Our New Agreement free porn video

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This story does contain 'randy' material in some places. So, if you are underage or highly sensitive to transgendered or erotic materials leave now. Our New Agreement by Andi SG I sat tightly bound to my chair wearing only a pair of panties and a bra. The ball-gag in my mouth was surrounded by my freshly painted lips. I could not move or speak. I watched tentatively as my wife, Vanessa circled my chair like a shark. "I think we both know just how much fun this could be," she said seductively while holding my chin in her hand. "I know that I plan to take full advantage of turning you into my very own submissive and dedicated personal maid. I'm sure that our maid, Sarah, could use an assistant to help her keep this house clean. God knows this is such a big one. And besides, if you ever want to back out of this predicament I will respect and immediately stop when you voice the safety phrase we've chosen. However, I'd like to see just how far we might take this adventure. Are you game, husband?" Both my wife and I are highly imaginative with our sex-play. We've always enjoyed playing the game of "chicken" with our erotic escapades, seeing just who could go the furthest before the other reined things back in. I caved in first during our most recent and very public adventures. Though I was extremely excited by fucking my wife in the most public of places I was sure that we were only seconds away from being arrested for indecent exposure. As the owner and president of a major medical supply company I felt a bit too revealed. This time, however, I was determined not to be the one who backed out first. My wife held up our contract. The contract required me to be her personal maid for a period of a week. During this week I would relinquish myself of being her husband. I was to immediately follow all requests made by my wife, who would now be my employer. I was to conduct and present myself in as feminine a manner as possible. Placing the contract by my hand I signed it with great difficulty struggling against the tight reinforcement of the rope. At this point she buzzed for our maid, Sarah. Efficiently as ever, Sarah promptly showed up at the door and curtsied as we've come to expect. However, quickly recognizing the unusual scene in front of her she blushed. "Yes, Sarah. Do you have something to say?" Vanessa asked directly. "What is going on here, Ma'am? Why is Mr. Horne bound and dressed this way?" "As you can plainly see, Sarah, a change of status has occurred here. A new arrangement between my husband and I has been made. He is no longer my husband, he is my employee. Mr. Horne has left the room, so to speak. Who you see before you is the new housemaid and your assistant, Melissa. She is to help you keep our, I mean, my house sparkling clean. Your new duties, Sarah are to see that she becomes as efficient and as femininely demure as you are. You know how I like to see my help look as pretty as possible, especially around my guests. There will be bonuses for you regarding her successful transition. I will call for you both in three hours down in the main living room for inspection. I expect to see you both looking beautiful in your new maid outfits that I bought today. Now untie Melissa and show her to her new room in the servants' quarters." The blood rushed back into my hands and feet as Sarah loosened the rope. "Come with me, Melissa. I've much to do to you." I was taken to the large upstairs bathroom where I was given a razor and instructions to shave my legs and the few hairs on my chest. I applied hair- removing lotion to my face, which gave me a smooth almost child-like look. Sitting before the vanity Sarah began to pluck my eyebrows until all that was left were two thin arches. That alone was enough to give me a womanly appearance. However, her expertise in the use of cosmetics pushed the envelope further. My eyes became doe-like and my mouth luxuriously pouty. In fact, my mouth looked like it was made only for sucking. Needless to say, I was enjoying my transformation immensely. As Sarah continued to playfully paint my face we both were aware of an intimacy being shared by my emergence into femininity. "I haven't had fun like this since I was a teenager and used to make up my little brother, Melissa. Now, I once again have my very own living Barbie doll. I wonder just how I will be rewarded for turning you into a perfect housemaid." Sarah taught me how to roll up my stockings and put on a bra, which she stuffed with balloons filled with water. I even jiggled. We were having so much sisterly fun. But then it came time for my uniform. It was complete with a small frilly cap that would be pinned on a wig of long blonde ringlets. The sight of it made me realize that although this adventure was going to be randy amusement it was also going to be a week-long transformation of my once powerful status into one of humble servitude. No matter, I would not back down first this time. "Let me put on my maid's uniform by myself." And, as I did I mentally transformed from an equal head of the household to a demure housemaid. There was a part of me that embraced this change. My day-to-day existence as a powerful C.E.O. of my company was an endless stream of demands and decisions. I looked forward to simplifying my life. I practiced walking femininely until Sarah was satisfied. "No Melissa, hold your arms rotated out as you walk. Remember to sway them delicately around your womanly hips. Think of your hands and fingers as being lighter and dainty. That's it. Much better and quite natural." This continued for a few more minutes. "I believe that you are ready. A few rules that you must be aware of, girl. Never look at Ms. Horne directly and don't forget to curtsy when entering or exiting your mistress's presence. This is going to be so much fun. Additionally, don't worry how I might treat you. I have never been too hard on my assistants as I always appreciate their help. Now give me a pretty smile, Melissa, and welcome to the exciting world of slave labor." The Inspection. "I am taken by your miraculous transformation, Melissa. It's hard to see your former male self underneath that flowing mane of blonde curls and tasteful makeup. I like how you clasp your dainty hands together over your apron." Circling me, she continued her review. "Your uniform is well pressed. And I just love your submissive demeanor. Remember your status dear and never look me in the eyes or speak unless I acknowledge you first. Is that quite clear, Melissa?" "Yes, Ms. Horne." "You forgot to curtsy, dear. Let's try it again." Crossing my left ankle over my right I flared out the skirt of my uniform and humbly lowered myself before my mistress. "Much better, dear. You are just so adorable this way. I am enjoying this immensely. You look thoroughly emasculated, my once former husband. I find this situation and you quite charming. Additionally, there is something most provocative and stimulating going on here. I feel quite turned on." "Sissy-power," I thought, smiling to myself. "Well done, Sarah. The transformation is remarkable. I will expect you to further the illusion. I will tell you later, in private, on how I plan to reward you. Sarah, you are dismissed." Sarah curtsied. Before she left she turned to me and gave me a reassuring wink. "I have just a few more thinks to discuss, Melissa before you are excused. You may think that you know how things are going to go here but I plan on many surprises. You really are to be my maid. The sooner you accept your fate the easier and more rewarding it will before you. Oh, and regarding successful completion of your maidly duties, you will not be punished, meaning sexually gratified or humiliated for any mistakes like they do in those male-maid stories that you enjoy to read. I will see that you are gratified, and possibly lustfully so, only for the pleasures you bring me and serving me well, without any questions asked. Am I understood, Melissa?" "Yes Ma'am. The fulfillment of your desires is what I have been hired for. I will endeavor never to disappoint you." "I don't think that you will, sweet girl. That is all. Go see Sarah to begin training in the tasks that I am expecting you to do. I will ring for you when I need you." "Yes, Ms. Horne." I curtsied and went to go find Sarah. Oh, Mama. My flesh was trembling from anticipation of heady and carnal imaginings of this erotically charged situation. I was also aware of seemingly contradicting feelings of peace and contentment. Hmm. There were many levels operating here at the same time. And I was now committed to my new role for the remainder of this week. My new home. I walked down to the north wing of our, I mean, Ms. Horne's home. I was taken by the unfamiliarity I had regarding this portion of the house. The north wing contained guest and servants' quarters. No one was using the guest suite at this time. The gardener, Carl Brown, a young widower was housed in the adjoining suite with his eight-year-old son, Timothy. The cook, Mrs. Wendel, had her own room down the hall. Standing at the door to my temporary new home I was reminded of my position with a plaque on the door which read, "Servants' Quarters". I opened the door. Inside was a small suite with a kitchenette and two bedrooms, one for Sarah and one for me. Sarah was not here, but I found a note left for me on a bulletin board which also contained a list of chores and duties to be completed and by when. I read the note. Dear Melissa, Ms. Horne has requested that I head into town to pick up a few items (mostly for you, lucky girl). I will be back soon. Make yourself familiar and comfortable with your new home. When I get back we can discuss your duties and expectations for the week. Don't worry. I will see that we mix our hard work with pleasure. I am looking forward to sharing your company and making a new girlfriend. t.t.f.n. Sarah The suite was modest but comfortable. The decor was open, light and feminine. I could not help but to feel softer in this place. One of the bedroom doors was open and beside it was a small plaque with my new girl's name on it. It was clear that I was going to be continually reminded of my status. My bedroom was small and cozy. Various items had already been placed about to encourage my change in position and gender. The most obvious was an unpretentious vanity complete with typical feminine items such as perfumes, powders, brushes and makeup. There were even a few dresses, blouses and skirts in the closet. A small assortment of plain and colorful bras and panties were in my dresser. Sarah must have put a few of her own personal items in my room to make me feel at home and give me some choice of attire. All the servants' rooms opened out to a quaint courtyard. Walking out to the courtyard I enjoyed the peaceful surroundings, beautiful desert wildflowers and the sweet chirping of sparrows and house wrens. A year ago I had a small fountain installed for the help next to the patio. Sitting in the covered love seat adjacent to the fountain I began to settle into just what was happening for and to me. I took off my shoes and took a deep breath in. Smiling, I calmly swirled my pretty pink tipped fingers through the water of the fountain. This wasn't the first time Vanessa had indulged me in one of my cross- dressing fantasies. From time to time Vanessa would mischievously dress me up as her lipstick lesbian lover. We were also known to have many wild and extravagant theme parties. And, for a few of those occasions I had been dressed as a woman. One Halloween I was a tarty streetwalker complimenting Vanessa in her pimp costume. Another party was extremely decadent. The theme was S & M. It was there that I was introduced to the confining pleasures of a latex body suit and mask. I was tightly corseted. My heels were over five inches high. With only my heavily made up eyes and mouth peeking through my outfit I was certain no one recognized me as the host but only as another wantonly sexy woman at the party. I did nothing to break that illusion wrapping my full and creamy painted lips around the lips of willing guests. Most of our parties were for our close and non- business friends, as we wanted to keep the kinkier sides of our lives separate from our corporate ones. Sarah, of course, was our serving maid at all our parties and I have always carried a suspicion that she could read me even