- 4 years ago
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Tuesday, May 24
The Kings of Minnesota
Bad press had never been a problem for Carl Fenton. As Minnesota’s most prominent, most successful, most expensive criminal defense attorney, he had always experienced the best publicity money could buy. Always, until this morning. This morning, for the first time in his life, Carl Fenton was reading a news story with his name in it that he didn’t like, in fact it was very upsetting.
The last twenty-four hours had been very upsetting for Carl Fenton. Only yesterday he had been informed that his son, his only child had been brutally murdered. He had been forced to meet with his first ex-wife, to whom he’d not spoken in eight years, for the sole purpose of identifying their son’s body. Needless to say, yesterday had been the worst day of his life.
Today wasn’t shaping up to be much better. He had awoken this morning in the armchair in his study with the worst hangover he’d had in years from drinking himself to sleep the night before. And now he was reading that his son ‘was murdered by the same woman who had killed Martin Taylor only the week ago’, and ‘the same defective detective who had investigated the Jack Richards disappearance for a month without progress was on the case’. It was all very upsetting, which meant it was time to call in the cavalry.
For Fenton, the cavalry were four particular associates. Associates, not friends, being a lawyer, Fenton had no friends, only associates. He still had enemies, though, and in great supply.
The four associates Fenton had called were Roswell Harker, publisher of the ‘Northern Star’, the second highest circulating paper in Minnesota, Reverend Ezekiel Taylor, founder of the Organization of Traditional American Values and father of the previous victim, Edward Andrews, the Mayor of Minneapolis, and Harlan Prentiss, the Governor of Minnesota. These five men, including Fenton, had known each other for more than half their lives, and had always come together to assist each other when the time called for it. This would now be one of those times.
Harker and Andrews arrived almost simultaneously, followed shortly by the Governor. The Reverend, however, seemed to be taking his sweet time pulling himself away from the plans for rally that would be held at his church later that night. When he rang the bell, Fenton took his own sweet time answering the door, knowing that Taylor would, undoubtedly be in particularly holier-than-thou mood, as was his custom when they met. Fenton could not have been more right, or more annoyed.
‘G’ Mornin’ Carl,’ Taylor said with a nod through his thick southern drawl.
‘It may be morning, Reverend,’ replied Fenton, ‘but it sure as hell isn’t good.’
Fenton showed Taylor into the house.
‘Before anything else is said this morning’, Carl,’ Taylor said as they walked through the house, ‘I’d like to say how very sorry I am for the loss of your son, and I pray that you and your ex-wife may find solace as I have in God’s love, remembering as I have that he keeps the soul of your son in his grace, and I pray that the swiftest, most righteous justice is visited upon those responsible for the deaths of both your son and my own.’
‘Spare me the televangelist bullshit, Zeke, I gave at the office. Besides, this is bigger than just you and me, or our sons.’
Fenton opened the door to the den, revealing to the Reverend a very tired publisher, a very annoyed Governor, and a very worrisome Mayor, who then said, ‘About damn time.’
‘Good morning to you to Mr. Mayor,’ said Taylor, maintaining an air of politeness, then turning to the other two men, ‘Governor, Mr. Harker.’
‘Good morning Reverend,’ Harker responded, actually genuine, ‘You and your wife have been in my prayers since I had heard of your son’s death.’
‘Thank you, Roswell. You and yours have been in my prayers as well.’
‘Alright, enough!’ said Governor Prentiss impatiently, ‘Now, Carl, what did you get us all here for today?’
Fenton threw down his copy of the ‘Star Tribune’ on his desk and said, ‘Two words: Dennis Jenkins’
‘Who the fuck is Dennis Jenkins?’ Mayor Andrews asked nervously.
‘Dennis Jenkins, gentlemen,’ Fenton explained, ‘is the snot-nosed, rookie, rag-writing punk who is on the verge of attracting undo attention to the connections that the five of us share to each other.’
Prentiss and Andrews looked at each other nervously while Reverend Taylor merely stared at the paper mulling over the possibilities. Harker, however, was skeptical.
