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Christa freute sich wie eine Schneekönigin. Ein sonniger Tag, die Vögel zwitscherten und die Welt duftetSe nach Frühling. Der Chef war gut gelaunt, was ihn wohl dazu inspirierte ihr heute bereits zur Mittagszeit frei zu geben. Sie wollte den Tag genießen, mit ihrem Mann evtl. bummeln gehen, ein Eis essen oder einfach nur so durch die Stadt schlendern. Auf jeden Fall wollte sie ihn überraschen und so öffnete sie auch ganz leise die Wohnungstür.
Der erste Schock saß tief. Bereits in der Diele vernahm sie das wohlige Stöhnen und die spitzen Schreie einer fremden Frau, die offenbar das genoss was mit ihr geschah. Dazu gesellte sich auch das lustvolle Brummen ihres Ehegatten. Geschockt, aber dennoch Herr ihrer Sinne schlich Christa auf Zehenspitzen zu der, einen kleinen Spalt geöffneten, Schlafzimmertür. Der ihr dargebotene Anblick war zutiefst verletzend. Die Beine ihres Mannes und die einer rhythmisch reitenden Lady ließen ihr die Tränen in die Augen schießen. Verletzt war sie. Dem Brechreiz nahe verließ sie genauso leise die Wohnung wie sie herein gekommen war. Erst in ihrem Auto verschaffte sie sich durch einen lauten Schrei ein wenig Luft. Nur mit größter Mühe steuerte sie den Wagen durch die Straßen. Tränen verschleierten ihre Sicht. Dieses Schwein hatte tatsächlich mit einer anderen Frau Sex. Einer Frau, die Nuttenstiefel mit spitzen Absätzen in ihrem Bett trug. Das konnte doch alles nicht wahr sein. Er, der immer nörgelte falls sie sich ein wenig sexy kleidete. Der Mann, der immer argwöhnisch über Frauen lästerte, die durch ihre Schminke und ihr Äußeres auffielen. Dieser Typ, der ihr erzählte wie sehr er sie liebte, da sie so „natürlich“ ist und nicht so aufgebrezelt wie die anderen Frauen sei.
Sie hasste ihn. Schlagartig war ihre Liebe verschwunden, er sollte leiden für diesen Zwischenfall. Bei der nächsten sich bietenden Gelegenheit wendete sie, Richtung Heimat. Sie musste sehen mit welcher Schlampe sich ihr „Alter“ eingelassen hatte.
In sicherer Entfernung betrachtete sie ihren Hauseingang. Minuten wurden zu Stunden. Doch dann sah und hörte sie die spitzen Absätze den Gehweg zur Hauptstraße hinunterstöckeln. Fast nicht enden wollenden Overknee Stiefel in schwarzem Lack gehörten zu einer Frau, die nur in eine Kategorie einzuordnen war. In die Kategorie „nuttige Schlampe“. Von Kopf bis Fuß war dieses Püppchen eine Hure. Lange, glatte blondierte Haare. Aufgepeppte rot glänzende Lippen, blaue Augenlider, wahrscheinlich falsche, dick getuschte Wimpern. Ihre Augenbrauen rasiert und durch einen dünnen Strich ersetzt. An ihren Ohren baumelten goldene schwere Creolen. „Und dann steckt sich diese Hure auch noch eine Zigarette an“ ging es Christa durch den Kopf. Immer wieder hatte Johannes, den alle nur „Joe“ nannten, darüber gemotzt wenn eine Frau nach Zigarettenrauch roch. Christa war noch nicht fertig mit ihren Beobachtungen. Das glänzende Lackhandtäschchen vom Discounter, passend zum ultrakurzen Minirock und wie gesagt diese ordinären Lackstiefel. Diese „Madame“ hatte offenbar Selbstvertrauen. Männer pfiffen ihr nach und sie akzeptierte es in dem sie sich umdrehte und frech grinste. Christa folgte dem „Flittchen“ in gebührendem Abstand. So konnte sie auch sehen, wie ihre Reaktion auf Passanten war, die sich über das nuttige Auftreten ihrer Widersacherin beschwerten. Der lang ausgefahrene „Stinkefinger“ mit ordinär rot lackierten Krallen.
Christa hatte genug gesehen. Wahrscheinlich stöckelte die „Dame“ nun zu ihrem nächsten Fick. Mit einer mords Wut im Bauch steuerte sie ihren Wagen Richtung Altstadt. Sie musste abschalten, sich den Kopf leerblasen, einfach ihre Wut zähmen oder sie schüren, das war noch nicht klar. Aber Trauer empfand sie nicht mehr. Nicht nach dem sie dieses billige Flittchen genau gesehen hatte.
