SLuT9 Pt 19 free porn video

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Saturday, December 23rd, Mid-afternoon
Dave and Jennifer stepped out of Jennifer's bedroom, both now fully dressed, and found all four girls waiting for them.

Dave smiled. "Are you all a little anxious?"

"Yes!" they all screamed at the same time.

"Okay, why don't you all go downstairs. Molly, get yourself a drink of something, I'll get the formula and meet you in the kitchen."

All four girls ran down the hallway with a little pushing and shoving and down the stairs.

"No pushing on the stairs!" Jennifer yelled after them.

Dave went into his room and got the SLuT10 formula. He turned to leave the bedroom only to come up short when he realized Jenn was standing in the doorway.

"You realize that they're not gonna let this go, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"They're going to want to keep playing and experimenting."

"It's a new toy, Jenn. Once the newness of it wears off, they'll relax."

"Maybe. I hope so. Have you thought anymore about my offer?"

"What offer?"

"I'll take that as a no. My offer for you and the girls to move in here. It'd be nice for the girls to have a man around the house and, you've gotta admit, David, with Olivia and if the girls come to stay with you permanently, you're going to need a bigger house."

Dave thought about that for a second.

"You know you're right. I hadn't thought of that."

"I'd really like it if you came to stay with us, David. I think the girls would like it too. My house is closer to Em and Hayley's school. We wouldn't have to pay taxes and such on two houses. We could split the bills. My girls would have a father figure and your girls would have two new sisters and a woman in the house."

"I'll think about it. Honest," Dave said with a smile.

Jenn moved out of the doorway and followed Dave down the hall.

"I can't believe I'm allowing this," Jenn said. "My daughter is going to be a submissive little slut." She shook her head.

Dave couldn't help but smile at the phrasing.

"One of the drawbacks to me coming to live here maybe."

"You would think so, wouldn't you? But It's not. I think I've accepted what's happening. I know I can't change it so I'm just trying to... limit the damage, I guess."

"You've always been good at damage control," Dave told her as they reached the bottom of the steps. Dave turned around to face his sister. "One day, it'd be interesting to put all of you - you, Olivia, and all four girls - under and see what happens."

Jenn smiled. "You're a pervert."

David gave her his best lecherous smile.

"I know. When did that happen?"

"When you were about fifteen, I think. That's when you started spying on me."

"Got some good pictures, too. Too bad the Internet wasn't around back then. Otherwise, pictures of you would be everywhere."

Dave got a smack on the shoulder for that comment.

They entered the kitchen and found all four girls seated at the table. There were three small glasses of water setting on the table instead of just one. Dave stopped and looked at the glasses, then at the girls.

"Why three glasses?"

"I wanna see what it's like, Daddy," Hayley said. "Just for an hour. Emily has promised not to make me do anything horrible."

Dave turned to Meg.

Meg shrugged. "Might as well try it. See what it's like. Molly sure seems to like it."

"You want only one hour, too?"

Meg nodded.

Dave then turned to Emily. "Think you can handle all three of them?"

"Sure, Daddy, no problem." Dave worried because Emily had her own lecherous smile.

Dave sat down in front of the three glasses of water. He carefully dropped three drops into the first glass. He passed the glass to Molly. He then refilled the dropper and put one drop each into the other two glasses. Hayley took one glass for herself and passed the other across the table to Megan.

Molly looked around, a smile on her face.

"One... Two.... Three."

All three girls then put the glass to their lips and chugged the entire glass. No one spoke for a long second.

"I don't feel any different," Megan stated.

Dave laughed. "SLuT10 takes a little longer to kick in than SLuT9 does. Give it a few minutes." Dave closed the bottle of SLuT10 and stood up. "Em, they're all yours. Just remember to not make them do anything they don't wanna do."

Emily nodded. Dave turned and, with Jenn following him, left the kitchen, slipping the bottle of SLuT10 into his pocket.

"Okay, everyone up," Emily said, a huge smile on her face. "And upstairs."

Emily led the three others up the stairs. By the time they reached Megan's bedroom, where the four of them always hung out when they were together, Emily saw the signs that the formula had kicked in. All three of them had blank stares on their faces. Emily smiled and rubbed her hands together devilishly.

"Meg, close and lock the door. We don't want to be interrupted here."

Megan went to the door, closed it and then locked it. She returned and stood in line beside Hayley, with Molly on the other side of Hayley.

"What to do? What to do? Everyone find a seat while I figure out what to do with my three pretty little slaves."

Emily sat down at Meg's desk as the others all found themselves a seat.

After a moment, Emily finally came up with a plan.

"It's time for a game of Truth or Dare." She looked around at the other three girls. "There is absolutely no lying. You can refuse to answer the question but if you do, you must do the dare. No re-do's. I will ask the questions and the three of you will answer them. Any questions?"

None of the three had questions.

"Okay, first, a question for all of you." Emily paused for a moment as she thought up a question. "What is the furthest you have gone with a guy? Molly, you first."

"I've gone all the way."

"Okay, Megan?"


"No guy has touched your tits? Gotten his hand in your panties?"

"No," Megan said. "Just kissing."

"Okay, Hayley?"

"Light petting, beneath the shirt."

"Oh, really? Who and when?" Emily asked, surprised at her sisters answer.

"Peter Kowalski. Piper's brother."

Piper Kowalski was a girl who lived a few blocks from their mother's house and was good friends with Hayley. Piper was a rather sweet girl, the same age as Hayley, that Emily knew pretty well. Piper's older brother, Peter, was a year older than Hayley and Piper and a year younger than Emily. Both Peter and Piper went to the same school as Em and Hayley. Peter was considered one of the cutest guys on campus. Unfortunately, he was also one of the dumbest. Each and every year there were rumors that he had failed enough classes to be kicked out of the school but each year Peter kept coming back. He was considered cool and cute but, rumor said, his parents were paying the school thousands of dollars every year just so they wouldn't kick Peter out.

"Peter Kowalski felt you up?" Emily asked, amazed. "When?"

"A couple weeks ago when I was over at Piper's house. There were a bunch of us there to see Piper. It's when she was so sick, just a few days before she came back to school. Peter brought home a bunch of his friends. We all ended up in the basement and played Seven Minutes in Heaven."

"You got Peter Kowalski into a closet and made out with him?" Emily asked, incredulous.

Hayley just nodded.

"And you didn't tell me about this before now, why?"

Hayley shrugged. "Never came up I guess." Hayley blushed.

"Did he get hard?"

Hayley shrugged. "If he did, I didn't feel it."

"You're not gonna date him, are you?"

"No!" Hayley stated, rather emphatically.

"Good," Emily said, relieved.

"Is he the only one you ended up in the closet with?"

