The NeighborhoodChapter 6 The next generation has some fun
- 3 years ago
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“Got a minute, Brown?” I'd been watching for a chance to catch him without a band of brothas around him all morning. Finally he was in the tool room by himself so I moved in quick.
“Yeah, whaddya want?”
“C'mon, man, no need to be a jerk. You're gettin' what you want. Why not take it a little easier on us."
“Am I?” he looked at me, hard eyed. “Am I getting' what I want?” His look was enough to stop me. “You people think you can just play with me? You been usin' me, and that's what is.”
“Look, Brown, we're not using you,” I protested. “She likes you a lot and wants to get with you, but don't you think you're really making it hard for her?”
“Look Mister Lieutenant, your cunt is home pining away for my dick and you know it. And not that it's any of your business, but she knows exactly how to get lots more of it. All she has to do is say the magic words. Even as dumb as she is, she don't need you to tell her that. So why don't you just fuck off.”
It had been four days since he'd been pile driving my wife into the mattress. The way she was moping around the house all sad since then showed he was probably right. “I'm not trying to speak for her,” I told him. “She doesn't even know I'm saying this to you. I just wanted you to know that I talked with her and I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with what you want. As much as I don't like it, you really make her happy. That's what I want too.”
He smiled. “Well if that's true, give me your car keys and I'll go give yo' bitch what she needs.”
“As much as I wish I could, she's got the car and is up in Louisville today for her first classes.”
“How come I didn't see her droppin' you off this morning?”
“Oh, I guess you were watching then,” I smiled, glad to hear this backhanded admission that he was still interested in her. “I'm riding my bicycle in now. It saves us gas and is getting me in better shape. PT test coming up, don't you know. She'll probably be here once in a while, just not as much as before now that school has started. You'll just have to watch for her. Or you could just call her, since she can't call you.”
It felt good to make him make the next move. It was a small thing, but it still felt like a victory. More important, it would help me determine if he really cared about her or was just messing with us like he was accusing us of messing with him.
“Listen Brown,” I began direct, then softened. “Javon,... maybe we are using you. If we're honest, maybe we're all just using each other. If you really do love her, like she tells me you say you do, don't you think you could be a little nicer to her, to us?”
Careful Javon, I told myself. You played this just right so far. Don't screw it up now. I'd enjoyed every nasty minute of fucking that sweet big eyed girl all weekend long. Feeling her pretty mouth on my dick, her pretty head bobbing up and down between my legs, her curvy little white naked body humping and jiggling all under me, working hard to coax the sperm out of my big nuts—now that was perfect! I was a player!
I oughta be an actor, I imagined, I'm so good at this. Throwing a fit over some little thing or other worked so very well and getting her to submit, even grovel just to satisfy my whims. She couldn't have known her husband was going to kiss her cheek, but what a great way to reinforce her submission to me and to make her doubt him and her marriage.
But was I really as in control of things as I thought I was. Her husband surprised me pushing back, even though it wasn't a very hard shove. I'd have to make the next move. Okay. But to do that, I'd have to know what I really want, so I'd know what to say when I talk to her. A week ago, that would have been no problem. A player would just tell her anything she wanted to hear to get her legs to spread. Leading her on would be a great way to get everything from her, fuck her non-stop, ruin her marriage, knock her up and then dump her—the player's dream. But the more I thought about it, about how I really felt about her, the worse I felt about doing anything like that. What do I really want?
I woke up in the middle of the night from a vivid dream—pretty little Ainsely telling me to get out and don't come back. The pain in my heart by just the thought of that in a dream made me understand I didn't just want to toy with her anymore. How could I let that girl get to me? The thought wouldn't leave me alone. What if she leaves me hanging, wanting her, needing her, but not able to get her? I'd told her I loved her. Why? Because I did. Because I do. I may have been telling her what I thought would open her legs, at least at first, but telling her turned in to me feeling it, to believing it. There was no going back now.
Why do I have to keep acting like some low-life thug with them? It didn't take a genius to figure out that was not how you showed someone you care about them or how you get them to care about you back. So here I am, a young black man conflicted by lust on the one hand and a need to be respected and, yes, truly loved on the other. How ironic that I went into this to sink the hook in her, but she had the hook in me now and didn't even know it. Now what am I gonna do? Maybe her husband is right. Maybe we are all just using each other.
