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Y2K by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Fear is an ugly thing. Conquering it is joy Everyone said that the Y2K problem would manifest itself in unexpected ways. Food shortages, no electricity, airplanes falling out of the sky, or gasoline shortages for example. Myself, I was sure that not much would happen. So many people had worked for years to make sure that everything went on as usual that it seemed inconceivable for so many problems to exist. Yet the doomsayers were warning about anything that had any connection to any kind of computer at all. Like the television. Some of these folks fell right off the truck as far as I was concerned. What impact would not watching a sitcom have on my life? Trucks that deliver food stuffs will still run, with or without the GPS satellite working. Y2K is a problem sure, but not in the scope so many pundits are warning about. In some cases it could be very bad I agree. But how bad could it get? I found out later. My name is Janet Lynn. I'm 18 now. I used to be Jeff, before the bug hit. Right after the new year started, I began to get things addressed to Janet. My parents and I didn't know who Janet was, so we all ignored things, until my bank statement arrived. The name on the top was Janet L. Grant, with my account number. Right away mom and I went to the bank to correct the problem, and that's when we discovered that I didn't exist! At least as Jeff. A kind manager sat with us as he searched all sorts of places for any reference to Jeff, and came up with nothing but Janet! Even my birth records had been changed! Now what? Mom and I went home to try and make some sense of things. At the time all of this happened, I was 16, and still in school. Certainly I would be listed correctly there! Mom called the school to see if my records had been changed there as well. Several years ago the entire school system had converted to a computer system to save space, and now, no actual paper records existed of any of my early school years. On the computer however, Janet had started school when I did, then progressed in every class or teacher I ever had. After a brief search of his records, the Principal told mom that there was no Jeff. "We have a Janet listed, but some of the courses she's been taking are for boys, so I'll change that right now." Mom protested that I was in fact a male and could prove it, but he was an entrenched bureaucrat, and not even the slightest bit concerned. "It says Janet, female, not Jeff, male. I will make the class changes today, and I will remind you that we have a dress code here. Even if what you say is true, Janet must conform to the dress code or she will fail, even if a mistake has been made. We will correct it at the proper time if need be." When mom protested a bit, he became stubborn in his attitude and insisted that as far as he was concerned, I was a female! When Mom told me what he had said, I was stunned! Our dress code requires that the girls wear a green and white plaid, pleated skirt with a tan blouse or sweater, or a tan skirt with a dark green jacket and white blouse! When mom started to giggle, I got real nervous. "You might even look real pretty as a girl Jeff, if we get you all fixed up that is. I can picture you now." I was having a somewhat harder time picturing myself as a girl, but I had the sinking feeling that I was about to find out. I'm in the top 3 percent of the class, and I'm looking forward to becoming a physician some day. I could only imagine what would happen when I walked into the school dressed as a girl. Any popularity that I had would disappear like smoke on a windy day, and any friends I had before might desert me as if I had some weird disease. Then there was my dad to consider. He would be less than understanding about this, which is a polite way to say he'll come unglued. That night, when he found, out he swore he would change it, but the next day, after he talked to a school administrator, he admitted defeat. Not easily, but finally. Not one person connected with the school system made any effort to change what the computer said, insisting that no mistake could have been made so far back in the archived files. Then they even suggested that what we were trying to do was make fools out of them under the pretense of a Y2K bug! "Once they heard what your Principal had said they all grouped behind him and stood firm Jeff." He looked at me with a sadness in his eyes as he told me that if I wanted to finish school, I would have to do it as a girl, at least until he could straighten things out. That's when I knew I would find out what I looked like dressed as a girl. Mom, much to my surprise, became very animated as she started talking about what I would need; things like panties and bras, waist nippers and padded pantybriefs, skirts and shoes and dresses. Also makeup and hair care items, maybe even a perm! Y2K, no problem I thought. The geeks have figured it out my butt! "Since it seems we have no choice Jeffrey, come with me and I'll get some measurements. That way the clothes I buy will fit you better. After we have you dressed we'll see about styling your hair and get you the right makeup." I looked at dad, hoping for some kind of relief. All he did was shrug his shoulders and ask me if I wanted to be a doctor. "Yes, of course!" "Then you don't have any choice but to attend school as a girl and hope we can straighten this out later. I'm sorry son, but we couldn't change things at the school, the bank, or anywhere else. You, we, are stuck with it. If you want to finish school, it looks like it will be as a girl." Great. I looked at mom, who wagged her finger at me. "Come on Janet, we have a few things to do." All at once I remembered my drivers license and quickly opened my wallet. Sure enough, Jeffrey Grant, male, age 16! It was all right there! I showed my folks, then mom reminded me that my birthday was coming up, and I would have to renew my license. "Maybe we can see what they say during the week, but for now, come with me." Embarrassing is what it was. Mom had me strip to my briefs, then, after she had what she said she needed, I got dressed again. "In the morning we'll get you all dressed up Janet. Don't go anywhere." "I can hardly wait mom." "Me either." Obviously my sarcasm was ignored. I watched as she left the room, headed for the mall. I rejoined dad and watched some television. "Dad, since this is only for school, I can be myself when I'm home can't I?" "Of course. But I doubt if you'll be able to very often. What with homework, and of course taking care of your body and maybe with the perm your mom mentioned, it might be easier to just stay dressed as a girl all of the time. I'm not sure. We'll see." The more I thought about it, the more I sank into the chair. Why me? a constant refrain in my mind. When mom got home she had bundles of clothes and things that she had me carry to my room. One by one she opened the packages, gushing at the soft new bras, "these are the best for you Janet. I hope you like them", to the skirts and blouses, shoes and even a bit of various make up items. "This will remove all of the unwanted body hair you have Janet. If you like, we can save some time and do that tonight so you'll be ready first thing tomorrow. We have a lot to do and not much time." I wasn't exactly willing, but mom sounded so calm that I gave in and she told me that right after dinner she and I would begin. Over dinner it was plain that dad was still pissed at the school, but he had resigned himself to my fate. All of us wanted me to become a doctor, and dropping out of school until we cleared this up would make that virtually impossible. We, all of us were stuck with it, but mostly me. Right after dinner, in the privacy of my bedroom, mom greased me up like a pig, and after a short wait and a shower, I was hairless, and colder than I imagined. My towel dried hair hung around my head like a mop, the ends already curling up against my shoulders. In her one hand, mom had a pair of mint green panties, in the other a light green nightgown. "Might as well start now Janet." Grudgingly, I slipped on the panties, and as I did so I felt an electric shock run up my back, and as I settled the panties on my waist, my weapon went into alert status, ruining any feminine appearance I might have had. The nightgown was equally sexy feeling, and as it swirled around me I wondered how I was ever going to walk in it. The robe was a bare nothing it seemed, almost