„Hallo Schatz“ log Christa frech per Whatsapp „Es wird heute spät. Wahrscheinlich sehen wir uns nicht mehr bevor du zur Nachtschicht fährst. Hab dich lieb, bussi, dein Schatz“ Bei den Worten „dein Schatz“ war er wieder da, dieser enorme Brechreiz.
Der Caipi entfaltete seine Wirkung. Langsam wurde sie lockerer. Ihr Gemüt hellte sich auf und der Racheplan nahm Gestalt an. Zum ersten Mal seit ihrer Schulzeit sog sie den Rauch einer erbettelten Zigarette ein. Die ersten Züge waren grausam doch dann wurde es besser. Noch heute würde sie mit ihrem Plan beginnen, noch waren Läden und Boutiquen geöffnet.
„Diana, Nails and more“ Verriet die kitschige Leuchtreklame am Eingang eines kleinen heruntergekommenen Ladens. „Bist du dir da sicher, Schätzchen?“ musterte sie die abgetakelte Chefin des Nagelstudios als sich Christa ihre langen künstlichen Fingernägel ausgesucht hatte. „aber sowas von“ war ihre eindeutige Antwort. Und so war der erste Schritt getan. Der Kiosk an der nächsten Ecke bot Zigaretten an. Ihre Wahl war eindeutig, diese langen braunen Nuttenstengel lachten sie geradezu an. Das es Zigaretten gibt, die 120mm lang und so dünn sind? „Gar nicht so leicht sich mit diesen langen Krallen eine Kippe zu angeln“ dachte Christa bei ihren ersten unbeholfenen Versuchen. Doch dann baumelte die Zigarette lässig in ihrem Mund. In Filmen sah man es oft. Die mit allen Wassern gewaschene Lady, die lässig rauchend einem Mann den Kopf verdreht. Aber diese Frauen haben rote Lippen. Sie brauchte rote Lippen.
„Ich liebe dich auch“ hatte Joe geschrieben und seine Mail mit etlichen Kussmund Smilies verziert. „Wichser“ dachte sie während sie bereits ihre 3. Zigarette fingerte und sich anbiedernd von einem Herrn Feuer geben ließ. „Er hat mich kaum beachtet“ dachte sie. Aber noch ist nicht aller Tage Abend. Ihr werdet noch alle sabbernd zu mir aufschauen ihr „Dreibeiner“ Der nächste Laden war ein Geschenk für sie. Noch nie hatte sie einen Blick in solch einen Ramschladen gewagt. „War dieser Laden eigentlich schon immer da?“ grübelte sie. Doch genau hier wurde sie fündig. Ein bauchfreies T- Shirt auf dem mit glitzernden kitschigen Buchstaben „Bitch“ prangerte. Kürzer hätte der Wetlook Mini nicht sein dürfen. Dieser passte perfekt zu den über kniehohen Plateaustiefeln mit nahezu 12cm Absatz. In glänzendem Lack war leider nichts zu finden. Aber für den Anfang taten es auch billige Kunstleder Stiefel. Hauptsache, der Absatz klackerte laut. Zum Glück hatte sie das stöckeln nicht verlernt. Auch wenn Joe es nicht gerne sah, dass sie hohe Hacken außer zu Festlichkeiten trug. Nun stöckelte sie selbstbewusst durch die Straßen, die sie zum letzten Mal als biedere Ehefrau betreten hatte.
