- 3 years ago
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Hi, my name is Sally. This is my story; a story that spans some two years of my life whilst living and working in rural Victoria in Australia.
I moved to Kyabram in mid-January of 2007 to begin a one-year placement as a General Practice Registrar. It had always been my dream since getting into medical school to work in the country, so I was so excited when I was offered a position as a Registrar in a town not far from where I grew up.
I was to spend the year under the supervision of two experienced doctors who would introduce me to working in a general practice clinic as well as covering the local bush hospital Emergency Department and in-patients care.
A little about myself; I am twenty-four having just finished six years of med school. I have always been a keen cyclist and enjoy outdoor sports and exercise. I am a bit of a gym junkie. I am around five-feet-eleven-inches, so I am taller than most girls.
All that exercise, I suppose, has kept me trim, and I have an athletic build. I have straight lightly coloured auburn hair that comes down to my shoulders that I mainly wear tied back in a pony-tail. A few freckles dot my face. I weigh about one-hundred-and fifteen pounds.
A few of my friends stir me saying that I am all legs, as they are pretty long and slim. I like to wear, when not in my sports gear, neat casual wear. At work, I am required to smarten up, so I like to wear either dresses or business skirts with bra tops.
I have found since working with patients that it is easier if my clothes are tight fitting so they don't drape and get in the way. I have noticed that because I dress like this I do get some stares from a lot of guys, and even from some of the women who come into the practice.
I'm usually a very bubbly person, so I practically bounced into the town the day before I was due to start work. My mood did take a bit of a downturn when I saw the hospital accommodation I had been given. It was pretty average, I must say. But I did not know then how things were going to change for the better pretty soon.
On the first day I wanted to make a good impression, so even went to the trouble of wearing the one pair of tights I owned under the black dress I had. I had been told to turn up to the practice the next morning where I would meet my supervising doctors; Beth and Jacqui.
I threw my gym bag into the boot of the car, so I could head to the gym after work. I got there about fifteen minutes early, grabbed my stethoscope and drug books, and trying to not look too nervous, in I went.
The receptionist gave me a great welcome telling me how everyone had been looking forward to me coming, especially my two bosses. If I would just take a seat she would page them to come out. I had just sat down when out came Beth.
Wow! I was almost knocked off my chair as out walked the most confidently glamorous woman of about thirty-two years. She was a bit shorter than I but had a great figure and a smile that radiated warmth. But what grabbed my attention, almost embarrassingly, were her breasts; full, firm and proudly revealed by her top.
She extended her hand and in a voice that made me weak at the knees saying, "Hi Sally. I’m Beth. We've been so looking forward to you coming. Come on in, I'll introduce you to Jacqui."
Well, I would have followed her over a cliff I was so mesmerised. As I followed her down the hallway to her office I realised that every pore of her body exuded a confident sexuality. I was enraptured from the start! And then I entered her office and met my other boss...
Well, if Beth was all power and dripping to be fucked; then Jacqui was a gracefully beautiful statue of femininity in all her glory! She wore a cotton dress that swirled around her legs. Her long hair swept up into a ponytail with sexy wisps that draped down by her ears through which glimpsed diamond earrings. A fine gold chain drew my eyes down to her fine pert breasts and petite body.
"Hi," she said extending her hand, "and welcome to town. I hope you got up here all right?"
Both women dripped with sensuality and I was just dying to fuck them. It screamed out of every pore of my body from the very first moment I saw them together.
They both pointed to a couch. Beth sat on the edge of the desk, her stockinged legs extending out from her skirt, whilst Jacqui sat down next to me. We spent the next fifteen minutes talking about the job, what was expected, how they would supervise me and some practical stuff about the workplace.
The conversation then drifted into social areas; what my place was like, what there was to do around the district and what I liked to do in my spare time, and so on. When I mentioned that I liked going to the gym, Beth said she planned to go after work and that I would be welcome to come to dinner with them both afterwards. It was said in a way that I couldn't refuse. The phone then rang letting me know that my first patient was here.
"Well, let's get started," said Beth rising from the desk.
Jacqui lay her hand on my leg and let it linger there a while before saying, "Look, we do hope you like it here. We would like to do anything and everything to make sure you do." The lingering look she gave me left me wondering what she, or they, had in mind. I undressed both of them with my eyes and hoped that they would indeed do what it took for me to enjoy my time here!
