Butterfly Beach XIII: The Eye Of Thermisto free porn video

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(First entry from the Diary of V.Dorofeyev, translated from the original Slavic by O.Delacroix)


With the help of Pavel and Yngvild, I was able to close the portal, sealing the cavern behind us before we were driven mad.  Even now, a handful of days later, the site of divinity burns like a fever in my mind like a siren, calling out to me.  My companions feel it too.  Pavel weeps openly at the memory of our short sojourn beneath the veil of stars and I can see the longing writ upon the Dane’s face.  I fear that the temptation may prove too much if we remain near. With a strength of will I thought no longer possible, we sought an escape from the darkness of these endless caverns.

I paused, glancing at the stone door that had defeated me through which the architect of the discovered journal had passed through. How long ago, I wondered.  Likely years, perhaps even decades.  He described what lay beyond as Divine.  The sky, Isshu had told her.  The stars.  Heaven. Had he meant the heavens or, as the words left behind for her suggested, the realm of the Highest upon High? 

“Impossible,” I muttered, shaking my head at the thought.  Madness.  And yet, I was proof that anything under the sun was possible, if improbable. 

Closing the cloth bound journal, I reclined on my side, my wings curling around my torso as I slowly flipped through the pages, using the dim light within the chamber, as well as my newly evolved eyesight, to peruse further, my spirit growing with each new entry.


Pavel has been complaining of head pains for several days now.  I fear it is more than a simple lack of sleep, a symptom of the nightmares that have plagued him since returning to the surface.  Yngvild, on the other hand, seems little changed by our brush with divinity, content with feasting upon the fruit that grow in abundance.  I, as well, although I fought the temptation longer than she.  In truth, I believe that our endless rutting has helped preserve our sanity.  If only Pavel would give in to his base desires as well.


We discovered Pavel’s body at the bottom of a cliff, the tides beginning to wash over it.  It was obvious that he’d taken his own life.  Once we numbered a dozen.  Now we are two.


Again, I ventured beneath the ground, this time alone.  As before, I felt a presence as I passed through the enormous pooled cavern prickling at my senses, a vague sense of dread leaving its mark upon my psyche until I had left the dark waters far beyond.  Only when I entered the anti-chamber did I feel at ease once more.  I spent a day, perhaps less, perhaps more, searching the confined space.  Other than the portal through which he had passed, the only feature of note was a rectangular depression.  I made a note of it, thoughtful that I might make use of it in the future to hide what I had stolen.

I put the book down, my gaze travelling to the slim metal container that I had also discovered, my curiosity piqued.  What might be hidden within, I wondered, carefully turning page after page, searching for some clue, eventually finding it in the last, tragic, entry.


With Yngvild’s passing, I am truly alone.  I will soon join her.  I hope and pray that the contents of these pages, as well as what I have hidden with them, are never discovered.  If they are, take heed my warning and forget that they exist.  Having not the means to destroy what was taken without consent I have done my best to hide away the tools of my destruction.   God bless.  


I reached out, pulling the container closer with one hand, the other pillowed under my head.  Despite the Russian’s warning, there was little doubt in my mind that I could leave it unopened and simply forget of its existence. The only real question was if I would keep its existence to myself or share it and, if so, with whom?  Until I knew what lay within, it was a question I had no answer for. 

“What secrets did you discover, Vasily?” I murmured softly before holding my breath and opening the lid with trembling fingers, revealing a trio of small items within; sixteen centimetre long rods made of a crystalline material.  Without touching them, I examined them carefully, curious as to their nature.  One resembled an hour glass, fusing two triangles together that their points. Another, an eight pointed star, while the third had a vague figure eight appearance.  At the end of each piece was attached a fragile looking ring of gold.  Carefully, I run the tip of my finger caressingly over the surface of the hourglass, letting out a soft gasp as my touch revealed a netting of delicate veins of red pulsing upon the surface in the wake of my fingertip.  As soon as I withdrew my touch, the unearthly lights faded quickly.  A riddle, one that hadn’t been mentioned within the pages of the accompanying journal.  One more mystery to unravel.  An internal debate followed upon the merits of leaving my find secreted away to be perused upon some future date or removing them from their sanctuary in hopes that either Prel or Isshu could shed light on their purpose.

