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The sound inside the gymnasium was overly loud and it only added to Robin’s state of nervousness as she tried to steady herself before entering. It was her first day on the job…her first day as a coach…her first day ever in the middle of the frying pan for educators that was called middle school.
Grades 5th through 7th attended Grady Riggs Public…and the official figure for students was 552. Not a massive school, but not a small one either. She’d been given an uncovered gym class during the last hour of the day and it wasn’t something she was looking forward to.

“I don’t know crap about teaching gym…I mean, look at me, would you?” she pleaded to Earl Reed the day before.
“Oh don’t gimme that,” he huffed back. “My gym coach in high school must have weighed like four hundred pounds!” He leaned back and perched on the edge of his desk, his hand pawing back over the top of his balding head. “C’mon, Robin, I got nobody to cover the class and it’s only temporary, I promise… just till I can hire in another coach.”
“Why me?” she demanded to know, her dislike of the matter still obvious in her expression as she sat slumped in her chair several feet in front of him.
“Cause you’re the new hire yourself…this is your first teaching assignment…AND,” he added emphasis to the word, “you’re the only one with a vacant seventh hour.”
“That’s supposed to be my break!” she snapped back at him.
“It’s temporary…so just deal with it,” he blurted a little more forcefully than she expected. “Look, stop whining and buck up. Damn, woman…it’s a fucking fifth grade gym glass, it’s not like I’m asking you to pull teeth here. Make’em play basketball and go read a book in the bleachers, shit!”
Agitated, he stood up and walked around his desk and dropped into his worn out office chair. “We’re done,” he added and motioned toward the door with a tilt of his head.
Reluctantly she stood up and trudged toward the door of his office, biting her tongue the whole way, so as not to curse him out loud.

She sighed and pushed the heavy metal door open and stepped with gusto out into the gym and headed toward the center of the basketball court…while trying hard NOT to look at any of the students she passed along the way.
She was self-conscious of the way she looked. She’d always been pudgy and boyish looking throughout school and had always despised gym class herself. And now, as an adult, this was the last place she wanted to find herself, teaching or otherwise.
At five foot seven, she weighed a little over 175 pounds and sadly none of it was carried in her tits. Sporting a B-cup, she had very little in the way of cover-up for her belly. Normally she wore baggy clothes to hide her flabby gut, but gym shorts and a t-shirt gave her no luck in concealing her figure. She looked more like a pot-bellied man than a woman. She realized that a long time back and had just given up on coming off as feminine. With a square jaw and an Adam’s apple, she knew no amount of makeup would ever help. And below the belly, she stood on a set of monumentally thick legs. Not so much fat, but definitely thick like a man’s. No, no, she was never going to win any beauty pageants, not by long shot.
As she walked, she could feel the weight of her belly jiggling with each step. Back in high school, she’d worn a girdle to keep it sucked in, but by the time she made it to college, she’d given up on being uncomfortable…but at this very moment she wished she’d still owned one.
Why do they make us wear gym uniforms? she wondered to herself as she reached the center of the floor and stopped. She knew the answer and it was a stupid one. It was uniformity for the sake of uniformity. There was no real reason…it was just some stupid idea the district supervisors had come up with at some point for some long forgotten purpose.
The chatter suddenly died down as her gaze spread out across the gym. Both boys and girls made up the class…twenty eight of them to be precise.
“Alright, you know where the locker rooms are at…move it! Get dressed out and get back in here…you got five minutes,” she barked at them and immediately they scrambled off in two separate directions…the girls heading past her and the boys moving off to the opposite side of the gymnasium.
“I don’t know…is she even married?” she heard some girls whispering to one another as they moved behind her toward the locker room. She twisted around quickly and caught the one talking…it was Kerry Farris…double RR’s…the little bitch was in her third period biology class. She was smart, but also a little smartass who constantly ragged on others.
She knew what the comment was about. It wasn’t the first time she’d been mistaken for being pregnant…but it was the first time a student of hers had done so.
First day on the job…and already I got some little bitch making comments, she thought to herself as she eyed the little mouth-piece. Better nip in in the ass now, she realized.
“Y’know Farris…I got really good hearing,” she blurted out loud in the direction of the girl and her small collection of followers. “I’m not pregnant…and I’m not married…and I am not a lesbian.”
Damn…probably shouldn’t have said that last part, she realized just a second or so too late to stifle it.
The little blonde’s eyes ballooned into saucers, her eyebrows doing their best to climb into her hairline. “Sorry, Miss Pike,” she sputtered with a meek and squeaky voice as she disappeared around the corner into the locker room.
Great job, Robin…outstanding!

As her boss has suggested, she put the whole class to playing basketball…girls against girls on one half…boys against boys on the other half. Climbing up into the bleachers, she unrolled her copy of EW and began thumbing through it…hoping to waste the hour reading about celebrities and people with real lives. But as she glanced up and over the top of the magazine, she caught sight of a gaggle of girls pointing over at the boy’s side.
Following their gazes, she locked onto Sammy Hogan, a short fellow with brown hair and deep green eyes. He was also in her third period biology class, but unlike Farris, the boy tended to be seen and not heard. Even now he was standing off to the sidelines and doing nothing but watching the other boys playing.
He’s a nerd, apparently, she surmised from her immediate survey of the scene. Little bitches are probably making fun of him. The idea pissed her off and she decided to shout something at them.
“Farris…Holt…Kimble…why don’t ya’ll play a little ball yourself and stop staring at other people, huh?” Her voice was louder than she intended and everyone stopped to see who was getting bellowed at. “I didn’t say stop!” she added and everyone quickly resumed play…everyone but Hogan.
“Hogan, come see,” she called out to him and reluctantly he started walking towards her.
As he approached the bottom of the stairs leading up into the bleachers where she sat, she noticed he was walking awkwardly and in a manner that didn’t seem natural at all. She also noticed he had pulled on his t-shirt so much that he’d visibly stretched it and it hung down halfway to his knees…almost concealing his shorts entirely.
“Are you okay?” she asked as he reached the level where she sat reading. “Did you hurt yourself?”
“No ma’am…I’m okay,” he answered as he nervously glanced down at the others on the court below them.
It was the first day of school and everyone’s uniforms were brand new…so it struck her odd that his shirt was so stretched out of whack.
“Did somebody pull on your shirt?” she asked, wondering if she’d missed the boys rough-housing somehow.
“No ma’am,” he replied, his eyes flicking from her to the court and then back again.
She followed his gaze and realized it led toward the girl’s side of the court…and not the boys’. At some point then, it struck her what was going on.
Ahhhh, she thought to herself, a small amount of amusement building up in her mind. Mister Hogan must have popped some wood down on the court watching the girls and they saw…and he tried to pull his shirt down to hide it.
She remembered such incidents in school herself back in the day…not too many years past. Guys would hold books in front of themselves or turn to face their lockers…or even take off running in a few incidents that she recalled witnessing.
“Are you having issues, Mister Hogan?” she inquired, a slight nod toward his hidden man junk. “It happens…don’t sweat it too badly. Go take a cold shower if you need to.”
He looked oddly at her as if he didn’t understand what she was talking about.
And this would be why boys should have male coaches and girls should not be in the same class with them, she mused.
“Go on back down,” she said with a sigh, but just as he turned to head down the steps, she caught sight of something hanging down the leg of his shorts. “Whoa, hey…hold up,” she called out to him and stopped him dead in his tracks. “Turn around pull your shirt up.”
As the boy turned, his eyes grew to twice their size and she could swear that sweat instantly beaded up on his forehead.
“Pull your shirt up,” she repeated and he reluctantly fished the tail of his t-shirt up to the waist of his shorts. Now it was her own eyes that bugged out of her head.
Down the left leg of his shorts, shot a thick tube of something…running in length from a bulbous knot in the center to just short of an inch perhaps, from the bottom seam of his shorts leg.
Looking up at his face, she realized he was horrified. Sweat, indeed, poured down his face and his cheeks were blood red in hue…his mouth hanging open with no words emerging from it.
Ironically, she realized she was blushing herself…sweat beading up on her brow…and to her embarrassment, she knew also her own mouth was gaping.
Of his own volition, the boy slowly dropped his shirt down again to cover himself.
“Can…can I go now?” he finally muttered after several long seconds of silence.
“Is that…ummm…is that what the commotion was about?” she asked him as she fought down the urge to literally point at his crotch. She glanced down at the court and realized Farris and her bitch battalion were still gawking up at them. Had she pointed at his junk, she knew they would notice. “Is that what the girls were watching you for?”
“Yes ma’am,” he replied.
“I should probably ask…or maybe I shouldn’t,” she began and then cut herself off, unsure of how to proceed. “Never mind, just go back down…and…and oh, whatever.”