The first day went by in a whirl. I saw a number of patients and in between each one, would stick my head into either Beth's or Jacqui's rooms to check that they agreed with my management plan or treatment I had provided. Only one thing happened during the day that I thought was odd. Close to lunch, I tried to get into Beth's office to check on the drugs I was to give a patient only to find the door locked.
Lydia, the practice manager came up quickly to tell me that every day for half an hour both doctors held a meeting during which they were not to be disturbed. Oh well, I'm sure my decision was OK, and there were still more people to see, and soon gave it little more thought as I was caught up in the work. For a first day, it was all pretty exciting!
The day came to a finish, and I headed off to the gym for a workout. Soon after I got there a text came through; "Sorry, held up at work, please still come for tea? Beth."
I replied saying I would love to come. I worked out on the cycle machine and soon worked up a sweat. During this time I couldn't help thinking about these two doctors who were to be my bosses for the next twelve months. I couldn't stop from thinking how gorgeous they were. I felt lucky to be working with such attractive women.
But what was I thinking, for they were women, and so was I. Nevertheless, I dreamed away thinking about their bodies and soon found myself getting turned on. I found it too much sitting on the bike seat and had to get off.
I headed to the showers and as the hot water washed over me I soon let my hands rub sensually over my breasts and down over my hips, thighs and legs. Before I knew what I was doing I found myself fingering myself whilst I dreamt of standing before them watching them naked in a lover's passionate embrace. Quickly my tension rose up and my body shook in spasms as I came in a quiet, but delicious, orgasm.
As I passed through the small country town to get home to dress, I stopped in at the Bottle-O to buy some wine. All the time since the gym I entertained the thought of these two beautiful women as lovers, and them somehow including me into their intimate bond. I had had a few girlfriends over the years, but never really saw myself as a lesbian.
A few times at Uni I was struck by some quality of a few women that made me lust after them, and occasionally I had the most amazing sex with some of them. But for the most part, I had boyfriends on and off. However, for Jacqui and Beth, my fantasies were running wild.
I poured myself a wine as I dressed. I tried on at least six outfits! Was I crazy? This was no teenage date, but I was acting like an adolescent with raging hormones! In the end, I chose a cotton dress, cut on the bias with a bra-top. Its effect was to hug me tightly above my waist and leave plenty of cleavage showing. The dress came down to my knees, but the loose flowing material allowed plenty of leg to show.
I was hoping that at least they would notice me, and hopefully like what they see. At seven O'clock, I followed the directions given to me by text and found myself driving out to a quaint house a little way out of town. I pulled up behind Beth's VW Polo and nervously went up to the door.
"Hi," said Beth as she bounded up to the door to let me in.
I almost stammered a "Wow!" in reply as she took my breath away. Again she wore black, but this time a cross-over short black dress. She wore the sheerest stockings and elegant black shoes with a hint of heel. It was just enough to sharpen the tone in her legs to a delicious graceful shape. She just dripped sex again and I felt my pulse rise as she gave me a peck on the cheek and took me by the hand to draw me inside.
"Look who I found," she said as she drew me into the lounge off the kitchen still leading me by the hand.
As I rounded the corner, again I almost gasped at the sight before me. Jacqui leant against the kitchen bench with a glass of wine in her hand. She wore a see-through embroidered silk blouse that was pearl in colour. Underneath she wore a very low cut lace bra, again pearl in colour with black lace overlaid.
A fine gold chain with a single pearl hung temptingly in between her breasts. I couldn't help but let my eyes be drawn down. She wore a white cotton A-line skirt that came down to her knees, with open sandals. She looked so cool and ravishing.
I was handed a wine and what an evening followed! The conversation flowed easily, the women sharing stories about life in the country town and some of the glory stories of medical emergencies. We went for a stroll just before tea through their gardens and they showed me through their delightful house. Two of the rooms had a queen size bed and one had a king size so I couldn't tell if they were a couple, but I began to wonder.
As the wine set in, the conversation and laughter became more raucous. I was swept up in the moment and just loved being in the presence of these two gorgeous women. I noticed that as the evening wore on, their interaction became more physical; a pat on my shoulder here, holding my hand as we shared a joke there, and an occasional hand resting on my leg as they held my gaze every now and then.
It felt like each touch lingered just a little longer than usual and seemed to have a sensual meaning to it. I was captivated by their company and slowly felt myself becoming more aroused to be with them. My sexual feelings became a passionate urge. Man, was I turned on!