‘I’m sorry, Carl, I thought that we were here to discuss the untimely murders of your son Derek and Reverend Taylor’s son Martin. Now, is this as important as you’re insisting, or are you just trying to find something else to do with your grief and anger besides getting drunk?’ he asked.
‘Lay off the therapy, Ross,’ Fenton responded angrily, ‘you’re starting to confuse yourself with your shrink.’
‘I said that’s ENOUGH!’ Prentiss exclaimed, and he meant it. Taylor and Andrews may have put up with Fenton and Harker’s crap, but not Harlan Prentiss. They had business to deal with and, god dammit, they were gonna get it done! ‘Now, if this kid is as close, as dangerous as Carl says,’ he continued, ‘then that’s easy enough to fix.’
‘What about this killer?’ Andrews asked cautiously, waiting momentarily for a response from the others before continuing. When no one said anything, he said, ‘We know that this Jenkins kid isn’t the first to have found connections between some of us. What if these murders are retaliations? This could even be connected to Jack, jr.’
‘The only one responsible,’ Fenton reassured, ‘for the murder of Jack jr. was Jack sr. and we all know it. However, we also know that if someone started snooping around, it could make things very . . . unpleasant for all of us.’
‘But that still leaves two of us havin’ lost sons,’ said Taylor.
An awkward silence fell between the five men.
‘Alright,’ said Prentiss, finally breaking the silence, ‘Andrews, you get on the phone to that chief of yours and get on his ass, meanwhile I’ll get on the phone to the feds, and have them send someone out here.’
‘Do you really think that that’s a wise course of action? What if he finds something he shouldn’t?’ asked Andrews.
‘I’ll have them send a specialist.’
‘What about this cop in the article?’ Fenton asked, ‘He’s the same one who worked on Jack’s case.’
‘Point taken,’ agreed the Governor, ‘We need him out of the picture. Something else for you to talk to your chief about, Andrews.’
‘Fine, but that still doesn’t take care of our problem with Mr. Jenkins,’ Andrews replied.
‘What if we pull a ‘bait and switch’?’ Harker asked.
‘How so?’ asked Prentiss.
‘Well, it’s obvious from the article,’ Harker explained, ‘that the reporter’s focus is the Detective, not the victims, much less the five of us. If we could find a way to keep him focused on the Detective, it would keep his focus from finding us.’
‘Good idea. Andrews, have your people work it out, then get back to me. If there is nothing else,’ Prentiss said, looking to the others and getting no response, ‘then good day gentlemen, I have a state to run.’
Prentiss left, followed quickly by Andrews and Taylor. Harker followed more slowly, and paused briefly at the door to the den.
‘Carl,’ he said, ‘I just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear about Derek. No one should have to lose a son.’
Fenton sat back down in the chair that he woke up in, and turned away from the door.
‘You always were good at being nice without sounding like a suck up, Harker,’ he said coldly.
‘Do us all a favor, Fenton, and lay off the Tangueray.’
Harker stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Fenton sat back, and knocked back his drink, paying Harker’s remarks no mind.
Roswell Harker did not like Carl Fenton. Oh, he felt s
orry for Carl’s lost, he had honestly meant what he had said. But he did not — he could not feel anything for Carl other than complete, loathing and disgust. He felt that Carl embodied everything corrupt, crooked, and amoral, which, he guessed, makes it almost fitting that Carl was a lawyer.
Harker quickly pushed those thoughts out of his mind. No, he thought, those were unclean, unchristian thoughts, and he was a Christian, a God fearing man. He could at least say that he was a Christian man, even if there were aspects of his life that he was less than proud of.
There were times, however, when Harker wished that he could be more like the others, like Taylor or Prentiss, even Andrews. He would see Reverend Taylor and wish he could stand by the strength of his convictions and of his faith through every facet of his life. He would watch the Governor and wonder why he couldn’t simply walk into a situation and take charge of it the way Harlan did. Even little, squirming Eddie Andrews was able to see situations from angles no one else could, even if they were due to his paranoid cowardice. How that man ever became Mayor, Harker thought, chuckling enviously to himself, I’ll never know. But all Harker saw in himself was a man falling short of the man he could be, the man he knew he needed to be.