Brenda and I drove back home from Louisville after our Friday classes. I think both of us were looking forward to a little weekend break. Funny, after only two classes, we were already in whiny student mode. “Can you believe that guy in EE 101?” Brenda carped. “And we have to spend a whole semester listening to his BS.”
“I know. I'd drop it if I wasn't in the advanced track, but I have to get this course now as a pre-req for the rest of my curriculum,” I replied trying to keep up my end of the inane conversation, but my mind was elsewhere.
Jack had told me he would be home as soon as he could but that there was a lot going on at work and he didn't know when he would get home, but that Carolyn had invited me down to her place for dinner. That little casually mentioned piece of news put me on high alert. Was Jack setting me up for something? Was Carolyn? I knew Richard would love to get his hands on me and it didn't seem like she was going to slow him down.
I hadn't heard from Javon all week, and despite staying busy with my classes and homework, I was still pretty sad. So I was kind of hoping to be at home in case he called. Carolyn was one of the few friends I had here, and I had to eat anyway, so I decided to chance it and go eat a little something, and then come home early. I know how pathetic that sounds to be sitting there waiting for Javon to call, but I told myself since I was ready to admit to him that I love him, I guessed I could act like it.
Carolyn greeted me with a hug and practically dragged me into the apartment, pushing the door shut behind me. “I'm so glad you came,” she gushed. She led me by the elbow into the kitchen. “Get yourself a drink, baby,” she said, fixing me a plate. Drink and food in hand I followed her into the dining room. Maria, our bosses thirty four year old wife was already at the table, as was an older black man I didn't know. Maria was a short chubby blonde with pixie-ish face and shoulder length hair pulled back in a pony tail. She was also just showing a baby bump. The black man looked to be in his 40s, with a short haircut showing light graying at the temples, and a bit of a belly.
“Sorry we started without you,” Carolyn said taking her place at her partially finished plate. “I didn't know for sure if you were coming, but I'm so glad you did.”
“Me too,” added Maria. “Ainsely, this is Eric, my boyfriend I guess, well, one of my boyfriends anyway.” They all laughed.
I quickly figured out this was not just some coincidental social encounter, so I ate as casually as possible but remained mentally on high alert. Maria was chattering away about Eric and her other men, filling me in on her extramarital history as though we were old friends. I had already heard about her paramours from Jack but was surprised at the detail she shared about her sex life as casually as talking bout the weather. I just listened politely.
“Oh, is Eric your baby's daddy?” Carolyn asked excitedly.
Maria laughed and replied with a side glance at a grinning Eric, “Well, that's certainly possible, but the guys I'm seeing right now were in kind of a race to see who could screw this baby into me, so it's hard to say.” Eric laughed too as he pointed out that Maria was a delightfully promiscuous lady quite skilled at taking care of her men, adding that he was pretty sure his sperm would win the race.
I was almost finished with dinner when the doorbell rang again. Carolyn grinned at Maria as she hopped up to welcome her next guest. “Good. He came!” she said. I gulped, hoping against hope that it wouldn't be Richard. I could just see myself spending the rest of dinner trying to keep his hands out of my lap. When she ushered Javon into the dining room and seated him next to me, my heart couldn't have leaped any higher. I must have looked quite the silly little girl, blushing red.
When he smiled at me with that sexy Eddie-Murphy-like half smile. “Hi Ainsely,” was all he had to say to make me melt.
I smiled shyly and gave him girlish, “Hi.”
Eric and Maria were talking back and forth to no one in particular about how the whole relationship dynamic was changing with the new freedoms womens libbers were enjoying in social relationships and the workplace and the diminishing effects of racism in society with the civil rights movement. They were pretty proud of the fact that their “unusual association” was at the forefront of social change.
“Maria's a beautiful woman with a strong sexual desire, and me and her other black friends are both uniquely able to meet her needs and get our own desires met,” Eric declared. “Capt. Bazzoli loves his wife very much but understands and accepts his wife's needs for sex with black men, a part of her makeup he knew from the days they were first dating in high school. And we're not the only ones riding this new wave. It's getting more and more common. See,” Eric said looking directly at me, “This can work out. It does all the time.”
“I think it's really exciting seeing you two together,” Maria picked up the conversation. “I know new relationships can be so exciting at first, but challenges will come, isn't that right Carolyn?”
