An Allegory, Moki And Susan free porn video

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She'd been lazy today, tired of looking at flowers, so barehanded up the sheer breccia tower she'd climbed, just for the fun of it. Its face was a 5.10 non-trad pump, if you can imagine, but up the lithe little botanist had ascended like a leaf in an updraft, not the full seventeen hundred feet, of course, nobody can do that; this skilled young woman had gone up only as far she could, where, luckily, she had happened upon a sunny small rock strewn cwm at about 66 feet, garnished with a lone improbable Golden Mariposa. She had been too tired to wonder why it was there, growing out of rock, though it had been her job to wonder why.

She had had been working hard, and she needed a few winks.

She curled up on the side of this red Olympus, uncaring of her unkempt iron-oxide hair, and in the spring warmth, drifting, her drowsy moss-green-gray merles rolled back -- oh! -- a start and a sleepy glance... her eyes rolled back then to gaze upon dreamland. Draped on the precipice and as careless as a kitten asleep in the crotch of a tree, there held warmly by her stony Pietà, she floated into deep slumber. Blanketed in Sol's comforter, the five-and-a-half foot Amazon, cradeled in the Land of Enchantment, watched herself, as dreamers do, dawdling in a different Land without Adam. She eyed herself searching for a white lily in a garden of pink Carolina Phlox. She surveyed her avatar as it dandled the puple floweres, so delicate, so rare, an Ipomopsis sanct-spiritus offered up to her in the Sangre de Cristos, alive only in the Holy Ghost Canyon.

She, lost in a jumble of drifting images and unaware of the Cholla and Prickly Pair and slithering dangers in the motherland below her repose, now dreamt she heard Moki's distant barking urging her to come home. He seemed so real -- and he had been talking to her earlier but she couldn't understand -- and, and -- but his entreaties -- and, and -- he had become garbled, muffled as a penitent's prayer in a Cape Hatteras hurricane, or murmers, as if by her sweet and frail and Baptist, deep Southern, Miss Granny Smith.

"Moki!" It was the alarm-bark going off, rousing her with the unwilling urgency of a schoolgirl waking late for the bus. It was Mom’s hurry up call. Now! Moki needed his water. Now! A botanist needed her work! Now! (Well, mostly.) The field survey was supposed to be done today. Get it done, girl. Now! Relocate that Calypso bulbosa. Find that seep. Go! Wake up!

"Ohhhhh, I'm coming", she moaned to herself. She rolled onto her tummy and elongated into a lazy feline stretch, her skin a pink tabby of welts from her rock-sand bedstead. She had dreamt, or had she imagined it, hmmm, not sure, or had she just now remembered some sticky North Carolina summer six years ago? Parties and politics, beer, philosophy and sex before graduation, love and babies, and the drip of salt her tongue had wiped from her young friend's penis. She droopily glanced over her shoulder at the wide Navajo plains below and took a salt lick from her muskeg forearm. She nuzzled it, trying to recapture the taste of him and the heavy sweet odor of his upraised arm, but it was not he. She had turned tail on love with a man. She was independent: It was her nature.

She rolled onto her behind and sprang up --

"C’mon Susan, get moving", she growled under her breath, and in a quick salute she shaded her eyes just as a Captain surveys the horizon above the eternal seas. She imagined the San Juan basin's misty rises and mesas to be frozen swells which were never to crash upon this Galleon of the Desert, though they shimmered and rolled in the spring's sun warmed eddies. They spread across the surface of an immobile ocean, still but for the Pronghorn detritus drifting upon it. This great sparkling desert lagoon enfolded her Great Ship and she felt safe upon its high deck.

"Hey!" she cried out. She spied that seep she had been looking for all morning, and it was right over there in a little arroyo, only a 660 yard dash away from the great Titan’s foot. Strange there would be slickrock nearby, considering the geology of the place, but hey, who was she to argue with Creation's creation?

So, armed with the view of the waters above the firmament, she decided to go to the waters below it. She wanted to hurry. She was tired and she wanted to go home. She had been in the field for six weeks by now.

"You bet," she chortled in time with her syncopated thoughts, "check it out and thy grid be done, eh Professor? Find the flower, just find the flower and get some Ph.D. smiles, huh? A bath too! Get paid -- money, yeah, money, money! Yup. Good Life. Warm bath? Yeah, oh you bet, bed bath and beyond."

Deciding to go she stepped over the edge of the sheer crag and peered straight down. "Don't rock-a-bye with vertigo now -- be very careful --" she warned herself, and checked her route descending. It was only a 5.5 scramble, much easier than Mama Jugs over at Très Piedras and -look- there was Moki right there down below, really not all that small when viewed from way up here and sounding like he was yaowling from as close as the basement stairs. Why was it, she wondered, that high seems so much higher than long seems long? She was only sixty-six feet up, but what a drop. On the level ground she could have crossed it in merely nine or ten bounds.

"I guess we really aren't supposed to leave this good earth" she pondered. For all she knew heaven might be only as high as a stroll across the garden is distant. In any case it was too far to jump with only beat-up kneepads to cushion the fall, and only Angels can fly, as everybody knows, for goodness sake. The kneepads were for tonight anyway. There were also 1600 feet of intimidating stone standing erect behind her, and Moki was being just as insistently loud in any direction. It was time to shove off.