As dinner finished and we went into the lounge, the conversation took a personal shift and my senses held onto everything that was said. Beth started talking about induced lactation. This is where a woman can begin to produce breast milk through stimulating their breasts and nipples through massage, use of a breast pump as well as using medicines. It was something we covered at Uni, but not something I had since come across.
I couldn't help but glance at each of these women's bodies and breasts once again. Then I had a double-take as she added almost matter-of-factly, "Did you know that Jacqui and I share an adult nursing relationship? In fact, soon, it will be time to feed. I hope you won't mind?"
"No," I stammered, and then recovered to add, "In fact, I would love to watch."
Each of them smiled and Beth patted the couch next to her.
"Well, best you come over here, then," she said.
I placed my glass down on the coffee table and nervously went over to sit down next to Beth on her right-hand side. Jacqui, who was on her left, swivelled around to face Beth and then leant over to rest on her hand on the couch next to me. Beth gave me a smile before looking away into Jacqui's face. They shared a deep look and then Beth reached up to her dress.
She untied her crossover top, and slowly revealed her bra. Her breasts seemed full and ripe, as if they were bursting out. She reached up with her right hand across her body to unclip what turned out to be a maternity bra. With her left hand, she reached up and nestled her left breast and slowly began to massage and knead it.
She began a rhythmic self-massage stroke, widening her hand and then drawing her hand forward to her nipple. After two or three times I saw the most amazing thing; a bead of milk began to form on the end of her nipple. I was mesmerised watching these two as they continued to gaze into each other’s eyes.
The drop of milk grew larger. Just when I thought it would drip down, Jacqui lowered her head and slowly parted her lips. Her mouth opened and slowly she took Beth's nipple into her mouth. It was like they were teasing me it was done so slowly and sensually. Jacqui's mouth both closed down and began to suck in the same action.
As her lips touched the nipple I saw Beth close her eyes in sweet reverie. Jacqui gave long and slow sucks, timed with each breathe which had slowed down to about three seconds each time. It was so beautiful to watch these two women share this intimate and erotic act.
I was so turned on and mesmerised by what I saw. I couldn't tell at this stage whether this act they were sharing was sexual. But slowly the mood between them changed.
Jacqui let out a small groan that came from deep within her. Beth took her right hand and placed it behind Jacqui's head and pulled her closer in. She closed her eyes and also groaned. Then I noticed what was happening; Beth was slowly rocking and shuddering as she pulled Jacqui closely and tightly to her. Her body was in the steady rhythmic shudder of an orgasm, and Jacqui was giving her all she could! I was screaming inside to take part in this beautiful moment, but sat there not wanting to break this spell that appeared to be cast around them.
After about seven or eight minutes, Jacqui pulled away. I noticed that Beth's nipple was extended, swollen and bright red. Her areolae had darkened in colour and it seemed like they were now covered in swollen bumps. Her nipple, now about one inch long still had a drop of milk on its end. As Jacqui lay there against her I noticed that she still breathed heavily and her body seemed to be full of sexual energy. I noticed a dribble of milk had run down her neck and into her own bosom. Jacqui pulled back and reached out her hand to me.
Beth said, using the most sexily dreamy voice that you could imagine as she looked into my eyes, "Well, we would like you to try now, if you like?"
"It's OK," said Jacqui sensing my hesitation, "We'll show you how."
Well, I was nervous and hesitant, but that was because I was so turned on and just offered the chance to suck on the breast of the most beautiful woman by her incredibly sexy lover. Of course, I was nervous!
“Here, come down and kneel on the rug," instructed Beth as Jacqui guided me by the hand.
I knelt on a cushion and Beth parted her legs and sat on the edge of the couch in front of me. She let her dress fall down to her waist and now unclipped the other side of her bra.
Again she started kneading her breast and drew a drop of milk to its tip. She reached up with her finger and took the first drop of milk and slowly held out her hand to my lips. I parted my lips and let my tongue wrap around her elegant finger tasting her milk for the first time. That first physical touch sent me wild with desire. Oh God, how much I wanted this!
With her same hand, Beth reached up around my neck and drew me into her. As I was taller, Beth's breasts were immediately in front of me. As I came closer, Beth parted her legs and then put them around my thighs and drew me in.
