Meine Frau hat einen schwarzen Liebhaber
- 2 years ago
- 44
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Ich stand kürzlich an einem Morgen vor dem Badezimmerspiegel, kämmte mein Haar. Ich hatte ein fremdes Gefühl in meinem Bauch und fühlte, wie sich etwas bewegte. Ich legte den Kamm auf die Anrichte und öffnete meine Robe und legte meine Hand auf meinem geschwollenen Bauch.
Ich lächelte. Ich spürte, wie es sich in mir bewegte! Ich starrte in den Spiegel sah meine geschwollenen Brüste an, und erinnerte mich an die Nacht vor fast neun Monaten.
Ich bin Karen, und ich liebe es, schwarze Männer kennen zu lernen. Ich bin mit einem weißen Typen verheiratet, der es liebt, mich mit meinen schwarzen Liebhabern zu beobachten und zu filmen. Ich habe mehr als nur einen schwarzen Typen über die letzten Jahre getroffen, aber einige sind regelmäßige Liebhaber von mir geworden.
Ich möchte von einem besonders feinen Typ erzählen, der James hieß. Er ist ein großer gut aussehender muskulöser schwarzer Mann. Er hat ein dominantes Benehmen, aber ich würde sagen, dass er einer der sanftesten Typen war, mit denen ich je geschlafen habe.
James hat einen hinreißenden Körper und er hebt täglich Gewichte und hat Football gespielt. Wir lernten uns eines Nachts in einem Klub kennen, während ich mit meinem Mann tanzte. Er sah, wie ich ihn prüfend ansah, als er an unserem Tisch vorbeiging, dann aber zu mir kam als ich an der Bar war und sich vorstellte.
Er bot an, mir ein Getränk zu bestellen, aber ich sagte ihm, dass ich zu meinem Tisch zurück musste, weil mein Mann auf mich warte. Ich sah wie seine Augen mich ansahen und wusste er war enttäuscht. Ich konnte seine Augen auf mir fühlen, wie ich zu meinem Tisch zurückging und mich setzte.
Ich erzählte meinem Mann von ihm, und er fragte mich, ob ich ihn einladen möchte sich zu uns zu setzen. Mein Mann musste mir dafür meinen Arm nicht verdrehen, könnte ich hinzufügen. Ich suchte und fand ihn an der Bar stehen und er war ziemlich überrascht, mich wieder zu sehen.
Er war noch überraschter, als ich ihn bat, sich mit an unseren Tisch zu setzen. Er nahm sein Getränk auf und folgte mir zurück zu unserem Tisch, wo ich ihn meinem Mann vorstellte. Wir hatten ein langes Gespräch, und wir erklärten James, dass mein Mann und ich eine offene Ehe führen.
Die Dame vom Empfang © 2011 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war zum M?usemelken, dachte Paul, als er die zweite Absage am heutigen Tag ?ffnete. Was sollte er denn noch tun, um einen Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen. Sein Abitur war zwar nicht das aller Beste, aber mit einem Zweier-Schnitt doch grundsolide und wirklich nicht allzu ?bel. Au?erdem hatte er sogar das eine oder andere Praktikum vorzuweisen - etwas, womit wohl nur die wenigstens Sch?ler aufwarten konnten. W?hrend es sich alle ande...
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Rachegedanken Wir schreiben das Jahr 211 v. Chr. Der karthagische Feldherr Hannibal hatte mit seinen Streitkräften die Alpen überquert und war beinahe bis nach Rom vorgedrungen. Im Rahmen dieses Feldzuges war das kleine römische Gehöft von einer Gruppe desertierter karthagischer Krieger überfallen worden. Claudia hatte hilflos mit ansehen müssen, wie ihre gesamte Familie von den afrikanischen Kriegern vergewaltigt und ermordet wurde. Nur ihr, der schlanken, schwarzgelockten stolzen...
Präambel Es ist meine erste Geschichte hier, also bitte ich um Nachsicht. Mir schweben schon ein paar Ebenen vor, die ich später eingeben werde, daher bitte ich die geneigten Leser noch um Geduld. Ihr könnt, nein, Ihr seid freundlich gebeten, ab Ebene 3 die Stränge weiterzuführen, aber geduldet Euch bitte noch ein wenig. Ich mach das schon kenntlich, wenn Ihr „dürft“. Ich hoffe sehr, es bereitet Euch Vergnügen, was ich hier geschrieben habe. L. Die Wache Als Streifenpolizist hat man viele...