“You know things weren't always smooth with Antwan,” Carolyn admitted, “and it really hurt when he left. I'm just thankful Richard showed up when he did,” she smiled.
Maria smiled at us—me and Javon. “Not to butt in, but Carolyn told me you two have been having a little spat. I just want you to know I'm sure you two can work it out, if you'll each give a little.”
“Anybody want dessert?” Carolyn asked cheerily. I just wanted to get out of there, so I shook my head politely
“Why don't we just go for a walk, Ainsely,” Javon said to me. “That is if you all don't mind us leaving,” he added to our hostess. He and I got up together and left, everyone there all smiles, my heart pounding.
“Wow, this sure ain't like the O club,” Mike remarked as the thirtyish girl in a negligee, panties and heels wiggled and jiggled on the carpeted runway built off of the middle of the bar. “When they said the NCO club was getting dancers, I really didn't believe it.”
“Oh yes, my man. We does it up right over here,” Sergeant Richard Curtis laughed as he ordered another round for himself, Mike and me. “You O club types need to loosen up a little.” As usual Mike pulled out his wallet when the waitress came, paying and giving the slightly chubby but scantily dressed girl in her late teens a nice tip, nice enough to coax a big smile out of her. I'd love to see her up there dancing on the bar, I thought, she's got Ainsely's big curvy butt!
“I'll get the next round, Mike,” I told them as we sipped our beers and enjoyed the scenery. I thought I might vaguely know the brunette wiggling her butt in Richards face suggestively, looking hot in her high heels. Hadn't I seen her at the dry cleaners in town? Oh well, I thought, This must pay a lot better. “Thanks for bringing us over, Sergeant Curtis. So how late does this thing go anyway?”
“Why man, gotta get home to your pussy?” Richard teased. That was exactly why I wanted to get home, but wouldn't admit that to him on a bet.
“Not really,” I lied. “It's just I've gotta be at work pretty early tomorrow. Besides, I think she was going over to Carolyn's for dinner anyway since I told her I might be late.”
“Boss night prices end at 9:00, but this place doesn't ever really close. As long as you're with me, we can stay all night! And don't worry we'll get you home before you have to be at work.” They all laughed at my lame excuse.
“See Jack, Curtis isn't such a bad guy,” Mike told me aside. “He's easy enough to get along with, especially since Carolyn's so taken with him.. I can't tell you how much better he is than that asshole Antwan, her first baby's daddy. I'm so glad he dumped her when he got out of the army. I was wondering if I'd be able to stand it much longer if he stayed around.”
“I think I'm learning what you mean,” I quietly admitted to him. “It seems the more into Brown Ainsely gets, the nastier he is to me. I really have tried though. For the moment, the problem seems to be taking care of itself. He's ticked off at her for something so I don't think they're even talking. I hate to see her so sad, but that's probably for the best. I'd hate to wind up like you two with that last guy.”
“I think it's time for something a little more potent, gents,” Richard announced as he ordered a gin and tonic from the giggly waitress standing by.
Mike ordered the same, but I tried to decline. “We've been drinking beer for a couple of hours now. Not so sure switching would be such a good idea.”
“C'mon man, you only live once, and Ainsely ain't home anyway, right?” he nudged Mike. I gave in and ordered a bourbon and water. Richard told the waitress to make them all doubles. Was he trying to get us drunk?
We had a few more drinks before the runway dancers finished up and the dance floor opened. Drinking, smoking and joking we lost track of time until it was late. Knowing that Ainsely must certainly be home, I told Richard we should probably be going soon.
“You know what?” Richard suddenly changed tactics. “As hot as these chicks are, I think you two need to see a nice white chick in action. I bet if we go over to Mike's house we can find a nice willing white girl ready to put out for a black guy, don't you think Mike?” Mike just nodded with this sickly sweet expression on his face.
“I bet you'd love to watch me fuck Mike's pregnant wife up the ass. Wouldn't you Jack? Hell, Mike hasn't even seen that yet!” The very thought had my dick hard as a rock. As badly as I wanted to get home, this was an opportunity not to be missed. I mean, who knows if I'd ever get to see that in the flesh, so to speak.
We settled up the bill, meaning Mike and I split what was still due, and Richard turned the Firebird for Mike's place. As we drove past our apartment, I was glad to see our car parked out front. I mean, I guess that's a good sign, I thought.