Again, as she did for Jacqui she lifted her full breast with her hand and held it to me suggestively. Needing no further encouragement I parted my mouth and took her nipple into my mouth.
Immediately I was met by the sweet taste and the thin texture of her milk. My desire just exploded as her nipple drew into my mouth under my suck. I felt like I had to control myself though having seen how gentle and smooth Jacqui had been. Slowly I began to suck and was soon met with a gush of milk as her flow increased. I could barely control myself. I just wanted all I could get!
As I fed from her, I could feel Jacqui moving around behind me, massaging my neck and shoulders and then slowly running her hands across my waist and shoulders. This started out as a smooth massage, but soon intensified in its sensuality as her hands explored my body.
I felt the tie being undone on the top behind my neck. I soon felt her hands running over my bare skin and my breath was taken away as she caressed me freely over my breasts, hips and waist. My groans became more intense as all my senses were invaded with raw sexual energy.
Milk flowed down my throat. Beth's perfume was dazzling, her breasts and nipples left me crazily hungry as my hands raked across her body wanting all I could get. I don't know how I didn't bite Beth, but I almost screamed with sexual energy as I felt Jacqui's hands grab my pubis firmly and her finger explore my clitoris and vagina as she reached down my dress bunched about my waist and down my panties.
Soon I felt a shudder flood through my body starting at my throat, neck and chest as if the milk brought me this ecstasy as it flowed down my throat. It spread to my waist and down to my pussy as I felt Jacqui's urgent touch raking me deeply.
I had to pull away from Beth's breast as the feeling was so intense. It was like my world had shattered. What started as a groan built into a deep roar as I could no longer withhold what had been building all day! I screamed as I came and I came and I came. Instead of feeling wasted though I was hungry for more. It seemed that Beth also felt the same way and took control of us all.
Beth wildly drew her dress over her head and threw it to the floor. She then reached around and unclasped her bra. It dropped to the couch. She wore no panties. Naked. Again I couldn't believe the beauty of this goddess that lay before me!
She pointed at Jacqui, "I want you, here!" she demanded, opening her legs and leant back on the couch pulling her finger through the air with a `come here!' motion. Without needing any further prompting Jacqui dropped to her knees and dove down to lick Beth's wet pussy.
"And I want you, there!" she said pointing to me, and directing me down behind Jacqui.
Jacqui was naked as well. She must have undressed while standing behind me. I stood behind this perfect woman and gazed down at her fine ebony skin, her slender waist and long graceful legs. Her fine straight and long hair hung down around her neck and breasts as she went to town on Beth. It was all the direction I needed as I dropped to my knees and bent my mouth down to taste this beautiful woman.
As I placed my hands on her waist, Jacqui thrust her hips up to me as she opened her legs and again I parted my lips but this time to take her womanhood onto the tip of my tongue. The energy between us was electric. The passion mounted as the moans and screams grew between these two women.
Soon these two women were bucking wildly as they writhed in orgasm, driving it for all it was worth. Just as I had rocked in wild passion but a few moments ago, now these two girls screamed, thrashed and sobbed as they came.
After this there was a moments silence before again Beth took control and directed us as to what to do.
"Let's go to bed, Jacqui. Sal, will you join us tonight?"
Well, I needed no further invitation and let myself be led by these two women into their room. Beth drew back the covers and lay down on one side of the king-size bed. She motioned me to cradle her and soon Jacqui came in behind me. We embraced and kissed gently, our sexual passions ebbing slowly as sleep drifted over us. One by one the girls drifted off to sleep, and for a while, I lay there going over the evening of pure joy, before I too fell into a beautiful sleep.
To be continued...
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Vi starter med en teenager som bor i København. I en lejlighed. Det er i dag hans 18 års fødselsdag, men det berøver ham ikke den glæde det er, at gå i skole, dvs. på gymnasium. Man kan vist ikke sige ?gå i gymnasium? i samme betydning som at ?gå i skole?. Godt så! Nu er det ude af verdenen. Så starter vi: Phillip lå i sin seng og overvejede at pjække fra skole. Hans fraværsprocent var alligevel ikke særlig høj, så der ville jo ikke ske noget ved det. Vor helt tog en beslutning:
FetishIntroduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
‘You are being sooo good, baby,’ Linda said playfully, kneeling down and kissing me tenderly and whipping away the tears that had fell from my eyes involuntarily. ‘Are you having fun?’ she asked. I smiled and nodded that I was, although I was still a little anxious not knowing the future. Just then Kathy appeared with a towel and some wipes and began cleaning the cum from my back and legs and wet asshole. The gesture was almost infantile and I could feel the sting returning to my cheeks. Oddly...
