My Little Sister Is A Slut: Part 2 free porn video

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It was early morning when I awoke to the feeling of something warm encompassing my penis. My kinky girlfriend had decided it would be funny to wake me up with a blowjob. Once my eyes were fully open, she pulled back and smiled at me. "Good morning, honey," she giggled.

"Are you going to finish?" I asked her with expectant glee showing on my face.

"Sorry, but I have work early. I just wanted to wake you before I left." She stood up, revealing the fact that she was already wearing her work blazer.

"Are you kidding me?" I was more than a little annoyed.

"You love it when I tease you," she laughed as she left the room. I stood up and chased after her. Rather than catching her at the stairs as I planned, I bumped into her younger sister. She was looking sexy in just a shirt so I stopped to stare for a bit. She squinted at me as if judging me before turning and trotting down the stares. It was then that I remembered my dick was still hanging out.

Victoria was just grabbing her purse on her way out the door. "Oh, hello, Theodora," she greeted her sister with a sweet smile.

Teddy raised her hand to wave but stopped when I arrived behind her at the base of the stairs. Victoria could not see, but I was resting my hand on her butt. She tried to pretend not to notice, so I lifted up the hem of her shirt from the back only.

"Are you alright?" Victoria was busy grabbing her keys but she could see something off about Teddy's face. She tried to wave at Victoria again but this time I decided it would be funny to poke her tiny asshole. Her whole body jolted.

"Have you seen my special hair clip?" Victoria asked while spinning around in search of it. She was completely oblivious. Teddy tried to take a step forward but I held onto her shoulder and pushed my finger completely inside her asshole. She bit her lip to keep from screaming out.

"Luther?" Victoria looked at me, redirecting her question from her mute sister to me.

"Wasn’t it on the kitchen counter?" I suggested.

"Can you go and check for me?" she asked politely. Teddy sighed with relief when I removed my finger from her asshole. I entered the kitchen and located the hair clip immediately. I decided to wash my hands before grabbing it and one other thing.

I came back to the living room and found Victoria hugging Teddy and kissing her cheek. "You two get along, alright?" she warned us.

I handed her the hair clip which she put on immediately. "What's that," she noticed that my hands were not empty.

I held up the bottle of olive oil I had also grabbed in the kitchen. "I thought I'd made Teddy and myself some eggs for breakfast," I had to think quick.

"Aw, that's so sweet. Isn't he sweet?" she asked her sister. Teddy frowned instead of answering.

I dabbed some oil on two of my fingers and grabbing her ass from behind. "Don’t you think I'm sweet?" I asked Teddy while sliding both of my fingers into her asshole this time. She had to stand on her tiptoes as I stretched it upwards. She held her breath while nodding at Victoria vigorously.

"Bye you two," her oblivious sister left the house. As soon as we heard the lock click Teddy tried to step away from me. I held her by the waist and worked my fingers deeper into her. She moaned while lurching forward. I let her bend over and lowered her to the floor. I pulled my fingers out and replaced them with the nozzle of the oil bottle. She began to whimper as I tipped it up, spilling oil into her stretched asshole.

She laid her head down with her tongue hanging out. A pool of drool formed on the floor as I worked the nozzle back and forth in her asshole. Finally I pulled it out with a pop. Her hips dropped slightly but she did her best to keep them raised. She knew I wasn’t done with her.

With a hand on each of her buttocks I spread them apart. Glistening oil was leaking out of her and running down the back of her thighs. I rubbed the tip of my cock against her hole to tease her. She moaned and wriggled her ass welcomingly. "Have you ever done this before?" I asked mischievously. She shook her head. "But you want it, right?"

She shook her head again. I waited for a while as she tried to deny it. Finally, after her exposed asshole started to become cold, she began to nod. "Good girl." I slid my cock into her gapping hole. She groaned out in pain but did not pull away.

