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Chapter I Sentencing Susan
Susan stood before the judge in Federal district court and could not believewhat she was hearing. Just before her sentence she was thinking about how lessthan forty-eight hours earlier she was the toast of the town. Susan was a well-respectedbusinesswoman at the pinnacle of her career. Actually Susan was more fearedthan respected, but she liked to think that everyone loved her.
Susan was a deal maker and more than many hard working people lost theirjobs as a direct result of Susan's tactics. It was often Susan's strategy tomake a deal with a company president. When it came time for the deal to beconsummated Susan would back out. She always had a way to stop the deal inits tracks. Than she would make a deal with a competing firm and the originalcompany would often go under. Once the original company succumbed Susan wouldbe there to buy the pieces.
It got to the point where Susan was so dangerous to be around, many peopletried their best to avoid her. The inside scoop on Susan was to stay clearof her and her dealings. Most anything she touched turned to disaster for theother side.
The judge who's brother was the president of one of those company's thathad a deal with Susan that went sour would be nothing but trouble for the soonto be, convict. Even Susan's Wall Street attorney could do little to help herout of this predicament. Susan kept saying she was being set up, and maybeher attorney believed her, but in all actuality it did not really matter. Thejury convicted her of a class a federal crime. With that, a mandatory 10-yearsentence was hanging over her head. Susan's attorney had earlier begged herto take a deal, but she would not consider a deal because she knew she wasinnocent. She knew she was set up and she would not deal. Now the sentencewas about to be handed down.
"Susan" the judge went on "You have been convicted by a juryof your peers," Susan interrupted, "they are not my peers, they are beneathme, most of them can barely read and look at the way they are dressed, andI am innocent and these are not my peers. I was set up and I did not stealanything." "Well Susan, I am afraid the state disagrees with you.Under the by laws of this state I sentence you to no less than 10 years inthe high security Federal pen. However first you are to be processed and detainedat our own state medical facility for detailed examination and assessment.You will not be released from this medical facility until I feel you are readyfor prison.
Susan was mortified. She knew what this meant. Being sent to the medicalfacility was nothing more state sponsored sexual slavery. Her attorney hadwarned her when he was trying to get her to take the deal. Susan's attorneyhad a women client that spent two years at this so called medical facilityand he heard about the things going on there. So bad that he dare not evendiscuss them with his client.
"Take her away", and with that, it was over. The horror of it alldid not even sink in before poor Susan was dragged away kicking and screamingby three female guards. Susan was put in a bus and driven to the state medicalfacility. Once there, she was led to a processing room and besides being inhand cuffs and leg irons, everything else was pretty mundane. A young womenitemized her jewelry and gave her a receipt. Two young men than entered theroom. Susan, the judge that handed down your sentence and suggested that youspend some time with us here at the medical facility has recommended
that as part of your punishment you give up all of your rights. Now unfortunatelyfor you that means everything. The judge especially is interested in seeingyou lose your dignity. So with nothing further needed to be said on this, Imust ask you for your clothes." Both guards were both loving this, andeven the women that seemed half way kind to her looked up with a condescendingsmile. "In other words Susan, strip" Susan was mortified. "Here,in front of you, no way, not me, I want my attorney, you are crazy, I am nottaking off one piece of clothing." The door suddenly opened and four moremen walked in. Two held her arms, and the others tore her clothes off. Susanwas screaming so they put a heavy ball gag on her. It was terribly heavy asit had thick leather pieces running around her face and head. Susan recognizedit as a bondage gag from the magazines that she liked to look at. Heavy wristand ankle cuffs with hooks and buckles were fastened to. A heavy leather beltwent around her waist. The belt had large and small metal rings spaced everyfew inches. This way at a moment's notice Susan could be restrained or herrestraints could be changed so that she would still be in bondage but in adifferent manor. Susan's wrist cuffs were attached to her belt in back of her.Susan was now completely nude and unable to cover herself.
SusanSusan had been going to the group for 2 months and today it was her turn to speak. She was so nervous. She had heard the stories of the other people, all of them anonymous, of course. The self-help group had a great reputation, something like the AA, alcoholics anonymous.Still she was afraid, because her story was so much weirder than anybody’s. Nobody had done the things she had done.Sure, there was the 30 year old businessman who hired a new secretary every week, fucked her through and...
