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Nobody said following your passion was easy. College succeeded in draining almost all of what I had scrimped and saved. Even though it came in handy, a lot of the cash i had saved up doing odd jobs and sleazy, dodgy photo shoots in my late teens had dried up as well. Being a substitute teacher wouldn't have been so bad despite the unexciting pay if it wasn't for the rich students that attended the school i thought in.

Among these brats who tend to be older than their peers in public schools due to repeating terms and not having the right grades to move on to the next grade, was Santiago St Cruz. A horrible student with a name, just as horrible. My blood boils each time I watch rich students flaunt their wealth and no one flaunted as much as Santiago and his annoying hanger on friends.

It takes a special rich brat to out brag and out flaunt senator's children, oil oligarch's stepchildren and whatever not. The rumour is, his father is a Venezuelan drug lord. No one knows. In all honesty, it could be true. The exact opposite, however, was just as likely. Ever since my chance meeting with Mrs. Cruz, the gorgeous mother with a body an woman would kill t have, I started teaching Santiago to play the violin on Tuesdays. Today was Tuesday and I drag myself to get through the day.

I remember Mrs Cruz well. She was sweet, nice and convincing. She paid for the year in advance and promised a bonus if her son actually ends up learning something.Every week, without fail and I make my way to their sprawling home, and grow sick with envy.. it is truly amazing, how some people have everything while others just cannot catch a break. How do they do it?

His parents are never home. A man servant or butler looks after and gets tormented by the 18 year old teen and it was no different this time around. I was early. and maybe not meant to witness Santiago, throw a hard case into his swimming pool from the 2nd floor of his house while the butler, desperately lunges after it. I assumed it contained the violin he needs to use for my lessons.

I sat down going through in my head everything Mrs. Cruz told me so I could handle her son when she was away.

I cringe as I hear the fifth violin meeting a terrible end, counting 4 other smashed up violins in the living room as I make my way through the huge mansion.

The broken instruments did not sit well with me. Being wealthy shouldn't give anyone the right to destroy art. That's what they were. And a struggling musician grinding through college and then fruitlessly pursuing a career in the arts only to end up as an underpaid teacher in a school, it angered me.

I had nothing to take comfort from the destruction all around the house. I put it out of my mind and steeled myself a little to fulfil my obligations and hopefully leave as soon as we are done.

As i had arrived slightly early, I walk in through the large entrance hallway, looking around, hearing the din caused by Santiago 's hysterical laughter.

When I saw him, dressed in a silk bathrobe, too large for him, despite his above average height, I wasn't sure how to react. It was flapping back and forth as he hadn't secured it and was wearing, from what I could make out. football pants or cycling shorts. I wasn't really sure but they were clutching at his frame and the scrawny youth was not quite as scrawny as I had always thought.

I braced myself and sighed then I called out. "Santi?" I call out again, loudly. "Santiago, it's Kayla. I'm here for your lessons!"

I had to step forward and walk briskly after him, as he kept going and was heading for the pool.

"Santi, come here. You know what your parents say, you need to always start your lessons on time."

Santiago stops when he finally registers his teacher's voice in his mind and shows excitement and maybe it was just relief.. relieved somehow for company other than the house helpers. Though he is spoiled rotten, his parents take his violin lessons seriously. Well, at least his mother does.

"Santi, you can't avoid violin lessons. Remember what your mother wants you to do.

I knew it was a buzz kill. I had smoked some weed back in the day. Messed around here and there, harmless way to relax I always thought and when Santiago made eye contact, I could tell he was baked.

Though, I had no idea why he would be so pumped up and running around like that. He does look a lot older for his age and presumably experiencing growth spurts too? Tall and lean, his body was masculine and sculpted, and if it wasn't for his childish behaviour... I abruptly end my own thoughts about my reluctant students physical appeal , my head spinning from all the running about after Santi to get his attention..

Youthful energy does have its limits does it not? But he greets his teacher and his enthusiasm soothes me.

"Ms. Lewis! I am so glad you came."

I watch his butler try and fish out the violin hard case from the pool cursing and praying all at the same time.

I roll my eyes, biting my lips as I see the butler's efforts... "Do you have another violin for today's lesson?" I ask, knowing he probably did, "Otherwise, we'll have to do theory and finger placement. the whole two hours." I try to sell him the lesser evil.