Moki, as in Mookie Wookie, Chucky Chookie, Dookie Dookie was an Australian Shepherd, called an Aussie by most, a midsized dog. This one was a midget of a man clad in a shiny black McIntosh, the shoulders over which his mother had casually thrown a white furry stole. For color, she had given him one eye of brown and the other of blue, and had added a dollop of copper above each for good luck. His young owner loved his colors. But mostly, she loved his friendship and his loyalty. She was comfortable with his size, too. She had come to hate big ugly dogs ever since her Dad's Mastiff had torn and tortured her and taken her from the front a long time ago.

"Hey Mook! I'm comin'!” she yelled. She couldn't tell if he had heard her or not. Seemingly the same updraft that carried his implorations up to her deflected hers to him, as if the Seraphim had come to bat them away.

So: Down: Quickly. This Tomb Raider of the sky had awakened to her catamenial time and the pressure of her monthly rhythm. Soon, blood would flow from the seep of her womb and in-between her open legs, when her little prince would feed the multitude of his lusts. She was obligated. It was her rhythm. It was her nature.

"Well, let's go," she thought. "Why is it always easier to go down than to climb up?" She slung her backpack over her camisole -- Ow! a little sunburn. "Ha, a little heat for a long cold naked night", she thought was a sly smile.

Eyeing the route again, she swung around and cast her socks and Swooshes over the edge as nonchalantly as stepping onto a New York fire escape. It was easy purchase, but her first step would be a wide stretch to the right. No problem, though, so she opened her legs and -- whee -- a puff of updraft fingered up her loincloth shorts. It was the cool touch of a fisherman's hand; and it lifted the scent of her own bait to her. The chilly touch hurried her on. She noted the sun had swung to the west.

So, being a woman who judges while she works, and therefore always seems to see ahead, she leapt from jag to jag like a cougar mounting a ridge. Each jump she took in the huff and puff was a leap of faith, an utter joy of flight, as safe as Icarus at midnight.

"-- But say: be careful! Think. A living dog is better than a dead lion, y' know. You’re no eagle with a nest among the stars, woman. Test first. Cling tight. Master Moki. Sex tonight. Now go. Third of the way, half of the way, most of the way down, dash away, prance away, black furry down, and -- Oh rats!"

Here she came to a ledge, just wide enough to creep along. A mouse scurrying along a shelf would go faster. Should she take it on all fours or creep along clutching the wall? She reflected a moment. Her backpack might throw her off balance, and she still had to negotiate an outthrust at the end, so in one movement she slid it off and pitched it down over the side. It was no sacrifice. By now she was only 20 feet above the desert floor and there wasn't anything in it that would break -- except... Moki!

"Wow. Are you okay, Mook?" She looked down and bellowed with concern. He could've been sitting under a balcony when the thing came down like a bomb and nearly brained him. He had jumped six feet out of his skin and was scurrying around picking up bits and pieces, but otherwise he seemed fine. When he looked up, though, he seemed to say to her that she would get hers later.

"What did you say to me?" she rasped as she tilted her head like a Bobcat eyeing a vole. "You know, I could stay up here for ever if I wanted to, and there's nothing you could do about it. New Mexico is full of cute little Chihuahuas, but there's only one of me." Then, when she flicked her pony tail as extra defiance, by God, if he didn't wink back at her, or maybe it was just a wild hair, who knows?

Well, inch along it was going to be. The lady climber squished against the wall, kneading the rock. A breakout here could be trouble. She had to be sure of her grip. This was her last caress of the Titan so as a goodbye it puffed dust into her mouth and made her swallow. "A little too much salt of the earth", she thought.

Cautiously, she tread to the right. The dust which had settled on the ledge yesterday or millennia ago looked to be as fine as baby powder and may have been just as slippery, so with each cigarette smushing step she ground her tenneys down to bedrock. It wasn't tough going, but she attended to each placement of hand and foot, looking both up and then down like a bored parishioner at prayer. As she did, her nodding pony tail feather-dusted the excess soot from her pink sensitive back and tickled the spot that the backpack had irritated. It foretold of a velvety stole that would caress her later that night, and she juiced a little, like the seep, the damp where a mother's flower becomes a seed.

Well, here she was at the outcrop with Moki barking instructions from below. Hell, there was no need for all that noise. Brother, howling like a man who has abandoned all hope. Come on. Gees.

"Awright, awright, hold your pants on", she grumbled her irritation. “I'll be there in a second." She would have to concentrate to get around this jut, and she didn't need some inhuman screeching in her ear. Out she stretched into the ether, all sixty-six inches of her, until her limbs were as taught as a bosque Cottonwood. Ah. There. Footing, blind it was, but footing. Now all she had to do was circumnavigate this thing by slithering around its base. Not hard, but ouuuuu, the breccia gouged and pinched and scratched at her tits like a sadistic lover. She was happy her breasts weren't all that big: The way they were compressed, a couple of springy boobs would uncoil and sproing her right into the nether world.

