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Hi, my name is Sally. This is my story; a story that spans some two years of my life whilst living and working in rural Victoria in Australia.

I moved to Kyabram in mid-January of 2007 to begin a one-year placement as a General Practice Registrar. It had always been my dream since getting into medical school to work in the country, so I was so excited when I was offered a position as a Registrar in a town not far from where I grew up.

I was to spend the year under the supervision of two experienced doctors who would introduce me to working in a general practice clinic as well as covering the local bush hospital Emergency Department and in-patients care.

A little about myself; I am twenty-four having just finished six years of med school. I have always been a keen cyclist and enjoy outdoor sports and exercise. I am a bit of a gym junkie. I am around five-feet-eleven-inches, so I am taller than most girls.

All that exercise, I suppose, has kept me trim, and I have an athletic build. I have straight lightly coloured auburn hair that comes down to my shoulders that I mainly wear tied back in a pony-tail. A few freckles dot my face. I weigh about one-hundred-and fifteen pounds.

A few of my friends stir me saying that I am all legs, as they are pretty long and slim. I like to wear, when not in my sports gear, neat casual wear. At work, I am required to smarten up, so I like to wear either dresses or business skirts with bra tops.

I have found since working with patients that it is easier if my clothes are tight fitting so they don't drape and get in the way. I have noticed that because I dress like this I do get some stares from a lot of guys, and even from some of the women who come into the practice.

I'm usually a very bubbly person, so I practically bounced into the town the day before I was due to start work. My mood did take a bit of a downturn when I saw the hospital accommodation I had been given. It was pretty average, I must say. But I did not know then how things were going to change for the better pretty soon.

On the first day I wanted to make a good impression, so even went to the trouble of wearing the one pair of tights I owned under the black dress I had. I had been told to turn up to the practice the next morning where I would meet my supervising doctors; Beth and Jacqui.

I threw my gym bag into the boot of the car, so I could head to the gym after work. I got there about fifteen minutes early, grabbed my stethoscope and drug books, and trying to not look too nervous, in I went.

The receptionist gave me a great welcome telling me how everyone had been looking forward to me coming, especially my two bosses. If I would just take a seat she would page them to come out. I had just sat down when out came Beth.

Wow! I was almost knocked off my chair as out walked the most confidently glamorous woman of about thirty-two years. She was a bit shorter than I but had a great figure and a smile that radiated warmth. But what grabbed my attention, almost embarrassingly, were her breasts; full, firm and proudly revealed by her top.

She extended her hand and in a voice that made me weak at the knees saying, "Hi Sally. I’m Beth. We've been so looking forward to you coming. Come on in, I'll introduce you to Jacqui."

Well, I would have followed her over a cliff I was so mesmerised. As I followed her down the hallway to her office I realised that every pore of her body exuded a confident sexuality. I was enraptured from the start! And then I entered her office and met my other boss...

Well, if Beth was all power and dripping to be fucked; then Jacqui was a gracefully beautiful statue of femininity in all her glory! She wore a cotton dress that swirled around her legs. Her long hair swept up into a ponytail with sexy wisps that draped down by her ears through which glimpsed diamond earrings. A fine gold chain drew my eyes down to her fine pert breasts and petite body.

"Hi," she said extending her hand, "and welcome to town. I hope you got up here all right?"

Both women dripped with sensuality and I was just dying to fuck them. It screamed out of every pore of my body from the very first moment I saw them together.

They both pointed to a couch. Beth sat on the edge of the desk, her stockinged legs extending out from her skirt, whilst Jacqui sat down next to me. We spent the next fifteen minutes talking about the job, what was expected, how they would supervise me and some practical stuff about the workplace.

The conversation then drifted into social areas; what my place was like, what there was to do around the district and what I liked to do in my spare time, and so on. When I mentioned that I liked going to the gym, Beth said she planned to go after work and that I would be welcome to come to dinner with them both afterwards. It was said in a way that I couldn't refuse. The phone then rang letting me know that my first patient was here.