as sheer as the nightgown, but mom did not seem concerned and told me to join them in the familyroom. Wearing the panties and nightgown was okay, until I started to walk that is. With each step the nylon of the panties rubbed on me, making my weapon go into an even higher state of alert. To hide things, I used my hands to fold the robe around myself, then I followed mom down the stairs. Silence reigned that night as my apparent transformation stood in stark contrast to the norm. Right after breakfast the next morning mom introduced me to the mysteries of women's clothing. Starting with clean panties, then the padded pantybrief, then the pantyhose. The nylon slid up my smooth legs easily, and the waist nipper made my waist smaller by a few inches, but the bra, now that was a miracle of engineering. I fastened the hooks like mom told me, then pulled the straps up on my shoulders as the cups grasped my now swollen flesh and pushed it up, almost filling the bra cups. Looking down I was surprised to see that I had a modest but definite set of boobs! "The bra has some push up pads sewn in Janet. A lot of women who had a short stay by the boob fairy use them. They create the illusion, not the fact." Mom took me in the bath, wet my hair down, and we went into her room where I sat at her vanity. Slowly she added a few rollers, then rubbed in a setting lotion and began to brush out my hair. The makeup was easy it seemed. Just use my fingers to spread it on evenly, then a soft translucent powder over that. Once I brushed away the excess, my skin seemed to be smoother, more?feminine. "For now, while shopping anyway, all you need is some blusher and lipstick. After you're dressed we'll do that." The blouse buttoned up on the wrong side and I fumbled with the buttons a bit, then, came the skirt. It was short, a lot shorter than I imagined, but I had seen girls in school wear them a lot shorter than this. I fastened the button and zipped it up, then tucked in the blouse. As mom suggested, I reached under the skirt to pull the blouse tight, the, the swell of my breasts against the thin material of the blouse made me pause. How many times had I thought about getting into some girls panties? Or bra? I never expected it to be this way! Now that I was almost dressed, mom gave me a pair of short black heels to wear. I stepped into them as she had me join her in her room. Within minutes she had transformed my hair into a very feminine style. With the addition of some barrettes my hair now hung away from my face, the curly ends bouncing on my shoulders, the top curly and fluffy with bangs swept to one side. Mom handed me a brand new lipstick. I opened it and for the first time, colored my lips. The pinkish red gave my lips a pouty look, one that I had admired on other girls. Pink and white clip earrings, a matching necklace, then a bit of perfume on my wrists and neck were added. "You can look now Janet." As I stepped in front of the mirror hung on the door, I got my first glimpse of Janet. Not exactly pretty, but better than some girls I knew! "Take this Janet." My hand took the purse, then, with more than a bit of feeling scared and stupid, I followed mom out to the car. "This can be fun if you let it be Janet. I know that you're not looking forward to being a girl, but since you don't have a choice, don't fight it. Just let it happen." "I'll try mom, but I can only imagine what everyone will say when they see me like this." "A simple explanation will be all you need." I didn't think so, but she was right. I didn't really have a choice, so I did relax. Right up to the moment she parked in front of the salon she used. I walked in behind mom who was greeted warmly. "This is our daughter Janet. She needs everything Jeri. Hair cut and styled, maybe a soft perm, nails, and eyebrow thinning. Can you take her?" Jeri looked at me and smiled. "You're lucky Janet. I had a cancellation and have quite a bit of time free. Come, sit over here." "I'll be back in a few hours Jeri. Janet, you let her help you select a style you like." I nodded my head yes and mom left me in the care of a woman I only knew by name. Once I was in the chair and had the towel around my neck, Jeri handed me some books, and together we selected a hair style. "Why are you dressed as a girl and getting your hair done Janet?" I told her the story, and she said she knew of at least two other boys in the same predicament I was in! "By the time we're done here today you'll be quite beautiful Janet, and with that hair style you selected you'll be sexy as hell!" That wasn't the plan, but if I had to dress as a girl, I thought I might as well look nice, and be sexy too! Jeri washed, cut, and set my hair in rollers, then, while I waited under the dryer, another woman, Margie, came over to do my nails. She took one look and shook her head as she started in on me. Soaking, then filing, she told me what she wanted to do, and I agreed to everything. What did I know? My nails ended up a quarter of and inch longer than my fingers, filed to a rounded end and painted a soft red. Then, back in Jeri's chair, my eyebrows were plucked. As the hairs piled up in my lap I began to wonder if I would have any left when she was done! Then the rollers came out, and with a few deft strokes of a brush she was done. My once long hair was now just below my earlobes, curly all over with bangs that flipped down like a spring, short enough to show my newly denuded eyebrows clearly. "Just one more thing Janet." My earrings were removed, and with a quick pop I had plastic inserts in each earlobe, a gold stud shiny and new in each one. All traces of Jeff were now gone. In the mirror was a girl that could have been my sister, but wasn't. The few bits of hair she had cut of had actually made me look more feminine! Mom had not returned, so I sat waiting, as a familiar face walked by. Clearly a boy in a dress, I caught her eye. It was Stephen! She did not recognize me, and with her head down, sat across from me. "Stephanie?" She looked up at me, clearly shaken that someone had recognized her. "I'm Janet Grant." All at once her eyes widened, and I nodded my head yes. She now knew she wasn't alone in this travesty of confused identities. Stephanie is a big girl, well over six foot, 200 pounds at least. At one time she was on the football team. Now, well, I'm not sure how that will work out. Mom came in and walked right past me, then spun around. "Janet! You look spectacular!" "Thanks mom." She paid the bill, and on the way out I told Stephanie to call me. "You know that girl dear?" "Mom, that girl is our running back on the football team!" "Well, she is a big girl." "Mom! Stephanie is like me! She used to be a boy! She must have been caught in this name thing just like me." "Poor girl." "What about poor Jeff?" I thought to myself, but mom paid no attention to me, driving to the shop that catered to the girls that needed uniforms, like me. In just an hour I had three of the green and white skirts, one tan, and a dark green jacket. From there we went to Sares, where mom bought three dresses, a suit, six blouses. Three white, one pink, one tan, and one green, and three more skirts. From there I had my makeup done by a pro, buying a lot of what she used, then at the shoe store, heels in white and tan, and flats in black, tan and white. Loaded down, we dragged it all to the car and went home. By the time I had everything put away dad came home. His first sight of me left him speechless as I stood in front of him. From my newly styled hair to my nails and down over my small but firm breasts to a slightly flaring skirt and then down my long, shapely legs and back again, his eyes never left me. His mouth opened, then shut as he tried to find the right words. "Damn!" "I told both of you that Janet would be quite pretty, and I was right!" Mom and I set the table, then, just as dinner was ready, my Grandparents showed up! "We heard what happened and came over to offer our?" My Grandmother saw me as I stepped out of the kitchen and went silent all at once. "Mother, this is Janet Lynn." I stood next to mom with my knees together like she had told me, my hands in front of me, demurely folded together. "Okay, no jokes Mary. Who is this, really." "I told you mother, this is our daughter Janet." Grandma walked up close to me before she finally accepted the fact that it was me. "Damn!" "She does seem to have that effect on people mother." My Grandfather said nothing, clearly upset to see me this way, but he knew why, and said