Now it was only six jumps rock to rock, and she would be at her Master's door. Bounce. Bouncy. Bounce. By now she was so dusty she poofed like an open bottle of Talcum powder. Bounce. Bounce -- whoa! -- a little far that last one. Her sudden stop made her rock and sway for balance and flail like a kitten at a baptism. Steady, steady now. This next jump would have to be a four-point landing. She crouched, this great Lioness, this noble Huntress, this Fearsome Predator. Her loins a-quiver, muscles taut for the kill, eyes fixed on the prey, she pou-... "Awwwwww".

"Moki! Move -- you're in the way." She sounded more puzzled than angry. Why was he right there anyway? "Come on Mook, move. Mooooove, pleeeze." She waved him off like a bad landing on a carrier. He was reluctant. Then it dawned on her, of course: He could smell her, and probably he had smelled her all the way down the face. Sure, that was it. They had been at this current camp, no more than a cooler and an icky old sleeping bag on the ground, for six days already. He didn’t smell so bad, for a dog or an eidolon anyway, but fair Susan was so dirty she looked like a piece of basalt and reeked like a chunk of sulfur. All the better for him, though; she was just the way he liked her: She stank to high Heaven.

"Okay, a little more", she kept waving "okay, okay, more if you want'a bite of this apple of your eye. Just one more step -- good." He was out of the way. "Okay, here I come! Okay?” She waggled. “Okay. Okay, here I come.!”

She sprang like a Lynx...

Plop -- she alighted into a crouch right in front of him. "Miss me, big guy?" She almost meowed with Cheshire smiles. If anyone had had any doubt a yelp meant a yip yup, their reunion was nose to nose, eye to eye to eye, blue n' brown n' green-gray n’ scratch n' sniff n' snuff n’ stuff, home for Christmas, graduation day, chocolate chip cookie joy. They petted and panted. They wagged pony and puppy dog tails; they flounced and pounced, and popping open the final bottle of Evian from the backpack, they lapped it to the last. So sated, they shared her scent, his scent, and their last supper of Fig Newtons. He showed some pink, and she grew damp: time to finish. Get to camp. "Not long", she purred. She meant it. She gave her word. Thus he marked the spot and off they went, his tail a flapping vestment, her backpack a trailing supplicant scraping across the desert floor.

The two finished the day in quiet. They had no real need to talk because it seemed each could guess the other's thoughts. They were a team, after all, so well-trained that back in North Carolina the two had been Triad Flyball champs, founders of the team The Bleu Bayous, in fact. She could charge him out of the gate and down the course with a wink and a nod, and he would respond instantly. At his peak Moki had run the course in 15:36, a near state record. God, they had been good. They had just loved showing off in front of a crowd of bright and caring, shining, admiring eyes, Lord, oh yes they did; but after a while he had lost a step and a second, and then he had lost some more. It wasn't fun anymore, he seemed to say, and Susan had agreed.

Anyway, for a no-nonsense kind of girl like her, Botanical Survey, the stuff of the professoriate, was so much more satisfying than had been Environmental Reclamation, with its mucking around in menses-red Carolina gumbo, steaming with who-knows-what toxins, with its spying on sweltering, stinking pig farms and their owners, and with her jacking off overheated Tarheel undergrads during sticky evenings' diversions. The desert, on the other hand, she knew to be pure in its dry contrasts of color and light, hot and cold, good and evil. It left no doubt. That was its nature.

The two made their way to the seep in no time, just in time. The sun was low and the desert's daily breath was waning. Its last puffs waft cold: it's Legion's chilled hands stroked wavelets of goose bumps onto her naked arms and legs. The girl wasn't tired now, but knowing she must stay naked for the next many hours in Easter week chill already had turned her body languid. She longed for the toasty glow of her bright afternoon nap, the cuddle-up warmth of her bedroll -- "Nonsense. C'mom. Focus --" she scolded herself.

She knew she must put all of that out of her mind, warmth, softness, goodness, and such. She must suffer in the cold tonight. She must become a Piscean sacrifice there to feed some unseen multitude. She had to. It was her nature now.

She was compelled. Once six years ago as a rebellious post-grad gamine, as just another flaky summertime runaway to the Big City, then one smoggy August eve she had offered body and soul just for the fun of it. It had been a hazy, boozily spinning, kinky kind of alkaloid ritual, just a stupid Passion play gametic stunt when it started, when she had lain upon a Cross inside a Pentagram on a New York rooftop. That's all. That's what she had thought then. That's what she had thought then amid a swirl of cats' eyes and the scent of Rosemary as she splayed out like an Ichthus scratched onto a Roman floor. That's what the girl had thought, wrongly, in her ignorance. There are no prayers uttered in jest, neither from a Gotham rooftop nor from the high places of Tophet: So now she was obligated. Now she was compelled. She had sacrificed her innocence, so now she had an Owner, so now she had a Watchdog.