"Well, let's get started," said Beth rising from the desk.

Jacqui lay her hand on my leg and let it linger there a while before saying, "Look, we do hope you like it here. We would like to do anything and everything to make sure you do." The lingering look she gave me left me wondering what she, or they, had in mind. I undressed both of them with my eyes and hoped that they would indeed do what it took for me to enjoy my time here!

The first day went by in a whirl. I saw a number of patients and in between each one, would stick my head into either Beth's or Jacqui's rooms to check that they agreed with my management plan or treatment I had provided. Only one thing happened during the day that I thought was odd. Close to lunch, I tried to get into Beth's office to check on the drugs I was to give a patient only to find the door locked.

Lydia, the practice manager came up quickly to tell me that every day for half an hour both doctors held a meeting during which they were not to be disturbed. Oh well, I'm sure my decision was OK, and there were still more people to see, and soon gave it little more thought as I was caught up in the work. For a first day, it was all pretty exciting!

The day came to a finish, and I headed off to the gym for a workout. Soon after I got there a text came through; "Sorry, held up at work, please still come for tea? Beth."

I replied saying I would love to come. I worked out on the cycle machine and soon worked up a sweat. During this time I couldn't help thinking about these two doctors who were to be my bosses for the next twelve months. I couldn't stop from thinking how gorgeous they were. I felt lucky to be working with such attractive women.

But what was I thinking, for they were women, and so was I. Nevertheless, I dreamed away thinking about their bodies and soon found myself getting turned on. I found it too much sitting on the bike seat and had to get off.

I headed to the showers and as the hot water washed over me I soon let my hands rub sensually over my breasts and down over my hips, thighs and legs. Before I knew what I was doing I found myself fingering myself whilst I dreamt of standing before them watching them naked in a lover's passionate embrace. Quickly my tension rose up and my body shook in spasms as I came in a quiet, but delicious, orgasm.

As I passed through the small country town to get home to dress, I stopped in at the Bottle-O to buy some wine. All the time since the gym I entertained the thought of these two beautiful women as lovers, and them somehow including me into their intimate bond. I had had a few girlfriends over the years, but never really saw myself as a lesbian.

A few times at Uni I was struck by some quality of a few women that made me lust after them, and occasionally I had the most amazing sex with some of them. But for the most part, I had boyfriends on and off. However, for Jacqui and Beth, my fantasies were running wild.

I poured myself a wine as I dressed. I tried on at least six outfits! Was I crazy? This was no teenage date, but I was acting like an adolescent with raging hormones! In the end, I chose a cotton dress, cut on the bias with a bra-top. Its effect was to hug me tightly above my waist and leave plenty of cleavage showing. The dress came down to my knees, but the loose flowing material allowed plenty of leg to show.

I was hoping that at least they would notice me, and hopefully like what they see. At seven O'clock, I followed the directions given to me by text and found myself driving out to a quaint house a little way out of town. I pulled up behind Beth's VW Polo and nervously went up to the door.

"Hi," said Beth as she bounded up to the door to let me in.

I almost stammered a "Wow!" in reply as she took my breath away. Again she wore black, but this time a cross-over short black dress. She wore the sheerest stockings and elegant black shoes with a hint of heel. It was just enough to sharpen the tone in her legs to a delicious graceful shape. She just dripped sex again and I felt my pulse rise as she gave me a peck on the cheek and took me by the hand to draw me inside.

"Look who I found," she said as she drew me into the lounge off the kitchen still leading me by the hand.

As I rounded the corner, again I almost gasped at the sight before me. Jacqui leant against the kitchen bench with a glass of wine in her hand. She wore a see-through embroidered silk blouse that was pearl in colour. Underneath she wore a very low cut lace bra, again pearl in colour with black lace overlaid.