nothing. Dinner was pleasant but strained as I tried my very best to act the girl I looked like. They stayed until late, then, when I went to bed, I knew that the next day promised to be very interesting. It would be my first day as Janet, at the school, with all of my friends. In the morning I very carefully put my makeup on like the pro had shown me, then brushed out my hair, which almost fell into place on it's own. I wore a pink panties and bra set, and all of the rest, with a green and white skirt, white blouse and the jacket. On my dresser sat a bottle of new perfume. Mom said I should get used to wearing it, so I added a dab on each wrist and my neck, then the pink lipstick. My books were in a soft green bag, which went on one shoulder as my purse went on the other. Believe me, it was a very long five block walk. I went in and sat in my regular seat even as all eyes turned to me. Before I could say anything, the teacher came in and got everyone's attention. "As you may have noticed, we have a new student here today. Her name is Janet Grant, and yes, she used to be Jeff Grant." I wanted to sink into the floor when he said that! "Due to the Y2K bug, all of her records and those of some of the other students were changed, some as far back as when they first started school. Due to the dress code we have here, these unfortunate few, because of some intransigent managers in the school system, have had no choice but to begin attending school as girls. Because this is out of their control, we will not tolerate any abuse of any kind on these students. Janet has made every attempt to fit in, and she has succeeded quite well. I expect all of you to treat her as if she has always been here, as a girl. Any questions?" Mike stood up. "Why not just let them be themselves? After all it's just a name." "Because of the dress code. You all know how?sincere Mr. White is about that. No amount of persuasion has managed to budge him Mike, and many of us on the staff have tried. In the meantime, can you accept Janet, just as she is, for the female she appears to be?" From the back came a voice?"Hell! I'd ask her out if I didn't know!" "Ask her anyway!" someone else said. The teacher's remark made everyone went silent, and I was sure that it was going to be a long, lonely year for me. Nobody giggled, especially me. For the first few hours it was like that. The girls accepted me better than the boys, which, Valerie told me, "It's because you look so good! Hell, you're prettier than more than a few of the girls here. If you looked like a clown then they could accept it better because they wouldn't be so attracted to you." That's when I realized why the boys were staying away. Stephanie was clearly out of place and looked it. No matter how hard she tried she was still Steve, our running back. She wore the skirt and so on, had her hair brushed out nicely, but she wasn't at all feminine in any way. But one of the other boys who had been caught up in the Y2K bug disaster shocked everyone right to the core. Greg showed up at school as a girl, and was a knockout! She called herself Gretchen. She wore her blouse unbuttoned one to far down, and her very real cleavage could clearly be seen! When I had a chance to talk to her alone, she told me she thought she one of the lucky ones. "I've been taking my mom's estrogen tablets for a long time now Janet. I always wore baggy clothes to hide my figure, but I have a natural 36B/24/36 figure without any padding. As soon as I graduated I was going to change my name anyway, now I don't have to!" Gretchen was smiling widely, and now I knew why. She had always wanted to be a girl, and managed to gain the figure, and now, the legality that said she was one! For the rest of the week nobody said anything about how I was dressed, but I caught more than a few of the boys staring at me, and Valerie, Beth, and Kelly took me under their wing so to speak. "Gretchen has it all and is absolutely beautiful. You're very pretty and are at least trying to fit in as a girl. Poor Stephanie though, she just can't seem to make it work for her." Kelly touched my hand and told me to relax and enjoy it. "I'm trying Kelly, but this isn't the real me!" Valerie held up a paper and showed me the headlines. "Men all over the country are now classified as women!" it screamed. From an elderly man that was denied payment on a Prostate test because women don't have a prostate gland, to normal every day men with families to several schools filled with boys that now had girls names and ID. In a few cases, like ours, the boys were made to dress as girls. The paper ranted on about it, the Governor demanded to know why, but in the end, I was still wearing a skirt every day. The Governors only response was that where possible, men that had their names changed should continue on as if nothing had happened. The insurance companies agreed to work to make sure nobody was without good health care. Me, I really hate to say this, but I was getting used to wearing a skirt every day. I would never admit that of course, but I was able to get ready in a third the time of that first day. On Friday night, after dinner, Gretchen came over to see me. She was wearing a pink shell top and white shorts, and clearly, had no bra on! She and I went into Dad's office and closed the door. "I have a lot of the pills if you want some Janet. Believe me, if this goes on for very long, you'll find yourself wanting to wear clothes that are more?feminine, and sexy. What if someone asks you out? Janet, it's going to be very hard to go back to being a boy when and if this is all corrected. Myself I don't plan to change back, but you?might try. I just wanted to tell you I have them if you decide to take them." I was shocked that she thought I might want to take medication to make me more feminine! Then she detailed what the pills would do for me. "Smooth hairless skin that is softer, hips and boobs of your own, which means no more padding by the way, and you get smaller, here." Getting smaller "Here", wasn't in the plan, at least my plan! "I'll think about it Gretchen. Thanks anyway." "Who was that dear? She's very pretty." "That was Gretchen, formerly Greg." "That was a boy! But she wasn't wearing a bra and she had? I mean?" "She's been taking medication for a long time now mom. Until this name thing happened she always wore baggy clothes to hide the fact that she had a knockout figure. Now, well, you saw her." Dad let his eyes go back to normal, but mom had a funny look on her face. "What kind of medication did she take Janet? "Estrogen. It's a female hormone that stops the male body from making testosterone and anyone taking it will develop like a girl. She offered me some." "What did you say!?" "I said no dad. But she did make a good point. If this goes on for a long time it'll always be harder for me to fit in, unless I took the pills and developed like she did." That left both of my parents silent, dad because he was surprised that I had even thought that Gretchen had a good point, mom because?well, because she was getting used to the idea of having a daughter, and, I thought, might not be against it. On Monday Stephanie showed up at school as Steve, and was promptly expelled, but he knew he would be. "I'm transferring to another school Janet. My parents have gone along with this nonsense, but you've seen me. I look like a small car in a dress, and I'm tired of the staring and so on. See Ya later." What could I say? Take me with you? Because of his athletic ability a lot of schools would work around the name thing. Me, I was stuck, and Gretchen was going to keep dressing as a girl no matter what. I was depressed, not at what had become of me, but because Steve had said no and was able to simply transfer to another school. In the girls restroom I looked in the mirror, and saw a somewhat pretty teenage girl. She has an oval face with almond shaped eyes, a cupids bow mouth traced in red, and well styled hair. She looked about as feminine as possible for a girl my age to be. With a sigh I went to class. Two days later a classmate asked me out for that Friday night! Vincent was a popular student, smart and easy going, never without a date if he wanted one. I was so shocked that I was unable to say anything when he asked me. "Let me know later Janet, I'm late for class now." He ran down the hall, leaving me groping for an answer to the question, 'why me'? Of course, keeping a secret in a high school is virtually impossible. It seemed to me that by the end of my next class, all