Introvert s Indecent Proposal
- 2 years ago
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The driver pulled up to the Peppermill promptly at 9:00 am. As the car eased to a complete stop, John got out and politely opened Amy's door.
"I had an absolutely wonderful evening Amy," he said with a broad smile before handing her a small briefcase.
"Wow, that's a little bigger than I imagined," Amy replied, extending her hand to accept the handle. "That makes twice now since we've met that I've heard you say that," John replied with a grin. Suddenly their exchange was interrupted by the sound of a dusty, white Mercedes pulling in and stopping behind them. Its rear door opened and a surprised Amy watched Eric climb out of the back seat looking a little disheveled. "Hey baby," Eric opened while watching John give Amy a kiss on the cheek in parting. The front windows of the Mercedes rolled down as the driver pulled up along side John's car. John stopped short of climbing into his seat for a moment before speaking loudly across the roof of the vehicle. "Good morning girls," he said. "Hey boss!" Alexis and Michelle replied in unison. "How was your night?" "Quite lovely," he answered, "and yours?" "Awesome!" Alexis shouted as the Mercedes pulled away. "It went down just like you said it would!" Eric and Amy were dumbfounded, staring as the the car swing around them with a wide turn while John simultaneously climbed into his own. "Boss?" Eric yelled in an amplified tone. "What are you, a pimp or something?" "Absolutely not," he calmly replied. "I own the club." As his door shut and the car pulled away, Eric and Amy stood in silent disbelief, each realizing that their incredible evenings had all been part of a coordinated plan in which they had been pawns. Silently heading into the restaurant, they were offered a seat in the dimly lit lounge area to wait for a table. Ordering two Bloody Mary's, Amy proceeded to break the ice. "Two women?" she whispered in a tone that sounded slightly angry. "It wasn't my doing," Eric responded. "What was I supposed to do, say no?" Eric's eyes glanced down at the briefcase sitting between Amy's feet. "Did you count it?" he asked. "What, in the parking lot?" Amy answered sarcastically. "He had just handed it to me when you made your grand entrance." "I hope it's all in there," Eric replied. "Well, what if it's not?" Amy answered with a bit of frustration before stopping mid-thought as the waitress stepped up to take their order. Once she had left them alone again, Amy continued. "What if it is empty? Would you still say that your hall pass was worth it?" Eric pondered the thought for a moment before answering. "I guess it probably was, as long as it was for you too." Amy contemplated the idea herself and then replied, "Yes, I actually think it was." Reaching down and picking up the case, she placed it across their laps, its top facing away from them as she opened it. Peering inside, they could see bundles of $10 bills, ten of them in all, with $1,000 bank bands wrapped around them. There were also two DVDs and a hotel room key which was tucked into one of the bundles. "What are the DVDs?" Eric asked in a low voice. "He filmed us," Amy hesitantly whispered in his ear. "What!" Eric replied with disbelief. "You're not serious! Why would you agree to that?" "Because he said you'd want to know everything that happened last night," Amy replied as she closed the case. "Well... Do you?" Eric paused and then nodded his head with a silent yes. "Well then, I guess he was right," Amy replied in affirmation of John's prediction. The waitress returned with their drinks just as Amy placed the briefcase back on the floor. "So.... I supposed I'll go first," she continued. Amy proceeded with a recital of what had transpired since the time Eric had watched her leave the club. She recounted in great detail the progression of events beginning with the car and driver, the descriptionof their palatial hotel suite, the beautiful gifts she had received after arriving there. Eric was relieved to hear that Jon had treated her like a gentleman, the way that she should be. "What happened next?" he asked, both wanting and not wanting to know all at the same time. Amy continued, describing in vivid detail the seductive ritual that then ensued between them, including her slow and methodical undressing of her client. She relayed fondly how he taught her to orally please him, given her previous inexperience with men of such size. Eric asked just how big she meant exactly. Amy replied by placing both index fingers on the edge of the table top about a foot apart from each other. Eric felt jealous and excited at the same time, pained by his hours long, unrelieved erection, still hard and aching in his pants beneath the table top. Amy continued once more, describing the unbelievable eroticism she felt at the growing sexual energy between them. She gushed about how it ulitmately culminated with her being taken on the billiards table, balls cascading all around her with wreckless abandon as John totally controlled her and pleased her. Sensing a pause was in order, Amy asked, "So how did your evening start?" Mentally regrouping, Eric took a deep breath and then described how that when Amy left, he had been picked up by one of the clubs dancers, who then offered her own proposal to him, though hers did not entail him being paid. He told of how they too had made a very similar drive to a Strip hotel and obtained a very nice suite of their own, though not quite as spectacular sounding as Amy's. "There was no billiards table in our suite," he added with a bit of regret. Amy listened intently as Eric told her about the private dance he had enjoyed before tsxploring some of the more prominent features of the suite like the steam room and sauna. Amy could feel some of the same jealousy rising inside her that she knew Eric must have been