This may just be personal preference but there is something special about fucking a girl's asshole. First of all, though it is the organ meant for sex, a pussy can shove out an eight pound child. It's meant to stretch. Most of the time, an anus can't even fit one finger. The tightness just doesn’t compare. Also, you have to be real intimate with a girl for her to let you fuck her asshole. She basically says I take your happiness more seriously than my own comfort. Lastly, it's kinda a domination thing. I have fucked all three of Teddy's holes now. She belongs to me.

The girl was a trooper, I'll give her that. Barely in high school and letting an adult man shove his cock up her butt. She kept holding her breath until her face turned read and then gasping. I suppose it helped her somehow. Every time it got a little difficult to push, I poured more oil over her ass and my cock where they met.

When I realized I was about to cum, I reached underneath her and grabbed both of her tits through her shirt. It doesn’t matter what she is doing, Teddy will always cum when you twist her nipples. She practically shrieked when I did it that time though. Her whole body shook, including her already impaled asshole. She only calmed down when I began to fill her sore cavity with warm soothing cum.

I expected her to collapse when I pulled out but instead she just stayed in her prone position, ass in the air and leaking more than just oil now. I thought it would be a waste to have her expel it all, so I went back to the kitchen and found a wine stopper. I pushed the oil bottle into her butt one more time, making her groan again. After practically emptying the bottle, I slid the wine stopper into her overflowing butt.

She didn’t really complain so much as stare at me in disbelief. She did not know why I needed to fuck her and then humiliate her. "You're not allowed to wear panties today," I informed her. "Your bare ass is gonna touch everything you sit on. Try not to leak too much."

Finally, she stood up. She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me downward so she could kiss me. She licked her lips and stared into my eyes with a slightly exhausted but also aroused expression. If she could talk she'd be scolding me for toying with her. She did nothing to remove the wine stopper though and she did not put on panties. Annoyed at me or not, this girl was a slut and an obedient one.

The rest of the day was amazing. I got horny nearly every hour just watching Teddy trying to move gingerly so as not to upset her filled bowels. I removed the wine stopper and fucked her gapping asshole repeatedly, on the couch, in her room, on the back porch, on the kitchen counter.

Each time she would look at me longingly, begging me with her eyes to fuck her, by then, dripping cunt. I never obliged her though. Today she was nothing but an anal slut and I made sure of it. Each time I'd deposit more cum and cork her up before she could leak any. Her stomach had to be hurting something bad.

That night we made dinner together. I removed her wine stopper and shoved a wooden spoon up her asshole instead. It was hard on her to walk as the spoon could not bend with her intestines.

Finally, while I had her face down on the living room floor again, ass in the air and hands held behind her back by her wrists, my phone rang. It was Victoria telling me she was almost home. It was exhilarating to fuck Teddy while her sister listened to her moans through the phone. I don’t think she knew what they were though because she did not say anything.

After cumming inside Teddy's slimy, oil filled, abused bowels one last time, I sent her to the bathroom to relieve herself. It must have been bad because she did not come out before Victoria arrived home.

"Oh, you made dinner," she was pleasantly surprised. "Where's Theodora?"

"Somewhere." I pretended to look around. It was not supposed to be common for the two of us to hang out together while Victoria was out.

"Say, I feel bad about this morning. Do you want me to give you a quickie before she comes down for supper?" Victoria squatted down in front of me.

"You know what, I think I saw Teddy go into the bathroom a while ago. Maybe she's sick. You should go check on her," I quickly made an excuse to escape the situation. Even if I was not exhausted from fucking Teddy all day long, there was no way Victoria would not be able to tell I'd been using my dick all day. I'd need a good shower before I'd let her anywhere near it.

Victoria was confused of course but dutifully went to check on her sister. I went upstairs and turned on the hot water in the shower. I had a whole days worth of sweat to wash off. It was kinda exciting, how close to being caught we were. Well, I'm sure exciting is not how Teddy would describe it.

Point of view: Victoria

I was so happy when I got off work early. I felt bad about leaving Luther high and dry that morning. I rushed home without even calling ahead. I wanted to surprise him and of course Theodora. Well, when you want to surprise someone, you get a little giddy, don’t you? I was just peeking in the window to see what they were doing while I was out. To say I was shocked would be an understatement; my lovely little sister, bent over like a whore, taking Luther's cock in her ass no less.