She was driven on. She had to finish the work of the day to start the work of the night. With an explosion of activity, she noted such things as time, temperature, topology, GPS location, and surrounding flora. Thus occupied she had not noticed that the sunset had fired her Great Rock into the fury of a jealous lover, turning its face red against the darkening sky. Just as the self-absorbed always seem to do, she remained oblivious until its reflected pink light cast an accusing finger of shadow across her field notes as her pencil coupled with its page. So strong had been her dwelling place, however, her nest that had set in rock this morning, that the Winged Sentinel pulled at her and beckoned her to come back. Sighing, she felt its wistful tug in the way a traveler remembers a goodbye kiss, but the light of the world was fading, still and all, and she had to complete her journey.

"Here it is!” the young botanist proclaimed. Here in the slanting adumbration she spied what she had come to find. Peeking out from behind a tuft of the terrible Tribulus terrestris, the noxious Goathead, and undistinguished but to the experienced eye, sprang the ethereal shoots of the lavender crowned Calypso orchid. They were so light-green fresh and new, so small, fragile and winsome she wondered if they must have grown in the land of Adam. In this seep, as the lily among the thorns, sprouting in this moist crack was proof that purity could stand alone among the slithering dangers in the land of Cholla and Prickly Pear….

“Of which vertu engendred is the flour” as her frail ol’ Granny Smith used to say. The girl smiled at the dear memory. "With some April showers… I miss you Granny... look down on me." She asked as she paused in a contemplation that took no more time than a missed step.

"Zip. Pow! Done!" she bellowed, jabbing her fist upward in a power salute. “I’ll be home tomorrow!” She snapped her notebook closed and plunked it into the backpack. "Hallelujah!" The echo from the Big Rock was the last spoken word the girl would hear until the next day when the Professor would travel up Route 666 from Gallup.

Unlike the boisterous warmth of breezy midmorning, the stasis of night would demand utter quiet of her. She knew that. Of course, in the beginning had been the Word, and from her a whole chatterbox full, but in the inner ring of darkness she would become too cold to speak. The two, she and he, could finish the night in silence, though. They had done it before. They were a team, after all, and tonight he would be Captain, and control her with a wink and a nod.

Moki, always impatient, knew how to push her along. Like a Centurion prodding a captive his incessant bumping kept goosing his little slave onward. Down in the arroyo, after they had crossed over a dry stream marked Cocytus on the grid map, he halted the girl and allowed her one look back at her loving, fading purple Ship Rock. Her work was done, and he must have known Susan would not pass this way again. Did he know that the pride of her heart had deceived her, she who had dwelt in the clefts of the rock, whose habituation had been high; that she had said in her heart, "Who shall bring me down to the ground?" Did she even know it herself?

Up and out of the gloomy well he nuzzled her, and then he pulled on the backpack once, twice, three times. As on command his chattel revealed her collar, a simple device of restraint, which she presented to him as reverently as a chalice, as a grail. She raised it to her neck, and snapped it into place. It had no adornment except a "D" ring on a strap which hung down her breastplate, but it held in it the universal meaning of submission. He owned her.

Moki never wore a collar of course, but in sex she must. He knew his bitch never doubted it. He divined she never had to: they were a team, after all, so well trained that even short of camp, little more than, really, a beat up sleeping bag and a cooler perched on a rise, he could bump her to a stop, sniff her to her back, force her legs apart, and as he had done often when they had been a-froggin' back East, roll in her carp to conceal his own scent. He would be quick though, with his perfuming ritual, brief this evening, because tonight not even this unhallowed choreographer could defy time and night itself. He had obligations too. He was as ed as instinct, without the choices his co-star may have had just this morning. His dark little film noir had a firm play date and it was plotted under a starless proscenium, so he nipped her up and onward toward that stinky old sleeping bag, her ill-lit stage. He pranced her along, salivating less with intelligence than with the Pavlovian anticipations of the specticle to come. Could he visualize this child's comedic shakings as a mockery of a girl shivering to death, or did he predict the future in the way the soulless always seem to do? He had come to expect her infantile moans, those faminiar delightful soliloquies of icy suffering, but in the end it did not matter, neither to him, nor to the unhearing umber universe above, nor any longer to the Great Rock, near but forgotten.

-- -- And the award goes to... well done. Bravo! Encore! -- -- Good boy. Nice puppy.

The Sun was dying over the edge of the world, so it was less than night and less than day in camp. Red was black; white was gray. Against creation's last glow Moki observed his little bitch puff into the static evening air checking to see her breath, judging the temperature thereby. Not frosty tonight, he saw, not yet anyway, but soon it would be too dark to tell even with her moss-green-grays, or with his blue and brown, with a dollip of copper. They were a team, however, these two, so with a wink and a nod he had her unfurl the mise-en-scene where he would stage her, --Crackle and Fwap!-- She did so with such a fly-cast snap he started aback a few feet. He steadied though, when his fading bratling fished into her backpack for her kneepads and then landed them home with an authoritative Velcro crunch. She seemed so unhesitating, so self-assured, so almost eager, knowing what was to come. Was there something he did not know? Could she defy time and the night itself?