"No, there was one other," Hayley admitted. "Jacob something. I don't know him. As soon as we got in the closet, he said he had a girlfriend and wasn't going to cheat on her. We just ended up sitting there talking the entire time."

"Okay, next question is to Ms. Molly. How many times have you had sex?"

Molly shrugged. "I don't know. Not a lot. Maybe a dozen times."

"With how many different guys?"

"Three, including your father."

"Who were the others?"

"My present boyfriend, Charlie, and I don't wanna talk about the other."

"If you don't tell, you have to do the dare."

"I'll take the dare then," Molly said.

"Okay," Emily said, a huge smile growing on her face. "Take off all of your clothes. You have to leave them off until I say otherwise."

Molly shrugged, got up from the bean bag chair she'd been sitting in and quickly removed all of her clothes.

"Be warned," Emily said as Molly moved from the bean bag to the bed with Hayley so the plastic wouldn't stick to her bare skin, "each time you take a dare, the dares will get harder.

"Next question is to Megan."

For the next twenty minutes, Emily quizzed her sister and two cousins on every juicy detail she could get out of them.

Hayley never refused to answer a single question. Molly refused a second question and was forced to get the vibrating dildo everyone knew she had in her nightstand, put it inside her, and keep it there until the game finished. Megan refused to answer a question about her kinkiest fantasy and was also forced to sit there naked until the game finished.

Having found out every juicy piece of gossip she could from the three, Emily ended the game but left both Molly and Megan naked and had Molly continue to play with her dildo.

"Meg, I want you to go downstairs and get all four of us something to drink. I'll take a Coke."

Hayley and Molly, who was recovering from her third orgasm brought on by her vibrating sex toy, placed their orders.

"Do I have to go naked?" Megan asked. Emily just smiled and nodded. Megan blushed furiously but left the room without further complaint.

"Hayley, get naked."

"You promised..."

"I promised no sex and there is no sex in my plans. Not for you anyway."

Hayley glared at her sister for a moment but then stood up and began undressing. Emily also stood up and left the bedroom.

"I'll be back in a minute," she said as she left the room, shutting the door behind her. Emily then went into the bathroom and procured the various items that would be needed for the next part of her plot.

Megan felt herself lucky that her mother and Uncle Dave had apparently moved into the basement, or back up stairs to one of the bedrooms. No one saw her running through the house naked or bending over to get everyone drinks. Trying to carry all four of the cold bottles or cans proved difficult but she eventually managed to get them organized in such a way that nothing was pressing into her naked flesh.

By the time Megan returned to the bedroom with the drinks, Molly's dildo had been put away and towels spread across Megan's bed. Also laid on the bed was an electric razor and some scissors. Megan passed out the drinks and the three enslaved girls all turned to Emily to see how she would torture them next.

Emily smiled once the three girls were standing there, waiting for her orders.

"Damn, this is a power trip. Okay," she said after a moment of celebration. "We are going to shave."

"Shave what?" Hayley asked.

In answer to her sisters question, Emily simply undid the button to her jeans and pushed her jeans and panties down her legs. She then stepped out of them and pulled up her shirt to show off her naked, bald pussy.

"What do you think?"

"When did you do that?" Hayley asked as she moved closer and bent over to get a better look at her sister's newly shaved crotch.

"A few days ago. Brian's been trying to talk me into doing it for a while now. I figured it could be my Christmas present to him."

"He's also been trying to talk you into taking it in the ass," Hayley noted. "Or are you saving that for his birthday?"

Emily giggled. "Maybe."

"You're going shave all of us?" Megan asked as she rubbed the thick black hair covering her own pussy.

"Everything goes!" Emily said, sounding like a TV commercial for a used car dealer. "Who wants to go first?"

"Do we have to?" Megan asked.


"I'll go first," Molly volunteered.

"Lay down and spread 'em, slave girl."

"Yes, mistress," Molly said, copying Olivia's earlier behavior.

Molly lay down on the bed, now covered with towels, her legs hanging off the bed and spread her legs wide. Emily removed her shirt and bra, joining the other three naked girls, got a pillow, and put it on the floor. She kneeled on the pillow. Meg and Hayley watched as Emily picked up the scissors and a small comb and began trimming the large majority of Molly's thick black pubic hair. Once it had been trimmed down, Emily used the electric razor to finish the job and finally a disposable razor and some shaving cream to clean it all up. She then wiped it down with a warm, wet washrag and rubbed some aloe cream into it to help with any itching.

"What do you think?" Em asked once completed.

Molly got up off the bed, went to the mirror and looked at herself. She ran her fingers over her mons and smiled.

"I like it."

"Good, because you get to do Hayley. I gotta go to the bathroom."

Emily dropped the shaving stuff onto the bed and almost ran from the bedroom. She went across the hall, into the bathroom, closed and locked the bathroom door. Emily then fell back against the door, closed her eyes and spread her legs. Both hands moved at once as one slid down between her legs, split her pussy lips and searched out her small clit. The other slid up over her belly to one of her breasts and squeezed it and twisted the nipple. Emily began to rub her clit furiously. Her eyes closed, head thrown back until she came, explosively.

With the orgasm out of the way, she relaxed and slowly allowed herself to slide down the door until she was sitting on the floor.


Back in the bedroom, they picked up the towel that held all of the clippings from Molly, laid out a clean one and Hayley lay down and spread her legs. Molly was now kneeling on the floor using the scissors and comb to cut Hayley's bush down to a length that the electric razor could handle. Hayley's bush wasn't quite as thick as her cousins so it didn't take nearly as long. By the time Emily returned from her trip to the bathroom, Molly was almost finished.

"You okay, Em?" Hayley asked when Emily re-entered the room.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Hayley didn't say anything else but noted her sisters flushed face and diamond hard nipples. Emily took a seat at the desk across the room and watched from there as Molly finished her task. Once finished, Hayley went to the full length mirror and checked herself out.

"Wonder what Daddy would say?" she asked but got almost no reaction from her sister.

"Okay, Meg, your turn. Lie down," Molly said, having picked up the towel that had been beneath Hayley and laid down a new, clean towel.

Meg made her way over and laid down and spread her legs. Like her sister, Meg's bush was thick.

"Hayley," Molly said. "She's all yours."

Hayley looked down at Meg's thick bush and shook her head. She kneeled down, picked up the scissors and the small comb, and set to work.

Nobody noticed Emily staring at Molly. They were all too interested in Hayley's work. After a few minutes, Emily stood up, went over to Molly and took her arm and pulled her towards the door.

"Hayley, you doing okay?" Emily asked over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Hayley said as she and Meg watched Emily drag Molly away.

"Good, keep it up. I'll be back to check on you all later. Molly, come with me."

Emily released Molly's arm, opened the door and exited the bedroom. Molly looked back, shrugged her shoulders, followed her cousin out of the room, closing the door behind her, and followed Em down the hall to the room Emily was staying in. Emily went in, stood by the door until Molly was in the room, she then shut and locked the door.