A fine gold chain with a single pearl hung temptingly in between her breasts. I couldn't help but let my eyes be drawn down. She wore a white cotton A-line skirt that came down to her knees, with open sandals. She looked so cool and ravishing.

I was handed a wine and what an evening followed! The conversation flowed easily, the women sharing stories about life in the country town and some of the glory stories of medical emergencies. We went for a stroll just before tea through their gardens and they showed me through their delightful house. Two of the rooms had a queen size bed and one had a king size so I couldn't tell if they were a couple, but I began to wonder.

As the wine set in, the conversation and laughter became more raucous. I was swept up in the moment and just loved being in the presence of these two gorgeous women. I noticed that as the evening wore on, their interaction became more physical; a pat on my shoulder here, holding my hand as we shared a joke there, and an occasional hand resting on my leg as they held my gaze every now and then.

It felt like each touch lingered just a little longer than usual and seemed to have a sensual meaning to it. I was captivated by their company and slowly felt myself becoming more aroused to be with them. My sexual feelings became a passionate urge. Man, was I turned on!

As dinner finished and we went into the lounge, the conversation took a personal shift and my senses held onto everything that was said. Beth started talking about induced lactation. This is where a woman can begin to produce breast milk through stimulating their breasts and nipples through massage, use of a breast pump as well as using medicines. It was something we covered at Uni, but not something I had since come across.

I couldn't help but glance at each of these women's bodies and breasts once again. Then I had a double-take as she added almost matter-of-factly, "Did you know that Jacqui and I share an adult nursing relationship? In fact, soon, it will be time to feed. I hope you won't mind?"

"No," I stammered, and then recovered to add, "In fact, I would love to watch."

Each of them smiled and Beth patted the couch next to her.

"Well, best you come over here, then," she said.

I placed my glass down on the coffee table and nervously went over to sit down next to Beth on her right-hand side. Jacqui, who was on her left, swivelled around to face Beth and then leant over to rest on her hand on the couch next to me. Beth gave me a smile before looking away into Jacqui's face. They shared a deep look and then Beth reached up to her dress.

She untied her crossover top, and slowly revealed her bra. Her breasts seemed full and ripe, as if they were bursting out. She reached up with her right hand across her body to unclip what turned out to be a maternity bra. With her left hand, she reached up and nestled her left breast and slowly began to massage and knead it.

She began a rhythmic self-massage stroke, widening her hand and then drawing her hand forward to her nipple. After two or three times I saw the most amazing thing; a bead of milk began to form on the end of her nipple. I was mesmerised watching these two as they continued to gaze into each other’s eyes.

The drop of milk grew larger. Just when I thought it would drip down, Jacqui lowered her head and slowly parted her lips. Her mouth opened and slowly she took Beth's nipple into her mouth. It was like they were teasing me it was done so slowly and sensually. Jacqui's mouth both closed down and began to suck in the same action.

As her lips touched the nipple I saw Beth close her eyes in sweet reverie. Jacqui gave long and slow sucks, timed with each breathe which had slowed down to about three seconds each time. It was so beautiful to watch these two women share this intimate and erotic act.

I was so turned on and mesmerised by what I saw. I couldn't tell at this stage whether this act they were sharing was sexual. But slowly the mood between them changed.

Jacqui let out a small groan that came from deep within her. Beth took her right hand and placed it behind Jacqui's head and pulled her closer in. She closed her eyes and also groaned. Then I noticed what was happening; Beth was slowly rocking and shuddering as she pulled Jacqui closely and tightly to her. Her body was in the steady rhythmic shudder of an orgasm, and Jacqui was giving her all she could! I was screaming inside to take part in this beautiful moment, but sat there not wanting to break this spell that appeared to be cast around them.

After about seven or eight minutes, Jacqui pulled away. I noticed that Beth's nipple was extended, swollen and bright red. Her areolae had darkened in colour and it seemed like they were now covered in swollen bumps. Her nipple, now about one inch long still had a drop of milk on its end. As Jacqui lay there against her I noticed that she still breathed heavily and her body seemed to be full of sexual energy. I noticed a dribble of milk had run down her neck and into her own bosom. Jacqui pulled back and reached out her hand to me.