He watched as the girl dimmed to an apparition in the evening's amber glow. To him all became gray as all becomes gray to those without a soul. His eyes could no longer follow her as she flicked off her Kleenex shorts and tissue camisole. They vanished into the living black. His world had become flat now and she was without contrast. Her lilting mons pubis was all he could see of her in the breathless din. He watched her blend into a floating detritus on a murky lagoon as she became merely a triangle of black sex hovering disembodied over a dark unforgiving sea. Her eyes were gone and she had no shape. Thus this fearsome Mistress of the Day who while she had the light, believed in the light, that she might be a child of the light, in his world clotted into a dark gelid shell of fishy incense, rotting taste, and warm cunt only.

In starlessness the sire would breed her. He would batter her perineum. He would bloody her cervix. He would make her bleat like a demon if he wanted to. He would degrade this formless breathless child on a blackened stage in an unseen amphitheater beside the Winged Sentinel of Heaven. He would tie with her for hours, in his pleasure letting her freeze before a crowd of uncaring obsidian eyes. He had to. He was obligated. He was compelled. It was his nature.


Time has slipped away from me, fifteen years since I wrote the allegory. I have defied nether time nor night itself, nor its infirmities.

Just as in memory the narrative and the wish become one, so its passions and meanings blend to and indistinct whole. What did the story mean?

Did she survive that night?

The professor found her mid-morning the next day, laying spread-eagle and naked on that ratty old knapsack. She was groggy and incoherent. She remembered only cold darkness and a feeling of being adrift throughout the night. Moki was lounging about 60 yards away, quiet, but watching as always.

This he told me in an email, not in a text, a few months later.

The professor mentioned that he had wrapped Susan in some blankets, revived her with a swill of Old Gawdawful, and washed her feet as best he could. He said he rushed her to San Juan Regional in Farmington, where she recovered within a few days.

The professor brought her home to the McDonald Ranch in the Jornada del Muerto to regain her strength. She left him six days later, trusting Moki to his care. She said she had things to do in North Carolina and would call soon. He never heard from her again.

Moki lived on for a while, but died somewhere on the ranch outside of Alamogordo. The professor said he had died from a Legion of distempers, but I infer that he had shot him.

The professor too, has gone missing. I tried to contact him last Easter to tell him that I may have found Susan on Facebook, wrongly, as it turns out, but he has left the college, and his IP address, so the provider tells me, never existed. His ranch wasn’t a ranch at all anymore, but was part of a government property.

He was a mystery. I wish I had known him better.

I don’t know what happened to Susan.

The highway from Gallop has been renamed.


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Teaching SusanChristine awoke slowly, her head pounding. Slowly she opened her eyes and her senses began to come into focus. As consciousness returned to her she began to take stock of her situation. She is strapped naked to a ridged metal chair her head is strapped tightly across her four head to the chair, a large ball is stuffed into her mouth and strapped around her head.        Her torso is also strapped across her shoulders and below her breasts crossing over her arms just above the...

1 year ago
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Black Susan

At age 65, I retired, ending a 45-year obsession with work. I had always thought that this would be the time when I should try again to form some kind of romantic relationship, and I took up reading the personal ad- vertisements. Nothing much came of this, as no one I was interested in seemed to have interest in a short, balding, slight- ly overweight 65-year-old man. Then I noticed Susan’s add; beautiful 19 year-old Christian girl, in Uganda, has won 1/2 athletic scholarship...

3 years ago
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A Stitch In Time Chapter 7 Susan

"Susie? Susie! Anyone see where she went?" One of the security detail came running up, "Sir, I was down there watching. A man came up behind her in a suit. He looked like one of us. Then they were, they were just gone." Mark covered his face with his hand, the PM asked, "What happened? Mark?" "They took her. The group who had me." "I don't know about any of this? Can we help? The resources of our country are available to you." "Thanks, I need to talk with our people. Can we...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 5 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

With many tears, Debbie moved. Betsy stayed in contact with her for several years, but by and by, the letters and phone calls stopped. She still thought of her dear friend every once in awhile and felt immense regret for not keeping in closer contract with Debbie. Then Betsy realized their friendship was just like any other. They would always care immensely for each other even if their heartfelt emotions faded with time. The winter came and went. Thomas met her family and Betsy even...

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Birthday Surprise Chapter 2 Susan

Susan was standing in front of her bedroom window looking out, smoking a cigarette. The light that reflected off her nude body enhanced her beauty even more. The mix of shadow and light gave her an artist look that you would see in erotic photography. She usually only smoked after sex, and now she needed one badly after spending the day with her new lover. Susan glanced over at Amber asleep in her bed, worn out from all the sex they just had. After fucking last night, she returned the next...

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Little Susan

by Gail Holmes Susan, well what can we say, she’s bright; she’s slight but very beautiful. At five feet two, she looks up to everyone, her figure well...that is state of the art, trouble is at twenty she still looks fourteen. Needless to say most guys give her a wide berth, considering her jailbait, of friends she has many, however, they are mostly girls Sex doesn’t come all that often for her, due to guys worrying about...