„Wo kann ich denn geile Schminke kaufen hier in der Gegend?“ fragte sie die recht billig wirkende Verkäuferin des Ramschladens. „Gehst du rechts in Lindestraße, dann 200m links Seite is Cousin von meine Mann. Hat alles was brauchst du“ antwortete die freundliche Verkäuferin. „Du hast so schöne Lippen“ koketierte Christa. „Schön“ war zwar anders aber sie waren so wie nuttige Lippen sein sollten dick und wulstig unterspritzt wie es sich für ein „Blasmaul“ gehörte. „Macht Fatima in Laden von Cousin. Darf nicht machen. Aber sagst du weißt du von Oksana“
Ein Schwall billigster Parfums und eine dicke Rauchwolke wehten unerbittlich auf sie ein als sie diesen Laden betrat. Fatima saß gelangweilt rauchend auf einem Barhocker und stierte wohl geistesabwesend auf eine Soap in ausländischer Sprache. Nachdem Christa ihre Wünsche und den Gruß von Oksana ausgerichtet hatte begann Fatima begeistert ihr Werk der Verwandlung. Die Spritzen die sie in Christas Lippen einbrachte brannten wie Hölle aber sofort bemerkte Christa die Wirkung die sie erzielen wollte. Ihre Lippen waren prall gefüllt mit? Irgendwas halt. Sofort wollte sie in den Spiegel schauen aber Fatima bremste sie abrupt. „Erst wenn fertig“ flötete sie. Jetzt wurden falsche Wimpern mit einer enormen Länge angeklebt. Die Augenlider in dunklen Tönen zu „smokey Eyes“ verwandelt. Augenbrauen rasiert Die Wimpern wieder und wieder getuscht. Dunkelroten Lippenstift hatte Fatima ausgewählt und danach mehrere Schichten eines glänzenden Gels aufgestrichen. Endlich hatte sie ihr Werk vollendet. Zum Abschluss zauberte sie schwere Ohrringe aus einer Schublade, stocherte Christas fast zugewachsene Ohrring Löcher wieder frei und war sichtlich begeistert von ihrem Werk.
Christa erschrak. Eine nuttig ordinär geschminkte Hure blickte sie aus dem Spiegel an. „Gefällt dir?“ fragte Fatima. „Sehr schön Fatima“ entgegnete Christa, die im Spiegel die nuttige Tussi erkannte, die sie heute und in Zukunft sein wollte. „Brauchst du nur andere Haar, ganz blond is perfekt“ Und so wurden auch noch schnell die Haare blondiert. „man bist du eine geile Fotze“ bedachte Christa ihr Spiegelbild, daß sie mit Nuttenstengel im Mundwinkel arrogant anlächelte.
„A Pornstar is born“ bedachte sie sich selbst zurück auf dem Pflaster ihrer Heimatstadt. Ein erneuter Schock traf sie als Tina Maier ihre beste Freundin geradewegs mit ihrem Mann auf sie zusteuerte. „Zu spät zum Verstecken dachte sich Christa, die sich mittlerweile selbst innerlich in „Natascha“ umgetauft hatte. Tina und ihr Mann gingen Nase rümpfen an ihr vorbei ohne sie zu erkennen. Irgendetwas von „Nutten“ hatte Tina gefaselt. „Ja, ich bin eine Nutte, billig, vulgär und auch deinem Wichser hätte ich den Rauch über den Schwanz geblasen beim Lutschen“ „Natascha“ grinste arrogant bei ihren derben Gedanken.
In „Blacky’s Bar“ war sie richtig. Eine rauchige Kneipe, laute Musik und jede Menge Menschen, die irgendwie auffällig derb wirkten. Flittchen, die ihre Nägel polierten und ordinär Kaugummi kauten oder rauchten. Andere klebten an tätowierten Typen in verschwitzen Achselshirts die zwar den Arsch ihrer „Schlampe“ kneteten während diese Karten spielten. Lästiges Anhängsel waren sie für ihre Typen bereit zum Ficken und hart von Ihren Machos behandelt zu werden. Giggelnd und zugedröhnt warteten diese Tussen auf den nächsten Drink oder den nächsten Schwanz.
Den letzten freien Barhocker hatte sie erwischt, Wodka bestellt und natürlich eine braune Zigarette im Mund.
„Ich bin Dan“ sagte der Typ, der ihr die entgegenstreckte. „Natascha“ antwortete sie kurz beim lapidaren Händedruck. „Siehst ausgehungert aus“ begann er seine Konversation. „Wollen wir ein wenig Spaß haben, Baby?“ Bevor sie antworten konnte knetete seine feste Hand bereits ihren Oberschenkel. „Blacky, für Natascha noch nen Woddy“ raunte er dem bärtigen Barkeeper mit den trainierten und tätowierten Armen zu.
Nachdem sie nun bereits den 3. Wodka gekippt hatte und Dan immer noch irgendeinen Mist von sich gab, der wohl dazu diente einfach nur den Mund auf und zu zu machen brachte Natascha es dann auf den Punkt. „Sag mal Danny wollen wir hier den ganzen Abend nur scheiße reden oder fickst du mich jetzt irgendwann mal. Meine Fotze braucht nen Schwanz und zwar nen richtigen“ Wie konnte sie nur so vulgär sein, wo sie doch vor wenigen Stunden noch die brave biedere Ehefrau war dachte Natascha.