Carolyn met us at the door still sexy despite her swelling belly. She was in a baby doll nightie and panties, her hair and makeup a little askew. Mike pecked her on the cheek and Richard took her into his arms. “Whoa, bad dick breath,” Richard teased her as they broke the kiss. Just hearing that, my dick throbbed.
“Yeah, Maria and I just spent an hour licking and sucking Eric's balls. Then we sucked him off. Since we're both already pregnant, he let us share his jizz.”
“You dirty little slut,” Richard laughed. Carolyn punched his muscular arm with a big smile.
“Was Ainsely here?” I couldn't help blurting out.
Carolyn gave me this wicked grin and replied, “Yeah, baby, she was. For dinner. But she left a long time ago.” I sighed with relief. “With Javon,” she finished her sentence, noticing my pained expression. “Didn't you tell him?” she asked Richard.
“Actually the subject never came up,” Richard deadpanned.
“Look Jack, I'm sorry if it seems devious, but I invited her here because Javon wanted to talk to her but didn't want to have to call her. They ate and then they left together. And in case you still haven't figured it out yet, I had Richard keep you boys over at the club so you'd be out of the way. Don't be mad, baby. I was just trying to help. Those two could be good together. They just need to work out this little spat.”
I didn't know what to say, I just looked at her as she continued, “I think that's what you want, now isn't it?”
“Don't worry, babes, he ain't mad,” Richard cut in. “I promised to show them how a white girl gets tailgated, so he ain't going anywhere for a while. I couldn't have replied even if I wanted to after Richard cut me off. He was right, even knowing Ainsely was with Javon and they were “working out their problems” I didn't want to miss the show he promised us.
“You nasty boy,” Carolyn grinned wiggling her butt against Richard's black hand as his other stroked her big belly, full of his baby. feeling it slide down into her panties.
“Pant's off, boys,” Richard directed us. “You might as well be able to get at those little white dicks so you can enjoy the show. Mikey knows all about it, don't you dude?” Mike just nodded as he lowered his pants and briefs. I followed suit as Richard guided a giggling Carolyn onto her hands and knees on the couch. Mike grabbed some lube off of the counter and handed it to Richard.
Just moments later we were treated to the most dick hardening sight a white man can have. Poor Mike had to kneel behind the sofa so he could kiss his wife and look her in the eye as Richard fucked her in the ass. He had me watch from the end of the sofa so I could clearly see the big thick black shaft sink into her, them pump in and out as he sodomized this young wife in earnest.
“Yeah, baby, give it up,” Richard grunted as he leaned over Carolyn's back, stroking her big low hanging belly as he ass fucked her. Mike and Carolyn were kissing passionately, both of them teary eyed. “That's it, boy, kiss her, “Richard needled. “Your wife loves it!”
Self conscious at first, I was uncomfortable with the thought of being watched as I jacked off, but it was soon obvious that no one was paying any attention to me. So I just beat off furiously until I came. Then, after that rush of sexual release, I felt uncomfortable being in the middle of their sex scene. So I zipped up and left.
I walked toward our apartment with my gut in a knot, totally unsure of what I was about to walk into. Our car was still out front, but all the lights were off. They're asleep, I thought, standing out front for several minutes. Then it occurred to me that maybe they're fucking. Do I want to walk in on them? Do I want to wait until Javon comes out? Will I be here all fucking night???
Paralyzed with indecision, I sat on the front step to see what, if anything, happened. I had a long wait.
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IncestI recently wrote down what happened between me and my best friend’s younger sister Shelly, if you have not read this tale Shelly is a very attractive self-proclaimed suicide girl. Shelly is about 5’8” long flame red hair, milky white skin a nice pair of boob’s and a lovely plump little arse, the only thing that stops her from being a model is her love of dressing like a vampire from some old b-movie and her piercings and tattoos. The last time we got together she tied me to her bed and between...
"Hey are you alright?" A tan man yelled to her as he rode up beside her within his car. He had shaggy brown hair, a slight beer belly, a little chubby, muscular, and had bland brown eyes. "I am not sure. Would you mind giving me a ride?" She asked him blandly. "Of course I will, hop in." He said smiling at her and unlocked the door. "Would you care for a drink?" He asked offering her Tequila. He, of course, mixed a rape drug in it before asking for a ride. "Eh, what's the...