Hallo zusammen, Bitte schreibt mir Anregungen. Ihr könnt auch eigene Kapitel verfassen. Zur Hauptperson: Michaela Huber ist 19 Jahre alt, alle nennen sie eigentlich nur Michi. Sie hat einen gut trainierten Körper mir schönen festen C Brüsten. Sie ist 1,65m groß und hat schwarze Haare welche ihr bis zum Po Ansatz gehen. Seit 1 Monat ist sie nach Wien gezogen, da ihre Eltern verstorben sind und sie weg vom Land wollte. Zur Zeit kann sie bei Fremden durch Couch surfen übernachten. Sex hatte sie...
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Scheißbrief vom Anwalt. Was fällt der fetten Sau Annett eigentlich ein? Mich auf Vaterschaft zu verklagen? O.k. Ich hab Anett gefickt. Ich brauchte es einfach mal . Als sie sie sah die fette Kuh mit ihrem unschuldigen Mädchengesicht sah mit ihrem einladenden Arsch und den Monsterbusen. Sie lächelte mich an als bräuchte sie es und ich war einfach furchtbar geil. Ich dachte schon beim ersten Anblick wie geil sich mein Ständer in ihrer heißen feuchten Votze wohl anfühlen wird. Ja dann lud ich die...
6frankewir waren 18 und schon immer gute freunde. felix und ich haben uns zum ersten mal schwule pornehefte besorgt und sie sofort in seinem zimmer konsumiert.die geilen jungs und kerle habens in allen stellungen gemacht.kleine kurzgeschichten haben die bilder kommentiert. es kam, sie es kommen mußte, unsere jungsschwänze spannten in unseren hosen und wie von selbst zogen wir uns gegenseitig aus.felix nahm sofort meinen harten schwanz in die hand und fing an zu wichsen bis der erste tropfen...
Hallo,dies hier ist die allererste Geschichte, die ich veröffentliche.Über sachliche Kritik zu Inhalt, Rechtschreibung, Grammatik und Interpunktion sowie Fortsetzungswünsche würde ich mich freuenAlso dann, viel Spaß.-----------------------------------------Es war mal wieder eine dieser langweiligen Familienfeiern.Oma feiert ihren 73. Geburtstag und meine Eltern ließen es sich natürlich nicht nehmen, mich auch in diesem Jahr ins ferne Mecklenburg Vorpommern mitzuschleppen. Der einzige...
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Während einer seiner Geschäftsreisen im mittleren Westen lernt der 30jährige Handelsvertreter Martin die erst 18 Jahre junge Anna kennen, die in einem kleinen Schnellimbiss an der Autobahn als Bedienung arbeitet. Er ist von der natürlichen Freundlichkeit des hübschen, jungen Mädchens so fasziniert, dass er sie nach dem baldigen Ende ihrer Schicht zu einem Abendessen einlädt. Zu seiner eigenen Überraschung nimmt Anna seine Einladung zum Abendessen an. Anna, die auf der kleinen Farm ihrer überaus...
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Waldemar Bauer war eindeutig kein Liebling der Götter. Mit 22 war er Mechaniker in einer Reparaturwerkstatt für Fahrräder, weniger weil dies schon immer sein Lebensziel gewesen war, oder weil er für nichts besseres geschaffen war. Er gehörte nur eben zu den Leuten die von zwei Gelegenheiten immer die nutzten, die sich am Ende nicht auszahlte. Na gut, er hatte immerhin einen Job, der Ihm sogar genug Geld einbrachte, das er anständig Leben konnte, ohne jeden Cent zweimal ´rumdrehen zu müssen,...
