- 4 years ago
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Eine richtig scharfe Fotze, (wenn sie das liest, läßt sie mich vielleicht ihren Namen hier einstellen) brachte mich dazu, meine Erlebnisse aufzuschreiben, dabei habe ich "Silvester" noch immer nicht fertig.
Wieder mal zäume ich das Pferd von hinten auf und beginne mittendrin, mit dem was gestern passierte. Doch ich will auch noch von den Dingen erzählen, die ich im Bordell erlebte, allerdings später.
Es strömt im Moment so viel auf mich ein - hier auf chyoa und real. Seit vorgestern quillt meine Mailbox über vor Nachrichten und Anfragen - die Bordelle sind ja dicht, doch "meine Chefin" hat meine Nummer auf Anfrage weitergegeben. Und seit dem habe ich Anfragen, das würde für einen Gangbang reichen. Seit Corona spüre ich grenzenlose Geilheit um mich herum.
Also hier - ganz frisch das was gestern passierte:
Anfänglich war es schon komisch, Frank zu begegnen – zum einen kennen wir uns von unserer ersten Bordellbegegnung, die hemmungslos und heftig war. Und dann während einer Fickpause erfuhren wir, daß wir ziemlich nah beieinander wohnen; er ist verheiratet, aber mit seiner Frau geht schon lange nichts mehr. Er möchte Sex, am liebsten jeden Tag, mehrfach, doch sie hat die Lust daran verloren. Ich kann sie irgendwie verstehen, mein Instinkt sagt mir, daß sie recht hat, ich meine das Recht darauf hat.
Jeder hat das Recht auf seine eigene Lust auf Sex – liegt sie bei null, dann ist es eben so.
Auch ich habe mehrere Beziehungen hinter mir, alle gingen auseinander, weil ich dauernd Sex haben wollte, ihn brauchte wie essen, trinken, atmen…
Und heute mehr denn je.
Gestern Nacht sprachen wir wieder darüber, ich kraulte sein Haar, die ersten Höhepunkte waren erlebt und so blieb zeit zum reden, ich wollte eigentlich schon wieder ficken, aber ich tat ihm den Gefallen, ja, Huren müssen auch gute Zuhörerinnen sein, ich würde schon noch bekommen was ich so nötig hatte.
Während er sich aussprach, wanderte meine andere Hand fast unmerklich zu seinem halbsteifen, verschmierten Schwanz. Ich strich sanft über die leicht schrumpelige Haut seiner weichen Eier -wie prall und hart sie vor seinem ersten Orgasmus waren, so voll, so pulsierend als er kam. Er explodierte förmlich; siedend heiß verspritzte er seine kochende Sahne - und sie schmeckte phantastisch.
Aber ich schweife ab, vielleicht komme ich noch darauf zurück.
Aber wieso nur vielleicht, das sollte ich jetzt tun, es war so ungeheuer geil und fast schon romantisch…
Nein, ich werde es euch schreiben und zwar jetzt, weil es so köstlich war - im genauen Wortsinn.
Also – noch Mal einen Sprung zurück.
Seine Nachricht war eine von vielen auf der Mailbox. Name und Stimme kamen mir angenehm bekannt vor; naja, wenn ich die Wahl habe, dann suche ich mir natürlich die Hengste aus.
Nach dem lahmen Startereignis mit dem ersten Typen gestern Nachmittag hoffte ich auf Wiedergutmachung durch den Liebesgott.
Und Frank war die Wiedergutmachung.
Ich war schon ein bißchen aufgeregt, wie gesagt, wir kannten uns
UND - er wohnt quasi um die Ecke.
Die Begrüßung war etwas hölzern, aber Frank tat dann das richtige – meine Knie zitterten und er drückte mir ohne vieles Zögern seine Lippen auf meine, mitten im Flur begann ein heftiges Züngeln, seine Zunge kämpfte meine nieder, schob sie zurück. Mein Gott - was für ein Kampfmuskel!
Ich saugte an ihm, lutschte seine Zunge, presste sie mit meiner intensiv gegen meinen Gaumen.
Dieses Stück Leckfleisch war so dick, so muskulös, spielend drückte er meine Zunge herunter, schob sie beliebig in jede Richtung, dann wurde seine Zunge schlaff, ich durfte sie nach belieben massieren, mit ihr spielen, sie umzüngeln. Er genoß das Spiel. Das Spiel war geil, nass, so unglaublich nass – unser Sabber troff unkontrolliert auf meine Titten, sie wurden förmlich eingespeichelt.
