Pure Lust Part 2
- 2 years ago
- 20
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It was my brother's idea to head to the beach. Something I wouldn't have agreed to normally. I hated the beach. Too hot, too sandy, and too damn boring. I would be happier holed up in my room, fucking around on my computer, but he'd insisted, saying I needed to get out of the house. Apparently, my period of moping around after being dumped by my girlfriend, Amy, was over.
"Andrew, do I have to do this?" I asked. "I'd rather stay home."
"I know you'd rather stay home," replied Andrew. "And that's why the guys and I are taking you to the beach."
I rolled my eyes in resignation.
"Hey, Connor," my brother's friend Matt shouted as he banged on the outside of my bedroom window, startling me, then slid into the apartment through it.
"Fucking goon," I said, then shoved him. "Ever heard of a door?"
It was a never-ending playground environment. My brother, Andrew, is four years older than me, chronologically, but mentally, him and his buddies are stuck somewhere in their teenaged years. Me at twenty-two …their behavior was beyond annoying.
"Are we ready to go?" asked Matt as he ruffled my hair.
Fuck that pissed me off when he did that. I wasn't a kid anymore. Yes, I was currently sharing an apartment with my brother, completely rent free, including food, but I was between jobs. It happens to the best of us. Me a little more than others. Being a bartender in a resort town where tourists ebbed and flowed with the seasons, didn't guarantee steady employment.
I smacked Matt's hand away.
"Fuck off, Matt," I said.
"Oh …the princess is touchy this morning," Matt said as he danced around behind me.
They'd never let me forget it. I was five years old at the time, and they'd dressed me up in one of my sister's princess costumes, tiara and all, and taken me door to door to dance for the neighbors. I hadn't thought anything of it at the time. I was a little kid. A little kid that desperately wanted to please his big brother.
When our mom came home from work and found out, she'd freaked out and grounded Andrew for a week. It was then that I realized my brother and his friends were making fun of me. I'd never fully trusted Andrew after that.
"Where's Gary?" Andrew asked.
Matt lifted the beach towel off my bed and swung it at my head, almost knocking me over. Today was going to be all shits and giggles. I could see it now.
"He's in the car," Matt replied. "Let's go."
The ride to the beach was predictably noisy, with the stereo blasting obnoxious, top forties crap, far too loud for the cheap tinny speakers in Gary's car.
I settled into my seat and stared out the window. Amy dumping me had done a real number on me. Not that I'd been in love with her, but we'd known each other since middle school, and I'd assumed she'd always be there. It felt strange without her, as if an arm was missing.
I grunted as a hand clocked the back of my head.
Fucking morons.
"Get out, sleepyhead," Andrew said to me. I hadn't noticed that we'd pulled into the parking lot.
"So, which way to the hot babes?" Matt said as he checked up and down the beach. It was still relatively early, so the sand wasn't crowded yet. We had our pick of decent spots.
"What do you think, buddy?" Gary said to me. "See anything you like?"
"I don't know," I replied and sighed. "Amy and her friends used to park themselves right here near the showers ..."
"For fuck's sake, Connor," Andrew said, shoving me. "Let her go, would you? Amy wasn't right for you. You need to move on."
I lowered my gaze. "I know."
"Let's set up somewhere else," Gary suggested, pointing to where a large group of girls were spreading out their towels. "Over there …before anyone else claims them."
He elbowed me roughly. "You don't mind, do you?"
I shrugged my shoulders and slung my towel around my neck. My brother and his friends were hot enough to pull in any girls they wanted, and I mean any girls, but they were complete assholes to even the nicest of them once they'd picked them up. Miraculously, the girls they ended up with rarely seemed to notice. Or maybe they just didn't care…
I followed along and set my towel up a little distance from theirs. I didn't want to be associated too closely with them.
"Are you going to be alright?" Andrew asked as he stood over my outstretched body and dropped a bottle of cold water onto my towel. He crossed his arms. He was expecting an answer.
I slid my sunglasses on and rolled over onto my stomach. "I'll be fine. Now get the fuck out of my sun."
"Fuck you."
I closed my eyes. We'd had our differences over the years, but Andrew had been there for me after I lost Amy. The guy might have a heart after all.
I raised my head, resting my chin on my hands, and smiled over at him. He smiled back at me and flipped me the fuck you finger. Ah, yes, brotherly love …priceless.
As it turned out, the sun was what I needed. My tan had taken a serious hit, because of my self-imposed quarantine, and this felt damn good, the smell of tanning lotion and fries transporting me back to simpler times. Growing up in a beach resort meant a lot of time spent on the sand, first with my family, then friends…
I sighed. Then with Amy.
Fucking get over it.
"Hey, your back is burning," a guy's voice stated softly above me.
"I must've fallen asleep," I said as I rolled over onto my back and propped myself up on my elbows. I blinked to clear my vision. My initial view consisted of a pair of extremely tanned bare feet, adorned in those braided friendship bracelets you saw swarms of people wearing.
Then I looked up.
Holy fuck …and yummy.
The guy staring down at me …my age, and seriously hot, in a gorgeous and sultry kind of way. He looked familiar.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked as I willed my cock to behave itself. Lying stretched out on my back in a pair of flimsy swim shorts was not the best cover.
"Name's Jake."
Jake brushed his hand up through his hair and my heart almost stopped. The action had revealed the thick, dark patch of hair under his arm, and caused his pecs to flex deliciously.
"I disc jockey over at Crush," Jake continued. "I saw you there the other night." His face lit up with a smile that restarted my sputtering heart and predictably warmed my balls. "You were pretty enthralled with what I was doing."