of the girls knew that Vince had asked me out, and of course, the central question was, would I go? How did I know? I had never been asked out before! Vince and I would have to talk before I even considered going anywhere with him, or any other boy on a 'date'. "He's a nice guy Janet, I doubt if it was a dare like when Fred asked Gretchen out." Valerie was emphatic about it. "Yes, but Fred and Gretchen are a couple now Valerie, some dare!" "Maybe you don't know this" I said, "but Gretchen has a lot to offer Fred, almost as much as you do as a matter of fact!" Both of them harrumphed a few times and looked at me. I smiled and said, "All he'll get from me is a handful of foam rubber!" "Not really Janet. You have some breast development, and besides, most of us don't go any farther than that anyway!" Just how did she know that? It was true though. Wearing a Pushemup bra every day had formed my small breasts in a way that made it seem that I had something to offer. I didn't think anyone knew but mom and I! In the end, I agreed to the date. He was polite, even as my father sat and watched him put his arm around me and pull me closer to him. He took me to the show, then later, to get something to eat. I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or elated, but he never tried to kiss me all night. I lay in bed that night and wondered where all of this would end. Here I was, safe in my own bed after a date with a boy, one that was polite, good looking, popular and smart. 'He didn't try to kiss me' ran through my mind until I fell asleep. Why was that? In the morning mom asked me how my date went; all I could say was fine. "He is a very handsome boy Janet. You make a nice looking couple." "Mom!" "Don't mom me! You know I'm right!" She was, but I was having a hard enough time accepting the fact that I had been forced to dress as a girl, then to have Vincent ask me out only confirmed a nagging suspicion that Gretchen might have been right. Once you've been a girl for a while, it's hard to think of yourself any other way. Dad did not mention my going out at all. Almost a month went by and all seemed normal. Nobody made a big deal out of Vincent asking me out, but while very friendly in school, he never asked me again. Mom said I needed to have my hair recut and my nails redone, so she and I went on Saturday morning. "You seem to have gotten much better at being a girl Janet." Jeri was trying to be kind, but I did not say anything, and she quickly caught on and let me sit and think. "Gretchen called and asked if you could come over. Why don't you drop me off at home and go see her?" "No pills mom." "Whatever you think best Janet." Gretchen greeted me like a long lost sister, and took me to her bedroom. It was all pink and white, lace and dolls, the scent of her perfume pervading the room. "My folks let me redecorate." "How did they take it when they discovered your?charms?" "Dad sort of went crazy, but mom just accepted it. Now we all get along fine." She opened one of her dresser drawers and pulled out a small box. "I had these made for me last year, but just as I got them I blossomed out." Gretchen opened the box, and inside sat a pair of perfectly formed breastforms, and a hairy looking triangular panty. "The breastforms attach with adhesive and you can wear them for up to a month before you have to take them off and let your skin breath. This other thing," She held it up, "well, you can see what it is. Once you have it on you'll look like a female and have to sit to pee." I took it and held it out, staring at it. "I have a newer one, so I thought that you might want to use this one. It will definitely make you look like a girl in all situations Janet." All at once I wanted to try them on, which Gretchen must have known. "Go ahead. I'll help you." Half an hour later I was standing in front of the mirror looking at a girls body! Small but full breasts, and a vagina! I pulled on my panties, seeing with my own eyes that padding was a thing of the past. I finished getting dressed, then Gretchen and I went to the kitchen and grabbed a soda. "Your parents accepted you pretty easy then?" A shake of her head no, then, "Not really. Dad was frantic and wanted me to see a surgeon to have my breasts removed. I finally had to tell them that this is exactly what I wanted, which drove dad crazy. I've been dressing as a girl for years, in secret of course, then when mom started taking estrogen I started swiping her pills. I was 14 at the time, so I missed having a normal puberty for a male. I went through a female puberty instead. By the time I was 15 I had boobs and hips, which wasn't a problem at the time because they were so small. This year everything seemed to pop out, and in a few months I grew to a full B cup with hips to match. That's when I started to wear those ugly baggy clothes. I had to show dad to make him believe it. I stood right here, wearing just panties, before he finally admitted that I was a girl." "I never wore any girls clothes before this Gretchen, never." "Now you like it don't you? You like the attention the boys give you, the way you look, the feel of the clothes and the way you smell don't you?" I did not take long to answer her, yet?"Yes." Her smile lit up her face and she sat back. It was the first time that I had admitted to anyone that I liked being a girl, and it scared me. "You won't tell anyone will you?" Her laugh was light and very feminine. "Of course not! That's for you to do Janet." Gretchen was a lot more than the sexy blond bombshell she looked like. Insightful and wise, she had led me to the trough of truth and let me drink, waiting until I had enough to see clearly. "I heard that most of the computer bugs have been fixed Janet. That's the good news. The bad news is that some of us will forever be listed as females. I hear the government is going to pay for any medical we need to become the females they have us listed as and can't change." The fact that I might be stuck as a female never entered my mind! I thanked her for the things she gave me, then went home to see if I could confirm what she had said. Right on BNN, was the announcement. Anyone who has not been notified, and is currently listed as a female, should report to their doctor to start the transformation if they so choose. I had not gotten any notification, which meant that I would be a female from now on no matter how I dressed! Any hope I ever had of going back to my male self was gone! "You heard." I spun around and saw my parents standing there. I nodded my head yes and started to cry. "Don't cry honey. You're very pretty and have tried very hard to be a daughter we could be proud of. All this means is that it is going to last longer." Mom had her arm around me when suddenly I blurted it out. "You don't understand! I'm not crying because I have to be a girl! I'm crying because now I can be a girl!" Dad recoiled a moment, then sat down facing me. "You want to become a female?!" "I've learned a lot about myself in the last few months dad. A lot." "It doesn't matter how I dress does it? I mean, I won't get stupid or anything, and I still like everything I did before, only now I've added a few things to the list." "A daughter." The words fell from his lips quietly, as if it was a prayer. "Dad, I want to become the best daughter I can. Up to now it's only been play acting. Now it's going to be permanent." He said nothing as he walked away, his footsteps heavy with dismay, and maybe anger. "He accepted it when he had no choice Janet, but he always hoped that it would end some day. Now he knows that it will not. He'll accept this too, just give him a little time." I had to think about something else, so I asked mom if she wanted to see something really neat. In my room I showed her. "I can wear them for a month at a time mom, I can even have sex if I want to!" That made her face go crazy! You know. One eyebrow, a thin slit for a mouth, her nose flaring. "You are not that kind of girl Janet Lynn Grant! Sex is for later! Much later!" I knew that. My mouth got in the way of my common sense again. "I know mom I know! Relax! I just said I could; but what's the big deal anyway? I can't get pregnant!" For the first time in my memory, mom slapped me! "Because I will not have a daughter that is known as "easy", even if she can't get pregnant that's why!" "Wow! Was she on edge! "Okay mom" I said as I rubbed my face, no sex!" "Since it looks like your future has been decided for you, I'll make an appointment with the doctor." She