"What's up, Em?"

Emily didn't speak. She took Molly's arm and led her over to the bed. Emily then climbed into the middle of the queen sized bed and spread her legs.

"Eat me. Now!" Emily ordered.

Molly hesitated for just a second, then got onto the bed, climbed between Em's legs, ran her fingers over Emily's bare pussy, then leaned in close and slipped her tongue into Emily's slit.

"Oh, god, yes! Do it!" Emily ordered. She then grabbed Molly's thick black hair and pulled her face into her pussy. "Eat me, slave. Eat me now! Lick it. Suck it. Bite it. Make me cum!"

Molly, unable to refuse the order set to work. First she found Emily's clit and began flicking the small nub with her tongue., first up and down, then left to right and then apparently randomly. Emily kept hold of Molly's thick hair, making sure her slave didn't try to pull away or stop. At that moment, Emily didn't care if Molly could breathe as long as she kept her tongue going.

When Molly slid a finger into Emily's vaginal canal and began finger fucking her while at the same time continuing to lick and suck at her clit, Emily's hips and back arched up off the bed and she groaned as she had an orgasm.

"Don't stop, slave. Eat me!" Emily ordered after the orgasm passed and her ass returned to the bed.

Molly did as ordered. She pulled her finger from Emily and jammed her tongue into her cousin.

"Oh, yes! Tongue fuck me, you nasty little slut! Oh, god!"

Molly moved her hand up on to Emily's bare pussy and slid her thumb down into Emily's slit. It found her clit and began to rub. Within a few minutes, Emily's ass once again came off the bed and she moaned through another orgasm. Emily had to bite her lower lip to keep herself from screaming, which would have told everyone in the house what was going on in the bedroom.
Back in Meg's bedroom, Hayley was finished trimming Meg's bush down to a manageable size and was just starting with the electric.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" Meg asked.

Hayley wondered for a brief second whether she should tell what she suspected. Then realized that there wasn't any real reason to hide it.

"I think Emily's horny. I think that's why she went to the bathroom. I don't think Jilling-off did it for her though."

"What do you think she's making Molly do? Finger her?"

"Maybe," Hayley said. "I imagine it's more likely she's having Molly eat her."

Meg's eyes got wide. "Molly wouldn't do that. She doesn't get into girls. I didn't know Em did."

Hayley smiled. "Emily doesn't, usually. If you're horny enough though, does it matter whose tongue is licking you?"

"Are you saying you'd do it with another girl?"

Hayley shrugged. "If it was the right girl, maybe."

Meg was quiet for a moment as Hayley continued shaving her with the electric razor. "Would you do it to me?"

Hayley stopped what she was doing, turned off the buzzing razor and looked up at her cousin. "Do you want me to?"

"You said it. If you're horny enough, does it matter whose tongue it is?"

Hayley looked down at Molly's partially shaved mons, then down at the thick pink lips that covered Molly's sex. She lowered her face down and inhaled deeply, wanting to know what it smelled like. She looked up at Meg.

"I'll do you, if you agree to do me after."

Meg's eyes got wide. "Are you serious? You want me to..."

"If I can do it, why can't you?"

Hayley kneeled there on the floor and watched as her cousins face showed a half dozen different emotions as she considered Hayley's offer.

"Are you at least willing to try it. If you don't like it, fine. But you have to try."

Meg considered this for a second, then nodded.

"You better do it."

"I will," Megan promised.

Hayley set aside the electric razor, sat back on her heels a bit, then moved forward, spread Meg's thick pink pussy lips with her fingers and slipped her tongue in. She kissed what she thought was Meg's clit, then ran her tongue over it.

"Oh, god!" Meg screamed, then pushed her hands down between Hayley's lips and her own pussy and sat up.

"What's wrong?" Hayley asked, a playful smile on her face.

"You would not believe how strange that felt. It felt good, weird and kinda tickled all at the same time."

"Do you want me to do some more, or not?"

Meg quickly nodded, lay back, and moved her hands.

"Here I come," Hayley said and leaned in once again. She again spread Meg's pussy lips and slid her tongue in. This time, she licked up and over the clit, causing Meg to inhale sharply. Getting a good reaction, Hayley did it again and again.

Hayley had never had sex, of any kind, with anyone. The closest she'd come was being felt up in a closet and that had only happened once. She had never done anything, below the waistline, with anyone but herself. She found Meg's scent to be a little musky for her taste but the taste wasn't nearly as bad as she had thought it would be. Hayley had to giggle, as she continued licking Meg, at the thought that she was actually giving oral sex to another girl. She wondered if giving oral sex to a guy was anything like it. The more she licked the more anxious she became for Meg to cum so she, Hayley, could find out what it was like to be licked by another person.
Once the three girls had swallowed the SLuT water, all four had run off upstairs. Dave and Jenn had retired downstairs to the family room. With it being mid-afternoon on a Saturday, Dave was sure there was some sports game on he would want to watch. Dave flopped down on the couch in the family room, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV. It was about then that he realized his sister had followed him downstairs and was sitting on the couch beside him, staring at him. He ignored her as he searched for a sporting event that he was sure would send Jenn running for the hills. He finally found a football game and turned up the volume.

It was what Dave called a "who cares" game, because Dave didn't especially like either team, Kansas City or Oakland. He didn't care who won but it was a football game and it was better than nothing. He forced himself to not look at his sister who was still sitting there staring at him. When she got up, he thought he was going to get a reprieve but instead of leaving the room, she turned sideways and kneeled on the couch, now facing him fully and still staring at him. Dave muted the TV.

"I'm not going to watch the game, am I?"

"Of course you are, David. Feel free."

"What do you want, Jenny?" Dave asked, using a nickname no one had called in her twenty years. Dave figured if she was going to act like a kid again, he could treat her like a kid again.

"I have two questions for you. The first is easy. Just yes or no."

"Fine, what's the question?"

"Can I play with your new toy?"

"My new toy?" Dave asked, confused.


Dave turned and looked at his sister, arching his eyebrows.

"Oh, come on, Dave. I told you that I've had relationships with other women before. I like Olivia." Jenn shrugged. "It's not a biggie. The only reason I'm asking is I don't wanna cause any trouble between you and me or you and Olivia."

"If Olivia doesn't mind, I don't mind."

"I already asked her. She said if you gave her permission, she would have no problem playing with me."

"Don't do anything too kinky to her, huh? No bruises."

"I wouldn't do that, David."

"What was the second question?"

"How do you feel about letting the girls have a small Christmas party tomorrow? Just a few friends. Fifteen max."

"It's your house, Jenn. You can do what you want."

"David, you've pretty much taken the alpha male job in this house. It just... feels right to get your approval. Would you mind?"

