over. They may well have been meant for her head only, but the words spilled out into the night air and were eventually sucked up into the excitement of the sexual act.
Graham loved hearing them. He loved hearing what his cock was doing to Emily and how she felt. Her compliments took him by surprise, ‘so deep’, ‘so fucking hard’, ‘fucking gorgeous cock’, issued from her mouth, time and again. He never thought that his cock was that big or that he was that good at using it.
She was riding Graham’s cock with some enthusiasm, panting and repeating the word fuck over and over and then she went rigid. Graham took over and pushed his cock into her. A loud groan emanated from deep within Emily’s throat. She shook violently on top of Graham. Her legs twisted and turned; he felt sure she would have clenched them tight if his body wasn’t in the way.
That was when Graham’s lost all composure. The words she used at that precise moment were unbelievable to his ears and he let his cock ejaculate and pump his seed deep inside her.
Emily responded. She was recovering and had the presence of mind to allow her lower body to slip over Graham’s cock and pleasure his length as he shot his cum inside her. She let out a sigh every time his cock reached up inside her soaking cunt.
They eventually looked at each other and smiled; both breathing heavily and both sated from the exertion of the quick and rampant fuck they gave each other.
Emily’s second sense told her that it was time to leave. She lifted herself from his body and they both dressed. A wicked grin appeared on Emily’s face as she picked up her knickers.
“You keep these,” she said, “I will take the ones you bought and wear them when I get home.”
It brought a wide grin from Graham’s lips as he pocketed his prize.
Emily leant in to give Graham a quick peck on the cheek but he held her there with his hand on the back of her neck. His gaze averted her eyes; looking at the floor all the time.
“You really have –” he paused for more than a few seconds.
“You really have changed my life you know.”
Emily smiled and nodded, but still Graham’s gaze was lowered.
“The next time you see me – I will have changed. I promise.”
Emily pulled him closer to her.
“You daft bugger. We all change.”
She kissed him on the forehead and held him close for a while.
“I gotta go. See you tomorrow maybe.”
“Yeah, we’ll do that shall we,” he replied, smiling.
With that Emily turned to leave. Half way across the park she turned and waved and then continued on; smiling all the way on her journey home.
Graham didn’t turn up for their arranged meeting. Nor did he appear the day after or the day after that.
It was a week before Emily reported a missing person to the police; a week too late, perhaps.
She was constantly on the lookout from people walking past. She even followed up the missing person report but the police could find no trace of anyone matching her description.
Emily sat at home and pondered on her illicit time with Graham, how quick it was to start and how quick to finish.
On numerous occasions she felt nauseous, deflated, and afraid of the outcome.
It was Christmas day. Emily was stirring the cinnamon infused mulled wine on the stove. She was looking forward to a few glasses curled up on the sofa and watching a film on the TV. There was a knock on Emily’s door.
She thought it strange, as generally no one could get into the building unless let in. Nevertheless she opened it. She half expected a policeman to be standing there – hat in hand, poised ready with the bad news.
She nodded at the man standing there in front of her. His hair, black as the night and slicked backwards, clean shaven and sporting a black suit, grey shirt and golden tie.
“Hi!” he announced.
“Hello,” returned Emily. A hint of familiarity struck her but she shrugged it off.
The man handed her a thick envelope. “For you,” he said and turned to leave.
“Wait!” Emily shouted after him. “What is it?”
He raised his eyebrows and pointed to the envelope with his open hand.
She opened it, took out the black case inside and lifted the lid. Emily pulled out a rose gold, diamond encrusted necklace. She gasped. Her eyes were as wide as they could be. Her mouth fell open; disbelief written all over her face.
“I don’t understand,” she started, but then things became clearer. She started putting two and two together and looked into the eyes of the man in front of her. Pensively, she asked what she already suspected.
He just smiled.
“What the fuck! Please come in, come in,” insisted Emily, her eyes already filling with tears.
“I don’t understand,” she sobbed.
“I was wondering whether I could – you know –” he said, with a wicked grin on his face.
Emily sucked some air into her lungs and tasted the bitter sweet tears on her lips. She kept silent and closed the door; leaning into it with her back as she watched Graham walk into her flat. ‘I have a feeling you’re going to’, she thought to herself and then waited for the explanation to flow out of his mouth.