Well I wasn’t going to stand for it. I had my phone out immediately, recording everything as evidence for when I turned him over to the police. Oh yes, he doesn’t realize it because he only turned eighteen recently, but my sister is still underage. This mistake of his was going to cost him at least five years in jail and a permanent label of a registered sex offender.

The hardest part about recording this type of evidence though is watching. I had to sit and stare at my own adorable sister getting the dicking of her life. I wanted to rush in there and save her but I had to be patient. I'm no saint; obviously the whole scene made me horny. Luther was not the only one upset we hadn’t finished what I started that morning.

Come to think of it, this may have been partially my fault. I really should not have invited a horny teenaged boy to live with my delicate sister. Of course she would have trouble refusing him when he inevitably came onto her. I mean, why wouldn’t he? If I had a dick I'd have fucked that cute ass of hers myself. Theodora, you are lucky you have a sister and not a brother. I'd be the one heading straight to jail.

Pretty soon I was not really recording at all; I was just touching myself and hoping Luther would be rougher with her. So many different thoughts ran through my mind. Had they started with normal sex and moved on to anal? Was Luther just an ass man and never told me?

I'll admit that I blanked out for a couple of seconds when I had an orgasm. I've only ever been able to cum from touching myself a couple of times so that was impressive. I guess watching my adorable sister getting fucked was more of a turn on than anything I'd ever seen in porn.

When I recomposed myself, I called Luther to warn him I was on my way. I didn’t want to catch him in the act; I wanted to let him think he'd gotten away with this betrayal until he was in handcuffs. As expected, Theodora ran to the bathroom and Luther cleaned up the living room; just enough to fool someone who hadn’t just seen them through the window.

I played my role well. "Oh, you made dinner," I said ever so sweetly. "Where's Theodora?" I didn’t need to ask. She was probably in the bathroom squirting out Luther's cum at that very moment.

"Somewhere," he gave the lamest excuse.

I decided to tease him a little. "Say, I feel bad about this morning. Do you want me to give you a quickie before she comes down for supper?" I tried to undo his pants. I wondered if he'd let me, the bastard.

"You know what? I think I saw Teddy go into the bathroom a while ago. Maybe she's sick. You should go check on her," he made a believable excuse to get away. After hearing that, how could I not go and check on my poor sister.

As expected, she was sitting on the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. Her face was red and she was grunting as her stomach muscles contorted. She was trying to squeeze out every last drop of Luther's cum. "Oh man, he really did a number on you." I shook my head.

Theodora did not even try to deny what they had been doing. She knew she was caught. I hugged her and then kneeled down in front of her. "You should be more careful. Having unsafe sex is a really bad idea. You could end up with a disease or worse pregnant. I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow. We'll get you some pills."

She nodded while trying to swallow her tears. She obviously felt bad about banging my boyfriend. She couldn’t know that I did not care about Luther that way in the slightest. If he wanted to fuck a dozen girls, that did not bother me; as long as he did not bring their diseases home with him. No, the problem was he chose to do this to my once sweet and innocent sister.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I led her into the bathtub and turned on the water. Supper would be cold before we got to it. I had to comfort my sister first.

It had been a while since we bathed together but Theodora did not complain when I stripped down. I sat in the bath behind her and stroked her hair. It was stringy with sweat. "He must have been fucking you all day long," I whispered in her ear. "Did you like it?" She shook her head. "Now-now, don’t lie to me," I scolded her.

Slowly she nodded. "Yeah, Luther's pretty good, isn’t he? Man I wish I had a cock like that, I'd never let you sleep." I slid my hand down between her legs and pressed my fingers to the small tuft of hair above her cunt.

She gasped and turned her head to stare at me in shock. "Don’t look at me like that. You're the one at fault. How am I supposed to keep my distance now? I always thought I was a bad sister for wanting to touch you. I thought I'd take away your innocence. Well, you're not so innocent anymore, are you? I have nothing to lose but your trust in me but I'm a little too mad at you to care right now. How come he gets to do this to you when I don’t? Look at your knees. They are so red from the carpet."