At two forty five, she blew her whistle and sent everyone to the locker rooms to dress back into their regular clothes. And as they all s**ttered, she descended the bleachers and crossed the court toward the boys’ side. As she approached the hallway that lead back into the locker room, she slowed and stepped quietly around the corner and into the long corridor.
As she crept down the hall, she could hear the sounds of boys chattering to one another as they undressed and redressed…intermingled with the sounds of slamming locker doors and water faucets and the occasional toilet flushing.
Near the door leading into the locker room, she found a door marked “Equipment” and she pushed it open and stepped inside. The light was off and she stumped her foot on something heavy and immovable. Carefully now, she felt her way forward and waited for her eyes to adjust.
On the far side of the narrow room, she could see light emanating from a crack near the floor. It was another door and one that opened into the boys’ locker room. She inched forward through the dark death-trap of a room until she reached the lighted crack…and just as she reached to find the door’s handle, it burst open and she was pinned behind it as a boy barged in and tossed two basketballs onto a rack opposite the door. She froze and grabbed at the door handle so she could hold it open and conceal herself behind it.
Without even the slightest notice, the boy immediately turned and stepped back out and she let the door go so that it closed behind him. She’d nearly shit herself, but at least she knew what the inside of the room looked like now. The momentary blast of light had allowed her to see where all the various pieces of junk and equipment were located…so at least she wouldn’t maim herself now if she had to make a run for it.
She stepped a bit closer to the door and pulled it open slightly so that she could peep inside the locker room. Two rows of lockers lined up leading away from her and on the far side of them she could see straight into the bathroom. She could plainly see a line of urinals and one open shower stall. Between there and her position, were eight boys, seven of which were finishing up redressing. One by one, they all headed out toward the main door…all but one.
Sammy Hogan remained in his gym uniform sitting on a bench in front of the back row of lockers. When the last boy exited and the ruckus died down, he stood up and opened his locker and quickly pulled his shirt off and tossed it inside.
From her vantage point, she could see his profile and she immediately noted the bulge in the front of his shorts was much larger than she had realized. As she watched him, he pulled his shorts down with fantastic speed and kicked them off. By the time he was standing upright again, his hands were already reaching into the locker for his jeans…but despite his hasty and nimble movements, she saw far more than she expected to.
He was wearing white briefs and while they managed to contain and uphold his testicles, their high cut legs offered nothing in support for his fat penis. The oversized thing just hung out the left leg and dangled like a large sausage as he moved hurriedly to put his pants on.
Holee shit, he’s hung like a bull moose!
When he’d first lifted his shirt up while she was in the bleachers with him, she’d assumed the bulge might be fake… perhaps a pair of socks or something stupid. Boys would do dumb things sometimes…but as she peeped at him now, she learned with all too much clarity, that what had bulged down his shorts leg was nothing less than man-meat.
His underwear can’t even hold that thing up, she deduced as she surveyed its dangling length and marveled at its girth. She knew then what had happened. While playing ball, his dick had obviously worked its way down his leg hole and he’d been unable to fish it back up into concealment…so he’d jerked his shirt down to hide it and stopped playing for fear it’d pop out completely.
Shit…that thing’s got to be half a foot long…six inches limp or I’m hallucinating, she speculated as he pulled his jeans up and over his knees. She gasped when he stopped and let go of the jeans. Standing upright, he rolled the top of his underwear down and flopped his big sack of balls out…then with a quick tug he reached inside and fished his dick back up from the leg hole and let it flop down atop his testicles.
Oh fuck me running! She bit her bottom lip to prevent making a loud gasp as she fathomed the fact that his testicles were at least the size of ping-pong balls…perhaps small eggs even…and the sack in which they lived was bloated and round in and of its self. His scrotum was large and obviously filled full and his lengthy cock d****d over the top of it like a lazy snake.
He heard a sound behind him and twisted to look toward the bathroom where another boy…Robbie Ward…emerged slinging his hands dry.
“Later dude,” he called out to Sammy as he departed, heading for the main door. “I leave my stink with you!”
“Gee thanks,” Sammy replied as he did his best to remain with his torso facing away from the other boy’s position…but that placed him facing directly toward Robin’s location, so in the moments that the other boy took to leave, she was free to gaze upon Sammy’s massive genitalia which still hung out over the top of his underwear.
When the outer door slammed shut, and Sammy was sure he was alone once again, he looked around the locker room once more and then pulled his jeans up and tucked his junk down into them without putting them inside his underwear. He didn’t button or zip the pants either, but instead, turned and walked off toward the bathroom while merely holding the waist of his jeans up so they wouldn’t fall down.
Robin watched with curious eyes as he made a round through the bathroom and then returned to the main area and finally back to his locker.
He’s already got his pants on…so why is making sure nobody else is in there? He was up to something, but what, wasn’t quite clear yet. But as she watched, his intentions became all too obvious.
He reached up into his locker and pulled his backpack out and then moved it over to the top of the bench where he’d been sitting earlier. Opening it, he pulled out a folder and from inside the folder, he pulled out a glossy, full sized piece of photo paper with a woman’s face on it. With a flick of his wrists, the single page unfolded into four sheets…all taped together so that it resembled something of a centerfold. With care and caution, he hung the 11x24 self-made centerfold onto the face of the lockers beside his using what looked like self-adhesive or perhaps some wads of chewing gum which were attached to the back of the top paper sheet.
When he stepped back, she could see the image of the woman on the papers was obviously not a playmate centerfold of any type. In fact, she was rather fat and homely looking, practically old enough to be his mother probably…and the photo was obviously a private photo taken with a digital camera, probably for the woman’s husband or boyfriend. How he’d gotten a hold of it was anybody’s guess…most likely found on the internet, she imagined.
Looks like he’d have gotten himself a better looking bitch, she thought to herself…but even as she thought of this, her eyes were already refocusing on his genitals as the boy pushed his jeans down and re-exposed them once more. To her shock, when his pants dropped, his cock popped out and by the time the jeans slid to beneath his knees, his penis was more than half erect, pointing outward at a dipping angle.
Oh shit, he’s gonna jerk off!
Suddenly she wasn’t sure if she was horrified or elated. But as she continued to spy on him, the feelings of horror slowly faded and were replaced fully with lewd and tempting urges to do more than just watch him.
The woman on his photo poster was middle-aged, fat and nothing to write home about…and yet here he was, his balls and cock out…and his dick growing harder by the second. In her mind, she fantasized that she could make her way around to the main door and barge in…catch him jerking off. Hell, she could say she thought everyone was gone…it wasn’t on purpose, right? No one could fault her for checking to make sure everyone was out and heading for home…it was nearly three o’clock after all, right? And what if his dick stayed hard? What could he do if she approached him…snatched up his centerfold poster? She fantasized about berating him over his actions… about his fat dick and his bloated balls.
“No, no, Mister Hogan…you finish up…you just go ahead and crank that cock and I’m gonna watch…make sure you do it right,” she imagined she’d say as she forced him to jerk off in front of her. “No, no, Mister Hogan…why are you wasting cum on that nasty paper bitch when you can cum on this,” and she’d pull her shirt up and make him shoot his shit all over her body.
Fuck, that would be so hot! But it also would probably be a bunch of shit that she’d end up in the pokey over. With her luck, he’d probably run screaming from her before she ever even got a chance to say shit to him. Guess I just stand here and watch like a peeping tom then! It wasn’t as hot, but at least it wasn’t as likely to end in disaster.
As she watched, he began to pump on his cock. His hand was moving speedily from the moment his fingers encompassed the girth of his shaft…and in less than two minutes, he was squirting semen like a water cannon, blasting white mess all over the front of one of the lockers and as the streams decreased in urgency and force, the gooey blasts lowered until the last two plopped out and landed on the floor between his feet and the lockers.
Hurriedly, he pumped a few more strokes on his cock and milked out the last remains of his load before he shoved all his equipment back down into his underwear and then pulled up his jeans. After buttoning and zipping, he reached up to his locker and carefully pried the poster loose and then folded it and replaced it inside the folder and then crammed said folder back into his backpack. Moments later he was pulling his shirt down and pushing his feet into his still-laced tennis shoes.
As he departed the locker room, Robin carefully listened for the main door to slam shut. Once she’d heard it, she opened the equipment room door fully and stepped out into the locker area. Glancing about cautiously, she made her way the twenty or so feet to where Sammy had been masturbating.
The boy’s semen was still wet and dripping down the front of the locker, though it was now nearly clear except for the large drops that formed at the bottom of each rolling drip. With a nervous and shaking hand, she reached out and cupped the bottom of the locker and sc****d upward, scooping up the whole of his load that had splattered against the front of it. By the time she was done, she had a literal palm full of cum and that didn’t even account for the puddle on the floor near her own feet.
For a few awkward seconds, she played with the sticky mess in her hand before a naughty thought crossed her mind. At 26, she was still a fucking virgin. It was ridiculous and it certainly wasn’t by choice, but it was true. In her whole life, she’d never had semen on her…not in her hand…not in her pussy for sure. And now, out of some freak event…she was standing alone in a boys’ locker room with a hand full of cum.
With her unblemished hand, she pushed her shorts and panties down and then she kicked them off completely. Bottomless, she stepped sideways and straddled the bench where Sammy had been sitting. Plopping her pudgy ass down on the wooden seat, she spread her legs and reached down to her aching pussy with her good hand and began to finger herself with a lusty force. Her climax probably took about as long as Sammy’s had. In what seemed like only a few heartbeats, she was in full orgasm. As her own juices welled up and exploded out onto the top of the well-worn wooden bench, her eyes moved to her right hand…the one she held palm up…the one in which she still cupped a large helping of semen.
She moaned out loud as her vaginal lubricant oozed from her spread pussy and coated her left hand…the same left hand that was busily cramming its fingers in and out of her while the thumb roughly rubbed on her raging clitoris.
“Nasty little fucker…you wanna cum on me, don’t you… yeah, you do…you wanna cum on me bad…well do it…you fucking cum on me you sick little fuck…beat that fat cock all over me, dammit!” she blurted in a long string, stopping only to gasp in between demands to her imaginary student.
One second she was holding the semen and the next second her right hand was between her legs and smearing the cum load all over her spread pussy. Then she was lying on her back on the bench, both hands working at her hole…then the right one was delving inside of her, cum coating and all…and she didn’t care that it could actually end up in her getting pregnant.
“Fuck it…look pregnant any damned way…might…might as well enjoy it,” she muttered amid gasps as she fingered herself with two fingers…then realized she could slide three in because of all the slick and slimy excretions that lubed her crotch now. “Yeah, you cum in me…cum in me Mister Hogan…you cum in me and make me pregnant!”