Harker saw himself as being only less-than-moderately successful, and considerately less so than the others. He was merely the publisher of a two-bit, second-rate ‘newspaper’, (as if calling it that didn’t degrade and demean all legitimate news publications) specializing in what he and his staff referred to as ‘Entertainment – Journalism’, but what he knew to be ‘yellow journalism’, it was a tabloid, and a lousy one at that. He saw himself, on his harder days, as a ‘printer of preposterous propaganda’, and today was feeling like one of those days.
Harker returned to his paper. He greeted his secretary with a hollow smile that he saved just for her, and walked past her without hearing a single word she was saying. So when he opened his office door, he was surprised, if not slightly annoyed, to see someone sitting across from his desk, quietly reading. Harker quickly closed the door to his office, still standing outside of it, then turned to his secretary and asked her who he was.
‘Well, Mr. Harker, I tried to tell you sir, is name is Reginald Brianski. He’s –‘
‘What’s he want?’ Harker interrupted.
‘He’s from the ‘Tribune’ sir,’ she explained, ‘He said he needed to see you, sir, he said it was very important.’
‘That’s all he said?’
‘Yes sir.’
Harker stared at the door for a moment, contemplating his course of action, and then said to his secretary, ‘Hold my calls.’
He reached for the door knob, but missed it as the door swung open, revealing Reggie waiting on the other side.
‘I’m sorry, I hope I’m not interrupting. I heard raised voices,’ said Reggie, genuinely courteous.
Harker looked him over for a moment, trying to get a bead on him, and then said, ‘No, it’s quite alright, Mr. . .’
‘Oh, yeah, Reginald Brianski, Star Tribune, or at least, for the moment.’
‘For the moment?’ Harker asked, walking back to his desk, ‘Are you going somewhere?’
Harker indicated for Reggie to sit down.
‘Maybe by force,’ Reggie mumbled, then, more directly, ‘Mr. Harker, I’m here because I have a problem, and you’re the only one left that I could go to.’
‘Really,’ Harker said, suspecting something.
‘Yes. My problem is’ Reggie explained, dropping a copy of his article on Harker’s desk, ‘that I know the truth about these murders, but no one will listen to me. Either they refuse to believe me, which is hard enough, or worse, they know that I know the truth and are trying to keep me quiet.’
‘Why would anyone. . . ,’ Harker paused, rethinking his question, ‘Why don’t you just tell me what you know.’
Reggie suddenly got very nervous, stood up, and began pacing frantically about Harker’s office. Harker stood, unsure of what Reggie was doing. Suddenly, Reggie stopped pacing and looked straight at Harker.
‘Do you believe in God, Mr. Harker?’
This question caught Harker off guard.
‘What?’ he asked, and then stammered, trying to answer, finally blurting out, ‘Yes, yes I do. Why?’
‘Because these murders are each an affront to God!’
Harker was also not expecting this answer.
‘Every murder is an affront to God, Brianski, so I understand your point of view, but not your point.’
‘My point,’ Reggie explained, ‘is that these murders are different. They are not only an affront to God because they are murders, but also because they are being perpetrated for the soul purpose of insulting and mocking God. They are being committed by an unholy being, an agent of the Devil!’
Harker just stared at Reggie for a moment, and then simply said, ‘Get out.’
‘Wait, let me explain–‘
‘NO! JUST . . . Just hear me out,’ Reggie pleaded.
Harker reached for the intercom, but hesitated. He looked up at Reggie, who merely said, ‘Please.’
‘You are insane, Brianski, and you need professional help.’
‘Look, I know how crazy this sounds–‘\
‘Do you?’
‘Yes, I do,’ Reggie exclaimed, still pleading, ‘but the evidence is there, staring us in the face.’
‘How do you mean.’
‘Okay, look,’ Reggie explained, ‘both victims were drained of at least three quarters of their blood, but police found no blood at the scene. The only wounds on either body were two punctures directly into the jugular, along with bruising patterns around the punctures that show that they were bite marks.’
‘And you think that this proves that they were killed by . . . what you think killed them?’ Harker asked, unable to say the actual word.
‘Among other things, yes.’