walked to the door, then spun around to face me. I was standing there naked as she smiled at me. At least you'll look like a female until the time comes!" then she walked out, closing the door behind her. On Sunday Valerie and Kelly showed up. "Have you heard the news yet Janet?" "Yah. I wasn't notified, so that means I'll become a female I guess." Neither of them showed any emotion about my impending chemical and surgical transformation to female, but Kelly, ever the bubbly one, asked me if Gary had called me. "No. Why should he call me?" They traded looks, then with a sigh, sat down. "Girl, you have a lot to learn. Gary has been mooning over you from day one, and when Vincent took you out we all thought that he would find the nerve to call you." "Gary? Gary Benson? Tall, black hair, black eyes? That Gary?" The nodded their heads in a chorus, then told me it was time to learn what it means to be a female. "We'll all get dressed up real sexy and go to Fours, just the three of us, and see how we do." "But I don't have any clothes like th?" "What size are you Janet?" "A ten, why?" "I have just the dress for you. My sister wore it once then got married and left it behind. I still have it!" "But I?I" "Grab your black heels and purse Janet, toss some makeup in a bag and let's go to my house and get you ready for the hunt!" Valerie was a very forceful girl when she wanted to be, and I grinned, then did what she asked. On the way out Valerie told mom I would be staying the night at her house, and mom said surprised me by saying only "okay"! Valerie and I dropped off Kelly at her house, then later, in her bedroom, she showed me the dress. It didn't look like there was enough material to cover me! "This is going to look so sexy on you that I can hardly wait Janet!" All at once she started to strip! Geesh! Now, I knew what girls looked like of course, I looked the same, but seeing Valerie naked had been a dream of mine for a long long time, and no matter how I was dressed I was afraid that a very manly eruption might occur! She paid no attention to me as she stripped naked and stood in front of me, her eyes twinkling and her hands on her hips. I tensed up, ready for a burst in the latex panties, but I felt no reaction at all. The way I was tucked into the panty must have made it impossible, or I had become so used to the idea of my own femininity that seeing Valerie naked did nothing for, or to, me. "Go ahead and strip Janet. I have the complete outfit including bra and panties for you to try on." Now it was my turn to shock her, and quickly undressed. When she saw my breasts she said nothing, but when I stood in front of her naked, showing her I had what seemed to be a vagina, just like she did, she gasped. "Janet! You've got a?" "Like it?" I walked over to the mirror and let my hand glide to the thin triangle of hair and quickly turned around. "It works quite well Valerie, but don't say anything about it, okay?" "Okay Janet." She handed me a pair of high cut black satin panties that had a thin lace insert in the front and I quickly pulled them on. "Can you do night makeup?" "I haven't yet, so I don't know." "I'll show you how. Come sit over here." Doing makeup for night wasn't that hard, I just used brighter colors. After I had my foundation and powder on, I used a bright green eyeshadow with plum and gray over that. Deep black liquid eyeliner, and for the first time, mascara. On my cheeks I used a soft red blusher. I watched Valerie as she did her makeup, which wasn't that different from my own. I slipped the bra on and found that it pushed my boobs up, out, and together, creating a magnificent show of my womanhood. Then came the waist nipper, which was also black. It took my waist down to 23 inches easily, and surprisingly, it was comfortable! As I sat on the bed to pull my pantyhose on Valerie started to get dressed. She was wearing a green satin bra and panty set to match her own dress. When I was ready I pulled the dress over my head and Val zipped it up. It was low cut in front and back, the hem at mid thigh. It had no sleeves, instead a single strap that went from one side, behind my neck and attached to the other side. A cleverly hidden clasp allowed me to adjust it to fit me perfectly. I helped her zip up her dress, then I put a pair of gold and white rhinestone barrettes in my hair to hold it back. In each ear went a matching chandelier earring and around my neck a pendant necklace. I wore no other jewelry because I didn't need it. I slipped into my black patent leather heels and looked in the mirror. "Damn you look sexy and hot Janet!" I had to admit it, I never looked better than right then. I also never felt as feminine. I used bright red lipstick, then added some perfume. Her dress was backless, with a draped front that showed a lot of her assets as it flowed over her hips to end even higher on her legs than my dress did. Just then Kelly walked in. I'm not sure about Valerie, but I felt like I was wearing a potato sack! Kelly, has natural auburn hair, green eyes and fair skin. Her teeth were perfectly straight and she had a figure most girls would kill for. She had on a royal blue sequined sheath dress that had a round neck and sheer sleeves. Talk about a fit! Wow! Kelly had long legs, and this dress showed them off, the hem as short as Valerie's. "Ready?" "I'm wondering if you and I should just go to the Burger Barn Val." "Looking at her I would say that you're probably right Janet!" "Quit that you two! You both look sexy as hell! This is going to be a great Y2K party! "Y2K party?" I asked. "Sure. Yours 2 Kiss. Y2K. Didn't Valerie tell you?" "She must have forgot to tell me Kelly!" Valerie looked sheepishly at me, a grin slowly growing on her face. "Okay! Okay, so I forgot. "Anything else I should know that you "forgot" to tell me?" With a grin Kelly said, "Gary said he'll be there." That was it. They had set me up! But I wasn't as mad as I thought I might be, and smiled, deciding to become the girl I looked like. "Then we shouldn't keep him waiting should we?" The club was quiet, darkly lighted with only the muted tones of the other diners and the clink of dishes to offset the clicking of our heels as we walked in and were escorted to our table. I noticed that Yours 2 Kiss signs were hanging all over, announcing the theme of the night. I also saw that the table had been reserved, which meant that this was planned well in advance of my finding out about it. Once we were seated, Gary, Vincent, and Ken came to our table. Vincent sat next to Kelly, then Ken, Valerie's long time boyfriend next to her, and Gary next to me. "I think it's time that Janet realizes just how much we all like her, just the way she is." Vincent took my hand in his while Gary took my other hand. "We all know that this wasn't your doing Janet, but you haven't really changed that much. Other than the clothes, you're still the person we all liked before this happened to you. You look better than a lot of the girls in school, and you know it, but that has never been an issue with you. We want you to run for class President for next year Janet. You represent all of us better than anyone we could think of." "Me? Run for class President? Why me?" "Because you have found a way to cope with an extraordinary event that was out of your control, and still be yourself. If you can do that, under those kind of stresses, think what you can do with the other issues in the school!" Gary spoke so forcefully that Vincent put his hand on his arm. "Think about it Janet." What could I say except, "Okay. I'll think about it. During dinner Gary was attentive, something that was hard not to react to. He has a wonderful smile that always made me smile back, something I never realized before, and his easy going manner and innate shyness seemed to melt away whenever we talked. I didn't even notice that everyone else had left to dance because I was listening to him. His voice had an effect on me that was almost as electric as his touch. I never felt this way before, about anyone, and was totally lost. His hand sneaked around me and pulled me closer, then his lips gently touched mine and it was like a volcano went off inside of me. A tidal wave of sensations flooded my body all at one, making me shiver. It was the first time a male other than a family member had kissed me, and even then, never on the lips. I was tempted to let that tidal wave carry me further along that path, but common sense kicked in and I pulled away. "Janet, how can I say this. You make me feel