The following day found Robin once again sneaking into the equipment room to spy on Sammy, but this time she waited only long enough for the last of the boys to enter into the locker room before she crept down the hall and into the side storage room.
As she opened the equipment room’s secondary entrance door and peeped inside, she caught sight of nearly twelve boys all in various states of undress. Several were scampering off into the bathroom to the showers completely naked. It was a veritable sausage festival…not an impressive one, but certainly more dicks than she’d ever seen at one time in her entire life.
Some of the boys were quite obviously in the throes of puberty and the sizes of their man-parts varied from “barely there” to “not bad.” She looked around a lot, but mostly only to kill time as she waited for them all to finish up and get out. Her reason for spying, of course, was sitting alone on the bench in front of his locker as he had the day before…obviously and patiently waiting for the same thing she was.
Near 2:58, the last one scampered out and Sammy finally stood up and began to change out of his gym uniform. To her disappointment, she caught only a momentary glimpse of his oversized parts as he pulled his underwear down and fished his dick up from its usual leg-hole location. She’d been hoping for another masturbation show, but apparently he wasn’t in the mood and so within another minute or so, he was fully dressed and heading out himself.
She waited till she heard the main door slam shut and then she departed the equipment room and crept back out to the gymnasium where she caught a limited view of him heading out the large double entrance doors behind a girl…Kerry Farris. She was too far away from them to understand what was said, but the little bitch turned as she went out the door and said something to Sammy followed by a snide grin that he did not return.
Little bitch is still fucking with him!
Suddenly she had an odd urge to protect him. What was he now…her boyfriend? The idea was lame and ludicrous, but she’d had his bodily fluids on her…so maybe that counted for something. She didn’t like Farris anyway, so maybe it might give her excuse to go off on the little cunt.
Outside the gym, the hallway was busy with students all heading out to the either the bus ramps or the parking lot. She had to scan for nearly a minute to pick up on Sammy’s position again. She locked onto him just as he exited out toward the parking lot…Farris still walking behind him quite close.
Out in the back of the school was a long driveway that curved around by the main doors and parents generally lined up there to pick up their k**s every afternoon. Once out of the building, the crowd of students broke up and she was able to follow Sammy much easier as he made his way down the sidewalk and along the line of cars and trucks full of waiting parents.
About eight or nine cars down was large SUV and as she closed on it, she realized Farris was peeling off and getting into it. As she passed the vehicle, she looked over at the driver and took note of the woman’s appearance. She was short and thin, no tits to speak of and had her hair pulled back in a skull-tight blonde ponytail…basically an older version of her daughter and their facial features were uncannily similar as well.
And probably a bitch too, she imagined as she walked on past them and scanned to relocated Sammy. He was heading toward the end of the car line it appeared…but then he passed the last car and walked over into the parking lot where the faculty cars were located.
A plumpish woman dressed in fairly nice clothing sat on the front edge of the hood of her dark green Ford Taurus. She decided to follow the boy on out into the parking lot as her own car was parked only two vehicles over from his mother’s location.
By the time Robin reached them, Sammy was already inside the car and his mother had opened her door but had stopped before getting in to wave and speak briefly to someone driving out of the main drive. She turned to see who it was and shockingly it was the white SUV belonging to the Farris bitch’s mother. Obviously the two women knew each other. So was Farris really fucking with Sammy? She wasn’t sure now.
Reaching her own car, she pulled her keys out and unlocked the driver’s door and then pulled a tote-bag she kept in the passenger seat out and pretended to rummage through it while doing her best to look at Sammy’s mother while she continued to talk to Farris’ mother.
At one point, Miss Hogan stepped away from her car and walked out across the sidewalk to the drive where she leaned up against Farris’ SUV so that the two could talk without yelling at one another. As she crossed the expanse, Robin was able to get a much better look at her and what she realized shocked her to her very core.
His mother is the woman from his masturbation centerfold!
The idea was just unbelievable to put it nicely. As the idea took hold in her consciousness, she nearly gagged. After several seconds of forcing her lunch back down, she again looked out at the woman and found herself somewhat galled that the woman, as fat as she was, was in fact, dressed in the manner that she was. Could this be the reason her son saw her as a sexual object?
The woman was wearing a silky blouse that was tight all over and especially around her moderately large cleavage and the fat roll that mushroomed out over the top of her too-tight and high-waist jeans. The pants themselves were tight to the point of looking like they were painted across her wide ass and in the front, a large swell of belly bulged through the confining denim below her waist band making her look slightly pregnant… a fact which rang familiar with Robin herself. Any time that she wore high waist pants herself, she ended up with a similar belly bulge. As often as she’d caught hell in school though, she couldn’t imagine purposely wearing tight clothing like this woman did that not only accentuated her bulges but for all purposes, pretty much put them on display.
Robin looked up at her face and recognized the hair color and certain aspects of the woman’s face matched Sammy’s. There was certainly no doubt this woman was his mother. Why she hadn’t noticed the similarity the previous day while looking at his home-made centerfold, she had no idea. But now, seeing the woman in the flesh, there was no doubt at all. Sammy had been jerking off to his own mother. But where had he gotten such a crude and nude photo of her like that? From the home computer no doubt. As she’d assumed the day before, it was probably a digital photograph intended for her husband or boyfriend. Thinking on that, she tried her best to tell if the woman had any rings on her left hand, but the distance between them was too far to see clearly.
Robin finally tossed her bag back inside her car and shut the door. When she clicked her keychain to lock it back up, the beeping sound was loud enough to draw Miss Hogan’s attention, and as she approached the woman as she walked back toward the school, Farris pulled away and rolled her window up…leaving Hogan standing on the sidewalk directly in her line of travel.
“Hi there,” the woman said to her as she approached. “Are you Miss Pike?”
“Yes,” she answered as she came to stop a few feet from the other woman.
“I’m Sondra Hogan…my son is Samuel Hogan, he’s in one of your biology classes and he has P.E. with you too, I think.”
“Um, yes…yes he does…he’s a good student,” she sputtered, unsure of what to say and rather nervous because of the things she knew about this woman and her son.
“Well thank you,” she replied with a smile. “Do you have a moment?”
“Umm sure,” she responded, even more nervous about the situation…and fighting the urge to bolt.
Sondra looked around nervously herself for a second or so before returning her attention to Robin. And before speaking, she stepped a bit closer to her.
“We just moved here this year and I don’t know anyone yet except for Anita,” and she pointed off in the direction the SUV had driven off in. “She’s my neighbor,” she added, explaining how the two knew each other. “I have been sort of hesitant to talk to anyone here at the school yet, but Sammy said he had a bit of an issue yesterday in gym class and I think you already know what I’m talking about.”
Robin knew her face was probably devoid of blood and color and her lips were dry like sand, but she knew she was going to have to respond in some manner. Unable to force any verbal admission out, she instead opted for a short nod and left it at that.
Sondra must have noticed her look of horror because her friendly and bubbly attitude shifted into something more akin to nervousness as well before she continued on.
“My son has a condition called megalopenis,” she asserted with a deadpan expression. “Nothing is wrong with him, you have to understand, but the condition…well, it’s just an abnormal development of…of well, his genitals.”
Robin felt sweat beading on her forehead and realized she’d begun shifting from leg to leg, swaying somewhat. The other woman looked at her oddly as if she were gauging her bodily response to their discussion.
“I know this is kind of odd, but I wanted to explain it to you in case he had…y’know…another incident in gym class. He’s really sensitive about it and he gets embarrassed really easily over it,” she continued to explain. “And I was hoping not to have to tell everyone in the whole school about it. It’s sort of a personal matter and not something that you want everyone knowing about…especially other women,” she added at the last moment.
“I can imagine,” she stammered as she consciously forced herself to stop swaying. No matter how hard she tried though, she couldn’t seem to push down the image of Sondra naked that her son had been beating off to the day before while she watched in secret. She wondered if the woman had any clue about his possession of her nude photo…or that he was apparently sexually attracted to her. Further, she wondered if there might be more going on than she suspected. As casually as possible she glanced down at Sondra’s left hand noted an absence of any rings…but she did see a distinct dent and whitish ring around her finger that indicated the recent absence of a ring long worn.
She’s divorced apparently…not too long ago either!
“Well anyway…y’know…I’m sure you can handle it. But if he has any serious issues, just call me. I’m in the school parent registry. I don’t work, so I’m usually at home.”
“Umm,” she began but wasn’t sure what she was planning to say, so a silence fell between them.
“Uhh, is there…anything in particular I should know? I mean, about Sammy?”
“Oh, well are you familiar with megalopenis? It’s a rare disorder, so most people just kind of look at me stupid.”
“I have not heard of it,” she admitted. “But I assume it’s something to do with the size of his…well, his parts, obviously.”