Was ich für Klamotten ich trug, ist jetzt unwichtig, ich hatte sie sowieso nicht mehr lange an.
Er küßte mich so heiß, so intensiv wie ich es schon seit Wochen nicht mehr spürte. Nicht mal bei unserem Bordellfick, da wollte er nur Druck in einer Nutte los werden – ich konnte mich allerdings nicht beschweren. Seine Hände waren sofort auf meinen Titten, das bißchen Stoff war schnell über unwichtige Hautstellen verschoben. Ich spürte die warme Haut seiner etwas rauhn Handinnenflächen auf meinen bereits versteiften Nippeln, die noch etwas wund waren (Claudia weiß wovon ich spreche, die gesamte Woche war heftig).
Seine Berührungen gingen mir dennoch durch und durch. Dabei verrieb er den Speichel auf meinen Titten – er verdampfte auf meiner heißen Haut, der Geruch von vertrocknendem Speichel ist etwas animalisches, mich macht er wahnsinnig geil.
Seine Nägel kratzten über meine steifen Zitzen, schmerzhaft, richtig geile Schmerzen.
Dann, nach endlosen Sekunden, Minuten? Keine Ahnung, er raubte mir den Atem und die Kontrolle.
Endlich gab sein Mund mich frei.
Ich lockerte meinen Mund ein wenig, meine zerknautschten Lippen, meine zerdrückte Zunge entspannten sich allmählich.
Ich war so bereit, bereit abgefickt zu werden diesem geilen Kerl.
GOTT! Hatte ich es nötig!
Und Frank erst.
Doch diesmal wollte ich es so lange wie möglich hinauszögern, mit ihm, seiner Geilheit spielen.
Bis er es nicht mehr aushielt.
Ab jetzt übernahm ich die Initiative.
Ich überzeugte Frank, sich von mir fesseln zu lassen mit meinem Slip.
Ich saß auf den Knien vor ihm, er war schon komplett nackt.
Hmmmm was für ein Körper, durchtrainiert, muskulös, sogar ein Sixpack, und ein herrlicher Knackarsch. Er sah so scharf aus, ich gebe nur wenig darauf – ficken ist die Qualität, die ich brauche.
Doch manchmal macht mich der Körper des Mannes optisch so sehr an, wenn er die sexuelle Ausstrahlung damit vervielfacht, dann ist es um mich geschehen – dann macht ein geiler Männerkörper macht mich verdammt scharf.
Und dann war da sein Schwanz - Hmmmm!
Was für ein herrliches Teil. Ich konnte beide Hände übereineinander um ihn legen - dann blickte die Eichel darüber hinaus.
Eine Zauberwaffe - mit verheerender Wirkung wie ich bereits wußte.
Er stand vor mir, aufrecht, steif, zuckend, pulsierend.
Ich durfte seine Hände hinter seinem Rücken verbinden mit meinem durchtränkten Slip.
Er war mir ausgeliefert und sehr erregt. Sehr!!!
Sein pralles Fickrohr stand vor mir, steifer und senkrechter geht es nicht.
Meine Lippen hingen Millimeter vor seiner herrlichen warmen Eichel.
Wie sie zuckte direkt vor meinen Augen, meinen Blaslippen, meine heißen Atemstöße auf seiner Schwanzhaut ließen diesen geilen Ständer pumpend anschwellen, rhytmisch, so was hartes, geiles …
Einfach himmlisch, es wurde Zeit, ihm zu geben, wonach er verlangte –
und ich…
A West Village Tale I'll admit it. Greenwich Village rules my heart and soul. I'm never leaving and I'll tell you a tale that will explain why. A few years ago on an early November evening, I walked down Hudson toward Bleecker. I had just closed Sweet Seasons, the flower and gift shop I co-own on Christopher and was walking toward my flat on Ann Street. I saw a blur run from the east side of Bleecker barely missing an old woman and heading straight into the intersection against...
Sexual Tension 2 Amy had a very beneficial roommate relationship with Tom. He kept to himself, never tried to flirt with her, never brought any girls home, and never gave her drama. Occasionally, they would cook together, watch TV, or play a board game when they were bored. It never went beyond friendship for one obvious reason: the two of them were both gay. Amy rolled her hips hard as she rubbed against her partner's clit. The two girls moaned as they forced themselves together,...