Chapter 11 At eight in the morning on a Thursday morning, in February, things changed. Chris, Catherine, and Megan were driven in a black Sedan to the country woods of Seattle. The weather was horrid. Megan was curled against Catherine’s side, watching SpongeBob. Catherine was nodding off, dark circles under her eyes, and her hips were aching. To Catherine, Chris looked like he was just peachy. Under the skin though, she couldn’t be more wrong. He was more stress than he had ever been. To...
All the girls liked him. He was physically attractive, sure, but what really got to them was his mind and his power. He was a professor, young compared to his colleagues, just 30 when he started his new job at my college. It was my first semester too and our mutual newness is what first brought us together. We became instant friends, sharing everything from lunches to our deepest secrets. I discovered he was in an unhappy marriage but could not leave because of his daughter. She was six. The...
F/M, F+/M, cbt, exhibition, modification, size, D/s, B/D, chastity belt, real, consensual, nc, serious, Hardcore F/M, F+/M, cbt, exhibition, modification, size, D/s, B/D, chastity belt, real, consensual, nc, serious, Hardcore Story of Susan and Jake, a FemDom and her willing partner who sometimes thinks he may have bitten off a bit more than he can handle. PART 1 Jake had had a submissive streak for as long as he could remember. He was by no means a "wimp" but dreamed of being...
CINDY’S WORLD By Tallus Cindy Davis was in trouble and she new it. She had been so angry at her mother, the stupid cunt, trying to control her every little movement through life. So when her mom had been preoccupied with her brother Thomas, whipping him in his room with dad’s belt for sassing her, Cindy had simply gone for a long walk. That, she thought, would show her mom. Of course, the belt would probably be used on her when she got home, she knew that well enough. But she could take...
Copyright© 2004 There was a parcel tightly wedged in the mailbox when Bill got home from work. It wasn't all that big, but damn, it was heavy for its size. Priority mail, and insured, too. Very mysterious. He couldn't remember having ordered any merchandise recently. Bubble wrap and plastic peanuts littered the floor under his kitchen table. And there, up on the shelf above the stereo, there it stood. The contents of the package. A statuette. An five-inch tall highly detailed rendering...
________________________________________The Karim s StudioThe morning sun broke out earlier than usual and was cajoling my face rather sharply through our bedroom window. I woke up, preparing myself for another hot & humid day. It was a proper May. My husband, Raj was on the last stretch of his sleep. He really appreciates that part. So, not wanting to disturb him I sneaked out of the room and headed for the toilet. When I am in there, I started brushing my teeth and felt the totally damp...
Any guilt feelings Susan had of cheating on her husband were soon forgotten as she and Dan settled into a gentle and sensual fucking rhythm. Her bright eyes looked to his as her body met his every thrust. She was anxious for him to make her his, but Dan still wanted to savour this most desirable woman. He stopped thrusting and began to kiss his way down her body. She urged him to return, but he continued lower. Then realizing his destination widened her pose for him. Dan settled between her...
Hi I am Baba I am a fan of Indian sex stories. If any lady age above 35 want to have sex or want to connect with me please kindly contact me Thank you so much for your response. You people liked my story. So I am going to tell you what happened next. Hi guys…Here I come back with my 2nd incidence happened with my mother. As I told you in the last story that I came back to delhi very next day. I did not talk to my mother about what happened that day neither she. After 1 yr it was summer and my...
IncestThe D & D Bimbo Tale Another tale from the dark side of Belle Starr This story was happened to me at The Ye Old Irish Inn with a fellow patron. The names are changed to protect the Innocent. I came into the Ye Old Irish Inn one Sunday to catch the latest ball game and the scores of the games played earlier. The Giants had just kicked off to the Bills and the Bills ran it back for a touchdown. John groaned in despair. John was a die hard fan of two things in life. Giants Football...
Jan Roth thought that her marriage was happy. She had still no clue, after 23 years of marriage to Reuben Roth, that he was not pleased or satisfied with her performance. She was just too vanilla for his taste, plain and simple. She only wanted missionary sex- albeit a lot of it. There were other factors as well. Jan was Episcopalian, and a devout one at that, whereas Reuben was Jewish. Jan had been a virgin on her wedding night. Reuben had several girls before her. He had even cheated on her...