"Fuck. Not finger placement. Ms. Lewis, just leave it to me. I'll find a violin. I was just bored. I wasn't trying to ditch lessons. ", He says in his raspy voice. Immediately I was conflicted. I had arrived mentally dreading to teach and a reluctant student. I hate it when he does this and it was also at that very moment I realised he does this quite a lot. Fool around like he doesn't care about anything and just as you are about to completely strike him off as unreliable and irresponsible , he turns into the most dependable man I know and fixes the situation. Granted most of the “Fixes” are usually caused by his mischief.

Maybe Santiago's Dad really is a drug dealer and this steady calmness in getting everything under control runs in his genes. I had looked away for a moment as I drifted in my thoughts yet again mentally picturing Santiago. He is hairless, groomed obviously , i did suspect was man-scaped or had some expensive treatment done. Its not like he wouldn't be able to afford it. And then I realized I couldn't see him any more.

Santi had taken off and headed to the music room. Basically it was a guest room with a piano, some furniture, the instruments and items we used and its own attached bathroom or toilet, whatever you want to call it. It just has everything.

Expecting Santiago to be there, I enter the room. I see the cause of the entire episode. Santi is leaning over the piano, and he snorts a line in an awful hurry. The shiny, impeccably maintained piano, betrays the only blemish on its surface and the line was never going to be out of sight.

Again I must have arrived just a little too early. I make my footsteps heard as I proceed into the room. Santi turns around to face me and while removing his silk robe... and then tossing it off in the general direction I was walking. It made me slow down as I got concerned. He lifted up the piano cover and lets it down with a loud thud

The thud gave me a clue how much the son of a gun had inhaled... with dust going up in a poofy little cloud, showing all the areas where there had been powdery substances.

I stand there a little shell shocked, as Santi had always been a loose canon but never this. At least not while I was around. I am brought back to my senses as he proudly displays a violin. Raising it above his shoulders as he shows me what he found under the piano cover very conveniently.

But for the life of me, I couldn't understand why my eyes travelled in the opposite direction. As he raised his hands, my attention is drawn to his unsecured pants. They stayed up on him not so much because it was fastened but probably because of the tight fit cutting and it was gripping.

Gripping Santi's well-defined thighs and the flailing drawstrings dance about where I spent most of my attention on. The curving, protruding bulge that was pushed out and displayed when he meant to show me his violin.

I stare at the silk robe on the floor and it was then I felt my nipples stiffen. This room was a little colder than the rest of the house and i start the metronome, unaware of Santi, throwing lewd looks , then turn to him, awaiting, arms crossed.

I was relieved just as much as him. Theory was horrible compared to listening and watching the incorrigibly rich, handsome, wonderfully growing up into a man of means and still have talent. Yes Santi actually had some talent but no focus at all, if he did, he would put half the violinists in the city out of work and me his teacher to shame and I would retire in shame I suppose. He was good. Really good and he was learning and improving fast but I had no doubt he will keep never his interest or even stay focused long enough , to complete the course or have enough desire to get pass a certification test. The bonus Mrs Cruz promised , yes that fat lump sum of cash that sweetened the deal and convinced me to accept her offer. I need to get Santi to complete to earn that incentive. A feeling of both excitement and the sudden realisation, Mrs Cruz knew it was going to be a challenge leaves me confused as I find myself dreaming and drifting yet again , thinking what the hell was wrong with me. As I placed the metronome on the piano top, I noticed sheet music was already on the stand.

Santi sighed.... and tuned up... stealing a couple of glances back at me, naturally leading to looking at her chest.... thinking for a tight wad teacher.. she showed a lot of skin. He starts playing mid-step prompted by the ticking metronome.

He was well ahead of his schedule. I wasn't sure if it was my lessons, but 2 months in and he sight reads and improvises better and with more abandon than I had ever done. I drift again, spacing out ,as he trails into timing stretching the very first note, leading it into a chromatic run and completely changing the song he was meant to practice. Ascending from the first note.. catching me more than a little surprised as he switches time signature after the first 4 bars..... and goes through the song, everything perfect till I fold my arms propping up my breasts..

Santi's eyes capture the curvaceous firm mounds jiggle and affirm their shape through Kayla's thin top..... and not sure which happens first.... but he plays a few notes out of key and comes to a screeching pause.

I had barely started to come to terms with another wild run Santiago was meandering into and then a loud screechy note as he stops abruptly.. with his eyes glaring and wide open. He was looking straight at my chest

Why did you stop , I ask.. Maybe we should start on another piece. Fur Elise. There, lets start learning it. I could feel his eyes burn a hole in my top and instantly I regretted not putting on a bra.