through my gender playful camouflage. But this time things felt different. This time the fantasy was not for an evening but an entire week. This time our play placed me in a subservient role to my wife. This time I would indulge myself fully into a new female persona. In my male persona I spend a great deal of time in a most demanding position. Multimillion-dollar contracts fold or flourish based on my decisions. I am ultimately accountable for 300 plus employees at three different sites, one here in Tucson, the others in San Francisco and London. I like to consider myself fair but have to be a benevolent dictator in management style. Most often my business decisions feel right but sometimes they can also be harsh. However, I'm good at what I do, reward myself well but still feel an amazing amount of pressure. Here in this peaceful garden wearing an easier and softer life I found myself looking forward to not only indulging in a feminine lifestyle but a simpler one. And having the center of my devotion totally focused on only one person, my loving wife, Vanessa, seemed reward enough. In fact, just as I was thinking of her I gazed up to the second story and noticed her looking out of our, I mean, her bedroom window at me. Catching my eye, she blew me a kiss. After her kiss, I struggled to hear what she was saying. I could have sworn she said, "Enjoy yourself, my pretty little maid. I have so very much in store for you." A shiver ran delightfully up my spine. I heard Sarah enter our quarters. And, as I returned to the our suite I saw her putting down at least six large shopping bags from various women's department stores. Smiling sweetly at me she joked, "Well, I wish I had stock in Nordstrom's with all the stuff that I got you there. Check out all the wonderful stuff that Ms. Horne had me buy you." In no time at all both bedrooms and our little living room space were covered with feminine finery. Blouses, skirts, dresses, shoes, wigs, make up and perfumes were scattered everywhere. Picking out a fuchsia rayon A-line dress Sarah squealed, "This is so cute. I just love it. Here, put it on, Melissa. And try on these sandals, too." Taking off my maid's outfit I put on the dress relishing the silky tingles created as it floated over my arms into place. Looking in the mirror I had to admit that I did look cute in it. If all the clothes that Sarah picked out were as right for me as this outfit I was going to be well frocked. However, I did have to wonder why Vanessa had arranged to buy me so many different outfits. I was just supposed to be her maid, and only for a week at that. "Sit here sweetie, and let me put some matching nail polish on you." I thoroughly enjoyed sitting across from Sarah as she held my hands sisterly painting my nails in a matching shade of fuchsia to my dress. As she caressed and painted my fingers she would occasionally look curiously at me and wink. "Sarah, I need to ask you. Why are you being so cooperative with Vanessa's and mine fantasy play-world? Isn't this at all weird for you?" "Is this weird for me? Well, I'd have to admit that it is a bit different. But, I've been your maid for over three years now, have followed many of your adventures and have served at all of your highly stimulating parties. Luckily, I am quite open-minded and non-judgmental. And, in fact, I find your escapades exciting and quite a turn on. There have been times when I've had to take a brief time away from my duties to relieve my pent-up sexual tension with a willing guest. And trust me there have always been willing guests who desire to make it with the maid. You'll discover that one, Melissa on Saturday when Ms. Horne throws one of her parties." My heart rate quickened upon hearing this. Sarah continued her explanation. "There are so many reasons why this is easy for me to play along, Melissa. I truly like you and Ms. Horne. Since I've been in your employ you both have always treaded me fairly and generously. You've never been mean regarding duties or requests. I respect that. You might also like to know that I am being treated to a substantial bonus and three days off. Ms. Horne was so pleased with my success regarding your transformation into this pretty sweet thing sitting across from me now. Of course this will mean that while I'm away you will have to do all the chores by yourself. Finally, I do this because I have always sensed something about you, Mr. Horne, I mean, Melissa. I've observed other times when you've been cross- dressed. You have never acted effeminate or parodied what a woman should be like as if you were a drag queen. You have demonstrated a natural grace and appreciation regarding your changes to the fairer gender. I love being a woman, Melissa. I love the freedom of expression and sensations afforded my sex. And, I don't believe that one sex owns it's own gender. I suspect that you know what I'm talking about. You have been just so comfortable being feminine every time that I've seen you dressed up. I've sensed an inner woman in you that I am only too happy to help out. I really feel honored doing this for you and Ms. Horne. It's so win-win for everybody and just delightfully decadent too. Melissa, trust Ms. Horne and me as we will not harm you. But, most of all, trust yourself. Give in to this dreamy present. And, speaking from experience, give in to the emotional presents and power that come from being in this playfully submissive position. Most of the time we maids have a pretty routine existence. However, we also are a curious mix of dualities, mystique, and meanings. Most delicious of all, maids often enjoy generating lusty effects on others. You'll like this aspect of the job, Melissa. In fact, I'm sure that Ms. Horne is counting on this, if not totally getting off on it. That woman knows what she wants and gets it." The buzzer rings. "And, speaking of getting what she wants, she obviously wants us. I'll go attend her now. But, quickly get back into your uniform, Melissa. A good maid never keeps her mistress waiting. See you out front. We'll talk and play with our pretty things more later." My days as a maid. Sarah was already hard at work polishing silverware when I arrived in the main living room. Remembering the expectations placed on me I curtseyed to my employer. "You need to be quicker responding to my calls, Melissa. I will not have Sarah covering for you. The floors need vacuuming and washing. The laundry needs to be ironed and folded." I could feel the watchful eyes of my mistress as I performed my chores. If she would compliment my efforts I felt gratified that I was pleasing her. I could feel myself becoming more submissive with each completed task. For the first few hours I was self-conscious being watched by my former wife. By the next morning I looked forward to her scrutiny. Later that afternoon I had worked myself into a domestic groove with or without her overview. Unbeknownst to me while I was dusting the den, Ms. Horne was observing me carefully. "Melissa, I am pleased by how quickly you have taken to your new role. One would never know that you are anything but a charming young woman happy at her work. I think that you have earned permission to do more personal tasks for me. Come with me to my bedroom, Melissa." Remembering my position I walked behind my mistress where I was afforded the most splendid view of her shapely ass moving rhythmically as she walked. Was she even aware of how graceful she was? Once in her bedroom I was assigned my new tasks of bathing, grooming and dressing her. To be so intimately close without being allowed full access was so erotic. It was like being kept in a continual state of foreplay, flirtatious and teasing. Vanessa knew the effect that she was having on me. I could look. I could even touch but I could not cross over the obvious sexual boundary. God, I was aroused...constantly. Washing her body with a soapy sponge was as close as I could get. Brushing her hair, laying out her clothes, trimming and polishing her toenails. So close to the smell and heat of her. But she would not let me acquiesce into my desires for her flesh. She clearly had other plans for me. She wanted to test my devotion. This only made me want to give in deeper to my submission. I wanted to wait hand and foot on her. My devotion would know no boundaries. I wanted her to be proud of me for serving her well. I wanted nothing than to be what I now was to her, her faithful maid. My routine was feeling quite comfortable by the time Sarah took her days off. I had taken to my new status easier than I even imagined I would. I got off on the Zen of housework. I found my chores relaxing and comforting. Being a simple woman with simple expectations appealed to me immensely. No matter what the chore was I did it feeling my blood pressure lower as my contentment would rise. All aspects of being Ms. Horne's maid gave me small pleasures. Even greeting guests at the door made me feel like an endearing hostess. I loved welcoming others into Ms. Horne's house. One guest in particular however did stir some latent feelings within me. As it often did, the doorbell rang commanding me to attend its calling. Nonchalantly, I went to greet whoever was at Ms. Horne's steps. I opened the door. It was Donald Caldwell, my general manager and second in command at my company. A million thoughts and panics ran through my whole body in the blink of an eye. "Yikes! What will I do? Will he recognize me? What is he doing here? Do I look okay?" Did I really just think that? "Do I look okay?" Wow. I wanted to look pretty for Donald. Donald had quite the deserving reputation at the office as a lady's man and his taste in woman ran along all lines. If one were an attractive female one felt Donald's lust for them. It wasn't vulgar, only appreciative. He really loved woman and savoring them. And, right now as our eyes met I could see that he was savoring and assessing me. In two seconds he had totally checked me out. First my face, then my chest, then my legs, my chest again and then settled on my face with a pleasant widening grin. "He likes me," I thought as I felt myself blushing. Remembering my role and praying at the same time that he would not recognize me I resumed my maidly duties. "Yes, sir. Can I be of service to you?" I could feel the kind of service that he was thinking of. Smiling wider he said, "I was expecting Sarah. I've not seen you before. May I inquire your name?" "Of course. My name is Melissa. I'm new. Sarah has been given a few days off. Can I be of assistance?" I said giving him a sly wink, making sure that he knew just what kind of assistance I might be willing to provide. My, I was getting into this flirty repartee. It was titillating fun. Disappointingly, as if he just remembered the reason for his visit, his manner became a touch more pedestrian. "Mrs. Horne requested that I stop by to pick up some papers that Mr. Horne left me in his absence. May I come in?" Suddenly, I realized that I had not asked him in, as I should have. Instead, I was having a delectable time flirting with my unsuspecting business associate. Regaining my occupational composure I opened the door wide and curtseyed. "Please come in good sir." At this point that Vanessa came to greet Mr. Caldwell, the object of my brief dalliance, with a kiss to his cheek. "Come in, Donald. I see you have met our new girl, Melissa," she said turning to give me a knowing wink. "Melissa dear, would you take Mr. Caldwell's coat and return with a few ice teas. Thank you. That's a good girl," she said as she waived me off. When I reentered the living room with the teas on my tray serving my former business associate and wife I couldn't help but think that this was quite the turnabout of position. At work, Donald was my right hand man quick to supply me with the latest figures or reports. Here I was now, serving him and unable to address him in anything but a formal greeting. My wife watched me for reactions as I waited on their needs. "Before you return to your dusting, Melissa, would you fetch the folder Mr. Horne left in his absence for Mr. Caldwell? It's on his desk." "Yes, Ma'am. Right away." Being fully aware of Mr. Caldwell's lusty eyes on my ass as I turned to leave I found myself automatically enhancing a more fetching wiggle to my walk. I wanted to be appealing to him. Quietly I admitted to myself that I want to excite him. I retrieved the folder I had prepared last week requesting priorities of company