feeling moments ago. Conversely though, it actually helped her to relax to know they were equal partners in their sinful behaviors last night. Finding herself increasingly aroused at hearing of her husbands exploits, Amy pressed harder for additional details. She wanted to know all about Alexis's body, how she had seduced him, and especially the minute details of how he had fucked her. "Your turn," Eric said, taking a hard stop from telling his own tale. Amy smiled and picked up where she had left off, her body laid out upon the felt of the pool table and described how she had then carried into the bedroom for the continuance of her servitude. Reluctanlty, she nervously recounted her initial discomfort about being filmed before growing more comfortable with the idea and ultimately agreeing to it. Eric asked what exactly was on the disks. Amy descrbed how they began with John asking her series of questions and her answering each for the camera. Relaxing a little now, she told of how following the conclusion of her questioning, the video would progress with ongoing footage of her in various sexual acts, beginning on the bed and ending against the full height windows. "I actually did the window thing too," Eric said with a sly grin, attempting to put her at ease. Mentally comparing notes, Eric could picture his wife with her back against the glass, her legs wrapped tightly around her benefactor's waist. Eric interrupted Amy's recital of her events and began comparing his experience to hers, much to her dismay. Amy's mouth hung open in disbelief while he detailed Alexis's gymnast like moves. How they had started with her in the the pike position against the windows and later ended with her pinned to the floor in front of them, both feet tucked fully behind her head. "So where does the second woman come into all of this?" Amy asked, trying to shake the image of the beautiful and helplessly pretzeled Alexis from her mind. Eric explained how he had felt adventurous and challenged Alexis to take a nocturnal, sexual tour of Las Vegas. He described how she had deceptively backtracked to the club in order to pick up her roommate after first making several short and dangerously public, fuck stops along the way. He told of how the two women had then taken him back to their home where they proceeded to both entertain and fuck him, but that unknown to him had quietly slipped something in his drink. "What was it? What did it do to you?" Amy asked in a concerned voice. Eric reached over, grabbed Amy's hand and directed it under the table. Leaving it in his lap, she could feel the full hardness of his erection through his pants. Eric explained how Michelle had given him some mixture of unknown substances which resulted in him being able to fuck continually for hours, feeling as if he were on the pinnacle of orgasm for most of it, but was held perpetually just short of ejaculating. He further described how the women had then taken him far outside of town and had fucked him on the hood of car under, beginning under the stars and concluding it broad daylight. Amy could hear the combined frustration and pride in his voice as he detailed how he had fucked them both as hard as he possibly could for hours, yet was left unrewarded for his efforts. "How long did they say that this effect would last?" Amy asked. "Eight to ten hours, I think," Eric answered. "They were whispering and I couldn't hear them very clearly." Amy's interest was now piqued. "Really? And when exactly did you say they gave you this drink?" "Around 2:00 a.m. I think," Eric replied. "Why?" Reaching down to the floor and grabbing the brief case again, Amy opened it on their laps a second time. Reaching inside, she slipped the card key for the suite out of the bundle of bills and smiled. "It seems to me that we still have about two to fours hours left on your cock-clock," she replied. Amy grinned wider now as Eric caught on. "I don't believe late check out is for about another three hours." Breakfast was no longer a concern to them as they quickly closed out with the waitress and hailed a cab to the hotel. Flashing the room key to the lobby security guard, the dusty Eric and coiffured Amy hurried into the elevator and ascended to the suite. Once inside, they grabbed a couple waters from the minibar before taking a seat on the couch. Looking up at the flat screen TV, Amy paused for a moment before asking one last time if Eric he really wanted to watch the disk. Just like John had predicted he would, Eric replied that he wanted to see it. Amy rose from her seat and popped the DVD into the player. With a deep breath, she pushed the play button and reseated herself. The video began to play but to Amy's dismay it did not begin with the question and answer session that she had expected. Stunned, she stared at the screen and hesitated momentarily before speaking. "But...but...the camera was not set up for this..." Amy said, fumbling for additional words while her eyes remained locked on the screen. In 50" high definition color, Amy watched herself from above while John coached her on her pool shot before she turned and caved to his overtures. She stared with disbelief as he then lifted her up and threw her back onto the surface of the billiards table, tearing the shirt from his body with Amy laid out before him. Looking down at herself from this angle, Amy could see her breasts heaving lustfully beneath her new lingerie. John pulled her G string aside and held his enormous cock firmly in preparation of entering her. The mismatch of his size compared to her tiny body was even more disparate than she remembered when viewed from this angle. Amy looked repeatedly over at Eric, then back again to the screen, wanting to see for herself how their copulation was even possible, while also wanting to sense Eric's reaction. Mesmerized by the sight of her tiny pussy succumbing to a