Fur fucking Elise... Beethoven can suck balls.... it didn't work for the deaf bastard did it? why should I learn it.. Santiago protested.

I sigh. "because... let's see" thought for a moment, I speak slowly, "maybe because your mother wants you to... and you know, you could make her really happy?" I shrug, "or because she has the signature on the credit card." I add like an afterthought, knowing it's one of the few things you get conscious about.

That got Santiago quiet. I shift awkwardly and look away. Busying myself with notes I placed on the piano top and just about anything else close enough... I look and notice how wantonly my nipples were forcing their way to show themselves through the fabric. Leaning forward and inadvertently placing my rear end between Santiago and my shameless breasts. I wasn't sure at first but it wasn't the best idea because Santi reached under my skirt with this fiddle and raised it. I could tell but feigned ignorance.

Truth be told. I was not sure what I was feeling or doing. I did not want to have any trouble or disappoint his mother but at the same time, it wasn't as if I felt offended or intruded.

The piece he had just played was still ringing in my head when he flipped my skirt up completely.. and I made it worse by turning around and trying to grab my skirt and ended up holding it up for an exhibition instead. And again.. I kept it up for longer than I needed.. pressing my skirt against my tummy while standing there in my panties and giving him a look of exasperation that didn't discourage him.

"But it wasn't too bad huh? What I played just now. I bet if Beethoven played it like that.. he would have gotten laid instead , smugly while making a gang sign with his fingers.

I sigh, but nod. "yes, that was... a good start. if you can keep that up for the whole piece, well... let's say we could add a couple pieces of your choice to your repertoire? but only if you work well with the classics." or some adapted and pre-approved , rock pieces and you actually liked those. "now, let me see..." I walk to my bag and bend down to find some other papers, giving you a good view of my ass.

Santi just could not resist stretching out a hand... tilting his head... he lifts up my skirt again with the fiddle... and each time he thinks he will see panties.. he sees only ass... and he reveals her hot toned ass to himself completely before finding the fabric of my thong lodged between the luscious buns.

I could not believe. I could not believe I wasn't startled or shocked. He was tilting his head and had raised my skirt higher and higher till he revealed my hot toned ass to himself to feast eyes on, I shamelessly concluded in my mind and I was completely self-absorbed in his unabashed attention and reached back to peel the string lodged between my ass cheeks out and straightening the fabric on the thin piece.

Then Santi broke the silence," I didn't know you were the thong wearing type"..

Letting the violin down off his shoulder Santi slacks off in his stance.... and places the violin where he left his dad's silk robe....

I glance down for a moment, noticing the huge cock stretching Santiago's pants, blinking a few times in surprise and shock, "uh, i, that's... Santi, what the..." Just barely a few minutes ago it looked a little different I thought to myself.

Santiago knows he is turned on,... but he was unaware how blatantly he was stretching his tights... till he sees my eyes focus and stay fixed on his crotch.... and he looks down... noticing his give-away boner...

Smiling, maybe even showing some embarrassment.

"huh.... what are you looking at Ms Lewis... Santiago grabs his meaty shaft... that's shaped up .... with his free hand.... making it show even more

Do you like what you see Kayla?

I had to save up for it .... imagine that.. Me? saving? ... to pay for something.. ha!

I couldn't take my eyes off it, mouth half open as i try to process... "y-you had your... thing... enlarged?"

"Yes", Santi's reply was quick.

He then, with his index finger trails a line on the underside of his shaft..... back and forth... his balls stay hidden lodged behind the purposefully made for sports pants..

Right ... here.. there's a little scar..... i could have had it removed too... but I made it darker looking... and kept the scar so it will look fierce..

Do you wanna see it?

I swallow, eyes still fixed on it. "I... um. I didn't even know it was possible..." I don't answer his actual question, but keep staring...

Santiago was glowing with excitement. He was absolutely flying. He starts to tug, tugging down the tightly clutching pants, wet from perspiration and pool water and like a good musical piece the tension builds and the base of his shaft shows first very little pubic hair slightly brown sparse on his youthful body and the stretch and strain is obvious. While watching I root for his cock to snap loose but Santiago keeps his member in his pants.”There”, he says proudly while, pressing down on his cock head.... and expose his shaft and nuts.

I hesitate, muttering a weak "Y-you should stop... Santi.." my eyes fixated on it, mouth half open in amazement...

Do you want to see the rest of it?, Santiago continues.

