Xavier Drifts free porn video

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Odors of decay, cooking smells and rotting refuse added to the usual neighborhood atmosphere of noisy vehicles, street kids yelling at play and women screaming while being wacked in outbreaks of domestic violence as broad-shouldered Xavier Hall (27) slammed the cab door shut and he grunted, ‘Airport.’

‘Lovely night for flying,’ yawned the cabbie, scratching a cut ear that perhaps his wife or mistress had chewed.

Observing the full moon rising, Xavier said inventively, ‘Many airplane crashes occur on moonlight nights, at least 10% of them.’

The cabbie popped a pill and checked the mirror and pulled out on to the clear roadway. He must have been thinking about not flying on moonlit nights because he remained silent for some time and that suited the disgraced Xavier, wearing the air travel male uniform of sneakers, blue jeans, t-shirt and ill-fitting jacket.

Arriving home three hours later, eleven months since his last visit, the lean and green-eyed Xavier noticed his waiting mother before she saw him and thought nice tits and her tum was reasonably trim.

Still a gym bunny eh?

Licking her lips, blonde and tanned Muriel Hall waited nervously hoping no one would recognize her son who’d been on network television twice in two days, the first being identified on a security camera at the opening of a new State Government building yelling at the Governor’s wife as she was about to cut to ribbon, ‘Show us your tits.’

Next evening her son’s image was screened again and the newsreader said that Xavier Hall, who’d shocked dignitaries at the opening of the new Treasury Building the previous day for shouting disgracefully at the Governor’s wife, had been fired from his job as an internal auditor at the Treasury.

Because of her son’s sudden notoriety, Muriel worried about being asked to resign as president of the Floral Art Society.

Xavier pinched his mom’s butt and shouted, ‘Hi mom.’ She jumped high in fright and half-rolled an ankle when landing.

‘Jesus,’ she shouted and people around them moved back a bit.

Dressed smartly in blue but wearing too much make-up Muriel said, ‘You scared me.’

Xavier grinned and slapped her shoulder and said she’d forgotten how to play.

‘You had your hand halfway up my butt,’ she exaggerated.

People edged farther away.

Xavier half-embraced his mom and kissed her deeply and squeezed her left breast.

‘Oh I’ve missed you so,’ she said as if welcoming home a military guy from overseas deployment. The people around them relaxed.

As they walked with a trolley piled high in the parking lot towards the blue Fiesta, Xavier said, ‘Is dad still fucking his office assistant or has he come back to you?’

‘Probably a bit of both I should think,’ Muriel said, sounding half satisfied. ‘Beth’s been in big trouble at college for assaulting another freshman.’

‘Was the other girl hurt?’

‘There was no other girl, the person she walloped for attempting to have sex with her was male. He lost a tooth, suffered a black eye and a broke his thumb when attempting to block her head-butt. It’s your fault, you taught her to fight rough.’

Xavier sighed, at last knowing why he was prone to bad behavior: he came from a dysfunctional family. He opened the car door for his mom and stood in the right spot when she sat to get a good look right up to the flesh above her stocking tops.

He now felt horny.

Xavier loaded his stuff into the Ford and pushed the trolley away. A screaming woman ran up to stop it hitting her car and the bad-tempered bitch annoyed him by alleging he was a moron. Xavier thought the airport authority should take more care about who they let on to their property.

‘Is dad back to twanging his guitar yet?’

‘No it will be another month or two before Felix once again triumphs over this return of depression of never making it as a professional musician. Drive nicely darling, this is mommy’s new car.’

Felix had grown up as a boy listening to his father’s collection of bandleader Glen Miller and Xavier Cugat recordings. He learned to play the guitar, violin and drums in the hope of joining a band and eventually taking over as leader but not to be. Early on it became apparent Felix lacked the real talent to make it in music and his father insisted Felix study to join him in law. But Felix didn’t make it through the first year at college because of lost interest in becoming an attorney. He became chief supervisor of the city council’s vehicle fleet and the money from that allowed Felix to give his wife a new car every year or so and the same source of money had financed musically untalented Xavier to gain a master of accountancy at a highly rated business college.