Beth said, using the most sexily dreamy voice that you could imagine as she looked into my eyes, "Well, we would like you to try now, if you like?"

"It's OK," said Jacqui sensing my hesitation, "We'll show you how."

Well, I was nervous and hesitant, but that was because I was so turned on and just offered the chance to suck on the breast of the most beautiful woman by her incredibly sexy lover. Of course, I was nervous!

“Here, come down and kneel on the rug," instructed Beth as Jacqui guided me by the hand.

I knelt on a cushion and Beth parted her legs and sat on the edge of the couch in front of me. She let her dress fall down to her waist and now unclipped the other side of her bra.

Again she started kneading her breast and drew a drop of milk to its tip. She reached up with her finger and took the first drop of milk and slowly held out her hand to my lips. I parted my lips and let my tongue wrap around her elegant finger tasting her milk for the first time. That first physical touch sent me wild with desire. Oh God, how much I wanted this!

With her same hand, Beth reached up around my neck and drew me into her. As I was taller, Beth's breasts were immediately in front of me. As I came closer, Beth parted her legs and then put them around my thighs and drew me in.

Again, as she did for Jacqui she lifted her full breast with her hand and held it to me suggestively. Needing no further encouragement I parted my mouth and took her nipple into my mouth.

Immediately I was met by the sweet taste and the thin texture of her milk. My desire just exploded as her nipple drew into my mouth under my suck. I felt like I had to control myself though having seen how gentle and smooth Jacqui had been. Slowly I began to suck and was soon met with a gush of milk as her flow increased. I could barely control myself. I just wanted all I could get!

As I fed from her, I could feel Jacqui moving around behind me, massaging my neck and shoulders and then slowly running her hands across my waist and shoulders. This started out as a smooth massage, but soon intensified in its sensuality as her hands explored my body.

I felt the tie being undone on the top behind my neck. I soon felt her hands running over my bare skin and my breath was taken away as she caressed me freely over my breasts, hips and waist. My groans became more intense as all my senses were invaded with raw sexual energy.

Milk flowed down my throat. Beth's perfume was dazzling, her breasts and nipples left me crazily hungry as my hands raked across her body wanting all I could get. I don't know how I didn't bite Beth, but I almost screamed with sexual energy as I felt Jacqui's hands grab my pubis firmly and her finger explore my clitoris and vagina as she reached down my dress bunched about my waist and down my panties.

Soon I felt a shudder flood through my body starting at my throat, neck and chest as if the milk brought me this ecstasy as it flowed down my throat. It spread to my waist and down to my pussy as I felt Jacqui's urgent touch raking me deeply.

I had to pull away from Beth's breast as the feeling was so intense. It was like my world had shattered. What started as a groan built into a deep roar as I could no longer withhold what had been building all day! I screamed as I came and I came and I came. Instead of feeling wasted though I was hungry for more. It seemed that Beth also felt the same way and took control of us all.

Beth wildly drew her dress over her head and threw it to the floor. She then reached around and unclasped her bra. It dropped to the couch. She wore no panties. Naked. Again I couldn't believe the beauty of this goddess that lay before me!

She pointed at Jacqui, "I want you, here!" she demanded, opening her legs and leant back on the couch pulling her finger through the air with a `come here!' motion. Without needing any further prompting Jacqui dropped to her knees and dove down to lick Beth's wet pussy.

"And I want you, there!" she said pointing to me, and directing me down behind Jacqui.

Jacqui was naked as well. She must have undressed while standing behind me. I stood behind this perfect woman and gazed down at her fine ebony skin, her slender waist and long graceful legs. Her fine straight and long hair hung down around her neck and breasts as she went to town on Beth. It was all the direction I needed as I dropped to my knees and bent my mouth down to taste this beautiful woman.

