A Fortunate Rescue 2 - The Return Match free porn video

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After our evening with Peter and Samantha my wife had been a changed person. She would rub up against me in the garage while I was cleaning the car, she wore nothing to bed and was more than willing to initiate sex. The overall effect of her experience with Peter seemed to have been overwhelmingly positive. I, on the other hand, was a little dismayed to see the effect he had on her. Okay, his dick was a truly unique monster but I am well endowed and I knew that our lovemaking had, up to now, been satisfying for both of us. I wasn't worried about the competition, especially as his wife was as hot and sexy as mine. It was just me, trying to understand the nature of her changed attitude towards me - more loving and more open, I suppose. This was the first time I knew of that I had been 'cuckolded' and I wasn't exactly sure how I should be behaving. I really couldn't work up the passion to be outraged because, when all was said and done, I had effectively cheated on my lovely wife with Samantha, while Cat watched on. This was a unique situation for both of us.

Anyway, Cat was eager that I get in touch with Peter to set up another evening and I wasn't averse to that. Last night she had almost threatened to withhold a promised blowjob unless I called him there and then. The call went to answering machine so she relented and put her mind to pleasuring me instead. She stripped both of us and then started at my neck, licking, sucking and nipping with her sharp white teeth. As she moved down my body my hands went to her head and I pushed her to meet my rising cock. She laughed and dipped suddenly to come face to face with my manhood. Within seconds, encouraged by my moans of pleasure, she was swallowing and sucking my balls, lapping up and down my shaft and then gulping me down into her mouth. She never gave me time to treat her but instead she stroked me furiously until I spurted my load onto her round, soft, luscious tits. I lay back a happy man with a single task in mind for the morning.

In any event it was Peter who rang me early the next morning. "Hello Daniel," his voice had a cultured edge to it and I could almost tell he was smiling as he spoke. "Sam sends her love! We are going to have to pick the car up from the garage today. Any chance you could give us a lift over there?"

"No problem, bud. I was going to call you anyway. Cat wanted us to get together again. I need to get a quick shower and then I'll be with you. Where shall I meet you?" I asked, moving towards the bathroom with the phone cradled under my chin.

"I'll walk over to your apartment block." He said. "Be there in fifteen. Give Cat this number and she can set up a date with Sam."

I wrote down the number Peter gave me and passed it to Cat, sitting upright and naked in our rumpled bed. Her kiss was surprisingly passionate as she took both paper and phone from me, laying back and stroking her hardening nipples with a smile.

"You go off and do your boy thing while Sam and I get organised." She giggled.

I smiled and nodded, blowing her a kiss as I headed down to the street. I only had to wait a few minutes before Peter turned up, dressed for winter with overcoat, scarf and hat.

"C'mon buddy, I said. Let's get your car."

We headed underground to find my car. As we dropped through the levels I told him of our experience down there the day we had met.

"It was awful. Man came out of nowhere. He wanted the car but I think he also wanted a piece of Catherine at the same time." I shivered. "If she hadn't screamed…If he hadn't fallen…Jeez, I hate to think what might have happened."

"Do you think he might come back? Isn't this car park monitored?" Peter asked, looking at me nervously.

"I don't think he will be back and, yes, the place does have CCTV but it doesn't always work. " I grimaced.

"Peter, listen, about the other night. When we rescued you." I broached the subject carefully. "Afterwards. Is that something you have done before?"

"Well, no. To be honest Samantha and I have talked about opening our relationship but we hadn't got any further than that. It was just that…", he paused and looked at me as I drove the freeway.

"I don't really know how to say this but your wife, sort of…. came on to me pretty strong; and I just went with it." Peter looked more than a little nervous. "Is this a problem? I thought you seemed pretty cool with it but… Can we be honest with each other?.

"Go ahead." I nodded. "What are you trying to say?"

"Well, Sam and I talked about it when we got home. She wants to apologise for falling asleep by the way. She was so tired. But she wanted to say how much she had enjoyed the experience." Peter smiled at me.

"And she wants me to ask you if you would be prepared to do it again sometime. She really likes you, you know!"

"Damn me, that's exactly what Cat was saying to me. She was insistent that I call you today to arrange something." I glanced at Peter, who was smiling broadly now and nodding.

"So perhaps we ought to sort out a date or something." I concluded, but negotiating the traffic on the freeway prevented us discussing the rather interesting idea further. "Why don't you follow me back and park in our garage for the moment and we can have a coffee or something." I offered.

Within half an hour we were at the garage where Peter had arranged for his car to be mended. Bills paid, he hopped into his lovely Mercedes, started the engine and then followed me out onto the freeway, heading home.

CHAPTER 2 - Cat goes out to play

The moment Daniel left I picked up the phone and dialled the number my hubby had just given me. Sam's throaty voice came on the line immediately but her words suggested that she had only just woken.

"Yes? Um…Who is it?" Her voice immediately reminded me of the other evening, her moans as she took my husband's dick deep into her.

"It's Cat…Catherine… Em, from the other night." Suddenly I felt both hesitant and excited. "The car, we er, we rescued you."

"Oh, hell, honey. Sorry but I slept in. What time is it? Is Peter with you yet?" She sounded confused.