good. Every time I look at you I start to get queasy inside. I know all about you but that somehow doesn't seem to matter. All that matters to me is how you make me feel." I knew how hard that was for him to say, and he meant it, every word of it. It was all over his face, especially in his eyes. I wanted to say something, but found myself tongue tied, unable to speak. Gary kissed me again, this time a bit longer. In defense, I said, "I have to use the can Gary. I'll be right back." I used the time to compose myself. I had been dressing as a girl for five months, so I suppose it was okay to feel like a girl now, but? "I'm going to be a female sooner or later anyway, so why not enjoy it?" Those words bounced around inside of my head as I tried to make sense of the way I felt at that moment. I thought about that shy smile of his, those puppy dog eyes, and his quiet, gentle way, and decided that yes, I can enjoy being a girl. I like Gary, and if he likes me, then what's the problem? I touched up my lipstick and walked straight back to the table, determined to be the girl he wanted me to be. As I went to sit down, I announced "I have decided to run for President, but only if Gary is my campaign manager, and the rest of you are the staff." Valerie and Kelly smiled, the inference clear. As my campaign manager Gary and I would have to spend a lot of time together. During the evening I let Gary take me in his arms and hold me tight as we danced together, then, sadly, Valerie and I left for her house, with Kelly following along behind us. The three of us were in Valerie's room, all of us looking at each other. "I have a nightgown that you can use Janet. Let's get changed into our nightgowns and chat a bit." Both of them quickly undressed, while I was a bit shyer about it. I still could not comprehend being in a room with naked girls. "Don't be so shy Janet, we're all girls here." I slipped the dress off, then the rest of my clothes until I had on just the panties. The nightgown was on the bed and I quickly pulled it over my head. "Okay Janet. How was your evening?" It was momentous. I had finally accepted the fact that I was going to become a female. My internal acceptance made everything else about my change seem normal. "It was wonderful. I had a nice time." "That's it? A nice time?" Kelly was sitting cross legged on the floor, Val on her one chair. "Well, maybe a bit more than that." "Right. We both saw the way that Gary acted around you, and the way you reacted to him. Wonderful my left foot! He's in love and you know it!" The dismay I felt when this all started had disappeared tonight and I awoke to the joys of womanhood. Maybe I was always meant to be a female and didn't know it. All I know is that I no longer felt out of place and strange. Now, with Valerie and Kelly pushing me a bit, there was Gary. Every fiber of my being went on alert when he kissed me that first time and I got scared, then ran into the ladies room. Boys don't kiss boys, but he did not see me as a boy. He saw me as a girl, a girl he wanted to be with. But that single kiss made me realize just how much I had come to like being a girl, and everything about it. It was the seal on my internal conflict, finally settling the confusion I had about myself. I was a girl now. "Okay, so it was better than just wonderful, it was heavenly." "And Gary is a good kisser?" "A real lady doesn't explain Valerie, but I'll say this. Yes!" They started smiling and laughing, both at, and with me. On Monday morning our family doctor put me on a regimen of medication to alter how I looked. Gary and I became a couple in school, yet if anyone objected they held it in. Gretchen was ecstatic about Gary and I, her words ringing in my memory. "Believe me, if this goes on for very long you'll find yourself wanting to wear clothes that are more?feminine, and sexy." As it turns out, she was right. I now wanted to be as feminine and sexy as I could be. Dad almost choked when he met Gary for the first time, because it was at that meeting that Gary handed me his class ring, and I took it. Mom understood, but dad, no matter what he said, still held out hope that I would become his son once again. When Gary gave me that ring, dad knew it would never happen, not because it was impossible, but because I would not do it. Two days later all of my old male clothes were packed up and given away. I asked mom if I could redo my bedroom, and got the nod, so I asked Kelly, Gary, Ken, and Valerie to help me. The boys moved the furniture out and we girls started painting. We scrubbed everything clean, floor and all, then we painted the room in a pale blue with white trim. A pale mauve carpet was put in the next day and mom and I hung mauve and white curtains, then a mauve, blue and white bedspread. Dad said nothing about the changes, but I noticed that Ken and Gary spent a lot of time talking to him while we were painting. None of them would tell me what they talked about. Mom did. "Your father wanted to know what Gary's intentions were honey. He's not so old that he missed the way Gary was looking at you." "And how was he looking at me mom?" "Like a boy head over heels in love, that's how." That made me smile, because that confirmed my status better than anything else. During the next few months my body changed dramatically. Because the government was in the dilemma of having so many male to female transitions going on at the same time, the chemists created a series of powerful new hormones for us. The usual wait prior to the Y2K bug had been from six months to a year. Now it was less than half that time depending on a persons own chemistry. Myself, within three months I had breasts that while small, made wearing a breastform redundant. By the end of five months I had a full B cup breast with hips to match, smooth skin, and using electrolyses, no beard. My transition was almost complete now, just in time for summer. During my campaign for class President I used the Y2K shorthand to emphasize myself. My slogan was "Yours 2 Keep", meaning that I was the one they wanted of course. I expected some flak from some of the more stridently anti transformation set, but they were overwhelmed and I was elected for the term to start in the fall. Gary and dad became real close, cutting me out of many of the things that Dad and I used to do together. Mom told me it was because dad and I had less to relate to. I had joined the women, and he had relegated me to them without a thought. Gary and I became very close, and I could not imagine life without him around. Still quiet, he exuded a calm yet powerful sense of command, which I found exciting. It was an unseasonably cold day when I got the word. I told mom, but she and I kept it to ourselves. The day before, we both told dad, expecting a bit of dismay, yet all he did was say "About time." I was checked into the hospital, one of seven other male girls that day. All of us would leave as females. One of the other girls was Gretchen! We talked for a moment before we were taken to our room. It turned out we were room mates! "How is your dad treating you Gretchen?" He was irate when he saw me dressed for the first time, then he quit yelling and admitted that what was done was done. Now he treats me like a queen, no pun intended." She and I talked all that day, until I was given a shot then wheeled into surgery. It was twelve hours later when I returned to full awareness. "It's done?" "It's done Princess." Dad had started to call me Princess about a month ago, it was his way of saying he still loved me. Gary and Valerie visited at the same time, Kelly later in the day. "I heard that Gretchen had some problems in surgery Janet." Mom held my hand as she told me. "Honey, Gretchen died. They said she had a stroke during surgery and died before they could get her back." The one person I knew who wanted to be a female all of her life, and now she was gone! Tears filled my eyes at losing her. She had been a good friend and a solid source of help. I was going to miss her terribly. By the time school started I was as much a female as it was possible for a male to become. As I said, I'm 18 now, and looking forward to the many things life has to offer a woman, and I have my family and friends at my side to enjoy them as well. Gary and I are still together, and while I'm still a virgin, I think the time is drawing closer when Gary and I will consummate our relationship in a more intimate way. Y2K has not been such a bad thing after all, in fact, I think it's wonderful. (fin)