"It's inappropriate, Santi..." I try to reason

Santiago was momentarily doubtful, his expression half expecting me to give him a dressing down. but my nervous posture and staring must have kept him excited and then I see it. Lodged under the waistband, his cock head twitches. Somehow I am just a couple feet away having closed the gap... and he twitches a 2nd time, the third twitch frees his bulbous glistening cock head from its trap and he springs free.

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Stand In Granny Landlady

When I was 20 years old I had a job as a barman in a local village pub called The Mill. It was run by Jim and Jayne and I had been working there for 18 months and had become a trusted member of staff. It was only a small pub so at busy times Jim, Jayne and I managed admirably but as the space behind the bar was limited we had to work as a team to avoid bumping into each other. Jayne was in her late 40’s and I had a secret crush on her……..Jayne and I became very close but that is another...

1 year ago
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How do I summon you furry porn addicts? Do I just shake a bag of dog treats and wait for you to come running like the good boys and girls you are? I’ll be real. I’m not a fur-costume-wearing cuck who goes to parties and gets blown in the ass by some sweaty dude calling himself the Eldritch Fox or some shit. But I get why you horny bastards do it. You can have all of the kinky sex you want without it being ruined by some slut seeing your acne-riddled face or tiny dick. Nobody gives a shit who’s...

Free Sex Games
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The Princess of Symbiosis

Even calling it face-to-face isn’t quite appropriate. What we would call a face was a dark mass of skin, tendrils, and something that vaguely looked like ears. Every screen and television in the world was trained on these creatures, and no one really knew what they were looking at. Star Wars, District 9, and Avatar had ill-prepared humanity to confront the fact that aliens couldn’t have two eyes and a mouth. Surprisingly, these aliens were not that far ahead of our 22nd century technology....

3 years ago
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LegaciesChapter 8 Planning and Implementation

The Doctor latched on to me as I finished breakfast and guided me into her office. Her first question, with a smile on her face, was, "Are you trying to turn my home into a whore house"? In reply I answered, "Not unless you consider me a male whore and you prefer to be referred to as Madam". She ignored my comment and continued by reporting on the flurry of activity by the young females for appointments with a gynecologist after they revealed my requirements for them to become sexually...

2 years ago
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Got my first

Had a little extra cash and alot of free time today so I decided to get a a massage. My search took about and hour, I basically googled happy ending a bunch of times called up a number and decided from the sketchy answer and vague answer to my inquiry that I had found the right place.Turns out my instinct was right. I was greeted outside the surprising small"parlor" it was basically a small studio/office space (around 350 sq/ft was my best guess) and looked over suspiciously by an middle aged...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Kid Seduces Me

Hi this is my first story to this site. Forgive my mistakes if any. My name is Latha. I live near Cochin in Kerala. I choose not to disclose my exact place. I am 42 years old and am happily married to Mukesh. We have one daughter Kavya who is doing her Engineering in Calicut. She went to Calicut last year and is staying in a hostel. My husband owns a restaurant and he is usually out of home all morning and most times he arrives by 8 in the night back from the restaurant. What I am about to...

1 year ago
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First Time Experience With Pussy

I am writing this account that happened with me. I am Shiv (name changed obviously), I’m 22, 5’8” high, a little on the plump side. My tool is 6.5” long and thick (very thick. combine four fingers of one hand. YES THAT THICK)… My email id is Also, any MILFS and aunties in the Mumbai area can send me an email and we can get together and have a good time. I am really into older women. Your identity, respect, image, and safety is as important as mine, so, utmost care will be taken, needless to...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor Now Sleeps In My Bed Every Night

Hi Guys thanks for the emails you sent me appreciate all the comments from your end. This is my second story which I am penning down just after a warm steamy fuck. Don’t forget to read my previous post ” A hug that turned into a fuck”. Do like share or comment on the same. Coming to the story. I live alone in Chennai and life pretty much gets boring as my daily routine is the same except for the weekends where something different happens. I am a good musician and I love listening to slow music....

2 years ago
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Panties Michael went into the bathroom and had a wee. After sprinkling everywhere except down the toilet, he dried the floor tiles with some toilet roll, mumbling to himself that it "wasn't fair!" When he finished that task he notice that he had managed to get his trousers wet. "Oh no!" he exclaimed. Once again, mumbling a bit louder that "it wasn't fair," he took the trousers off and opened the washing basket so he could throw them in. Then he saw something that drew his...

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The Mystery of MagicChapter 2 A Knotty Problem

Jotan watched the preparations for a few moments and then turned to Bridgette. "Lady B, time for more history and what you call demographics and some even more technical subjects, that I suspect you will have no more understanding of, than I do. It is knowledge, Lady B. It is how things are. You learned things in school -- things you were expected to learn by rote. This is that sort of knowledge. "Time is slippery between our worlds. I told you that a month here would be like two weeks...