"Peter and Daniel have gone to get your car." I said. "I just wanted to talk to you about…" my voice tailed off.

"Mmm. About the other week? God that was something. You have a fine man there Catherine, a really fine man." Her voice picked up. "And we had fun too didn't we girl?"

"Damn right. That's the reason I was calling. To er, set up another date perhaps? The boys are no good at this sort of thing." I tried to keep the excitement out of my voice but, remembering Peter's thick shaft, I was almost trembling with anticipation.

"Say, honey. Why don't you come over now for coffee? We are only just over the other side of the park. Then we can sit in comfort and chat. I would like that." She sounded cool, calm and not at all like my own emotional rollercoaster made me feel. She gave me the address of her flat and I wrote it down in very wobbly writing, my hand shaking with excitement. All I could think of was my husband watching as Peter pounded my cunt with that beautiful instrument of his. I swear I almost experienced a mini climax there and then. My pussy tingled and my belly ached at the thought of it.

"Right now? Well, that would be good. Give me ten or twenty minutes and I'll walk over. See you!, Bye!" I nodded pointlessly at the dead phone. I was shucking my tee as I dashed to the shower and soon afterwards, I was towelling my hair and throwing the nearest clothes onto my still wet body.

Eighteen minutes later I was pressing the doorbell, slightly out of breath from the jog across the park and down the corridor. Sam called out for me to come in and I opened the door to this amazing zen minimalist apartment, all shades of black and white. Sam was laid across a white leather sofa dressed entirely in black, a cat-suit made out of some stretchy material which was stretching around her curves to great effect. What surprised me more than the apartment was the lurch my stomach made as I looked at her. The other week had been my first ever experience of touching another woman - apart from some occasional joke kisses with girlfriends at school which had turned a bit kinky. Now my mouth was dry and my pussy was all tingly. Not what I was expecting at all.

"Hi, hun!" She turned and stretched letting the warm light enhance her curves. "Come and sit here while I make us some coffee. "

She rose like a panther, taut and graceful. She gestured to the couch while she wandered off into the kitchen to make our drinks. I sat, first tentatively and then decadently, relaxing into the warmth left by her body. Within moments she was back surrounded by the aroma of freshly ground and percolated coffee. I scrunched up and she sat beside me nursing her coffee in a big black mug totally in keeping with the decor. Her eyes narrowed for a second before she spoke.

"Let me get this right, hun. The thing between you and Peter, between Daniel and me. You okay with all this?" Her eyes were searching, probing for my answer.

"I-I am, I suppose. This is all so new to me. I'm a little confused about what happened and what I'm feeling." I lied, hoping she wouldn't notice.

Samantha leaned forward to lay her hand on my shoulder, brushing aside the sleeveless tee and caressing my bare flesh. "Listen. If this is going too fast for you then say so. Peter can be a little aggressive in the sack. But Daniel - he's a sweet guy and I'm really into him. I know he's your hubby but if you would consider sharing. And, of course, if you want Peter…"

I looked at her with astonishment mingled with emotion. This girl was offering to share her husband's massive cock with me. I blushed furiously and nodded with my head down. Sam's grip tightened slightly and she pulled me towards her until my face was barely inches from hers. Her eyes took on a serious look and she arched one brow as if questioning.

"And us?" Her hand moved to my neck, caressing gently. "Are we going to enjoy some girl time too?"

I was, for a long moment, speechless. I remembered our activity from the other week, the urge to go down on her after being stimulated by her husband's prowess. The taste of her, the scent. My heart began to race. Did I want something more? What was she suggesting? Had I misheard? Was this who I really was?

"I-I, what do you mean? " I asked tremulously.


She leaned forward and her lips brushed mine. Then the tip of her pink tongue traced the gap between my moist lips, encouraging them to open, to accept her. Without thinking I let my tongue steal out to touch hers and slide slowly past to taste her open mouth. I put one arm on her shoulder and we drew together, tongues darting, chasing flicking and then probing each other. Our noses brushed against each other and our hair mingled as we slid down further into the soft welcoming couch.

I could hear her breathing change as she moaned almost silently. My breathing quickened and as I kissed her my mind began to somersault. This was new, it was strange and yet...so exciting, so right. Sam reached down and drew my tee upwards over my breasts, momentarily snagging the hem on my hardening nipples pushing through the lace of my tee-bra. She reached behind me and deftly unclasped the skimpy bra, drawing the straps from my shoulders and dropping the garment to the floor beside her. Once freed, my breasts felt suddenly cold and an involuntary shiver ran through me. Sam used her hands to lift and cradle them, admiring their round soft shape. I reached up and freed the shoulder straps of her catsuit, pulling the material down until her bra-less breasts were exposed.

I was a little surprised how small they were by comparison. Little more than raised mounds each topped by an upright hard brown nipple. She drew me to her and stroked her nipples with mine, raising each to stiffness and sending a tingle down, through my belly to light a small burgeoning fire in my groin. We continued to kiss for a moment, exploring each others mouths. My hands lay limply in my lap. I simply didn't know what to do next. It seemed that Sam recognised my indecision and she suddenly stopped her stroking and motioned for us both to stand.

