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The fire spat at the darkness, disrupting the comfortable silence. Like insects of the night, embers flew on fiery wing toward the glowing stars overhead. He stared into the flames. Fingers of heat plasma clung to the fuel and blindly, mindlessly, converted the available matter into carbon, radiant heat, and smoke. It was a sight that never failed to mesmerize, yet he dreaded it. For there, amid the ceaseless motion of heat and light danced memories of a life past and gone. Eyes focused on nothing, his mind held onto flames buried deep inside.

Glowing brightly against the contrast of night, wall beams and rafters lay exposed like the ribs of a desiccated cadaver. Flames threw a searing heat painfully against his face, sucking the moisture from his eyes, yet he could not look away. He could not move. Even as the walls toppled upon themselves and his life crumbled into sparks and smoke–still his eyes refused to turn away. He was alone now, left to dine on ash covered memories.

Wade’s sight rippled, clouded. A dense draft of smoke wafted toward him and his companion. Thorne, lying close to the fire’s heat, coughed out the smoke and yelped with pain.

Wade looked up, ‘Are you alright?’ Yanked away from memory, forced into the present, his wrinkled brow furrowed even deeper.

‘I’m OK. I guess the pain is coming back.’ Thorne, trying to sound brave, forced his body to relax. His youthful blue eyes, briefly covered by an aging mask of pain, closed.

Wade studied his young friend for a moment but kept his concerns to himself. He dare not give him another injection. There was a limited supply of the multi-purpose emergency medication and he wanted to ration it, needed to make it last as long as possible. He desperately needed Thorne to survive, to live as long as he was destined. Wade moved his gaze skyward and mouthed a silent prayer, asking for divine assistance.

Situated closer to the galactic core yet in the same spiral arm as was Earth, some of the stars visible in the night sky of this new planet were familiar and brighter. Some had grown dim, others were gone completely from view. The Milky Way painted a broad swath from horizon to horizon lending an air of familiarity to an otherwise alien place.

‘Dear God’ Wade prayed, ‘please allow this young boy to live.’ He hoped this time his prayer would be answered. Thorne’s eyes remained closed in sleep.

Returning his gaze to the flames, Wade once again opened his mind to memory. Screams of agony assaulted him from within. A single tear traveled a tortured path down his face.

Unconsciously, Wade removed a picture from his breast pocket and stared at it. Light from the fire danced across the image, alternately throwing shadows and highlights across one face, then another, giving a semblance of life where there was none. The photograph was his constant companion. The old style two-dimensional color snapshot was worn, wrinkled, and charred. The image showed a younger man, one from 28 years past, A Wade Ashton whose family was still intact. The father he used to be, proud, strong, secure, and happy. The ghost of a grin illuminated the pictured face, softening the dark gray eyes, threatening to erupt into a full-blown smile at the slightest provocation.

Bethany, his wife, looking graceful and serene, confident in their life together. She had been Wade’s anchor, the single constant and stable point in his life. Their son Chris, not quite three with a head covered in curls and a smile born in yesterday that lived until tomorrow. Youthful enthusiasm for all that life offered danced in his eyes. His innocent face, smiling up from the picture, had yet to know anything but joy. Chris was their hope, their promise for the future. But the Ashton family had run out of tomorrows.

With the loss of his family, Wade lost his anchor to life. Now he drifted, pushed by fate and pulled by an ever-present desire to leave the pain of his past behind.

Damn the flames! They gave warmth, light, and in return consumed all in their heated grasp. How he hated the flames and the painful memories of loss they resurrected. More, he hated that try as he might he couldn’t outrun them. No matter where he ran, Wade couldn’t lose the memories, or the empty ache of loneliness that was his constant companion.

He returned the picture to his pocket, its dark resting-place, and with it hid some of his sorrow.

– – – – –

Colony Tractor Four lay scattered at the bottom of the hill. A product of modern engineering, the six-wheeled enclosed tractor was lightweight–yet sturdy enough to operate reliably in the harsh environment the colonists were attempting to tame. The workhorses of the colony, the five vehicles were rarely idle. Tractor Four was silent, broken. No lights illuminated its control panels. No motors hummed. It was a dead thing, lifeless, useless. Neither were there signs of activity from the GaNerfs–the only dangerous life form indigenous to the colony planet. But dead GaNerfs littered the area. With large round bodies, six multi-jointed spindly legs, deadly forward pinchers, and small inset eyes, the dead GaNerfs looked like demonic beach balls, hellspawn birthed from the dark depths of nightmare.