For Neneh I drive into Susan with an animal hunger and she rises against me and around me with an adept grace. Her hands, which had been caressing my back, claw at my shoulder. The constriction of her incipient orgasm brings me to mine. We explode together. For an immeasurable moment, it is heavenly ecstasy. Then I return to mundane reality. I roll off her and hug her to me. "You are wonderful," I say. "You're not so bad yourself," she replies. Lying there in the fatuous lethargy of a...
When I write a story about someone, usually, I change their name so that those reading the story and who know me will not recognize who it is I am writing about. Only, this time, I cannot change her name. This time, I need to tell my story, her story, about Susan. Hopefully, by telling this story, it will rid me of the desire for her and maybe help someone else who is experiencing a similar, abnormal attraction to someone. Maybe, part of me hopes that she is out there somewhere and reads this...
“Come on push harder!” Susan yelled at me as I tried to match with her pace on the cross-trainer.She was so demanding that I hated her; I hated that she was fitter than me; I hated thatshe had a better body than me; and more than anything I hated that she made me feel sexuallyinferior.Susan always wore the tightest short skirts and low cut blouses that showed off her greatlegs, tight arse and full pert breasts. She know she was attractive and she knew everyoneelse thought it too. She had...
Hi, my name is Susan. My husband, Jim, and I have been married for almost seven years; so maybe what happened to us is a modern day version of "The Seven Year Itch". During my years growing up I sometimes heard grownups talk about "The Seven Year Itch" when someone they knew began having sex outside of their marriage. I never thought I would have sex with another man, but in my case, I did it with my husband's encouragement. I never once wanted to give myself to anyone. I was, and still...
He’d always admired Susannah, ever since he joined the university where she worked. She was tall, with long dark hair and legs that a girl 20 years younger than her would be envious of... But he was a realist; he knew that all he’d ever have a chance to do was admire her from afar. Her with a highly paid senior role and him a lowly technician, he had very little to offer that she didn’t already have, a family, a very successful partner, the flashy car, the expensive design dresses and a...
It was Wednesday morning, two days after Yvonne had rocked Matti with her confessions about how she and Dawn had become involved with the Wolverines, and how they had been employed as dancers in southern Ontario strip clubs. They had spoken briefly about her story when Matti felt it was necessary to clarify a point, or get more detail from her. She had willingly helped him out with the information he needed, but then left him alone to process everything he had learned about Dawn in the last...
Thanks to Barney R for the editing. As always, I had to mess with it some more. Therefore all mistakes and omissions are on me. All of the cheating stories have their clichés – I came home unexpectedly – she (or he) stopped or slowed way down on sex – he (or she) started using anything for an excuse to start an argument – bills from hotels that you had not been to – gas receipts from areas that your spouse wasn’t supposed to be in. They are clichés because any and all of them have happened...
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Hi na peru raj nenu na second part rasthuna thanks for your support you can send mail to any girls ladies you can contact me your information not be shared with any one. Inka stories loki vasthae ah night nenu sariga padukoledu enti a surprise ani alochichanu ala 2 ki padukuna morning lechi ready iyae clg ki ani intlo chepi start iya nenu na bangaram ki call chesa start avuthuna ra ani tanu fast ga ra nekosam wait chesthuna bava andhi nenu sare ani bus yaki vala intiki vela door knock chesa...
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"That'll be great, I'll see you at noon then...uh huh, we do have package deals, I'll explain when you get here." Leslie Simon said. "Right, have a nice morning." Leslie stared at her appointment ledger a moment, as she willed the ink to appear in the proper timeslot. "There we go." She looked at her employees Holly and Corey. "We're going to have a busy day." At noon, after three other happy clients, the noon appointment arrives. "Leslie Simone, at your service. This is Holly our resident PR...
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I knew it was going to be a different Spring Break when I saw the 6'3" 250 lb guy climbing onto the balcony of our second-floor room at the Holiday Inn. My two buddies, Jeff and Rollie, and I were heading out for some food, but I figured we might want to check on the action outside. The big guy waved at us and proceeded to look up. I headed over, opened the sliding glass door and asked him what was going on. Big grin. "I'm tryin' to climb to those chicks on the 6th floor." I looked up. There...
EroticPaddling & Punishment Enemas:Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made...