2 years ago
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College life spring semester 27

*******************It was four or so when Corey and I returned to campus after our brief tripto his home to grab his camping equipment. We climbed the stairs and foundmy door cracked open. I pushed it open to find Kris, Colt, Jess and Alexin the room. Kris, Colt and Alex had their lip full of dip."How'd it go?" Kris asked us."It went really well," Corey said with us grabbing desk chairs."Matt, before we decide anything, we've decided to check out the otherdorms and see what's available. We were...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock 2323

Elaine watched as Gary refolded the contract and slipped it into his jacket pocket. She shivered. The ink was barely dry. She hadn't had time to say a prayer before it was gone. Gary turned to her and slowly smiled. "I should say something profound, shouldn't I?"Elaine nodded. "Y... Yes.""In a minute." Reaching behind her head, he slid his fingers into her silky hair and said, "I want to kiss you first." Elaine's scalp prickled. Her eyes closed, a shudder running through her body. Gary's grip...

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Knowing What to Do

The summer of my fifteenth birthday I was masturbating regularly. Three sometimes four times in the afternoon after school. All these years later you cannot imagine the total lack of information on sex that was available to a teenager in the mid fifties. There was something you were supposed to do but what it was remained a mystery to me. That summer a friend from high school stayed at our farm for a couple of days. We ran around the fields on the tractor, took long bike rides. But...

2 years ago
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A Band of Brigands Ch 2

I hope you like. Feedback is appreciated. Remember to vote. Chapter 2. “Should we wake him up?” Todd asked. “You didn’t need to say ‘up’.” Billy replied. “What are you talking about?” “You should have said ‘Should we wake him?’, not ‘Should we wake him up?’ Up is an extra word.” “Billy, I swear to God, why do you-” A loud thud and a stream of expletives from upstairs stopped them both as they craned their heads towards the staircase in unison. Billy smiled and began to chuckle a little...

3 years ago
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The Devil In Me

Water ran down her body, mixed with soapy bubbles into the basin below. In the next room, a man lay with the sheets partly covering him, his upper torso glistened with sweat as he slept. The woman massaged the shower gel into her skin to remove the smell of indiscretion. She didn’t shed a tear for what she had done, for there was no remorse to be had.The man stirred at the sound of his phone buzzing. He tried to focus, his energy drained from the last two hours. There was a missed call and...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Maddy O8217Reilly Jenna Sativa Conference Call

Jenna Sativa is on the phone with a client. She’s working from her office at home and is eager to get off the phone. While she explains the pros and cons of branding to her client, Maddy O’Reilly walks down to see her and she looks incredible. Wearing nothing but sexy pink lingerie, she walks up to Jenna and starts massaging her shoulders. Jenna is busy talking to the client but it’s clear that Maddy just wants to have some fun. She starts running her hands-on Jenna’s...

4 years ago
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Hardcore Sex With Physics Tuition Teacher

My Physics ma’am was the perfect example of beauty with brains. Standing at 5 feet and 9 inches, she was quite tall for an Indian woman and had a toned figure which was complimented by her huge breasts and a humongous butt. Her brilliant lectures were attended by all the students and all of us used to wait eagerly to catch a glimpse of her face and her great body. I was delighted when she requested me to come to her house for private classes on 9th July. Apparently, she wanted to improve my...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Assassin Pt 2

We approached a tiny grey one-story building squatting in the trees. It had no windows, only two torches on the wall on either side of an iron-enforced door. The moonlight filtered weakly through the dense overgrowth as I was led across a small clearing and into the maw of the building. Inside was pitch black, and my eyes took a long time to adjust, but before I could fully adjust to the twilight, I torch was brought inside. The warm glow didn’t seem right in such a horrific place. The room was...

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my first gay experiance

My first time with another man was when I was only 16. I had always been shy round girls and still am. One day when I was in town I went in to the toilets and sat down in one of the cubicles and I was in there for a few minutes before I hered someone go into the next cubicle, I did not think much of it and just carried on looking through some of my school work when I looked over to the wall that seperated the 2 of us to see his 9inch cock sticking through a hole. At first I did not know what...