I had a 6 months contract, carrying out electrical maintenance at a city center hospital, this involved me working in almost all the departments and wards at some point, so I had a pretty good knowledge of all the hot and available nurses working their. I had dated a couple, of them but nothing became of the relationships, and I didn`t score with either.With just a few weeks left on my contract, I spotted a lovely student nurse on a medical ward, she was 20 years old, and I was 24 straight away...
Wheels Resort Dining Area 3:38pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 After most of us settled back down after Sammy’s little Wushu demonstration, Lynette leaned against me and whispered up into my ear, “Because Angelika, uh, Kalena and her mom have a great understanding and appreciation of music, you, uh ... you know the song, the one you and I have worked on ... that Rock-n-Roll Dreams song?” I simply nodded my affirmation to Lynette as she peered up at me. She then softly added to her thought...
I am 29 and settled in Australia. The only close relative I have is my older sister in Islamabad, she is 42. I visited her after 6 years after I came to Australia. My sister has two daughters, one is married and other is about to be married. My younger niece is Sumaira – she is 20, medium height and built, fair skin and black hair. It was two days after my arrival and we were having supper and my sister offered me to go with her and her husband to the PC Bhurban for a get together brunch. I...
IncestI woke naked, my torso limp across the kitchen table. A familiar discomfort filled my cunt. It was the only part of me he hadn’t bruised. “Damn, this pussy is worth every fucking cop out looking for me.” Terry sat across two chairs, leaning back. My ass sat on his crotch. He had had to pull his belly up to make room for me. Both of us could feel the wetness between our tender organs. The oven clock said it was 1:33 am. “I can feel you moving.” I burst into tears. “What did you do with my...
LITTLE LULU by Deirdre Rosamond O'Conor I. Permanent Wave "He looks so cute with his long, blond hair, Maggie." It was the next-door neighbor lady, talking to Mom in the kitchen. Jimmy was on the back porch, playing with his soldiers. Mom had not cut his hair since the awful news about Daddy not coming home again, ever, and it was now down to his shoulders. "Really, though, you ought to do something with it besides just brush it." "Such as?" said Mom. "Give the little...
Chapter two. It hadn’t been a typical Monday at work. A fire alarm had seen the entire university outside, standing in the rain while the fire brigade searched the building in vain for the cause. She and her colleagues got soaked in the drizzle and knew they had the rest of the day to get through in damp clothing. It didn’t help her mood in the least. The drizzle didn’t let up thorough the day. Her clothes were sticking to her, clinging and uncomfortable, when she arrived home. The door...
Mom and Betty were having a drink in the kitchen when I heard a car pull into in the driveway. I looked out the front window where I could see Cindy, she had taken a taxi from the station and was just negotiating her fare with the cab driver. When the transaction was complete the driver honked the horn and we went outside to meet her.She had several large boxes with her, which we carried into the living room. Introductions were made and Cindy proceeded to enthrall us with her Paris adventures....
It was at this juncture, possibly attracted by the loud profanities in a deep voice, that the Chief Eunuch with several juniors came into the store-room and pounced on Ernesto. He fought them valiantly but they bore him down by whips and the force of numbers. He was bound and taken to the Golden Palace's dungeon where he was stripped naked and thrust into a dark, cold cell with no windows, stone walls and a door made of metal bars an inch thick. The floor was bare and the only variation was...
Dusty and Suzan quickly made a few plans between them, agreed on them, and then set about separately doing them. First thing Dusty wanted to do was make sure the kids were taken care of. He knew that getting DJ started on his training was important right then and so he made a quick call to Lori. Talking as fast as he could Dusty then explained what was going on and why he needed to send the kids to her home. Telling Lori he had the emergency covered he made the plan to send their kids,...
Introduction: This is based on a true story. All names have been changed to help hide identities. This Is my first story so I hope you enjoy and let me know if I should continue with the series. Thanks. Have you ever fingered yourself? Cody asked me, through a text. No, I replied honestly. Cody and I had been texting for quite some time and we often sent nude pictures to each other. We were both 15 and lived two states apart. I went to school with with a few years before but then I moved away...
-Edgar Allan Poe, "The Premature Burial" *** Wallace dreaded nothing more than being alone in the dark, here of all places. Clarence had the lantern, and although he was an old man he was faster, so Wallace had to run to keep up, shivering each time he stepped over a grave. "Which one are we digging up?" he said, horrified even as the words left his mouth. His answer came with a snort. "We're not digging. Do you see a shovel anywhere? You've not a brain in your head, boy.”...