Soon after their discovery a small girl watched mesmerized as one of the creatures skittered behind a group of older boys playing with a worn, soft foam ball. She yelled out a warning, christening the animals. Though the name she gave the creatures was not technically accurate, its descriptive nature and popularity with the children caused it to stick.

Bright star-clusters and twin moons softly washed the torn and battered landscape around the small campfire.

‘I’m getting colder Wade,’ Thorne said, breaking the silence. ‘How do you stand it?’

‘When you have lived as long as I have, you develop a thick skin. I don’t feel much any more.’ Since the fire that destroyed his family, feeling had brought pain. He hoped never to feel the like again.

Hard bodied and worn, Wade exuded the strength of his years, yet he was afraid. He was afraid that Thorne wasn’t strong enough to survive. But he had to live, for Wade felt a connection to this young man. Somehow, he knew, their lives were intertwined. Wade needed to ensure that this time, no one died. Not one more person was going to have their life burned out because of his inaction. He carried too many deaths inside already. Without removing it from its dark resting-place, he quietly touched the picture of his family.

– – – – –

The two men were of different generations, both of time and place. Wade told stories to Thorne and the other children on the voyage from Earth of the green, dew damp mornings he had known back home. Thorne’s generation was the first to be raised in the new colony. Born in space, Thorne and his young friends found it hard to believe the colorful stories. They had yet to see a bright orange sun slowly rising over a distant horizon, or enjoy the many-colored splendor of a seasoned sunset.

Wade and Thorne were a team, part of the colony’s regular weekly surveillance operation that noted movement patterns and current nesting locations of the deadly native animal. While this activity removed some of the colonies labor force from the tasks of food production and other needed functions, it was a necessary evil. When the colony had first been established, the battle to tame the planet had almost been lost. While the spider-crab like creatures fed only off the smaller animals they could catch singly (rodents, chickens, small dogs), they preferred to lay their eggs in the warm bodies of larger mammals (cattle, horses, other native herbivores, and sometimes–humans). Because of the inherent need to lay eggs, the GaNerfs hunted in small swarms during the nesting season. The toll the colonists paid in learning this behavior was staggering.

This morning found the two men in a remote location to the North of the colony. It was the last day o
f what had become a routine, uneventful chore. Wade, finally relenting to Thorne’s morning long plea to drive, took the unfamiliar passenger seat.

At dusk, as the tractor crested a hill, they stumbled upon an uncharted nest. Thorne, in a show of youthful exuberance, decided to plow right through the gathering of GaNerfs and increased the speed of the tractor. The surprised creatures attacked before Wade could react or shout a warning. Snapping their pinchers the animals loudly voiced their outrage in a deadly chorus. As the GaNerfs swarmed over the tractor a gully appeared. The left front wheel of the tractor fell into the trench destroying the nest hidden there. The steering wheel violently wrenched to the side, throwing Thorne’s hand through the tinted window. With its front wheel caught, the rear wheels clawed at the air. Both men were ratcheted against their seat belts. The cabin and its contents twisted violently. Thorne screamed. Wade clung to the console. The tractor teetered for a moment then–accompanied by the loud report of metal snapping in two–turned over. Rolling down the hill the vehicle violently expended its momentum. The separated left front wheel followed after.

Wade escaped the accident without serious injury. Thorne was not so lucky. With his right leg fractured in two places, left hand lacerated, and shoulder dislocated, Thorne wasn’t going anywhere without assistance.

Most of the GaNerfs died, crushed during the tractor’s destructive roll down the hill. A few tried to attack through the broken windows. Wade had to shoot the animals, even the younger ones. Small pinchers could maim just as painfully as an adult one. The few creatures that survived skittered away to the safety of the coming darkness. Wade knew they would be relatively safe during the hours of darkness. The animals hunted in the early morning hours then returned to the nest to feed on the days catch and care for their young, safe from the heat of the day, and the infrequent predators that totally failed to manage the growing population.

Wade was filled with dread upon discovering that two shots remained in the only functional weapon.