I allowed a small gasp of a laugh to escape. Yeah, that's definitely where I'd seen him before.
The night Amy dumped me, before she'd dumped me, we'd gone to Crush to do some drinking and dancing. I'd spent most of the night ogling the DJ instead, something Amy brought up, repeatedly, whilst screaming at me in the parking lot afterward.
Before she'd taken off in her car, Amy had told me she knew, that she'd probably always known, and I that needed to stop lying to myself.
I knew my attraction to guys ran way deep. Far deeper than I'd ever cared to admit, but how do you stop doing something you've done all your life?
Pretending to be straight had eclipsed every other aspect of my life for as long as I could remember.
So how do I stop?
I studied Jake's face watching me…
Fuck, he was hot, and I was single again.
I smiled.
Jake is how you stop lying to yourself.
"I do a bit of mixing myself." I blushed, embarrassed I'd even mentioned it, but I needed to say something. "Nothing like what you do at the club, of course."
"So, that's what you were staring at the other night at the club?" Jake grinned. "My mixing board?" He wasn't buying it, and I was glad he wasn't.
I let my gaze wander freely over his body, enjoying the way his little, fuchsia shorts clung to his sleek thighs, and cupped tight to his cock and balls, the ridge of his cockhead clearly visible…
"Yeah …no," I said and laughed, unable to peel my gaze away from Jake's hand as he swept it across his smooth muscular chest, then thumbed one of his nipples.
I licked my lips.
"Do you want to get out of here?" Jake asked. "I live in that house right there." He pointed to an estate bordering the beach. "We could get out of the sun."
I nodded silently, sprung to my feet, and grabbed my towel to shield the rest of the beach from being subjected to my growing erection. I'd never been with a guy before, aside from a few drunken make-out sessions, but my nervousness didn't appear to be having a detrimental effect on what Jake's hard gorgeous body was doing to mine.
My cock pulsed against my body, seeking to escape from the mesh prison of my swim shorts.
Fucking hell …what am I going to tell my brother?
"Andrew," I said, tossing a heap of sand at my brother's chest with my foot. "I'm going to take off for a while."
"Sure," Andrew said and opened his eyes. His gaze drifted between Jake and me. "Where are you going?"
"Jake here is a DJ …he's going to show me his equipment."
A blinding flush rose in my face.
I hadn't meant to say it quite like that, but the slip amused my brother immensely.
"His equipment, hey?" Andrew said, smirking.
"Fuck off, Andrew," I replied. I wanted to cross my arms in annoyance, but my hard-on wasn't in the mood to wane, so I kept my towel clenched in front of my body instead.
Andrew's expression changed and became serious. "Sorry, but you walked right into that." He looked at Jake and sighed, then returned his attention to me. "Alright, so I'll see you later." He reached for my leg and brushed his hand along it, lingering at my ankle.
"Play safe, alright?" he whispered, staring up at me.
"Yeah, sure …," I replied, mildly confused. My brother had never given me any indication he knew I liked guys.
Gary snorted in amusement and tucked his hand behind his head. Under his breath, he muttered the word finally, sending Matt into a fit of quiet giggles.
Fuck, does everyone know?
"You can throw your towel down over there," Jake said, pointing to one of the stools lining the massive island in the middle of his kitchen. "Can I get you a drink?"
"A beer would be great."
I draped my towel over a stool. Jake already knew I was turned on. It was pointless hiding it. The sight of his DJ equipment set up in the living room distracted me though.
"Do you live here alone?" I asked as I slid into a chair facing a bank of computer screens and various pieces of midi equipment.
Jake wandered up beside me, set my beer down, and brushed his hand back and forth across my bare shoulders. My gut tightened as he massaged the muscles at the base of my neck.
"Sort of," Jake replied finally, removing his hand from my neck. "It's my parents' house, but they're away for six months, so I moved in." The sound of him laughing reverberated through me as he leaned against my shoulder. "Saves on rent and I'm closer to the beach."
"So I can cruise for hot guys at will," he added, his voice sounding sullied."
"Is that a regular thing for you?" I turned enough to look at him.
Jake straightened up and brushed his hand across his mouth.
"What? Cruising for guys?" he replied. "Not really. I was on my way to the corner store and thought I recognized you."
"On your way to the corner store." I crossed my arms, pretending to be put off. "By way of the beach."
"Yeah, I needed …milk. Or something."
"Mm …hm." I turned back to face the screens. "So, can you show me a few things on here?"
"Sure." Jake edged in closer, turned the computer on, and began setting up a file for me to play with. The skin of his shoulder as he typed, brushed my cheek, and I breathed in the scent of his sun-warmed body. I wanted to lick him all over, starting at the crease of his underarm where the aroma would be deepest.
I inhaled heavily. "Jake?"
"Mm …hm?"
"You smell really good," I said, dismissing the software displaying on the screen.
Jake grinned at me with a seductively devious glint. "I thought you were interested in my music software."
"Right now, I'm more interested in your hardware."
I know …corny, but it seemed appropriate given the fact Jake's nut-sack was pressed against my elbow and his stiffening cock was riding my forearm.
"I was hoping you'd say that," Jake replied, while grinding harder against my arm, his little fuchsia shorts bunching and rolling against my skin, catching the tiny hairs. He surprised me when he grasped my elbow firmly and hauled me out of my seat.
"Let's head over to the sofa," Jake said as he steered me toward it. We fell onto the cushions with me on top of him. I immediately attacked his mouth. Jake's lips were hot and moist, and hungry. There was no possible way I could get enough of him.