"It's a little bright in here." She said, calmly. Shall we find somewhere more...intimate?" She took my hand and guided me to the room behind us. As we walked just those few steps I could feel wetness leaking into my panties and making my pussy lips slide together. As she pushed open the door I gasped. The room was almost pitch black but I could make out the overwhelming presence of deep burgundy. The walls and curtains, the bedding, the thick carpet. Everything an identical shade of deep dark blood. I stood trembling like a schoolgirl by the immense bed as she took my tee from me and then kneeled in front of me like an angelic supplicant. She popped the button on the waistband of my jeans and then started to unzip them kissing each inch of exposed flesh as the zip parted. The touch of her lips sent cool shivers up my body and I had to bite my lip to stop myself calling out.

She slid my jeans over my rump as I wriggled excitedly, helping her to ease them gently down my legs and off my feet. For a moment I felt like a student in front of some fabulous tutor as I watched her stand, reach behind to unzip her black catsuit and let it drop to the floor. She moved closer to me, our breasts touched and a shock ran through her to me. Her eyes smouldered as she took in my body. Mine never left her face as she ran a hand behind me, grasped my ass cheek and pulled me sharply into her. I felt our pubic bones collide and another shock ran through me. I could feel her owning me, dominating me with every move she made. And I liked it, I loved it and I wanted more.

Sam started a sinuous movement with her hips, holding me tight to her and rubbing my pubic bone with hers. I felt something warm trickle down my leg and blushed with the thought of it. Her closeness was driving me crazy, I could feel her heart beating slowly faintly through my own body. My lips opened and I began to pant, trying to dissipate some of the heat rising from our joined bellies. She smiled and stopped her rhythmic movement, running her other hand down my arm, across our bellies and between my legs. Her touch ignited something and an involuntary moan escaped my open lips. She reached forward and stifled the moan with her own lips, once again searching for my tongue with her own, all the while sliding her wet fingers towards my sex.

I felt my knees giving way as they started to tremble. Somehow she sensed this and leaned forward, almost pushing me backwards onto the bed. We fell together in a tangle of limbs and hair. The spell was momentarily broken and we both giggled as we sought a comfortable position.

"I find you so attractive, Cat." She whispered in my ear. "I have known other women but you seem so.... innocent, so alluring."

"Sam... I'm not sure...I don't know." I stammered as her breath blew hot at the base of my neck. "Please... Samantha... Help me to understand...what to do."

I watched Samantha as her eyes sparkled. She grinned mischievously and pushed me down on the bed, my legs dangling off the edge. She began to run her fingertips down my arms, setting up sensations which made my hairs stand on end. My tummy tensed and I exhaled with a barely stifled moan. Her lips followed the line of her fingers, stopping every inch or so to peck at my skin. My mind was whirling, imagining, anticipating as her fingers crossed my belly and her head following as she knelt between my legs. My arms shuddered and the temptation to lift them, to grasp her head and pull her into me was overwhelming.

Her fingers met at the apex of my legs and her thumbs began to circle my pussy mound. I groaned with frustration. Her thumbs pressed in on my sex, triggering lightning flashes of desire which chased up and down my body, making my breasts heave. Then her touch was gone and I wriggled with the lost sensation. I ached for more. I started to lift my head and then a different sensation hit me with a jolt. Her finger had parted my swollen lips and was in me! Just like that, she had driven a finger deep into me, swirling it around, touching and teasing every part of my wet and hot cunt.

My body arched and the moan I released this time was real and startlingly loud. I thrashed my head from side to side as another finger joined the first, stretching my cunt slightly and filling me in a most delectable way. She continued to slide her fingers forward and back, making me writhe with ecstasy; then I felt the tip of her tongue flick my hardening clitoris just once and in that instant I came, groaning with the release, my body heaving and my legs shuddering.

"Oh, fuck! Yes! God, yes!" I screamed. "Oh Sam, you fucking wonderful bitch!"

The orgasm continued as she fucked me faster with her fingers, and I began to feel the vaginal climax building as my clitoral climax washed through me and dissipated. I drove my pelvis upwards to meet her fingers as she used her other hand to push down on my pelvic bone anchoring me to the bed. Her fingers were rapidly ramming into me, the motion aggressively penetrating me, much like a man but, in some uniquely different way, more intense. She encouraged me on, moaning with me as her own sensations increased. In a few short moments I screamed as the orgasm hit me like a blast from a furnace, scalding me, paralysing my muscles as my body fought the sensations cascading through my tender hot cunt.

Her fingers slowed and she caressed me more gently as I came down from the emotional peak she had driven me towards. She laid her head on my belly, savouring my shuddering cries as the climax drained away. Then she began to kiss my body, touching every possible inch with her lips, working her way slowly upwards until, like a pale panther, she mounted the bed and lay down beside me. Our lips touched, our noses touched, our bodies moulded into each other. Her breath was ragged, she was panting gently as my own breath was laboured and harsh. As I came down from my last climax, my breathing slowed and I turned to my new lover.

"Oh, God! Sam." I whispered with all the breath I had left. "That was so wonderful. What you did to me... Never before, like that. I never came as hard in my life."