Xavier unpacked in his old bedroom and went out and his mom poured coffee and running her hand through his curly brown hair said he needed a haircut.

‘Mom you’ll have to help me find a girl otherwise I’ll have to try you because I’m horny.’

‘You can go to a whore house.’

‘But you told me never to go to a whore house. Then if you are not interested it will have to be Beth.’

‘No you leave Beth alone. She’s still unsure about her sexual preference. I’ll make some calls.’

Muriel grabbed her phone and took her coffee out on to the terrace while Xavier stared moodily at the wall in front of him and wondered if his mom was any good at sex. It would appear his father didn’t think so.

Just as Xavier was thinking about going off to masturbate, his mom returned smiling.

Janet Clement and Fay Hogan said they didn’t want their daughters anywhere near you. They’d seen you on TV.’

‘I’ve never been on TV that I know of?’

Muriel scowled and said if he didn’t spent his nights jerking off watching Internet porn he would watch TV and would have seen himself nationally disgraced.

‘But Marg Mason said you were just a young guy letting off steam and so she’ll send Nevada over, she’d probably on her way now.’

‘What the hell does she mean letting off steam?’

‘Oh you know how women go on. She giggled and said she wouldn’t mind showing you her tits. God she was a slut at school and remains a slut.’

‘Mom are you trying to tell me you know about me being caught acting up a bit?’

‘Yes dear, it was shown on network TV and then next night some of that film was repeated when TV announced you had been fired for bringing the State Government into disrepute by disgraceful behavior as one of its employees.’

‘Oh fuck, so people around here will know?’

‘Yes unfortunately dear. You might have to leave the country to get a job.’

‘Um so that’s why Mrs Mason was talking about showing me her tits.’


‘Show me your tits mom.’

‘No Xavier and stop being so revolting by asking me to do that.’

‘Aw come on mom.’

‘No… oh there’s a car door slamming. Let’s talk about this later.’

‘There’s no deferral on this mom unless you promise to show me your tits later.’

‘Oh here comes Nevada.’


‘All right I agree.’

Nevada entered the kitchen as she’d done as a plump teenager during her high school years. But now the shape and beauty of Nevada made Xavier’s heart lose a beat and his hand fell on to his stirring dick.

But it was all for naught. He couldn’t hold a conversation with her because most of the people she wished to talk to him about he didn’t know, he showed no interest about her job as a pharmacist’s assistant and when he tried it on she said she wasn’t interested because she’d over-indulged in sex the previous night and her mom had told her too much sex wasn’t good for a woman’s body.

Nevada depressed Xavier even more when she said most of the guys he used to hang out with were either married, had left the city or were in a relationship with another guy or were in jail. S
he sounded so plausible that he thought it was reasonable to believe her.

Xavier thought well when his sister arrived home he’d hit on her but his mom obviously guessed his thinking because she coughed and said, ‘Darling I was attempting to keep this from you and it distresses me to tell you but you sister has become gay.’

‘Jesus,’ snarled her son. ‘It seems the world is stacking up against me.’

Muriel hugged him and sobbed, ‘I know Xavier and it’s tough for me too being amidst such a dysfunctional family.’

Xavier hugged his mom and that act of love (or was it pity?) weakened her resistance. A minute later she left him and returned and said, ‘Here roll this on’ and climbed on to the bed beside him and spread her legs.

For seven weeks, once most mornings and again most late afternoons before his father and sister arrived home, Xavier plowed his mom until Muriel wept and said he must leave home before she lost her last vestiges of self-respect. That puzzled Xavier because in his view his mom should have been gaining self-respect in being banged regularly as most females required. He decided she must have abnormalities of chromosome number or structure.

Xavier left in the early hours, not saying goodbye or thanks or even leaving a note. When finding him gone in the morning, Muriel sighed and only half-believed she’d done the right thing by urging him to move on.

A truckie stopped to pick up Xavier on the highway out of the city. Xavier had been thumbing a ride for more than two hours. An hour later the driver dropped him off at crossroads because he was turning to go south whereas Xavier was heading east.

Less than an hour later a guy chewing a piece of toast stopped and asked, ‘Where to son?’


‘Hop aboard.’

‘Thanks sir, you are very kind,’ Xavier said thankfully.