“Yes,” Sondra replied and stifled a bit of a giggle. “He was perfectly normal till he hit puberty about a year ago…and…all at once he just started growing, y’know…and at first I just assumed it was…well I just figured he was gonna be a lucky guy.” She smiled now, but the look was nervous. “But after a point, I started to realize, y’know…like hey…this ain’t normal. So I took him to a specialist or two or three…and they finally diagnosed him with megalopenis…just a weird way of saying he’s got abnormally large man-parts, I guess. They don’t even know what causes it…it’s like girls who get huge boobs…genetics or something I guess. But he’s fine and all, but the…well…his parts sort of get in his way at times…sort of have the tendency to fall out at the worst possible times.”
“I think…maybe…that’s what happened yesterday,” she asserted with a bit of fake smile. “The Farris girl…and a few of her buddies were giving him the stare-down. I don’t know if they saw anything or not. I mean I didn’t,” she added in a little more forcefully and loudly than she probably should have. “I just…well did he tell you what happened?”
“Mostly,” his mother replied. “He said you made him pull his shirt up.”
Robin knew she was blushing.
“I did,” she admitted. “I had no idea…y’know…but…well I mean I figured it out pretty darn fast, let me tell you,” she continued with a bit of nervous giggle. “Oh sorry…I didn’t mean to make it sound like that…I know it probably embarrassed the crud out of him, but it sort of embarrassed me too.” She sighed and realized she was prattling on like a moron. “I won’t do that again, I promise. I just had no idea what was going on.”
Sondra put her left hand on her hip and with her right hand, pushed her short brown hair back over one ear before forcing a smile and then looking down at the pavement. After a moment she looked back up and made eye contact with Robin once more.
“I wish I could say that sometimes,” she remarked, once more with a forced smirk. “At home…well, it seems like every time I look at him I’ve got balls in my face, y’know.” She chuckled then as if she were trying to make a joke of it all. “Oh cheese, that sounded really crude didn’t it?” She stifled her mirth and continued, “I have to laugh about it sometimes. It seems stupid but it can be really, really awkward for both of us and especially since his father is out of the picture. I mean can you imagine how embarrassing this is for his mother to have to deal with?”
Once more, Robin found herself wondering if there wasn’t more going on at home than what showed on the surface. The idea that there might be was no longer gagging her at least. And strangely enough, it was almost intriguing to her now that she had talked to his mother.
“Umm,” she began to speak again but faltered at the last second. Sondra looked at her with a concerned expression and she knew she was going to inquire further. “I really wouldn’t have thought much about this…until now…I mean knowing what I know now and having met you…but…yesterday, in my biology class…Sammy left his backpack. And y’know, first day of school…and all…I wasn’t sure who’s pack it was so I opened it up to look for a name…and one of the folders I pulled out…well, it sort of had this kind of home-made centerfold…like three or four pages taped together--”
“Centerfold?” Sondra’s expression was one crossed between horror and shock.
“Well y’know boys…his age…well I just didn’t think much of it so I just put it back in there and a minute or so later he came back for the pack, so I just let it go,” she continued.
“But?” Sondra asked as if she knew there was a “but” coming for whatever reason.
“Er-hrm,” she cleared her throat and stared with wide eyes at the other woman for several seconds as she built up the nerve to expose the rest of her fabricated story. “Well I’m not certain, Miss Hogan…but I think the photo was…of you.”
She stared closely at the other woman to gauge her reaction. Was it going to be one of disbelief or one of embarrassment? Whichever way it went would reveal whether she knew about it…or didn’t.
Sondra opened her mouth as if to say something loudly… perhaps even to curse…but she froze midway through the process and just stood stark still with her mouth wide open and her eyes slowly gliding off toward where her car was parked and where her son sat. After a time, her eyes returned to Robin and her mouth closed but then puckered again as she attempted to form words.
“Are you…I mean…whu—are you certain?”
“It was an older picture…but yes ma’am.”
“And he what…blew it up and made it into a multi-page life-size poster?!” her expression was definitely one of horror that was leaning toward hostility.
She had no fucking clue!
“You were on your back…on a blue bedspread maybe… looked like maybe you were holding the camera up and taking the photo yourself.”
“OH HOLEE FUCK!” she blurted and her eyes looked like they were going to explode out of her sockets…and for a brief moment, the woman looked like she might collapse or faint. “Oh…oh shit…I’m sorry…pardon my language…I just…oh my… oh hell…I know exactly what picture you’re talking about.”
“Oh please,” Robin exclaimed. “Don’t freak out over it, it’s no big deal. Honestly I did crazy shit myself in college, okay, so we’ve all got nudie pics somewhere, right?”
Sondra swayed slightly like her legs weren’t as steady as they had been moments before, but she remained standing, her hand over her mouth…and fighting the urge to look over at her car again.
“He…he must have found it on my laptop,” she finally revealed. “I completely forgot it was on there. I…I sent it to my husband like…like five years ago while he was on a hunting trip with his friends.”
“Please,” Robin consoled her. “You don’t need to explain it to me, really…I don’t care and I’ve got no room to talk,” she added, knowing full well she’d never taken a nude picture of herself in her entire life…and certainly never had a need to take one for a man of any sort, but her ruse needed to be followed through with. “And like I said, I don’t…well, he’s a boy, y’know… they get porn one way or the other, so y’know…I mean I’m just going to pretend it never happened, okay?”
“Well thank you…seriously,” Sondra sighed, obviously relieved to hear that Robin wasn’t going to report her for it. “I’m not so much mad that he’s got porn…but…but why the hell is it me?” Here expression supported her dismay. She wasn’t faking or putting on a show. The woman truly had no idea he had naked images of her. “Ohhh…oh…you don’t think he’s actually…like…oh…oh!” and she covered her mouth and stared around Robin to her car at the boy sitting inside of it.
Robin reached out and put her hand on the other woman’s shoulder and casually stepped in front of her again to block her view of the boy and the car in which he sat.
“I really wouldn’t make an issue out of it,” she said with her best attitude of knowledge and wisdom. “At this age, boys will get porn one way or the other. Your photo was probably just… well…y’know…convenient I guess. When I was that age, my male cousin used to draw pictures of naked women to…to… well, y’know…what they do.”
“WHY WOULD HE BRING IT TO SCHOOL?!” Her hand tightened on her mouth and her words, despite being loud, were stifled somewhat as they hissed out through her fingers.
“Well…maybe…maybe he needs it,” she suggested.
“Needs it?!” she asked, her hand finally lowering from her mouth. “Needs it for what?”
“Well does he…I mean…has he started…well…masturbating yet?” she asked. She felt her face filling with heat and knew the other woman could tell she was blushing once more.
“Oh shit, I don’t know,” she blurted in response.
“Sorry…I guess this is outside my business--”
“No, no, please,” Sondra reached out and touched her arm. “You’re a biology teacher…damn…I don’t anything about this and his father is a total prick. After we got divorced last year, he literally moved out of state and just cut us off. We get support checks and that’s it. I really don’t have anybody to talk to about this…so please…if you don’t mind?”
“Well I…well just…please don’t tell anyone we had this conversation, okay. I mean you and I know we’re talking all business, but it might not come off that way to everyone else.”
“Oh, I know…I know…I won’t say a word, I swear.”
“Well if he’s getting erections and…er-hrm…I saw how big he is already…so if he gets any bigger than that…well I don’t think a shirt or book is gonna hide it very easily if you know what I’m saying.”
“Oh shit,” Sondra blurted. “Are you saying he’s like…well that he’s jerking off at school?”
“Let’s call it relieving tension,” she added with a smirk. “And honestly as much trouble as goes on with it…flaccid…well I wouldn’t say it’s a good idea to have him walking around with a constant erection raging.”
“Oh damn,” she muttered, her eyes bugging. “I hadn’t even thought of that. I mean he only started growing last year…and then I had the divorce and then we moved…and I just haven’t had time to really deal with him about this. I just assumed it would be a while before he started…well…that!”
“Well maybe not,” she asserted, knowing full well that he was…and knowing full well what he was using the picture for. “But anyway, if it were me…I don’t think I would really confront him over it. I mean if he’s dealing with it on his own, then that’s good. Like you said, it’s odd and uncomfortable for him to have his mother up into it to start with. And I know the fact that he’s got a picture of you is probably disturbing to say the least and I can certainly see how it could weird you out…but if you call him out on it and embarrass him…it could cause him to have serious sexual dysfunction later. I mean…early pubescence is a very awkward and important phase and the less traumatizing it is, the better. Especially with the extra baggage he’s carrying.”
Sondra looked at her oddly and then burst out laughing. Only at that moment did Robin realize that her last sentence had been ironically more than literal. At least his mother was laughing about it. So she let herself snicker a bit as well.
“Sorry, poor choice of words, I guess,” she finally asserted when his mother eventually stifled her own laughter.
“No, no…I think I needed a laugh break. Like I said earlier, it’s way too serious. If I can’t laugh about it, I’m liable to explode.” She stepped to the side again and stared out at her son still sitting patiently in the car waiting on her. “I’m gonna have to go or he’s gonna come sticking his nose up in our conversation in a minute.”
“Okay, sure,” Robin acknowledged as she turned around and waved at Sammy. “Let’s just both forget what we know, I think and if he has any problems, I’ll give you a call…privately.”
“I’d appreciate it, Miss Pike.”
“Good grief, just call me Robin,” she insisted. “Miss Pike is my freaking mother. And look, if you need to talk about this, I mean…I’m not a counselor or anything…but since I know about what’s up and all…well feel free to call me if you need to.”
“Can I get your number?”
“As long as you know I’m not a lesbian,” she replied with a smirk and pulled out a pen and handed it to Sondra.
“Oh…oh, no,” she chuckled as she took the pen. “Do you get that a lot?”
“Probably not so much if I had a better haircut and a wedding ring,” she responded.
“Both are over-rated,” Sondra contended as she uncapped the pen and waited for her to give her the number.