After extricating an unconscious Thorne from his seat, Wade pulled the tractor’s emergency medical kit from the wreckage and quickly ministered to Thorne’s wounds. A few bandages and an inflatable leg brace later, Wade moved Thorne to the warmth of the fire he had built on top of the hill. – – – – –

‘You know Wade,’ Thorne whispered into the flames, ‘I’m really sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen.’

‘I know my young friend. Don’t waste your energy worrying about it.’

Thorne looked at the wreckage strewn about, and at the smashed bodies of the GaNerfs. ‘I remember as kids we used to play games with dead GaNerfs. I’ve also seen the bodies of animals used to incubate their young. It was scary. But when you make a game of something, it loses its mystique. Even fear fades into the background and is drowned out by the excitement of a new childish game. We stopped thinking of them as harmful.’

‘Life is full of opportunities to learn. The earlier you recognize that, the better your chances for survival. Survival–that’s the name of the game. It’s why we traveled to this planet in the first place. You must learn and you must survive. Life doesn’t mean diddley if you don’t.’

Wade stirred the fire, causing more sparks to fly, and then continued. ‘I never understood how you kids could play with those things. After a few days they started to stink something awful.’

‘That’s true,’ Thorne chuckled, ‘but there were no toys left to play with. We had to make our own toys, invent our own games. You have to admit though, after we pulled out the legs, they bounced pretty good.’

‘Yes, I guess they did at that.’ Wade answered, but his mind was elsewhere, remembering the early days of the colony. He remembered … being outside working with his hands, sweat dripping in his eyes, and hearing in the distance the voices of children at play. He remembered smiling. Smiling because everything around him was alive, he was surrounded by life and a new beginning. For a moment at least he had left Death behind

‘Wade?’ Thorne spoke breaking Wade’s reflections, ‘how long do you think it would take you to walk back to the colony?’

‘What?’ Wade asked, not sure he had heard the younger man correctly. ‘I’m not going to leave you! There is no way I can get back with help before the animals return. You would be prey to them, unable to defend yourself. I won’t let that happen.’

‘I can’t walk. I’m cold and hungry. We owe it to the colony to warn them about this nest. Don’t be a stubborn old fool. Go!’

Wade stood up, feeling the weariness of age in his joints but anger lending him strength. He was angry not at the boy, but with the logic of his argument.

‘I’m not going to leave you!’ Tears of frustration welled in his eyes. ‘The fire will keep the animals away only so long. What if I don’t make it back in time? No, I won’t leave you. The other teams will come looking for us as soon as they realize we’re overdue.’

‘But will it be soon enough?’ Thorne stared down Wade’s anger. ‘Damn it Wade, I’m getting weaker. I think I can hold out longer if I know you’re getting help. Besides, what purpose will be served by both our deaths?’

Wade, gazing at the flames—-both present and past–was silent. What purpose indeed?

Thorne took a breath, held it, then spoke again, softer. ‘Leave me the gun and go. I’ll hold on as long as I can.’ His eyes pleaded.

Wade eyes focused on Thorne’s with a flash. A familiar tightness jumped to his throat. ‘The gun! Why do you want the gun?’

‘Insurance, Wade,’ Thorne answered quietly. ‘In case you don’t make it back in time, and I feel sleepy.’

– – – – –

Wade could not remember a night so long. For seven long exhausting hours he trudged over the uneven landscape. Torn by his sense of duty and his need to take action, he felt pulled in two directions. Like a ship in flight between planets, near the halfway point of its voyage as the gravitational influences of each planet balance, for a moment only it is free. But freedom doesn’t last, for soon the influence of one sphere dominates and the ship is pulled once again, this time towards its destination. And so Wade felt himself pulled towards the colony, towards needed salvation, towards hope.

Once again he released the tattered picture from its resting-place. While his rational mind knew the picture had not, could not change, still he saw a difference. The shadow of a fourth person standing in the background, hovering, waiting to join the assembled group. He knew instantly that the shadow would belong to Thorne. His pace quickened.

He mind was so focused that he was unaware of having reached his destination. He was brought back to reality by a guard’s challenge. The tractor had not yet been reported overdue, so the guard was surprised to see him, much less on foot. Wade had no patience for questions. He had to get back. He had to save Thorne.