So fucking hot.
I'd longed to be with a guy like Jake, a guy that could show me what I'd been missing out on. I dove deeper into his mouth, our tongues sparring for dominance, tasting everything, consuming each other. I groaned in unison with him as our bodies crushed together. It was the most intense kiss I'd ever experienced, and the heat being generated by it was near suffocating.
Jake's hands were all over my back, exciting my skin, pulling me closer …kneading my flesh. I surged forward, held Jake against the cushions, and ground my rock-hard dick against his stomach. He thrust up against me, ran his hands down my back into my swim shorts, then slipped past the waistband and grabbed my ass.
I arched my back and tipped my ass up further, anxious for his touch. Jake slid a finger down my crease and teased the edge of my hole, massaging it gently. The sensation sent jolts of desperate need shuddering through my body. I ran my hands through his hair, then grasped his face, and clung to him. I ground against him harder as I kissed his neck and throat …wanting more.
Please give me more.
Jake gripped my shoulders and held me at bay.
"Let's see this ass of yours," he said, pushing me to my feet.
My fingers struggled with the ties of my swim shorts, frantic to comply. My only desire at that moment was to please him …to give Jake what he wanted. To let him do whatever he wanted with my body.
Finally undoing the ties, I hauled my shorts off, let them fall to the floor, and stepped out of them. My breath caught, sharp, almost in fear as Jake shoved me roughly toward the sofa. I'd fantasized about this, having a guy handle me hard.
I climbed onto the dark, brown leather sofa and kneeled on the cushions, my cock drooling slick pre-cum onto the fabric. I tilted my ass up to display my hole.
"Fuck, that's a hot ass," Jake said as he ran his palms up my thighs and onto my smooth muscular glutes. He kneaded them roughly and landed a light smack on one. I gasped in surprise but hoped he'd do it again.
I peered over my shoulder as Jake circled around behind me. Watching Jake was like witnessing a hunter eyeing his prey. It made me nervous but excited. My throbbing cock released a new thread of pre-cum, dripping and pooling onto the cushion beneath me.
"You like it?" I asked after catching his gaze.
"I fucking love it." Jake licked his thumb and traced it around the rim of my hole, then pressed against it hard enough to make the ache in my balls almost unbearable. I gripped tight to the sofa as Jake pried my crease open and thrust his tongue into my warm, anxious hole.
I gasped, almost to the point of passing out as the tip of Jake's wet tongue probed deeper, then flicked lightly, his hot breath drifting heavy down the dampening flesh of my thighs.
"You like that?" Jake asked between assaults.
"Fuck …yeah!" I reached back and grasped Jake's hair, hauling him closer. My reward was Jake shoving his tongue so far into my ass that I thought for sure he'd lose it.
Jake backed off and alternated between thrusting, then tasting and grunting happily as he probed and licked at my hole. I was about to reach for my dick when Jake pulled it through my legs from behind. The sensation of him sucking my cockhead almost did me in.
I bit into the cushions of the sofa, trying to temper my reaction.
"Mm…you taste amazing," Jake said, then went back to sucking and playing with my cock. He released it to attack my ass, his tongue licking wide swaths across my rim, teasing it.
My cock jumped and tapped my stomach as Jake spat into my hole and massaged his pointer finger inside, rotating it until I groaned.
"Fuck, yeah." I squirmed, arching my back to tempt him further. I needed him to fuck me. I looked back over my shoulder, caught Jake's gaze, and licked my lips.
Jake grinned. "Not yet, baby."
I lowered my head onto my arms. My body was positively vibrating with need. I wasn't in the mood to wait any longer. I needed to feel Jake's dick filling my ass.
I peered back at Jake in time to see him remove his swim shorts.
"That's a big dick," I said dumbly, then blushed.
"Mm …," Jake replied, slapping his meat against his hand. The sound drove every inhibition right out of me. I turned, still kneeling on the sofa, and wrapped my hand around Jake's tight, hot cock. I mouthed the head first, licking the slit and tasting the clear fluid of arousal, then circled my tongue all the way around the ridge. This was my first cock and I wanted to enjoy it. Jake's hand brushed through my hair. "You look so sexy down there."
I gazed up at him as I slid his cock past my lips. His hips hitched upward and he grabbed a fistful of my hair. I sucked hard as I pulled his cock back out of my mouth, and used my hand to pump it. He tasted fantastic. I licked at the head, then took him back in.
"That's right," Jake said. "Suck that big cock." He grasped tight to my head and forced his dick further into my throat. I coughed and choked, sputtering, but it felt fucking good.
I grabbed onto Jake's hips in order to keep from falling off the edge of the sofa each time he rocked away from me. His hand caressed my spine from shoulders to ass as he jammed his cock deeper, grunting and swearing, then his hand came down hard on my ass.
Yes, finally…
"You like that bitch?" Jake asked as he stretched forward to stroke my ass cheek. His fingers brushed tenderly across my skin. A tingle of pure warmth flooded my cock as Jake's hand came down again, stinging my sweat dampened skin.
I moaned around his dick as I continued to bob on it, slurping and sucking, then I backed off and lapped at Jake's cockhead while I jacked him.
Jake's hand snaking and tightening around my throat startled me at first, but as he hauled me up, I relaxed. Jake liked it rough and I didn't have an issue with that. I'd known the guy less than a half-hour, but I had a sense I could trust him.