Dan‘s Reaktion war eindeutig. Mit festem Griff an ihren Hinterkopf preßte er Nataschas Mund auf den seinen. Tief drang er mit der Zunge in ihre Mundhöhle ein während seine 2. Hand sich den Weg zu ihrer Grotte bahnte. Das war es was sie brauchte, einen harten Kerl, ohne Skrupel, ohne Moral, der sie nun an der Hand packte und durch den Hintereingang in eine dunkle Ecke zwischen eng aneinander gebauten Häusern zerrte. Augenblicklich schob er ihr den kurzen Rock noch ein wenig höher, suchte mit der anderen Hand ihre Titten unter dem reichlich eng anliegenden Shirt. Schmunzelnd und überrascht bemerkte er tatsächlich einen Slip zwischen ihren Beinen. „Sowas wirst du nie wieder anziehen, klar? Natascha konnte nur benommen nicken. So sollte es sein, ein harter Typ, der ihr sagte wo’s lang geht. Die Nässe zwischen ihren Beinen steigerte sich sekündlich. Der Griff an die Beule in seiner Hose bestätigte, daß sich hier wohl ein ganzer Kerl verbarg. Lustvoll fordernd nahm sie das beste Stück in ihre Hand, mal in die Faust, dann wiederum kratzte sie einfach nur mit ihren Krallen über den sich aufrichtenden Riemen.
Sie hatte es wirklich eilig, keine Zeit verlieren. Es dauerte auch nicht lange, bis sein Prachtexemplar die gewünschte Härte und Größe hatte um die gewünschte Arbeit zu verrichten. Dan drehte sie mit dem Gesicht zur Wand. Erste Tröpfchen, die er an ihren Beinen spürte signalisierten ihm, welche notgeile Schlampe sich ihm gerade anbot. Sie sollte bekommen, was sie brauchte. Einen Fick. Einen Kolben, der sie befriedigte, fürs Erste zumindest. Hier ging es nicht um irgendwelche Spiele, hier wollte eine Schlampe einfach nur ein dickes Rohr in ihrem geilen Loch.
„Dan, gib mir ne Kippe, ich will rauchen wie all die perversen Huren, wenn ihr Stecher sie nagelt“ Gesagt getan. Dan zündete eine seiner Kippen an, steckte sie ihr zwischen die Lippen und begann sein Rodeo. Natascha fühlte sich vulgär, geil und so wie sie es sein wollte. „Los, fick deine Nutte, sie braucht es“ stöhnte sie. „Mach es mir wie ein Freier, du hast nur für 5 Minuten bezahlt, also fick, fick, fick“. Spritz mich voll, lass deinen Saft in meine Fotze“ Dan wußte zwar nicht ganz warum, aber er tat genau das was Natascha wollte. Er ritt sie einfach von hinten mit festem Griff an ihre Titten bis er nach kurzer Zeit die komplette Ladung seines heißen Saftes in ihre gierige Fotze pumpte. Natascha spürte wie sich der Saft an ihren Beinen langsam den Weg nach unten zum Schaft ihrer Overknees bahnte. Jetzt erst wurden sie zu Nuttenstiefeln, als Tropfenfänger für das Sperma eines geilen Stechers. Trotz der kurzen Eskapade machte sich bereits erste Befriedigung breit. "Danny „mach mich zu deiner Nutte“ schnodderte sie mit ihrer Kippe im Mund, die nun genauso wie die langen Stiefel zu ihrem Markenzeichen werden sollte.
Arrogant grinsend und zufrieden läßt Natascha den Stummel ihre Kippe fallen, löscht ihn mit der Sohle ihrer Stiefel „So wie es Nutten tun“ denkt sie bevor sie Lippenstift und Spiegel aus ihrer Handtasche kramt.
Vielleicht hat jemand Lust an der Geschichte weiter zu schreiben? Bin echt gespannt ob ich euer Kopfkino inspirieren kann
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We were sitting in our favorite restaurant after eating a beautiful meal, I'd just ordered a bottle of expensive wine when my wife broke it to me. "Jason asked us to go round for drinks with him tonight" "What did you say?" "I said we would" "Good girl" "You know he'll grope me don't you?" "I hope he does more than grope you" "I might just let him" "Will you?" I felt my prick stirring in anticipation, She laughed softly and leaned forward over the table, her heavy...