“I love the smell of mulled wine.” He chirped.
Emily nodded and waited, patiently. Although relief flooded through her and a smile started to cross her lips, she watched silently as Graham turned, opened his arms and shrugged.
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Amber had booked them into an ocean-facing room on the 6th floor, with two queen beds, a balcony, and a big closet. The bellhop drone wheeled out of their room once it was done loading up the closet with all of Amber's worldly possessions and all of Tyler's new feminine wardrobe. After it left, Amber and Tyler spread out on their beds, exhausted from the hypersleep. They soon drifted off, still wearing their traveling clothes, until early the next day. Before he knew it, the...
On the other side of the curtain stood Jackson and Amber, wearing their costumes for the event. Jackson didn't look much different now than she did during their trip down the elevator, though the pinstripe skirt she wore now was slightly shorter than the charcoal gray one she had on earlier, and the jacket was tighter around her chest. Her hair was done up in a severely tight bun, and she wore smokey black stockings above a pair of pumps, much the same style as Tyler's but with a much...
Tyler tapped on the taxi window. Jackson looked at him through the glass, oddly, then opened the door for him. "You didn't get it," she said. Tyler held his shimmering skirt, sat down, and placed his clutch on the seat. "Get what?" "The biomechanical canister. The one you're going to pee all your nanobots into tomorrow morning after you have your old body back." "Ah. Right," Tyler replied. He punched some instructions into his phone, and the taxi began driving away. "Well, the...
I've always been a fan of John Goodman, mostly because he has that rear fatso beauty. One day I decided to sneak inside a set of a movie he was shooting. I wanted to get into his trailer, but found out he has left to his hotel, and decided to go there. I managed to steal a key to his suite. I dressed up like the room-service guy and went to his room. I carried honey, remembering he said in an interview he can't resist it. I knocked on his door and he told me to come in (God, he has the...
Warren was running late when he pulled into the underground car park at the local shopping complex. He had been up earlier to attend the gym and do a number of laps of the pool, however, he didn’t realise how crowded the parking area would be and he obtained the last available space. ‘Wonder what the fuck is going on?’ he questioned as he turned the motor off. Just as he locked up a woman pushing a very heavy laden trolley rolled up to the vehicle next to him. One could say women were his...
A few minutes later, Connie and Tyler were ushered to a table toward the rear of the bistro. Two hosts held their chairs out for them as they sat down. Tyler was careful to hold his long, sequined skirt behind him as he sat, making sure the back end of the skirt didn't fall off the chair while also making sure to drape the front of the skirt as far over his freshly-shaven left leg as he could. It was such a complicated gown! Everything else he had worn since arriving on Saturn Beta had...
Tyler gave himself a long, hard look in the mirror before he went any further. He saw the sweat-streaked makeup, the frazzled but glamorous updo with its exquisite hairpins suspended inside, the platinum and diamonds hanging from his ears and neck, the skin of his exposed shoulders and tops of his D-cup tits, the tightly-fitting bodice hugging him from breasts to waist... he saw all of this, and it somehow startled him. He still didn't want to admit that Violet Taylor's body was the...
Ever the gentleman, Ben Rosenthal agreed to meet Tyler at the lobby of Pyramid Suites. Tyler wasn't interested in having other men on the elevator checking him out so brazenly, and he assumed that having Ben on his arm would discourage anyone from staring for too long. He wanted to give off the impression that he was Ben's woman... his date, for lack of a better term. Of course, that wasn't the case... but, well, it would make things less uncomfortable for Tyler, which his what he needed...
Tyler returned to his room, aiming to distract himself from everything Jackson had said about herself, her history, and her knowledge of what Tyler had been up to after the reception. He took an inordinately long shower, shampooing and conditioning twice, soaping and rinsing his supermodel-quality body until it shone in the overhead bathroom lights. He slipped last night's heart-shaped pink earrings out of his lobes and replaced them a couple of high-hanging platinum hoops. He dried off...