‘Other things?’
‘Both Martin Taylor and Derek Fenton were murdered on a Sunday, both with their sin still on them, both being first born sons, and Martin Taylor, the first murdered was the son of a servant of God. The fangs, the blood, the deep-seeded hatred of God, it all fits.’
‘That’s it?’ asked Harker.
Reggie hesitated for a moment.
‘No . . . a month ago I was writing about the Jack Richards disappearance when I was attacked . . . and bitten.’
Reggie pulled the collar of his shirt away from his shoulder to reveal a bloody bandage. He pulled the bandage away to reveal two quarter inch punctures less than an inch apart. The wounds looked fresh, bloody. The skin around the wounds is swollen and dark red. The veins leading away from the wounds are also raised and dark, the skin between the veins paler.
‘I fought back, and when he went to bite me he got my shoulder, not my neck, and he infected me with something.’
‘Infected you with what?’ Harker asked, genuinely afraid, and almost starting to believe Reggie.
‘No one knows. I’ve been to see five different doctors in the past three weeks and none of them can figure it out. What they have told me is that my red blood sells have become highly anemic, my t-cell and white blood cell counts are down, my skin pigment is dying and my skin and eyes are becoming more and more light sensitive. My whole body is shutting down,’ Reggie said, then he looked Harker square in the eye, with all the determination he could assemble, ‘I’m dying, Mr. Harker, no one can tell me how, but I know why. I’ve been infected, and the only way for me to live is to become like them, but if I do that, I sacrifice my soul, so all I can do is pray to God that he saves my soul from this contagion.’
Harker just stared at the wound on Reggie’s shoulder. Reggie became self-conscious, and covered it back up, then sat back down, and said, ‘Look, Mr. Harker, I know that this is hard to believe, but these things are real, they are out there, they are killing us, and people need to know.’
Harker thought fo
r a moment, trying to absorb everything and trying to keep himself from believing Reggie. Then he remembered what he was going to ask.
‘How’d you get the information about the victims?’
‘I . . . I hacked the paper’s e-mail system and stole a copy of the medical examiner’s report from another reporter,’ Reggie confessed.
‘Do you know how he obtained a copy of the medical examiner’s report?’
Harker looked over the article, thinking for a moment. Then the idea hit him.
‘Alright, I print your article, front page even, but I need you to do something for me. I need you to find out how Jenkins got the report, and get back to me tomorrow.’
Reggie hesitated, and then said, ‘No problem.’
‘Alright, then, you better get out of here before Garvey or anyone else at the paper notice that you’re not there,’ Harker said, ‘and take the back exit. You don’t want to take a chance on someone you know seeing you.’
Reggie stood up and walked to the door, but, before he did, he turned back, looked at Harker, and said, ‘Thank you, Mr. Harker.’
Harker looked up from the article.
‘For what?’
‘For listening. You didn’t have to, so,’ Reggie said, ‘thank you.’
Reggie turned to leave when Harker stood up and said, ‘Reggie, wait.’
Reggie turned back.
‘Reverend Ezekiel Taylor is hosting a prayer rally tonight at his church. I’m going to be there. You should come. If you find out what I’ve asked, you can tell me there, otherwise, you can just tell me tomorrow, but either way,’ Harker said, ‘you should come to the rally.’
‘Sure, thanks.’
As Reggie left Harker’s office, Harker sat back down and looked back over the article, reading the title over to himself, ‘Vampires in Minneapolis.’ Poor kid, he thought as he read, he’s out of his mind.
Reggie took Harker’s advice and headed down the back fire stairs to the ground floor and out the back exit to the side alley. He cut through back alleys and side streets, pausing around corners to look back and, more importantly, catch his breath, he hadn’t been running, in fact he was walking rather slowly, but he still needed to catch his breath. Not a single time did he see a single person following him but he knew, he knew, that someone was watching him, following him.
His heart was pounding in his chest and he started to feel dizzy and nauseous. He leaned back against the wall, feeling the cool brick through his shirt and the cool breeze in the shade on his face. His head fell back against the wall and his eyes closed as the world around him spun away into nothing.