The drive home was more quiet than usual. After hearing about her son’s exploits at school, Sondra was even less inclined than usual to talk with him. He was a good boy for the most part and did well in school, but ever since his genitals had started growing, a rift of communication had opened up between them. She knew part of it was because of the divorce and she hoped dearly that he didn’t blame her for his father leaving, but she suspected deep down that he did to some degree. And on her end of the rift, the problem was his rapidly expanding man-parts.
About a year earlier, she’d started noticing his underwear were getting stretched out in the crotch. It was weird and she just disregarded it at first, but eventually she started looking when he wasn’t wearing pants…and before long, it started becoming obvious that his genitals were growing. She’d been in the middle of the divorce at the time though, and had been too distraught to deal with the matter. But just about a month after the divorce was finalized, he was walking to the bathroom one morning and she happened to be at the end of the hall. He was half asleep, and had started pulling his underwear down before he was fully inside the bathroom. As she gawked, he flicked his dick out and its length shocked her beyond all reason.
Unable to stop herself, she’d staggered down the hall to where he’d left the bathroom door open. Peering in, she again stared at his penis as he peed. It took several moments for him to realize she was standing there watching him, but when he did finally notice, he turned and smiled a sleepy grin at her and then fished his dick back into his underwear, flushed, and sauntered back out past her and headed back to his room.
His penis had been longer than his father’s and it disturbed her to no end. He was ten years old! Should his dick be that long already? She thought then of the stretched out underwear and realized that she’d just been overlooking his development for an apparently long while. He was limp! His dick was that long limp!! For the first time in her life, she found herself thinking of her only son in a sexual manner. At first it galled her and even sickened her to a great degree…but after a day or so of dwelling on the matter, her curiosity had started to get the better of her and she’d sought information on the internet.
What she found made her suspicions even more solid. She wasn’t certain what length his penis was, but it was certainly far longer than was average for his age…so her husband had not been small in comparison…no, no…her son was just big.
Over the next few weeks, she continued to keep an eye on him any time that he wasn’t wearing pants, and to her dismay, she began to believe he was getting bigger still.
One afternoon, she’d been in the laundry room just across the hall from the bathroom when she noticed a pair of his underwear. Holding it up, she noted the stretched region of the crotch was saggy as if it had not only been stretched outward, but also downward to some extent. Oddly, at that very moment, she heard the shower faucet kick on across the hall.
Sammy was taking a shower.
She looked at the underwear again dropped them into the open washer. Cautiously, she stepped out of the laundry room and crossed the hall to the bathroom door. She turned the knob and realized it wasn’t locked. She hesitated only long enough to think of a reason to enter the bathroom.
Their apartment was small, only a two bedroom, one bath.
She’d rented it while they waited for their house to sell. As part of the divorce agreement, they were selling the old house and splitting the proceeds from it. Once it sold, she intended to buy herself and Sammy a new house to live in, but for a while now, they’d been cramped up in the tiny apartment.
“Hey,” she called out to him as she eased the door open. “I gotta pee really bad…can I come in?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, whatever,” he replied through a drizzle of water.
She walked on in then and headed for the toilet which was positioned directly opposite the shower enclosure. The damn apartment was called an “efficiency” which just meant they didn’t waste any money on things like bathtubs. Nope, the bathroom did good to have a standup shower stall, a toilet, and a simple sink and mirror over it. The only cabinets were built into the wall beside the shower. So when she sat down on the pooper, she was literally only about three feet from where he stood in the shower. The only thing separating her from him was air and a hazy glass door that needed cleaning.
“One day we’ll have more than one toilet again,” she called out to him, trying her best to make light of the situation. About that moment though, the water shut off and the foggy glass door popped open…and before she could consider what was happening, her son stepped out of the enclosure, stark naked and wet…his body now less than arm’s length away.
He shut the door and turned, dripping, to the cabinet beside the shower and pulled out a towel. Turning back to face her, he unfolded the towel and tossed it over his head and began to rub his hair dry with it.
At that moment, she lowered her gaze and stared boldly at his naked genitals. His penis wasn’t the only thing larger than normal. His ball sack was fat and round…an apparently new development. Her husband’s scrotum had always hung down and looked deflated…his testicles dangling. But Sammy’s sack looked inflated as if it were literally full with something and not just testicles. As he flipped around with his towel, his penis swung from side to side demanding her attention. It too, was bigger and not just longer…but thicker. It looked fat…bloated and his foreskin encompassed the head making him look a bit like he was uncircumcised even though she knew he wasn’t.
How fucking long is that thing?! Shit!!
She couldn’t tear her eyes away from it, and all at once, she realized he was staring at her…the towel behind his neck now as he continued to dry off his back. He didn’t say anything though but it was more than apparent that he had noticed her staring at his genitals.
“Umm, sorry,” she muttered nervously. “I didn’t mean to stare at you…but…umm…wow…you’re getting big lately.”
He stopped drying off then and looked at her with an expression she couldn’t quite read. “You mean my wiener,” he asked as he let go of the towel with one hand and reached to heft his penis.
“Umm, yeah,” she admitted. “So, umm…you need new underwear maybe?”
“Nah,” he dismissed her suggestion. “They all still fit me in the waist…just not so much here,” and he shook his penis as if to emphasis what he was talking about.
The motion was distinctly lewd to an extent and it caught her off guard. A lump surfaced in her throat and for a moment she had to fight off the urge to vomit.
But as he stood there naked and looking at her, she realized he evidently expected her to continue talking to him. He appeared unfazed by his nudity in her presence and so she felt wrong to make an issue of it herself.
“Wow,” she stammered and allowed her eyes to expand a bit to underscore her exclamation. “You’re really big for your age I think.”
“I know…at school I’m like way bigger than everybody else,” he admitted.
“What?” she looked at him oddly. “What do ya’ll do… stand around in the bathroom gauging your junk size?” It sounded stupid enough, so she laughed, hoping it would break the tension somewhat.
“Nah,” he answered with a smirk. “We all pee in the urinals though, so you kinda see each other sometimes.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” she snickered. “You probably whip that thing out every chance you get just to brag, don’t you?”
She realized instantly she’d went over his head with their discussion. “Nevermind,” she blurted. “Get out of here and let me pee in peace.”