Theodora did not move or even respond. She let me curl my fingers up inside her and rub her chest with my other hand. She really is an obedient girl. Oh how my dad would beat me if he saw me doing this. I don’t know if he'd be more mad about the incest or the girl on girl part of it. Lord knows he wouldn’t actually be worried about Theodora. That idiotic man is the reason she is living with me in the first place. This was all his fault somehow.

Theodora started to moan when I pinched one of her nipples. "Oh, I think I found your sensitive spot," I teased her. "Has Luther done this to you yet? Who am I kidding, of course he has. He's probably had his cock down your throat by now. He's real pushy when it comes to sex. Don’t worry, for every rough reaming he gave you, I'll treat you nice and gentle."

I swirled my fingers inside of her until she was breathing heavy and gasping. At the right moment I twisted her nipple again. Because we were in the bath, it was masked by the water but I swear she squirted for me. Her body jolted and her limbs knocked on the sides and bottom of the tub. She was too exhausted for much more. "You poor thing. I want to keep you up all night, cumming and screaming for me. I bet you'd go insane. Luther would definitely hear you though. Oh well, we'll just wait until he's gone."

Suddenly Theodora turned around, breaking away from me. "What's wrong?" I could see fear in her eyes. "Luther is an adult. What he did to you is illegal. Once I show the recording on my phone to the police, he's going to jail for a long time."

She shook her head vigorously. "You don’t want him to go to jail?" I asked. "Well that figures. How about I just kick him out?" Again she shook her head. "Man, you're stubborn. What if I make sure you two never have sex again?" She looked at me with pleading miserable eyes. "I see. You're completely hooked. You want him inside you again. As soon a possible I'll bet."

She blushed feverishly. "Jeez, what am I gonna do about you? Fine, you can keep your boy toy but we're not telling him about us. Anything he does to you, I get to do twice, got it?" Theodora looked extremely reluctant. "I love you, sweetie, don’t you love me?" I tried to guilt her. She nodded slowly. "Good girl. Now get over here and cum for me again. I want to hold you tight as you tremble like a skewered jackrabbit."

She was definitely reluctant but I think her desire to be allowed to fuck Luther again persuaded her. She hugged me tightly, pressing our wet breasts together. I of course wasted no time turning the embrace sexual. In less than a minute I had her moaning and rocking back and forth in the tub, trying not to cum while intentionally scraping her pussy on the floor of the bath just to feel better. She could not help it; she was a slut through and through.


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My Little Sister is a Slut Part 1

My name is Victoria Rolland. I am twenty-two years old and I live in my grandmother's old house with my younger sister, Theodora. Now there is something you should know about my sister. She is mute. It's not a medical condition, she just refuses to talk. I guess she is just shy. I don’t really know. It's not too much of a problem for me but it was for our father. He got mad at her all the time and would hit her for not speaking. Sometimes Mom and I would catch him other times we wouldn't....

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Brother Make Sister Slut For Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi friends I am from tamilnadu I am new writer I am going to write story in tamil … Keep your hand in kunju (penis) boys and girls in punda (pussy). Nanum yen sisterum yapavum onna tha irupom nanga randu parum yalathaium share panipom nanga best frdsa iruinthome … Ok first en sister size soldra breast 34 ass jatty size 90 semmaya irupa age 18 1styear bsc padikira name anitha . Na 3nd year college padikira age 21. En sister first day collegeku na tha kuptu pona bikela en friends pathutaga but...

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Suzi the teen slut Part1

Suzi teen suck slutFirst day of the holidays .. Part 1"Come on! Wake up you little wanker!""Unnghhh! Piss off Becs!" I growled from under the sheets. My eyes felt like they were pasted shut with sleep. "Don't talk to me like that you little brat or I'll take back the bag I've just dumped in the corner!"Intrigued, I unstuck my eyelids and looked out from under the sheets. Becs or Becky my sister stood there grinning at me like she always did. She's 18, three years older than me. We look very...