The world suddenly imploded back around Reggie when some punk grabbed his collar, pulled him away from the wall, then slammed him back up against the wall, stuck a knife up under his throat and screamed in his face, ‘ALRIGHT, ASSHOLE, GIMME YER FUCKIN’ MONEY!!!’
Reggie’s heart raced, his pulse pounding like a jackhammer, his head on fire, his eyes half closed, slipping somewhere between conscious and not. He felt the punk push up on the knife and the blade start to cut his throat. His eyes shot open as he inhaled sharply. His hands snapped up, one hand grabbed the punk’s knife hand, the other grabbed his throat. He squeezed the punk’s wrist and pulled the knife away from his own throat. He felt the punk’s pulse accelerating in his hands, felt the punk struggle and squirm against his own grip, and he felt something deep inside himself welling up. Something primal, something animal, something powerful, and when it hit his throat, he screamed so loudly, gutturally, and intensely that it shook his entire body. He pushed off from the wall and shoved the punk all the way across the alley, practically lifting the punk up off the ground. He slammed the punk against the other wall, slamming the punk’s wrist repeatedly not only until the punk dropped the knife, but until he felt the bones in the punk’s hand crack and shatter. He felt the punk’s blood running down his own hand, smelled it, basked in the warmth of it. He squeezed the punk’s throat even tighter, feeling the punk’s airway close, feeling him struggle for air. He felt the punk pulse slow and shallow.
And then Reggie looked at the punk’s throat, and saw a crucifix hanging from it. He looked into the punk’s eyes, saw his pleading eyes, saw a soul begging for forgiveness. His grip loosed, and the punk collapsed at Reggie’s feet. The punk cradled his broken hand and gasped for breath, as if trying to learn how to breathe all over again. Reggie watched the punk, backing away, heart still pounding, but now, the primal power that he had felt was gone, and only the sickness remained. Reggie stumbled back against the alley wall, nearly hyperventilating. And then he threw up. He crouched over and vomited, not even noticing that the punk had scrambled to his feet and run away.
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Love fucking strangers It was my first day on this app. I just finished uploading some more risky photos. My pussy, my fucking pussy was dripping fucking wet and you can clearly see it on the photos. Mmm, when I got an alert from a local and I went insane at work thinking of it... I was interested in tasting a fucking juicy cock. Yeah. Mmmmm.. So, I wanted to hear his voice and I wanted to get his cock nice and fucking hard. I wanted photos. I wanted to fucking see live photos of his fucking...
AffairWolferick felt the change begin. As before, it started with a pulling sensation in his mind as it grew to the predatory mind of the beast. Then came the pressure in his bone, much like when pulling out a tooth, as they warped and contorted into the time perfected frame of the wolf. His mouth itched, his ears itched, and his skin crawled as vicious teeth grew and fine tuned ears morphed and ultra sensitive fur sprouted all over his changing body.The change was over in minutes, and with it...
It was a three day weekend, school was out for a teachers work day on Monday. I had convinced my parents to allow me to spend the week end with fellow classmates. I left home that Friday night about six-thirty, and head for Harry's house. When I got there it was dusk dark and there were no lights on in his house. I decided to walk around the neighborhood and check it out. as I turned a certain corner I was startled to see an Adonis out washing his car. This fellow was at least five feet ten...
It was a three day weekend, school was out for a teachers work day on Monday. I had convinced my parents to allow me to spend the week end with fellow classmates. I left home that Friday night about six-thirty, and head for Harry's house. When I got there it was dusk dark and there were no lights on in his house. I decided to walk around the neighborhood and check it out. as I turned a certain corner I was startled to see an Adonis out washing his car. This fellow was at least five feet ten...
Cassandra had never done this before. She had heard a few friends describe their adventures when they were able to leave their small town and visit a large city. However, Cassandra was always a little reluctant for fear her father or one of her brothers would hear of her activities and decide she really wasn't old enough to live on her own. In less than ten days she was moving from her parental home into her first apartment. The move to be independent still might not help. She feared the men...