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Smile For The Camera Story 2 AMY

Nine weeks had passed since Spencer had made the audition film with Kate and she had started her 90-day program with the directors of Zander Corporation. He had seen her in the office a couple of times at a distance, but they hadn’t spoken. Once he had considered going to her office just to see how she was doing, but changed his mind deciding that it would be best to avoid her until her Zander contract was completed. He had made twenty or more audition films for Zander since he had been hired,...

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My GirlsChapter 7

I was alarmed. I had not seen Cindi this upset since the big talk weeks ago. I scooted over, wrapped her up in my arms, and kissed her forehead. I could feel her shaking all over. "What's wrong, Cindi? Has someone scared you or hurt you? Did you have a nightmare? Talk to me, sweetie." "Oh, God, Daddy, you are going to hate me so much, I'm such a baby, I tried so hard, I just can't do it, I'm so sorry..." She started crying. "Cindi, stop it dear. Take a deep breath, slow down, and...

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Raping Cousin Kasi

Raping Cousin Kasi My name is Andy. I had just returned home from a tour of duty in the United States Navy. I had left the small town of Newberg four years earlier. At the time I had been and eighteen year old virgin who had never been more that 100 miles from the small country town in which I was born. That had all changed quickly when I was assigned to a ship in the 7th Fleet, forward deployed in the western Pacific. The first liberty port my ship visited was Subic Bay in the...

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Eva Rekindles Her Dislike of ClothesChapter 5

As Eva was coming out of her room to get some coffee on the Friday morning she saw Jade coming out of Jason’s room. “You did say that it was okay didn’t you?” Jade asked Eva. “Of course it is Jade, was it good?” “And how.” They talked as they got the coffee and decided that they were going to a strip club that night. During the day they both did some research and when they got back they compared notes and decided to go to one that was advertising ‘amateur nights’ on Fridays. Both girls...

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USAChapter 40

Uh huh. Sanitary pad ... to stop the bleeding ... I mean ... what else? So I slapped that thing on my chin and right off the bat, I noticed that it was scented. And, for sure, I immediately noticed that the pad might be sanitary but the scent stung! And I mentioned it ... loudly ... Very. “Ouch,” I used some words I wouldn’t want my kids to hear ... like Motherfucker and Ow, God Damn Son of a Bitch and a few others I’d learned from Scottie the engineer when the wrench slipped and he banged...

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MagicChapter 38

Sean reached into one of the dozen pockets of his pants and pulled out a box of bandages. Opening the box, he proceeded to put bandages all over his chest and stomach. Looking down at the patchwork of flesh colored bandages, he said, “I should have gotten the ones with ducks on them.” He put on his bright white tee shirt covering all of the bandages. Thinking about what he was going to have to do a little later, he said, “It is going to hurt taking all of them off.” No one had gone anywhere...

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CuttyChapter 33 A Business Meeting

Donna walked up to Ms. Brendan’s door, cuddled in her new long and warm winter coat. It was part of the new wardrobe she apparently had ordered through the Internet. Donna would have never spent so much money on such an obscene coat; she looked so cheap in it. But most of all, it was the idea of animal fur that was bothering her. For as long as she could remember, Donna had been strongly opposed against the killing of animals for something so senseless as their fur! Regardless, she had to...

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Baby Factory

Baby FactoryDarla jumped for joy at the positive test result. Right there in front of her was the delightful little â+â mark showing that she was finally carrying the little bundle of joy she had been trying for for several years.Bluntly put, Darla was a slut.A prostitute by profession, she humped as many guys as possible, as often as possible, and insisted on no condoms, ever. She had obsessed about pregnancy since going through puberty years before, but nothing ever seemed to work. Now, at...

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My first experience

Back when I was a Junior in High School, my mom got married to a nice gentleman named Ryan. Ryan had a very young son and a daughter named Stephanie who was about 3 years older than I was at the time. Stephanie had just gotten married and her and her husband did not have a place to stay so my mom was nice enough to allow them to stay at our house since we had a finished basement. Nice of my mom however we didn’t realize how fucked up this family was. I had to find out the hard way..My step –...

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Family Road Trip

Recap of previous Story - Went to prison for a year. Got out on parole. Went home to find my Dad got remarried. He is out of the country on business. My new Step Mom is super bodacious. Her two daughters turned out to be real big nymphos. They came home from private school. They put on a naughty fashion show. One thing lead to another and I end up fucking both of them. Also without my knowledge, my new Step Mom was spying on me, when I was asleep. "Good Morning! Sleepy head." said...

3 years ago
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White Slaves of Eban

                                                        Chapter 1                                                      ?The arrival?   Katie nervously gazed out the window as she clinched her husband’s hand. He felt the perspiration on her fingers as the small private jet came to a stop. They heard the door being opened and the sound of the engines cutting off as Katie squeezed his hand tighter with each counting second.  Jeff tried to comfort her. ?It’s alright darling. We’re here now.? ...

1 year ago
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An Afternoon Of Pure Animal Lust

I never told you her name, from my previous story here in xhamster.com, "A Good Friday Fuck To Remember", well her name is Teresa, Tere for short, (names are changed to protect the not so innocent in these true stories) and after that story we became lovers, excellent lovers. I asked her about her beautiful sister, Emma, Em for short, asking about her many many times, after I met her just once at her own restaurant/cafeteria and I know she noticed me because she was constantly looking over our...

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Monkey WrenchChapter 31

“-ke up! Wake up! Wake up!” I grabbed the hands that were slapping my face. I opened my eyes to sharp pain. My cheeks were sore but my ass was throbbing. I blinked hard. That green light was hell. “Oh, thank God!” I was tackled in a hug from the side. I let go of Renée’s hands and stroked Pat’s hair. Xiomara hurried over. I got to my feet. It felt like I weighed thirty pounds less. I landed right in front of Xiomara. “OK, hi girls. Good morning.” I said, blinking and shielding my eyes. The...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 30

Jill shifted the skimpy nighties on the rack as she continued to try and find a new outfit to wear to work. The sheer purple number had promise, but Jill was unable to find one in her size. She sighed. The bottom portion would probably fit since it had an elastic waist, but the skimpy, gauzy top would never fit over Jill's large breasts. Not that it would bother the men at the club, Jill thought, but it would be uncomfortable as hell to wear, with the top leaving marks across her chest....

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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story isn’t related to our swinging exploits as it happened way before I even knew Ted and although I did have a boyfriend at the time it...

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Palli Manaviyai Sight Adithu Oothen

Hi friends, enathu veethil puthithaaga kudi vanthu irukum 19 vayathu palli manaivi mulaiyai paarthu mayangi avalai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam tamil sex kathaiyil pagirugiren. Aval peyar ponni ippozhuthu palliyil padithu varugiraal, oru varudam fail aagi padipathaal vayathu aagiyum palli padithu kondu irukiral, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Eppozhuthum arugil oru pen illaiye endru ninaithu kondu irupen, anal ippozhuthu antha kama aripu kidaiyaathu. Veetil arugil ulle veetil palli...

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My summer of sexual awakening

Introduction: This was the summer I first had sex, and the story of my first, and second, times…. It was only a couple of weeks into summer vacation and I was already sleeping away most of the day from boredom. It was almost noon when I got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and ran the brush through my curly auburn hair a couple of times before heading out to the kitchen. I was wearing a little camisole top and a pair of boy shorts, but was pretty sure I was the only one in the house. My mom...

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I Really Like Your Father

‘I really like your father, Alice,’ my daughter’s best friend Regan Reese said bluntly as they both sat in bedroom they shared together. Regan was really a punk rocker chick, as my daughter Alice was a cute little pixie girl who dressed in normal girly clothing while Regan was the one to dress in chains, dark and bright colours, chokes, black studded wrist brands and even skull clothing. Regan was a very sexual woman, Alice told me, and was known for flirting with men but always pulled herself...