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You gotta like this combo, a first timer and an ambush, good times ahead! Callie Jacobs is a little bundle of energy and is super excited to be here. If there was an enthusiasm award, Callie would definitely get it. She’s never done a scene before this one, so there are lots of firsts to be had and we are more than happy to help! Even though she wasn’t sure if she could say “fuck” on camera (FYI, we don’t mind), Callie likes sex, and likes it so much she has it every day and on the days she...
xmoviesforyouIt was a heck of a sight, two naked people tied on a bed right in front of the courthouse in Uvalde, Texas. Yep, it was Stewie Butler, he certainly was no Rhett Butler, and my sister-in-law Sara Jane Mitchell. Yes was a bit of a shame to the family to have one of ours out there naked as a jaybird but I was the one who put them there. My name is James Elbert Mitchell but most people call me, get ready for this, Bubba. I am 32 years old and never been married but my brother Sam Houston Mitchell...
Victoria's handymanOver a month had passed since my mother-in-law Victoria had caught me masturbating in her garden. Under the threat of telling my wife she had then forced me to strip naked and finish off wanking in front of her while she lashed my ass and cock with my belt.The experience though unsettling had been extremely erotic and constantly in my mind ever since.Victoria had made no contact since that day, though she had seen and spoken to my wife Sarah regularly as usual. Then one...
================UK escort online ad ... ================Full Bushed Pregnant Babe hopes to entice you to give her your sperm deep into her Bushy Pussy!To all you horny guys... make sure your number is in any email you send me or I will not reply!A brief introduction to myself, The fab, Fun MatureBushBabe.As you may be able to tell, Im three months pregnant!I know I am a little bit older than a lot of mums but I like the cycle and hope to get pregnant yet again after this one is born!I just love...
I discovered the greatest pleasure known to man, in my teens. Since then I've had girlfriends, almost eighteen years of marriage, and more recently a rediscovered single life, but have never forgotten or betrayed my first love.I may have gone as long as a week without a wank during the last 26 years, but never longer, and I couldn't hazard a guess as to the number of times I've spent a whole day wanking eight or ten times, to the point where my wrist aches and my dick is sore.I'm not blessed...
MasturbationJerry was spending a few days with his old high school buddy, Bill, and his sister, Barbara. Jerry hadn't seen Bill in years, and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he had called to say hello. Bill had insisted that he stay with them, instead of at a motel. That evening, after a good dinner, the three of them were sitting in the den sipping wine and talking. "By the way, Barbara, how did your class go today?" Bill asked his sister. "Great," she grinned. "Wait until you see...
after leaving his house this time, it was very hot! The mirror action and view was so hot to see. To watch myself getting fucked was just so hot to watch. Feeling what I was watching was just, mmmm! Leaving his place to go to work knowing he had cummed in me had me turned on most of the day. As I left, he was on the phone on his conference call. He couldnt talk but he was sure to squeeze my ass as he walked me to his door. I went on with my day. When I got home I showered and cleaned up...
Karen couldn't believe she lost the bet. She just couldn't have lost it. But she had. The wager was simple. If she lost, she had to do anything her sister, Jenny, told her to do for six hours. The only rule was nothing could have an effect that lasted more than the six hours. Karen wasn't too worried as they got in the car. Driving away, Jenny hadn't said much, but as they pulled on to the highway she looked at he sister with an evil grin. “Okay sis, I want you to take off your clothes, here in...
Approaching the slab, Aaron reached out with the palm of his hand. He could feel the Eldritch pulsing off of the stone. He reached out with his senses trying to determine the warding and was knocked back on his behind by the force of the wards' discharge of energy. Aaron gathered himself and stood up. Smiling at the women, who were gawking at him, he dusted off his cloak and approached the stone slab cautiously. He searched the slab for any obvious method to open or move it. His search...
Introduction: The introduction of a teen to slut stardom This is the first part of a multi-part story…if the feedback is good I will post more. Though this is based on factual events it is strictly a work of fiction and the names have been changed to protect the innocent. DATING DANIELLE (The making of a slut) Danielle was the daughter of my employee at the convenience store I managed. At 11 she was cute as a bug and just starting to develop as a woman. Her small breasts were mere bumps at...
I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my lipstick, the bright red smudged across my pink lips. I needed to hurry and finish my make-up, John would be home soon enough and I didn’t want to make him wait. I was looking forward to our outing tonight. I was already dressed. My black high heel boots that came up to my knees, my black leather mini, my black cotton tank top with the word “Sissy” written in big silver letters across the front. My thong was a vinyl material that fit snug so I could...