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South Pacific Pt 1 Susan

I shivered as I walked toward the administration building. What did Jerry Williams want of me that was so important? Jerry was the University's Vice Chancellor, the big guy, the boss, the HMFIC. Jerry had the final say on who is hired and fired. Was I being fired? Did he want to personally can me? I didn't think so, it was no secret that he was after my beautiful wife Susan. He was always hogging her time at parties. Most of the other professors and their wives saw how he would blatantly flirt...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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This is the story about how I tried to persuade my girlfriend Susan to learn to enjoy bisex pleasures too.Susan I met at my favoured hunting grounds, the Zandvoort nudist beach. She was a lesbian girl at heart, and we both explored most fields of lesbian love and passion.After one of our intense Sunday afternoon sessions, I knew that she was open for new experiences, suggested by me – as I can be very convincing driven by my own desires and lust.Susan had some very deep orgasms just before and...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Betsys JourneyChapter 6 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

Betsy rushed back to her spare bedroom wanting to finish the chapter, 'A Thomas Affair.' She recalled it was late October when they returned from Atlantic City. Thomas had told her all about Ted and explained, as best he could, about how much he relied on the business from Ted's company. Apparently Ted was so pleased after the weekend getaway that he set the wheels in motion to upgrade the pharmacy section of his company, which meant big money for Thomas. Strange what men were willing to...

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Breaking Susan

Breaking Susan She was all attitude when I first saw her, attractive, poised, and arrogant. Her name was Susan and she was the executive secretary in the office of a construction company I worked for. She worked for her daddy of course, was spoiled, and beautiful. She was always dressed perfectly with skirts just a little too short, and a little too tight. She enjoyed the stares from the scores of office engineers and especially the laborers and foreman employed by her father. Showing her...

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Breeding Susan

Susan and I have been married for 15 years. We have two wonderful kids and both of us are in a good profession. A year ago, our sex life was on the dull side. The Penthouse and Playboys were not getting it anymore. Susan worked hard since the children were born losing the weight and flab. She turned her 36-year-old body into a fantastic fuck machine. She stands 5’3″, blonde hair worn in a pageboy style, 115 pounds, blue eyes, 34A-23-35 (later surgically enhanced to a 34D after her...

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my first weekend with charlie and susan

i thought my world was falling apart, i had nowhere to live and my boyfriend had left me.luckily a friend of mine new a couple that lived in gloucester and might take in a lodger.while i was with my friend she rang up the couple who i found out there names were charlie and susan. she asked charlie if him and susan would be able to take in a lodger.luckily charlie said they would be able friend took me around to charlie and susans and i soon hit it off with both of them. charlie said i...

3 years ago
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Kay Shares Me With Susan

My sister's friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver's side window sill. She was obviously giving me an...

2 years ago
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Nanny Susan

Nanny Susan invites all sissies to write to her with their problems, fears, and questions. 1. Dear Nanny Suzanne Recently my wife mommy gave me a pair of frilly panties for my sissy birthday. When I put them on I got so excited that I squirted and soiled my new panties. Mommy was furious. She says she will keep me in diapers until I learn not to soil my panties. I really hate diapers. How can I convince mommy that I'm a big girl enough to wear panties again? Dear...

3 years ago
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The Taking of Susan

Susan glanced over at the kitchen clock, one o'clock. She had just fed the three teenage boys and was cleaning up their mess. She looked out the window and watched the boys frolicking around by the pool. Her son, Steven and his two friends from the soccer team, James and William. All three boys were fourteen year old freshmen at the local high school and were proving to be a handful to keep in line. Her son Steven was probably the most naïve of the three and she was pretty sure his...

3 years ago
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VeraJane and Susan

Introduction: Jane and Susan do it! Vera, Jane and Susan This is fiction, any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************** Jane looked in the mirror admiring her new nightie. Actually, it was a T shirt that had a red heart printed on the front. It was a present from her sister Susan. Even though the shirt was large, Janes pink panties winked into sight when she walked. Three days had passed since Susan had her...

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Stretching Susan

Susan was cleaning up after the party at her place. Her girlfriends from work had decided to throw her a surprise birthday party (how they found out it was her birthday, she still didn't know!) and now that they had gone, she was picking up the napkins and wine glasses and other trappings of her party.It had been a fun time, despite her being a bit sad at becoming "the big thirty-five" this year. She had finally reached what she considered middle age.Earlier that day, she was having herself...

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Wife Tales Lush Susan

It was finally 4 P.M. I thought the open house would never end. Crying kids, complaining old people and snotty young couples seemed to always find my open houses. I would make a quick trip to the ladies room and then I’ll lock the door and take down the sign.As I walked back into the foyer from the ladies room, I noticed the door was opening. I was too damn late I thought to myself. Another pain in the ass is coming to see the house.The door opened and a tall African American man entered. He...

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Wife Tales Lush Susan

It was finally 4 P.M. I thought the open house would never end. Crying kids, complaining old people and snotty young couples seemed to always find my open houses. I would make a quick trip to the ladies room and then I’ll lock the door and take down the sign.As I walked back into the foyer from the ladies room, I noticed the door was opening. I was too damn late I thought to myself. Another pain in the ass is coming to see the house.The door opened and a tall African American man entered. He...