Katharina S. ist ein junges Mädchen das ziemlich gut aussieht. Sie hat sehr große brüste und einen dünnen bauch, nur ihre Schenkel sind ein wenig dicker was wiederrum ihren Arsch ziemlich Geil macht. Ihre Eltern besitzen ein gutbesuchtes Hotel weswegen sie wenig zeit für sie haben und sie nicht so besonders gut kennen. Ich hingegen kenne sie SEHR gut leider mag sie mich nicht besonders was mir aber eher weniger probleme bereitet. Eines tages hatte ich lust sie zu besuchen also ging ich in das...
It is safe to say that it was a painful and uncomfortable night trying to get some sleep. My nipples were so sore from the sun burn. My inner thighs and crotch were burning not only from the sun burn but my pussy was still soaked from playing on the deck. Pasha was equally in pain but she was still masturbating without any shame being in the same bed as me. Tammy, was masturbating when Pasha and I walked into our room. She looked shocked and stopped as soon we entered the room. Pasha said,...
Skip this to start if you don't care what I have to say. This is my first story so I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'm Going to try my best. leave tips if you want but for now I'm winging it, this first story is going to have comedy in it because porn and sex should be fun, if you cant have a good time then whats the point. Pictures will be included because I myself am more of a visual jerker so if you are too I hope you appreciate it! ENJOY! (or dont and in that case fuck off!) THIS...
RomanceThis is the story of how a lonely, frustrated life was changed one day in the most unexpected of places.5'5", long wavy strawberry blonde hair, turquoise eyes, DD cup breasts, voluptuous hour-glass figure. Lonely, depressed, repressed, frustrated, trapped, controlled, engaged. These are the words Beth uses to describe herself...this is what lead her to a random encounter."Crap I'm late again!" Beth mumbled as she ran out of the house and jumped into her car. ‘Buzz -Buzz’ her phone started...
LesbianHope you enjoy this chapter.*******************Waking Monday, I realized how fast time was going here. March would turninto April this week and signal the end of cool weather. So far, we'd beenrather lucky and had a nice beginning to spring with great temperatures andfairly pleasant weather. With six weeks or so left in my freshman year,the professors decided to pour it on. Up to this point, they had done asuperb job of spacing my tests but that now was over with another piled ontop of the two...
Karen finally pulled into a parking lot and parked in front of an exclusive looking spa. It was the kind of place that I would never have had the nerve to enter. I knew I couldn't afford anything they offered. I probably wouldn't have had the nerve to enter even if I had some extra money. I know my place. She turned the engine off and asked, "Has Tyler discussed the types of punishments you will have to undergo if you disobey or displease him?" We quietly answered, "No." The question...
He bet the black man couldn’t fuck his wife and lost..or did he? I had always had a fantasy about my wife Joyce fucking another man, but when I finally told her about it she reacted by saying, “I’ve never slept with anyone else before, and at age 42 I don’t intend to start now.” Then she added, “Why would you want the mother of your three c***dren to have sex with someone else anyway?” She made me feel so terrible for ever suggesting such a think that I apologized profusely and let the matter...
In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking the human genome and combining biology with nanomachines: cyborgs down to the cellular level, but outwardly perfectly human in appearance. Too perfect, in fact. Over...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIn Which we learn about the pains of Humility, and Innocence leaves Religious devotion and we rediscover the virtues of Chastity. When Sister Innocence had returned from Brook to her own Convent she was to find that Sister Charity’s bed in her room had been taken by a new nun, Sister Humility, who seemed to take the literal meaning of her Christian name very seriously indeed. In fact, the first time Innocence met Sister Humility she was knelt down on the floor with her robe pulled forward over...
You don't care for me, I don't a-care about that You got a new fool? Ha! I like it like that I have only one burning desire: Let me stand next to your fire! —Jimi Hendrix, "Fire" (used without permission) Thursday, August 23, 2:19 AM Pain. Despair. Frustration. Helplessness. Rage. Fear. All of those awful feelings I had experienced throughout the summer, paled in comparison to the gut-wrenching terror that welled up inside when I saw the smoke and flames pouring from the eaves...