business from the den. Looking at the papers I sighed with relief that I would not have to follow-up with directions for a necessary lay-off of 14 people at our San Francisco location. To myself I thought, "I don't have to be responsible to anyone except my mistress." "Here is the folder that was left for you, Mr. Caldwell." I resumed my dusting but could easily overhear their conversation. "So how has it been at the 'shop' with my husband's absence?" "Truthfully, it's been rough at times. I could particularly use his feedback on what he wants to do with the operations department in San Francisco. Plus there is that pending pharmaceutical deal with our London market. That has me worried. If the deal goes through we will have to change our whole organizational structure to handle it. By the way, where is Stuart" "I do believe he has take a bit of well deserved time to find some inner peace." "Well that's pretty vague. Anyhow I hope that he returns soon. I must admit to being under a lot of stress. I feel tense all throughout my neck and shoulders." "Oh, you poor dear. I can help you out with some of the business decision. Remember I was a founding executive once and Stuart does share operations with me. Let me help you with those tense muscles." I could hear her next words before she spoke them. "Melissa, would you give Mr. Caldwell a neck rub." The devilish smile on Vanessa's face revealed her enjoyment placing me in this position of intimacy with my former associate. "Yes, Ms. Horne." "Loosen his tie and take off his shoes." There was something deliciously subservient about kneeling before Donald and taking off his shoes. I even gave his bare feet each a refreshing scrunch. I then stood before him as I took off his tie. Though I kept my eyes from meeting his I knew that he was watching me intently. Then standing behind him I started to knead his tense muscles. I found it fascinating to watch my polished fingernails dig tenderly into his shoulders. There was a wash of womanly nurturance combined with a desire to please him that was unmistakable. Donald closed his eyes as I rubbed him. "Oh, that feels so good, Melissa. You have wonderful hands." "Doesn't she though," chirped Vanessa staring at me. Catching my glance she nodded lasciviously towards Donald's crotch. Looking down I could tell that my massage was having an overt and lusty effect. His cock was visibly stirring through his pants. I enjoyed having this effect on him and bit my lower lip lustfully. I couldn't help but imagine how else I might use my feminine ways on him. I was certainly getting more comfortable with being a woman who had sensuous effects on a man. This man who was the second most powerful man in my company was easily reduced to putty in my delicate but persuasive hands. Closing my eyes I allowed myself to feel deliciously light headed. "That is enough, Melissa. You may return to your duties. Mr. Caldwell and I have much to discuss." "Ooh, cut short," I thought, but an order is an order. "Yes, Ms. Horne. I will complete my duties now. I hope that you found my massage soothing, Mr. Caldwell." "I did, Melissa. Maybe someday I could persuade you to give me a more thorough one." "If it is your pleasure, sir. However, I must leave to continue my duties as my mistress bids." Leaving I felt powerful in an odd way. That I, a simple housemaid, could have such an effect on such a powerful man felt invigorating. I continued dusting, once again, close enough to hear them talking. "You seem taken by the new help, Donald dear." "She is a cutie. I like her demure and unassuming nature. She's quite refreshingly different from many of the competitive women at the office. Melissa seems so unlike most of the women that I date and yet there is something both comforting and familiar about her. Is she taken?" "You know she was in relationship but I recall that the status of that has recently been changed. Shall I inquire about her availability? I think that she likes you, also. It was something in the way she walks and how she was touching you. A woman notices these things. Maybe I could arrange a date for you two lust-birds." Upon hearing this I felt my heart skip a beat and a stiffening twinge between my legs. If I were truly female I know my panties would have become moist, juicy with possibilities. Life in the gardener, er garden. My time off from my duties was also as exquisite as my overt expression of submission. It was during my off hours that I went over the preceding days noticing such things as Ms. Horne's increased interest in the business which required more time spent with Donald. I was also able to broaden my friendship with Sarah. Most excitingly, my off-hours were when I would be able to revisit a buried treasure of creative passion: painting. When was the last time I took the moments necessary to paint? It was once my solitary source of relaxation and creative outlet. Painting in the garden seemed so inviting that I could not refuse myself this luxury. I put on a pair of denims and a loose cotton blouse. The sleeve of my blouse fell off my shoulders revealing a black bra strap at my shoulder. I've loved this look on women and thrilled that it was now my look. I pulled my pretty blonde ringlets back into a ponytail and placed large golden hoops in my ears. Corral pink lipstick completed my bohemian outfit. I could almost hear a beatnik named Maynard beating his bongos off in the distance while reciting bad tangential poetry. I giggled to myself. Earnestly I began to paint. Time melted from existence. I melted from existence. There was just concentrated joy and pleasure in this act of creation. However, my focus was broken by a small curious voice. "Watcha' painting?" It was Timothy the gardener's son. "You're pretty and so is your picture. Do you mind if I watch? I wish my Daddy would marry you. He's lonely since mommy died. Would you like to marry him?" "Timothy. Stop that." I looked up to see Carl Brown the hardest working man I had ever known. Looking at him he reminded me of Nicolas Cage, lanky, unkempt and with sad basset hound eyes which ironically were quite an endearing feature. Everyone at the house had a soft spot for Carl. He was a good-hearted man. Loved his wife dearly only to lose her to some asshole drunk driver. Never had a bad word to say about anyone. Quiet in word and affect. Saddled with a heartache that was palpable from a distance. "Don't bother the nice lady. Sorry about my kid. He's been trying to fix me up with every woman that he sees. Thinks I'll be happier if I had a wife." "You would, Daddy and then I could have a mommy. Kiss her daddy. She's so pretty." "I'm sorry to bother you but he does this to Sarah too. I noticed clearly that I was no longer feeling too sorry for him. Interestingly, other baser feelings were emerging. "It's really no bother. In fact, I think it's kinda' cute." I extended my hand gracefully to him at the same time I noticed beads of sweat on his forehead and upper lip from his landscaping efforts. A wicked thought ran through my mind. Lick the sweat off of his lips. Go on, you know you want to do it. Composing myself before I would succumb to this desire I nonchalantly responded, "My name is Melissa. What's yours?" I asked even though, of course, I knew. I had hired him six years ago after the recent death of his wife. Once again I became aware of the sadness surrounding this hard working man who had lost so much. I wanted to take him in my arms and hold him as if I could remove his sorrow by my mere touch. I decided that I would keep things simple, for now. "Timmy, you are free to come and watch me paint anytime you'd like. Maybe I could set up an easel for you and we could paint together. Would you like that?" "I really would, Melissa." And then he ran and jumped into my arms. What a sweet, sad little boy. My heart was stolen. For a few minutes I rocked him as I held him until he snuggled his face cozy into my shoulder. I had never felt a connection with my maternal feelings before. I wanted to cradle him forever. But, when I felt his hold on me soften I kissed his forehead and gently handed him off to his father. Kissing Carl tenderly on the cheek I said, "You have a very loving son who only wants his father to be happy." I was so taken by maternal feelings I forgot that my agreement to my wife was to be over late tomorrow night and I would once again return to my former status. Instead, I could only attend to the feelings before me. "He is no bother at all to me and I would be only to happy to watch him for you every now and then." With a genuinely thankful smile Carl responded. "Timmy would like that. So would I. See you around." Preparing for the party. Sarah held out the most realistic looking and feeling breast forms I had ever seen. "I have be ordered by Ms. Horne to fasten these beauties onto your chest. She insists that you be undetectably female, even without a blouse, from here on." I stood in a daze as Sarah tenderly messaged adhesive into my chest. Once the glue was tacky enough she pressed my new flesh unto my body. "No worry about silicon leakage from these babies," she giggled. Within a few short moments the adhesive dried and I stared breathlessly, almost unbelievingly at my reflection in the mirror. My breasts were magnificent. Instantly I was the proud owner of a 38 C chest. Wowie Zowie. I loved the succulent pull of their weight on my flesh. It was as if someone were cupping my chest lusciously and continually. Rising with each inhale and falling lazily with each exhale. Bouncing with every mincing step of my high-heeled feet. No one would be able to detect that they were not home grown. Next, I was instructed on how to put on a gaff to hide my male genitals. It was less uncomfortable than I imagined that it would be. Thank goodness. My more than ample breasts, coupled with this incredible flatness where my cock should have been, completed the illusion to any who were near me that I was anything but all woman. I felt an even greater confidence regarding my identity as Melissa. I couldn't wait to greet the guests wishing to show off my new toys. Saturday night party service. I greeted the guests properly, curtseying many times to the hungry eyes of the men and even some of the women. But quickly it became evident that the guest list for this particular party was quite different than our others. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about this. I needed to find Sarah. She was over by the food and refreshments arranging enticing platters for our guests. I touched her shoulder to get her attention. Turning to me she looked as if she had been expecting my arrival. "I can't believe that she invited so many of our employees to our house. We have always kept our sexual adventures separate from work," I fretted. "At least, Vanessa didn't come up with some suggestive theme for this party." "Truth is, Melissa, she did. Here, you might want to look at one of the invitations. I think it's a wonderfully randy idea." I opened the envelope that she handed me. Mr. Stuart (in absentia) and Ms. Vanessa Horne invite you to a celebration in honor of your dedication and service to Horne Medical Supply and Services, Inc. this Saturday at 9:00 p.m. Dress enticingly. Theme: Office Romances Does someone in accounting make your heart skip a beat? Have you felt that hard body in sales making you week in the knees when they walk by? Want to lick beads of sweat off the thighs of one of the girls at reception? If not, then don't come. (There will be a traditional reception later this month to reward and honor your contributions to the company). However, if you are feeling frisky and daring, this could be your opportunity. Remember, all work and no play make one a dull and unproductive soul. Adult choice will be required. P.S. Our creative and giving house staff will attempt their best in attending to your needs and desires. "Yikes, Sarah." "Yikes, indeed, Melissa. Prepare yourself for an amazing evening of servitude and pleasure. Here's where the ride gets delightfully bumpy, girl. If this is like your, I mean her other parties, by the end of the evening we will be satisfying and be satisfied, used and using others, lusted after and lusting others. I can hardly wait. This looks like a bawdy crowd. Those men over there, see them?" "Yes they are part of the sales staff, very assertive, very hungry. They are sharks." "Well, Melissa, the way those 'sharks' are staring at you I