Amber had been right about the water temperature - Tyler was able to adjust it to his liking, anywhere between hair-raising cold to scalding hot and everything in between. Thank God for the gas mining operations on Saturn's moons! He played with the controls for a bit before stepping into the falling water of the showerhead. The first thing he noticed was how much water his new hair could absorb. He combed his fingers through his new auburn tresses, pulling the water drops through as...
Wyoming Ute IGT,Living Beyond the Dream, Saturn By: Malissa Madison I followed the directions on the trucks map to the right truck, and was met by one of the Terrellian waitresses from the diner. As I tried to recall her name I said, "I'm on my way to meet with your Headmistress." "Oh I hope no one has gotten into trouble." "No," I replied. "Brandi, do you think they need more help in the diner?" asked Rachel to my relief identifying the twin. "I think they can always use...
Jackson sent word out over the Ringed Amusements employee tablets that there was now plenty of initial interest in booking girls for public events, as well as more intimate one-on-one sessions, and that anyone interested in making a ton of money over the next week should leave their schedules open and wait for further instructions. Amber and Tyler tapped around on their tablets, looking for details, but none surfaced. Tyler eventually looked over at the hostess station again, where Zoe...
Tyler and Renee walked over to the man in the suit, Renee moving quite easily in her wedges and jeans while Tyler was still getting used to the tightness of the pencil skirt paired with the height of his pumps. He knew he was getting better at walking in this outfit, but it slowed him down so much. Renee reached the man in the suit several steps ahead of him. "Hello," Renee said, leaning in to examine the badge hanging from the man's lapel - it had the letters 'AG&M' laser-cut into...
Paul paid for his drinks and escorted Tyler back into foyer, toward the bank of elevators at the center. Tyler followed along behind, purse slung over his shoulder, gingham dress swishing playfully around his knees, pearl earrings dangling from his lobes, heeled pumps clicking along the polished concrete floor. He looked around furtively, hoping not to recognize anyone he saw here on the 39th floor. He didn't want anyone to think that he and Paul were out on a date or anything like that....
Tyler stayed sober through the rest of the after-party in the saloon. Two shots had been enough to make him unsteady in his seat - this new, smaller, softer body was much less tolerant of alcohol than his previous, flabbier male form, and he knew he had to slam the brakes on the booze if he was going to stay mentally fit enough to run his game on Ben Rosenthal. It had been going well so far, and Tyler was able to extract some potentially useful information from his target. He now...
Raj's office, if you could even call it that, was buried deep in the spindle between a foul-smelling fast food restaurant and a secondhand furniture store. Every wall in the office was painted bright white. It held a small desk, a massive safe, and a single swivel chair. Tyler stood on one side of the office, holding his boots, while Raj spun the dial on his safe. "I need to get a few photos of your face to put on your documentation," Raj said as he opened the safe. "This shouldn't...
Lunch was great. Dinner that night was, too, as Tyler donned the housewife act again and fixed up some pork chops, which Ben devoured with rave reviews. They spent the evening cuddled up on the sofa, watching a movie and part of a baseball game. They fucked on the sofa when Tyler got bored during the eighth inning, then showered together before bed. The dinner dishes lay dirty in the sink. The next morning, Tyler made coffee and breakfast - making sure to include a glass of pineapple...
Thanks for the comments-both good and bad on the story "Blood from a Turnip". I had number of email requests for: A) A companion piece from the wife character Lisa POV. B) More descriptive sex scenes. C) To stop writing such crap and never submit anything ever again (guess you cannot please everyone). I moved my tongue around his shaft as I bobbed my head up and down slowly using my one hand to jack his base. From his moans and movement he was really enjoying my ministrations. "Oh...
"My God, Vince, I had more money working as a gofer on the wrestling circuit that summer after High School than I do now." That was my brother Tommy. We were sitting at my kitchen table and going over his finances for the umpteenth time. Tommy had not fared well in the two years since his divorce. "OK Tommy," I tried to explain again, "you pull in $52K a year after taxes. That is about $4K a month you bring home. Now, gone first off the top is the $500 a month you pay in child support,...
The caning I received from MIss Clark did really shock me and the memory has remained with me in absolute clarity ever since. In adult life, I have imagined the sort of events which took place in the previous story many times, but have only now got round to writing about it. Curiously, writing this story actually made me quite excited and so I decided to write this sequel in which a sort of logical conclusion is reached. After all looking at some of the photo sets, commonly available on such...