The next day Ed found himself periodically losing his concentration because of Dana and Kelly. His thoughts were flashbacks to what he saw and what he did with these two fine women. They were all a man would want in a sexual partner. He couldn't yet say if he preferred one of these ladies over the other. Maybe in time he would be able to say that he did but for now he was quite happy as to how things were going. He hoped he could maintain the relationships he had with these two women as he...
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Jacqui woke up suddenly, as though something, perhaps the lights being switched on, had startled her awake and suddenly felt extremely pangs of hunger and thirst. Everyone else seemed to be either awake or waking. Her more experienced neighbour in the cages explained that DeepSleep does that and that they must be about to arrive on the prison planet of Csadia. "I don't know what it's like," he explained, "because I never met anyone who come back from there. It's probably pretty...
“Here’s to the babies in a brand-new world, here’s to the beauty of the stars. Here’s to the travelers on the open road, here’s to the dreamers in the bars. Here’s to the teachers in the crowded rooms, here’s to the workers in the fields. Here’s to the preachers of the sacred words, here’s to the drivers at the wheel. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Let the day...
My wife and I took a quick trip out of town for the weekend. We arrived at the hotel to check in and it wasn't until we looked at the room key to realize we had a ground floor room. Usually these aren't to our liking since you catch lobby noise at all hours, traffic, and of course the floor above you. We realized the room was at the far end of the hotel which is bordered by trees, thus no outside annoyances and it was as far as one could go from the lobby. Once inside, I opened the curtains on...
It was late morning and there was a raucous celebration in the Hopewell village by the time Kara and Pakua returned to it. Kara's role in the battle was known throughout the village and the people cheered when they saw her. Kara was beginning to feel distressed. The sacrifice of her bodyguard was too fresh in her mind for her to enjoy the celebration. At last Pakua led her to the Halau, the main community hall where the war council was meeting. Pakua reported his version of the battle,...
You need to read "A Tuesday To Remember" as well.After the evening before, I awoke with some doubts on that Wednesday morning. I went ahead and went to work, just because it was something I always did. I had just come out of a strategy meeting when someone told me that the managing partner wanted to see me. In the office he was Mr. Davis, or in a social setting David, or Dad as he was Deena’s father.“Yes Nick, come in, please have a seat.” When I walked in I just knew I was going to get fired,...
Chapter 15 Thanksgiving 1983, the Elopement Once she realized she was pregnant, Val called her mother and told her. Being a practical woman, Mrs. Fitzgibbon suggested elopement as the most viable means of resolving Val’s predicament. Of course, she was also thinking of the family’s social status and how that would be affected with a pregnant bride walking down the aisle. ‘But Mother, I’ve always dreamed of a big wedding…’ Val whined. ‘Of course you have,’ her mother agreed. ‘But from a...
London River is resting on her bed, lost in a book, when her step-daughter, Jill Kassidy, shyly lets herself into the room. She joins her step-mother on the bed and asks if London remembers that she said Jill could talk to her about anything? This gets London’s full attention as she sits close to Jill, concern on her face. Of course she remembers! What’s bothering her? London’s not prepared when Jill starts off by saying she had a first date with a girl. However, she recovers...
xmoviesforyouThe following character appears in this chapter and others: Gra’inne Ni’ Mha’ille (Grace O’Malley) Gweneth’s birth name, her appearance on their first night together: a 36DD-24-37 figure, long lustrous fire engine read hair, alabaster skin as smooth and creamy as a young girl’s, long legs and deep green eyes While Thorne and Gwen were having lunch, collecting his things, and moving to her house, those at the Headquarters of the CIA weren’t as relaxed or enjoying themselves. Assistant...
Day 12I awoke after another night of Sally being a black cock slut. As I slid out from under the sheets I could smell Leon on her, in the bed; his musky smell filled the room. I headed towards the shower and turned to see her laying with her legs slightly parted and his dried cum still covering her pussy and on the sheet below.She was waking as I returned to the bedroom and gave me a smile as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. We didn’t say a word about last night although our heads must have been...
Dust motes danced in the air like tiny fairies, captured in the pale yellow sunlight streaming in through the tall windows. Eleanor sat relaxed in her high backed chair, with her book open on her knee. Her eyes stared unseeing out into the garden as the birds pecked at the bread crumbs on the lawn. Her silver hair curled in wispy tendrils around her lined face. The faint vestiges of beauty were still evident in the slant of her cheek bones and the arch of her brow, but her hazel eyes were...