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Our Sister Our Slut1

Bo Broadnax (Me) ONE Sandra Bellingham didn't see much of her three kids. She had divorced her husband just over a year ago, but as her eldest son was able to look after his younger brother and sister, Sandra was able to keep working despite being a single-parent. She was a police officer and her usual shift was 3:00PM until 11:00PM. That meant she just saw her adolescent kids in the morning before they went to school and perhaps briefly at night before they went off to...

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Our Sister Our Slut0

Bo Broadnax (Me) ONE Sandra Bellingham didn't see much of her three kids. She had divorced her husband just over a year ago, but as her eldest son was able to look after his younger brother and sister, Sandra was able to keep working despite being a single-parent. She was a police officer and her usual shift was 3:00PM until 11:00PM. That meant she just saw her adolescent kids in the morning before they went to school and perhaps briefly at night before they went off to...

2 years ago
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Seduction Of My Slut Sister

Hi, this is Vicky again with another story. Frankly, this is not my story but it’s a true incident from my friend Anand and his sister Manju. Before I forget thanks for the amazing feedback. Hi, ISS my name is Anand, 20 yrs. old studying in a college in Delhi. This incident happened 2 months ago. My parents who are kind and loving work at an office which is 20 miles away from our house. So, we had our separate keys. That day like any other day, my parents went to their office, sister and I...

2 years ago
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Sluty Bitchy Sister

Hello people this is jack…This is my first story , hope you like and revert me with good responses NY unsatisfied girls n bhabhi specially from Mumbai can cum 2 me 4 a top secret relationship….revert on I came home one Friday night and there I came home one Friday night and there lying on her back on the couch was my lying on her back on the couch was my older sister. Angela had passed out. The older sister. Angela had passed out. The light from the hall had her nicely light from the hall had...

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My Sister is a slut 8211 2

Hi guys and camera running… My sister was standing nude in the middle of those horny bastards. The 4 men were closing in on my sister, her eyes was filled with fear in fact it was her first time with 5 men. But gaurav was smoking in side the car enjoyin the scene. My sister geetha was frightened, now one of the men held her head and kissed her lips so passionately and she too started to respond. 2 of the others lifted her legs while the other one held his hand between her armpits and...

1 year ago
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Slave Slut Sisters Face the Music

“Which would you like to use today Master?” Deborah Tulsa asked with a sparkling white smile as she obediently held up a gleaming silver tray that contained variety of different sized dildos. The vast array of toys came in a host of colors ranging from pink and red to black and blue. There were toys with ridges, bumps, and even little eggs. On the table beside her were additional trays, one containing a plethora of anal plugs with a range of shapes, sizes and features and another tray filled...

2 years ago
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The slut sister pt 1

My sister is eighteen years old, she is a complete slut. We live in a massive house and my parents don't give a fuck about either of us. They hardly live here at the house as it is, they just leave a credit card and disappear for weeks on end, so this allows my sister to bring guys home whenever she wants. And trust me she does, she brings a different guy home each night I woke up In the middle of the night and got out of bed, I had only my boxers on as I climbed out. I could hear a noise down...

4 years ago
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Slut Wife sister

Slut Wife - sister"Don't even think about it Loser!" laughed my s*s-in-law as I was about to walk into the bathroom for my morning shower. I stopped and turned to look back as she quickly pushed past me wearing just her nightie which hardly covered her ass. Ellen's sister, Karen, was hot. I know its probably wrong for a man to think like that about his sister-in-law but I'm only human!! Ellen's parents had Karen later in life, so she was only half her age. She always used to joke that her...

2 years ago
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My Sister the Camslut Pt 2

I immediately started to regret my decision to reveal myself. I started to panic about how badly I just fucked everything up. Sure, she said she found me attractive but she had no idea she was speaking to me. God knows what camgirls end up saying to get off strangers over the internet. As I sat on my bed, frozen with fear and regret. Then came another "knock knock". This time it was at my bedroom door. I pulled my hand quickly out of my jeans, slammed my laptop shut, threw it under my...