In the end, I decided that one more secret would do no harm and closed the lid, replacing both the metal box and the journal in their hiding place before, once more, testing my strength against the stone guarding ‘Heaven’, my effort valiant yet fruitless. Just another secret, this time, kept from me, to tally up.  Frustrated, I retraced my steps towards the chamber I shared with my alien lover, barely noticing my passage, so lost in thought was, confident in my footfalls, despite the darkness of the passage.

The first hint of danger came suddenly, setting my heart stuttering and my pulse racing as adrenaline burned through me like wildfire.

“Little butterfly, are you lost?”

I felt fear prickle up and down my spine at the words and then, another sensation, that of needle pricks upon the flesh of my shoulder, recalling a memory of exile a seeming lifetime ago.

“Non!” I exclaimed, whirling to face the nameless silky smooth voice. 

It – or rather, he – laughed softly.  “Oh, but I think you are.”

I felt several more pinpricks upon my inner thigh, and recoiled, backing up quickly, my fluttering wings brushing against the cold stone walls.

“What do you want with me?” I whispered, fighting my fear as something cold and hard brushed against my breast, invisible, despite my enhanced eyesight.

“Merely to sing you songs, little butterfly. Unless, you desire more…”

I shivered as I felt a touch on my nipple, enticing it to swell and harden with lust.  So, too, did my sex respond.  I could feel my pussy flooding with desire, betraying me, my aroma almost pungent in my nostrils.

“Non,” I whimpered softly, shaking my head unsurely, eliciting another chuckle.

“You cannot deny what your body so readily reveals, princess.”  Again I felt his touch, this time along my flank, slowly descending, needle tips tickling inward, teasing over my exposed belly, and then lowering as I stood motionless, frozen in place.  I tried to fight the hunger that was welling up within my core, fought to keep my lids from closing as something sharp and hard traced my engorged lips, the touch both menacing and sensuous.

“Bumble bee sleeps, pretty princess, grasshopper dies. Dragonfly hunts, little princess, devouring flies. Butterfly fights, pretty princess, against overwhelming need. But spiders know how, little princess, her desires to feed,” he sang, punctuating the word ‘princess’ by brushing a cold hard digit against my pleasure nub, until I could no longer think straight.

“Please, stop,” I managed, the words devoid of power as I reached out, clasping at shadows, surprised to find my fingers closing on something tangible.

“Is that truly what you wish?” he teased wickedly.

“Non,” I whispered, grip tightening desperately.

“I thought not, little butterfly,” he said with a chuckle, an inky black silhouette fleetingly suggesting a monstrous shape, lost before I could find a name for it.  “She asked me to bring you to her.  Willingly.  Or not.”

I couldn’t help but hear the emotion evoked in the word ‘She’, a strange mixture of lust, terror, and awe. Whomever ‘She’ was, he was her creature, of that, I had little doubt.  A shiver cascaded through me as I felt yet another touch.  Fingers combing through my hair, leaving me paralyzed with fear.  I had little doubt about having choice to refuse the invitation.  Nor did I wish to, as I felt the stirring of curiosity within my breast.

“I accept,” I managed, the words a breathless whisper, turning to an almost silent gasp as my wrist was imprisoned by inhuman fingers, forcing my bare feet to follow. 

Soon, I was led into another passage, so well hidden that I would never had discovered it without a guide. Despite my superior vision, I found myself stumbling in an almost mystical darkness, one that I could never have navigated with help.

“What are you called?” I queried, panting, as we took pause after passing through a crevice so narrow that I feared I would become trapped, wedged forever between unforgiving stone.

“Hers,” he simply replied.  Once again, the word spoke volumes.  I chose to remain silent, having no ready reply at hand. After that small exchange we continued in silence. For how long, I had no idea, quickly losing track of time on our trek to meet my guide’s mysterious mistress, lost in the maze of passages so that I was at my guide’s mercy.

Eventually, the inky black lessened, and I was able to see clearly again with my enhanced vision. Before us, the passage way grew wider and I felt a light breeze carrying the musky scent of mold mixed with a subtle hint of sulphur. I would have paused, save the sudden grip upon my bicep pulling me forward with a strength I could not match, until we stood upon a ledge, side by side, overlooking what could only be described as a crooked chimney that disappeared into the earth. Lifting my face I saw that it rose towards the surface as well, twisting and turning. Reaching out with my free hand, I explored the chute.  The walls were worn smooth.