As we arrive into a gated community my blood is heating up and my pussy is dripping and quivering from being so horny. We pull into a long driveway and park as I start to get out of my car he walks up to my car so I slowly get out flashing every inch of my pussy. I see him looking down as I get out as he takes my hand and he pulls me into him and we hug I cab feel one of his hands slowly sliding down my ass. We walk into his house and walk into the kitchen just then he grabs me and starts...
It was a late summer night, and Matt was at his computer downloading porn. He would scour the tgps and try to find pictures of women with certain qualities. Some nights he'd look for redheads, other nights maybe he'd look for girls wearing thigh highs. He'd find one he liked and save it into its respective catagorized folder. He had a catagory for about everything you could think of; he thought he had seen it all. Tonight while Matt was adding to his collection he kept getting pop ups. Normally...
FetishLate afternoon found Greg sitting in the shade reading a book while Traci was soaking up some sun. Mandy asked them both to come in and help her with something. When they got inside they saw that she had set over a dozen pieces of her work out, propped on the couch and chairs as well as the hearth. "I can only enter six in the fair and I wanted to get your opinions on what to choose." Greg was having a hard time choosing. Traci looked over every one of the drawings carefully, then turned...
It was after midnight when Amy left for home. "I love you Sophie, I will never forget this night. You have given me hope and your love in return, for that, I can't thank you enough. Sleep well and I will speak to you tomorrow. But if you should ever need me, call me, no matter what time it is." "I love you too Amy, thank you for tonight. Goodnight Amy, speak to you tomorrow." And then she was gone. I thanked and hugged my parents again and went to bed. The next morning when I woke up,...
Permission By Katharine Sexkitten "Open up, babe," he cooed softly, from behind me. I was lying on my tummy. I was almost over-dosing on pleasure. My arms were folded and my head was resting on my hands. My wig, auburn and thick, and long enough to almost touch my ass, was slightly disheveled, from the magnificent hour-long making out session we'd just had, and from his hands on my head for close to fifteen minutes as I sucked his cock, making him squirm and spasm with my...
*(To recap, click this link for the previous installment [https://fetlife.com/users/47496/posts/1731605 ] or start from the beginning [https://fetlife.com/users/47496/posts/1611605 ])*It had been three days since my punishment began.Not allowed to touch myself. Not allowed to have sex with anyone else. Nothing. And he had built me up to an orgasm, only to deny me the release.He hasn't called me. Texted me. Or even emailed me. Nothing.I ache all the time now. It's at the bottom of my...
I was mind blown with the events happening at that house. The sexual awakening was happening and I was super excited about the same. Never was I ever so sexually charged. I wanted to fuck Niyati at any cost. I did not care if it meant cheating on my wife. Although I loved her very much, my sex life with my wife was dead. I wanted a change and Niyati was the goddess who showed me the way. And Sneha! What a beautiful woman she had become. I couldn’t help thinking about her sexy body and innocent...
Incest"Do you think I should send him this photo?"Jess turned her phone towards me and I saw a cropped selfie of her, trying to cover her naked perky tits with her palms while her nipples were showing, and she was holding her tongue out. She even wrote a caption for Simon, her new Tinder match that she's been sexting. The caption said: Would you cum on my tits or my tongue?My petite white girlfriend had been teasing this guy for weeks. She sent him pics of her in a short dress, or just slightly more...
CuckoldLooking through the windowVictor and I had taken one week on vacation for spring break. We had shared a wonderful time with our eternal company, Cecilia and Peter and now during the last day we were getting ready for a back home trip.After lunch our friends decided to go downstairs to the pool. Victor joined them, but I had a light headache and told them I would stay at our room, would have a shower and a relaxing quiet siesta.Back in our room I took a quick shower. I toweled myself dry while...
Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main ek randi ban gayi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail karte rahiye main apko aur bhi apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batungi. Ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par chat bhi karungi. Mujhe ek ladka hamesha hi line marta tha aur wo thoda rich tha aur mujhe wo awara lagta tha lekin wo rich tha isliye main...
Hi,This is my second encounter, That June 1999, i was just passed my degree and searching for a job , So i wanted to go to bangalore to search the , So i took a bus from my native to bangalore . Its almost12 hours journey from my native . 7.30 i have boarded bus and looking for my seat and got it almost front and window side . After some times one couple came and standing near to my seat and chatting along with their 3 Year old son, After sometimes bus about to start, husband said her bye and...
