Stranger Than Fuck-tion free porn video

Hey you! Yes, you, the reader, who else? Do you like celebs? Do you like putting them in erotic fan-fiction? Now think of this: How often do they know they're in one of these sexy stories? Now, with the help of me, your friendly-neighbourhood narrator, they can! Confused? Here's an example:
Suddenly, Kate Upton woke up in an alleyway she didn't recognize, naked, covered head to toe in semen.
"What the fuck!" she tried to say, but couldn't. It was like some awesome force stopped her, whatever that could be. "Who the fuck is talking!?" she attempted to scream, despite not being able to earlier. I guess that's why they call them 'dumb' blondes. "Hey! I'm not dumb!" she thought, this time. Good girl, Kate, now you're learning. Anywho, if you must know, I'm the narrator. Not understanding, she turned over, crying into a puddle of cum. All the jizz that lay dormant inside her belly decided to come back up. Kate came to a horrible realization when the semen hit her lips like a dam. As her tongue sloshed around in her now cum-filled mouth, she realized that her mouth would not open for anything.
She swallowed hard. The semen tasted even more retched on the way back down. "Why the fuck is this happening to me?" She shouted out, actually being able to open her mouth. Before she had the chance to question it, a large cock entered her field of view right in front of her face. I suppose I lied a bit earlier. Her mouth would open for something.
And then everything went blank and the example ended! I think you get the deal.
Now you'll be able to carry out all your absurd fantasies with fantasy women, with them knowing it! The question is, will celebs be more disturbed by the stuff you make them do, or by the fact that they're aware they aren't even real. The answer: Who cares? Go nuts!

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