Jake maneuvered me onto the arm of the sofa, lengthwise, stretching me out on my back. I reached over my head to brace myself against the wall in anticipation of Jake finally ramming his cock into me, but he wasn't finished playing with me yet.
My eyes rolled back in my head, in desperation as Jake hauled me closer to the front edge of the sofa's armrest. He hitched my legs up, and thrust his tongue into my ass, then sucked each of my balls into his mouth, in turn, rolling them over with his tongue, wetting them.
Jake's wet finger pressed deep into my ass, thrusting and retreating, gracing the gland within. It was infuriatingly close to what I wanted.
"Jake …" I reached for his arm to haul him closer, so I could grab his hip. "Please. I want you to fuck me."
"You're an anxious little bitch, aren't you?" Jake stepped closer, teasing me with his cock by smacking it against my thighs. He brushed it around my hole, applying enough pressure to make my stomach clench with expectation, then nothing.
Jake leaned over me, rubbing my hole with his finger and kissed me. He tasted so fucking good, the lingering taste and aroma of my own body heavy on his tongue.
Fuck me. Please fuck me.
My ass clenched, painfully, wanting to be filled, needing to be filled by Jake's huge fucking cock. I reached for it, wrapped my fingers around its girth, and stroked it, wanting to make it mine. I'd never wanted anything more than I wanted his cock in my ass, to feel it caressing my insides.
I shivered as Jake released me.
Jake's mouth closing around my dick caught me off guard. It was official …Jake was attempting to drive me insane. I scrubbed my hands across my face and clenched my teeth as I rode the undulating wave of aching need building in my gut.
Fuck, I can't stand it any longer.
"Jake, please," I pleaded. "I need you to fuck me."
Jake laughed and nodded, then reached for a ticker-tape length of condom packages. It appeared he was expecting a busy summer between gigs at the club.
I grinned, then licked my lips. I wasn't sure what to expect. I regularly played with an assortment of dildos, slicking them with lube and pumping them into my ass as I jerked off.
This wasn't anything like that. The sensation of a real cock being guided by warm hands into my ass, then sliding into place…
"Fuck!" I reached back for the wall and bit my bottom lip, enjoying the exhilaration of the burn. I nodded to Jake to start fucking me, but then I reached for his hips, stopping him.
"Are you alright?" Jake asked, genuine concern clouding his eyes.
"Yeah." I squirmed closer to him and lifted my feet onto Jake's shoulders. I needed him to go deep. I wanted to feel him in my throat. His cool balls came to rest on my crease, then retreated.
The first thrust almost made me scream at him to stop. I looked at the ceiling as the next thrust came, then closed my eyes. There were tears collecting in them.
I released the breath I'd been holding and relaxed. A few more thrusts and a wave of pleasure overcame me. Jake's cock felt amazing each time it plunged into me then withdrew.
Why did I wait so long to do this?
Jake gripped onto my thighs, adjusted his stance, and increased his pace and ferocity. The sofa shook, slamming against the wall.
I licked my lips and groaned.
Fuck. Me.
"You like that?" Jake asked as he fucked me harder.
"Fuck, yeah." I shifted my ass to raise it up a bit. Jake's cock went deeper, painful at first, then nothing but pure ecstasy. I could stay like this forever, fucking. I braced myself against the wall, so Jake's forceful assault wouldn't shift me away from him.
Jake groaned as he slammed me harder and faster.
My mind reeled. "Harder …fuck. Don't stop." My entire body quaked, my ass jiggling with the force. "Harder… God." I reached for Jake's face as he leaned into me, wanting our bodies to merge as his mouth enveloped mine. The kiss was urgent and furious—desperate. He grabbed my face and spat into my mouth, then attacked it again.
Damn, that's hot.
"Here," Jake stopped and lifted me straight off the arm of the sofa, and dropped his ass onto a cushion with me in his lap facing him, still impaled on his cock. I reached behind him and gripped the frame of the sofa, attempting to gain leverage as I pumped up and down.
It made a change from being pounded. Still felt great, but I was able to catch my breath. I rolled my head back, enjoying the rhythm of our bodies colliding.
Jake's hands slipped under my ass to help support me.
"You like riding my cock?" he asked.
I leaned in and kissed him. His upper lip was sweaty and slick. I licked the salty taste from it. "Yeah. I love it."
"Turn around. Facing away from me."
I cringed as I stood and Jake's cock pulled out of my ass. I needed it back where it belonged, but I had to wait as Jake changed out the condom.
As soon as he was done, I slipped back onto his shaft, sighing with satisfaction, then leaned back against Jake's chest. I felt his heart beating rapidly behind me. I reached back for him and ran my fingers into his hair as seductive gusts of his hot breath dampened my cheek.
The rolling movement of Jake's thrusting hips jammed his dick deep into my gut. I held steady in order to enjoy each penetrating jolt. I was getting close, and by the sound of Jake's rapid breathing, he was too.
"I want to cum," I whispered in Jake's ear.
Jake groaned. "You're so fucking sexy." He kissed my cheek and slowed his pace. "On your back."
I climbed off and stretched out on the sofa, parting my legs and reaching for him. This was all coming to an end far too soon, but I really needed to cum, and I wanted Jake to force it from my body with his cock. I'd dreamed of cumming with a hard dick up my ass, pounding me into submission, more times than I'd ever had sex with Amy.
I encased my cock, stroking lightly as Jake slid back into me. He was slower this time, delivering a steady, deliberate massage, driving me crazy in all new ways.
I groaned and fought for breath as Jake rocked my body.
"You seem to be liking that," Jake whispered.