‘I’m Alan Withers and renovate homes with a small team of guys.’

‘Sounds interesting, I’m Xavier Hall.’

‘Oh Mr Cugat’s grandson?’ Alan laughed. ‘If you’re looking for work I ask can you paint, plaster, tile, or are qualified to do plumbing, electrical or drainage work or are a roofer?’

‘Nah sorry I trained and worked in accountancy.’

‘Oh lordy, then would you stay a couple of days and assist my wife Susan who’s in a real mess with my books that she prepares for the accountancy firm we use that charges like a wounded bull?’


‘Then come to work today and do small jobs for us at fifteen bucks an hour. Then tonight I take you home to stay for us until you manage to get Susan sorted. Actually she’d quite a bit younger than me and she might like you to sort her in other ways.’

Xavier laughed along with Alan, knowing that was supposed to be an indelicate joke.

The seven guys were already at work when Alan arrived with Xavier. They were extending the front porch around to the sunny side of the house and converting the fourth bedroom into a media room and attaching permanent interior lining over the two sets of windows and upgrading the wiring and installing a new satellite dish.

Although Alan was the boss, a guy called Mick appeared to order everyone around while Alan checked on their work and ordered in material and even went off to pick up supplies. Mick appeared not to want Xavier there and dubbed him X-ray. That initially offended Xavier but he learned Mick was actually Michael, Al was Alan, Brew was Brewster, Pee was Peter, Andy was Philip Anderson, Cough was Ernesto who coughed a lot and on it went.

X-ray swept the floor as Mick asked and then was abused for making dust. He was called outside to pick up off-cuts of lumber and toss them into the bin and barrowed away dirt from around the holes drilled for new piles to be set in concrete.

However the disrespect for the new guy turned 360 when Mick’s wife Jill arrived with bagels and machine-made coffee for the guys for their mid-morning break.

Mick introduced X-ray as Xavier to her. Skinny blonde Jill’s eyes widened and placing the bags she was carrying on the front porch she pulled up her top and showed X-ray her braless puppies.

‘Jill, what the hell,’ Mick yelled.

‘He’s the guy who yelled to that Governor’s wife to show her tits that you guys went on and on about the next day after seeing it on TV.’

The guys looked at X-ray in awe and for the rest of the day treated him like a celebrity. Jill sat close to X-ray on the porch after finding a spare paper cup for him and they were closely watched by Mick who appeared ready for a fight but X-ray made sure his hands were always in view.

On the drive home Alan said, ‘On jobs we’ve had a client’s maid and even the wife of a client strip off for us and waggle their ass and tits but never have I seen the boys so stunned as today when Jill unmasked you. Oh boy, that really was something and even Mick treated you like Mr Big.’

‘My mom was so ashamed of me…’

‘Bullshit, she just knew that was how mothers were expected to act. I hope you don’t mind me saying this but I bet she felt the urge to show her pair to you.’

Xavier turned his guilty look to the side window.

‘I called Susan to tell her about you and how the boys were stunned. I did that to avoid her embarrassing me if she recognized you and greeted you by exposing her breasts. She thought it was a real scream and said yes the newsreader on TV said the next night you had been fired as an accounting auditor. Don’t be surprised if Susan hits on you when I’m at work.’

‘Alan please let me off on a busier route than this and I’ll thumb a ride onwards.’

‘No way, Susan would kill me if I didn’t bring you home to straighten out the mess she’s in as a result of cancelled work on uncompleted contracts, outstanding bills and lost invoices and then we owned almost ten thousand bucks to a supplier who went bust and disappeared and now an accountancy firm is demanding those payments and we’ve received a letter from the IRS about several things.’

‘But those matters are routine and…’

‘Susan is my new wife. She worked as a hairdresser before becoming my untrained bookkeeper.’

‘Oh right. I’ll set up systems for her and how to receive and create auditing trails, whether on paper or computerized.’

‘Susan is not very good with the computer.’

‘Oh then is she the right person for this?’

‘Susan is attempting to demonstrate her worth. She still works as a hairdresser in her former salon, working by appointment only and has retained most of her former clientele.’

‘You had your hair done at a hair salon?’