As I placed my hands on her waist, Jacqui thrust her hips up to me as she opened her legs and again I parted my lips but this time to take her womanhood onto the tip of my tongue. The energy between us was electric. The passion mounted as the moans and screams grew between these two women.

Soon these two women were bucking wildly as they writhed in orgasm, driving it for all it was worth. Just as I had rocked in wild passion but a few moments ago, now these two girls screamed, thrashed and sobbed as they came.

After this there was a moments silence before again Beth took control and directed us as to what to do.

"Let's go to bed, Jacqui. Sal, will you join us tonight?"

Well, I needed no further invitation and let myself be led by these two women into their room. Beth drew back the covers and lay down on one side of the king-size bed. She motioned me to cradle her and soon Jacqui came in behind me. We embraced and kissed gently, our sexual passions ebbing slowly as sleep drifted over us. One by one the girls drifted off to sleep, and for a while, I lay there going over the evening of pure joy, before I too fell into a beautiful sleep.

To be continued...


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He knew she was going to be at her window, which is exactly what happened every day. His window faced hers and he could see clearly inside the bedroom. He stood in the dark behind his half drawn curtains and looked into her brightly lit bedroom. He didn’t know if she knew he was there but he suspected she did, her routine never varied. She walked into her room. Her white skin glowed in the soft light of the lamps, her body was covered by nothing but a soft white towel, her dark brown hair wet...

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Daddys Descent Daughter Rising

Daddy's Descent; Daughter Rising By Emily Rose Heather was anxious to turn the key and enter the house. Although she felt very complete in her life now away at college, she loved and missed her father and sometimes didn't get to see him for months on end now that she went to school. She was anxious to surprise him with her visit. He thought she went to spring break but her plans had fell through. He had been a good...

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Like most older men, I would have given anything to have known then what I know now. Nature plays a dirty trick on us men though: by the time we learn what we need to know about life, sex for example, we are almost too old and physically limited to do a lot about it. If we try to do something about it - to somehow recreate our lives and be sexual beings again - we're labeled 'dirty, old man.' We are supposed to simply give up, rest in our rocking chairs and reminisce. That is grossly...

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Into Sister Into IncestChapter 4

The three men were so busy gathering and chopping wood that the blizzard took them by surprise. At first the flakes softly fell. Then, all of a sudden, neither boy could see anything but each other through the swirling snow. "Jeez, where's your dad?" Marty asked his cousin, as the storm got worse. "Probably not that far away," Ron answered. "Went to drag back some more wood. But in this shit, a hundred yards could be the same as a hundred miles if we don't hurry up and get out of...

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A very naughty dating site

I had been participating on a very naughty dating site. Of course I had a fake profile; I did not want anybody could find me there, looking for casual sex; not even some of my sweet Ana’s girlfriends…One afternoon I discovered our sexy MILF neighbor was there, looking for a good moment…So I sent her a private message, asking what she wanted from this dating site.She answered she was starving about lack of sex; since she had divorced six months ago and nobody had fucked her in so many time…...

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Wandering Ch 06

Once again, we join Leighton ‘Lee’ Stephenson on his journey to find his new life. This is the sixth and final episode, but don’t worry. I don’t intend to ‘kill him off.’ Wandering 6: Charlie It felt quite natural to be on the move again. My initial flurry of sexual encounters with women had lasted but a short two weeks before I suffered a two month long ‘soft spell.’ I was in no danger of falling into depression over it, but I was wondering what had happened to the magic. Pattie Monahan had...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 10 Jessies Heart Skips a Beat

Paul Terrence had no sooner switched off the vehicle’s engine and stepped out onto the driveway when he was set upon by a wild cat. That wild cat was his kid sister and as soon as she saw him stepping out of that Ford pick-up she raced up the driveway and flung her herself onto his back. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Kate Terrence didn’t even care that her short skirt had ridden up her legs as she did this and that she was now flashing her white...