Maybe a month after that incident, he’d emerged from the bathroom naked and she’d run up on him in the hall once more and as she stared at his dangling nethers, she realized he’d gotten even larger, not only in the dick, but also in the scrotum.
It was then that she concluded something wasn’t right and decided to take him to the doctor about it. The usual family physician looked at her like she was stupid when she told him about it…but without much debate, he told her he would recommend a good urologist for her.
The urologist, as it turned out, was assisted by a Nurse Practitioner who was female…and until such time as a serious medical condition warranted it, the NP was the one that would be treating Sammy. It annoyed her to no end, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. So the day of the appointment, she left Sammy sitting in the waiting area while she went back and met with the NP…a woman named Linda McDonald.
When the NP entered the room, she had Sammy’s chart in her hand and looked over oddly at Sondra…and Sondra stared right back at her. The practitioner was an older woman, probably in her late forties, chunky and not exactly pleasant looking. She reeked of a woman who did all the work while her male boss sat back and counted the cash she earned him.
“I think I might have the wrong chart--”
“No, no, I’m here about my son…I just wanted to talk to you before I brought him in, if I can.”
“Sure,” McDonald chirped as she crossed over and dropped down atop a rolling stool by the small desk near where Sondra sat. “What’s going on?”
“Okay, let me tell you up front, this is really weird for me and I’ve seriously been hesitant to even take him to anyone for this but I don’t know what else to do and I’m worried something isn’t right.”
“Relax and just tell me what the problem is,” Linda said, trying to calm her some. “What’s wrong with your son?”
“Well it’s not exactly something wrong with him…I mean it’s not normal, I can promise you that…but--”
“Miss Hogan!” the NP cut her off. “Just spit it out. I deal with men’s genitals and plumbing all day long. Nothing you’re gonna say is gonna blow my mind, trust me.”
“His penis is huge,” she blurted, eyes wide and sweat beading on her brow. “And I know you probably think I’m stupid but I’m not. It’s way bigger than it should be at his age!”
“How old is he?”
“He just turned 10 two months ago.”
“Okay…well boys start into puberty about this point, so a noticeable increase in the size of their genitals is perfectly normal and expected--”
“NO!” it was Sondra who cut off the NP this time. The nurse stared at her with unblinking eyes as if she was unused to be snapped at. “I’m sorry…but I don’t think you understand what I’m talking about. I’m not an idiot. I know what puberty is and does, okay? And yeah, I’m sure he’s started it, but this…I mean his size…it’s way more than---he’s bigger than my husband was, okay? He’s bigger limp than my husband was hard…bigger than any guy I’ve ever messed with in my life. Do you understand me?”
Linda scooted back a few inches on her stool and stared at her blankly for several tense moments before finally replying.
“Okay…for sake of argument, how long is it, you think?”
“Well I don’t know…I haven’t measured it for crying out loud!”
“Okay…well then we need to do that.” Standing up from her stool, the NP stepped over to a cabinet and pulled out an odd looking clear tube with markings on it. On one end it was open and on the opposing end, it had what looked like a syringe style pressure arm. Casually the woman moved over to the exam table in the center of the room and sat the cylinder down on the top of it.
“What the hell is that?” Sondra erupted, her dismay and horror all too apparent in both her words and actions.
“It’s a penile measuring device as well as a response stimulator. Most of our patients are older men with impotence issues and well…as you can imagine, while I have to test them, I don’t exactly enjoy nor is it professionally proper for me to do so with my hands. So some smart guy invented this thing. Man inserts himself into it…and I pull out on the arm here,” and she pointed to the syringe looking end, “and it creates a suction on the penis. If he has a normal response, blood flow will cause an erection to form. If he’s having issues, then it won’t and we move forward with treatment. A lot of times these things are psychological rather than physical…so we have to determine what’s going on before looking at d**gs and surgery.”
Sondra covered her mouth and looked quite on the verge of vomiting. The NP noticed and smiled.
“It’s also good for measuring which is what we need to do in this case. I can’t rule anything on him unless I can get an accurate measurement on his penis for comparison. I know this sounds pretty lewd and sexual in nature, but I assure you it’s necessary. The male penis can shrink up to almost nothing, especially during a physical examination, and so it’s imperative to make sure I’ve got an accurate measurement and not just a ‘holy crap it’s cold in here and you’re making me nervous’ type of measurement.”
Sondra wanted to vomit, but nodded her head.
“Are you okay?” The NP looked honestly concerned.
She gulped and nodded, hand still tightly clasped over her mouth.
“I’m going to need you to stay in here with us. I’m also going to ask another nurse to step in while I’m examining him. I don’t want to make this a spectacle, but he’s a juvenile and so it’s imperative you, as a parent, be present and the other medical professional is required for me to do the exam. Are you okay with all of this?”
Sondra’s eyes bugged again, but she nodded her agreement. “I’ll go get him,” she muttered as she stood up and left the exam room.
Moments later, she was back with Sammy and a young nurse was also present.
“Shut the door there, Shannon,” the NP said, motioning to the open exam room door…and the young nurse responded, pushing the door closed and latching it. “Alright young man, your mother tells me you’ve gotten a little girthy in the man zone and she’s worried something might be wrong.”
If looks could have killed, Sondra would have dropped dead on the spot. Her son glared at her in a manner she’d never before witnessed. He’d been pissed at her from time to time over the years, but never had he sent her a look this vicious.
“Now there are a number of issues that can cause male genital problems, and honestly I don’t think you’re likely to have any of them, but we’re gonna do a little exam to make sure, okay?”
Sammy turned his glare to the NP and then slowly nodded.
“I’m sorry, Sammy…I’m just worried. I told you it…it was really large for your age…and I just want to make sure everything is okay, alright? Don’t be mad…I’m just worried.”
Part of her wished she’d told him what was going on prior to the visit…but she’d figured he would throw a tantrum about it if she did. So now that he was here, there wasn’t much of a fuss he could put up…or at least she hoped not.
“Go ahead and take your pants and underwear off for me and then hop up here on the table.”
Sammy unbuttoned his jeans and then in one move, bent over and pressed his pants and underwear down to his ankles, then kicked them off completely. He lost his shoes in the process and despite his long t-shirt hanging down far enough to cover his junk, Sondra could still see his dick slapping against the fabric as he kicked the pants and shoes off.
Seconds later he was up on the table, his long t-shirt still covering his privates.
The NP had retrieved her clear cylinder device and was leaning over somewhat towards Sammy when she said, “Go ahead and pull your shirt up for me, Sammy.” When he did so though, the older woman’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.
Sondra looked over at the nurse at the door and her eyes were bulging as well.
Well at least I’m not c