"It feels really good." I gasped as my gut twinged. "I'm close." I closed my eyes, concentrating on the overall sensation. It started low in my balls, tightening them, then I felt my dick harden and pulse in my hand.
The first shot hit my face and I panted through it, licking my lips. "Fuck …" I opened my mouth for the next one, catching a bit on my tongue. I gripped onto Jake's arm as the rest of my load hit my chest, then my stomach. I milked the last drop, then released my cock, and licked the streams of cum from my hand, making sure not to miss any.
"Fuck, that's hot," Jake said as he pulled his cock out of me, yanked the condom off, and flung it onto the floor. He rose onto his knees and hovered over my stomach as he jacked steadily on his cock, his fist twisting and pulling on the head with each stroke.
The sound erupting from his chest as he brought himself closer, cranked me right back up again. My dick twitched and hardened, anxious for more. There was a strong possibility I wouldn't be headed back to the beach anytime soon.
"Fuck, yeah." I brushed my hands up Jake's chest, pinching at his nipples. "I want to see you cum."
"Mm …hm." I bit my bottom lip, fascinated by the building tension. I wanted Jake to cum all over me.
"I'm cumming." Jake's head lolled back and his body convulsed steadily as he shot his warm load onto my chest.
"Fuck," I groaned as I watched the expression of ecstasy on Jake's face. I definitely wanted to see that a few more times. He grinned at me as I shifted beneath him, then his body relaxed and he hovered closer. He gently kissed me.
"Hey," Jake said as he pulled back. "I never caught your name."
I smiled and brushed my hand across his glistening, sweaty chest. "Connor."
"Well, Connor. I'd like to see you again."
I pulled Jake closer. "I'd like that."
Maybe going to the beach wasn't so bad after all.
~ Author Leigh Jarrett, written as Gavin E. Black
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Mind ControlLois paces around the kitchen table, holding Chris’ most recent Report Card. By the tone of her voice, she doesn’t seem happy about it. Chris sits at the table with a solemn look on his face, knowing he hasn’t done any good. “Chris, I am very disappointed in you.” She says. “What happened to your father? He was supposed to be tutoring you.” “Well, every time we started, Dad said he had to go get some Tutoring Aids.” Chris tells her. At that moment, Peter bursts through the wall of the...
Lucky gurl.Four weeks of luxury in front of me, returning once again to the lovely hotel on the beach. Four of us return each year to this paradise. Our two friends, my partner and myself. The first two days were spent lazing around in the sun, just chilling out. The others decided they wanted to visit the capital city, it was a four day trip, I didn’t particularly fancy it, so the three of them booked for the next week. On the fourth morning at eight, my friend stood nattering to some others...
I walked right to his door and took in a deep breath. "Just do it, how can he turn me down again?" I whispered, bringing my right hand to the door.I knocked a couple times."Come in."I opened the door, walked in and shut the door behind me. "Will you talk to me, please?""About what, Nadine?" he pondered, leaning up on his bed and looking at me.'Damn, he is not even wearing a shirt. My step brother is so sexy.'"So what if we're step siblings? I think we would make a good couple," I stated,...
NovelsHi. Im Ashleigh. I am 18 from Calafornia. I have been at college for 2 years. I have been a lesbian (secretly) for the past 2 years and love girls to bits. Now i was never much of a party type but figured, Hey, Lets give it a go. So. I did. Me and 4 of my Friends went to this party. There were mainly guys here and of course the other girls were going crazy over them but they were of no interest to me. Anyway everyone was drinking and everyone was getting rather fucked, guys were trying to rub...
First TimeThis story is completely fictional I was upset, to say the least. My birthday fell on a wednesday this year and it seemed to pass by just as fast as it arrived. All I did to celebrate my 18th, one of the most important birthdays in a young mans life, was split a store bought cake in the breakroom of my work with my co-workers (who I don't even talk to that much anyway)! My friends were at their respective jobs and busy for the rest of the week. Depression was beginning to follow me back to my...
IncestPassion at Sea This was my second cruise alone and I was looking forward to the relaxation, sun and new ports. I didn’t realize at the time that “new ports” would take on a whole new meaning by the end of the cruise. The first day was spent on the cruise line’s private island and I used the day to walk along the water’s edge, exploring, doing a little swimming and snorkeling. I never tire of being around the Caribbean . The water is breathtakingly beautiful. The color of the water runs the...
NovelsChapter Six "So y'all haven't had eggs or bacon since you've been here?" Karen asked from across the breakfast table. "Most of the perishables," Jason began, "ran out soon after the electricity stopped working and we really haven't had the people power to generate a farm. But now with more of us we may be able to pull off raising some domesticated livestock and crops that is if we can find any." "Well I was raised on a farm and I can tell you it's a bit of work." Tim...
Welcome to Dura Silex Real Estate. The premiere real estate firm with assets and holdings in 12 nations. Here at headquarters you will find the Chief Officers, national managers, Human Resources Director, the regional manager, administrative staff, and several other offices and companies leasing space within the building. Straight ahead is the receptionist, she's a stunning bottle blonde with thin frame glasses and a dark gray jacket and pencil skirt. Her smile is infectious and she can't wait...
2:20 PM: Humming along with Previn and the Pittsburgh Symphony, Jasmine poured soothing bath oils into the tub then turned and admired herself in the full-length mirror as she slowly stripped off the shirt, let it fall away from her shoulders and turned sideways, and examined her breasts. She acknowledged their firmness and with a tight smile reached under them to trace their curve with her fingertips. Inevitably, her fingers slid out to the nipples and gently squeezed them. Jasmine's mouth...