"No, but isn't it kind of late to be organizing a Christmas party now? I mean, you want to have the party tomorrow, right?"

Jennifer nodded. "I know it's a little quick. I wanted to make sure the roads would be okay before I mentioned it to the girls though. Like I said, it's going to be a little tiny thing. Barely a party. Meg wants to see some of her friends. I imagine Molly wants to see Charlie."

"I'm sure Em would love to invite her beau." Dave shrugged. "Come to think of it, it sounds like an excellent idea," Dave said, suddenly smiling. "I wanna talk to this guy Em's dating."

"Em's got a steady?"

"Apparently. She told me her mother doesn't approve. Kids name is Brian Hartwell. They've known each other since kindergarten. He used to live near us. Apparently Rebbecca doesn't like him but also doesn't know he's going to The Academy either. Apparently him and Em have been an item for a while. I've met the kid before but haven't seen him in a couple years. Should be interesting to see how Em reacts to him being here, considering what's happened recently."

"What's happened recently is another very good reason to do this. They need to be around other people. They've been pretty well locked in this house for two days now."

"Okay, organize your party."

Jenn leaned forward, getting to her hands and knees, and kissed David on the cheek.

"Thank you, brother dear." She scampered off the couch and headed for the stairs. "Oh, and you're welcome to invite someone over to, as long as they don't mind a bunch of teenagers running around, unless you and Olivia are monogamous now."

"I think I'll wait until the girls are finished doing whatever the girls are doing to tell them. I'm sure they can contact their friends this evening."

"Where are you going then?"

Jenn turned around at the bottom of the stairs, a huge smile on her face.

"To play with your new toy some more."

She arched her eyebrows evilly, just as Dave did, then laughed and ran up the steps. He could hear her giggling all the way up the stairs.

Dave turned back to the TV, unmuted it, and zoned out on football. As always happens when someone wanted to talk to him while he was trying to watch TV, as soon as Jenn was gone, the game went to commercial.

Dave rolled his eyes, muted the TV again, laid his head back and considered the party.

Invite someone, hmm? Dave leaned over, pulled his wallet from his back pocket, opened it and pulled out a small piece of paper with two phone numbers on it. Might not be a bad idea. Dave smiled and slipped the small piece of paper back into his wallet.

Emily kept Molly hard at work eating her for a good twenty minutes. By the time she let her cousin get up, Emily's clit felt raw and her pussy was sore.

"Stop, Molly, stop," Emily gasped and pushed her cousin's face from her hot, soaking wet pussy. Once Molly moved away, Emily closed her legs together to protect her sore parts.

Emily looked down at Molly and immediately busted out laughing.

"What?" Molly asked.

"Your face is soaking wet."

"It's your fault," Molly said. Molly leaned off the edge of the bed, picked up a shirt that was laying on floor waiting to go to the laundry. She was about to wipe her face off.

"Don't," Emily shouted and Molly froze with the dirty shirt inches from her chin.

Emily got up onto her knees and pulled Molly up into the same position. Molly tossed the shirt aside. Emily leaned in and licked Molly's right cheek. For the next five minutes, Emily gave Molly's face a tongue bath, licking up her own lubricating fluids as well as Molly's saliva which was smeared all over Molly's face, from one cheek to the other and from her chin to her nose. Molly just closed her eyes and let her lick. Molly was a little surprised at how good the tongue bath felt on her face.

Once Molly's face was as clean as it could be, Emily pulled away. Their eyes met and locked, then Emily leaned in and gently kissed her cousin. The first kiss was quick and lacked passion but Emily's lips quickly returned and this time there was passion. There was heat and their tongues were soon in the other's mouth.

Within minutes, their arms were around the other as the kisses got harder and deeper and they continued exploring the other's mouth. Emily wrapped her arms around Molly and then leaned to the side and both of them tumbled to the bed on their sides, facing each other with their arms still wrapped tightly around the other, their breasts pressing into the other.

Emily's mouth quickly found Molly's again as her hand slid down Molly's side and then cupped her ass, trying to pull Molly even closer. Molly wrapped her arms around her cousin and held tight, both girls now completely lost in their lovemaking.
Megan was still breathing hard when Hayley wiped her face off and climbed up onto the bed beside her cousin. Megan still lay on the towel that was there to catch her shaved pubic hair, the job was not yet complete.

"So, I guessed you enjoyed that?" Hayley asked happily.

"It was wonderful. I can't believe you did that."

Hayley just shrugged.

"Do you want me to..."

Hayley turned her head to face her cousin.

"I'd like you to at least try it. You did promise."

Megan nodded, sat up, and slid off the bed ending up on her knees just where Hayley had been moments before. Megan's head was spinning, her stomach felt as though she had just had a serious muscle cramp and her pussy was wetter than she could ever remember it being before.

"Just so you know," Megan said as she crawled between Hayley's wide spread legs, "that was the best orgasm I've ever had."

"How many have you had?" Hayley asked, looking down at her cousin.

"Lots, but they've all been self-induced."

"Hairbrush or fingers?"

"All of my hairbrushes hurt when I try them."

"You are using the handled end, right? Not the end with the bristles?"

"Yes!" Megan responded to the obviously teasing question. "All the handles are too big. They hurt."

"Just leave it in a minute or two. Don't move it around. Just leave it in and it'll get better."


Hayley nodded. "Yeah, when I first tried it, it hurt me too. When it slipped out to Em, she told me to just put it in a little bit, until it just starts to hurt, then let it sit there and the pain will go away. I tried it and it worked. Now, I can fit almost an entire hairbrush inside."

"Seriously?" Megan asked, wide eyed.

"Yeah. You just have to keep working at it. The more you do it, the further in it goes, the easier it gets, the better it feels. Trust me."

There was a few seconds of silence as Megan stared down at her cousin's already wet pussy.

"Just so you know, I've never done this before."

"I hadn't ever done it before a few minutes ago. Shit! Come on. Don't chicken out on me."

Megan nodded her head, used her fingers to spread Hayley's tight little pink pussy open and then leaned down. She then pulled away quickly.

"Oh, God, it stinks!"

"Thanks a lot," Hayley said, rolling her eyes and sitting up.

Hayley stood up, grabbed her clothes and stormed out even as Megan apologized and pleaded for forgiveness.
Jennifer tried to be quiet as she opened the bedroom door. She peeked in, saw Olivia still asleep in the bed, and crept in, quietly closing and locking the door. She tip-toed across the bedroom and slipped up onto the bed and scooted herself up right behind Olivia. Olivia was laying on her side, her back to Jennifer. Jenn scooted up, pressing her chest and stomach to Olivia's back, slid a hand between Olivia's side and arm, wrapped it around Olivia, slid up her belly and cupped one of Olivia's tits and began to massage, squeeze and rub it.

"I don't know who that is but I know it's not my master."