‘Um yes,’ Alan said glancing out of a side window. ‘My um curls that women find so attractive don’t um form naturally.’

Xavier managed to avoid laughing, or rather avoid laughing raucously.

‘This is it,’ Alan said proudly as they turned into a classic American country style home. ‘The boys and I completed this two years ago. We brought in big trees and now it looks as if our house was here before the surrounding more modern style houses were built.’

‘I sure looks great, a credit to you in good taste,’ Xavier said, sounding convincing, because as far as he was concerned it was the best house in view… so solid, so elegant.

‘It looks so solid, so stylish and yet so elegant,’ he said, and Alan sniffed and said thanks.

A pretty woman with short-cut hair and smallish breasts and very long legs exposed by a short dress, came out on to the entrance and waved to them.

‘And that’s not the only thing stylish and elegant around here.’

Alan smiled and said, ‘You have a very smooth tongue young fella. You can guess I’m so proud of her.’

Because of what Alan had just said, Xavier decided he’d not have sex with Susan. It would seem so wrong.

‘Huh? Was that really him thinking? Well perhaps at last he was mixing with the right kind of people.

Xavier stayed a week with Alan and Susan.

Susan r
escheduled appointments with her clients at the salon for the next two days so she could concentrate on Xavier teaching her the rudiments of bookkeeping. He found she was very bright and readily understood his explanations.

She could type, having trained in word processing.

Each night for three hours after dinner, Xavier taught Susan computer skills and the worked on the elementary accounting program already installed on the computer and by the time he was ready to leave, Susan was doing everything on computer.

He did ask to see her tits.

Before beginning work on their second afternoon together, Xavier stared at her and she said what?

‘Show me your tits.’

She hesitated and colored and he smiled encouragingly.

Susan reached behind and undid her bra and then pulled up her top and bra in one movement and held that position until Xavier, thinking about having his mouth snorting between those two cuties, said thanks she could dress.

‘Is that all? Um you don’t want to do anything else with me?’

‘Yes that’s all and it was a magnificent sight. I’m so proud to know you.’

She colored hugely and fiddled as Xavier said, ‘Well first we must review what we went through yesterday.’

On the third day he went in to the salon and met Susan’s former partner, May-Anne, who’s purchased Susan’s share of the business.

‘We have a clumsy system of bookkeeping,’ May-Anne said. ‘I’ll pay you one-forty bucks an hour to sort things out. We pay our accountancy firm that amount.’

‘That’s good money. You could pay me less.’

‘No you do a good job and I’ll pay that and show you my tits.’


‘Susan has been talking to me about you, naughty boy. Take a comprehensive approach and improve and streamline everything you can and that will remove an after-hours workload off me.’

Xavier worked seven hours over two days from midday, starting from the desk where payments were recorded and working through to the final production of the computer disk and all the accompanying paperwork for sending to the accountancy firm.

May-Anne, who was in her early forties and not so refined as Susan, received her final briefing of the altered systems and when that was finished went to the office door and locked it. She bent over her desk and pulling up the back of her skirt said, ‘Come on.’

‘Just show me your tits.’

‘We can do that afterwards. There’s a condom by my left hand.’

Xavier joked to himself why would she want a condom rolled on to her left hand but he rolled it on and then attended to May-Anne plunging his more-than ready erection between the milky white backs of her thighs and she caught it and guided between her leaking pussy lips. After the banging and still panting she turned and uncovered her tits and pulled his head down into the firm 34-somethings and then got screwed again when he’d finished licking and sucking.

‘Aw finished have we?’ she said, looking a bit weary herself. ‘I should keep you here as my office boy.’

She locked up before driving off to drop Xavier at Susan’s home.

‘You could make a successful career out of being a gigolo darling,’ May-Anne said, kissing him goodbye. ‘Thanks Xavier, I feel really fucked.’

After breakfast next morning, Susan gave Xavier a tearful farewell and she thanked him for being so patient teaching her bookkeeping systems and processes.

Alan stopped to let Xavier off on the side of the busy country highway he’d began his journey on when leaving his home town. Xavier had decided to continue hitching rides although he now had a wad of money in his back pocket.

‘All the best Xavier and take care. Look us up sometime, do you hear?’