3 years ago
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My sister the camslut Pt 1

My sister Chloe was 2 years younger than me and had a very rocky relationship with our parents. She was a lot more open about the fact that she liked to party and generally didn't give much of a shit about anything besides that. This lead to her disappearing for days at a time then coming back home in a whirlwind of shouting and arguments before she disappeared again. So I knew it wouldn't be long before I heard from her. Now, despite how I might put her down me and Chloe have always been...

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My sisters boyfriend My girlfriends sister

Note: This story is told from two different views. The girl's view will be in standard character, the guy's view in italic. I could hear the familiar sonorous roar of Ryan's convertible Camaro. The first time my elder sister Amy had brought him home, I had immediately recognized what a great man he was. He was twenty-eight, around six feet tall, athletic, smart, funny – and he had a hell of a car. The wet dream of the teenage girl I was. Of course Amy couldn't stop rhapsodizing about her...

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Making my sister the biggest slut

Hi.. My name is dilip. My age is 20. I am from chennai. My sister’s name is akila. Her age is 19. She looks homely. Her face resembles that of vijay tv jodi no 1 vj divyadarshini. If u dont know it search google for that. Her structure also looks the same. Her tits are small but smooth and sexy. Once my parents were out for purchase. I and my sister were in home. My sister was taking bath. There was a problem with our bathroom latch that day. So she told me before entering. While she Was taking...

2 years ago
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Little Sister

Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...

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Alix Ludivine Slut sisters Cousin Joh

Alix & Ludivine, the Slut sisters with their Gorgeous Cousin JohnIntroductionWe are two beautiful twin sisters. We sleep together in the same bed since ever. Our late parents were very permissive because of our cuteness. We are blond, blue-eyed. We love sport clothes, always in track or sweat suits. We love sneakers, tennis, basket, skate shoes.Now, at the age of 18, and still never touched by men, we continue to love each other very very much indeed. We live by our own, making lesbian porn...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 12 Daughters Slutty Fun

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twelve: Daughter's Slutty Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah Kimmy's braces flashed as she beamed at me. She lay atop her father, the nineteen-year-old girl practically glowing after having her virginity popped. My own pussy was so juicy from watching. I had such a delicious orgasm capturing the entire event on my camera phone. I set that on the nightstand as I headed to the bed, my...

1 year ago
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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 2 Becoming Mikes Slut

Introduction: Meth + Wife + Friend = A Real Live Fuckfest CHAPTER 1 A little more than a week had passed since Id watched my wife Sara getting fucked to death by JRock, one of our tweaker friends, it was her first time fucking a black man, & my first time wife sharing – and we both loved it. J-Rock brought Mike to the apartment to introduce us, Mike was an MMA fighter, occasional enforcer/protection for higher ranking local Blood members, and, perhaps most importantly, he had been released...

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Slut9Chapter 18 SLuT Slave

Saturday, December 23rd. Lunchtime. It was lunchtime by the time Dave and Olivia left the bedroom, having completed the first half of their impromptu testing of whether a woman who had been dosed with SLuT9 would secrete Serotoxin, one of the two active ingredients of all the SLuT formulas, and, if so, would it cause a reaction in her partner. Both Dave and Olivia were relaxed, smiling, and freshly showered. They had already planned to do the second part of their testing where Dave would...

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The slut sister pt 2

She stood there at the end of my bed in a silk night gown smiling sexily at me as she twirled her blonde hair in her fingers, she hadn’t even taken the gown off and I was ready to rock and roll, my eight inches ached to be released from my boxers. “You just going to stand there?” I smiled. She let the gown drop to the floor and stood there running her hands up and down her toned body, she was amazing. She got on the bed and crawled in between my legs, pulling my boxers down. She sat admiring my...

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Brothers MindControlled Sisters 2 Baby Sisters Sweet Cherry

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...