Our story begins to take off with one man, Michael Collins, who because of no fault of his own, wakes up one morning only to discover that his reality has been turned upside down. He, in fact, is an android. Up until this point, Michael had assumed that his entire life was real. He had a good job, a loving girlfriend, and good friends. But who was to tell him how much of it was real? Waking up that fateful day, Michael discovered something which was absolutely real to him. He was...
Jewel kept her tongue to herself. It was clear from the bounce in the shoulder and the dance in her toe that she was ready to leave. Her to be matron of honour was squeezing her husband and kissing him while her to be bridesmaid closed the trunk of Jewel’s car. “Get them home safe, J.” The husband slapped his wife’s butt. “I won’t lose both of them.” Jewel grinned. “But, really, is it really so important to get her home safe? That’s why I’m bringing the spare.” “Hey!” It was Brandy who...
I was at a strip club one night years ago. I used to go a lot. I knew all the girls, and they know me. I knew most of their real names and stuff like that, which ones had k**s, which ones were lesbians, or bi.One night I was tipping Karen who was an incredibly hot girl. Brown hair, B sized breasts, and a killer ass. She was bi and in a relationship with another girl Vanessa, she was blonde, petite, large B maybe C sized tits and an ass that was meant to be spanked. She was pretty much lesbian...
Dear Diary,Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started going wrong when my old boss (and I do mean 'old'), Mr. Schmidt, took a leave of absence due to health reasons. He was old, but he was also a secretary's dream boss. Okay, he was a little wrinkly and a little smelly, which made it no fun going down on him, but on the bright side, I only had to go down on him once . . . maybe twice a week. He would even ask my opinion on things and pretty much let me take care of most of his...
I found myself in another meeting about my companies. This was getting old, but Dad insisted that I had to learn this stuff. He’d threatened to step down as CEO (Chief Executive Officer—top dog) if I didn’t participate as the owner. Caryn was already COO (Chief Operating Officer—handled the day-to-day), but Dad wouldn’t allow her to hold both positions. In an ideal world, Caryn would run the business until we grew to the point where we needed more management she could delegate to. At that...
Hi, moumita again. Am sure by now some of you know me quite well either in person or through iss. It feels great to have also met few of you here at yelahanka and got to have few of our fetishes worked out together. Well, today I thought of just penning down few experiences from my daily life here sometimes within my flat or maybe outside.Sometimes intentionally and sometimes completely unintentionally. Whatever if it includes a bit of exhibitionism and nudity I love it and it gives me a...
‘Always Shower After a Workout’ Alice showed the girl at the desk her membership card, then hurried down the stairs. Spinning class had started five minutes ago, and she hated to be late, but the Town traffic had been particularly bad for a Thursday night. Besides, she’d make up for it by pushing extra hard tonight. She hustled into the almost full spinning room, about forty fit young people already pedaling away on a fifty-percent-resistance climb, the music blasting. Alice searched for an...
Hey mates and I’m commencing with the introduction, myself Pranay 18 years old brat. Both mine and my tool’s height length has same numerical. I’m 6.1 feet and my tool 6.1 inches. My friend’s always do call me Sexy Bastard not very sure whether I actually I’m or not. I got a sexy cousin named Neha nickname Sweety . She is a year younger to me but trust me she is a sex goddess! Anyone who sees her will surely get a hard on for a moment and she is fair and has perfect body sculpture. Her milky...
IncestShe Thought That She Was Alone I was working late in my office. It was just starting to get dark and I had not turned on my office lights. My computer monitor was dim because that was what I liked. From the corner of my eye I saw something or someone go by. I pushed my chair back and used its rollers to get me closer to my office window. I saw a blonde head of hair behind a partition. It went down an aisle, turned and went down another aisle. I followed her head of hair as it...
In sixth grade, I ran with a rough crowd. New York has a large population of Asians living in Chinatown – not just Chinese – and a few of the gangs were hardcore. Hirutani's crew was like that. Diesel Kane Hirutani; father was Japanese, mother was American. We all had split backgrounds. We all spoke Japanese. We all wanted to get back at the culture that didn't want us and the culture that didn't understand us. We were all too young for teenage rebellion – around ten. That didn't stop us...
I met Adrianna at a cafe earlier in the week and we got into a conversation about movies. I prefer the summer-blockbuster-car-chase-shoot-em-up type of movie, while she was a fan of the infamous chick-flick. Along with the conversation, there was some serious flirting. It appeared that she was into me, and I KNEW that I was into her. She was wearing a not-so-revealing business suit, but I was still able to see her beauty. She was fairly tall - about 5' 8" - still short of my 5' 11" frame, but...