Sam smiled. "Welcome to the Sisterhood, my darling. perhaps you will do the same for me later on; but I wanted this first time to be special for you."

I looked up into her face and smiled back. God, I was exhausted! I lay back in her arms and closed my eyes for a second as her arms enfolded me. What seemed like a second later I heard footsteps outside the room.

CHAPTER 3 - Daniel's special delivery

I checked my rear-view constantly as the white Mercedes slipped in behind me on the freeway. We had arranged for Peter to park his car in the underground garage I used because getting a space outside his block was always difficult and at this time of day could be nearly impossible. I watched him carefully as we took the down ramp and eased round the corners to the entrance. I breathed a sigh of relief as his gleaming white hood came round the last corner and followed me down the ramp into the garage. I found two spaces together on Level -3 and we parked up. As I got out of the car I scanned the parking area carefully but our thug was nowhere to be seen.

"How about a coffee, Peter?" I offered once we had locked our cars.

He nodded. "That would be great Daniel, I can't say how grateful we are for your help. We know nobody here and Sam found it a little difficult to settle in. We are so glad we met you two."

Peter paused for a moment. "But wait a minute. Why don't you come over to my place for lunch? Call Cat and get her to come too. Sam would love to see you again." Peter's wink was unmistakable as was the genuine grin on his face. I could tell he was thinking of my wife again.

"Sure, why not!" I grinned back. I pulled out my mobile and called our landline. There was no answer. Perhaps Cat had gone shopping. I shrugged, that meant more time with the lovely Samantha.

"Let's go. I can't get hold of Cat, I will try again later."

We jogged along the path through the park and were quickly at the door to Peter's flat. He let us in and we moved towards the kitchen when we both heard a giggling from the bedroom. Peter walked over and pushed the door open. I looked over his shoulder. There, in naked beauty, were our wives. Giggling, intertwined and clearly sated from lovemaking. My darling wife had a glow about her that I only occasionally saw.

Peter yelled with pleasure and dived onto the bed where he was immediately covered in warm pink flesh as both women rolled onto him and started undressing him, still laughing and teasing him. Once he was completely naked, and clearly looking ready for action, the girls turned their attention on me. They both rose from the bed and stalked towards me.

Samantha pulled my shirt out of my pants and started fiddling urgently with the buttons while Cat undid my cuffs and pulled the sleeves. As my shirt fell away I watched as first Sam and then Cat dropped to their knees and unbuttoned my jeans, Sam slowly drawing the zip down as Cat removed my shoes and socks. Cat pulled on my jeans legs as Sam hooked her fingers into the waistband of my white boxers. Both jeans and boxers slid to the ground and I stepped out of them as the girls rose to their feet.

"God, you look fantastic Daniel." Sam said as she stroked the hairs on my chest. "If I were Cat I would have you fuck me every night and in every hole." Her smile was wide and welcoming.

"He does and I love it." Catherine responded proudly. Her arm went around my neck as she pulled me down for a passionate open-mouthed kiss.

I reached forward and grabbed both girls, encircling their waists with my arms. I pulled them towards me, their shapely bottoms rubbing against my groin causing an already hardening cock to spring to attention. They set up a sensuous rhythm teasing my cock with their bodies, rubbing themselves up and down my body.

The temptation was too great and I slid my hands down to cup their pussies. Cat squealed and wriggled but Sam let out a low moan. I looked at Peter, rising naked from the bed and smiled. I reached further to slide a long finger along their cracks and then curling upwards I pushed a wet finger into each of them. I jerked my hands upwards, driving the fingers deep and pulling them closer to me. As I manipulated each finger I felt their bodies writhe, seeking more.

Peter joined us and began to caress first Sam and then my wife. His hands grasped one breast of each girl and began to knead and twist them, making both girls moan with pleasure. I slid a second finger into their wet cunts and began to jerk them furiously, forcing Cat to scream with the sensation while Sam simply increased the moaning which had been continuous throughout. Peter took Cat's nipple into his mouth and sucked it to hardness while twisting his own wife's nipple savagely.

"Oh! No! Daniel please stop!" Sam gasped as my fingers thrust into her. "No! Wait! I don't want to come yet."

Sam pulled away from me and led Peter towards the bed. Cat followed, my fingers still inside her until she broke the contact by lying down next to Sam and Peter. She grasped the base of Peter's enormous erection as his wife took hold of Cat's head and lowered it onto his shaft. Cat began to suck him into her mouth as Sam pushed down, forcing Cat to swallow the whole length into her throat. Cat gagged momentarily and then began to slide up and down, breathing through her nose and occasionally removing the cock to allow her to gasp air. Sam was merciless, however, pushing her back onto the rigid cock, forcing more of it down her throat. I knelt between my wife's legs with the intention of tasting the juices running down her leg but Sam shook her head furiously. She let go of Cat's head and pushed me down onto the bed next to her husband. She sank to her knees and began to lick my member into full hardness. Her technique was awesome. She would hold my cock in the palm of one hand and then run the flat of her tongue up the penile ridge to the helmet, circling this and then returning to the base to start again.