“A vent,” I surmised out loud. “A volcano.  Inactive.  I hope.” The last was muttered under my breath and became a scream of surprise as I was suddenly pushed from the edge, scrabbling at the walls vainly for purchase as I plummeted towards my death, my wings useless in the confined space, sliding along the passage, gathering a myriad of bruises until I came to a sudden and unexpected stop.

It felt like I’d fallen into a net, bouncing softly after I’d landed. The strands that supported me felt tacky against my skin as I struggled to sit up, tugging at my skin. Had I been a lesser creature, I surmised, I might have been trapped, stuck to the webbing. As it was, it took an effort to free myself and I could feel their residue clinging to my skin as slowly crawled my way to the stone that supported them, breathless as settled myself upon a narrow ledge, my legs hanging between the supporting strands.

“A web,” I mused, thinking it was a fitting trap for the creature that had sent me tumbling, cursing him under my breath as I recovered. As I sat, poised, I let my gaze wander, focusing on finding an exit from my predicament, my eyes eventually settling upon a neatly carved bore, barely discernable in the near total darkness. 

“Skillet to coals,” I mumbled, wondering what dangers lay hidden in darkness.  Not like there was much choice. And so I crawled, on hands and knees, into the unnatural tunnel and hoped for the best, my heart beating nervously with each passing minute as I made my way towards the unknown, with neither the sun nor stars to guide me.


Time and distance meant very little as I made my way through the winding passage. In places it opened up so that I could walk upright, bent slightly at the waist, for short distances. How long I travelled, I do not know.  Nor how far.  I only know that I grew hungry as well as tired and dozed uncomfortably for a short while before forging ahead once more.  One thing I did know.  The path was set at an incline taking me deeper into the earth.  Again, I could not gauge how deep, nor where, exactly, in relationship to the island’s topography.  And then, I sensed a change in the air I breathed. Subtle, at first, but growing stronger as I made my way through yet another widening of the tunnel; the scent of flowers, strangely enough. Impossible this far down, and yet, my senses disagreed with my rational mind.  Eventually the darkness grew less, enough so that I could see my hands in front of my face.  Curious, I took note of patches of fluorescent lichen adorning the rock ceiling overhead. Confident that my sojourn was coming to an end, at least for now, I continued on, hands trailing along the rock walls as I stepped carefully in the semi-darkness, the floral perfume growing stronger with each step, until I heard a noise that made me pause; water burbling. An underground spring, I surmised, cocking my head and listening intently, the sudden realization of how thirsty I was quickening my steps as I resumed my march.

Soon, I discovered a small cavern. The size of a parlor, perhaps, had we been in London.  Here, the lichen grew thickly, illuminating a small pool, its surface bubbling as if being fed from below. I wasted no time in falling to my knees and scooping up handfuls of the icy liquid, quenching my parched throat before assessing the rest of the small expanse. For the first time since I’d fallen down the volcanoes bore, I wondered if I would ever see Isshu or Prel again.  A sobering thought, admittedly, but one that I could hardly ignore. Briefly, I allowed myself to weep at my predicament before finding a core of resolve deep within. I had survived too much to remain lost underground forever. Surely there was a purpose to this, one that I could only discover by continuing my trek.  It was then that I noticed the blood red buds lining the walls like veins near the tunnels continuance. Moving nearer, I realized that they were the source of the fragrance that teased at my nostrils.  They were obviously flowering buds, although how they managed to survive without the sun’s light to nourish them was yet another mystery I feared I might never solve.

Thinking of the berries I picked one, careful to avoid the needle-like thorns that surrounded them, and held it to my lips, letting the tip of my tongue sample the outer petals.  There was a bitterness to it, and a hint of tart. Neither pleasant, nor unpleasant. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they said. I tasted it, biting it in too, letting it sit on my tongue for several moments before swallowing.  And then, I simply waited, wondering what properties it might have.

Eventually, I discerned that, unlike the lustberries, this flower had no secrets, and so moved on, exiting the cavern opposite, my way lit by the strange lichens that covered, not only the walls, but the floor now, soft as moss under my bare feet.