In thirty minutes he arranged another tractor and a driver. They begged him to stay, rest, draw a map–but he would have none of it. Didn’t they understand? Thorne was his responsibility. Finally, seeing the determination in his eyes, they stepped aside and let him go.

Following Wade’s directions the driver pulled away from the colony. The rising sun starting to warm the air outside, but it could not touch the cold Wade felt inside. He dozed, but did not dream. This nightmare was all too real.

– – – – –

His eyes flew open, he glanced at the time. ‘Faster, damn it!’ Wade snapped at the driver of Colony Tractor Two for the second time in as many hours.

‘Yes sir. I’m doing the best I can.’

‘I know. I’m sorry.’

Wade looked out the window, hoping to find signs of Tractor Four. Hoping to find signs of Thorne–hoping against hope that they would find him
alive. But the same empty view assaulted him from outside the window.

‘I think I see something,’ the driver said excitedly.

Wade brought the tractor’s spotting scope to his eyes, said a silent prayer. Looking ahead he saw a scarred hillside, rounded bodies, and a small weak wisp of smoke. His heart beat faster.

‘That’s it. Hurry!’

The driver didn’t answer, but increased their speed and steered toward the approaching hill. The terrain was uneven and rutted, the tractor bounced and vibrated with each bump and bush it met. Wade tried to maintain his view through the scope, but the violent motions of the vehicle made it impossible. On the hill, something moved.


He scanned the area, increased the magnification to maximum. GaNerfs crawled, moved with purpose. In the fire the few remaining embers softly glowed a dull amber, their fuel almost exhausted. The rest of the fire was dead, gray ash cooling slowly. Undisturbed by the arrival of the tractor, GaNerfs continued their activity. Two females worked toward replenishing the nest. Hind legs pierced warm flesh and deposited eggs. In five days the hatchlings would emerge, hungry from accelerated growth.

Right arm outstretched, Thorne’s hand held the gun. Wade’s heart seemed to stop. He was too late–again.

The driver resumed the trip and slowly, carefully, moved as close as possible to the wreckage of the other tractor. Before opening the doors, they armed themselves.

As one they exited the tractor and quickly made their way to the top. Wade’s task was to chase away or kill as many of the GaNerfs as possible. The driver, carrying an agricultural sprayer on his back filled with a jellied flammable, stayed back a few steps.

With a vengeance bordering on obsession, Wade loosed his anger on the creatures. He was indiscriminate in his choice of targets. Anything with more than two legs became the focus for his anger. The driver quietly watched understanding Wade’s need. But soon, perhaps too soon, Wade slowed, his rage spent. To weak now to keep going, he stopped shooting. On the hilltop, nothing moved. The driver joined him and together they moved the bodies, the flack of Wade’s anger, into the remains of the nest. When all was ready, Wade stood by Thorne and watched as the driver sprayed the nest and the bodies of the dead GaNerfs. Finished, the driver joined Wade by the fire, removed the sprayer from his back, knelt, and began one final gruesome task.

Wade watched in gut twisting silence as the driver dug, probed, rooted, and found his prey. Hands dripping red, he removed pink tinged eggs. Wade’s stomach tightened at the sight of the eggs for here was life, a new beginning in the midst of death and yet another personal loss. With unaccustomed feeling, Wade grabbed the eggs and flung them into the nest. His revulsion of the eggs consumed by his desire to destroy them.

Together they carried Thorne’s body to the tractor.

Returning to the top, Wade picked up the hand weapon and wiped the dulling ash from the once shiny surface. His mind cooled, numbed. Once again he touched the picture in his pocket, touched old familiar pain.

Mentally detached, his mind aswirl in a pool of disconnected images, Wade’s limbs acted on their own. A hand tucked the pistol into a pocket, lit a flare, and tossed it into the nest. He turned away from the hilltop, turned his back on the enemy he envisioned there. Before he could take two steps, the nest erupted in flame and blessed, cleansing heat. Sickly popping sounds accompanied the rupturing of the eggs. With frightened shrieks, GaNerfs trapped deep in the nest, died. With each step towards the waiting tractor, Wade’s remaining anger shrunk into its self and the emptiness he had carried with him all the way from Earth covered his heart in an icy blanket. Another piece of his soul died. Another voice joined the inner chorus of his dreams.