You may have gathered from some of my writing that I had been educated more than many others. It's true. I was born near the sheriff's castle and took advantage of the free school. I was nearly twenty before I was studied-out. Some made a living out of it, but I never could. I loved the woods too much. I read everything I could get my hands on as a young one. The librarians watched over me. I was eventually given a chit to let me into the sheriff's own library where they kept the precious...
It was the first apartment they moved into. Carrie and Jay were way too excited. After they got all their stuff into the apartment they began to kiss very sexually. Jay’s hands were in over-drive with taking Carrie’s clothes off. Carrie was pulling at his hair and biting and licking his neck. Once Carrie was fully naked, Jay got on his knees and ate Carrie’s pussy. She was slightly pressed against the wall and sweating as he licked fast but gently. Her hips automatically...
Mazi story shejarya chya baiko la kacha kacha zavle wachli aselach, tar direct story chalu karto. Shejaryachya baiko la 15 diwas kacha kacha zavun wa pichkarya deun mala tasa zavacha wa pichkarya denyacha changla experience ala hota, pan baiko la zavaychi wa pichkari denyachi maja kahi weglich aste. Finally lagna tharlya nantar me ata tya ratri chi wat pahu laglo. Me honarya baiko barobar daily bolacho. Aadhun madhun chawat goshti pan bolat hoto. Ekda tinich vicharle ki sughagraat medhe kase...
Slut had an easy life. She went about her tasks with startling precision, with the focus that had gotten her so far in life up until now. She would wake up and find someone to pleasure, first thing each morning. Sometimes they were in the bed she’d gone to sleep in, which made things easier, but sometimes she had to go and find them. Her favorites were the mornings when she got to wake Master up with one of her slow, skillful blow-jobs, but waking to find Slave in her bed, and getting each...
I was in his bedroom with him as his cum was flowing down my face and I stood on my knees. "Sorry, but I gotta go." He picked up his clothes. "We have a good series of sex sessions going though." A dirty look was shot his way. "Stay here, I should be back in an hour." He left. I didn't even bother getting dressed and I laid on his bed as his cum dried. My fingers found their way in between my pussy lips many times and I thought of having sex with my twenty-four-year old boyfriend. "Fuck, I need...
LesbianCh. 08 Song Titles New World Symphony (Dvorak) Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin) Napoli for Cornet (Bellstedt) Fly Me to the Moon My Funny Valentine My Way (Sinatra) The next several weeks were a whirlwind of activity for Mike and Melody. Mike first solidified his new contract with the ASO, giving him a substantial pay raise, with the potential for more if he managed to earn tenure. As rehearsals resumed in preparation for the last concert of the year, he worked to earn the...
The fog lay heavy over the warped forest road, obscuring trees and potholes on the way to the meeting point. It had been ages since Lauren had made the drive out here but she still knew every inch and pebble on the way. Back in the day she’d come up to Peak Point every few days, the perfect place if one wanted to think and write without being bothered by – well anyone considering it took a good hour to drive up and down again, more if all you had was a small motorcycle you had no licence for...
After returning to normal, Nancy walked in with breakfast for the two of us and flopped down in front of me with her plate on her lap and ate as I watch the tube and ate mine. Surprising it was very good, cooked just how I like my eggs and bacon, she even made toast that was cooked just right. Mmm Nan youre a good cook Had enough practice, cooked most of the meals at home and if I messed up I got whoop and sent to my room after cooking it right for them, I got nothing Well stick with me girl,...
By : Shalinisahu Hi friends this is my frst story on ISS my name is Shalini and I’m doin Btech from Noida.This is the story of me losing my virginity. It was the time of starting of 3 yr and we all were quite excited abt it.We started our classes with full enthusiasm.Days were going fyn and we were having fun in college.Then came the day of or project lab.I missed that class and went out with my friends. On the next class as a punishment for missing the first class my teacher did not allow me...
Her money lasted her nearly a year, in which time she had found no man who could, or would, give her real pleasure; nor had she found a 'sponsor'. It was when she tried to borrow some money from her mother that the problems started. She flatly refused to help Martha and told her if she wanted money she should go out and earn it. Her mother undoubtedly meant she should earn it by getting a job, but Martha had other ideas. The men who had approached her in the various clubs had made a number...