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Hostess Susan

The University I attended didn't have space for all students to be on campus, and so first year, and final students got preferential accommodation, and in between, we had to fend for ourselves in the private sector. For most of us, that meant one of the nearby large Victorian houses. Once grand living for wealthy middle class families and their servants, these now housed eight to ten students in near-slum conditions.I had one of the two ground floor rooms of my second year house, and my...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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VeraJane and Susan

©This is fiction; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************** Jane looked in the mirror admiring her new nightie. Actually, it was a ‘T’ shirt that had a red heart printed on the front. It was a present from her sister Susan. Even though the shirt was large, Jane’s pink panties winked into sight when she walked. Three days had passed since Susan had her ‘accident’ with Jack. True to Jane’s word, their...

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Chapter I Sentencing Susan Susan stood before the judge in Federal district court and could not believewhat she was hearing. Just before her sentence she was thinking about how lessthan forty-eight hours earlier she was the toast of the town. Susan was a well-respectedbusinesswoman at the pinnacle of her career. Actually Susan was more fearedthan respected, but she liked to think that everyone loved her. Susan was a deal maker and more than many hard working people lost theirjobs as a direct...

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Aunt Susan

This is how it all got started: I was 15 going on 16 it was the summer before my junior year at Bicknell High. Things were looking good I was going to be the starting quarterback for the football team there were no seniors vying for that position. Bicknell High is a small high school with 143 kids. It was late July; I went to work out (as usual I didn’t feel like working out but I wanted to impress the coaches) and then things started to change. First coach Johnson announced new players...

1 year ago
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A Shortie for Susan

Susan arrived home late from a hard day at the office – well her boss had been hard most of the morning, staring down the top of her dress.Susan expected Andy – her 16-year old step-son to be studying hard for his maths exam next week.Susan didn’t expect to see Andy with his hand down the front of the pale blue jeans of a very attractive 20-something Indian beauty. She was his maths tutor – she had short-cropped black hair, sensuous brown skin and a wicked smile. Her tight white jumper, pulled...

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Submitting To Susan

Submitting To Susan by Christine Four years ago, I began my relationship with Susan. In the beginning it was wonderful, in fact Susan would do almost anything I asked of her. It was almost a ritual for her to give me a blow job every morning before I went to work. I had it made, or so I thought. As I said, the sex was terrific, but my eyes were still wandering to other women, I don't know why. It all started innocently enough, a cup of coffee with a receptionist and then lunch...

1 year ago
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Rimming Jobs Susan

Bill tries to go where no man has gone before, Susan's ass.Usually humping her while feeling her big tits through her blouse and bra, today Bill tried something a little different with his girlfriend, He felt Susan's ass through her short, navy blue skirt, as she stood by the sink washing dishes."Hey, what are you doing? You almost made me drop a dish," said Susan banging her stoneware against the stainless steel sink."Nothing, I'm just feeling your ass. I love your ass," said Bill. "You have a...

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In my med school days, I rented a house not far from campus. It was a haven for my friends, and the extra bedroom was frequently used as somewhere for them to hook-up without being interrupted. Several of my friends had keys, and it wasn’t terribly uncommon for me to find strange women in my place at all hours of the day and night. Most of the time I got a call, letting me know they were coming, sometimes…not. It was late December, classes were over until January. Most everyone had gone home...

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My Susan

Susan and I have been married for over 20 years. We were high school sweethearts in our senior year. She had been very active in the dating circles all through HS as she is pretty, outgoing, and intelligent and comes across as someone you would want to meet and become friends. Over the years of our marriage, we have enjoyed many new and wonderful ways to love each other. We had our first 3-some with another man about 10 years ago and since then, have experienced many to include 3-somes with...

2 years ago
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They both were very comfortable articulating what they liked and wanted from me sexually. Jane was turned on by admitting to use a vibrator to masturbate. Watching her masturbate and knowing that she would be ready to fuck afterward was a big turn on as well as her reaction. Susan would never admit to masturbating. When asked, both had no interest whatsoever in sex with another female, though a threesome situation with another man was very acceptable and an obvious turn on for both. Jane...

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They both were very comfortable articulating what they liked and wanted from me sexually. Jane was turned on by admitting to use a vibrator to masturbate. Watching her masturbate and knowing that she would be ready to fuck afterward was a big turn on as well as her reaction. Susan would never admit to masturbating. When asked, both had no interest whatsoever in sex with another female, though a threesome situation with another man was very acceptable and an obvious turn on for both. Jane...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

3 years ago
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The Susan

"Richard LeBaron! I haven't seen you in months, buddy. How ya been?" "I'm okay, Bernie. Wanna have a seat?" "Sure, sure. But, why are you sitting out here? It's still a little cool to be drinking a brew outside." Bernie Junkin had just stepped off the driving range at Western Valley Country Club when he spotted his old golfing partner seated in the portico adjacent to the clubhouse bar. The men shook hands as Bernie eased himself onto a bench seat across the table from his...

1 year ago
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Waking Up to Susan

Early in the first week, with my aunts and father still there, my two cousins and I secluded ourselves in the back bedroom, while the rest of the family gathered in the front family room. As often happens while visiting relatives, the stay had become tedious for the youngest of the group, thus we set about in idle cousin chat. Further bored though enjoying the company between the three of us, my cousin Susan reached behind her and stealthy swung a pillow momentarily stunning me. After the...