He was maybe 5’7, he was more of a botterscotch in complexion and somewhat between athletic and muscular. His beard thick and a light low cut faded hair, or whatever you guys call it. It was obviously he had a recent hair cut, maybe 6 hours fresh because the lines were sharp. It wasn’t my intention to have sex with him, it honestly wasnt. We were just meeting up to see each other because hey, pictures dont always tell the truth. Now, lets start from scratch, i initially met him on a dating...
*Warning! Dear readers, In a comment on one of my stories, coinnaisseur29 wrote: ‘I thought the romance a bit too quick. […] I expect one has to make it quick what with so little space and time.’ This story is an attempt to remedy that. The romance is slow, as you may expect from the two main characters. There is not a lot of sex in it (only on pg. 17 or so) but I tried to show a little what the characters are like and how, eventually, they realise their feelings for each other and allow...
Hi sex stories lovers! This is my first time so please be gentle with the comments, just kidding! I am very much into older woman and had lot daring experience which I would like to tell the world so ladies please tell me what you really like to read and I will search through the brain of mine to see if I have any of mine old memories locked in there for you. This is true story! Names changed, I had early sexual life maybe that is why I having so less of it now. My first masturbation itself was...
IncestHello let me tell you about a true story, i met my wife Claire 12 years ago, she looked stunning 36d boobs, slim body and long legs, nice round arse and very tight pussy, she always liked to tease me. When ever she could she had her hands, mouth or pussy around my cock, let me tell you about myself im John 6ft6 18 stone and play rugby, my nickname is Bull, not because i play rugby but because im just over 10 inch's in the pants area. That's enough about me ,Claire had a few friends...
Terry's tits are saggy. I don't understand how you can be that skinny, have tits that small, and have saggy tits. Whatever. I didn't hire her because she's real pornstar material. I hired her because she's a skinny 95lbs waif, and she's naive and unexperienced. She doesn't know what questions to ask, what signs to look for, or how much a scene is worth. Basically she's just a regular slut looking to become a porn whore. I signal Terrence to start filming. Terry's sitting on the...
Please accept my sincere regrets for writing another story after such a long time. I lost access to my email account, and for some weird reasons, I recently got my account back. I had many emails requesting the third part of the story, so here we go. I lost my virginity to Hetal back in 2019, as you all know. Now, after the resort scene, we meet a couple of times at different locations in Mumbai. We enjoyed a lot of sex which I have now lost count of. One night we were chatting about our...
My memory of this week away from home should appeal to cmnf, cfnm and spanking fans alike. I was a typical 16 year old boy who wanted to enjoy having fun with his mates at home but my parents decided that I and my brothers could not be trusted to stay at home when they took the weeks holiday they’d won in a competition. We were sent to stay with relatives or friends of the family and it was my misfortune to end up with my parents friends ‘Aunty’ Beryl and ‘Uncle’ John and their awful daughter...
SpankingI am way to scared to go dogging and can be a bit shy to go to gay venues but I have needs and as a sub bottom I really do need to be comprehensively shagged; the more often the better.Some time ago I went to a 'north' London sauna once and when I walked in the door the fellow at the counter asked me if I realised it was a Gay sauna. I am a very straight looking guy and if you thought I was gay you may say a very dominant top, but the truth lies elsewhere.I told the young fellow that I...
18-year-old Morgan MacKenna had discovered her talent only one year ago. She'd heard the taunts from her classmates even before they made them. She'd been terrified about it but, somehow, her mother had coaxed what had happened out of her and explained that far back into antiquity the women in her family had had mystical powers which developed in late puberty. Her mother had worked with her for the last year to increase those powers, but even she could not realise the skill Morgan had developed...
Mind ControlAuthor’s note: Tradition would have us believe the night before St. Agnes’ Day, January 21, is always bitterly cold. A virgin who says her prayers and goes to bed without supper this night will surely see her future husband in her dreams. With a ‘tip o’ m’ hat’ to John Keats for inspiring me with THE EVE OF ST. AGNES and Sister R________ for assigning Keats’ poem to sophomores in her English literature class for January 20, 1977, thank you. * There were worse things that could happen to a...
My big sister has always been super competitive. Sports, studies, eating worms from the garden; it didn't matter as long as she was the best! So when I got the phone call that early Saturday afternoon I was not really surprised. She had been at a picnic with several friends from work and they got into a tug-of-war fight. Her side was loosing and she really stepped up her efforts, nearly grabbing victory from the jaws of defeat. But when the other side pulled HARD and her teammates lost their...
I live in Florida with my girlfriend of 2 years. We are very happy together. She works at a travel agency which often gives her the opportunity of travelling around the world. When she travels, she ensures that I am taken care off. She would often cook for me, or keep my clothes ironed, or even dry clean my shoes. The latest addition to her ‘care for Simon’ routine is hiring a maid. So, she hired Tressa. The story is about my romantic session with her and how I got the best blowjob I got from...
Maid/ServantHi friends, hum fir aa gaye nayi story le kar. Isme meri biwi ek buddhe coolie ko train ke compartment mein maze karati hai. Waise aapko pata hi hai, ki hum dono ko sex mein experiments karna bahut pasand hai. Hum log nayi-nayi cheeze dhoondh kar try karte hai. Hum dono ko kaale lund pasand hai, jo mote aur tagde ho. Shemale aur cuckold sex bhi kaafi dekhte hai hum. Mujhe koi gande se dikhne waale buddha ko, kisi sunder ladki ko chodte hue dekhna pasand hai. Aur agar uska maal us ladki ke andar...
