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Story Four of the Ms. Saba Spanking Series
POV work of fiction.
The clock struck three and with it came the end of the school day and since it was Friday, the ringing of the bell also marked the start of my two day weekend. While others went out partying and whatnot, I spent my time cleaning my house, reading, and getting in my five daily prayers in accordance to my religion. I consider myself a reclusive individual. Not married, don’t have much in the way of friends, no social media accounts, not that I really care for it. And my neighbors never talk to me. Then again, I don’t talk to them either. Life outside of work is peaceful and that’s the way I like it.
Today was a pretty boring day at this school. A few staff meetings followed by a mountain of paperwork. Not a single spanking to break the boredom. Maybe I will get lucky next week. I really want to increase the size of my confis**ted panty collection which currently stands at one thanks to that teacher I spanked early on this week.
After locking my desk I begin to pack my bag to leave. I was just about done when somebody knocked on my door.
“Come in.” The door opened and in came a blonde teenage girl wearing a red Arizona Cardinals shirt and green Khaki pants. To my surprise, she closed the door behind her without being told. Well-mannered I thought.
“Ms. Saba. I came by to seek your help with something.”
“I am always happy to lend a helping hand, but I need to know your name student-level first.”
“Holly Mesher, Junior.”
“And what or who seems to be troubling you, Holly?”
“I have a math test on Monday. I’ve been to study for it since Wednesday when our teacher first announced it. But I haven’t been going studying for it like I should.” I have studied a little but like I said not like I should.”
“Sounds like you’re having trouble staying on task, young lady.”
“Yes, Ms. Saba. I’ve been told by some that I am a procrastinator.”
“And how can I help you overcome this problem?
“I want you to motivate me to study this weekend.” She unbuckles her belt then takes it off and throws it on my desk.
“In the manner that only you can provide.”
“Very well. But first, we’re gonna play a little game, have you ever heard of Simon Says?”
“Yes, Ms. Saba.”
“Well today we’re gonna play Ms. Saba says. I give an order and you will follow it without hesitation or questioning. Do either of those and you will get additional swats to your bottom. Do you understand, young lady?”
“Yes, Ms. Saba.”
“Good. Now Ms. Saba says take off your shirt.” Without so much as questioning glance, Holly pulled her shirt up over her head and dropped it on the floor. She shivered a little in response to the cold temperature which I always kept the room at. Especially for discipline sessions.
“Ms. Saba says take off your pants and do a little dance while you’re doing it.”
After popping the two buttons and pulling down the zipper, Holly began to work her body from side to side as she slowly and provocatively lowered her pants, She spun around to reveal the back of her white panties to me as she finished the process. Her shoes were in the way, so she removed those two. She put on a very impressive show for me while stripping. I will admit that this girl definitely has the talent and the body for exotic dancing, but I hope she has better life goals than that. I took in the sight of the girl before me reduced to her purple socks, white bra, and panties before giving my next order.
“Ms. Saba says bend over and grab your ankles. She spun back around with her ass facing me and assumed the position. Her bottom and pussy were stuck out so perfectly, I had to take a picture, so I pulled out my cellphone and snapped one. There was no flash so she had no way of knowing the photo of her ass was taken. After putting the phone back in my pocket. I grabbed the belt and walked towards her. Upon reaching her, I ran my finger up and down her back. I even pulled at her bra clasp for a modicum of humiliation.
“You know Holly, I really like your choice of underwear. If it were up to me, every girl here would be required to wear white bras and panties. Regular cotton panties, none of that lacy, cheekie, or thong shit some of you girls like to wear. And on the back of the panties, it would say property of Ms. Saba” I slipped my finger into the waistband of her panties and tugged on it as I decided whether or not to belt her on the panties or do it on the bare. After a few seconds of pondering my decision, I decided bare bottom it would be. Perhaps it will motivate her more.
With a swift tug, they were pulled down to her feet and the belting began. I put my full might into the first swing and got a loud gasp from holly up impact with her ass. I pulled back and struck again. As I continued spanking her, I asked her a series of questions like are you going to hanging with your friends over the next three days, are you going to be on any social media sites or tanning in your backyard.”
“No, Ms. Saba. the only thing I will be doing for the next three days is studying for my test. Ouch, Ouch,” She tearfully replied.
“And do u promise me that you’ll get an A?”
“Yes, Ms. Saba, I promise to get an A on the test,” she tearfully replied.
I delivered six more smacks to her bottom then tossed the belt aside for enough was enough. Holly tried to rub her bottom but I slapped her hands away.
“May the stinging sensation be more of an incentive for you to study hard this weekend and pass on Monday.”
“Yes, Ms. Saba, I will do both.”
“And since you promised me an A, I want you to report to me with the results of your test on Monday. Be forewarned getting anything less will result in a harsher spanking and the confis**tion of your panties. Understand me?”
“Yes, Ms. Saba.” I ran my hand along her bottom as an additional display of my authority. Needless to say it felt very warm after twenty-nine swats.
“For my final order. Ms. Saba says get dressed and leave. I am very eager to get home.”
Within seconds, she was dressed on her way out the door. I couldn’t help but notice that her ass was jiggling a little as she left. She was clearly tempting me to spank her again.
On a more serious note, I hope she succeeds on her test.
Well, off to my weekend.

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