At least the passage had grown, both wider and taller, allowing me comfortable egress as it wound through the earth, sloping upwards now.  Again, I lost all track of time, resting as I grew weary, my stomach growling with hunger, until I once more began to despair of being lost forever beneath the earth.  The thought that I would die here, without witness nor grave, worried at me considerably.  Thankfully, before all hope could flee, I came upon a stairway carved in the rocks and spiraling upwards.  Uttering a brief prayer that it would lead to freedom, I ascended wearily, my energy waning with each step, never imagining the strange and magical sight that awaited me at the top step, a scene that I could never have imagined.

I stood upon what I can only describe as a railed platform looking out over an underground contained beneath a huge dome of stone.  Upon the water, or, more precisely, rising up out of the lake like an island, were a multitude of alien looking spires, creating the look of a miniature city. I stood, silent and in awe of the site, examining the sprawl of machinery, for surely, that was what it was, gauging by the huge wires and gears that decorated it.  At one time, they must have had a purpose but, at present, all was silent and motionless.

“Yes, a great purpose.” 

The disembodied metallic voice startled me. I spun to my right in a panic, searching for the speaker, my eyes drawn to a small metal box, the side facing me covered in thin copper mesh.

“Where-“ I trailed off, stepping closer as I heard a soft chuckle issue forth, peering through the grid.

“Merely a tool to project my voice. I am not so small as to conceal myself thus.  Greetings my little insect.”  I heard mockery in her voice, and a spark of anger blossomed in my breast.

“I am not an insect, and certainly not yours.”

Another chuckle. Most certainly feminine.  I almost slapped my forehead with my palm.  A speaker box, of course.  Not common, but I had heard of such things, once upon a time, before I’d been marooned on this isle. 

“You have a backbone.  Good.”

“What are you?” I demanded, ignoring the comment.  “What do you wish from me?”

“An exile.  The last of my kind.  Perhaps I wish only to learn about you.” There was a long drawn out pause before she amended her thought.  “Perhaps.”

She remained silent, leaving me alone with my thoughts, fearful and yet, curious. Eventually, my desire to know more won out over caution.

“It is your machine…?” I gestured, unsure if it – she – could see or sense my movement, towards the center of the dark waters.

“A Ship and yet, not a ship.  Lifeless now.”

“And you are alone?”

My supposition was greeted with amusement.  “Not at all.  I have hatched many children.”  I felt a frisson pass through me, thinking of the creature that sang lullabies in the dark.

“The creature who led me here?”

“My current mate.” 

“Oh,” I responded simply as I began to explore the small platform, running my hand along the rusted metal railing, trying to collect my thoughts before speaking. 

“Your ship, you say.  Where have you travelled from?” I mused out loud, my gaze sweeping the water’s surface before coming to rest upon the alien ship once more. 

“Farther than you can imagine.  Enough questions for now.  Come to me.  I await you.”


For the first time since setting eyes upon the dark lake, I became aware of the sounds filling the vast expanse of the cavern; the pulse of water against stone.  The sigh of a subtle breeze.  The barely heard echoing thrum of distant machinery.  And the soft buzz of electrical current in the distance as suddenly lights began to flicker across the water in sequence, each one closer, illuminating a previously invisible bridge from the platform upon which I stood to the alien ship.

Not much of a walkway.  Made of wire so thin that it would be impossible to see without the aid of the soft blue glowing globes affixed to it every two meters or so.  Nor would it be easy to travel without the aid of my wings to keep my bare feet balanced on the precarious pathway. Turning around wasn’t an option, nor would I have, even if it was.  With a deep breath, I tested the wire with one foot, finding it both sturdy enough to bear my weight, and steady.  And thus, I made my way slowly and carefully, towards the center of the underground lake, all my concentration upon each single step until, finally I came to another platform - set perhaps 40 metres from my destination - and was given the opportunity to get a much closer look.