Within minutes she had my cock throbbing with the stimulation it was receiving. At this point her action changed and she hung her head over me and slowly lowered it onto my throbbing member, sliding my helmet past her lips and then slowly but constantly accepting more and more of it into her mouth and then further into her throat until I was buried totally in her. Then she paused as my twitching throbbing cock was surrounded by her. Finally she rose equally slowly and began to fuck me with her mouth, slowly, deliberately and fantastically.

I almost dried out with the sheer ecstasy she induced in me but any noise I might have made would have been drowned out by the sound coming from the other side of the bed. Cat had finished swallowing Peter's huge dick and was now lying back on the bed with her legs by her head exposing the gleaming wet pussy that I knew so well. Peter was banging the tip of his dick on her slit and she was yelping like a bitch in heat. I closed my eyes as another man's wife slide back down my shaft until her nose hit my balls. When I opened them again my own wife was panting heavily as Peter began to push the first third of his cock into her tight, creamed pussy.

Samantha stopped for a moment to watch as Peter slid another third of his length into my wife. Her eyes opened wide and she began to gasp, wriggling either to accommodate or escape this massive penetration. Peter grasped her shoulders and pushed harder. Cat let out a low moan and her eyes rolled up into her skull. Peter grinned at his wife and nodded to me then began the slow deliberate withdrawal. We watched as inch after inch came gleaming wet out of Cat's cunt, her lips gripping around the shaft as it left her. When only the helmet was inside her she nodded to him and he rammed the whole length back into her. Her scream echoed around the dark burgundy walls as she took everything he had. I looked at her and she nodded vigorously to him, wanting more.

"Oh, God. Oh, Peter. Go on... please". Her throaty voice wavered slightly as she begged him to fuck her more.

Samantha looked me in the eyes. "I want you to fuck me fast and hard. Leave the slow lovemaking to them, I want it rough and NOW!"

That was an invitation I wasn't going to refuse. I positioned my saliva covered dick at the entrance to her cunt and rammed it home. I grasped her hips and began to pump into her like a jackhammer. Her tiny tits began to bounce up and down as I lifted her hips off the bed to penetrate her totally. Sam closed her eyes and began to pant as her climax began to build. I looked across at the man fucking my wife and grinned. As he went in long and slow I rammed his wife hard and fast.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes! Do it to me Daniel. Fuck me hard! Ram me, my honey!" Sam's words were hurried and breathless as I increased the tempo, pulling her onto my pounding cock.

I looked across to my wife, or what I could see of her, legs by her head, body covered by that of another man. She was moaning and, I think, sobbing as he continued to slowly ravage her. I returned my concentration to the beautiful woman beneath me. I took her breast in one hand, teasing the nipple, flicking it roughly with my thumb. My other hand I slid between us, gathering moisture from our union and using it to stimulate her clitoris with strong, slow strokes of my finger. Her body writhed on me as I flicked her exposed nubbin, each movement causing her to jerk and writhe under me, making me penetrate deeper, stimulating my manhood to greater width, my thrusts hastening my own orgasm.

With a scream that made me jerk, she came trembling beneath me. I could hold back no longer and my own body spasmed as pulses of hot semen spurted deep into her, coating her vagina and spilling out of her as I pounded my frenzied body into her. I heard an echoing howl from my wife as she thrust her hips into the air to ease Peter's massive cock deeper into her. She held that pose for a moment until he drove once more into her and both of them collapsed as his orgasm matched hers.

Samantha suddenly broke my grasp of her breast and leaned over to press her burning lips against Cat's open mouth. Their tongues met and intertwined as they smooched and licked each other. I had never seen my wife kiss another woman passionately - in fact I had never seen my wife fucked by another man. So many firsts for me and not a trace of jealously could I detect in my body or my mind. In fact I felt an overwhelming pride in seeing my wife so happy, so horny and so well satisfied.

I slid to one side and my softening member slipped out of this stranger. I watched as Peter did the same, grinning happily at me. Then we both looked on in amazement as Samantha straddled my wife and went down on her, licking and sucking at her wet cum-soaked cunt. As we watched, my semen began to drip from Samantha's widened hole straight onto my wife's face. She opened her mouth to let the mixture of our love juices drip in long creamy ropes into her mouth. I watched as she licked her lips capturing every last morsel of my cum and saw Samantha completely cleaning Cat's slippery cunt.

"Now that'll what I call a finish!" Peter grinned as he lay on his back and winked at me.

"That must be the most amazing thing I have ever seen!" I nodded to him.

Her job done, Samantha rolled over to rest in his arms while Cat spooned me wriggling her pert bottom against me. I looked into the eyes of both Peter and his wife and saw nothing there other than contentment. My wife's breathing slowed and within moments I could tell that she was drifting into sleep. My eyes felt heavy and without my volition they also closed as we four playmates drifted off into a satisfied sleep.

Watch out for Episode 3 - Samantha's Story (A Chance Encounter)

I would love your feedback on this story as it develops. Please leave your comments at the bottom of the page. If you leave a negative vote then please explain why. It helps me to improve and satisfy my readers as my characters satisfy each other.