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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 4

The morning sun filters in through the window, waking Justin up. He looks down to see Kayla’s hand enclosing on his already hard cock. He was dreaming of doing to her what he did to Riley just a few hours earlier. Not seeing Riley, he asks, “Where did Riley go?” “She went to go take a shower,” she answers with a grin. Both her hands begin moving, one slowly stroking his cock and the other moving between her thighs. “She offered for me to join her, but I figured I’d stay here and wait for you...

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Summer Stock

I’ve written this story in my journal many times. Each time I tell this tale to myself, I remember another half forgotten detail about the wonderful woman who taught me how to make wild, passionate love. I know I will never tire of repeating this story. Arlene Calvin was the love of my life. Yes, that’s right, Arlene Calvin, the famous actress you see on late night talk shows and the covers of supermarket tabloids. These days she’s best known for her TV appearances as a zap-gun toting, science...

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Play It Again SamChapter 4 Not an easy day to forget

The following Wednesday night I got another surprise when Dana and Candy got home from work. Candy was driving their normal FBImobile with Maria riding shotgun, but then Dana pulled up driving a dark metallic-red Ferrari targa topped convertible with black leather interior, and Vicky proudly sat in the passenger seat next to her. I walked outside, followed by Pat, to have a look at the new car and Dana said, "It's a 1977 308 GTS spyder. This baby's got a 3.0 liter V8, 5 speed manual...

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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 8

Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai meri. Part 7 mein maine bataya ki kaise Maine aur nisha ne kaise apne bete aur beti ko guide karne ka plan banaya aur uski suruaat aarav se kari. Aagey ki kahani kuch aise hi. Please apna comment mein bheje. Nisha: Minu, Aarav ne kaafi acche se chut ki chusayi kari. Minu: Haan dekha maine bhi. Aarav: Mom, phir kya karna hai. Aunty ki chut chus ke mera lund behaal ho...

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lou xxx

Margaret had long kept quiet about a desire to participate in a threesome with a man and another woman. She was no lesbian, not even really bisexual. But she did like looking at pretty girls, and she thought the site of another, naked pretty girl making love to the same man as her would be highly erotic. And, if she were honets with herself, she found the idea of a few accidental brushes of soft, silky female flesh tantalizing.She was an attractive woman of 26, about 5'7" with very long blonde...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 29

“But I don’t know any details about this mysterious army!” “Don’t worry. The story will get embellished as it get passed on. The details will be added by the tellers of the story, I assure you.” “When do you want to know the directions and distances?” “As soon as you are satisfied that they make sense to you. Report back here again, and we can take it from here. Have you enough supplies to keep you going, or do you need more?” “The fisher village seem to have a high regard for you, High...

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Caught on Tape

Caught on TapeThere wasn't anything worth watching on TV, so I dug through a stack of my father's tapes looking for anything with a little action. I hoped for porno but didn't expect to find any. I couldn't imagine my straight-laced father whacking off to porn. I found a tape labeled "NYPD Blue". It's one of my favorites, so I popped it into the VCR. As I took a seat on the couch, I pulled my pants down and began to stroke my cock. At college, I shared a house with three other guys. We had an...

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Desiree and Her Daddy

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life people is strictly coincidental as all characters in this story are of my imagination. Enjoy reading and please, don't try this at home. "Desiree, please hurry up. We don't have all day. Your hair should have been done at least an hour ago. C'mon now, you're going to make us late," Adam yelled up the stairs to his daughter. Desiree, just about to turn 18, was exercising her usual tardiness. "Just one more minute, dad!" She snapped...

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Pushing It

I had always thought of Agnes as the perfect wife. After all I was the breadwinner, the alpha male, the hunter gatherer and she was the submissive dutiful wife who did the shopping, washing and ironing and prepared our meals. The one thing that was weird about her was in bed where she liked to slip her n?glig?, bra and panties on me as we made love. The first time anything like this happened we were in bed and the children were asleep in their rooms and I was sliding her n?glig? over her he...