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Markus (42, 183,85 kg) ist seit knapp 10 Jahren mit Ela (36, 168, 64 kg) , glücklich wie beide betonen.In den letzten beiden Jahren schlich sich dennoch sexuell etwas die Langweile ein. Wie viele andere PaareIn einer längeren Beziehung war das grosse Begehren abgestumpft, 1 x wöchentlich höchstens verkehrte man miteinander und war irgendwie froh, wenn es wieder vorüber war.Bis zu dem Tag, als Ela von einer Freundin erfuhr, dass sich ihr Liebesleben schlagartig verbesserte, nachdem die Eheleute...
Es ist ein warmer Sonntag Abend in der neuen Stadt die ich nun mein Zuhause nennen muss, da mein Vater beruflich umziehen musste. Heute morgen sind wir in unserem neuen Haus angekommen, den ganzen Tag haben wir all unsere Sachen aus dem Speditions-LKW ausgeladen und ins Haus getragen. Ja und jetzt sitze ich hier in meinem neuen Zimmer, alles sieht noch so kalt aus. Nur mein Bett mein Schrank und meine Schreibtisch sind bereits aufgebaut und stehen in meinem Zimmer. Um ich herum türmen sich...
LesbianNachdem ich meinen Vater schon als Kind verlor, wurde ich von meiner Mutter, die in den Häusern anderer Leute hart arbeiten musste, großgezogen. Sie hatte wenig Zeit sich um meine Erziehung zu kümmern. Zum Glück konnte sie dafür sorgen, dass ich etwas lernte. So bin unter extrem schwierigen Bedingungen aufgewachsen. Zum Glück hatte der einzige Sohn des reichsten Grundbesitzers in unserem Distrikt sich in ich verliebt. Meine Mutter war froh, dass er mich schnell heiratete, und seine Familie...
"Good morning, men. On behalf of the faculty, staff and slaves of the University of Dolcett, I would like to welcome you, the incoming freshman class. I know that most of you have heard something about us, from your fathers, or your older brothers, but now you will be part of over 200 years of grand tradition.""My name is Chancellor Leach, but you can call me Gary. I want you all to know that my door is always open to you. If you need to talk about anything at all, please do feel free to stop...
Kindred Spirits Floating I felt my eyes opening, and immediately felt like I was falling. But I wasn't falling. I was floating, up in the air, next to the ceiling. The strangest part of this was that I was looking down at my body. This is it I thought! My first out of body experience! My instructor's words came back to me, and I moved down a bit, then around, and floated back and forth as I got used to maneuvering. I heard the end of class chime, and slowly glided back down to my...
This chapter contains two stories of a life-changing nature. In both, people stepped forward and gave of themselves to help strangers that really needed the help. As noted in the other three chapters, kindness is not rare, just under-reported. The purpose of this series is to let readers become writers and tell their stories of unexpected and unconditional kindness. I hope you enjoy and appreciate their efforts. * Of all the acts of kindness I have been fortunate enough to receive, the most...
Whatever life holds in store for me, one thing I know for sure. People who don’t keep their word aren’t worth keeping. Doesn’t matter if your relationship with them is work-related, school-related or romance of some sort. Trust me on that one. My name is Stevens, and I’m a young Black man of Haitian descent living in the Province of Ontario, Canada. I moved there from the City of Brockton, Massachusetts to attend Carleton University in the City of Ottawa, the Capital of Canada. Next year I will...
"Why am I here, why am I here?" I whined, fingering through files. "Oh, because the witch needs some this shit for the client," I groaned before a pause. "The client wants Pepsi instead of Coke; I have to get what they want. They want a certain band to be playing on the stereo; I have to make it happen because I'm the intern. What the fuck?" I let out before closing the filing cabinet. "Crap, I don't know what I did with that form. I've already copied it twice for him, but he needs a third...
Office SexAuthor's notes: This is my second story series on this universe. I am trying to write this story direct in english, without translation, so expect some grammar issues. I am also not used to expressions in english, so the characters are quite formal to each other, even during sex. This story is planned to have four or five chapters. I already have almost three of them written. If you like the series, add a review and suggest some plot action. Maybe I can use this plot on my...
On the first story, Julie discovered that she was turning into a tigress hybrid and after some doubts, she decided to speed up the process and discovered that she was turning into a wild woman. Will she win the fight against her instincts? Thursday, 07h Robert woke up early and noticed that he was almost under Julie. She had a paw and a hind leg over him and her head was over his chest. When he moved, she woke up and looked at him. "Good morning, beautiful! Are you feeling ok...