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Wyoming/Ute IGT, Duke's Rescue and Bob's Heritage By: Malissa Madison Primrose was ecstatic, her Daddy had paid a Quarter Million Galactic Credits to buy her, her very own Lyconian Star Freighter. She didn't even bat an eye when her mother assigned her sister Daisy as her Co- Driver for the second returning convoy to Earth. She and Prairie Flower had almost three weeks down time to travel and visit when they reached Earth. Then they...

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Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue by Kim. October 2016. I suppose I should have been more careful and alert, but then I would never have met Daphne. I had lapsed into my usual reverie of nature when... "Beautiful isn't it?" "Ahhh!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. Or worse, jumped off the cliff! I had been viewing the gorgeous fall foliage for so long I must have been in a trance, because she walked right up behind me without me noticing. On most days that wouldn't have bothered me at all, but...

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South of Bikini 4 Empress to the Rescue

Episode 6 "Empress to the Rescue" 1145hrs, L. Scott home, Bridgeport, Conn, August 24th, 1944 "About time you got back, Alex. We've been worrying about you. Where have you been?" Emily started the interrogation as soon as my feet touched the porch steps. "I had to take care of something, sis," I replied as I winked and sat next to her on the glider. To our left on the porch swing, Doris Sullivan stared unblinkingly at us. Pa seemed comfortable just...

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Island Rescue

The flight from the island is bitter sweet, sweet because of the rescue, bitter because of the unknown. My relationship with Leeza isn't something that we can declare openly. A bit about myself, my name is Don Parson, widower, fifty-one, living in Abbotsville a small city in the northeast. I am a software developer by trade, specializing in computer viruses and the dismantling of them. My last assignment introduces me to Mr. Raven and his twelve-year-old daughter Leeza. Leeza and I got off to...

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Eden RescueChapter 11

For the past three years Meiersdottir had gradually detached herself from Eden Rescue. She remained chairperson of its board and nominal CEO, but Heisinger and Igwanda—AC—had between them taken over virtually all aspects of operational management, and her regular presence was no longer needed. Given her advancing years—she'd be 113 on her next birthday, which was only two months away—making the daily trek to the organization's offices was increasingly difficult for her, and she was rarely...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 5 On the Bridge after the Order of the Strap

I went to the bridge and ordered Mother to dock with the next passenger compartment. Sally had followed me to the bridge and noticed a couple of things needing attention. It was all she could do to keep her hands off the controls. Finally after noticing my amused look and realizing I knew what was going on, she asked if she could handle the problems. I said, "Sure, but if there are any serious problems tell me immediately". They were normal maintenance items that could have waited, but I...

4 years ago
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Rescue turns into Recreation

I am heavily involved in search and rescue operations in the back county. The mountains are very steep and we end up with numerous calls for people who went off trail trying to take a short cut only to find their path ending in a cliff. It is too steep to backtrack up so the 911 call comes in. I have always had this fantasy. Calling out the three of us make our way down the hillside trying to locate the stranded hikers. We find them and I gear up first and head over the side of the...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Fairy Godmother Returns

The Fairy Godmother Returns By Morpheus I let out a long sigh took a look back towards my school as I left for the day. However, it wasn't the school itself that I was staring at, but a hot girl who was leaving at the same time... in nearly the opposite direction. Sheila Case wasn't exactly the hottest girl in school, but she was definitely within the top five. Personally however, out of all of the girls in the school she was at the very top of my list. She was the girl that I...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 15 Proximity Alert

Three days after the pirate attack, I was in my quarters with Paula, Amanda, Robin and Yoko discussing things I needed to know about the job I had inherited. There was a call from the bridge, "Captain to the bridge please!" It was Donna, one of the ladies on the 3rd watch. "Captain here, what's up", I replied. "Sir, sensors indicate that there are two large ships closing on us. Their courses and closure rate do not appear to be hostile". Donna was not as experienced as Sally, but she...

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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 19 Rescue

I never really passed out, but I wasn’t in a mood to keep talking. The immediate threat was contained, and since I was trapped under a tree and wounded, I wasn’t going to wander around the battlefield. After a few minutes I began to hear sirens, both police and fire department; I wouldn’t be alone for long. I twisted my head to the left but couldn’t see to the end of the driveway out on Lakeside Drive. I did see flashing lights approaching, and the sirens went silent. Moments later I heard a...

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Chaos Calls 02 The First RescueChapter 05

When they leave the column Jaycee sends two pairs of scouts ahead to make sure the way is clear. Mounted and having a light load they move far faster than the column. Two days later they meet up with the other Hero. When they enter his camp he says, “Ma name’s Jock. I’m right glad ta see you. The guards are moving about a lot.” Jaycee replies, “Hello, Lord Jock. Lord Al has completed his rescue. He killed over two hundred of their troops in taking the farm. After we stripped it of everything...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

4 years ago
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Operation Rescue The Things We Do For Love

Operation Rescue: The Things We Do For Love ElrodW A man loves his long-time friend from childhood, but she doesn't - and can't - love him. He thinks that Operation Rescue will give him a way to remedy the problem, but he's unaware of what that will mean to him, his job and friends, and his whole being - if he gets accepted into the program. ***************************************************************** Operation Rescue: The Things We Do For Love This story is copyright...