Authors note: Normally I wrote this story with Matt as the main character but I wanted to give everybody their own freedom. So I added something small as a first chapter. The Book of Reality went trough a lot of universes, to some it helped but in some cases it generated total caos. In every world there are some who prefers chaos to harmony. Each Master of the book was different sure some of the book inputs were the same or had similar meanings but The Book of Reality granted every input...
Mind ControlIt was sometime around 10:00 p.m. when Lisa woke me, gently shaking my shoulder as she lay beside me still naked.“You hungry sleepy head?” she asked in a soft and gentle voice.“Mmmm…” I murmured and moved down slightly sliding my face from her shoulder onto her right breast taking the nipple straight into my mouth. She smiled and let me suck for a few moments.“You like that, don’t you?”“Mmm…”“Come on – we need some real food, you can have more of these whenever you like from now on.”She pushed...
IncestAfter my morning walk/swim/coffee today I got back to my unit complex and crossed paths with my landlord. We chatted for a few minutes, he thanked me for having him for drinks last night and we both said that we were a little bit hungover this morning but nothing a swim in the ocean couldn’t fix.The last thing he said to me was, “Thanks for… you know.”“Anytime,” I replied as I headed back to my unit.I’m glad he remembered what we did last night, and I’m glad that it might happen again.A few...
Gay MaleIt's the night you've been looking forward to all week; you're finally getting to step into the ring again after some time away from your boxing passion. This break was mostly your girlfriend's fault, as she'd insisted you use some of your prize money to take her on a luxurious vacation. In all honesty, she was a pretty big bitch. Your fame as a boxer brought many women to your doorstep, most of them just after you for your looks and your money. But then again, you're equally shallow on that...
ca fait plusieurs fois que j'ai eu l'occasion de goûter à des bites et là je vais vous raconter mes 3 dernières histoires avec des gars plutôt 1er avec un mec black avec qui j'ai parlé sur, il m'a invité à venir chez lui en sortant du boulot. j'y vais très excité me voilà devant sa porte. il m'ouvre, bel homme plutôt mince, crane rasé. il me propose de m'installer sur son canapé ce que je fais. il s'assoit à côté de moi, on est là, un peu béa... j'entreprends les choses. je...
I felt butterflies in my stomach as I walked and also felt the sensation of my cock receiving more blood and growing slightly in my pants. I shivered due to the winters icy wind as I turned onto the pathway. As I did so I casually looked around and was relieved to see no one was about, and continued down the path to the appointment that I had been fantasising about for the previous few weeks. To be in a situation where it was not me who had to make the decision, or be relied on, or take the...
Betty came in then. She was wearing a skirt now, and was stripped to the waist showing her new tattoo. Fatima did not seem to notice, and Mary told Betty to cover herself up. “Oh, we don’t have any secrets here. It’s a wonder that Fatima is covered up; Mr Faisal usually has her stripped when he operates. He says it relaxes him.” With that Betty leant forward and undid the straps of Fatima’s uniform. It dropped to the ground, leaving her naked. Mary’s eyes were drawn to Fatima’s slim body....
I was lightly dozing in the warmth of the glassed-in patio at the Shady Rest nursing home when I felt the light touch of my favorite female attendant and smelled her exotic perfume. My eyes and ears don’t work as well used to, but my nose is still pretty good for an octogenarian. She knows me well so in a rather loud voice she said “Panty, your grandson is here for a visit.” OK, short pause to explain why a 19 year-old, cute little female is addressing me as “Panty.” I’m a former Navy fighter...
I no sooner returned to the kitchen and Marty and Donny arrived, very shortly after Louise and Bobby showed up. Almost at once we were eating and laughing as we all seemed to have something stupid to say. Louise said something about Bobby getting tangled in the sheet and it seemed so funny to her that she could barely explain. Marty said, “I would like to have seen that?” From there we got into a discussion of watching porn. “What I want to see,” Louise said, “Is a real sex show, not...
I was 17 and my boyfriend John and I were able to get fake i.d.s through the mail. The first adult movie we saw was DEEPTHROAT and from that moment on all he could think about was getting all of his 11.5 inches (More than Peter North! He could only get about 8 inches in my pussy and less in my ass) down my throat!I loved to suck cock and sucked him off just about every day for the last 3 years, even swallowing his cum when he didn't plaster my face with it. But the idea just didn't seem...