difficult penetration, Amy jumped as her pearl G string suddenly exploded on the screen. Pool balls and pearls bounced around her in every direction like a game of human pinball. Eric picked up the remote and turned up the volume to reveal the sound of Amy's pleading to be fucked harder, her petite little body now greedily consuming the entirety of each twelve-inch stroke. Amy gazed on, watching with disbelief at how unbelievably sexy she looked with her red and black heels in the air, her breasts exploding into view after being released from their captivity. She moved her hand downward to touch herself, confirming that she was growing wetter and wetter as she relived each sinful moment. Eric turned the volume up further, then stood and took Amy's hand. With her own screams playing in the background, he led her to the pool table and gently lifted her up onto the surface before lying her back. Amy felt a building excitement over the prospect of reliving her billiards experience for a second time. Eric looked down upon her and grasping one ankle tightly, he gently lifted it higher. Removing her heel and slowly pushing her leg farther, he curled her foot gently in toward her head with painstakingly slow progress. Amy could feel her hip and hamstring burn with resistance. She realized what Eric was doing now. He planned to take her just as he had Alexis, assuming that her petite and slightly less flexible body would allow it. Looking into Eric's eyes, she tried to relax and submit herself to his wishes. She absolutely wanted to experience being fucked like Alexis had been. With that affirmation still fresh in her mind, Amy felt her foot tuck behind her head with unexpected ease. Amy's hamstring burned up into her buttock, distracting her from the realization that her other leg now being pressed higher. Panting rapidly in small breaths, she watched her second leg struggle to learn its proper duty. Inch by inch it stretched higher until she could no longer see her foot. It felt close to where it should go, but she couldn't tell exactly. Was it nearly there? Every muscle in her backside rebelled. Just as her mouth opened to say she couldn't do it, her second foot begrudgingly settled into place. Eric released his hands, allowing her to lie freely in this position without any additional aid Incredibly, Amy found it was now possible for her comfortably reach around her hips to craddle her own ass cheeks in her hands, which she did. Eric hovered above her now with an erection that looked nearly as large as John's, swollen from his seven hours of sexual torture. With every artery seemingly ready to burst, Amy begged him to pursue the relief he craved. Her neck bowed with her face only inches from his target, Amy tingled with anticipation. Eric's engorged head slowly opened her swollen lips before he penetrated her to full depth. Amy cried out loudly. With his hands returning to lock both of her ankles securely together, Eric increased his thrusting to a feverish level. The height of the table was perfectly aligned with his height, allowing him maximum leverage. Amy's back burned from the friction of being pulled forward and backward on the felt, her breasts compressed together tightly. Eric had existed on the edge of sexual frustration and denied release for hours, but he could finally sense a change occurring within himself that signaled relief was finally near. Amy's body wretched below him, quivering and shaking, consumed by a full body orgasm. Her mouth hung open, her eyes wide and rolled back signaling her entire body needed him. Eric's knees buckled and his hips pushed tight against her small frame a final time. Amy's face had never been this close before to watch Eric climaxing inside her. She felt his cock pumping repeatedly inside her while simultaneously watching with her eyes. His testicles moved back and forth, contracting as he inseminated her. Eric's body shook as it transferred his payload into the wanting vessel that was Amy's body. Amy sensed something was different though. Usually Eric's contractions lasted for maybe ten seconds or so. Not this time though. It was as if the drug which had previously prevented his orgasm now worked to extend it as well. Eric stood above Amy shaking on weakened legs, his cock pumping on and on. Amy could see cum beginning to leak from the seal her pussy maintained around him. Pulling back slowly, Eric withdrew before placing himself back on her tummy, only inches from her face. Cum continued flowing from him, much to both of their dismay. Neither of them could believe that somewhere inside he could hold so much in reserve. It was as if the drug had also caused him to produce even more over these past eight hours. A white pool grew deeper on Amy's stomach. Eric rocked her backward by pushing on her ankles, causing the accumulation to flow downhill, between her breasts and up to her throat before cascading off each side of her neck. Eric was empty now, but his cock remained hard and pulsing with continuing contractions. He scooped Amy up and carried her into the same bedroom in which she had dressed the night before, before laying her down onto the bed. Lying beside her and rolling onto his back, he relaxed while Amy mounted him with a moan. Amy wondered to herself how long could this crazy orgasmic purgatory could possibly last. She didn't know, but she did know she sure as hell was going to find out.Introduction: Part four of the series Amy introduces Lana to the boys. ****This is a work of fiction and it not in any way based on actual people or events. Enjoy***** Walking down the path leaving the river Amy Smiled brightly thinking of the cocks that were inside her only a little while ago. 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I had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn't get along with him at work. I didn’t really want to talked to him but I...