Kendi left to see the doctor and I sat on the lounge chair on the patio. What to do. I had a multitude of things running around in my head, bumping into each other. I got up to take a shower, to easy my troubled mind, but a shower didn’t help. I was about to start beating my head against the wall when my phone rang. “Hello?” “This Dr. Askew’s office. Is this Mr. O’Dell?” “Yes.” “The results of your test have come in and the doctor would like to see you.” “My wife isn’t here right now,...
The stunning Eveline Dellai and Nicole Love have come to Private Specials, Kinky German Nurses to conduct a sexual experiment on the lucky patient Thomas Hyka and after seeing this one you’re going to wish that patient was you! With the machines not working it’s time for a hands on approach as Eveline and Nicole strip off revealing their sexy lingerie and get straight to work warming up and sharing a sloppy blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action on as these hot nurses enjoy...
xmoviesforyouThe taxi pulled away leaving Cindy and me standing at the foot of Pier 11. My watch read 0700. I handed Cindy her overnight bag and we both wearily walked through the pier security gate. Neither of us had gotten any sleep last night. Cindy was insatiable in bed and we ended up screwing each other's brains out until there wasn't a dry spot left on any of the sheets. Hopefully we would have a quiet duty day with plenty of opportunities to catch up on some much-needed shuteye. "Do you know...
“But no one ever changed The Church by pulling down a steeple. You’ll never beat The System by bombing Number Ten. Systems just ain’t made of bricks, they’re mostly made of people. You may send them into hiding, but they’ll be back again.” -Crass, “Big A Little A“ Interpol had a Master Detective, known for being able to solve the most elaborate of crimes in mere minutes. Criminal organizations hated and feared him, there were prices on his head all over the world, and his services were in...
My girlfriend and I had been dating for several years and our sex life had basically become non-existent. It had been at least a year since we last had sex, and probably another six months before that. The problem was, as much as I loved her, I had developed a different kind of attraction.For some deep-rooted reason, I had grown a craving for ladies' clothing. Lingerie, stockings, high heels; all drove me crazy with lust. Eventually, this led to me dressing and wearing slutty outfits, gaining a...
Love Stories‘Alex? You in here?’ The petite blonde could hear her voice echo through the nearly empty house. She dropped her keys into the small bowl to her right and slid out of her shoes before making her way to their bedroom. A soft sigh escaped her lips while she rubbed the knot forming in her back. ‘Shit, need to see a chiropractor…’ The woman slowly wove her way through the boxes that were stacked taller than she, stepping into a pure white room and closing the door behind her. A man rested on the...
I always wondered why my mates would be around my house so I had to ask them , their answer were all the same, it was because of my mum, they would say to me she was a very fit woman and if she wanted they would shag her till the cows come home, I could not see the attraction till just before my 18th birthday, mum had said she was going to take me out to a restaurant and show her sexy son to the world, I didn’t want any of it but to keep her happy I went along with her, it was that day I...
Jenn's turn: In the wee hours of the morning I rolled over and found a man in bed next to me. Understand, I have been sleeping with a man for several years, but that guy was gone from my life for almost four weeks now, and here's this guy in bed with me. It's not my bed. Nice bed, though. High-count cotton sheets, fragrant, clean, the mattress is just the perfect firmness, the pillows caress my head, the room is cool. There's a dim light from the entirely wrong direction, so I quickly...
Dale Rogers the new chief. Mayor Laura Jamison Lester Haines Sightly heavy night officer. Mike Simpson day officer. Gym rat also a short 5’4” Lucy Kerby chubby young secretary. Jim Sloan evening officer Adams the realtor. Wesley Brown handyman. Andrew Rice my roof repairman and plumbing repairman Betty Booth the Sergeant at arms of Happy Valley Colonel Williams rep for Happy valley Diane Rogers his ex wife Sarah Rogers his daughter Wilson Thomas Daine’s bf Allison Dempsey lucy’s temp Raul...