‘Yeah pal and thanks for humanizing me a bit. You and Susan are a great couple and your team of guys are not too bad either, a loyal bunch. Tell Susan you two have added a good little chapter to the story of my life and I’m grateful for it.’

Alan drove off and vehicles whizzed by, a couple of drivers tooted at Xavier but didn’t stop. Finally a guy in early 1990s long-bed GMC Sierra 1500 loaded with sawn firewood stopped, rolled down the passenger window and yelled, ‘Where are you heading son?’

‘East sir.’

‘The hop in and we’ll give you a bed for the night. I’m Chuck Small. Do you know where you are?’

‘Yes Mr Small. Where I was dropped was just outside North Platte, Nebraska.’

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Women object is quite different

Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man’s ability to generate red bl**d cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the bl**d of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie London River G160

We hope you’re ready to watch some great Fucking Filling and Feeding action, because London is about to get GangBanged proper-like. London is finally on the bench, and she’s surrounded by the Cocksmen we all know and love. This week, we have the excellent Eric John joining the gang, and you’ll see right away how well he fits in. The guys get her down, and get that romper off as Mr. John goes downtown in a way we haven’t seen since the days of Cocksmen Mitt.. he eats that...

1 year ago
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Playing fantasy with Shalini my wife 1

Hey this is Aditya. I am married since last 10 years but our love life is as fresh as it was on wedding night as we play out fantasies and keep adding spice to our love life. My wife Shalini is from Mumbai and is 5’2″ tall slim fair with slight brown hair and small but very smooth and firm breast with light red nipples and figure of 32/24/34 and I love fucking her and releasing loads and loads of semen in her cunt as well as all over her body. Her lips are like small ripe orange slice and when...

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Dont Fuck MY Wife

As I exited her bedroom after having fucked Samatha three times to finally render her comatose, the most serene feeling of my life washed over me like a gentle wave in the Caribbean. All that was left was the complete humiliation of that asshole that started me on my quest. Sorry, I was just thinking back on one of the most satisfying experiences of my life, and I know that you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me give you the background before I relate my tale. At the time this...

Wife Lovers
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 2 Look What I Found

"You'll never guess who I ran into this afternoon," I said to Andrea as I arrived home that Saturday afternoon. "Who?" she asked disinterestedly. "Janice LeDane." I'd no sooner got the name out of my mouth when Andrea's head snapped around and gave me a look I don't think I'd ever seen on her before. I'm not sure if it was fear or shock or what. "Oh," Andrea stammered. "What did she have to say?" She looked worried now. I really couldn't understand her reaction. "We sat...

4 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 89

Laura's own period came a day after this vigorous evening with Karen, and so she wound up getting a little needed rest. Sholandra was still very attentive, though not too demanding, to Laura's great relief. But on the last day of her period, something awful happened. She ran into Yvette and Rhonda Reardon on the elevator to the parking garage, after work. Actually, she didn't even know they were there, since the elevator was full of people. She only saw them in the rear as it emptied....

3 years ago
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How can you tell

Growing up in an ultra conservative town made what I was feeling at age 13 like an outcast. I had been taught that I should be interested in girls. And for a while I tried but always ended up in just the friend zone. I was undersized for my age, in every category, from my height, muscles, and my cock. I was skinny, pale skinned, with long white blonde hair and from time to time was mistaken for being a girl from behind. Needless to say, I wasn't very athletic besides being good at running. I...

1 year ago
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The Commuter Day 18 Continued

Even though tethered at the wrists, we said little to each other as we made our short walk between the cars back to the station. I hailed a cab and we took a short ride to one of my favorite restaurants for breakfast. After ordering, my attempt to introduce myself was met with you shaking your head, blurting out NO and your free hand covering my mouth quickly. "I don't want to know your name! Our names are secrets we should keep to ourselves."  "Why?" I asked with a puzzled look. "Because names...

3 years ago
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Holiday Traditions

Thank you to Linda62953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. Christmas didn't mean much to me anymore; it will never be the same. I had lost my wife Mary, earlier this year. Even though it wasn't unexpected, it still hurt like hell. After two years of chemo and dozens of trips to the doctor and stays in the hospital, Mary and I became closer. Like people have always said, 'You don't know what you have until you lose it', and it really was true. We hadn't gotten along...