From where I stood, I could tell that the spires rising from the water where only a portion of the creation.  The platform beneath my feet was, in fact, one end of an oblong shape just under the surface upon which they were attached.  A submersible vessel! Although I had never been aboard one, I was aware of the existence of submarines, as they were commonly referred to.  And an impressive one, at that, easily as large as the Golden Dove.  Although Alien, at least to my eyes, it was a familiar enough design.  I realized that, if I wished, I would forego walking upon the precarious wire bridge and use the surface of the underwater ship instead, although I would be wading in waist deep waters to do so. I tried dipping my toe into the lake and shivered as ice invaded my flesh.  Immersing myself purposefully into the frozen liquid seemed a most unpleasant option.  I turned my focus, once more, upon the spires.  They appeared to be fashioned from steel, as did the mechanisms and gear attached, although I detected vast arrays of tubes and wiring connecting them that were either copper or gold – it was impossible to tell. And glass as well.  Thick panes that served as windows, or so I guessed, although I could not see beyond them; mostly portal sized, though some as small as my own eye.  Bulbs, too, decorated the surfaces, recessed in the metal so that only small glass domes were visible. I only realized their function when I heard the soft hum of electrical current rise in volume and they came to life in a plethora of primary colours; blue, green, amber, and red, for the most part.

“Welcome to the Eye of Thermisto.”

The sudden announcement startled me, causing me to gasp, my heart racing suddenly as I heard a sound not unlike steam escaping a kettle directly beneath, preceding the floor of the platform disappearing with a suddenness that took me by surprise.  In vain, I grasped at the safety of the bridge over which I’d been travelling, as I plummeted, once more, into an unknown darkness. Before I could draw breath to scream, a loud crack nearly deafened me, followed by an explosion of light that effectively blinded me for the span of a dozen heartbeats.  When, finally, I could see again, although imperfectly, I found myself in what appeared to be a large cage, being observed by a creature, both terrible and beautiful in aspect...



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A sissy called Jezebel Part XIII - After the attack by Gina and her cohorts, it is our fair sissy that is put on trial at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Is there any hope for Jezebel in a system where a mere sissy is presumed guilty, and must prove hir innocence beyond a reasonable doubt? The headmistress exclaims, "Oh Goddess, they did a number on you. This can be fixed. Look at me Jezzie. Pull yourself...

1 year ago
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Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII

Danny 2 Danielle Part XIII -Dani hangs out with her new friends, who seem ready to accept our young heroine as 'just one of the girls'. We arrive at my house, I yell out "thanks" and once again the Red Tornado takes off seconds after my feet hit the curb. I'm home, in one piece. How the heck did that happen? Once inside, it feels strange. Before today, I had immediately run upstairs to change into my girl clothes, but I am already wearing my girl clothes! It feels...

2 years ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIII The Sisters

Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...

Group Sex
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Butterfly Beach V Secrets and Revelations

From the Journal of Olivia Delacroix - Sixth entry.I have yet to share the truth with anyone, even Emma, with whom I have grown closer to than anyone else in my life. It tears at me, keeping secrets, here, where we have torn down the walls separating us. I feel apart suddenly, and it is not a feeling I find comfortable. Before, I would leave the thoughts within these pages for all too see. Now, I hide my journal, unwilling to share and guarding my feelings jealously, wishing I could simply slip...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Butterfly

Often times when I watered the plants in the window of my apartment, the woman in the third floor apartment across the courtyard would find a reason to come to her window and watch me.In the summer time, I would ride my stationary exercise bike by the window for the breeze, and she would watch me from the shadows of her curtained windows. After a while, I began to see flashes of her at her window, in her under wear, or sometimes completely nude, and at other time topless. She was always...

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Chapter VI Exile and Ecstasy or Butterfly on a String

From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Captured! Thankfully, only James’ pride wounded. In hindsight, it was fortunate that his pistol misfired. The fight had been short. Although James did his best to defend us, his revolver failed to fire, much to his obvious chagrin. After a short, but spirited skirmish the lizard-men, as Emma has dubbed them, quickly overpowered him with their spears, disarming him of both pistol and saber before the others could reach him. Soon, we were all within their...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Exposing Cindy The butterfly vibrator part one

Volume three: Exposing Cindy - The butterfly vibrator Chapter one – a night on the townJim and I had been married several years, and we had a reasonable assortment of various experiences in the first years of our marriage. So I was not shocked when he showed up on a Friday evening with a gift for me; a ‘butterfly vibrator’ which had its own harness to hold it in place; however a pair of latex panties had me confused. "OK, what's with the girdle?" I asked. I knew at 5 ft 4 in. and 105 pounds...

Wife Lovers
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Butterfly Synopsis John was changing physically and mentally and was doing so within hours of that moment in the forest. It takes twelve hours for the common cold to take hold and give us a hint that we have it. It took about that same amount of time for all of the signals that flow through us naturally to change as well, and John woke to a new world. John woke to the same sun, room and bed, but clearly it didn't feel the same, and it would only get worse... Players John,...