When the best season starts you start to peek always with a little more attention especially if you have the sis very good like in my case :-P. It was spring when i opened the door of my palace and, at the beginning of the ladders, i've find front of me, sitted, my sis with a boy sitted beside her, i do not know if that boy was a boyfriend or a lover: -P, my sister had a nice pair of black-transparent pantyhose with low shoes and a skirt more or less at central-thigh and with legs bent and...
Hi indian sex stories readers I’m priyanka (23) from mumbai… This is my first ever story in iss.. I’ve always dreamed of submitting my stories on iss so now it is on your way. My story will be in half English and half Hindi. So here’s my story. It happened past 8 months ago. I’ve a bf from last 2 years and humare dono ke ghar pe yeh baat pata chal gayi thi. Lekin uske ghar pe thoda problem tha mere liye. Hum dono ek hi locality ke rehnevale hai. We have a very sweet and romantic love story....
It was one of the first hot days of spring, I sat on the train at the end of the day enjoying the heat in my limbs and my groin. Most of the women on the train had put on their flimsy summer dresses. The glimpses of skin, that had been hidden from I was heading back to my serviced apartment, a few stops from the city, the train was full and I sat down next to a woman in a colourful blue dress. As I sat we made eye contact, and both of us smiled slightly before we looked away.As we rode the...
A fantasy inspired by amateur_julie containing office related frolics...My job sees me travelling around the country on a freelance basis going to various companies fixing IT problems as and when they arise. I'm never in any one place longer than a week. It's not the sort of working life that everyone would take to - hardly ever seeing the same faces, but it suits me as I can choose to work when and where I need to. A few months ago my agency sent me to a company not far outside of London for a...
The night after Mom fucked Greg, his Dad and me I was talking to Greg about me and him having some fun with Mom together. Since the following Friday was a Holiday and Mom would have the day off we decided to make a plan for Thursday night. When Mom got home that night I had dinner in the oven, wine chilling and I had just rolled a joint. Greg had put some music on and Mom was very surprised when she saw all that had been done. She had had a hard day at the real estate office and she was...
Having three k**s in this day and age takes a toll on people. With all the running around that is to be done on a daily basis, here for the oldest, there for the middle one and off to the store to get stuff for the baby. Whew, calgone take us away. Don't get us wrong we LOVE our k**s and would not trade them for anything. If your a parent, you know what I am talking about.We have always wanted the best for our c***dern, who would not? But we feel as if sometimes we are not able to give them...
It was pouring down hard and the field was all muddy and wet. I had watched all the other boys leave one by one. Most of them had parents who stayed and watched the game. The only thing keeping me from mother nature was a thin soccer jersey with my favorite number on the back. I made my way to a wooden picnic table I used to sit under to wait for my mom when I was younger. I crawled under and wondered how I ever fit under here before. My limbs jut out the side a bit awkwardly as I...
Party time Richard glanced at the calender, and sighed. It was the day before his fortieth birthday, and it was an occasion he dreaded. But not just for the usual reasons - the idea of getting older rarely appealed after twenty five, but for a more complicated reason. Richard had never really felt "right" as a male. Sadly, it had taken him far too long to realize there was actually something he could had done about that, and so he approached forty no further along toward being...
Yesterday was my seventeenth birthday, a day I’ll never forget because I celebrated it with Kyle. We have been friends since Sunday school, and he is my mentor, idol, and the only grownup man I know, he's at least ten years older than me. I trust and confide in him about everything important because he is honest and gentle with me, never judging my silly or foolish behavior or thoughts, although lately I have thoughts he might not approve of, and he never treats me as a girl to be had. I do...
First TimePussy In TrainingBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Oh no; not that easy baby. Who told you, I was done with you. Not yet. You have yet to learn, not to be such a fucking snob and tease to refuse me and I am going to make sure you learn this lesson really well. If you know what I mean”. Kevin said as he stared her for a moment and then gave a very cold smile and shook his head in disbelief.Melissa looked horrified. She was leaning against the bedpost; she was tied to. She was gasping and looking at her...
Pokegirls were created long ago by an evil and perverted scientist called Dr. Sukebe as super-soldiers, sexual partners, and servants. However, when he created these Pokegirls, rebellion broke out, and a war began. During this time, people learned that they could make Pokegirls loyal to one person, and soon, this knowledge spread - the ones who made these Pokegirls loyal to him or her was called a Tamer. Now, these Pokegirls are either used as sex slaves, partners, or both. There are female...
Birds chirped. The sun felt warm on my skin. There was a gentle breeze. My eyes opened, and I saw the lake. The light breeze caused the smallest of crests upon the ripples in the water. My chin was on Jack's chest. We were both naked. On the lounger beside the pool. At the lake house.My immediate thought was minor panic that we'd be late to pick up the kids. They were at my parents' house, having spent the night there while we went out to the club, Catan's Masquerade, and then spent the night...
MILFI'm walking down the sidewalk that's in front of my house. I feel like someone is watching me, but I turn around, and don't see anybody. I walk up the driveway towards my house, and I still feel like I'm being watched. I hear a car behind me... I don't turn around, I just run towards the front door. My hands are shaking as I try to open the door with the key. I finally unlock the door and run inside. As I'm trying ot shut the door, a man's arm reaches through and grabs me. He comes inside and...