On the last chapter, Robert learned how to live with his new wild wife. He took care of her and never gave up on bringing her back. He was successful bringing her memories back and promised her to help her go back into being human again. Her doctor, Carla, consulted her at home and was excited about developing a new treatment to help wild women when she saw how much Julie had progressed in just a few days. Monday, 06h Robert's alarm woke him up loudly that morning. He was sore...
On third chapter, after a year taking care of his wild wife and seeing her becoming less wild, all of Robert's efforts paid off when Julie's memories came back to her into full force. She also noticed some new changes arriving. Carla visited them every week and were more than a friend now. Her study on wild women gave her a Nobel Prize. She was grateful by Robert and Julie helping her that she gave them the money from the prize, acknowledging that she would have nothing if Robert gave up...
After being a tigress for over a year, Julie regains her human persona in the verge of new changes. As the changes are going to an end, Robert start to change in a hybrid woman too. Carla moves with them and wanted to be their little pet. Tuesday, 07h Robert awoke and kept his eyes closed. He wanted to check what happened to his body. He could tell that Julie was at his side just by her scent. He also knew that Carla was at their feet. He ran his hand through his body and felt...
I hope you enjoy reading this story as I enjoyed writing it. I think these slow changes and the changes in senses and feelings are quite sexy. I am trying to incorporate some suggestions made on the reviews to tune the stories with your liking too. Animalkind: Almost a fairy tale This story begins only two years after the first changes around the world started. The world now was starting to get used to hybrid women. Since the start of the changes, only two years after the...
After becoming rich creating a sales network of changed women products, Sarah and Charles were at their beach house when Sarah starts to change. She was expecting it and was eager to find out what she would become. Sarah found out that she was changing into a tiger shark hybrid. She was desperate at first but Charles talked her out of her depressive thoughts. She had some pleasant changes, like the gills that now allowed her to breathe in the water. She also had several unpleasant...
I bit down on my bottom lip and clenched my fists on my sides too. I didn't say anything for a few seconds and just tried to comprehend the proposed situation. "Summer, could you come into my office with me for a moment, please?" I heard her ask. "Sure, floozy, I'm not in the middle of something here," I muttered under my breath. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. I failed to reply to the hussy or even move, I just calmly rubbed my head again. "Sometime today,...
Katie was tired of sex. Almost twenty-one, she knew she had to change something about her sex life. Blessed with beauty, bust, and body, she’d started physical intimacy with the opposite sex at too early an age. Fortunately, none of the many billions of sperm had found its desired target. Some of them had been received as the result of a persuasive male, some as a byproduct of infatuation, and some just because she was horny. As she approached full adulthood, it was now time to do something...
Hope was puzzled by one of the things that the camp organised for the refugees to do. Soldiers would get everyone out of one of the tents, women as well as children, and line them up, one behind the other, facing a round piece of green cloth on the dusty ground. They all had to walk briskly onto the cloth and off again at the other side, one after the other, without stopping. Solomon always got a sweet when he did it right, and Hope usually got one too. She suspected that was because she...
After breakfast the next morning, Sonia had them all out playing the game with the green cloth on the ground. Most of the children were used to it from the mainland camp, but Patience and her own three children: Nelson, Grace and Walter, hadn't played it before. They quickly got the trick of walking across the cloth. Hope noticed that Sonia had them playing a slightly different version, because she always had them do it in the same order. Sonia led the group, carrying Bobo, with the others...
The AI interrupted Frank’s reading, “Signifer! Two concubines in pod Blue Six are fighting!” One wall showed a real-time video of two women rolling around on the floor, hitting and slapping each other, with a ring of children and the other two concubines looking on. Annoyed, he ordered the AI, “Set the stinger to put them both out for an hour.” A red button appeared on the table in front of him. As soon as he hit it the two combatants collapsed where they were, not moving. Seeing the shocked...
“All pods in the white ring prepare to disembark,” the AI instructed. “Line up in the usual order inside your pod and await further orders.” Sonia wasn’t surprised. The AI had announced their arrival in the Wallerat system during breakfast. She would go down to the planet with her group of children that afternoon. She could join Julius and Masika later, once Hope and the others were with their new families. Everyone had spent the morning tidying up and packing what little they had to take...