Sarah woke up wet and horny that morning. She had had the dream again. She had been up on the stage naked, surrounded by strangers. They had stared at her nakedness, cheered her, complimented her. They had liked what they saw. It had excited them. It had excited Sarah. As the excitement had grown, her hand slipped down to the wetness between her legs. She had begun rubbing herself to the wild encouragement of her audience. Her hand had slipped deep within her pussy. At least, maybe it was her...
ExhibitionismIn the morning Alfred showed us how to switch realities, emphasizing again that nothing could go wrong. It would work or not, as simple as that. We polished off all the perishables, tidied up the cave (No, Wilbur did the damn dishes this time!) and watched Alfred send off the empty containers, to be picked up from his pad by the suppliers. We were quite a sad lot when we did our goodbyes. Watching Wilbur disappear in the blink of an eye was heart wrenching. I hugged Alfred, thanking him...
Don and Marion were waiting at the Newcastle airport and drove Karla and Doug back to the castle with them. The others in the large Los Angeles party formed a caravan of vehicles and followed. When they arrived, Barbara Sloan took over and acted as hostess while the Whitfields and the Queen, along with Paula, met in the library. Mary and Ann, who had earlier arrived with Paula from Prague, were settling Mike and Mark, while the two pairs of tigers were having their own joyful reunion. Queen...
This was to be my first time at the 'party' I didn't know exactly what was involved but I knew it was a privalige to be invited. I had provided a certificate from the clinic to say that I was free of sexual diseases and another to show that I was using birth control. Finally I had signed an agreement, although I wasnt sure what I was agreeing to as I wasn't alowed to read it.So now I stood nervously before the table. Three people faced me, two men and in the middle a woman I didn't know. She...
She shuddered at the touch, part fear, and part pleasure. She was scared of him… yet…she was almost on edge, wondering at what he would do. He chuckled, reading her well. He knew what she wanted, what they all wanted. He compared his dark skin to hers. Dark and pale, black and white, Yin and Yang. They were meant to be together. He knew as soon as he laid his eyes on her. She was too frightened to defy him, in fear of what he could do, so he could do what he wanted. He let his hand stray...
The gloved hand turned the lever to lock the door."remember what I told you in the car."She reminded me sternly."After I lock the door, you will have no chance to back out. No safe word.I will have complete control over you, for as long as I need. How long I desire. You will cry, you will beg. Fear will flow, for as long as I need it to.""Any questions?""No ma'am" with a quiver"Do you understand?""Yes ma'am"She had her ravenous hair tied back tightly. The White blouse with the sleeves rolled...
Hello readers. My name is Faraaz, and I am 24 years old from Bangalore. I am working as a software engineer in an MNC. This is the continuation to my previous story, “Sex With My Married Cousin Shaziya”. I received a lot of good feedbacks from the readers for my previous story. Thank you guys for your feedbacks. I really appreciate you all took time to give feedbacks. Please note that have changed my email address to Now coming to the story, Shaziya got married 6 months before this...
IncestWhile a few doors down from me is a women in late 40's with 14 grand k**s and her youngest daughter of 16 and her boyfriend, all living in one big old house. I see her sitting porch every day, smoking and staring off into space with k**s running around like crazy, screaming their heads off. Well without fail she was out there at 9:00 am this morning. In her moo-moo house dress, going stir crazy, with her cigarette and coffee, staring off into the sky.She is not the most attractive women, and...
Please write your feedback to Your feedbacks will be kept secret for sure. This story is about my ex-girlfriend aswathy, stats- 35-28-36, hot fuckable body and an ass to die for… I’m sam from Bangalore/Chennai/Coimbatore, an average built and a fair handsome guy with a dick of 6.5’’, the stamina of a bull because I am a footballer and ability to make a girl squirt.We had a dinner plan and then she was about to stay over at my place… I had a wild session in my mind… After we were back from a...
Special thanks to JackO for editing my story. Mary and I have been married for 25 years now; both of us are 46 years old. She was my first love, starting in high school, through college and getting married after graduation. We had 3 wonderful children? Jonathan (Jon), 23 years old, who had graduated from college a year ago and was now a successful architect working in a large architects company in our town. Suzy, 20, in her third year of college studying American history, and our youngest,...