do believe that they assertively hunger for your attention. Here, take this platter of shrimp as an offering to those hunky predators," she said while biting her lower lip seductively. "If you are lucky maybe they will eat you up...quickly and all at once." It is amazing what a healthy pair of breasts can do for a girl and her admirers. I undid one button lower than I would have normally done on my uniform. Our new silkier uniforms flattered our legs and figures. But with a bit of exposed tit they would make many here tonight drool. "Going diving in the deep end with your sharky friends, girl?" Sarah said approvingly. "Make a splash." Gracefully I went directly to my former sales department enjoying them watching me walk their way. There was no question that lascivious thoughts were on their minds and in their pants. They desired me and I liked it. However, I wanted the upper hand "Would you sharks, I mean, gentlemen care for some shrimp?" Licking my lips fully I teased the alpha dog while holding up a shrimp to my mouth, "I will feed them to you one at a time if you'd like until they all go down." I thought that he would creme in his pants. Maybe he did. I couldn't believe how brazen I was. The reaction it created in the male guests was one of pure unadulterated desire for me. Many became quite grabby. It began to scare me a little bit so I toned down my allure. As Melissa I was beginning to feel how I could put out my attraction. I really didn't want to be tarty or so brash. That wasn't quite me. I was still quite the new girl to all of my charms and could feel the appeal of my own innocence. Besides, if I were to continue in this manner I would have difficulty performing my duties. Throughout the evening there were frequent times when my mistress demanded that I attend the guests domestically. There were also times that she expected that I flirt my way through the crowd. Never shirking my duties I still spent the rest of the night playing cat and mouse. Sometimes I was the cat but more often I was the mouse. If only they knew. I remember wishing that Donald would show up but had learned from Ms. Horne that he would unfortunately be out of town. "I guess that you'll have to find some other available hunk to pine over dear," she teased me. As the night ran on I noticed that my wife, I mean Ms. Horne, flirted more than I had ever experienced her doing before. She acted as hot as a college girl discovering her freedom of sexuality unbridled by parental, societal or personal interference. She was the center of attention of the most available and desirous men. Frequently she would disappear only to return a bit flushed and more amorous. Later that night she reemerged from a blatant tryst with what appeared to be cum by the side of her mouth. I watched her notice it and wipe it from her lips with her right index finger. And though her 'date' had his back to me and I couldn't be clear who he was, what she did next I could see clearly because she waited until she had my attention to do it. This was one time that I did not lower my gaze. Wiping the cum along the length of her lips she then stuck her finger deep into his mouth where it stayed for what seemed like minutes. Her head tilted back as he sucked her finger hotly. Staring once again at me in the heat of her passion she then turned to grab his head firmly with both of her magnificent hands and kissed him fully pressing her extraordinary body into his. I almost dropped my tray of cocktails. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't quite sure how or what I was supposed to feel. I was turned on watching her unrestrained passion but I was also becoming insecure and threatened. I needed Sarah to ground me. Sarah could tell that I was worried seeing Vanessa with another man. Compassionately she took me aside down a less trafficked part of the living room. "Remember you are no longer Mr. Horne. It would take the closest of scrutiny to find you under that beautiful head of gypsy blonde hair, overflowing breasts and seductive makeup. You are Melissa now, devoted maid to your mistress. Your existence is to see to her every want and pleasure. Besides, wouldn't Mr. Horne want to see his wife happy in his absence? She is showering you with a gift not every wife would give. Aren't you living out your fantasy, content and amorously happy? What kind of gratitude would you be showing if you did not grant Ms. Horne the same courtesy and freedom she is bestowing on you? Sweetie, she is not going to leave you. She is just giving into her secret carnal desires as you are. Don't worry, sweetie, I'll be here for any support you may need. Go with your heart and weenie's desire," she giggled while kissing me softly on the cheek. Then, without warning, she extended her tongue fully as she slowly and wantonly licked the side of my face. Before I closed my eyes to savor this surprising and delightful moment I became acutely aware that two men from my accounting department were watching us with salacious intent." "Let's give them a show, Melissa." Though this was stated as a request it felt as if it were almost a demand. Instantly I submitted. Sensing my ready agreement she looked directly at the men took my face in her hands and kissed me passionately and amply on my trembling lips. Then as her one hand firmly clasped mine she nudged me to go upstairs while signaling with her other for the men to follow along. "But the guests. Shouldn't we be attending them?" I stuttered docilely. "That's exactly what we are doing, darling, attending the guests. Now be a good little girl, Melissa and follow my lead." Outside a bedroom door adjacent to my wife's room she stopped to squeeze her body completely into mine and pressed open my mouth wide with her searching tongue. I surrendered and took it in, sucking wantonly on this pleasurable toy deep within my hungry mouth. I was melting. Looking toward the approaching men Sarah asked in a most seductive throaty tone, "Please witness our lust." Pointing to two seats at the foot of the bed she continued addressing our voyeurs. "You may touch yourselves but can not cum until I give you permission. Understood? Perhaps if you watch quietly there might be a way to thank you for your complete compliance." Both men raced to their respective seats. Turning back towards me she licked my earlobe and then pulled enticingly on my earring. Softly she whispered, "I've been dying to do this ever since I first dressed you up, my little love doll." Crotch to crotch and still caressing my body she bent backwards enough to sweetly kiss the cheeks of my face over and over again. I relished feeling her hot breath on my face. Alternately looking intently at me and then our guests, Sarah repeatedly traced my lips with her fingers. I ached for them to be shoved into my mouth. Breathing heavily, I looked towards our witnesses with fascination as they stroked their cocks straining against the confinement of their clothing. They were as hot watching as I was being done. If it were not for the tape confining my aching hardness my true sex would have surely been detected. Leading me by the hand Sarah brought me kneeling onto the bed. Opening her blouse her breasts were revealed pushing appetizingly over her black push up bra. Guiding my fingers to her nipples I tweaked and twisted them. They responded quickly by becoming firm and greedy. Hearing her shudder in pleasure made me begin to pant. I could hear the men moaning as they continued stroking themselves. I brought my eager lips to her breasts making the flimsy fabric of her bra moist. I flickered my tongue; slowly at first and then faster like the beating of a hummer's wings in response to her fleshy desire. For a flashing moment, I realized that I was now a willing participant in most men's favorite fantasy. As a man I just thrilled at the thought of watching two women making love. Now, I was one of the women in this fantasy bringing pleasure to my partner while turning on these men. My cock tugged against my confinement. Oh, how badly I wanted release. Sensing her nearing climax Sarah grabbed my right hand and placed it arduously into her panties until my fingers found her stiffening clitoris. "Oh, Melissa, match my rhythm." And match her I did. Slowly I encircled her love button only to then dive deeply into her with two juice-embodied fingers. Then widening her love lips I surrounded her entry with the firmness of my palm. "Rub harder Melissa, harder. "Faster. Faster!" she called out thrusting her shuddering mound into my hand. "Oh God, Melissa. I'm going to cum. Kiss me deeply." I wrapped my wanting lips around hers and at the moment that I thrusted my tongue into her captivating mouth her whole body vibrated and erupted in a spasm of lusty release. She screamed in pleasure over and over and over again. I could not take my eyes or hands off her. Spent and dreamy-eyed, Sarah collapsed on the bed like a rag doll. The sounds of the men moaning slowly penetrated back into the room. It took a few moments to register that they were still watching us, their passions rising. With her arms around me and still panting Sarah pulled her hair away from her eyes and leaned on her elbow as she lasciviously watched the men wanting desperately for her to give them permission for release. "My, you both have been such good little boys following my directions so explicitly. You must be rewarded." Looking me firmly in my eyes, one finger to my lips, she purred, "Melissa, we must reward these gentlemen for their patience." I knew what she meant for us to do. I became frightened. But, I also became electrically charged with desire. "Just follow my lead, sweetie," she gently requested as she took my hand and led me over to kneel directly at the lap of my chief accounting manager. Lowering the lights she then placed herself in front of his assistant and with both hands clasped tightly around him started to dance slowly with the shaft of his penis. I knew what was expected of me and I found myself eager to do it. Looking directly into his eyes with slutty desire I began to milk his hardness. The sight of my polished pink fingernails wrapped most femininely around this most powerful tool hypnotized me. However, my trance was shattered by the sounds of sucking and gasping pleasures from Sarah and her consort. Soon, I too, would be locked in this most intimate of delirious positions. I was going to wrap my lips; my lips painted so invitingly as to blatantly announce their solitary need to suck, around this man's savory cock. Opening my mouth to take in his massive crown I licked wantonly, adding my sucking sounds to Sarah's. I found myself hungering for his thick juicy pole. I took it in further enjoying the flame at my crotch and the effect that I was having on my account manager. I knew both of these men. And, the excitement of knowing fueled my heat further. With one hand I massaged him firmly as my mouth bobbed up and down his manhood. I could hear Sarah's effect on her man as the sound of his climax filled the room. I became even more ignited. Suddenly, and most delightfully, I could feel Sarah's hand going under my skirt caressing my ass with the softness of her long fingers. In one swift movement she unfasten the tape freeing my cock to spring maddeningly forward. In the dim lighting still covered by the skirt of my uniform there would be no way that my position could give evidence of my true sex. Grabbing me from behind Sarah pumped my throbbing cock. I moved instantly to a deeper level of wanting. I lowered my head to meet the hairs at the base of my man's meaty cock and deep-throated him. Then I bobbed back and down to meet his pelvis crushing into my face. I savored his musty smell. I wanted his cock so badly and continued to suck him as if I could not survive without his juices. I would not be able to contain my excitement much longer. Neither could he as I felt his hands grab my head tightly. And for a second, time froze and all became still... "Oh you sluttly little maid. I'm cuming!" Time crashed back in on me as his member pumped and pumped and pumped his hot salty seed down my throat. I opened my eyes widely to take in the sight of his pounding flesh before me. His seed was filling my mouth to its brim. I would soon not be able to contain it all. Sarah's speed and tension on my cock continued unrelenting. "Oh my God I thought over and over again. I'm doing this. I have made a man empty his seed into my