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Never MarryChapter 7 The Agreement

“Sorry about this,” Al said as she handed Deb the half-full carton of milk Saturday. “We had cream of tomato soup.” When Anne had first eaten at Craig’s, his breakfasts were always cold cereal with milk and sugar. He’d always had milk in his refrigerator, and she’d always poured Anne a glass. When she’d moved in, Craig had started eating real breakfasts, and Anne was the only one who used milk. After two cartons had gone sour between visits, she’d asked Craig if she could give the milk to...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

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Indecent Proposal The Next Chapter

It had been a week after we had received another foreclosure letter from the bank. We were down to only a week and a half to go before they were to sell our home. I had to end up fucking a 40 year old guy to save our home 6 months ago. I am 23 years old and my husband is 25 years old. We had bought our first home together two years ago and then got behind on the mortgage after I had lost my job. It definitely put a lot of stress on our marriage since that time. I still hadn’t found a job and it...

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Indecent Proposal The Next Chapter

It had been a week after we had received another foreclosure letter from the bank. We were down to only a week and a half to go before they were to sell our home. I had to end up fucking a 40 year old guy to save our home 6 months ago. I am 23 years old and my husband is 25 years old. We had bought our first home together two years ago and then got behind on the mortgage after I had lost my job. It definitely put a lot of stress on our marriage since that time. I still hadn’t found a job and it...

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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER FOUR It was almost seven thirty and Sondra hadn’t come home yet, so Kerry was beginning to get a bit nervous. Was the woman testing her to see how she’d handle things as a babysitter or had something happened to her? By seven forty five, she decided to call her. “Hello?” “Miss Hogan…it’s Kerry…I was just checking to make sure everything was okay.” “Oh hey…sorry…I know I said I’d be back by eight or so, but I sort...

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Sparkys DadChapter 16 Agreement

“Look,” Diane asked when she came in to find Eric in bed, “is financial dependence a make-or-break issue for you?” “No.” Eric didn’t even seem to pause to consider. “I’ve said what togetherness is critical for me. A joint checking account isn’t among the parts that I need.” A joint checking account was only a tiny fraction of what he had offered. “I might want to wrap you in cotton batting, but I have always been clear that you had to fly free. I love you, and I love that you fly...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 34 Harry Gets Hermione

Chapter Thirty-Four – Harry Gets Hermione Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, grope, magic, mc, reluc, spank, unif Since acquiring the fabled Spellbook of Desires from the strange and frankly disturbing salesman at the Quidditch World Cup, Harry had not once used it to seduce Hermione Granger into having some hot teenage sex with him. Ron and half...

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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER SIX Eddie awoke to the sound of shuffling feet across carpet. It wasn’t the sound itself that startled him…but amount of it. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. What he saw took him by surprise. At the end of his bed stood two women. One was his mother and the other was Miss Hogan from down the street, a woman whom his mother was very good friends with, but her son annoyed the ever-loving shit out of...

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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

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Indecent act in Launderette seen by Janitor

I was emptying the washing machine in the laundry room of our high-rise apartment, when I heard a noise.Being on my own so early in the morning, might have concerned most, but this was a guarded establishment, so being attacked, never crossed my mind, but still I was in my nightdress and housecoat only, and only those two garments and it got my fertile imagination going.I put my clothes into the dryer, sat down and lit a cigarette(I sometimes smoked back then) and let my mind drift, what if...

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Training Agreement

This Agreement between husband and Wife covers the terms of the training of husband by his Wife to the optimal level of utilitarian and intimate service, as judged by the Wife. The Wife may use any and all means of enforcement as described herein necessary to achieve the results she desires. It is the intention of both parties that the husband shall become the sex slave of Wife for the term of this Agreement, to be formally trained to serve her, and that the Wife commits to firmly and...

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Traitor Book 1Chapter 16 The Planet of The Clones

Linda introduced Gen. Matilda MacArthur from intelligence to Jason’s group. “Matilda is the brains of our Intelligence outfit. She has already met with Major Connie Ross. They have been hard at work together, which is why you didn’t meet her at lunch. She will update you on what we know and have been thinking.” Matilda stood up to speak, “We have returned your senior intelligence assets back to the planet together with some of our people. “We are attempting to assess if there are other...

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Terms of Release The Agreement

Terms of Release - The Agreement by kittynor Synopsis:- We get to see the events in the past that led Rachel and Tammy/Derek to enter into the agreement. Author's note:- Many reviewers have asked me to continue the story after the events of my previous story "Terms of Release". I tried to start with that and then felt that each of the characters needed some background and substance. I decided to explore this story about how Tammy and Rachel arrived at the agreement that is...

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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 2

I did my best to act business as usual around him, and for the most part I succeeded. That is, unless Gavin was around. And as Vincent had moved out of the dorms and in with his new fiancée the week prior, Gavin was now around a lot. I couldn’t face him, couldn’t even see Gavin without the feeling of guilt eating me alive. I felt an almost physical pain even being in the same room as him, so like any brave, moral person, I hid my shame, lied my ass off, and ran away every time he was...

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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 2

Two weeks passed and, like I hoped, the incident between Eric and I had either been completely forgotten or ignored. I prayed that it was the former, but as Eric didn’t seem to be treating me any differently from before, I didn’t particularly care.I did my best to act business as usual around him, and for the most part I succeeded. That is, unless Gavin was around. And as Vincent had moved out of the dorms and in with his new fiancée the week prior, Gavin was now around a lot.I couldn’t face...

Straight Sex
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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER TWO The Nurse Practitioner, Linda McDonald rounded the edge of the exam table and motioned for her assistant, Shannon, a much younger nurse, to hand the penile response device back to her. She complied and moved back to her original position by the door. By that point, Sondra had taken up her position beside Sammy who sat on the bed with his swollen penis still wedged up inside the device. Linda sighed and looked...

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

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The Landlordrsquos Agreement

The construction had been going on for 1 year now and was nearing the end. Rahul stared out at the pavers and steamrollers as they crawled along the new flyover, putting asphalt down on the 500 crore project he had worked on for the past two years as a member of the Diamond Tourbo Department of Civil Engineering. It was the Colaba Boulevard project in south Mumbai, a badly needed overcrossing of Colaba Boulevard and Highway 5. When it was complete the residents of the fast growing Shivaji Chowk...

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The Prenuptual Agreement

The Pre-nuptial Agreement By Margaret Jeanette Margo Dunlop was having lunch with her old college friend, Susan Hatfield. She had not seen her for ten years. They were reliving old times, then their conversation turned to personal matters. "So, tell me Sue, did you ever get married? I thought you and Kevin were awful close in school." "No, I never got married. Kevin decided to study some kind of mysticism and I am definitely not into that. I've been going from place to...

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Ownership agreement

Definition of Terms: The submissive partner in this agreement shall henceforth be referred to as the Slave. The dominant partner in this agreement shall henceforth be referred to as the Master. From the moment this contract is agreed from both parts the the Slave will lose his real name. Instead he will be called “Slave”, “Pig”, “Worm” or any other name that Master decides to use for his property. Slave's Role The Slave agrees to submit to the Master in all ways. The Slave acknowledges that,...

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The agreement

As my luck would have it, i began 2009 unemployed. I had a little bit of reserve cash, enough for a couple months, but that was it. I was having some difficulty finding work, so i figured i might as well have some fun.  I got in touch with a dominant ladyfriend of mine whom i had served before and inquired if she needed any maidservice. She was very interested. This was a friend who owned a large home in the area and threw some of the biggest swinger, alt lifestyle and fetish parties around....

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The Agreement

Today was the day. Today was the day that Kenny Loravitz would go down in school history. The first boy to pass The Challenge. What am I talking about? Are you sitting comfortably? Good, I'll begin. Start of term of the fourth year of Canon Whatsit Church of England High School and we found that they had swapped all the classes about. Due to a stroke of luck, we had fifteen of the hottest girls in the year in our form. Not that I'd get any, you see I'm a 'geek'. I'm not the Alpha Geek,...

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The Prenuptial Agreement

The Prenuptial Agreement- part one by Henry Green "I can't take it anymore! I know that bastard is going to divorce me! I can see the signs! I can't remember the last time that we've had sex! He says he is working late at night. I know he's fucking that air head secretary of his!" Janet was frantic. If Steve divorced him she would be left with almost nothing. Janet's friend Sue was quick to reply. "Calm down Janet. I'm sure it isn't that bad. Besides how do you know ...

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Law of the BloodChapter 4 The Executioner

Roban thought about yesterday’s events after the girls had left but that got him horny, so he stood up to relieve his bladder and wash. He was hungry but before he went out to search for food there was knocking on the door. After he called out, “Come in”, the door opened and a woman he hadn’t seen before entered. The woman was of regal beauty somewhere in between twenty-five and thirty. High cheek bones, a thin straight nose, intelligent sparkling blue eyes and a rather small mouth with thin...