You may recall me sharing with you my experience with my trainer, Danielle, and her boyfriend Alex in part 1 of this story. It was definitely one of the most intense threesomes I have ever experienced. We had just finished up with her and Alex sucking the cum from my cock and me swallowing Alex’s man juice. We lay back relaxed, realizing how good and special this threesome was. That is until Danielle started sucking both of our cocks at the same time and announced that she wanted to see me fuck...
BisexualHi guys and girls nani here.. Last november lo naku jarigina storie ni miku share chesthuna .. Nenu hyd lo oka design company lo job chesthuna apatilo ma office lo chala mandi girls work chese varu.. So roju keka la njy chese vadini.Oka roju ma frnd call chesi ma maradalu ki job kavali mi dantlo emina unte chudu ani chepadu nenu sare ani chepi call cut chesa… one week tharavatha vacancy unte na frnd gadiki chepanu vadu vadi maradali ki na number echi call cheyamani chepadu. Next day naku...
After saying goodbye to the Bridgerts, Helen turned and walked into the mirror. She remembered a fairytale from her childhood where a little girl traveled into a mirror. Helen laughed at the memory and wondered what she might find on her own adventure. She didn't have long to wait as it seemed she immediately found herself in an astounding room; everywhere she looked there was something interesting and new to see The whole room seemed to dance with firelight from the torches held in sconces...
John = Male Character Doe = Female Character John was really bummed. He had his graduating semester all setup with in-depth engineering courses to help ready him for the high-paying job awaiting his graduation and his counselor told him he needed 3 more Social Science credits. He really hated those wishy-washy classes, preferring the cold hard science and numbers of engineering. However, he REALLY needed to graduate, he had a six-figure starting job lined up and his employer wasn’t going to...
On our second night in Blackpool, we'd had a very busy day, must have walked three miles, which is a lot for us, especially in the heat we were having, sunny and hot 25 degrees, unusual for the UK. we'd eaten out yet again and had gone back to the hotel for a couple of late night drinks, but to be honest we were knackered, we went to bed at just after 12 midnight.I was finding it difficult to sleep because of the temperature so at 2:30am I decided to go outside to cool down and have a...
One thing that Grif knew about Alaska's salmon, unless the population was in dire straits, the fishing was universally phenomenal. That went for the other species too. The difference was in the people who host the guests, and the accuracy of actually providing what they said they would. That is what set the Aurora View Lodges and the Arctic Fox apart. If they couldn't provide a service or amenity to everyone, it would not be mentioned or implied on the website or brochure that they...
Amara Romani has been wanting to try out a monster cock. So we paired her up with Mandingo to see if she could hold her own against a monstrous cock. She couldn’t believe the size of his cock but tried her best at fitting it deep down her throat. Soon She had this monstrous creature stretching her vagina like it never has before. Not satisfied enough Amara asked for him to shove it in her tiny little asshole. This chick took a monster cock in all of her holes and loved every single second of it.
xmoviesforyouBetty Andrews had been working for Mr. Davidson for almost 8 months now. She had moved to Minneapolis from her home in New York because she wanted a fresh start in a different location. Her divorce, while amicable and smooth, was still quite painful for her. Betty was not a small girl and she had always had trouble finding a boy that paid attention to her because he wanted to be with her. In school, she had a few "pity dates" and even had one traumatic occurrence where she was the object of a...
Straight SexPresea smiled at him “Looking forward to our shower?” She asked suddenly Jens gave her an odd look “How could you tell?” “Well, I can already feel you getting hard again.” She said with a laugh before lightly kissing Jens on the lips, who kissed back. Once the kiss ended, Jens put Presea back on her feet, leading her into the bathroom. The bathroom was massive, featuring a massive shower and with quite a bit of room. More then enough to fuck in whatever way they wanted to.. Jens...
The girls sat cross legged sipping orange juice as the day warmed up around them. Roberts’ house had extensive lush lawns beyond the pool which shimmered in the hot sun; the pool looked very inviting to Bella and Roberts looked at the pretty sissy, his mouth watering as his cock pulsed.“Just go in whenever you want; it’s nice to see you free from your usual routine, I know how strict your Aunt Jane is with you; swim naked if you wish, no need for a bikini here. Sandy and the others never...