2 years ago
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Military Engagement

Chapter 1:An Office Meeting Chapter 1?? :? An Office Meeting Hi! We?ve not really spoken before but you?ve probably heard a bit about me from Larry. I?m Sarah. Ooops, sorry, #06.085. I keep forgetting I?m only supposed to use my slave number. I?ve been doing secretarial work here in Clegg?s organisation for a while now and though lots of bosses like to think they have their secretaries as a sort of personal office slave, it?s only here that it?s literally true. I?ve been helping...

4 years ago
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My very first experience with my classmate episod

He was amused by the sight...of me in lingerie..standing on the porch,it was obvious he was in a shock (or state of extacy?) and couldn't take his sparkling blue eyes off my firm body inside the dress...he closed the door behind,like he was worrying if someone could see us ..I don't know why but i felt the tears running down my cheeks as a result of this emotional discharge and hugged him,saying ''I was scared to death..of losing you...I thought you would never talk to me again''...Maybe i was...

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Nudist Helen Part 2

Next morning my daughter comes in to me come on mom Dave says we are going to the beach all day today. So I went outside and Dave said its supposed to be great again so thought best plan beach for a nice relaxing day.Well we set off us following them, but as we travelled I said to Paul are we heading back to the beach we were at yesterday, it looks like it but it was massive we can go on the first bit near the car park it will be fine. When we got there Paul said if we don’t go to far we can...

1 year ago
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Green Goblin Strikes Back

The Green Goblin Strikes Back by Steve Zink In Marvel Comics, Spider-Man is one of the all-time favorites. One of his constant foes almost from the beginning has been the Green Goblin. This villain was originally the chemical industry mogul Norman Osborn, who gained his alter ego after being bathed in chemicals at his plant. In the comics, Norman eventually died, while his son Harry, a good friend of Peter Parker, the alter ego of Spider-Man, married his high school sweetheart,...

3 years ago
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Her island holiday Chapter 4

Sandra finds herself enjoying licking Monica’s pussy. Was it the alcohol or did she had some urge hidden until now. Whatever the reason she had Monica moaning. Arnie couldn’t resist. With Sandra kneeling on the bed her pussy was ready and he took full advantage. For the umpteen time that day he buried his cock balls deep with his hips pressed against her arse cheeks. A squeal and then muffled moans as Sandra welcomed the intrusion. Monica saw what he husband was doing. “Yes eat my pussy you...

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Mollyrsquos Boobs ndash part 6

Molly’s boobs were growing. It was not a fast process, but it was clear their volume was getting bigger. We started measuring them every month. I suggested she should go to a doctor and consult the problem. Molly did not want to. She was afraid the doctor would try to talk her into plastic surgery. However, after a year, when we had the numbers and her boobs did not seem to stop gaining weight and size she agreed. She took the paper with the numbers. During one year her upper measurement went...

3 years ago
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Jen Me the Wife Gets Involved

That first weekend had been fantastic, and the sex was raw and uninhibited, but where did it go from there? We had said all along we were just doing this as friends, but there's something about screwing your sister-in-law five times in a period of less than 24 hours that changes the relationship a bit.After the scene with Marisa it was clear that we were crossing some kind of boundary, and were more than just friends. I must say however that Dr. Barton is a genius, and once the swelling and...

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TeensDoPorn April Reid Fresh Faced Teen Gets Schlonged

April Reid is a fresh faced innocent girl who thinks getting into the world of porn looks like fun. And since girls just want to have fun, she is giving it a whirl. Previous to fucking on film, the craziest place shes had sex has been the backseat of a car in broad daylight. Thats quite a jump, dont you think? Now shes getting schooled by our studs long, strong rod of experience. It slides into her nubile pussy, pumping out lessons one thrust at a time. Her pink nips are perked and ready as she...

4 years ago
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My teacher my girl

I am wearing a tight, white t-shirt…no bra underneath, a denim miniskirt…short that it only falls mid thigh and a pink thong. My hair is loose about my shoulders, my lips would be pink and flavored bubble gum and I would be wearing red pointy stilettos… You opened the door and you said, “Candice, what are you doing here?”…I said, “hey Teacher, I’m just wondering how I can raise my grade…you know in any way you want”…I walk through the door past you and sat on your couch…I crossed my legs and...