Unplanned and never repeated, I had sex with three different guys within a 24-hour period. At the time I did not think it slutty, but the morning after the last one I felt a tinge of guilt and embarrassment. Could not bring myself to share such behavior with any of my friends for a long long time because it was so slutty of me! I only shared the incident with a few close friends until now. It started innocently with a blind date on Friday. I had a planned dinner date with the guy I was dating...
Straight SexThough she had done it many times, Desirée felt strange standing on Liz Clark's front porch and knocking, for it was the purpose of her visit that filled her with trepidation. For almost as long as she had lived here, Desirée had been coming to visit the pretty bleach-blonde thirty-year-old at least twice a week, and they were fast friends. The only thing that Desirée didn't particularly like about the older woman had been her liaison with Clete, for she could never...
Mr and Mrs Johnson had all their c***dren and grandc***dren over for their fiftieth wedding anniversary. While the adults talked the boys were outside playing and the girls were listening to music and catching up on gossip. Afterwards everyone said their good byes. Mary and her sister headed to the van. Sally told her son Tom to drive since she had a few drinks. Ann and her aunt sat in the back seat and settled in for the six hour drive. Even though Tom was eighteen, he had made the drive...
Thursday, August 12, 2010 “The MRI was inconclusive,” Dr. Worden said. “We’d like to schedule the electrophysical study next.” “No,” Ellen said. “No more tests. Please arrange for Jake to be discharged.” “But, Mrs. Fielding, we need to learn what happened to Jake yesterday. If it happens again, it could kill him.” “If you’ll give us a referral to a cardiologist, we’ll follow up.” “Any other cardiologist would just have Jake admitted to a hospital for this same test.” “Perhaps. But we’ll...
Bringing in Sarah by DJ Tuk At 38 Sarah Philips has made it. She has power running a small governmentsponsored organisation earning an excellent salary. And she fits the job. At5'11'' she is tall, fit, elegant and dresses to match in a classic businessclothes. She poses a powerful picture. Whilst she parties hard, most of hertime is devoted to her work and although she has had a few (well publicised)flings there is no significant other sharing her expensive house in rural countrysidewest of...
After my initiation by Uncle Bill, I soon spent the £10 I'd earned – and it wasn’t long before I wanted some more. It was just too easy. I actually thought about what I now know is blackmail, but even then it somehow didn’t seem right. But I did need another £10, so what to do? Uncle Bill provided the answer, though in a roundabout sort of way. A couple of weeks after the zoo trip which I told you about earlier, he phoned me after school when he knew my parents would be out and asked...
With the coffee pot in her hand, Dorothy Baker went over to the kitchen table where her two good friends, Mary Anne Overton and Jennifer Henderson were sitting. "More coffee, girls?" she asked. "Not for me, thanks," said Mary Anne. "Hadn't we better be going? When there's a sale on, the store might be crowded." "We have time. It's still early," Dorothy replied. "How about you, Jennifer?" "Yes, I will," said Jennifer. "Say, why don't we give Irma Thatcher a call and see if...
As soon as we were on the elevator, Julia moved around until she was standing in front of me. Turning her head, she looked at me and smiled. She was still smiling as she took my left hand and placed it on her left hip. Before she could back up to push her buttocks against my cock, I was hard. She’s just the right height, and my cock slipped between her buttocks. With a few quick wiggles of her sexy ass, she has my cock nudging against her wet pussy. Pushing her body back against me even...
I am happily married and have a beautiful wife. But even then I like beautiful girls though I had not had sex with anyone other then my wife till I met sonal. Sonal is my wife’s brother’s daughter. she is 22 years old. one day my wife told me that dada has been transferred to Delhi and we will go to meet him we had not them for last ten years. when we reached their home a very beautiful girl opened the doors of the house. I was stunned to see her. that small girl of ten years had turned into an...
‘Morning baby.’ I rolled over at the sound of his voice and opened my eyes. He stood there looking down at me, his eyes wide and his smile genuine. I felt my toes curl in excitement as he dragged his gaze slowly down my body. The sheets had fallen away sometime during the night and the warm evening breeze had kept me warm enough that I never thought to replace them. I caressed my right calf muscle with the sole of my foot and winked. ‘You look delicious,’ he whispered, before sliding onto...