Hope cried as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing her new black Navy uniform. A uniform. The last time she’d seen Daddy he’d been wearing his uniform, a green Army uniform, but still a uniform. She was crying for Daddy. The pain wasn’t as bad as it had once been, but she still hurt. She was proud of her success, but like so many things her emotions were mixed. She’d scored 6.6 and the whole family had held a big party to congratulate her. That first day she’d been in a daze,...
Frank looked at his schedule for the next day. One of the CAP tests was actually a retest. Raziya was already a 6.3 and obviously wanted to see if she had gone up a notch or two. This was the first such retest he had seen on the voyage so far. Thinking about it, he realised that there probably should have been more of them. He queried the AI, “There are almost 400 Kindertransport concubines on board, aren’t there.” “Three hundred and eighty two, including concubines Afiya and Masika.” “With...
Meh, I'm not looking for "kind girls", but "nude girls"! People tend to get repulsed by all the obscene pornography on the internet. We all know that female nudity may be celebrated in a way that's much more respectful. Matter of fact, seeing all these girls getting stepped on, spit on and fucked roughly has destroyed the way we see girls. Not all women want to get bent over and pounded hard until they can't breathe properly.Rather, most girls really aren't into that, and modern pornography...
Naked Girls GalleriesAs noted in the first two chapters, people surprise us many times with unexpected kindness. Although there is plenty of evidence on nightly news that all is not well in the world and that people will rob, cheat and murder you at the drop of a hat, there are also the unseen, unreported thousands of examples where the opposite happens daily. Today, we have three stories from three different readers that I want to share. ReiDeBastos sent this one: One evening when my first wife and I were in our...
Kindred Spirits - Chapter 2 06/22/05 Stepping Out (continued from Chapter One) Mike turned the door knob and opened the front door all the way, as if to present me to the world. From my toes squished inside my kiwi colored Keds all the way up to the top of the bun in my hair, I was shaking like jelly. I could feel my heart pounding. I nervously glanced out, and everything seemed normal. The sky was a pretty azure blue. There were some puffy white clouds above the apartment...
Kindness — Chapter 2 In the last chapter, I asked for readers to send examples of folks who showed them unconditional kindness. As we all know, there are millions of people who work very hard on behalf of others everyday. But then there are those totally unexpected moments, some might call them ‘random acts of kindness,’ that happen. These acts show the basic goodness of people, their thoughtfulness that turns into action, and the brotherly love that is not often discussed here or anywhere. ...
The golden gleam of sunlight on the man’s watch caught her eye as she stood in the wintry shelter, waiting for the bus. The sunlight blazed with the sort of imagined warmth which was sucked instantaneously out of you by the biting cold of Michigan’s winter. A sort of dirty snow flurry spat tiny flakes of ice at her, nipping at her cheeks and setting her ears alight with cold flame. She shivered, huddling deeper into her threadbare coat and wishing the bus would get there soon. The whispery...
As one gets older in life, you must stay active and keep the body parts moving. Doctors come up with some dorky ideas for keeping fit. I would rather lift weights, walk, shoot some hoops and even fantasy pitch against a wall. If you do stuff like when you were a kid, you'll feel better. I found this elementary school and park combo where nobody used the outdoor facilities. I would walk or ride a bike there for my workout. In my mind, I had just finished pitching three innings in American League...
MatureRekindled Chapter TwoAs I lied on my back next to my friend Patty I could feel my heart beating in my chest. My lips were dry feeling and I licked them to apply a bit of moisture. Patty was slowly coming back to earth from her orgasm and finally spoke: “Oh Joy, you are in for one hell of a time. This man knows how to treat a woman and you’ll be sore for days when he is done fucking you.”The only thing I could do was to turn my head toward Patty and give her a nervous smile as Mark reached down...
REKINDLEDChapter OneI turn the shower on and slowly removed my robe before stepping in and closing the glass door. The hot water felt like a thousand tiny fingers as it pelted my body. It was one of the features I truly loved about our home.But before I get too far into this story I should tell you about myself.My name is Joy. I turned seventy two months ago. One year ago I decided I needed to lose some weight and get into better shape. I stand about five foot four and before starting a workout...