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Butterfly Beach XIV Captivity

A mockery of a woman, most decidedly feminine in feature, stood before me appraising me in silence.  In return, I examined her as well, more curious, at the moment, than afraid, although I wasn’t entirely without fear.  She would have once been regarded as beautiful, I surmised, despite that her features were somehow alien in cast – her single eye slanted and overly large, a lavender pupil filling the entirety and her features somewhat sharper than any human I had ever encountered.  And her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 6 Butterfly Fly Away

NIS Day 3 – Halloween Morning - Medway High School 6:55am, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979 “Hey, Cuda! Whatcha think?” Sammy shouted with her hands about her auburn mane as I walked into Mrs. Stenn’s art room studio. “Hot damn, Wushu! You’re the sexiest copper cop I’ve ever seen!” I replied as Mrs. Stenn was putting the finishing touches on the lowest silver dress-button over Sammy’s recently trimmed red pubic hairs. Our art teacher had covered all of Sammy’s upper body to her mid-thighs in...

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Swapping Wives and Fucking Teen Girls at the Beach Cottage

Carolina Beach, North Carolina is a small town and a beautiful place for our retirement. We’re only twelve miles south of Wilmington if we want to take advantage of the amenities and health services of a larger city. My name is Dan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were recently able to retire after working our whole lives in Wilmington and raising our daughter, Ashley, there.We bought our modest, one-bedroom, beachfront cottage on Carolina Beach when I had just turned thirty, at a time before the...

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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

2 years ago
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Pushing them to the limits XIII

Chapter 8The next few days I had to work, nothing special happened. Until after five days I went to the farm with my wife. A few pickups were parked on the yard, They were going to build an extension on the house.About 4 or 5 construction workers were working around the house. Her husband came up to me and asked me if I could keep an eye on the construction if he was working. I told him I had no problem with that, and I would come around a bit more when he was working. That would be a nice...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Effects

The saying goes: a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a tornado in Kansas. That’s bullshit. Well, it's inaccurate at the least. But, in the affairs of men and women, tiny ripples often do magnify into huge waves. At least that’s been my view. Looking back on my life with Laura I used to see how little moments cascaded into life changing events. About two years ago, after first meeting Laura, I rejected her despite our mutual attraction, all because of a ring. Eventually, that ring...

Wife Lovers
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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XIII

Chapter 45 Myka sat quietly in the room, there had been some sound a minute earlier. The buzz in her ears had started last year, just after the accident. It was so hard to think through it. Some days it was just easier to sleep on the couch. There was food, though she would be hard pressed to remember much of anything. Tim was alive and taking care of himself... At least she hoped so. There was that noise again. It meant something. "Mom!." Tim huffed. "Didn't you hear the...

3 years ago
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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XIII

November 29th, 12:02 PM A few thousand thoughts were running through my mind after catching that news story about Tang Dettings. The bastard definitely got what he deserved, whether he fell down some stairs or was helped. Of course I knew in my heart he hadn't fallen and that's where Brad must have gone after Krystal and I had gotten home last night. The look on his face when he saw how that asshole had beaten Krystal was one I'll never forget. I think after the initial shock...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 8 College Life

"Jeff Wimble... " the middle aged and nearly bald man called out. "Here... " a voice said somewhere from the right side of the room. "Is there anyone here I didn't call?" the instructor finally asked. I raised my hand, having gotten used to not being on the attendance sheet from the two previous classes I had been in. "And your name is?" "Tim Brandon... That's be are ay en, dee oh en." I said, remembering to spell my last name without the t. "Uhm, student number is four...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 5 Doing It For Love

Love. Four letters of the alphabet that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but is essential to the well being of all. But in my case, love for other human beings broke down into two categories. The puppy love, the "I enjoy being around them" love, the "she's so sweet I just want to hold her and never let her go" kind of love. All those fit into one category, and I tend to apply this kind of love towards a lot of people. It's still love, but it's always...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 9 All According to Plan