Jenn just smiled and suppressed a giggle.

"Whoever it is, I hope your hand isn't making promises your body can't or won't keep."

"My hand is not making any promises I'm not willing to keep," Jennifer whispered into Olivia's ear.

"Mistress," Olivia said, recognizing Jenn's authority.

"That's right. And guess what. I asked Dave if he minded sharing his new toy. He said I could play with you as much and for as long as I want as long as you're willing."

Olivia rolled over onto her back and looked up at Jennifer.

"Well then, Mistress, what do you wish of me?"

Jennifer smiled, lowered her head down and kissed Olivia, gently but lovingly on the lips.


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Learning From the Gimp

Being a dominatrix is all about control. Ava felt that control temporarily slip from her grasp when her younger sister Noelle asked her to teach her about sex. It was a surprise, as their Mom and Dad were conservative Christians, and she thought Noelle would have been all goody-goody after being brought up repressed like that. Their parents didn't talk to Ava anymore, not once they had found out about her job, but she and Noelle had kept in touch through Facebook. Noelle didn't actually...

1 year ago
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Triple Play

A truck was slightly hidden from above under a lush green canopy of live oak trees laden with hanging Spanish Moss. The light of a full moon found its way through, glistening off of three sweaty naked bodies, writhing in the bed of the old Ford pick-up truck. Moans of delight competed with the chirping frogs and singing katydids. The sounds of the swamp forest and drenching humidity of the south Georgia night did not seem to dampen the aroused spirits of the threesome as they continued their...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lola Fae Rachel Rivers My Immature Step Brother

With school online, Rachel Rivers and her friend Lola Fae can study together. The only downside is that Rachel’s infantile stepbrother, Kyle Mason, has decided that Rachel needs to take care of him. He whines at her. When Rachel doesn’t make him lunch, he complains that it’s late. Eventually, his complaining pisses Rachel off to the point where she pulls up her shirt and tells Kyle that if he’s going to act like a baby he may as well such her teat. Lola is a little...

1 year ago
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Raise the Jolly RogerChapter 2

Grace slipped inside the captain's cabin and borrowed his scissors to trim her hair even more so she gave off a boyish appearance. She had paused in the hallway and caught up some black grease from the pistons to smear on her face and neck to make it look like she was a truly "dirty" little grease monkey cabin boy with no regard for his personal hygiene. It the pirates were preparing to board the merchant vessel, she might escape their lust for female flesh if her disguise as a cabin boy...

3 years ago
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Finding My Hot Wife Who Loves Foot Fetishes By Hap

I wanted to write about my beautiful, sexy wife. We have been together for 10 years now. Prior to meeting her, I was much like most of you who have foot fetishes. I was self aware of my foot fetish since I was 5 year old. It did not foster in to something more sexual for me until I was a teenager. I never told anyone about my foot fetish or expressed it in any way until I was about 19. When I did finally express it to girlfriends, they would entertain it to a degree, but it never had the same...

1 year ago
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Bosss Favorite Little Worker Ch 02

I had been thinking about what happened the previous Friday all week. I’d fantasized about Becca every day at work. I’d spend the day staring at her, coming in day after day dressed in her skimpy hot clothes. I’d imagined myself being part of their religious after work fuck fests, having Becca all over me, kissing me, touching me. I even imagined Mr. Sim’s cock inside me. Mr. Sims was the last person I’d ever imagined fantasizing about, but after last weeks events I’d found him to be...

3 years ago
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IntroducingJanice the smoking TV tart

Janice and I had corresponded for many years, sending each other videos, then dvds of our antics, plus any other similar material we could find, of other OTT TVs in sexual situations, like Lady Tina, Barbi Satin and Alexis Divine. Usually with a smoking fetish theme, along with heavy makeup, and PVC and rubberwear. Jan lives in Oxon, but I got a chance to go and meet her, eventually, to do some filming together. She's 6'2", without heels, and such a horny tart. Her films always got me horny....

2 years ago
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The First Time Part Two Emmas Awakening

I watch him as he holds her ankles with both hands, spreading her legs wide. My wife is not used to taking a cock this big so he moves against her gently, pressing further and harder as she gets used to his girth. He lets go of her ankles and her legs wrap around his back, taking him deeper inside, her arms holding him close to her. I watch this coupling for a few more minutes before he pulls out of her. He moves over onto his back.‘Ride me’ he says.Without comment she gets on top of him,...

1 year ago
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A Passel of Basils

A PASSEL OF BASILS A PASSEL OF BASILS ?What?? Basil asked as they entered the Play Room of? the Sacher-Masoch Society in Plainview, New Jersey. ?I said look at these pathetic guys, they?re a passel of Basils?just like you honey!? Lindy said cheerfully. And it was true, there were about a dozen pudgy, balding men standing around, most of them with erections?but not like Basil?s! Lindy had really prepped Basil for the visit. Normally she didn?t believe in tying Basil up, but this time...

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White Trash

The best sissy transformation story I ever read :White TrashBy The ScallywagsI’ve been a cross-dresser since about age thirteen. It’s not something I’mproud of. I’d like to stop, but it’s like a d**g and its sleazy allure soondrags me back from my latest attempt at abstinence. This time, withhorrific consequences.Me? Well I’m a white male, a lot shorter than I’d ideally like at 5′ 6”and weighing in at about 145 pounds. I’ve never been one for sports andhave always steered well clear of v******e...

1 year ago
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Tushy Ariana Marie Marley Brinx Step Dad Does Anal with Daughter and Her Friend

Ariana and Marley have been the best of friends for a while now. They have always been a bad influence on each other and they are always getting into trouble. Whenever they have a sleepover, these two naughty girls masturbate together, thinking about someone they really shouldn’t – Marley’s sexy new stepdad. When her mom is out of town, the two girls decide to try their luck at seducing the man of their fantasies. Marley creeps alone into the lounge, where she finds him relaxing reading a...

1 year ago
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Saw Mom Getting Fucked From Dad Again

Hello Everyone. I am Amit again, back with a kind of sequel of my story. I hope you all have read my previous story. It was my 1st story that I published on Indian Sex Stories (ISS). Lot of readers showed interest in the story and enquired a lot about the incident which I have mentioned. Seeing the response from the story, I would like to share one more incident which I saw just few days back. I really couldn’t believe I am watching my parents having sex at this age. Now I know everything about...

2 years ago
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our first time not alone

we were married about eight years back then. sex was still good but needed something to spicen it the perv that i am was into interatial porn. not pro stuff but homemade amateur vids.i started having the little lady watch them with me for a long time with her constant complaint it was stupid and did nothing for her. then one day one of the vids had a bbc that looked a lot like a coworker of mine . his dick was huge somewhere between seven and eight inches and thick.she was glued to the...