4 years ago
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Falling for Susan

My friends call me Pete or Pedey. Some of you will know Kim is my sister. She seemed to turn off boys after her experience at The Pines or, at least, off my friends. Maybe she’d only done what she had with them to have something to brag to her girlfriends about.I came of age, sexually, the same summer she did. It was on an equally hot day. Kim was out somewhere and my friends and I decided to go to the river by ourselves, planning to swim at Bartons Rock (where there were likely to be other...

First Time
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Kay Is ReadyChapter 2 Kay Shares Me With Susan

My sister’s friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver’s side window sill. She was obviously giving me an invitation to pet...

2 years ago
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Fantasizing About Susan

I've wanted to have sex with my wife's best friend, Susan for quite some time. She's tried to seduce me into an affair several times over the years, but I've always been able to pass it off as flirtatious banter between friends and laughed it off. But the past couple of months she has been more brazen and persistent, often flirting with me right in front of both my wife and her husband. I want to take her up on her flirtations, but I know the two of them are not in an open relationship, nor do...

3 years ago
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This is my latest swinging conquest and hot, hot, hot is the only way to describe it. For those that are not familiar with me, I am a swinger, have been for over thirty years. I love to play and play I do. Now older, 60 I still stay active and am very fit for my age. I subscribe to many magazines and Internet swinging/dating sites. This is how I get a lot of my contacts. Not Susan. Here is the story and there will be more of this as our relationship goes on. In my job I talk to a lot of...

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My Crazy Life 3 Susan

If we were to meet today for the first time, you probably wouldn't be overwhelmed. I am not a bigger than life character. I am not sexually charismatic, or physically remarkable. You would probably notice that I am quietly confident, witty with dry humor, and I can often come off as having more than half a brain. At least you would notice me. That wasn't always the case.When my wife and I started our swinging adventures, I was rather shy, and almost invisible. My wife used to tease me that the...

4 years ago
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Some femdom with Susan

Susan was not a dom sexually. She loved fucking, and I satisfied her at least daily, if not two or three times. She loved having her pussy licked and nibbled almost as often. I loved satisfying her this way, no matter how long it took. She boasted to her friends how much I satisfied her sexually.She loved to be naked, and was usually naked at home. Her neighbours on either side were used to seeing her naked in her yard, and accepted this as being quite normal. She posed naked at the nearby art...

4 years ago
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Chapter One Susan screamed. The scream was a mixture of pain and relief, pain causedby the whip which had just left its mark across her bare and unprotected breastsand relief from the sexual frustration which her master/lover, and wielderof the whip, had forced her to undergo for the last half an hour. She stoodin the centre of a room, her arms stretched tautly above her head, securedby the wide leather straps round her wrists which were attached to an arrangementof pulleys hung from a hook in...

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Girlfriend Nostalgia Susan

Susan was a self-professed “cowgirl” from Northern California. She was a quick witted, beautiful free spirit, with the long, toned body of someone who rode horses every morning and swam at the beach every weekend. We met on a business trip and spent just three evenings together in rural Florida. In our shooting-star time together we managed to fit in long drives on two lane roads listening to country music, co-habitating a department store dressing room, skinny dipping, and some really good...

Office Sex
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SusanSusan had been going to the group for 2 months and today it was her turn to speak. She was so nervous. She had heard the stories of the other people, all of them anonymous, of course. The self-help group had a great reputation, something like the AA, alcoholics anonymous.Still she was afraid, because her story was so much weirder than anybody’s. Nobody had done the things she had done.Sure, there was the 30 year old businessman who hired a new secretary every week, fucked her through and...

1 year ago
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Everyone fucks Susan

I run a small I.T company with about 15 full time staff and two part timers. It had been a good week for the company so I decided to shout everyone some drinks at the end of the day. We went to a local bar that was not far from the office and relaxed with a round of cocktails. I knew most of the staff quite well except for Susan who was one of the part timers. Since she was quite new and only worked a few hours per week I didn’t know that much about her except that she was married. She was...

Group Sex
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

4 years ago
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Bill masturbates for Susan

Susan and I had been out several times. Right from the start I was amazed at how beautiful she is. It made me wonder how I could get so lucky. I knew she was out of my league. I know that I’m not that much to look at, and I’m pretty shy, so usually my dating choices are simply whether I want to do it with my right hand or my left hand.Up to now I had been a perfect gentleman with Susan and she showed no sign that she wanted it any other way.We had been out to dinner and I was dropping her off...

3 years ago
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For Neneh I drive into Susan with an animal hunger and she rises against me and around me with an adept grace. Her hands, which had been caressing my back, claw at my shoulder. The constriction of her incipient orgasm brings me to mine. We explode together. For an immeasurable moment, it is heavenly ecstasy. Then I return to mundane reality. I roll off her and hug her to me. "You are wonderful," I say. "You're not so bad yourself," she replies. Lying there in the fatuous lethargy of a...

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