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Age of Consent in North America

The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across North America. Overview ... The age of consent is the age at or above which a person is considered to have the legal capacity to consent to sexual activity. Both partners must be of legal age to give consent, although exceptions may exist when both partners are within a certain number of years in age. Persons below the age of consent may not, by law, give consent, and sexual relations involving such persons may be punished...

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Married Stranger at a Business Conference

I’ve had sex with women I’d just met, several times. Some from online, some from bars and clubs and this one from a work conference. We were in a fairly large city on the east coast for a large sales conference with about one thousand sales reps from my region. On the last night, we all went out to party. I actually didn’t have much luck at some of the more fun clubs. I stopped in at a bar next to the hotel on the way back to my room and chatted with some VP’s with one of our vendors. They...

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Scratching the Itch

[This is a long story. My longest to date. There is plenty of sexual content and a few twists and turns along the way. If it was shorter it could have been in ‘Loving Wives’, or ‘Erotic Couplings’ or ‘Group Sex’. There will be another version of this tale posted soon (one or two days), that takes a slightly more traditional ‘Loving Wives’ approach. It will be called ‘Scratching Deeply.’ Please vote and leave me either a public or private comment. My intention is to improve as a writer, your...

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A Chat With Maxine

‘Fancy a drink at lunch time?’ Max asked, as she flopped into her chair.‘I can’t, I’ve got a lunch meeting with a client.’ I answered.‘After work then?’ Max suggested, ‘I need to moan at someone and you’re a good listener.’‘You’re buying then!’ I smiled packing my laptop and heading for the door, ‘Back at three.’The meeting went on a little longer than I thought and I didn’t get back to the office until 5pm. I expected Max to have left as her working day ended at 4:30pm but she was sitting at...

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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part I

Claire walked slowly around the department store’s new Royal Doulton tableware display. She felt uneasy there. She was more used to working in her own department on the ladies wear floor; the lingerie section to be more precise. In fact, she was supervisor and enjoyed her own autonomy. Filling in for another supervisor on sick leave was not of her choice, especially on the household ware floor, but working in other departments was part of her contract of employment. Claire had to grin and...

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tim and i and mom and dad

We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the family room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 19

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 19​Nord Rhein Westphalia is not the prettiest area of Germany but it wasn’t beauty that Oskar was seeking on his latest mission of spreading the Rhino philosophy; no, he had identified the industrial Rheinland as being fertile ground for planting the seeds of Black dominance over a fiercely conservative white population. Given their history and their latent sense of racial superiority he...

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My Neighbors Son Gets Caught Spying

This is a story about my neighbor’s son who was 17 when this happened. The first section of the story is true but the rest of the story and part 2 is my fantasy about what could have happened. As a little background I’m 32 and married, my hubby Sam and I live in the Midwest in suburbia. I like to lay out in our back yard and tan during our hot summers. Our back yard is secluded by privacy fence and some tall trees in the back. We have neighbors on both sides of our house that have widows in...

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Banging The Boss II

Banging The Boss IIMy name is Amelia. I'm a 23 years old college graduate. I'm correctly doing an internship with the number one medical practice ran by the handsome Derrick Thomas. He is tall, dark, and handsome, or what I'd like to call, TDH. Just the way he looks at me makes my lace thong soak with my sweet juices. Most days I have to bring a change of underwear or a pair of slacks or a extra skirt. That man knows he can make any woman fall to their knees and do whatever he says. One problem...

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I looked up from my desk as you entered the room and felt a twitch in my pants. I really try my best to not get excited by my students, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Every so often, I get a student as lovely as you and my cock gets a mind of its own. As it began to harden, my heart skipped a beat to see you wink at me as you walked by my desk to your seat. The rest of class went by in a haze. I had to struggle to keep my mind focused on the subject at hand so as not to let the other...

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caught wearing my aunts lingerie

Getting Caught Wearing My Aunt's Lingerie!Since posting the story about how my aunt introduced me to makeup and crossdressing, I've decided to tell the story about my uncle. He was a man's man with the most beautiful cock I've still ever seen in person. Anyway, me and my cousin used to play with his mother's makeup and wore her lingerie while we jacked off and sucked each other's cock. We did this almost every day in the summer months from the time we were around 11 until we both were almost...

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Support Interview

I was using an online dating site to appease my hidden desire to be another man's sex slave. I won't mention which site. It matters little. At any rate I began conversing with a man who had sent me an email on the site with a photo of his cock and balls. The subject line was 'Hi Slut!" and the body of the message was equally blunt."I am in need of a slave to serve my needs. You may apply for the position."It got my heart racing and my cock swelling. I am sure the bluntness of the message was...

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Revolutionary LoveThe Desire to Suckle

*It is Europe, 1914, in the time of revolts, clandistine meetings, calls for Revolution. The future Russian Revolutionary leader Borya Petrov leads the way, his life entirely dedicated to the cause, with thoughts of nothing else. Until he met Natasha, who rekindled long buried feelings, secrets and desires, Together they embark on the sexual adventure of a lifetime.*Natasha Sokolova turned and faced the mirror, adjusting her hat. She had chosen her favorite, the one with the red feather....

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 18

ALVOR’S COVE I had the same thoughts as we dropped out of Quasi-space here at Alvor’s as when we approached Sin 4. I hoped we would not be stuck on this depressing planet for long. As always we had gone to sub light speeds at the outermost orbit and would now slowly approach Alvor’s Cove, which was the second planet of this 12 planet system. The bridge was a hub of activities and all departments were busy doing their evaluations and tasks. Narth said. “There is much activity on Alvor’s in...

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The New Cheer Gurl

The new cheer gurl By Debry White This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. It was the last year of high school for most of my so called "friends" but not for me. Even I am not in sports nor I am popular, I hang out with the football and cheer teams because I am the one that makes their...

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A Mother and Sons Love Turns A Corner 5

Without pulling her skirt down, mom started the car and pulled through the parking spot and headed to a restaurant for us to eat at, and any time she would have to stop at a light on the way, she would reach over and stroke my cock that was still hard, and I would reach over and finger her pussy, but she told me to stop fingering her while she drove, since she couldn't play with my cock while driving, I wasn't allowed to play with her pussy either.When mom got parked near the restaurant she...

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Coming out

I came out to my best friend recently, he was so cool about it. It took a lesbian to make me do it, I owe her a lot. My friend is so sexy, pro cyclist, good looks and a great body. When I told the lesbian I had just come out even she admitted that he his so good looking, wow. She suggested I turn him but he is a friend first and foremost. We will see, if he treats me just the same as before, gets in touch just as before, then I will try. I think he will respond to the gentle approach, knees...

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Randolph Mason

THE CASE OF RANDOLPH MASON (c) 2014, 2017 by Anthony Durrant I went into the room of Special Prosecutor Randolph Mason and found him gasping for breath, his eyes wide from shock, and his mouth wide open. I couldn't see his skin under his bandaged face, but I'd bet anything that it was as pale as a piece of tissue paper. I ran to get Dr. Merton, the plastic surgeon who'd operated on the Special Prosecutor, and the two of us returned to Mason's room. By that time,...

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