mouth." This was so fucking exciting. Again I felt Sarah caress her hands forcefully to the bottom of my shaft. I was going to be unable to contain his whole wad. And as his sticky juices overflowed from my mouth so did my climax overflow from Sarah's grasp. His meat in my mouth muffled my cries of passion and I wouldn't have it any other way. I was milked by Sarah as I milked my man, his cum oozing from my mouth. I ejaculated into my skirt at least seven succulent times and then collapsed at his feet panting heavily. After a few moments Sarah touched my shoulder and announced, "We must kiss these men, Melissa to show our profound appreciation, return to our quarters to freshen up and then resume our duties at Ms. Horne's party." Luckily I had softened before laying a lusty and thankful kiss to my general accounts manager. I couldn't help but smile to myself that he'd never know that it was his powerful boss before him sucking on his cock like a common slut. What a juicy little secret. Vanessa's preferential treatment. The evening seemed to last forever. This was good because I didn't want it to end. But at 3:00 a.m. most people had paired or tripled or quadrupled up and headed off for further adventures. I had started to pick and clean up when my cohort in push brooms and pleasure interrupted me. "Melissa, Ms. Horne has requested your services. She has left instructions for you to wait outside her bedroom door until she calls you in. Here take these towels with you." Standing at her door I found myself nervously wondering how this scene would play itself out. I could not hear inside but imagined that her lover was still in there. I knew that I would not call off this adventure here and now. I would see this through. I had been indulged and I was feeling that as my wife's maid I really had only one reason for my employment, to service my mistress and see that her every want was fulfilled. As her husband, however, I felt jealous and a bit anxious. I calmed myself by remembering what Sarah had told me. My wife wasn't going to leave me. She was only giving in to fleshy desires and secret fantasies. There would be an end to all this soon and a return to our former status. Smiling I imagined that we would have many juicy stories to share of our individual and coupled adventures. How wonderful that we had a relationship that could manage these behaviors. I was beginning to feel more at peace and more appreciative for this special relationship that Vanessa and I shared. Besides I was truly enjoying being Melissa and did not want to give her, I mean, me up. It least not just yet. A few adventures remained. "You may enter, Melissa," my mistress said sleepily. Opening the door I was treated to the vision of my wife sprawled luxuriously over our, I mean, her bed. Her hair was a wild nest reflective of her recent behaviors of shear abandon. Cum covered her full breasts and a dreamy twinkle remained in her eyes. Clearly she was still in a state of heavenly afterglow. It took a while for me to register that the shower was running in the bathroom. "Come here sweet girl," Ms. Horne requested as she extended her hand to me. "Coming, Ms. Horne." "My lover is cleaning himself in the shower. I would like to watch you dry him off. He has a deliciously hard body. I think that you will like it as much as I have appreciated it." The water stopped in the shower. Stepping out into the bedroom proper entered Vanessa's naked and freshly clean lover. It was whom I suspected, Dr. Jonas Rubinstein, our company's medical consultant. His deep seated hazel eyes, beautiful jet black hair combed straight back, unfailing confidence and tight abs glistening with beads of water made him a girl's best wetdream. In retrospect, he was the number one main catch at this party and I felt surprisingly proud that my wife had nailed him. I also felt proud that my mistress was granting me the privilege of sharing him even though it would be in a subservient and domestic manner. Eyeing me he continued to walk over to my wife and then planted a kiss fully on her lips that seemed to say, "Thank you for a most lewd pastime. You were magnificent." "What is going on here?" he inquisitively asked. "I am so thoroughly spent, darling that I don't have the energy to dry off that dazzling body of yours. However, I have the next best thing. Please allow my maid Melissa to have that honor. She knows that it would make me happy to see you pampered while I get to take in the sights." Standing at the end of the bed, back towards me while facing Vanessa, Dr. Rubinstein raised his arms and gave me my directions, "Towel me dry, Melissa." "Yes sir," I said meekly. I started to dry the hair on his head and then moved to his broad shoulders. This was a prime specimen of maleness. And as I caressed his body with my towel I became voyeuristically aware that he never took his eyes off my wife. Nor did she his. As I moved the towel lower it was inevitable. I was to hold his manhood, the same cock that just recently pumped my wife into her current blissful state. I took his balls in my hand and gently began to dry his impressive genitals. His manhood started to respond to my touch. "Vanessa, dear, if this luxurious cleaning continues I am afraid that I will have to get sweaty again with this darling servant of yours." "I see that she is having a charming effect on you. This whole vision is also starting to charm me. I do have designs on having you leave here stimulated and thinking lewd thoughts. However, I also want you to leave here wanting more. Melissa, I know that it is hard to tear your pretty little hands from Jonas's growing manhood but please just dry off his muscular legs and assist him with the rest of his clothing." I did what I was told. His legs were strong and powerful and I felt grateful that I was able to touch them. Once dried I would hand the hard, I mean good doctor, his clothing. Once fully dressed he jumped on the bed and passionately kissed Vanessa again. Reminding myself of my position I tilted my gaze towards the floor to provide them privacy. However, my ears were working just fine. "Will I see you again like this?" he asked her but it was clearly a request, almost a beg. "Time tells all stories," quoted Vanessa from one of our favorite authors while grabbing and fondling the hairs of his chest. "What our story is remains to be seen." Looking a bit dejected, Dr. Rubinstein still smiled sweetly and left the room. I closed the door after him. "I wanted the last few moments of our agreement to be with you my dear sweet, devoted and skirted husband. First, I must thank you for drying my lover off, Melissa. You do follow directions well and seem to enjoy your job. I like that in my help. It is now my desire that you clean me off." Quickly wanting to attend to her needs I responded, "I shall prepare your bath, Ms. Horne." "That is not what I have in mind. What I have in mind is for you to use that succulent tongue of yours to clean every inch of my body off. I want you to start with my breasts. The good doctor was so amorous when he came on them. His seed is particularly tasty and I want to reward you for excellence in service by granting you the privilege of licking his cum off my body. Slowly and passionately I spent the next hour licking every inch of my mistress with deliberate and meaningful strokes of my tongue. As requested, I started with her breasts. The taste of her lover's salty cum made me delirious. I matted my face against her gorgeous breasts petting her with my checks kissing-licking-sucking taking in the sounds of her shuttering and narcotic gyrations. Later as I brought my mouth down hard on her cunt I started to quake in harmony with her. I could still taste him inside her. I was so turned on with this act of cleaning out another man's cum from my wife's vagina. I felt so submissive and wondered if in my submission I would allow myself anything and deny Vanessa nothing. It wasn't long before I would find out. As if Vanessa could read my thoughts she let loose the contents of her bladder. "Drink my piss my little sissy-maid and be grateful of this gift I give you." And grateful I was, as I tasted her warm bitter juice filling my mouth. This was a test of my devotion and I was eager to show my mistress that I would not fail her. "Rub yourself as I gift you my fluid." The sensations of tasting her love emissions, Jonas's salty cum and her hot piss were taking me over the top. I just had to cum but I waited for my mistress's permission. "Seeing your once powerful self reduced, no evolved, to this submissive toy before me turns me on so much. Ram your sweet tongue into my hole, girl. Live only to serve me. Service me now!" Licking-swallowing-pumping-moaning. Licking-swallowing-pumping- moaning. Licking-swallowing-pumping-moaning. Oh, God, ongodohgodohgodoh...God. Spontaneously we exploded screaming out our pleasure and release to the heavens and to each other. Placing my head to her belly cradling my arms about her waist I held on, I held into, I melted into her writhing and buckling and her hot sweaty passion. I was home. I was at peace. I was one with my wife, my mistress and focus of desire. Many sleepy drippy minutes passed before we could once again find our calmer breath. "Well Stuart, I have certainly gotten your attention." "Always, dearest." "Rest with me. Let me hold you. I want you to feel my appreciation for your devotion to my desires, my dear pretty husband, sweet maid and reason for my vibrant and loving heart." Mmmm. A new request. I had fallen asleep. When I awoke I saw Vanessa sitting on her lounge staring at a sliver slip of a crescent moon. Noticing that I was awake. She patted on her chair requesting that I join her. I snuggled beside her heavenly in her arms. "Dear one, this has been a heavenly week of treasures and revelations. I have enjoyed feeling powerful again. I didn't realize how much I missed my capable input on business affairs and a personal life devoted entirely to my wants. Oh, I can see your next question in your beautifully made-up bedroom eyes. Have I missed you as your former self? In all honesty, I haven't. You are still here after-all, even though you are quite transformed. I still am the recipient of your undying devotion towards me. Your love for me never goes unnoticed. But now my hunger for passion, for more, is so up- front for me. Your transformation into a mere toy for my desires has somehow flamed my excitement further. Also, with some guilty bits of pleasure, I sincerely enjoy feeling this power and influence over you. Reassessing my own life and expanding my challenges, now that I have had the opportunity, is what I want to focus on. In time, and probably a short time at that, I fully imagine wanting things to return to the way they were. However, right now I would love the opportunity to spread my wings a bit further. I have a proposition for you sweet husband. Would you remain my maid for another month so that I could return to our business as acting C.E.O.? I would continue to let you explore deeper into your own now less hidden desires as well. You are enjoying yourself aren't you?" she smiled slyly and of course, knowingly. "Yes, Vanessa." "Yes, Ms. Horne you mean." "Yes Ms. Horne," I apologized. Then it's settled. Tomorrow I will have the papers drawn up for a transfer of power at the company and you will remain my devoted servant for an additional month. Just think about how decadent it will be to continue serving me as my maid. Who knows, I just might reward you on your days off by arranging a date with Donald Caldwell. He does want to get into your pants, er, panties, badly." My head was reeling "To show me your gratitude you may place your voluptuous lips and saucy tongue at my ass for worship before returning to your room." Life in the gardener, uh, garden. Part 2 As time went on my comfort with being Melissa regarding both my occupational and personal life grew by leaps and bounds. It was almost difficult remembering ever being Stuart Horne, C.E.O and owner of Horne Medical Supplies. I was accepted by my fellow workers as one of them. Sarah and I had become close friends giggling like sisters on our days off watching B-action flicks and drinking bad coffee as we flirted with fellow patrons. Timmy continually displayed loving acts of affection towards me. And his father, Carl, was always appreciative of any attention I gave to the both of them. Even Christina Wendel, the cook, an