Tim J. Brandon Level: Freshman Major: BS Busn Admin Course Crd *--Class times--* Name hrs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday **** Eng 101 3 0800-0920 0800-0920 Econ 101 3 0930-1050 0930-1050 Hist 101 3 1000-1050 1000-1050 1000-1050 Chem 101 5 1100-1150 1100-1150 1100-1150 1100-1150 X " LAB 1400-1650 Col Alg 3 1400-1450 1400-1450 1400-1450 1400-1450 Joe E. Thomas Level: Freshman Major: BS Biol Course Crd *--Class times--* Name hrs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday **** Eng...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 15 Rat Hunt

The next three days were very hard on both of us. Joey was back to his "normal" self, and that ended up meaning he was almost as depressed as I was. For him it was the concept of how completely futile our rescuing his sister appeared. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see a way to convince the Eta's to let him join. We both believed that our age was the reason for the hormone levels not being within their acceptable range, and that was one thing we couldn't alter about...

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Tim the Teenager Part XIII

Tim, the Teenage Part Thirteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IV: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - Brad and Sandi Part 3 - Your Sister, Your Slave (mc, incest mf, mfmm) "What am I gonna do?" Brad moaned, with his face in his hands. "She sucked on me so long yesterday, it feels raw. I came three times all with in an hour. And she still wanted more!" It was the next day at lunch. Mindy and Vito suddenly felt like sitting with Marsha and company just for today. The four of us were able to talk...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 2 Pocket Knives and Pornos

The next morning, Holly awoke startled by Tammy's mouth attaching itself to her right breast. "Tammy, I don't think Holly's in the mood," I said slipping my shoes on and grabbing my keys. "Where are you going?" Holly asked. "Someone broke into the trailer a few minutes ago, and I need to figure out what to do with him. I had him lock himself up in the trailer, but it's getting pretty warm in there now that the sun's up." "Did he hurt the girls?" Holly said, holding Tammy away...

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Whoa The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black XIII

The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I'll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don't understand why. I've already been through the university's orientation class.” “That's fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 1 Musical Bodies

It was him. The man who Tom had met at the police station and had obviously implanted the fake memory of Sarah's corpse had apparently refined his skill and had taken up residence at the college Tammy attended. He was a little older, and I didn't see the girl from Tom's memory anywhere in Tammy's mind, but it was definitely him. Holly was almost unreasonable from the way I hadn't given her five more minutes to pack, and was in a sour mood for a good hour after we left. I wasn't paying...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 10 Losing Control

"Hey, guess what," Joey said excitedly when I got back to the dorm room after my algebra class, roughly two weeks after starting our workouts. "What?" I said, canceling my fake personality. "We've been officially invited to the Eta's frat initiation party the Saturday before Halloween. Is that like totally cool or what?" "YEAH! That's awesome!" I exclaimed. We did a little victory dance around each other, then when Joey accidentally nudged me with his shoulder, I nudged him...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 17 A Symbol Is Mightier Than a Sword

After we got dressed and I had my coin back in my pocket, we were taken downstairs and led into another part of the building. An unfamiliar Gamma Alpha Eta brother wearing only black bikini briefs met us, and we were handed over to him just like that. Surprisingly he led us outside and across an open lot, through a gap of a chain link fence, and then approached another building which appeared to be a warehouse. The leader didn't seem to mind the cold December air, but Joey's and my teeth...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 4 Enough Love For Everyone

"I hope you two remember which piece goes to which helicopter," I said as I ran my eyes across the parts scattered all over the garage. "I can tell the difference," Holly said walking up to me while wiping her hands on the borrowed white coveralls she had on. They were already streaked with oil, grease, and grime on them, so a little more didn't matter. What did matter was the fact she had a smile on her face, and when she reached me, she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a nice...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 14 Joeys Darkest Hour

Joey had lied. Joey had deceived me. Joey had taken advantage of my trust and my love. Joey had endangered his own quest for his sister in pleasing his own selfish sexual whims and cravings. These thoughts kept spinning around my head as I swallowed the aspirin and started getting dressed. Joey couldn't be trusted. Joey was a danger to himself, and to me, while we are here undercover. Either I quit and go home or... "Shit," I gasped painfully when my swollen knuckles accidentally...