Wrapping Thorne’s body in a tarp, they gently laid him in the tractor’s rear storage compartment for the final ride home. Wade checked the area one more time, ensuring total destruction, then climbed into the cab. He signaled the driver. It was time to leave. The tractor pulled away and turned south, towards the colony. Neither spoke. Quiet thoughts their only companions.

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Ashlees Undoing

And every single day, or so it seemed to Anthony, the teenaged blonde became ever more daring. He recalled that, when his interest was first aroused, back at the beginning of summer, Ashlee would barely ruffle the white kimono, let alone remove it, rarely venturing to unveil the turquoise bikini beneath, a micro one, and only then when the heat reached its zenith. But, as the first week of the holiday blurred into the second, the delightful teen somehow found the courage to up the tempo,...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 1 Ch 09

Twenty minutes later, Ashleigh began to stir. As she opened her eyes, she saw Sharon sitting on the chair a few feet away, drinking a cup of coffee and watching her. Sharon was still naked and Ashleigh could see her pussy lips between her legs. Ashleigh moved to her hands and knees and crossed the few feet to kiss Sharon’s knees. At her first kiss, Sharon opened her legs. With this invitation, Ashleigh continued kissing the insides of Sharon’s thighs, first one side then the other. Sharon...

2 years ago
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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 09

A few minutes later, Tom and Sharon entered the room. Ashleigh stood up and walked to Tom. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him warmly. Tom returned her kiss and ran his hands down her back cupping her ass cheeks. Diane and Ted followed almost immediately and the scene was repeated as each of them greeted their respective partners. Sharon was the first to speak. ‘Did everyone have a good time tonight?’ A resounding yes was the answer from the assembled group. ‘Good. Then if...

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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 3 We were in pretty good moods considering. Monday we go to see about getting her stitches out, and then get some more tests run. The most frightening of all Ashlynn’s injuries is that because of all the abuse to her internal parts, the Doctors fear Ash may not be able to have c***dren. Ashlynn had some STD issues but with treatment that seems to have be clearing up. She still doesn’t sound like Daddy’s Little Girl. We have not yet had her teeth fixed, so she doesn’t...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 3 Ch 03

Ashleigh removed her fingers from Tom’s asshole and reached for the butt plug. She carefully applied a liberal amount of K-Y Jelly to the length of the plug, then reached to caress Tom’s ass with her left hand. She moved the plug to the opening of his asshole, which was freshly lubricated from her fingers, and applied gently pressure. As the head of the plug began to enter Tom’s ass, she reminded him to relax and not fight it. Tom began to moan as she applied more pressure. Then the head...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 1 Ch 07

The remainder of the evening passed rather uneventfully, as far as Ashleigh was concerned. They ate dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, then Ashleigh took her shower and changed into an outfit similar to Sharon’s. Returning to the living room, Sharon welcomed her with a wolf whistle. Ashleigh settled herself into the chair opposite Sharon and they began to talk. When Ashleigh mentioned the tennis invitation, Sharon immediately offered to teach her some basic tennis over the weekend. Sharon...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 02

Ashleigh woke up and looked at the clock. 5am. Suddenly the thought struck her that she was at the wrong house. Not that she didn’t like being here in Tom’s bed with him sleeping beside her but her work clothes were across town at her own apartment. She slipped quietly from the bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. After her shower, as she just finished drying herself, the door opened and Tom entered completely naked. ‘Good morning, princess.’ He said, ‘You’re up early...

4 years ago
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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl Part 6

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 6 (The Water Park) Britt wore cute little bikinis, a little too small; I wanted it to show her off, but, still in something she could wear to the water park. Ash on the other hand was dresses in wicked weasels with Tee shirts over them just so she could go out in public. The wicked weasels are almost translucent dry, wet it’s like there is nothing there, without the tee she could have never worn them to a public pool. Today ensemble was a white on white, wife-beater, and...

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Ashs New Look Remix Salon Roquet

Ash sighed as he cupped his hands behind his head. It had finally come; the day of the Pokemon League tournament finals. He had beaten all the rival trainers, he had claimed all the badges, and in a few short hours he'd be standing before his final opponent, the winner claiming the title of Pokemon Master. He'd already gone over every battle strategy and possibility in his head, chose his perfect team of six, and was ready to face whatever that jerk in the other stand threw at him! Of...