2 years ago
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ChangesChapter 7

Caleb held Nickie in his arms as he rushed to the one place he knew would be empty this time of day, the laundry. He ran in the small building and stood Nickie on the floor. 'I need to hold and love you so bad, ' he said as tears ran down his face. 'It killed me thinking of those two fuckers hurting you like they did, ' he cried harder as Nickie hugged him to her body. She caressed his face as his arms hugged her body. 'Don't cry, ' she whispered to her man. 'Nothing they did could...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Neighbor

Hi. This is my first time on ISS. I thought to share my story with you which took place in my hometown. A true story about me and my neighbor. I am 6 feet tall and I’m 24 years old. I had sex with my neighbor who was a mother of 2 daughters. I had no intention or interest on older women. But this one kept me thinking about them. I should tell you this, she looks amazing with or without clothes. Every day I think about her, I go like in cloud 9 and start masturbating thinking about her. One fine...

3 years ago
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BiomancerChapter 7

Mrs. Moore knocked on my door during breakfast. “Hi. I came to tell you that Cheryl is clean. The doctors ran test after test and everything is clean.” Panicking, I grabbed her hand and led her off my porch. She too was lighter than she should have been but not as bad as Cheryl. “My house is bugged. Yours too probably. Car, yard, bathrooms, pool, you name it. I’m glad Cheryl is good.” Not that she will show her face around me again. That last time she was scared off by the Agency. “Oh, I...

4 years ago
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Teenage geek lucks into frontrow seat at catfight between his hot sister and cute cousin

Last night had been maybe the hottest and muggiest of a hot muggy summer. I could’ve slept indoors, but the air conditioner keeps me awake and makes my sinuses hurt. So instead of tossing in a sweaty bed, I’d slept out on the second floor deck. It wasn’t much cooler than inside, but at least there was a little natural air moving. That’s how I happened to be around when it started. My folks had gone back east for a funeral, and Aunt Sally had gone with them. That left me...

3 years ago
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Saheb Biwi Aur Naukrani

I am 20 years old.My father is 49 years old and runs a small business, and my mom is a housewife and is 45. We live in Calcutta and are Marwari.My dad has been visiting prostitiues since I was about 10 but about 5 years back when I was 15 and my parents where 44 and 40 respectively our family life took an irresversable turn. We had a maid named Munmun. She is 36 now but when it all started she was barely 31. She is thin and has nice sexy curvy butt and big boobs. She is medium height and is...

2 years ago
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Poolside Plaything

The cocktail was ice cold in my throat yet it burned almost as hot as her. That swimsuit. Two electric pink pieces separated by a stomach not yet exposed to overindulgence. Water cascaded from her body in a 'V' as she hauled herself out of the coruscating pool directly in front of me and flicked dark hair behind her lissome frame like something from a damn movie. Nobody yelled, "Cut!"I'd never been so glad of tinted glasses and having my knees drawn up on the sun lounger to hide my gaze and...

4 years ago
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Ian Chloe Reunited

Chloe had met Ian on a visit to the UK. They had shared a few passionate nights and a few wild days (stories about this to come later). They had continued communicating through email and had shared a few steamy fantasies. Their relationship was strictly sexual and both were fine with that. Chloe was muscular with curves in all the right places at 5'7" with wavy auburn hair slightly past her shoulders. She had piercing green eyes and a prominent jawline. Her lips full and luscious and when she...

Love Stories
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My Best Friends Mom2

Although she was only a hair over five foot she was built like a goddess, enormous breasts constantly straining against the tight shirts she seemed to prefer, setting up her cleavage like the grand canyon. I had lusted after her since I was old enough to start liking girls, and I could populate a small planet with the amount of cum I had spilled over thoughts of her. The first time it happened by accident. I spent most of my afternoons at his house waiting until I absolutely had to go...

1 year ago
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GayChapter 26

After lunch, while on my way to my first lesson I was intercepted by Cayenne Proctor. “Did you get a tuxedo okay?” she asked. “Not yet. It’s having a couple of alterations made, but it should be ready this afternoon, subject to a final fitting,” I replied. Then a thought occurred to me. “Shouldn’t I have the receipt for the prom package with me in case the rental shop wants to check it?” Cayenne sighed with annoyance. “I promised Marcus I wouldn’t let the receipt out of my hands. I guess...

2 years ago
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I Wouldnt Have Guessed

I married raven haired Linda about eleven years ago. She had a son, Zachary from her first marriage. At thirty-six, she still turns heads like a twenty something year old, with her firm 36 C breasts with sensitive pencil eraser nipples, a tight little apple butt and long shapely dancer’s legs that she loves to show off. Our sex life was fantastic but I think due to her Pentecostal upbringing, Linda never really liked to suck cock. Blowjobs were few and far between and even less common when...

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Cafe Latte

‘Two more lattes please,’ So Jennifer, how are things now, since your split with Jack?’ ‘Oh, so, so. I’m doing ok. But well, you know.’ Sue eyed her friend. They had known each other since school. They had kept in touch with each other and met regularly for coffee, but this was their first meeting since Jennifer and Jack had split up. Sue had been unsure how to broach the issue. The topic had been skirted around as they drank their first coffees chatting about all sorts of things, but now...

3 years ago
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A Cheating Husband is Cucked Into Getting His Wife Back

Rick was a forty year old husband who was sitting on top of the world. He had everything a man could ever want, including a beautiful wife named Kelly. Kelly was a year younger than Rick and they had been together since their college days. She was truly spectacular looking, along with being a mom of two. She worked part-time along with doing charitable work for several organizations. She was truly a terrific person in many ways. Rick had been assigned a big project at work and had been working...

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Lindas dream

I don't know quite what to make of this dream. I've never dared to tell anyone about it, and I don't think I ever will. I don't dream it every night. I don't know when it will make its presence known. Sometimes it's infrequent enough that I've almost forgotten about it.It starts somewhere in the middle of a normal day. I volunteer at a modern art museum four days a week, as a roving guide of sorts - answering questions for people or getting them to spit out their gum into the trash or...

Mind Control
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I Believe You

This really happened. Believe us. Johnny's left hand flew up and down his cock, rubbing the head on each upstroke. At the same time, his right hand played with his balls. His eyes were focused on the porn DVD playing on the brand new wide flat screen set he had purchased with his last modeling paycheck, a purchase his parents could well afford on their own but who chose not to over-spoil their children. The movie showed the grotesquely big-titted blonde taking the black stud's eight inches...

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Dyked Nikole Nash Sofie Marie Sex Lessons

Sofie Marie wants to make sure her stepdaughter, Nikole Nash, has the knowledge she needs when Sex Ed starts up at her school. To demonstrate all the different ways a girl can get off, the MILF lays out all of her dirty toys on her bed for Nikole to inspect. But she doesn’t expect Nikole to know how to use them right away, so she helps her teen stepdaughter out. She vibes the sweet girl’s clit, licking up her pussy juices and sticking her fingers inside as she slurps. Then, she brings the sweet...