The hum of the engine lulled Dedrick Strong as he drove alone to the grocery store. The fifty year-old personal trainer had seen a huge downturn in business since the pandemic had broken out. Not only that, but he and his wife had opened their 2,900 square foot home that had four bedrooms and three-and-a-half bathrooms to family needing help during this crisis. Normally there were three people residing there; now there were eight people living in his house.The brawny, powerfully built man with...
Lori requested that both her mom and her had their lunch on the deck while Luke and her dad were at the bike park. The Brat Princess wanted the time with her mom to be somewhere just as special. The seldom used deck was venue. It was elevated and had an awning for protection from the weather. Being attached to the sunroom made the deck seem bigger than it actual size was to Lori. The deck's elevation along with their home being on a hilltop gave a great view of the Mon Valley. This...
Wendy wants to know how to work well as a hot pro with her fancies and fetishes for foot-fucksWendy wants to get wet from smelly feet as well as from the smell of panties worn for many daysWendy wants advise of Professor Peter, her confessor and consultant in matters of life and loveWendy wants to know his interesting ideas how she might reach her goal to live from her fanciesWendy sits at his lap as she listens to his opinion, the possibilities he sees for implementationWendy agrees that in...
When Haresh woke up, an hour so later, Simran was nestled up close beside him, fast asleep. He yawned and scratched his pubic hair feeling the hair all stuck together with cum, sweat and blood. He smiled as he remembered taking Simran's cherry. His cock hard with both lust and a need to piss... He untangled himself from Simran and walked slowly to the bathroom, naked. Simran woke as her brother got up, her sleepy eyes watched as he walked to the bathroom, her gaze fixed on his slim hard...
“What? Why ... monkey?” Will stammered. “Very eloquent.” she laughed. “Monkey!?” he repeated. “It’s a witch thing.” Bella grinned. “He’s my familiar.” “You have a familiar now?” Will said, impressed. “Isn’t that pretty high up on the witch achievement scale?” “Middle-range, really.” Bella gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I had him watching from outside in case Jack came back.” “He told you all that with one terrible noise?” Will asked, finally buttoning up his breeches. “Yes. It isn’t my...
Alyssa Like Kassidy, I had known Alyssa since we were all in grade school. Alyssa was also a gymnast and came to the same gym as Kassidy and me, at least for a while. Alyssa had since quit the gymnastics team and taken up soccer. Her and Kassidy however, remained best friends. Kassidy and Alyssa did everything together. School, camp, sports, shopping, if you found one of them, you probably found the other as well. This even applied to dating. Often times Kassidy and her boyfriend would double...
These two are compliments of Tony S A lonesome cowboy is on horseback, riding the range, when he is threatened by an enormous rattlesnake, about to strike. Keeping calm, the cowboy whips out his six-shooter and draws a bead on the snake with a steady hand. “Wait! Wait! Don’t shoot!” says the snake. “Spare me and I’ll grant you any three wishes you desire!” “Damn, a talking rattler!” thinks the cowboy, but he figures if the snake can talk, maybe he’s capable of granting wishes,...
I gave her a ride home from the bar. She was in that drunk, affectionate mood she gets when she wants attention. We sat in the car for a few minutes, making out. We'd done this enough now that I no longer felt any guilt over it. It wasn't anything her husband hadn't seen her do at the bar when she was in one of these moods. Well, it was a little more serious, involving tongue, but still just playing around as far as she was concerned. The fact that her husband was also my best friend is what...
Hi, guys, my name is Amit.I am a 22-year-old guy.I am from Bangalore.I am normally a good looking guy with a nice body.I have been reading Indian sex stories from many years.Now it’s time for me to share my story with everyone.Guys this story is little bit dramatically told and few elements have been added to it and taken out of it. I started watching porn during my school days while I saw my brother Aman who is 26 years old now, was watching porn on the computer and masturbating.At first, I...
"Girls!" Saturday, December 23rd, Mid-afternoon Dave and Jennifer stepped out of Jennifer's bedroom, both now fully dressed, and found all four girls waiting for them. Dave smiled. "Are you all a little anxious?" "Yes!" they all screamed at the same time. "Okay, why don't you all go downstairs. Molly, get yourself a drink of something, I'll get the formula and meet you in the kitchen." All four girls ran down the hallway with a little pushing and shoving and down the...