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AshlynnDaddyrsquos Little Girl Part 9

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 9(Team Spirit) Ashlynn lifted her ass with each stroke, trying to get every inch of the big offensive tackles cock, I had thought it was a shower, but, it was a grower too. They had the game jerseys laid out on the bench, later today they would be washed but right now they had another use, as padding for Ash. Five weeks in and we had the routine down pat. When they win the boys that scored, and the Defensive line men that made the most outstanding plays, got Ash on...

1 year ago
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Tashas Proposal

"Hey Steve, I will have you an arm wrestle." Jason challeneged. It was a slow night tonight at the pizza joint where they worked and Jason was feeling restless. He was working out last night and was still feeling a little bit sore. But he thought that it would be interesting to wrestle Steve anyways. "Okay, let's go." Steve said. They both then walked to the back desk and knelt down. Richard who was wiping pans followed them to the desk. He wanted to take a break and get some entertainment in....

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 3 Ch 09

When Sharon awoke the next morning, she stretched leisurely and grinned to herself. The night had indeed been an interesting one and the sex was great. She felt like a new woman and the promise of a new day made her even happier. She slipped quietly from the bed leaving Ted sound asleep. Reaching into her closet, she brought out a slinky see-through night gown that did nothing to hide her luscious figure and silently departed the bedroom. As she started down the hall she suddenly realized she...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 06

After quick showers, they gathered at the table. Sharon was the first to shower so the table was already set and hot snacks were coming out of the oven. The four of them exchanged warm hugs and kisses, even between Tom and Ted, affirming that the earlier activities were accepted by all. The snacks and coffee were consumed with relish as all of them were hungry. The talk was almost non-existent but there were plenty of smiles as they looked at each other. They had shared an experience that was...

2 years ago
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Rashida ki aag aur mera pani

Hi, dostoo how are you? I am ALI from Pakistan’s city Faisalabad. My age is 27 and I am doing a job in multinational Bank as a relationship manager. My height is 6 feet and looking smart. Many females are want to make a friendship with me but I cont afford it coz people respect me and I can’t lose my respect. But one day I lose my virginity. Now I start my story in roman urdu for better understanding and more enjoyment. Us ka nam Rashida tha aur us ki age 23 thi bohat khobsorat thi goora rang...

3 years ago
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Ashlys Command

Introduction: this is my first attempt at writing, so please give feedback . also this story has pot, incest, and pedophilia, so if you dont like that, turn around now. Mrs. Jenkins had such an incredible body. Those huge double D tits. That incredible ass. Every guy in the room wanted to fuck her brains out. She could never understand why we were all failing, when we paid such great attention. I couldnt wait to use my little magic pill on her. I remembered Brandons words perfectly. If...

4 years ago
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Ashwini8217s Erotic Massage

Hey folks, it took a while to pen down my experience. Busy office schedule, appointments, travel had kept me busy. Check the author page for my other experiences submitted on ISS. This experience is penned by both Ashwini and myself. Happy reading. Feedbacks, appreciations, depreciations welcome at It was a cold day during the winter season, I wanted something hot. Not hot food or hot drinks. I was all alone at home. On such days when your partner is not around, it is very tough. I called my...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 10

Ashleigh woke up Wednesday morning stretching lazily just before the alarm went off. She reached over to turn it off before it woke the sleeping Diane. As she gazed at the black woman in her bed, she began to shiver as she relived the orgasms of the night before. She leaned over and kissed Diane lightly on the back of her neck. Diane moaned in response and rolled over into Ashleigh’s embrace. Opening her eyes, Diane looked directly at Ashleigh, then raised her head to kiss Ashleigh on the...

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Ashwini Subjugated

Im a married guy travelling in a crowded bus… A middle aged woman, a stranger, is standing in front of me…She is a luscious woman wearing a sari… Her blouse is drenched in sweat and shes perspiring profusely in the heat…Im standing Very close behind her… My stomach is pressing against her back which is bare since shes wearing a low cut blouse…My cock is pressed against her ass… I try to control my erection, but in vain…She apparently senses my hard-on but doesnt make a move… Besides, thrs no...