ReluctanceIt had been a week after we had received another foreclosure letter from the bank. We were down to only a week and a half to go before they were to sell our home. I had to end up fucking a 40 year old guy to save our home 6 months ago. I am 23 years old and my husband is 25 years old. We had bought our first home together two years ago and then got behind on the mortgage after I had lost my job. It definitely put a lot of stress on our marriage since that time. I still hadn’t found a job and it...
ReluctanceMy husband and I were married two years ago. I am now 23 years old and my husband is 25. We bought ourselves a very nice house a year ago. I thought everything was great until I lost my job several months ago. It was a big lost for us and our bills were starting to pile up. We couldn’t keep up on the mortgage payment and fell several months behind. The bank had now filed foreclosure papers. We had only 3 weeks to get our account current or our house would be auction off. It took me a few days...
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IncestFollowing is a creative work of fiction. It involves intimate moments of both physical and psychological nature between mother and son, intended for fun. All the names, characters, and incidents are works of pure imagination. They do not resemble any real-life names, characters, and incidents. The toll of the marathon was heavy. When I woke up, my mom was still in a deep sleep. She was sleeping all naked beside me. It seemed we had rolled over to the sides while in sleep. Her loosely set hair...
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Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL was sleeping like a whore who had came to him for...
AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER SIX Eddie awoke to the sound of shuffling feet across carpet. It wasn’t the sound itself that startled him…but amount of it. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. What he saw took him by surprise. At the end of his bed stood two women. One was his mother and the other was Miss Hogan from down the street, a woman whom his mother was very good friends with, but her son annoyed the ever-loving shit out of...
Hi all, Raki again. Thanks for all your feedback. Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL...
IncestHi, are you Amy?" I asked as I saw her standing looking a little lost under the clock in Woodhouse centre all blonde hair and blue eyes with too much mascara in her black miniskirt and silver jacket looking, the perfect little Lolita, just more grown up than she looked on Face-book. She looked up at me and I saw confusion in her sweet little thirteen year old eyes, "Yes," she replied uncertainly,"I'm waiting for my boyfriend," she explained. I smiled knowingly, "Yes John, he sent...
Amy closed and locked the door to the disabled toilet and slipped the lanyard off, she didn't want it getting caught on anything after all. Checking herself in the mirror she confirmed she looked hot. Her vest top showed off enough boob, her jeggings emphasised her arse just the way she wanted. Checking the time on her phone she realised he'd be there any second. They'd arranged this single meeting through messages on xhamster the week before. A relative stranger invited to pleasure themselves...
It was a Saturday night in October. Amy was bored at home since her best friend is out of town. Amy was trying to decide if she should call Melissa up and see what she’s up to. When she called Melissa, she instructed her to wear her sexy attire and come on over for fun with her. Melissa also told Amy what time to be at her house. Amy began to get ready for the meeting with her mistress. Melissa this evening. Amy figured she had enough time to jump in the shower giving her enough time to make...
* * * * I sat down at the dinnertable with my mom and dad. My parents worked alot and I was often left alone but I feel that im old enough to be home by myself. This day everythings seemed normal except that my parent acted a bit wierd but not too out of character. My dad stood up and left the table but I didnt think anything about it until he came back, with a large dog. I just stared at the dog when my mom rased her voice. - "SURPRISE!!" I was in chock, it wasnt my birthday so why...
I’ll provide a more complete background on her in a later post, but here is what you need to know for now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of her earliest sexual experiences was BDSM in nature, and she loved it. She told her older sister about it, and...