It was late, and I kept you waiting. I hate doing that, but the press hounded me because of my talk on stochastic models for predicting suitable responses to global warming. It was really hard to get away, you can even see me in the television interview looking at my watch. I was sure you would be tired of waiting, and not terribly happy with me, but I wanted to be with you way more than I wanted to be sweating under portable TV lights. As soon as I was out of the conference centre I rushed to...
Chapter 1 After soaking in a tub of hot water, Angela felt much better. She had had a long day and was tired, so she fell asleep quickly and slept in. When she woke up on Tuesday morning, she took a shower, then used the cream on her sore cheeks. She used the alcohol swabs to clean around her tattoo and nipples and twirled them around as she had been instructed. Then, she went out to her car to retrieve her purchases. She selected one of the new bras, a garter belt and one of the new pairs of...
ToysFor the next few days, Bette lived in an almost constant state of frustration. She could not rid her mind of the picture of that huge German Shepherd with his long, thick red cock as he had fucked the girl. Nor could she forget the feel of Greg's big hard on when he had fucked her or later when she had gone down on him and he had come in her mouth. Bette's biggest hang-up however, was occasionally seeing Cindy's dog Sultan running around. Having witnessed him sucking and fucking her...
Through a friend, I met a boy a few years older than I was. She knew him and gave me his number, we exchanged messages and arranged to meet up. We choose a large park to meet in, it was a weekday afternoon and fairly quiet. So we sat on a bench and made small talk, before he eventually moved in and kissed me. He ran his hands over my leg and slipped it up my top groping my boobs as we kissed. I’d only ever kissed someone. I’ve never touched or been touched by anyone else, although its fair to...
The Collector by Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Initiation Mary Pilson had been working at the Chez Ami for six months when Millicent Varity asked her to come in early one day. Mary finished at the shop and went straight home, washed, fixed her makeup, put on her cigarette girl uniform and got the first bus she could to the Chez Ami. "Come in Mary; close the door behind you," Millicent called out from her office. Millicent was dressed in her daytime attire; an expensive cotton...
Kathy stood on the doorstep with her sister, whom Jake had known about but not met before today, and her father, Gary, whom he had met previously. Jake invited them in; telling them supper was almost ready. Mr. Mangold objected, saying they hadn't come over for a meal, but Judy came in and put an end to his arguments. It soon became obvious to the visitors that the house had more occupants than just Jake's family. Jake tried to downplay it when Kathy asked, and she quickly dropped the...
When John fell asleep on top of me with his cock still embedded deep in my pussy, I was in heaven and soon drifted off myself. I was asleep for a couple of hours.I was awakened by John's cock, it was growing in my pussy. He had not rolled off me during his sleep. The harder he became the more excited I became.I started flexing my hips gently, so as not to wake John. I flexed my hips gently but to no avail John woke up, "Sorry, I just......."John kissed me, our tongues were soon wrestling with...
Chapter: December ‘Don’t Dream, It’s Over’ Losing someone you love is a devastating experience, and even after decades of weathering life’s travails, the human body is a terribly fragile creation. Grief is the embodiment of stress, emotional strain, and the body reacts adversely. The immune system may be compromised, a heart condition exacerbated. Couple overwhelming grief with a physical weakness and suddenly ‘dying of grief’ doesn’t seem like a cheesy plot from a Hollywood release anymore....
Last week was the final hot week of an Indian summer that stretched all the way into April. The still, humid air made the school week hell, especially in the un-air-conditioned classrooms of the old wing. You go to a posh private boarding school and you'd think the expensive fees would stretch at least as far as air conditioning, but Mr Gallows (headmaster and ... secret boyfriend?) has been trying to get the Trustees to fund a refurbishment of the old wing for years. By the time the weekend...
The Virtue sisters were the antithesis of what their father had hoped them to be. He had structured their upbringing around the names that he and his wife had given them. Faith, Hope and Charity Virtue, as young girls, were everything that a deeply religious father could ask for, moulded in the Reverend Matthew Virtue’s vision of perfection. They each began Sunday School before they were old enough for proper school, and their religious education didn’t stop there, they were encouraged to...
When Adam’s mother sat down and grabbed Maura’s hands, all that nervous excited energy inside Maura was witnessed. The girl was in the waiting room chair, clenching her teeth, bouncing her knees, and shaking her shoulders. She had to get out. She had to get back to Krysten’s. She had to have Adam with her. “He’ll be OK.” The mother said, brushing the girl’s hair back from her ear. “Yeah he’s fine.” Maura nodded. “I wanna--” “Young lady, I am his mother.” She warned. Maura nodded, uncaring....