Tyler entered the wardrobe at the far end of the printing press and immediately saw someone else in there, riffling through the plastic- covered clothes hangers. A shock of red hair turned to see who had just entered. "Hey, Violet," the redhead said. Well, speak of the devil, Tyler thought to himself. There she was. "Hey, Zoe," Tyler said. He walked between the racks of clothing and came alongside her. "How's it going?" "Good, good," Zoe said, grinning mightily back at him. She...
Ozzie used his key to access a tiny office in the rear, one stocked floor to ceiling with shelves containing all kinds of gear - tablets, phones, security cameras, whatnot. There was a dingy-looking desk tucked into a corner with one chair behind it and one in front. Ozzie took his spot at the other side of the desk and Tyler took the remaining chair for himself, smoothing the skirt of his boring brown dress as he sat down. He placed his purse in his lap. "So," Ozzie said, folding his...
"Ben!" Amber screamed. "Well! Fancy seein' you way out here!" "Hey, Amber," he said with a smile, and then he immediately turned his attention to Tyler. "Hi, Violet." "Oh," Tyler said, trying to regain his breath. He could feel blood rushing to his cheeks, and he could pointedly sense each individual item of clothing he had on, especially the garter belt. "Hey, Ben." "Well, don't act too excited to see me," Ben said jokingly. "I'm... well, no," Tyler stammered. "I mean, yeah, I'm...
Hours later, after Saturn's moon had drifted away from the window, Tyler was woken up by footsteps near his bed. He rolled over to try to see what was happening. "Sorry, darlin'," Amber whispered as she padded around the dark dorm room in her bare feet. "I was tryin' to be quiet for you." "What's going on?" Tyler said groggily. "Got a job to do. It just came over on my tablet. Really good money. You go on back to sleep, now. Don't mind me." And she was out the door and into the...
By some unexplainable miracle, nobody else needed to use their elevator until the 94th floor. As the car slowed, Connie and Tyler finally ended their long and passionate embrace, bashful as two middle school kids caught making out behind the bleachers. Connie spun away from Tyler and examined herself in the reflection of the rear wall, dabbing at her makeup with her fingers until the doors opened to take on the new passengers. Tyler stared straight ahead, not wanting to attempt...
Sometime later, an electronic bell sound rang through the suite. Tyler startled to attention and looked over the bed at Connie, who still had the purple rubber dildo hanging out of her cunt. She rustled around on the bedsheets underneath her for a moment before gripping the dong with both hands and easing it out of herself. She gasped as the tip exited her pussy, spilling a slight amount of vaginal juices onto the linens beneath her. "Sounds like dinner," she said, running a hand...
Later, after Tyler had tried on countless outfits and accessories, Connie called for a break. Fran made herself scarce, saying that she was going to ring up the outfits Connie and Tyler had decided to keep, of which there were quite a few. Tyler and Connie were left alone in the dressing room, sitting on the padded bench and enjoying a glass of the wine Fran had promised them earlier. Tyler currently wore a knee-length, full-skirted red gingham dress that made him look and feel like...
There is some recycling of characters from the first story I ever wrote for LW called BLOOD FROM A TURNIP (Yes I know the old story REALLY needed editing). This can be a standalone tale, but it will help to read either "BLOOD FROM A TURNIP" tale to get the backstory. Great Thanks to Dave T who edited this fable without drinking poison before he was finished. Any and ALL errors are mine. "Coach Tommy, is Frankie home?" This disheveled sixteen year old on my porch that Saturday...
Friday, April 27 (Continued) to Friday, June 1, 2007 All the family members gathered in the Adults' dining room and the girls started putting together a celebratory breakfast while we called our lawyer. Unsurprisingly, he took our call right away. I knew the most about what had been in the van and the conversation between Paul and the police chief, so I did most of the talking. It was a good way of bringing everyone else up to date too. At the end of the conversation, our lawyer said,...