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Operation Rescue The New CoEd chapter 1

This is part 1 of a story in my new mini-verse. I hope you like it. It's only the beginning - this threatens to get out of hand as I've been writing. (Kind of like riding a tiger - hard to get off, but you know you don't really have control.) Many thanks to Jezzie Stewart for helpful comments and editing, and also to Ellie for the same. Couldn't have gotten it this far, or in this state, without their help. ElrodW ********************** Operation Rescue: ...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 3 The Order of the Brush

At this point I left the bridge and knew Mother would take care of the Beverly. I went to the emergency airlock near the middle of the Zeus. Once at the airlock, I put on my environmental suit for my own safety. The Zeus's emergency air lock has a flexible docking tube that allows me to connect to another ship's airlock even if the other ship was three hundred feet (100 meters) away. This was ideal for the current situation because with the Beverly being a smashed and twisted wreck I...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 2 The HMS Beverly

I was on the return leg of a cargo run to some obscure star system when the distress call came in on the FTL communications system. I was totally alone on the Zeus because the two ladies I took on the outbound leg found male friends at the port on the planet and asked if they could stay. I can handle the return leg on Zeus myself, so I paid them off and let them go. This was not that unusual an occurrence, since long haul trips often are taken by people who are trying to forget someone or...

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The RescueChapter 2 Open Ocean Rescue

As the captain suspected, the owners and crew may well have retired for the evening, but they most definitely had not gone to sleep. Malcolm and Caroline had gone to their cabin in the bow, while Phoebe had enticed Robby to spend the night in her cabin. Robby had already gotten off with Phoebe once when the horn blast startled him. Disdaining any foreplay, the pair had promptly stripped naked. Phoebe had knelt on her bunk while looking over her shoulder as her lover for the night stepped up...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 53 Flying to the Rescue

Erin struggled. She fought with and yelled at Mike. She knew it was him but she hadn't seen his face. She spat curses and screamed for help as he carried her to his car and put her in. However, for some reason no one came, no one noticed her. Mike pushed her in and across, not allowing her alone in the car for too long. She watched the scenery go by, buildings, cars, people. She yelled and called, screamed and slammed herself into the door, but nothing stopped what was happening. She was...

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Operation Rescue In Plain Sight

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight ElrodW A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic. [email protected] ******************************************************************** Prologue This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Pete buried his head in his pillow...

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Shadowy Rescue

Shadowy Rescue By: Lyrissa "Who goes there?" Gruna shouted, hefting her vicious-looking axe towards the direction of the noise. Her voice betrayed no fear, only steely determination and a threat to anyone or anything hiding in the shadows to step out and face her. The orc grunt stepped closer to the guard tower and her eyes roamed across the coarse stonework which made up its base before she raised her head to stare up into the evening sky. The last rays of daylight were still...

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Eden RescueChapter 12

The Ark's captain would be Angus MacPherson, a dyed-in-the-wool Scot who was reputed among the most flamboyantly daring of the starship commanders. To balance his bravado SES had selected stolid Warren Cromartie as second in command, "as sound as they come," Mallet told Meiersdottir. Only a skeleton supercargo would travel on the outbound run. Heisinger and Igwanda would be joined only by biologists Watesi and Yuan, chemist Johann Paulssen and astronomer Yisheda Amuri for the voyage....

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Eden RescueChapter 45

The Houston homecoming was everything Meiersdottir had promised. Media coverage was extensive, and the entire staff of Eden Rescue was flown in to join the celebration. As the harrowing story of their narrow escape from the Eden system emerged, MacPherson and to a lesser extent Cromartie found themselves momentarily media darlings, much to their—and especially the captain's—embarrassment. Ironically, Mallet himself was also showered with fulsome praise for his and his agency's role in the...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Somali Pirates and Their Prey Chapter two Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches

Chapter two: Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches! This is a continuing story A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! This part is about those than are about to be kidnapped! These new female Royal Navy Officers and there clandestine assignment as naval oceanographers, off the coast of Somali. Are with the blessings...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 26 Art to the Rescue

At nine the next morning, Detective Springer came to Camelot to talk with me about a case he had been assigned. It turned out that there were an inordinate number of missing girls and young women in the area. In each and every instance the girls disappeared without a single trace. Advertisements had produced a flurry of leads but Detective Springer's team had checked out every one and came up totally empty. There were no leads which did not end up in a dead end. They tried everything they...

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The RescueChapter 4 The Coast Guard

It was almost eight by the time the cutter appeared on the horizon. She hove to several hundred yards from the Bottoms Up and the floating debris. By that time, the skipper had told everyone what to expect in the way of an investigation and had requested that the Jensons and Phoebe should get dressed, although he wanted the Meredith family to stay as they were, so that the Coast Guard could see their exact condition as they were rescued. He had made a special private comment to Malcolm that...