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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl Part 2a

Daddy’s Little GirlBy BaddaddyPart 2a Ashlynn bounced back, and in about a week I would hear her on the phone chatting and giggling, but, around me she was still quite and withdrawn. I thought she was ashamed of how I had seen her. I found out much later that was not the case. It was on the 5th of May, Cinco de Mayo. That Ash did not come home, the next day Saturday she had still not come home nor had even called to let me know she was OK. She was only s*******n, I called the police to do a...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 1 Ch 04

Book 1, Chapter 4 Tom and Ashleigh were both more than ready by the time they reached the bedroom. She watched as his hard cock was released from his bikini, standing straight out in front of him. She sucked in her breath as she viewed his size and began peeling off her own bikini. They quickly got into bed and grabbed for each other, his hand capturing her left breast as his tongue invaded her mouth. She wrapped her arms around him, digging her fingernails into his back lightly. He slipped...

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Ashwini My New Office Manager 8211 Part 1

I am Kailash from Mumbai. 26 years old single. Any women wanting to have sex chat with me just drop in a mail on I have done my MBA and I have my own training institute. I train corporate people for various personal grooming and as well as professional etiquette. Initially I used to manage things from my home and single handed. But with Gods grace my client list started to increase and was difficult to manage things myself. I bought an office in posh mall of Malad and appointed 2 staff member...

2 years ago
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AshlynnDaddyrsquos Little Girl Part 14

Daddy’s Little Girl Part 14(A Playday with Ashlynn goes Wrong)I was in LowsDepot, and not just to grab some toys. Its fall and I need to take care of some things around the house.I had passed by the display with pesticides, bug traps, and Mousetraps, twice, before something caught my eye. It looked like your everyday mousetrap, but it was much bigger. I pick one up and looked at it, there was a little locking device holding the Hammer, I pried it lose to test the strength of its spring. Wow,...

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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl Part 5

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 5 (Getting Brittany) Ashlynn’s Fangs were their topic of conversation all way to the Luggage carousal, seems vampires are all the rage. When we get there Brittany’s bag becomes a mystery, the carousal starts, one lonely bag riding round, then other bags start sliding out, folks jumping in grabbing their bag then gone , and then the one lonely bag going round, and round, carousal stops, No bag for Brittany. She had bought the suitcase herself, finagled two weeks off work,...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 11

The alarm went off, shattering the morning quiet. Ashleigh jumped to turn off its shrill ring. When she rolled back into the bed, Diane leaned over and kissed her lightly. ‘Good morning, Ashleigh.’ ‘Good morning, Diane, I hope the alarm didn’t shake you too much. It really has an irritating ring.’ ‘It’s ok, I have one like it myself. I hate getting up in the morning especially after I’ve had such a good time the night before. You promised we’d shower together remember? I’m ready if you...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 13

At six o’clock, the doorbell rang and Ted moved to open the door. Diane and Dave stood on the front step with a bottle of wine and smiles from ear to ear. For a split second, Ted couldn’t move. Diane was wearing a see-through blouse without a bra and a short skirt that barely covered her cunt. Dave noticed the stunned look on Ted’s face and eased open the conversation. ‘Doesn’t she look incredible, Ted. This lady takes my breath away.’ ‘Yes, she certainly does, Dave. Pardon me for staring,...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 1 Ch 06

On Monday morning Ashleigh woke up minutes before her alarm, feeling absolutely great. There were no noises from next door but she didn’t need them. Her memories of the weekend were glorious and she couldn’t wait to see Tom, and Sharon, again. Her alarm went off and she began her normal morning routine. When she dressed for work, she wore some of the new clothes she bought the weekend before last and left the apartment feeling extremely sexy. That morning at work her new attitude and demeanor...

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Ashu And Mom Fucking Me

Hi Now I was horny and satisfied that ashu had finally fucked mom. The inner agenda for me was to satisfy my horny craving for unlimited sex with mom and her horny partner, which seemed possible now. But there was a lot of work left. My mom was still shy and had not openly admitted or acknowledged in front of me that she had sex with ashu. First I had to get her comfy with the fact that I liked it. Secondly, I was not sure about her feelings for me. So I had to get ashu to make her hornier...