1 year ago
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My Lil Slut Wife Her Sisters Hubby

My wifes older sister and her husband were staying with us temporarily. A decade older than us my wifes sister was still attractive while her husband had salt and pepper hair but neither was out of shape. It was later in the evening when my wife was licking my shaft. Charlie had come home alone earlier and he gone to bed upstairs so we didn’t bother to shut our bedroom door. We spent some time licking and whispering dirty thoughts before straddling me my wife began her slow descent onto my...

2 years ago
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My Lil Slut Wife Her Sisters Hubby

Introduction: Charlie enjoys my young wife My wife is even better when shes been bad. Even though I still wrestle with it, pride etc&hellip, I cant deny that shes more than I can handle sometimes and sharing her in different ways is exciting. Hearing about her with other men allows me to go longer because of the distraction it causes. Would you be cumming as your wife described how so and so screwed her really long and hard or would you wanna fuck the shit out of her? Wouldnt you want to show...

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The slut sister

Chapter 1 It all began when we were in our early teens when I was 16 and she was 14. Our family is pretty well off and we live in a nice 3 story house with swimming pool, BBQ pits and a small tennis court. My parents made it big during the internet boom and having now retired, they enjoy going on travels on their yacht and are fine with leaving me and my sister at home. Up to the age of 12, both of us were home-schooled and our parents hired tutors to ensure that we caught up with other...

4 years ago
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My sister inlaw the unexpected cum slut

Dinner was pleasant. My wife and I were out at a nice Italian restaurant with my wife’s brother and our sister-in-law. The food was fantastic, the wine was delicious and the conversation was flowing; all of us sharing stories and laughing. Well, most of us, anyway. Our sister-in-law, Jenny, isn’t quite as outgoing as the rest of the family. She has the occasional anecdote to share, but mainly her life revolved her c***dren. She didn’t seem to have many of her own friends and she was a stay at...

3 years ago
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Finding Hungry Slut Sister Arrangements

Now it was quite sometime Mona and harry were in a fuck relation. It was usual for Raj to see his didi getting fucked my Harry all over the house. every time Harry was there for the night Mona would be slave to him and Raj. sometimes Harry uncle would be drinking and didi would be asked to dance like a cheap slut showing her jiggling breasts and ass, now Harry had to go out for some work . So I was getting all of her. One day while I was fucking her she told me she wants some one else to fuck...

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Holidays with Peggy my wifes sisterpart2

So nothing else happened that night between me and Peggy, and I needed the rest so my sore cock could heel. The next day was Thanksgiving, spent with the whole family, again pretty tame day, no sex. On Nov 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I had to be in work early, but also got to leave early. I got home and as I walked inside I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and figured it was my wife, it was. I stripped down and hopped in with her. We started messing around and eventually ended up...

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My hot sister part1

My name is Tom and I've only just turned nineteen, I'd say I've got a good body, well that's what I've been told. I guess it's from all the sports I do, football, rugby, and I go the gym three times a week! You could call me a pretty boy, I get my hair done, I go on the sun beds and I spend about three-hundred a month on clothes and shoes. My sister, Holly, is only a year younger and is due to turn eighteen in a month. Were quite close, she tells me everything, about her friends, her teachers,...

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Little Sister Pt 05

Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...

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Fucking My Sexy Slut Sister Ajitha 363038

Hi friends this is prakash.Iam new to ISS.okay lets stop about my introduction and I wanted to say my first sex experience with my sister AJITHA. Lets talk about my sister she is a mother of three children.She is very beautiful.she has a good structure(36-30-38).she has a round ass she always wears Nighty when she walks her ass bounces i like that.. when she comes to my house she always bends and i could see her hanging boobs and i used to masturbate lets come to the story One day i went to her...

3 years ago
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Wife Slut Trains sisterinLaw

Call a woman's intuition, but Libb knew her husband wantedto fuck her little sister, Meredith. He'll, she wanted to fuck her little sister too!How could you not want to suck on her c cup melons, spank hertight round ass and open up her legs to see a marvelous beaver that she must have?So one night, Libb plied her sister with beer at a party.She insisted Meredith stay the night with her.Then she made her husband roll a fat joint knowing that always made her sister horny. Before he knew it, Hubby...

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