The summer of my tenth year was an interesting one for me anyway, it was the year that I became sexually active, but that’s another story. I’ve started that one several times, but it’s been too hard for me to write. Not that it was traumatic, it was just very personal. I’d spent that summer being babysat by the elderly lady across the road—and her six year old granddaughter—because mom and dad were both working a lot of overtime. But when summer ended, my normal baby setter got busy, so...
It was a new pair of shoes that got me into all this, well not just any pair of shoes; but a stunning black pair of Italian high heels which cost three times as much as any shoes I'd previously purchased. Oh how I tried to resist, how over two weeks I tried to avoid that shop, but it drew me back like a magnet. I even tried them on convincing myself that they wouldn't fit and that I was wasting my time. But they fitted like old gloves and made my slim ankles and calves look like a movie star's....
AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER FOUR It was almost seven thirty and Sondra hadn’t come home yet, so Kerry was beginning to get a bit nervous. Was the woman testing her to see how she’d handle things as a babysitter or had something happened to her? By seven forty five, she decided to call her. “Hello?” “Miss Hogan…it’s Kerry…I was just checking to make sure everything was okay.” “Oh hey…sorry…I know I said I’d be back by eight or so, but I sort...
AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER TWO The Nurse Practitioner, Linda McDonald rounded the edge of the exam table and motioned for her assistant, Shannon, a much younger nurse, to hand the penile response device back to her. She complied and moved back to her original position by the door. By that point, Sondra had taken up her position beside Sammy who sat on the bed with his swollen penis still wedged up inside the device. Linda sighed and looked...
AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER ONE The sound inside the gymnasium was overly loud and it only added to Robin’s state of nervousness as she tried to steady herself before entering. It was her first day on the job…her first day as a coach…her first day ever in the middle of the frying pan for educators that was called middle school. Grades 5th through 7th attended Grady Riggs Public…and the official figure for students was 552. Not a massive...
It was early January and Amy had just turned twenty-one. She was a dainty little brunette with big blue eyes. She was beautiful and perfect in every way except one. She was still a virgin. Since she was young, she had always promised herself she would not have sex until marriage but she could no longer control the urge, the desire to be penetrated. One night, she decided this would be the night she would lose her virginity. She texted just two words to her boyfriend Chris “I’m ready”. He...
Amy was an adventurous 20 year old girl and loved all kinds of sex with both men and women, so when her boyfriend Tony suggested a gangbang she was more than willing to take him up on the offer. The thought of having several men touching and fucking her at once was a real turn on. She agreed to meet Tony at his flat on a Friday evening. Before she made her way out she drank several shots of tequila to take the edge off. The tequila did its job and as she rang on his doorbell, she was a little...
It had been a hectic day, and everything that could go wrong for Amy did. Just when things couldn’t feel any worse, the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad. The man she always felt was the one. Until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach, as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was their two year...
It had been two weeks since Amy’s first gangbang, and she was already desperate for another. Her boyfriend Tony simply could not keep up with her sexual desire. She talked of little else and Tony knew he had to make a plan. Amy’s last gangbang had lasted for four hours and had involved nearly 20 of Tony’s friends, but that was not enough for her, she wanted more, a lot more. Amy spent most evenings watching the video Tony had made of the gangbang. She would sit naked in front of the TV and...
( side-note: i changed the ending of the ex boyfriend part of the story series. i felt WAY too bad for him) thanks for reading mah intro, now onto the story!! Greg tried her best to coil herself right in the water that had been placed at the bottom of the tank. Her scales darkened from the moisture as she tried her best to soak away the rank reptilian stink that seemed to cling all around her. It was soaked into her scales and especially against the lower edge of her belly. She hadn't...
Amy’s eyes were watering from the huge strapon that was impaling her pussy. Her cum was on the floor below and she knew later she would have to lick it off the laminated wood. She could feel Jenny’s tits pressing against her back as she was being bounced up and down on the bright green manhood. Amy’s blue eyes poured with water like the ocean, and every moment or so she gave out long sustained moans. Her hair was a mess, but that was the least of her worries! Her thighs were bright red, as were...
Oh my god! Cameron’s flirting with you! I glanced over at him, trying not to be too obvious. He was looking back at the book and I admired his chiseled profile. It had to be wishful thinking. Cameron was a senior, tall blonde and built he was in football and track and still managed to make straight A’s. He was one of the popular kids and he couldn’t possibly be interested in me. I was 16 and just a junior. I had a good group of friends but I would never fit in with the popular crowd because I...