Greta Lott, at 17, was the sexiest and smartest girl in the graduating class of 2012. But although Greta was book-learned and got straight A's in school, her street savvy was sorely sub par. So when prom night was just days away, she made the mistake of joining a few of the girls in her class for a pub crawl with fake ID. She had done this twice before with her bff, Helen. But this was the first time she ventured out to hot spots and after-hours clubs with Andrea, Megan and Britney, girls who...
Introduction: I met Dot and Goody, my future wife and her maid of honor I was 22 when I arrived at my new assignment in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and the officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to...
In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had their favorite haunts downtown and most of the time you would run into someone you knew as you made the late evening rounds looking for pussy, our primary off duty occupation. We did a lot of sightseeing but our interest in German culture was finding the best places to score. There was of course the local bar scene where a guy could get lucky. If you were...
I was 22 when I arrived at my new duty station in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Dot found her first job and a new friend in Goody To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard...
To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips; truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot's arm around Goody's neck and...
Wife LoversThey were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot's arm around Goody's neck and Goody's arm around Dot's waist just above the buttocks. Now there was a sight, but not uncommon on European streets. They were quite physical with each other; always playing grab-ass. At the time, Goody had latched on to a young American airman. He saw a good thing when he "laid" his young eyes on her. He was twenty; maybe. He was a good looking kid, not too...
Goody........Chapter 2 She certainly was. Her real name was Gudrun. One of those funny-peculiar names that Germans give to girls. Everybody called her Goody. When I met her she was Dot's best friend. It's not too difficult to describe Goody. She was, in a word, voluptuous. She was only about 5'6" tall between me and Dot, both about 5'10". She had black hair, blue eyes, a tiny waist with flaring hips..... truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had...
Lesbian[Author’s note: All the correspondence in this story is genuine. If you see similar in your own inbox either here or at another site you should consider the outcome in this case.] Henry scanned the arrivals board for the tenth time that day. The plane had landed twenty minutes ago, with luck Mary waiting for her bags to come off the conveyor belt. He could hardly believe it was less than a month since he had received her message. It had been short and too the point: Am a slave girl 27yrs...
[Author's note: All the correspondence in this story is genuine. If you see similar in your own inbox either here or at another site you should consider the outcome in this case.] Henry scanned the arrivals board for the tenth time that day. The plane had landed twenty minutes ago, with luck Mary waiting for her bags to come off the conveyor belt. He could hardly believe it was less than a month since he had received her message. It had been short and too the point: Am a slave girl 27yrs...
BDSMRobyn arrived as a dynamic director of our group, she was also a control freak relatively young she at 31. She was the typical woman on the rise and saw an opportunity to make her mark for future elevation.As you can probably tell I was one of those that fell on the wrong side of her every turn. I had acquired a reputation as a player within the company, I dated a couple of ladies in other dept of the business. It was fun, a good time. however I was not making a play this lady. One of the...
The field trip to the meat packing plant was boring. Amy was growing restless. She wasn't interested in how burgers were packaged up or how they were made. She was thirsty, horny and was craving cum so badly. As her class toured through the plant she kept looking around for an easy escape. She saw an open door and the teacher was distracted so she whispered to five of the guys in her class to follow her. She had been sucking dick all morning in on the way to school at the bus stop, on the bus...
FetishTed walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. "Oh, lord! What have we here?" He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship.The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot's hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...
Wife LoversIntroduction: It had been about 10 years since we saw her last and she was just as hot as ever, maybe better with age… Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. Oh, lord! What have we here? He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship. The two beautiful women were locked in a squirming clinch...
The two beautiful women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot's hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the counter. Goody's skirt was riding way up high exposing her stockinged legs from high-heels to crotch. Dot was pulled on Goody's leg under the knee with one hand.....the other groped Goody's panty covered buttocks. Their lips were locked onto each other's mouths. "Hey, you two look like you have a...
Our "how we met" story is short. Dot and I met, fell in love and were married within a year. We spent hours recounting our sexual experiences to turn each other on, then fucked like mad afterwards. I told her about my first sexual escapades as a young man in the military. She told me about Charlize and Goody, her first girl-girl discoveries, and how much she loved to suck cock. What's not to love? After we got married, we decided to limit our sexual activities only to each other for a while.......