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Pasha on the Playa Pt 01

Author’s Note: Burning Man is the world’s greatest fantasy event. This story is based on an actual encounter. ***** The sun was up and already hot. Voices were speaking to me, although an incredible hangover headache prevented comprehension. ‘Look at him! What are you doing, lying in the dust?’ I glanced down, groaning. Overnight, the wind had come up and I was covered in an inch or two of white. Playa dust from the Black Rock desert not only covered me, but also my sleeping bag, my cot,...

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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Yeah, I’m back with a story about which I have talked about in my last story, umm okay let me remind you all about that, remember I talked about Shashi bhabhi in my last story. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m Deven Shastri, residing in the capital, New Delhi, average guy with some good looks I guess, and a normal cock size of 6inch with 2.5 cm thick, to be frank coz I don’t like to be fake at all,...

5 years ago
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Tash starts fucking black student

I wish this had happened here's a story I made up about a girl I worked with.Tash was ten 5 years younger than I am, and we had known each other 11 years, 10 of which we worked together, this last year Tash had, moved jobs and was completing training around the country for her new job.It had been 5 weeks since Tash had last been in Manchester, and during those weeks her Boyfriend, had gone travelling, so I was surprised by the happy "tone" of her text.We were to meet for lunch at the pub near...

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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl

Part 1Fathers love their daughters. They will do anything to protect them and keep them safe, and that is how I ended up walking my 18 year old Ashlynn, on a leash haft naked, into a room full of horny men.Ashlynn is 4’ 11 3/4” about 89 pounds, with hair the color of milk tea, green eyes with little sparkles of Gold, her measurements are 33D 20 33 with a size 4 shoes. I tease her that nothing grows in the shade. Ash was growing into a beautiful young woman. Not super model pretty, but, she...

4 years ago
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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl

Part 1 Fathers love their daughters. They will do anything to protect them and keep them safe, and that is how I ended up walking my 18 year old Ashlynn, on a leash haft naked, into a room full of horny men. Ashlynn is 4’ 11 3/4” about 89 pounds, with hair the color of milk tea, green eyes with little sparkles of Gold, her measurements are 33D 20 33 with a size 4 shoes. I tease her that nothing grows in the shade. Ash was growing into a beautiful young woman. Not super model pretty, but, she...

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Ashu Didi Ko Pyaar Se Choda

Hello friends, mera naam hai vicky main 20 years ka hu or Punjab ka rehane wala hu ,mere ghar me papa mummy meri sisters ashu 24 or annu 22 . Ashu didi ka rang gora hai or figure 36 26 38 hai .Or annu didi bhi gori hai or figure 36 26 34 hai .Main abhi bsc 2nd year me annu didi ne bsc ki hai or wo noida job karti hai .Ashu didi ne btech kiya hai or wo 1 year ki training kar k ghar aayi thi ab main story per aata hu .Main ghar pahucha to dekha ashu didi aayi hai unhone white top or jeans pehni...

2 years ago
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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 1 Ch 10

Ashleigh drove the half block to Tom’s house and parked in the drive. She was secretly thrilled when the key Tom left opened the front door easily. She moved her few clothes into the master bedroom then decided to have a shower. She started the shower water and stripped off her clothes. She deftly removed the butt plug from her ass and placed it in a sink full of hot, soapy water for possible later reinsertion. The act of taking it out and cleaning it increased her pulse. She stepped into the...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 3 Ch 10

Two months later, the construction of the interior was finished. The group inspected the finished product along with Danny, Jeff, and Sid the video control operators. The three rooms that had been set up were: A Texas hayloft, complete with added scent of fresh hay and modified saddles for additional pleasure, An English bedroom with four-poster bed and period decor including the original version of George, and a Medieval dungeon complete with racks, and restraints as well as the modified...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 1 Ch 03

Book 1, Chapter 3 At six o’clock he woke her up with a kiss on the neck. She reached for him and pulled him down to her and they rolled together on the bed. ‘It’s time to get up, princess.’ He said ‘The pool party is about to start and I think it will be a lot of fun, especially with you there.’ ‘Tom’ she said ‘I saw those other women in their thong bikinis this afternoon. Will they be wearing them tonight?’ ‘Yes’ he said, ‘They will. But that doesn’t mean you have to wear one. You looked...

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