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Rescue Me

This story may not be altered or reposted without the expressed written permission of the original author. ************ Rescue Me By Lindsay Hart 5pm. Another day done. I was just shutting down my computer and getting ready to head home as the phone rang at my desk. "Hello." "Oh, Kelly, I'm so glad you haven't left. Somehow I knew you would still be there. I can always count on you to give me a full day's work. I need help and don't know what to do." The lady on...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 346 Reaching My Returns PointofNoReturn

Friday, April 27 (Continued) to Friday, June 1, 2007 All the family members gathered in the Adults' dining room and the girls started putting together a celebratory breakfast while we called our lawyer. Unsurprisingly, he took our call right away. I knew the most about what had been in the van and the conversation between Paul and the police chief, so I did most of the talking. It was a good way of bringing everyone else up to date too. At the end of the conversation, our lawyer said,...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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My big brother Matthew is on leave from the Marines. He regaled us with stories of how many cocks he's had since last we've seen him. "I've had a virtual U.N. of cocks up my ass," he jolingly said. He especially loved all of the Japanese sex clubs. All the petite Lady boys swooned at the sight at any American soldier stepping through their doors. Matthew wanted to go AWOL and just live in these clubs. It was paradise to have all these adoring boys crawling over him without the slightset...

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My Twin to The Rescue Part 4

My Twin to the Rescue Part 4 Ken stood at the entrance to the dining area and looked around. He was waiting to be seated. As he stood there, he became aware of just how many women present had a name tag similar to his; each one bearing the woman's name. Finally the head waiter approached and said, "Miss Brown, if you will follow me." And with that, he led Ken to a table near the middle of the room. There were already three others sitting there as Ken sat down, smoothing his dress...

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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapters 1112

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 11 - Blue [email protected] A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. Tommi has to deal with postpartum depression, no friends around, and summer school class load. Thanks to Ellie Dauber and Brenda Hamilton for their generous help in editing and ensuring storyline consistency. Any errors that remain are solely...

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Wolfs Bane Rescue beyong the Rim

Rescue Beyond the Rim By: Malissa Madison Wolfs Bane; LSF Lydia Shore, Col, Commander Torri Sharr, driver Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver Terror; LSF Mark IV Troika Deirri, Commander, Lycan Sanissa Demure, Co- Commander, Driver (Cord Demure's younger Sister) Grief; TM IV Tarra Demure, Commander (Reno's Older Sister) Genie Fall, Primary Driver MTS-1, DLS 1.2-T FJ-123, FJ-124, FJ-125,...

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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 26

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed By ElrodW A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting "surrogates". His life is about to change in ways that he could have never imagined. Chapter 26 - Sisters The second year is almost over, and summer plans are being revealed. Sara and Tommi still have some serious issues to confront as they try to mend their relationship. The...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 12 The Rescue Fleet

Onboard the Ex-Crytherian mining freighter Hathor, William Odessa led his party of former escapees down the narrow hallway he had found. The air smelled of stale sweat and death, water dripped from one of the overhead pipes in at least a dozen places. One of the electrical panels buzzed as if it had a short and they stayed away from it. Looking at the map he had made, he knew they were getting close as they turned the corner. Up ahead, he could see the bulkhead door. Going up to it, he...

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The Rescue Mission

By Submissive Romanticedited by Michael-Leonard Chapter 1 I grew up in the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona to be more precise. My mother, father, an older brother and me, we lived at what was then the most northern part of Phoenix, in a small house on a very large tract of desert land. My childhood was anything but normal. You see my dad was a drunk, an abusive drunk at that. As soon as my brother turned eighteen, he left the house and joined the Marines. After serving for four years, he...

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The Rescue

1The Rescueby ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know)Why didn’t this one stop talking and get on with it, she thought to herself.  If it were over she could go back into her shell.  She had hardly emerged now - she barely could anymore - and she wanted back in.EMMS RUNNING FILE - DAY 1:From: Manager of Acquisitions To: Manager of MarketingBought this one at the latest auction - valuable acquisition, good price.  I’ve always said it pays to talk to the merchandise...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 7 The Order of the Birch

I cycled the airlock and asked Sally, "How did you program the Zeus' docking maneuver from the Beverly's console?" "Oh, when I found out about the fissure, I told Mother about the problem, I would have beeped you but you were dealing with Robin, and I judged I could handle the situation myself. I explained to mother the urgency of getting the data from the Beverly and Mother tied in and practically yanked the core out of the Beverly. I told Mother that the fissure developing on the...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Penny May I Rescue you from Hell

P.S. I am so fearful of rejection here that I have denied anonymous votes. Sorry. Penny, May I Rescue you from Hell? (Part one) Pennies from Hell I gave my taxi driver an extra twenty bucks to drive me to the street he called “Hooker Hell”. According to this capable-looking man, if the pimps didn’t have guns, then they at least had switchblade knives and they weren’t the least bit hesitant to cut off dicks and balls. “Furthermore,” he had added. “There won’t be a cop in...

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Rescue Me

Dear reader, this story tells of the love between an able bodied girl and a disabled man. I did a little bit of research to see if these events could actually happen and I have concluded that they could… If for some reason my research has led me to improper conclusions, I hope that I won’t offend anyone with the story that follows. * I met my husband Ben back in college. I had known him since freshman year and we were the best of friends. We did not get together until senior year because I...

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