(MMF, wife-sharing, inc)I'd been married to my wife Laura for just about 3 years when I began to fantasize about having a threesome. Laura is a very sexy woman and I love making it with her. One of the things I like to do most is set up a mirror so I can see myself fucking her. She has such a great body and it looks so sexy to see her getting fucked that I usually can't hold back for more than a minute or so when we do the mirror thing. It was during one of our "mirror sessions" that the...
It was a little odd to see someone else passing out bags at the Sit Down, but it had been that way for a couple of days, so I shouldn't have felt let down. I did feel it, whenever I looked up and the washed out blood woman wasn't there. I rode the bike that morning, even though it was still a little chilly. the stretching and pull of the muscle while going up some of those nasty hills was my rehab for the day. I didn't ride the bike far and I did stop it now and then at the top of the...
Rita, an early-twenties redhead with C-cup boobs and a matching crotch carpet, and Anna, a mid-forties brunette housewife with a body very much like the porn star Christy Canyon complete with dark crotch fur, really enjoyed their well-paying jobs as “domestic managers”. They had the responsibilities of running the households for two professional single fathers of teenage boys. One of the perks greatly appreciated by all of the residents was the ready availability of male erections and wet...
Altered Fates: Danny Boy By Morpheus The clock quietly ticked, the only sound in the room. Danny Mason looked around the table, seeing his relatives, all waiting quietly as the lawyer gathered his materials, getting ready to read the will. The others didn't want Danny to be there, thinking that he was too young at 15 for this, but he was closer than any of them to his Uncle Benny. Danny almost smiled, fondly remembering Uncle Benny. He had always been a bit eccentric,...
"Hey, Enora...”The red fox dug through the chest set against the wall, bare knees pressed into the carpet of his bedroom. Wearing nothing but his boxers, he hummed quietly to himself as he rummaged right to the bottom of the chest, putting aside a dildo and coil of rope with half a mind to give at least one of those toys a shot later on that night with his casual girlfriend, Enora. An anthro snake with brown and cream patterns streaked across her skin, reminiscent of a python, sprawled in just...
FetishAs I move into my more senior years, I am thinking more and more about sex. I am a male in his sixties and probably for the last ten years I have been fantasizing and masturbating about having sex with other men. It started out by looking at crossdresser porn and has moved to hardcore gay porn. I wonder sometimes if it is because of losing testosterone as one ages or just more natural tendencies starting to surface.I joined Squirt in hopes of meeting someone that I would be able to live out my...
I had so many emotions going off at high speed in a hundred different directions. Judy was my lover and my friend, as well. She saw that I was an emotional wreck, Two minutes after I had become so angry with her, I was kissing her and begging her to have some kind of sex with me, I didn't care what it was. She said: " It's too bad you had to poop right then. I wanted to keep going." What do you mean, keep going?" "Miguel was so stiff when he pulled out of you. Long and fat and so stiff, and...
You are wandering a rather empty night club when you notes a girl in the far corner. Her hair reaches mid back with a few lose strands falling across her small breasts coverd in a tight corset. Her legs are folded beneth a long black skirt.
FetishThere are only so many ways that you can describe having illicit gay encounters in public toilets with older men, before it all becomes a slight variation of the same tale. What was always different were the nuances of the thrill leading up to those meetings. Whether it was the tension of standing at the urinals and checking out who was actually having a piss and who was looking at other guys cocks, or sat in a cubicle and listening out for a sign that somebody was up for a little fun, causing...
Oh, great. Another class-wide lecture from the teacher. As if Jessy didn't hear enough of those through the semester. Within seconds, Lisa, the class goody-goody raised her hand and smiled as snobbishly as ever. "Yes, Miss Sands?" Mr. Marrow asked. "I knew what it was, Mr. Marrow, sir. I just wanted to allow the other classmates a chance to try." She replied, in a tone that almost made Jessy puke. "Very good, Lisa. You know, class, you should all really try to be a little...