3 years ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 17 Jason

Di's okay. The thought went around like a carousel in his head as he watched her sob into Michelle's shoulder. Di's okay. Dorothy Willard looked like a grandmother but carried herself like a drill sergeant. There was a steel core under her floral veneer that Lola Crabtree was getting to know first hand. "I don't care what you think Mizz Crabtree. The law is perfectly clear in this case. My associate is at the courthouse right now filing an emergency motion in family court to stop this...

1 year ago
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Boy Was That Great

I am in good shape with 6 pack abs slender hips and a broad chest and shoulder area. The chicks like me and hang all around me to the extent they are always there and distracting me from my guy things I need to do. I was on a date with one and she was all over me with her hands and mouth she had taken off her bra and opened her top so I had free access to her assets. I was just closing my eyes and enjoying the feelings when she locked her head around my neck and bite my neck gently and sucked...

Erotic Fiction
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AnimeCon Harem pt 07

“You’re asking me, now,” Kelly laughed. “...Your chance for revenge?”“Truth or dare, then.” Brian asked.“Dare,” Kelly decided. “Gimme something good for once.”“Something good, huh…” Brian said, thinking back to the better dares that had been thrown around back when he played in high school. He was surprised to realize he actually did want to get back at her a little bit. She’s been going a little overboard trying to stir things up between me and Stephanie.“Okay, I’ve got one.” He rose from the...

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NubilesPorn Alexis Crystal Send Nudes

Short sweet brunette Alexis Crystal is a total tease as she sends increasingly naughty selfies to her boyfriend Michael Fly. By the time Michael Fly arrives, Alexis is already horny as hell and ready to go. He whips out his dick, and Alexis strokes and sucks it on her belly while kicking her feet behind her in obvious pleasure. Slipping out of her robe, Alexis turns around so that Michael can slam into her from before. There’s nothing gentle about his pussy pounding, especially as he...

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harry 04

They Must Know The Chosen One Strikes Back It was the most awe inspiring scene in the Ministry of Magic in quite some time early yesterday as none other than The Chosen One, Harry Potter, made an entrance none who witnessed it will soon forget. Witnesses report that Mr. Potter apparated into the lobby of the ministry holding onto an unconscious death eater. Mr. Potter turned the unidentified death eater over to aurors who claimed the prisoner within seconds of Mr. Potter’s arrival. Mr....

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There Can Be Only One Chapter 35

There Can Be Only One Chapter 35Cathy was as excited as Ross was. She was looking forward to returning to the church along with her brother. The young fifteen-year-old was keen to see how far she could push her new friend having easily talked her out of her panties a week or so ago. As for Julie... she was just as enthusiastic to reacquaint herself with the slightly older girl who was willing to tell her all about sex.The younger girl was not totally naïve about sex... but living under such a...

2 years ago
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Lilliswet photo model from Belgium and Turkey

I was in a hurry. My boss wanted quick presentation photography of his products presented by a young brunette girl, but not something too expensive. I took our usual photographer and rent a photo studio in town. There are 3 studios there, 1 big an 2 small. We took a small one. A friend presented me a lovely Turkish girl one month earlier. She pretended being a model. I decided to give her a chance. She was pretty good at the job. And products looked great with her. In the next studio there was...

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Last of Their KindChapter 2

Karissa headed to the back of the bus, where she found two girls not much older than her. Runaways, she thought. Like her. A willowy but tough looking blonde. A chunkier but prettier redhead who looked a lot less confident. “Anybody looking for you?” she asked them. “Why would... ?” the redhead started, but the blonde interrupted. “No. Left early. Supposed to be out playing. You?” “I hope not,” Karissa admitted. “When do you think they’ll figure it out?” “My mom won’t care,” said the...