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The Keane Agreement 1

Nadia Keane is the oldest. The 30-year-old beauty stands 5’6” and weighs a modest 126 pounds. She has long shoulder length hair that is dyed a very pretty rose colored red. Her eyes are dark but soft and her beautiful 40-25-36 measurements get a lot of courtroom stares as she clicks her high heels around in those tight business suit skirts. Nadia works mostly as a public defender, and her stubbornness and success rate has earned her the nickname ‘Tiger Lady’. Her sister Rachel Keane is the...

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Indecent Affair

Slutty VelmaThe minutes ticked by. Blake lay on the bed, his anticipation growing by the moment. His thick cock had already grown to its full length as he played with it. His eyes were glued to the bathroom door, waiting for it to open.The door opened a sliver, teasing, and then fully opened. Out came Katrina, his fuck buddy, dressed in a hot cosplay outfit modeled after the character Velma from the cartoons. Her tight sweater hugged the ample curves of her braless tits as she jiggled and...

Straight Sex
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Indecent Proposal And Its Aftermath

My husband and I were married two years ago. I am now 23 years old and my husband is 25. We bought ourselves a very nice house a year ago. I thought everything was great until I lost my job several months ago. It was a big lost for us and our bills were starting to pile up. We couldn’t keep up on the mortgage payment and fell several months behind. The bank had now filed foreclosure papers. We had only 3 weeks to get our account current or our house would be auction off. It took me a few days...

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Indecent Proposal Wife Being Blackmail

I had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn’t get along with him at work. I didn’t really want to talked to him but I...

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Indecent Proposal

Marie had been ecstatic to when she had been promoted from her simple office cubical to secretary for the VP of customer relations, Mr. John Clinton. She?d only been working for the company for a year and such a high promotion was quiet surprising. Why, Mr. Clinton himself had come to her little box and told her the news citing how she had the best qualification. Almost a week in her new position she began noticing little things that seemed... odd. Mr. Clinton would call her into his office to...

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Indecent Exposure

Hi. My name is Erin. I'm in my final semester of high school. Most of my girlfriends are going to the prom next month. But not my girlfriend Erica and not myself either. We're going to ditch the prom. It is much too traditional and staid. Instead, we're going to San Francisco to be nasty girls and expose ourselves and watch guys and girls have sex. Maybe do some fucking too.More on our San Francisco trip in a bit. But first i have to tell you about a couple of transforming events that have...

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Indecent Proposal By Son

This is a story of me. I am Mallika and I am 43 now. It all started when I was about 42. I was happily married with my husband and our only son Ramesh. On an unfateful day I lost my husband due to an illness. I was pretty devastated as is my son Ramesh. We could not live anymore in that town so we sold our house. My son got a transfer to a remote village and we both moved and settled there. My son was 21 then and he is already working and earning well. Since Ramesh started working he gave us...

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Indecent Affair Of Mom And Son

It was Friday, Ravi couldn’t concentrate on his work. He was waiting to leave office quickly and get ready for special someone who was going to come tonight. Ravi finally packed his work, and left for his room, on leaving he called his sister, Seema, living in Indore at family home. Ravi: (on phone) ringing Seema picked up. Seema: Hello Ravi bhaiya Ravi: kaisi ho seema Seema: good Bhaiya how are you, haappy b’day in advance Ravi: I am fine, mummy nikal gayi hain Pune ke liye? Seema: haan...

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Indecent Proposal And Its Aftermath

My husband and I were married two years ago. I am now 23 years old and my husband is 25. We bought ourselves a very nice house a year ago. I thought everything was great until I lost my job several months ago. It was a big lost for us and our bills were starting to pile up. We couldn’t keep up on the mortgage payment and fell several months behind. The bank had now filed foreclosure papers. We had only 3 weeks to get our account current or our house would be auction off. It took me a few days...

4 years ago
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Indecent proposal ii

It was all over after that night with him i was feeling few changes in my self to! What i did really! Was it a right step for me. I was thinking about the social boundrees about me. What happend if somebody will know or saw me to going with him. Yeah! It was a narrow escape for me. I decided to come out & not to do it again in my life. I was ended towards my self although i am a married woman what is need of me. I made busy my self again in my family life. But some times its only your luck...

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Indecent Arousal

So to start this off -- I don't condone cheating, but I completely understand that things happen. I needed extra money this summer, so I got myself a job as a private duty nurse to this elderly lady whose family offered to pay me to live with her for just the summer. It seemed pretty easy. Anna, as she insisted I call her; basically took care of herself. I got to live with her for free. I couldn't have asked for a better job. She had a gorgeous six-bedroom house with a large swimming pool,...

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Indecent Proposal

I picked the couple up at the international airport. They were German, the girl around twenty-four, the man around forty-five. Still, from the way they talked and held on to each other, I got the impression that they were husband and wife. He had a hand on her waist, in the manner of one who married a young wife and is proud of the fact that it was out of love. As a taxi-driver in the rapidly expanding city of Islamabad, I have learned to derive characters of potential passengers with a single...

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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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I Love You Stephanie Mahoney

I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...

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Harry Potter and the Shadows of EvilChapter 1 Hermione

Hermione Granger clutched the old tome she had found closely to her chest as she moved through the halls of Hogwarts back towards the entrance to the Room of Requirements. 5 weeks into the school break, several members of the so-called Dumbledore's Army had returned to school for a little over a week (with their respective parent's permission, of course, or in Harry's case, cowed acceptance from his uncle, who was really more than happy to have him out of the house.) With Dumbledore's...

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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

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Rental Agreement Chapter 1

Melanie Chambers was not having a good day. When she got to work, she found out that the restaurant had hired two new girls. Ordinarily, that would have been good news except that Melanie was counting on some overtime money to help her make her bills. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Melanie as one of the senior waitresses there at Martha's Restaurant was going to be the one to get these new girls trained and brought up to speed on how they did things there.Melanie hated training new girls....

Straight Sex
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A Naughty Neighbourly AgreementChapter 2

I found I almost stopped breathing when she took her jeans off. Out of politeness I tried not to stare, but I observed how she did her best to execute the move in a dignified way. Plain white cotton panties — very nice — obviously they too would be coming off. They came off. She stepped out of them in the same calm, dignfiied way. I saw rather pale but nice thighs and a hell of a good show of arse-flesh, better even than I could have anticipated from its denim-packaged state. Then I saw our...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 23 An Agreement

"Ambassador Jon'a-ren, and your gracious Excellency, Lyn'na-ra--" "Please, Minister Keaton, no honorifics, please!" Lyn'na-ra protested. I am simply Lyn'na-ra. Titles make us most uncomfortable. It is not part of our culture and I beg you, do not inflict one upon me!" "My apologies, Lyn'na-ra. It seems so insufficient and disrespectful, in our culture, not to honor someone of your remarkable stature, one who comes bearing such an incredible offer!" "Then you will please call...

2 years ago
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The Agreement

One I met Jenny when we were freshmen in high school. We were both fifteen. I had just moved into the city, so didn't know anyone. We both lived close to the high school, and ended up walking in the same direction for a while, and she was in a couple of my classes. We became friends quickly. I was attracted to her almost at once, but was nervous about trying anything more than friendship. Jenny was beautiful, long blond hair, sparking blue eyes, and a body to die for. She had little...

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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...

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Black Cock Obedience Agreement

Black Cock Obedience AgreementHenceforth I,__________________ a degenerate Black-subjugated racially inferior white male piece-of-ass who seeks to make amends to racially SUPERIOR BLACKS for slavery, racism, and colonialism, agree without reservation to the following rules to serve and submit to all SUPERIOR BLACK MALES and all SUPERIOR BLACK FEMALES.1. I will enthusiastically fuck and suck all SUPERIOR BLACK COCKS bareback or otherwise, as often as commanded by superior blacks, I will gladly...

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Our New Agreement

This story does contain 'randy' material in some places. So, if you are underage or highly sensitive to transgendered or erotic materials leave now. Our New Agreement by Andi SG I sat tightly bound to my chair wearing only a pair of panties and a bra. The ball-gag in my mouth was surrounded by my freshly painted lips. I could not move or speak. I watched tentatively as my wife, Vanessa circled my chair like a shark. "I think we both know just how much fun this could be,"...

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Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone porn, sex, and nudes! Pornstar Sunny Leone is one of few Indian actresses whose career has been very successful. She has also succeeded in founding her mainstream with plenty of works in Desi porn. She has also managed to convince a few of her friends to upload content on her site. Walk with and let’s find out what Leone has in store for us.To start with ThePornDude was very impressed with the fabulous layout, the colors, sexy pictures of Leone on the background and colorful...

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