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Closing Up Shop

Chapter One It had rained. The kind of rain on a hot evening in late July that brings steam up from the pavement and makes the humidity near unbearable. The sun had set about half an hour ago, yet the late summer twilight left it light enough that even at the 9:00 closing time it was still just light enough to see. I had just pulled up across the street from the store to pick you up for a late dinner and a drink. As I sat in the car, the owner of the jewelry store you work in came out with...

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My Goddess

I was seventeen when I first met Anna. She was sixteen at the time and just moved to Long Island from Canada for a few years earlier to be with her grandparents. She was in my high school as a junior while I was a senior. We barely knew each other then but I knew she was hot. She was a cute five-foot-six-inch black beauty that had long black hair, chocolate eyes, a nice ass and a beautiful face. She had a nice laugh but it was her breasts that I really liked about her when it came to her...

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Natyas Last Walk

Natya smiled as she closed the door to the Dinner Diner, the place of her employment for the past few years. Locking the door, she hummed to herself, happy that she was finally out of work after a long 12 hour shift on a Friday night. She tucked her keys into her purse and began walking home. Traditionally, she walked along the riverside to her apartment. Surrounded by a thick wooded area, the walkway may have deterred anyone new to the area, but Natya had lived here for almost 3 years and...

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Threesome BIsex in a rest area

I don’t know about you but what really turns me on is watching and participating in hot bisex action. The following situation occurred nearly three years ago now but I still get a raging stiff hard-on every time I think about it. I was working in the Bracknell area at the time and I stopped off in this car park after work to go for a run. Its quite a well known trolling area and I made sure I was wearing a sexy pair of running shorts in case any interesting opportunities arose...

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The Evening Out

She sat in front of her mirror in just her merry widow, which was sheer white and embroidered with little flowers, pinning up her hair and smoothing it into place. She looked up in the mirror as he entered and smiled. She reached for her earrings and began putting them into her ears. She watched him walk over, fully dressed in his tuxedo and stand behind her. She reached for her necklace and smiled at him when he took it from her hand and placed it around her neck and fastened it. He stroked...

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unexpected first time

I was driving home, my vacation was almost over. I stopped for an overnight just outside of Youngstown ohio. it was around 6pm and I decided to go for a few beers. there was a titty bar nearby and I figured I would check it out. after arriving there I found out it did not open til 8pm. I went back to my car and noticed another bar across the highway. I figured why not go over there for a few while I waited for the other bar to open. I went in, noticed it was kinda dark with a few older men...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 29

More sad goodbyes happened almost exactly a week later in New York. Joe and Cheryl to their wives and kids and Essie, who was sort of both. Joe and Cheryl had business to take care of before they headed to Minnesota. For Joe, one thing had to do with school, completing the grading and conferring with students who either challenged his grades or wanted to know what would make the grades better in future classes. He also needed to deal with his publisher, discussing plans for moms and for any...

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Casablanca An Alternate Version

Prologue: For the sake of our story let ussuppose that there exists somewhere, in a region of equitable climate and tolerantsociety, a resort dedicated to enabling its members to act out their most secret,and sometimes their darkest, fantasies. The resort, which might be known bya name such as the Villa di Dolore, would undoubtedly have sufficiently spaciousgrounds to provide the necessary privacy, as well as an extensive and variedinventory of sets and props to accommodate whatever scenes its...

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He turns the cup once more, the little tea that is left inside swills around and he watches as it slowly re-finds its stillness. The little spoon by the side of the saucer makes another darker spot on the tablecloth as one more drip of tea falls and the teapot gives out its last final blast of steam. Across the table lies an empty space where the person he is waiting for should be sitting, ‘late again’ thinks Adam the main person involved in this tale. He remembers the first time that he and...