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JJ wanted to try something new. He wanted to be with two big beautiful women. He also liked to film his sexual escapades. One day JJ decided to find two nurses that would be willing to fulfill his fantasy. He ran an ad in the paper saying he wanted two big beautiful woman who were interested in becoming a star. The girls had to play the role of a nurse.It didn't take long for JJ to get his two candidates, April and Jessey. Both girls had 38DDD breasts, with one quick turn could knock you out...

4 years ago
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A Fantasy Shared With My Wife Part 2

This is a continuation of A Fantasy Shared with My Wife. In this story we discuss the potential of her reliving her night with a man with a big black cock. This leads to some amazing sex between my wife and I. “So, the thought of me with a big black cock turns you on?” asked my wife with a naughty look on her face I grinned at her in response, wondering where this was going. “I have thought about how amazing it felt to have my pussy filled up completely like that, and I kind of want to try it...

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Confessions of a fetishist

Hello all. I would like to write something about myself and my thoughts as a fetishist.Somewhere, I read that fetishes are shaped in c***dhood and that's how it was in my case.It started in kindergarten. Then I started to pay more attention to the legs and shoes of my friends.Something fascinated me about it, later in primary school while playing with my friends I noticed that girls like to crush various toys like toy cars but also others. To make the boys angry. It was the first time it...

2 years ago
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Bettys Garden At Sunrise

As I opened my eyes it took me a moment to realize where I was.Betty's bedroom. The sunlight was beginning to creep in through the window as I lifted up my head and looked around.Betty was sitting on the lower half of the bed, by my knee, with her legs underneath her. The green satin nightgown was gone.Her head was slightly tilted off to one side and I followed her gaze to the slumbering cock laying across the lower part of my stomach."Good morning," I said quietly.Her eyes moved to my face,...

1 year ago
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Gandu Bhai Ne Randi Banaya

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Mera name varinda hae. Hae apni life true incident btane ja rahi hoon. Mere pita ji businessman the. 6 saal pehle unki maut ho gayi. Mera bhai ek khoobsoorat ladka hae. Meri ma ki umer 43 saal saal thi vo bahut khoobsoorat aurat thi, 6 saal pehe ki baat hae.Jab meri umer 21 saal thi aur mae apne college ki sabse khoobsoorat ladki thi.Mae haroz zym jati thi, aur meri fittness par har koyi fida tha , mae bahut hi sunder ladki thi aur mere brother ki 22 saal...

3 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 3

Rory The afternoon passed slowly and I was in a state of nervous tension. A lot of questions were racing through my mind. It was obvious from her remarks that she knew about me staring at her in the classes we shared. So why had she not said something before? I could have understood if she had just got fed up with it and decided to do something about by confronting me and roasting me with her tongue but she had not done that. She had obviously planned something and arranged for her...

2 years ago
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Palm Beach Vixen as her Stags on the job training

I knew the first time i blew my wad in her pussy looking down at the well shape ass of my new married milf that she had done her share of wild fucking. I had enjoyed anal sex and from the size of the tissue around her ass hole i was going to experience many more times if this tuck up blonde would losen up her properness. As i took no time in entering her pussy i said to her you like a big dick in your pussy how often is it someone besides your husband? She smart assedly said," i know about you...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Akari Asayiri Akari Asayiri and a friend go to the hot springs to spend an evening fucking

A bored housewife can be fun when they decide to break out and try something new. Akari Asayiri is our bored housewife and she wants to do something different than her normal daily routine. She is excited to do something that is wild and unexpected and not what a normal good wife would be doing. She and a friend have decided to take a short trip to a local hot spring and enjoy the evening together. She has never been unfaithful to her husband so this is all new to her. But she feels so trapped...

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Chotti Behen Ke Khoon Wali Pussy

By : Lcky Ye baat aaj se 2 saal pehle june ke hai meri bhen priya uska fig 34 28 32 hai. wo dkhne mai bahut sundar hai or use dekhte he koi bhi usse pyar karne lagge. mai use bahut pyar karta ha hon.hello friends me lucky or mai punjab Ludhiana se hoon mere lun 10 inch ka hai or bahut motta hai. June ka mahina tha meri chotti bhen priya hamare yaha chuttia katne ke liye ayi huyi thi mujhe wo bahut achi lagti thi ek din mai TV dekh raha tha to priya mere pass aake meri body ka sahara lekar baith...

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