2 years ago
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A cock or two And First time Anal Sex

So hope you enjoy this from early this year.So every once in a while I like to suck on a cock.Usually it is from Steve who I met on Craigslist. He gives a great massage with a huge cock to suck on while he sucks me off or jacks me off. And the massage is really good as well LOL.But this day I wanted to try another cock.So again Craigslist to the rescue.Saw an advert, Mid 30's guy wants to suck cock and happy to have his cock sucked.So after a couple of emails and text found out he was only...

2 years ago
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Coming Home Ch 01

Six years. 312 weeks. 2184 days. Too long. At least, that’s what Laura thought. It had been six years since Sam had gone off to war and he was finally coming home today. Sam–the only love and lover she’d ever known. Already she could feel her love and passion flowing for him, eager to greet him and let him feel how much she’d missed him…and how grateful she was to have him home. For Sam, the wait had been just as tortuous. To the mockery of all his battalion, he’d stayed faithful to Laura–not...

1 year ago
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The blackout trick

Note : This story is completely fictional! Its my everyday dream to have my way with my step sis Genelia. She's 18 and has a body to die for. Both of us hardly talk to each other. That made it difficult for me to get close to her let alone fucking her. By the way, I'm Chris 21. My mom 4 years ago. My dad is divorced. My mom was a big time slut. She ran away from home with another man. While Genelia's dad passed away 6 years ago due to illness. Genelia's boyfriend, greg, is my estranged ex...

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Beckys First 3Way

Becky is a beautiful long legged lady with long dark hair, fantastic legs, great ass and very perky 36B breasts. We have enjoyed a great sex life for years. Becky is a true exhibitionist. She has always enjoys wearing sexy revealing outfits and flashing truck drivers or guys in stores, restaurants and bars when we are out of town shopping. Becky’s favorite activity was going to adult theaters and having fun. She would normally wear a blouse tied at the waist, a mini skirt with thigh-highs,...

3 years ago
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exhibitionist part1

A few weeks ago, my eighteen-year-old daughter Tami brought home a couple of cute high school boys. Later that same afternoon, Tami prepared to take a bath because she thought the boys had already left. Unbeknownst to Tami, the boys only pretended to leave. They actually sneaked back into our trailer home and hid inside my daughter's closet. The real twist was that the spies were being spied on! Nobody knew that I was already home before they arrived. They also didn't know that I was secretly...

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NOT a mom story

hello my name is bob, but you can call me bob when i was 13, my life was changing everywhere. my school was becaomming more of a challenge, my pubes were commin in, my dad had just divorced my mom, and my best friend had moved away to nebraska. I always wanted comfort by anyone and a big way for me to forget my problems was to get little jobs here and there helping neightbors and car washes... the stpuid things like that. my mom was so proud of me and thought i was very good at what i did....

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How I lost my virginity

I know most writers of these stories claim them to be true stories and more often then not they are fake, but my story actually happened, this is how I lost my virginity. During the summer of 2008 right after graduation I took a job at a hotel as a cashier/concierge. I was a good athlete in high school, kind of tall and thin, I always got a lot of attention from the high school girls but they never would have sex. At the hotel there was 3 Russian workers here in the U.S on a work exchange...

3 years ago
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Bens Mom A Sequel

Monday evening Rachel had to talk to her son and Jock about the dinner she had to attend the next evening. "Yes, Jock. I have to go. This is something to do with my husband's promotion." "But how can you go alone, mom?" "Don't worry, son. There will be others. It's a sort of party that dad's boss, Bill, is giving to the senior staff who will be promoted soon. I have to represent your father." It was a lie, she knew. But she couldn't tell her son and Jock the truth, could...

1 year ago
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Sexy Intruder Caught at My Alaska Cabin

The snow secretly crept into the wooded valley like a silent thief stealing the mountain’s foliage. It was delivering a peaceful white blanket of a fresh new season. It was a cold, dark night. My destination was a mountain cabin so far into the forest that I had to walk the last three miles of the trip.  Already I could feel the warmth of the fireplace. I was in excited anticipation of the hot rabbit stew I had planned to hearth cook in my cast iron. There were no utilities. The hearth was...

4 years ago
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LAffaire C 11

Ally had maintained her position on the bed, her eyes grasping the decorative rails in the headboard. With her knees bent and legs parted, her naked body was on full display. She felt vulnerable and exposed, and she grew more aroused by Jack’s little game with each minute that passed. It took hours before he came to her, still in his button down shirt and suit pants. He looked so aroused he was animalistic, and she knew she wasn’t the only one tortured by his game. His eyes were dark with...

3 years ago
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Ian Somerhalder Slash Series Episode 2 The Vampir

I sat there in my house. All week I had the strangest feeling when I would walk home from work.That of being watched.When I would turn around of course I would never see anyone looking at me. I slowly thought I was going crazy. But no way would I ever allow my friends that little (or was it big?) tidbit of information. They already knew I was gay, why put more on their plate?I secretly loved one male celebrity in particular.Not that I had posters of him on my bedroom walls or keep pictures of...

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Stella Margaret plus Tanya

The insistent ringing of the door bell brought me out of a deep slumber. The room was in darkness apart from the red glow of my fire, cats stretched out in front it lapping up it's heat. Riiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggg. Ring - Ring. Who the hell could it be at this time of night?! I then realised - it wasn't night, it was 4h30pm but already dark, - I must have lost track of time, away in a dream world. "OK, OK," I grumbled going to the intercom in the hall. "Yeah?" pressing the...

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I had taken over driving, just mulling shit over.“Nothing much. Do you wanna see where that goes?” There was a sign: Naturist Beach. Clothing Optional.I pulled up just past the turn off. Renee was looking back at it. She turned to me blushing and bit down on her grin.“Well?” I challenged her. After the shit she pulled with Keith the other night, I was fucking game if she was.“Hmm, that’d be interesting,” she said.I shrugged. “We’ve got plenty of time. It isn’t much further to the lake house. We...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Puzzle

Posing as a prolific prose publisher of polished porn with a pronounced penchant for plotting procreation, I regularly receive readers' requests regarding recommendations. Dear Dr. Vargas, My super heroine girlfriend is pregnant for the first time. [Amazing photo attached to original letter, too bad you all can't see it.] It wasn't easy I'll tell you. I finally had to use [superheroine weakness which cannot be revealed without disclosing her identity] on her. From then on, she was a...

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The Role Exchanger 4

This story was written as a serial story on my Yahoo group over a period of several months. The Role Exchanger 4 By Morpheus Part 1 The cramped office was filled with the sound from the air conditioner, a sick grinding sound which strongly suggested that the equipment was quickly nearing the end of its life. The man sitting behind the desk scowled in annoyance at the sound, silently cursing the noise which kept distracting him from his work. Of course he could just turn...