Y2K by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Fear is an ugly thing. Conquering it is joy Everyone said that the Y2K problem would manifest itself in unexpected ways. Food shortages, no electricity, airplanes falling out of the sky, or gasoline shortages for example. Myself, I was sure that not much would happen. So many people had worked for years to make sure that everything went on as usual that it seemed inconceivable for so many problems to exist. Yet the...
I was seriously pissed off. My boyfriend had stood me up again, off with his pig-ignorant mates. He'd only texted me when I was in the shopping centre making my way to the multiplex. Well, fuck him, I thought. I went outside to smoke a ciggie, before I'd make my way home, maybe stop in at the club on the way for a game of pool and a cider. I sparked up, pulling my long black coat tight around me. My long purple hair was blowing in the wind, and I could feel the biting wind against my stockinged...
Straight SexNo rest for the wicked, Nick picked up where he left off. "We soon entered uncharted territory for me, ever deeper into jungle. To my surprise, men's presence proved sparse. More surprising, the small communities we did find shared a similar language with Teplick's tribe with all the clicks and pops. Sam found this to be unchallenging, learning the slight differences, like different patois, easily. But his usefulness as a translator, and his improvement as a negotiator kept him from...
We had been friends for over 20 years, and many times in that period we would do things together, as couples never knowing what more might happen.They had come over that evening, intending on just a visit with good friends. The wine was poured and we all enjoyed ourselves. Sometime in the evening we started to notice Rebecca getting quite giggly, mind you this was not normal for her. Normally she could hold her liquor like the rest of us, but for some reason not tonight. As the night progressed...
Hi Friends, mera naam Amit hai. I m 22 year old handsome guy studying engineering in last year at pune.Till 21 i never experienced sex because i didnt have girlfriend. I was bit shy guy, Aur mere maximum dost jinke pass girlfriend thi mujhe hamesha unke sex life ke baare me bata the, aur unki baate sunkar mein hamesha excite ho jaata tha. Aur mujhe bhi chodne ka bada mann karta tha lekin uske liye ladki ko patana bahot zaroori tha. Hamari class ki bahot saari ladkiya mujhe line deti thi lekin...
The girl next door had inspired my fantasy life for quite a while. When I took her for a ride, I wasn't prepared for what she provided in return. As I sat in my car, I watched Dad unlock his front door, enter the house, turn and wave goodbye, and close the door behind him. We’d just done some shopping; now he was going to put his groceries away and I was headed for the Athletic Club for a workout. Since he doesn’t drive anymore he depends on me and his friends to take him around.I...
First TimeHellow all da readerz I am writin a story 4 da first time hea I hope u wil like ma story.Ma name is Fahad n Live in Lahore.let me first tel u abt ma self I am 6.4″ tall n wid fair colour wear Cool glasses n 18 yearz of age.wid straght hairz n rough style cutin my juniour is 7″ in length. My story begain here when I visited ma home town Multan I went there on dis Eid .Me n ma family celebrate Eid there coz al our relativer live there wel let me now proced in Urdu jub mai Eid pay multan pohanch...
TUESDAY 8:30 A. M. News Stand, Chicago, IL As Mike went over the list of Greenly's contacts a picture began to emerge of a virus like network that seemed to have Chicago and Illinois locked in a never ending cycle of 'favors' like some kind of underground currency. As he considered this 'snapshot' and the futility of trying to chase down each of the members. An idea burst full blown into his head. The 'grin' then made it's reappearance with a vengeance and there wasn't one nice, or...
Jimmy Laughlin was a just regular kind of guy. There was nothing really remarkable about him. At six foot tall and 165 pounds with sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes he was good looking, but nothing spectacular. He wasn’t rich by any means – he worked hard to make a living. Jimmy was a ‘picker’, a person that goes from one swap meet, yard sale, or rummage sale to another buying things that he thought he could fix up, clean up, and resell for a profit. He was mechanically-inclined and pretty good...
We have just begun spending the early hours of a beautiful late summer day sampling the wares of several Virginia wine makers at the latest wine festival. It has been several years since we attended one and had to enjoy one more before you wander off to newer lands. Light, wispy white clouds race across the azure blue sky to the west. The warm breezes enticingly caress us as the rays of the warming sun shine down on us while it slowly rises higher in the early morning sky to the east. We drove...