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The agreement

As my luck would have it, i began 2009 unemployed. I had a little bit of reserve cash, enough for a couple months, but that was it. I was having some difficulty finding work, so i figured i might as well have some fun.  I got in touch with a dominant ladyfriend of mine whom i had served before and inquired if she needed any maidservice. She was very interested. This was a friend who owned a large home in the area and threw some of the biggest swinger, alt lifestyle and fetish parties around....

1 year ago
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The Agreement

Today was the day. Today was the day that Kenny Loravitz would go down in school history. The first boy to pass The Challenge. What am I talking about? Are you sitting comfortably? Good, I'll begin. Start of term of the fourth year of Canon Whatsit Church of England High School and we found that they had swapped all the classes about. Due to a stroke of luck, we had fifteen of the hottest girls in the year in our form. Not that I'd get any, you see I'm a 'geek'. I'm not the Alpha Geek,...

4 years ago
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The Prenuptial Agreement

The Prenuptial Agreement- part one by Henry Green "I can't take it anymore! I know that bastard is going to divorce me! I can see the signs! I can't remember the last time that we've had sex! He says he is working late at night. I know he's fucking that air head secretary of his!" Janet was frantic. If Steve divorced him she would be left with almost nothing. Janet's friend Sue was quick to reply. "Calm down Janet. I'm sure it isn't that bad. Besides how do you know ...

2 years ago
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The Challenge 3 Renewed Agreement

Note: If you have not read it before I would like to inform you that this story is continuation of The Challenge series. So if you wish to get the clear picture of the story then I recommend you to read the previous stories after reading this one. Also these stories of Challenge series are very dear to me so please understand that the story is less fun and more like a real one. RAJ – It was a chilly evening, close to the sunset. My entire body was shivering with cold but there was a unique...