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Shoplifting trouble pt 1

I'm in target doing my weekly shopping and sneaking a little makeup in my purse. I put the makeup in my cart and proceed to the food part where I sneak the makeup into my backpack. I get my food and proceed to the checkout, I pay. As I'm walking to the door I get a tap on my shoulder, I look behind me and it's a cop. I pause and decide if I should run or not, I just stand there and ask "what's happening?". The officer says I'm being arrested for shoplifting and he's going to search my bag and...

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Women are Stupid

Yes, I know the title "Women Are Stupid" will cause an uproar. It's bound to in today's world. And when an author is assailed by critics - as I am sure to be - he inevitably backs off or tries to weasel his way out of the controversy or claims he's misunderstood. Or misquoted. Or something. Not me. I really believe it. Women ARE Stupid. I'll take it a step further. Not just some women, not even most women. All Women. They're ALL stupid. I have a story that illustrates it. I don't...

4 years ago
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My Friends Feed Me Cum

I had a pretty normal life growing up in the Baltimore suburbs, and since I was active in sports and played football in high school, I had a lot of good friends. Most of us went on to college, and only two of my best friends and I were able to get jobs back in the Baltimore area and raise our families here. My name is Ed, and I was fifty years old at the time of this story and married to a lovely woman named Leslie. I met her in college, and we have two children who are now grown and living on...

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Bad Girl AmberChapter 15 Dean Is Rewarded

"So, did you enjoy doing that, Sweetie? Did it give you a nice big hard-on?" I ask Dean. Looking down I can see that it did. He's got quite a bulge. I let him know I've noticed, pouting and licking my lips appreciatively. I love flirting with Dean. He's really quite a dish. "Yeah, Gorgeous, damn right it did," he grins. "Got me quite wet too. Hey, so do you fancy rubbing that cream on my sexy legs now?" "Oh yeah baby." "Really IS your lucky day, Hunky, isn't it?" I giggle...

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Escaflowne DBZ

Merle scampered around the battle field looking for 'her lord Van' and trying to avoid any fires or the idea that he might not still be alive. She jumped up on a rock to get a better look and saw a Gimalif that was falling fast, and was going to crush her! She screamed and tried to shield herself from the falling mechanic giant. Just as the Gimalif would have crushed her, she vanished. "Where am I?" she asked the general public (and general world if it made any difference). She was on an island...

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Ships In The Night

October/Tenth/Two-Thousand-Ten: Detroit, Michigan. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* I Ignored the knock. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* "Jim? It's Tom." I didn't want to see anyone right now, not even my best friend. After what Coral did I didn't want to be ALIVE. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* "Jim, I know you're in there. I can see the light under the door!" I continued to pretend I wasn't home. *Knock-Knock-Knock.* "Damnit Jim! I'm your best friend for Christ's sake! I know you are feeling down but you've missed three days...

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Fantasy Becomes Reality 8211 Part 2 Oral sex with mom

This is a continuation of my previous story. Give it a try before reading this (link on top). Let us dive into the story now. After fanciful sex with my mom, now I barely wanted to have oral sex with her. I wanted to feel my penis ramming her throat. I wanted to feel the pain when she bit my penis, and I wanted to cum in her throat. After all, she is my Mom, my Love, my Angel, my Bitch. We both dressed after having long sex. My mom was exhausted. Poor mom, she thought people do sex only once in...

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Hazel My Sexual Teacher

This is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered."Is Steve in?" I asked. "Oh...

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HotwifeXXX Jada Kai Jada8217s Blind Ambition

Happily married Jada has been set up with a stranger whom her husband knew would be the perfect stud to expand her hotwife experience. Ramon firmly eases her nervousness as she was blindfolded before he walked in the room and caresses her hot wet pussy with hands, fingers and feathers before his hard thick cock slowly spreads open her very tight pussy. Now Jada in ecstasy slides her black panties to the side and rides Ramon’s meat until he explodes loads of hot cum across her sexually...


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