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One Took Over The Cuckolds Bed Part XIII

Paulo showed us around his offices when we arrived. We were both very impressed. His Faro operation was based in a three storey office block. I didn’t know exactly how many staff he had but it couldn’t have been much lower than fifty. His own office occupied a corner of the top floor with magnificent views across the city with the Atlantic Ocean as a backdrop. Maria’s office was next door.After showing us round we sat around his board table drinking coffee and chatting. Sue had brought her bags...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 11 Give Me Some Dirty Sex

"I don't know about you, but I'm dripping wet from all that jogging," I said, poking my head in the bathroom to check it out. Joey's hands slipped under the front of my shirt as he pressed himself against my back. "Yeah... " he said, rubbing his hands all over my hard sweaty chest. "Nice and dripping wet." He buried his nose into the shoulder my wet shirt, and I felt him licking and sucking the juices out of it. When he stopped, he stood there feeling my chest and pecs, breathing...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 7 Family Matters

When my alarm went off at 5:00 am Monday morning, both Joey and I tried to reach over and shut the damn thing off, neither of us succeeding because we got into each other's way. When I gave up and let him do it, I felt the satisfaction he got from knocking it off the table, but then I had to reach down and drag it over to me by the cord to finally flip the alarm switch off. Joey had experienced two hysterical fits during the night, and neither of us had gotten much sleep because of...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 18 A Choice of Families

"But she's my sister! I can't let my sister stay a slave, even if she has been let live her own life most of the time." "I will not give her up!" Harrison said. I had just returned from the really cool bathroom they had there, my smile from having to step over the massive pileup of sleeping Etas fading fast. "Where's Sarah?" I asked, noticing she wasn't in the room. "She gone to get Tommy," Harrison said. "Your companion here is not seeing things very clearly. She's my wife,...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 6 The Quest for Sarah Begins

"NO!! SARAH!! NO!!" Joey cried just before he fell out of the bed. "Joey! It's okay! It was only a dream!" I said, nearly falling out of bed after him. "NO! I SHOT HER! I SHOT SARAH! I REMEMBER! I DID IT! IT WAS ME!" Joey continued as he stumbled and struggled to get free of the covers. I realized he was lost in the emotions his dream had produced, and just as he got to his feet intending to run, I tackled him back to the floor and held onto him with everything I had while he went...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 12 Boytalk

"Fold," I moaned, seeing I had no way of winning with a single pair of fours. "Joe?" Nick prompted. "Call," Joey said emotionlessly as he tossed the chips on the stack. "Readem and weep," Nick said, laying the cards down so we could read them. "Holy shit!" Joey said, seeing the four Jacks. "I can't believe you have all four Jacks!" "Ha!" Nick bellowed out before reaching for the pile of chips. "Ha yourself," Joey said, setting the four kings down. "Shit! How do you do...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 19 Shit Its A Connor Family Reunion

"Shit I'm nervous. Are you sure I look okay? Do you think they will recognize me?" Sarah said in the limo. "Shit Sis. For the last time, yes! The only reason I didn't recognize you the first time was because you had that suit on and had your hair pulled back. Shit, you look just like I remember you. Only wiser." "I still don't understand why you didn't tell them over the phone," I said, watching Tommy carefully as he tried flipping my coin like I had been showing him. "What? And...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part XIII

They showered and dressed later. Julie put on stockings and suspenders underneath a pretty flared blue dress. Alistair watched her dress in pensive silence as he contemplated the change in her. There was an air of self confidence about her. He had watched her dress, in similar mode, a couple of weeks ago before she had set off for Turkey. She seemed a little timid. It was almost as if she was afraid of her sexuality, as if it was wrong to look and act sexy. All that had changed now. Her stay...

2 years ago
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I Work in a Doctors Office XIII

I was connecting with Robert’s son Jack for our fifth meeting. I had a special procedure that I wanted to show him. It was more of a training session actually. I planned on teaching him the fine art of edging. I would give him a training lesson in proper edging and then in the future he could perform it himself. Jack was waiting for me in the examination room that his father had set up in their large home specifically as a place where I could hold my twice-weekly two-hour sessions with...

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A Boy and His dungeon XIII

Jill wandered in at about 5:00 and with everyone there the conversation turned serious. Conner thought we needed a better place to work. With more space and a way to insure privacy for the research division, citing Saturdays incident. Lisa thought that might be a good idea, but liked the easy relaxed atmosphere here Jill also liked it here, but pointed out that this was a residential area and the city might cause problems for us if our commercial enterprises came to their attention. Claudia...

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