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The Agreement

One I met Jenny when we were freshmen in high school. We were both fifteen. I had just moved into the city, so didn't know anyone. We both lived close to the high school, and ended up walking in the same direction for a while, and she was in a couple of my classes. We became friends quickly. I was attracted to her almost at once, but was nervous about trying anything more than friendship. Jenny was beautiful, long blond hair, sparking blue eyes, and a body to die for. She had little...

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Sparkys DadChapter 16 Agreement

“Look,” Diane asked when she came in to find Eric in bed, “is financial dependence a make-or-break issue for you?” “No.” Eric didn’t even seem to pause to consider. “I’ve said what togetherness is critical for me. A joint checking account isn’t among the parts that I need.” A joint checking account was only a tiny fraction of what he had offered. “I might want to wrap you in cotton batting, but I have always been clear that you had to fly free. I love you, and I love that you fly...

2 years ago
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Black Cock Obedience Agreement

Black Cock Obedience AgreementHenceforth I,__________________ a degenerate Black-subjugated racially inferior white male piece-of-ass who seeks to make amends to racially SUPERIOR BLACKS for slavery, racism, and colonialism, agree without reservation to the following rules to serve and submit to all SUPERIOR BLACK MALES and all SUPERIOR BLACK FEMALES.1. I will enthusiastically fuck and suck all SUPERIOR BLACK COCKS bareback or otherwise, as often as commanded by superior blacks, I will gladly...

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This contract forms a binding agreement between the the wife, the cuckold, & the black bull named below in respect to their CUCKOLD MARRIAGE: THE WIFE_____________________________ BLACK BULL_____________________________ CUCKOLD HUSBAND ______________________ Without abstention all parties have, by means of preparing the CUCKOLD MARRIAGE CONTRACT agree & solemnly swear to comply with the following set of agreements. SECTION 1 RIGHTS OF THE WIFE (1.1) The wife will have the right to have...

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This contract forms a binding agreement between the the wife, the cuckold, & the black bull named below in respect to their CUCKOLD MARRIAGE: THE WIFE_____________________________ BLACK BULL_____________________________ CUCKOLD HUSBAND ______________________ Without abstention all parties have, by means of preparing the CUCKOLD MARRIAGE CONTRACT agree & solemnly swear to comply with the following set of agreements.SECTION 1RIGHTS OF THE WIFE(1.1) The wife will have the right to have...

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Courtesan versus escort

Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...

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350 Part 2 Cuckold by agreement

350 Part 2 Cuckold by agreementIt was a week later on the Friday when he was summonsed to his doctor for the all clear, she was a pretty heavyset middle-age woman that brooked no arguments or shilly-shallying, in her room she said, “well let`s see the bally thing then, don’t be bloody shy!” A little shocked he dropped his trousers, and with cold hands and an even colder attitude she poked and prodded the scar, muttered he was a lucky chap still to have it and asked if he had used it again yet?...

3 years ago
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The PreNuptial Agreement

THE PRE-NUPTIAL AGREEMENT Greta Boyd's life was complicated. She'd married William when they were very young, each barely eighteen, and now only three years later she was bored. She'd already had two affairs but now she knew she was in love. When she visited their family doctor's practice for her annual check up, the male nurse that helped her was a dreamboat. He asked for a date even though he knew she was already married and now it had become a regular thing. On the days...

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We Have An Agreement

I made a post on TikTok and some random guy named “Asphalt Cowboy” commented on my post by poking fun at my video. Needless to say, it pissed me off. So, I wrote him back, “Oh, you're some big shit because you can drive a semi?”‘Who the fuck is this guy anyway?’He didn't stop, “Everyone knows that women drivers suck,” he wrote back under my video.It became a game at first, to see who could insult the other one more. Then one night I posted a video of me making lasagna from scratch. He commented...

Straight Sex
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Seymour and Sarah

Seymour & Sarah By Alice Barry "Oy vey, Seymour what have you done to yourself?" said my mother as she entered my apartment unannounced. I knew I should have never given her a key for emergencies. "Whatever are you doing here Mother? Haven't I told you to call before dropping in?" "Don't blame me young man, what in God's name are you doing in a dress? And why is lipstick smeared around your face?" "Mama, I did not want you to find out like this. This is who I am...

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ScourgeChapter 9

To back into the swing of things, Audra was taken on her first patrol. She has several soldiers accompanying her, including Kate. Unlike Gunnar’s recon patrols where he often went solo, this is a patrol of the surrounding area. The group is led by Major Zola, a stern woman who has been with the group and General Eisley since the beginning. She is in her early forties and still retains a lot of her beauty despite the peppering of grey in her chestnut colored hair. “This patrol is routine,”...

4 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 5

The months seem to pass quickly for Audra. The intelligence that she had collected from the rebel leader, Leah, had proved useful. Many raids were conducted and slowly the Scourge’s breeding ranks overflowed. She had also gained the trust of the queen, yet she still hadn’t been made a stalker. She was told that she was, but Audra couldn’t do that which Saige or any of the other stalkers could—control a red fungus skin of her own. The only thing she seemed able to do is control the chasers and...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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ScourgeChapter 3

Several days since her betrayal to her fellow humans, Audra is awakened to noise. Not needing to don on any clothing, she leaves the small room she had been given for her loyalty. Rather than being turned into a breeder, she was told she was going to be made a stalker like Saige. Of course, that all still depended on the accuracy of the information she had provided. Once outside, she notices the bustle of guardians, stalkers and chasers. The queen isn’t taking any chances. Audra assumes that...

2 years ago
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Courtesan Ch 03

I spent the remainder of the night in the parking lot of a suburban shopping mall. I didn't get much rest. I was much too upset to sleep. I had a membership at the local YMCA. They opened at 6:00 AM. As soon the sun came up I drove over there and took a shower. After I cleaned up I walked across the street to the Tip Top Cafe and ordered a ranch breakfast. By the time I was finished eating it was 7:30. I needed to call my buddy Albie Porter so I turned on my cell phone. I'd switched it off as I...

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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

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Pleasure Agreement

We talked for what seemed like hours, it was the most comfortable conversation I had ever had with a stranger. Then he dropped the most intriguingly yet devastating news on me. He was looking for a fuckbuddy! “WHATTTT??!!??” is what I screamed on the inside, as he continued to explain why. He had just gotten out of a serious relationship, blah blah blah, that’s pretty much what I heard. I knew that I was too much of a relationship, commitment, emotional type of person, but yet I hadn’t just...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Agreement

Introduction: My first story ever. Looking for feedback…based on my life. I had been a member of the Singles Dating site for about a month. I had only run into crazy, horny, unintelligent men who did nothing to excite me. I wasnt looking for love, but I wasnt looking for your average one night stand either! One night, after a long day at work, I was lying in bed and I heard a beep. It was a familiar beep It was the sound of me getting a message on the dating site. His name was Anthony. He didnt...

3 years ago
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Rental Agreement

The construction had been going on for five months now and was nearing the end. Eric stared out at the pavers and steamrollers as they crawled along the new onramps, putting asphalt down on the $6.8 million project he had worked on for the past two years as a member of the Heritage County Department of Civil Engineering. It was the Deer Creek Boulevard project in south Heritage County, a badly needed onramp/offramp/overcrossing of Deer Creek Boulevard and Interstate 5. When it was complete the...

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Lamour de deux femmes

L'amour de deux femmes By Jessie For those who wanted to hear more detail about my feminine adventures I have decided to tell you about my first feminine sexual encounter. I really hope you enjoy it, please let me know if you do! (Yes, I have embellished it a bit, well, a lot! But some of it really did happen... have a fun read!) As some of you will already know I sometimes crossdressed with my mother's friends Helen and Madeline. (See 'Delicious Adventure') After my first...

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Detours Part 1 of 3

It was Bonnie’s dad who had instilled in her the love of a good, long road-trip. Her appreciation of the finer things such as a car loaded with snack-food and CDs, rest stops, and the nuances of “roadkill bingo” were all because of him. He enjoyed planning his routes as much as he did just tossing the bags in the trunk on a whim and picking a direction and driving. And Bonnie always went with him. “North American roads have more total distance than the rest of the world combined,” he told...

Straight Sex
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

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Courtney and Tony start their life together

Tony and Courtney start their lives together This is a sequel to the story Wrestling with myself, by Katie Leone. Tony, a senior, befriended Courtney (formerly Corey) when she appeared as a 9th grader at Dunedin HS, in Florida. Tony is a deeply committed Christian, who never expected to fall in love with a transgendered girl, or face harassment from his Christian friends to the point of being attacked and hospitalized. The last scene of the book shows them at the homecoming dance...