Kaitlyn Katsaros flaunts her perky tits and her tattoos while driving along the busy highway, where the sun casts its golden glow. She is a bubbly and horny lady – a perfect combination. With her interesting personality and great sex skills, everyone loves to fuck her. She parks the car and lets her thirsty tongue slide up and down her partner’s tough dick. When their sexual desires grow stronger, the man chokes and pushes her to the bed in a hotel room. Kaitlyn moans as a hard...
xmoviesforyouMy initial impression that this town resembled Mayberry turned out to be reality, and that the people here where genuinely nice. Everywhere I went people introduced themselves and seemed to want to be my friend. At first, I really wasn’t sure what to think, but after the initial shock wore off, I began to relax and accept that this might have been the best decision of my life. After a few weeks of taking the pills Penny had given me, I began to notice that my chest felt extra sensitive...
Bill's sleep lasted until three in the morning when he started to dream. He and Theresa were walking the dogs on The Plain. It was warm and sunny and they were blissful. Suddenly the wind got up and it started to rain. They both put up golf umbrellas. So strong was the wind that Theresa became airborne. She was thrilled, shrieking with laughter and delight. The dogs thought it was fun too, dancing round her ankles which were only two or three inches above the ground. Theresa was wearing the...
This story was written personally for the delightfully wicked Susan.Part 1 “If it makes you feel any better, Susan, this wasn’t meant for you. You see, I’ve lived in this neighborhood for a long time and, like most of the other men here, have watched your daughters grow out of their pigtails into sexy fuckable young women. So, I did a little internet sleuthing, trying to find a work schedule, a favorite running trail, anywhere out of the way, where I might be able to grab them for a more...
Ok first I tell u myself I’m now 21 male from Mumbai and this stories which is happen is from Mumbai only in my home we have maid let me describe her she is very hot she has a round and big boobs may be 40 with good and huge round ass fair complexion this is the story when I was in 12 standard. I was taking bath in the bath room and my maid is in kitchen which is washing kitchen table and I just take soap in my hand and rub on my dick. Which is 5inch on that time and I just masturbating in...
Sibling Rivalry It was finally summer. Long days in winter coats where over. In with shorts and tight tee shirts. Not that it really bothered the kitterjackal. Kasi had always felt she looked good in any kind of clothing as long as it was gothic and brooding. Yes the emo look fit her well and now that it was summer the barely adult 18 year old could show off her stuff in dr****g black tee shirts and tight fitting pants that hugged her shapely rear end. But it wasn't just teenaged rebellion that...
Julia Foxx slammed down the receiver and muttered under her breath, "Idiots, the world is full of idiots!!!" She rifled through the multitude of papers that were spread all over her large desk, and finally in exasperation punched the intercom button and ordered, "Marge, get in here, I need some help!" Marge Owens set aside the letter she was typing and went directly into Julia Foxx's office. "What's up boss?" she asked brightly. "You remember the Cambridge file?" Julia asked without looking up....
LesbianCop Town By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Balwyn Balwyn PD had 1200 police officers and about five hundred civilian staff on the payroll. The PD recruited thirty police cadets every three months with the expectation that not all of them would graduate; some of them would either fail the course or drop out of the Balwyn Police Academy before graduation. The Department recruited just enough minorities to meet the mandated quotas. At the policy academy there was an unauthorised...
So when I was 17, I met this guy when I was in high school. He was 25. I’m 5’7” and he was about my height or a little bit taller than me. He had brown hair and green eyes that tear me to shreds. Although, he wasn’t a teacher, it seemed, because I never saw him teaching any classes. So I just figured that he was a parapro. Every day, he would walk down the hallway and always say’hi’, ‘hello’, or something else that would stop me from breathing momentarily. And the way he smelled was pure...
Outside the wind was howling and snow swirled and beat against the windows. The storm had been raging all day, the first gentle flurries of flakes turning quickly to blizzard. There would be no going anywhere tonight, I thought. I was stuck here on Christmas Eve. Alone and without power, only a few candles to illuminate my small living space.“Bad enough that I’m stuck in Ottowa, away from everyone I know and love. Now I can’t even leave my apartment without freezing to death.”I stared sadly at...
Hardcore"G'day, mates, I've brought your brekkie." The Australian salutation woke me from my sweet dreams. I opened my eyes and saw Helen standing next to our bed, smiling, wearing a French maid's apron and nothing else. She deposited the breakfast trays on our night tables and asked, "What pleasures can I offer you today?" "Same as yesterday, please," Cathy said sleepily, rubbing her eyes. "I think you'd get bored, doing the same things over and over again." "But yesterday was...