My love to all ISS readers.. This is my 4th story and thank you all for you feedback and love !! Few weeks back i was in a online chat room winding my time speaking to strangers.. This is where i came across Milana(name changed). We had decent chat and later we managed to exchange our numbers..Slowly we began speaking late at nights and we chit chatting everything.. I had never seen Milana yet and neither did she know how i looked.. After a few days we decided to meet at ccd and this was the...
Repost of my first story.A day with my whore.Inspired by two very sexy women I met here. As told to them.It starts with you and me playing some touch football with my friends. You would be wearing a tight little pair of shorts that showed off your amazing ass and a tight top that let all my friend see what great tit you have every chance I got I would grab you and get a feel of your tits or ass and every chance I got I would move my hand down to your pussy and give it a quick rub trying to make...
Being alone in the house was not to my liking. Sleeping alone, eating alone and waiting for the phone to ring were my only reasons for being there. The rest of the time I found other places to go. While alone, I had too much time to think. While walking or driving around I could concentrate on seeing new things and not have to think about what I had gotten myself into. How well did we really know one another? I had picked Laura out of a line up. She was my number one. In a way, Laura had...
Father daughter sex at DaughterSwap! Watching a petite teen girl getting rammed hard by her daddy’s best friend is an incredible experience, and you do not have to take my word for it, you can just visit a wonderful place filled with such porn; daughterswap.com. The whole point of the site is explained in the title, and that is what I fucking love to see!I mean, what else could you possibly expect to see on a website called daughter swap? If you are unsure, then you are probably too fucking...
Premium Incest Porn SitesNote: My stories usually include pics that makes it more enjoyable to read and look at. Unfortunately Xhamster says that photos can't be uploaded right now due to technical reasons. So I used my videos instead. I hope this is fixed soon and that you enjoy this story anyways and am able to use your imagination. Thanks! Kisses!-Chrissy In my story called "Santa Likes Femboys," here: https://xhamster.com/stories/santa-likes-femboys-10061474 I explained that I discovered that last Christmas when...
Today’s DDF Network Hardcore masterpiece gives you a detailed insight into Maya Bijou’s craving for Daddy’s big cock. The barely legal schoolgirl fuck is going to make you cum instantly and you get to enjoy fabulous closeup shots of that brown-eyed American Latina’s tight shaved teen pussy. The petite babe masturbates by the pool and fingers her tasty teenager pink while Daddy’s watching from the balcony. Her stepdad Marcus London tells her to go to school, but...
xmoviesforyouThe Wife Next Door: Part IV – Judy is Jilted About a year after Pim and I had started our relationship a terrible accident happened. My parents were riding a boat owned by a friend of my Dad’s, a famous cardiothoracic surgeon and a cigarette boat ran into them and both my parents were killed. I was 24 years old and I was alone in the world. My parents relatives all lived far away and I had little contact with them growing up. With the help of my Dad’s law firm I was able to get a large...
Straight SexTwo old age pensioners are enjoying oral sex together... but after a few minutes, the old guy says, "I can't stay down here much longer, it stinks!"The old lady says, " I'm sorry, it's my arthritis playing up again."The old guy replies, " You've got arthritis in your cunt?""No" says the old lady, "the arthritis is in my arm, it means I can't wipe my arse!"
The following week dragged by for Sondra. She had changed her mind dozens of times, first succumbing to the allure of the mysterious society and its erotic and salacious temptations followed by the acceptance that she was a thirty-three year old homemaker who had to be kidding herself to entertain, even for a moment, the notion that she could become a part of some secret hedonistic group and their orgies. Back and forth she vacillated, but as the responsibilities of motherhood and wife began...
Freedom! Well, sort of. Jennifer’s parents have finally left for the weekend to spend their time together at a resort. She was supposed to go with them, but she wasn’t feeling well. The flu had really knocked her down, but she’d seen the doctor and gotten some medicine. She had to force them out the door, repeatedly telling them she’d be alright. She spent Friday night and most of Saturday in bed, but was starting to feel better. It was Sunday afternoon when she woke up. Although she felt...
I always found this situation funny no matter how many times I do it. Here I am in front of my class plowing my English professor from behind as my class looks on. It was the first day of the semester and I got lucky and got a hot professor. Occasional grunts interrupted her speech as she explained the syllabus bent over her little podium in the front of the room. Her high heels allowed her to be the right height for fucking her like this. I knew I had to fuck her when I first saw her. She was...
Looking at all of their beautiful faces, all filled with question and worry, I started. “The thing is you guys, I mean ….we’re all having fun, and let’s face it, we are all enjoying the feelings that we get. I don’t think we can help that. We’re just built that way. If we like it, we like it! Right?” They all nodded and waited for more from me. “Guys don’t get names…except maybe ‘Playboy’ or something, and that doesn’t sound bad or even affect us much. Girls though, aren’t supposed to like sex...
After dinner, the whole family gathered in the living room. I filled everyone in on what Cindi had found. I told them of the proposal for everyone to go into rapport, and that Cindi would then probe the blocked area to see if we could find any more about it. No one had any other suggestions, so we decided to try out the rapport and probe. After everyone was comfortably in rapport, then Cindi and Jude started probing Tim's blocked area. Nothing happened at first.
A holiday really was the last thing he could think about. Having broken up with his long term girlfriend only a few weeks ago Sam mostly just wanted to spend the summer drinking and feeling sorry for himself, and when his old school friend James suggested joining him and Shelly on a holiday he had instantly rejected. At thirty years old, Sam, James and Shelly had all been at school together several years ago and somehow still kept in touch, and the idea of a holiday with them was tempting, but...