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ScourgeChapter 2

Upon arrival at the stalker’s camp, Audra notices that there are two massively built men at the gates, acting as guardians. Neither of the men moves as she and her captors pass by. She begins to wonder how fast the large men would move if she decided to suddenly escape. But why would I? She is led through the encampment, which with the exception of the two men at the gates, have no guards. There are, however, a slew of breeders. They are lined up in rows and too far gone. Their limbs are...

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ScourgeChapter 7

Audra wakes up in a very cushiony and comfortable bed. She can’t remember the last time she was in a bed that felt this good. She also finds herself alone in a private room. Looking around the simple room, she is struck by how luxurious it seems to be. The clean sheets are crisp and fresh, the furniture looks brand new. As a rebel she never came close to being in a room this nice let alone having crisp, clean sheets. Often times, before and after joining the rebels, she was lucky to have...

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Courtesan Ch 07

We pulled onto Jackson Street. Jackson was a three lane one way street going towards downtown. Charles Street was one block west. It was a three lane one way street leaving downtown. Kelly and I both agreed that when we were driving downtown it was faster to take Jackson and Charles than to drive a mile east and get onto the freeway. It was 5:00 o'clock, rush hour. Most of the cars were on Charles Street heading south out of downtown, but Jackson was still busy. As soon as Kelly settled her...

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Courtesan Ch 06

"So how did you make the transition from having sex with your bosses to becoming a courtesan?" Looking at me with a puzzled expression, Kelly asked, "Why do you keep using the word courtesan?" "I thought that was the term you and your fellow workers preferred." "It was. It makes what we do seem almost elegant, but why would you use it? I'd think you'd choose a word like hooker or even whore." "Those words are pejoratives, especially whore. They imply that there was something wrong with what you...

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Courtney and Robin Meet

Courtney and Robin meet Again, here are two characters originally created by other writers of TG fiction-Courtney by Katie Leone and then expanded on by me in a previous sequel to her work. Robin Smith was created by Zoe Taylor in a (so far) three volume trilogy. Since martial arts figures so prominently in many of my stories, and Robin is already established as a student of Kenpo Karate, it seemed a natural to write her into one of my own crossovers. Again, I take no credit for...

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Chapter 1 "And the world's shrunken to a heap of hot flesh straining on a bed." -E.R. Dodds British Classical Scholar To be frank, I wanted her the moment I saw her, which is strange because she was 20 years older than me. But there was that certain something about her that attracted me to her, and I knew that if the feeling was even slightly mutual, I would act on it. Courtney was the wife of a co-worker. Don had come to our company first as a consultant, and then as he proved himself...

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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 2

I knew what we were doing was wrong. What more can I say? That I knew it was wrong and that I didn't care? Well,fine. "I didn't care!". There. I said it. Does That Make You Happy? I had pleaded with Samantha,Courtney's Mother,never to ask me to babysit for her again! Granted,I didn't go into any great detail,but that's besides the point,damnit! I'm sure She has a pretty good idea as to my reasons why.I mean,it's not My fault,that Courtney is litterally "certifiably insane"! It's not My...

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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 1

Courtney has been a bubble off plumb since she was a toddler. There's just no two ways about it. If You don't keep a constant eye on the girl,she'll do the damndest things! Like the last time I had to watch her. We were in the den,watching cartoons on the TV,and all I did was go to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. When I got back she was gone! I searched the whole house and finally found her,after I heard her voice coming from the back yard. I was in the attic by then,so I looked out the...

3 years ago
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Courtney Part 1

The wind was blustering outside Adam’s window. October’s colored tears swirled in the streets as a chill descended upon the town. The trees were almost completely bare and heavier jackets were becoming an essential part of any trip outside. Winter was slowly creeping in. Courtney stared out his bedroom window into the gray dismal sky. Heavy snow was forecasted to begin falling this evening and continue into the next day. Like every other teenager, she couldn’t help but hope school would be...

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Courtney the Crazed Athlete

After a refreshing day at the golf course in which Vince sunk an eighty-yard chip for birdie, we decided to celebrate the shot of his life with a trip to I-Lounge. I had always been a fan of I-Lounge. It wasn’t a huge club, but it had a certain dynamic that made it perfect for my style. I loathe bars that are simply one giant room. The animal in me thinks it essential to hit on girls without the whole damn place as witnesses. I-Lounge was different; there were six separate areas where I could...

Straight Sex
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Courtney Rich Mans Teen Niece

Courtney: Rich Man’s Teen Niece The Tower Organization’s Boeing Business Jet made a super smooth touchdown at New York’s JFK Airport. One of my stewardesses unlatched the airtight hatch and swung the door open. I exited the aircraft and raced down the mobile staircase with the ease and vigor of a man half the age of my fifty years. My Cadillac limousine pulled up and the driver jumped out then opened the rear door. “Welcome home, Mr. Tower,” he said with genuine enthusiasm. On...

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Courtney Sure Grew Up

Courtney Sure Grew Up I hadn’t seen Courtney in about two years then one day she knocked on my front door. Courtney said, “Hi. Before Judy left she said that if I ever need to talk to a real adult that would help me, that I should talk to you. May I?” I invited her in and assured her that I would listen and give her whatever advice or help that I could. That seemed to calm her down somewhat. I offered her a soda and she asked for something stronger like Vodka and orange juice....

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Courtney Who Needs Pictures with a Memory Like Mine

You may want to read about my first date with Courtney but it certainly isn't required reading. Courtney and I dated for only 3 or 4 months. It turned out that since we didn’t really have that much in common and came from completely different backgrounds that we weren’t as compatible as I had hoped. Don’t get me wrong, when we were between the sheets, life couldn’t get any better. Once we had out clothes on, we had little in common and it was like the pink elephant in the room. At least it was...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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Courtney and Michael

I wrote this last Christmas Eve and sent out to friends who've provided me their email. I tried to include the photo that was the inspiration but couldn't get it to show ... it was stellar! So enjoy ..."Oh Michael, you're company's holiday party is always so boring! Do we really have to go?""You know Courtney that I am expected to be there. I AM the Senior Vice President, after all."Michael wore his typical grey business suit with a festive tie to the event. Courtney, a tall,...

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ScourgeChapter 6

Within a week, Saige was dead. Audra spends the days afterward in a haze. The loss of her lover has hit her hard. She rarely left the quarters they were assigned and because she never saw any other stalkers or chasers near, she assumed she was alone, that the Scourge had forgotten about her. If it fine with her because the only tow that mattered any are Saige and the queen and neither are there. Today is no different than the past few. The only difference today is that she finally decided to...

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ScourgeChapter 10

Over the next few weeks things begin to settle down a little. Patrols reported in less and less encounters with the Scourge. Recon teams reported the same. It seemed the Scourge was pulling back. The red fungus that covers the trees and other plants seem to even vanish, leaving behind incredibly healthy plants. General Eisley took it as a warning where as many of the others a victory. But the woman is not fooled. Though she is young, she is far more experienced than her years. A handful of...

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ScourgeChapter 14

Morning comes quickly for the group and despite Gunnar’s previous night’s activities he is ready and waiting for the rest to fill in. Kate is the first to arrive with Harlan right behind. Caprice is the last, but after those activities, Gunnar isn’t surprised. “We have a general idea where the Scourge headquarters are,” Gunnar begins once everything is settled in on the chairs placed before him. “Our goal is to rescue Audra. Of course if we can deal a major blow to the queen’s forces then we...

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I was barely 16 that hot and humid July afternoon I admitted to Amy, my sweet little cousin, that I’d been having sex with my father for two months. “What?!” she gushed. “Courtney! Oh, my God!” Also, that I was on birth control, but that my up-tight mother had no idea or she’d have killed me! Of course, at St. Katherine’s, where we both went to school, they wouldn’t have been too thrilled at that part, either. “I can’t believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You’re doing your own...

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I was barely 16 that hot and humid July afternoon I admitted to Amy, my sweet little cousin, that I’d been having sex with my father for two months.“What?!” she gushed. “Courtney! Oh, my God!”Also, that I was on birth control, but that my up-tight mother had no idea or she’d have killed me! Of course, at St. Katherine’s, where we both went to school, they wouldn’t have been too thrilled at that part, either. “I can’t believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You’re doing your own...

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Courtneys caning

Courtney had been summoned to the Headmaster's after school, as she made her way to his office along the corridor, she sees her Mum and her younger brother, who she had just collected from school, waiting outside.Her mother shakes her head in disbelief that Courtney had been caught smoking for the umpteenth time.The Headmasters door opens, Courtney's form teacher Miss Jenkins looks out and calls Courtney, her mother and brother inside.They all go inside and look at the Headmaster, who is sat...

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