3 years ago
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Seduction 101 Part 2

MelissaOver the summer, I had thought of Lauren often, picking up the phone to call her dozens of times, but never completing the call. She had made it clear that there was nothing for us for at least the next five years or longer. I loved her, but I supposed she was right and had tried to keep busy working and occasionally going out with friends over the summer. I could not bring myself to date anyone at first, but an old boyfriend kept bugging me, so I finally went out with him a few times,...

College Sex
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Getting a Little Strange

The hotel was quite nice, big room, big bed, even a recliner, and plush complimentary robes. Julie had wanted a getaway for some time. Not to get away from home, but her hubby had shown a willingness to let go a bit more when away. Getting out of the daily routine, and that didn’t only pertain to work and chores. There were a couple of times that he had let go. Well, he had let her go wild, to the point of being in bed with another couple while they had swapped. He let her get fucked by that...

1 year ago
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first time having balls held during cuming

My best friend and his sister who was at the time my gf were watching a movie together on their couch, because it was a bit cool in the apartment my gf and I shared a blanket.Shortly after the movie started, my gf hand went to my crotch and started to rub my cock through my jeans and my hand went to her crotch and I was massaging her cunt. As things progressed I managed to unbutton her jeans and she mine, all the while trying to be discreet so her brother wouldn’t notice the heavy petting...

2 years ago
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Preachers Daughter Chapter 7 Finally took that vir

Well, that Sunday at church she acted very uncomfortable around me, and around my wife. I sensed that 23 year old vixen was feeling guilty. Well, she would feel a lot more guilty soon, but a lot more relaxed as well as used.So over chit chat, I learned that both Preacher and his MILF wifey Pam would be out of town Thursday, and I suggested we might need a baby sitter Thursday afternoon (not really, just wanted to make sure Jaimie would be in town). In fact, I cooked up this story about I...

4 years ago
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Uncle Gaston And NieceChapter 15

Madeleine doubted that she would ever get over her timorousness at a first appointment with a new patron. Perhaps in time, when, and if, one became seasoned, a certain callousing metamorphosis took place, but so far in her short career she'd noted no such mutation. In fact, at the moment, standing in the luxurious living-room of Julian Forrest's elegant suite before the appraising, lecherous eyes of the handsome Inspector, she sensed a tiny shiver begin at the calves of her legs to creep up...

2 years ago
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Ancient Wisdom

Stephanie was completely fed up and had had it with all of this pregnancy shit. It was her first one and had it had been a complete accident. She was already 8-months along and it was a bit late for having regrets and second thoughts now. She just hadn’t realized the physical and mental toll this strange condition would exact. Of course she had expected some changes in her body but not the negative effect on her self-esteem and especially her sexuality. Her husband wasn’t being of any help...

3 years ago
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Flo the sex fiend

Flo and I met 12 years ago via an adult site. It took awhile to actually hook up but it was worth it. She was laid off from her job and in the tail end of a divorce and so wanted to fulfill her every sexual desire. She was the submissive type and was taken advantage of in many cases at first until she did a 180 and decided to get what she wanted instead of what was offered or coerced into. Our relationship was in the midst of her transition.Our first meet and greet, if you will, was on New...

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my obedient wife

I'd had a tough day at work with the boss on my case as usual and I couldn't wait to get home to my gorgeous wife.She waited for my arrival every evening,ever the dutiful girl that I married,and as soon as I got through the door my life took anfantastic turn for the better.She was sitting exactly where I had told her to be and had prepared herself for me to my very exacting standards.My beautiful big breasted lady never disappointed me.I didn't have to utter a word to her such was the...

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With My Teacher In A Stormy Night

Dear readers, the conversations of the story obviously were in ‘Bangla’, some places I have used ‘Bangla’ as happened and translated into ‘English’, otherwise I have tried to use translated English. It was my birthday. My relatives need not try to memorize my birthday because my birthday is a special day, the 14th of April which is celebrated as “Baishakhi”, the first day of the Bangla Year, the “Pahela Baishakh”. Now I’m going to tell about a special birthday of my life which was not normal as...

1 year ago
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Ultimate Toilet Slave

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to OH SHIT. OH SHIT is a sequel to TOILET SLAVE 2. TOILET SLAVE 2 is a sequel to TOILET SLAVE. This story is also a sequel to OH POO-POO, even though OH POO-POO is not a sequel to any other story. Operators of...

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She Wants To Watch Chapter 1

My pet came to Me one day with a unique request, one that piqued My interest immediately. "Master, can Julie watch us play sometime?" she asked. Julie, I knew, was one of My girls' best friends and the two of them were quite close. They had been best friends for a long time, meeting shortly after she had moved here from South Dakota. "Julie wants to watch us in a session?" I asked again, just to clarify things. "Yes, Master. She has been curious for awhile now, asking me questions about BDSM...

2 years ago
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How Scarlet had her cherry popped Part 1

Everybody remembers their first time. Some people aren't too fond about it, others end up marrying that one person and having that one penis to themselves for the rest of their lives. My experience was different. Way different. At 18, i was still a virgin and proud of it. My friends were in serious relationships and of course, having sex, but here I was, single and sexless. On the one hand i couldn't wait for my prince charming to come around, sweep me off my feet and make sweet love to me,...

First Time
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Crystal Blue Eyes

This is my first story so go easy on me, but any pointer for future are welcome; She sits back into the hot water, surrounded by the bubbles and the sweet smells of lotus flower and orange filling her nose, she allows herself to relax back in to the water further and rest her head. Her hands gently glide over her body, as she washes the stress of the day away, she hated her job in a delivery department of a manufacturing company, and she wasn’t sure why she was still there. She shakes her...

1 year ago
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The Highland Feast

The Highland Feast By: Lyrissa The sound of drums boomed across the cliffs as a full moon rose lazily over the desolate highlands. Bloodthirsty howls and braying cries of ecstasy mixed with the rhythmic drumbeat as night fell over the gathering of crude hovels and huts that constituted the camp. Sparks and gouts of cloying, acrid smoke rose as the flames of the central fire lashed out like claws towards the dark, cold sky. The bestial creatures that built the camp danced and reveled...

3 years ago
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Rites of Passage Ch 02

As this woman continued rubbing her hands over my body, I took in her features. Beautiful face, huge ass, and those titties? They had to have been at least 44DDs. The more aroused I became, the less I struggled to hide it. Once she noticed my cock starting to get hard, she took it in her hands and began to stroke it until I was fully erect. ‘Wow,’ she exclaimed softly, ‘they sent a good one tonight…’ I knew something was up, maybe now I can find out what. ‘Who sent who a good what?’ She...

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