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I got this idea from a caption and picture by Morpheus. It was too irresistible not to write. I WAS A TEENAGE WEREMOM By Eric Part One Lesson in life number 316 or maybe it should be number 1. Don't mess with an angry witch! That's what Joey thought with good reason. Joey Richardson was 15, was tall for his age, but otherwise unremarkable. He was a B student if that helps. His folks thought his grades should be higher but that's a universal constant. He has a Dad,...

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Ann The meeting

When I checked my mailbox on the adult dating site, there was a short message from a woman named Ann. She was 30, living in Cambridge, MA, just across the Charles River from Boston, new to the adult site, and would be interested in chatting. I acknowledging her email, indicated that it was nice to meet her, and asked her about herself, at least whatever information she was willing to share at this early time. She wrote the next day. She was originally from Seattle, was single, worked in...

4 years ago
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The Potters Wheel

Maybe it was just the fact that the attendant was on welcome duty and was known to Rick and was eager for a chat that started the eruption that was going to rattle his rather negative associations with his wife. "How are you Rick?" the attendant asked as he smiled at a couple of people that were entering the lobby. "To be quite honest Frank", he replied. "Lousy". The attendant was a bit taken back for he had always thought Rick was quite content and certainly didn't show any sign of an...

2 years ago
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Person Interrupted

There are unspoken rules that people tend to follow such as shake hands when you meet someone, make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking with, or leave a tip. But what would happen if social norms shifts but only one person were to notice? Who would be affected/unaffected?

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School Reunion

I’ve left our small town right after school and went to NY in an attempt to arrange my life. That ambitious plan worked out, and now I`m an expensive lawyer and have no connection to my past life. When parents decided to jump on a cruise adventure, they asked me to take care of Rich (their French bulldog). I had nothing else to do but take a short vacation and come back home. First time in 10 years! Do you, guys, have any idea of what to do in a place with only 50 thousand population? Beer?...

1 year ago
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He just wanted me to watch

I'm 50yr white, married guy. I like to cruise a parking lot at a hiking trail head that is cruisy from time to time. I get there and drive up to the second parking lot. There are a lot of cars parked, but nobody is sitting in them, all must be real hikers. I park at the end of the dirt parking lot, facing back towards the road and as soon as I park I see a small older white Honda drive up the road, turn down my row, pass me, then back in to the spot right next to me so his driver side is on my...

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Rachel Silkie Denis and Julian in Paris 7

For ten minutes, Silkie shut out the rest of the world, Denis, Rachel, even Julian, to concentrate, eyes closed, as the artist she was, on the sensations in her own body..............she was thirty-eight years old tonight. She had been having sex of one kind or another since she was fifteen.....................so many lovers................she remembered telling Tom, her special lover when she was nineteen, that she thought she might have fucked a hundred men and boys before she was with...

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Perfect Strangers Rendezvous

Part 1I walk in the room with my kids and direct them to stay in the pool for at least ten minutes. "Mommy needs some kid-free time," I say. I see you out of the corner of my eye, sitting in the hot tub, eyes transfixed on my body. I turn my back and remove the shear sarong that engulfs my torso, leaving just a small two-piece bikini to cover my intimate parts. Feeling exposed, I walk to the edge of the hot tub. A small smile escapes the corner of my mouth. "Mind if I join you?" I ask.You...

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My Fucking Stepsister

John’s life had been going very well, until his dad decided to remarry. This brought a new woman and her daughter into his house, two people John saw as a bimbo trophy wife and a huge bitch from his school, though those were kinda unfair. His home really wasn’t big enough for the new people, so he lost a lot of his room space to the daughter, while much of the living space and kitchen were lost to the mother. he decided to just put his head down and finish out the year, so he could go off to...

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Trophy Wife to Cum Sluts 2

The four woman had been fucking there black boyfriends for 5 weeks, all four joked about accommodating very large cock. They all agreed they all needed large cocks to make them feel sexually satisfied. Tuesday’s had evolved into fuck day; the guys would get to one of their houses by 10. The party would start immediately and end promptly by 2:30. This Tuesday the two cars pulled up Barbara looked out the window, “hey girls they have two more guys with them”. All four women were in hi heels...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 17

XVII ‘Thanks, Albert’ Next morning at work I got a call to come and see Brian. As I entered his office I thought he looked worried. ‘No calls,’ he told his secretary, and closed the door firmly. ‘How did it go last night?’ he asked. ‘Fine, I thought,’ I replied guardedly. ‘Everyone had a good time. I gave George plenty of chances to tell us all how successful he is so he should have been happy.’ ‘Mmm,’ said Brian absently. ‘I’ve just got off the phone to him. We had a few bits of business...

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