Sitting around the fire at Wade’s camp that evening, Mara glanced at her furiously blushing father and stifled a laugh. Her great uncle continued the story, much to her father’s chagrin.“Now, I didn’t see Steve’s gallantry, so I had no idea what was going on when I paddled up. There he was, standing on the bank holding his paddle planted in the ground like a knight with a lance, lookin’ for all the world like he’d thrash anybody who dared set foot on land.“I asked him what he was on about, and...
SupernaturalKindred Spirit --------------- It would be a critical year in Charlie's life. At times like these a true friend can mean all the difference in the world. Donald was just such a friend... --------------- Charlie was just lying there. He had just received one hell of a beating by Eddy Dwyer, most affectionately known as the class bully. Charlie thought... no, hoped, that things would be different. He was starting middle school in a fresh new school district and was hoping...
I HAD A DREAM! The scene could be set just a decade or so in the future, in an area for want of a better description, we’ll call middle America. There is a wind of change about! —— ‘Come in Major? So you’ve found something?’ ‘Sure have General,’ answered the fresh-faced Major, looking too young to be holding such a rank. ‘Apple has really come up with the goods since that new woman took over the Job. The new Mark 5 i-Scanner has detected something already.’ ‘A transcript Major?’ ‘Better...
I remember the exact moment I began to question my sexuality. I was an understudy for Peter Pan in High School. In my opinion, I was a better actor than the guy they picked, but since I’m not white, they made me his backup instead. Either way, he got mono, and I ended up performing opening night so joke’s on him. But I digress, the point is that I was now in a position where I would be kissing another girl. The ‘kiss’ in Peter Pan was typically a symbolic item, but our theater teacher was a...
Love StoriesNow I have to say ahead of time, I’m not usually one to step outside of any of the normal boundaries of accepted behavior. That being said I have to relate to you the events of a recent family reunion. Like any other, I felt mostly out of place. You see I come from a family, in which most of the relatives are of Native American decent. I on the other hand, come from one of its many mixtures with outside cultures. In other words, I am a mutt, half-breed, or whatever other description you care to...
As the first weeks after my arrival slowly eased into a normal routine, if anything that has happened since I arrived could be called routine, I began to feel like I was really getting settled in. I was getting reacquainted with all of the family I had lost touch with over the years, other than Roz! Everyone seemed very happy to have me back ‘Home’, as they saw it. It really felt like I had returned to something I had desperately needed, a new lease on life. Roz was more or less a fixture at...
Chapter 4: Bridging the generation gap The Carolina summer seemed to pass by like a lazy river flowing down to the ocean. Spring was a distant memory, as was when Roz had moved into the house. She was now as much a part of this house as any of the other things in it. All thoughts of her finding a place of her own place were long forgotten. Nor did we even bother to pretend she was looking anymore! Everyone seemed more than happy to accept that she was a permanent fixture here. I had gotten...
Sitting across the breakfast table from Jack and his son, was to say the least, a little surreal. I had just been watched having unbound sex with the boy’s father, my cousin, and here I was not only contemplating having a three-way with him and his son, but discussing how I wanted to proceed! Jack for the most part, just sat grinning and continued keeping me on track by fingering my wet pussy beneath the table. Jeremy couldn’t keep his eyes off of my hardened nipples, I hadn’t bothered to...
I would never have imagined I would run into Jack at that family reunion in a million years. My life had been such a total shambles in the past two years that, I had almost completely given up on anything good ever happening in my life again. Then, there he was, my closest childhood friend, there in the flesh, all grown up and not twenty feet away. He was looking at me with that sly smile that I knew from all those years ago! Our conversation that day had covered so much lost ground, his...
I lie my wife down on the bed, slowly pulling her t-shirt up and over her head. I reach behind her unclasping her bra, freeing her beautiful breasts. I gently squeeze each soft mound, before my hands rake down her naked tummy to unfasten her jeans. I pull her jeans and panties down her shapely legs. After standing up and removing my own clothes, I slip in bed beside her.I pull her closely against my chest, running my fingers through her hair. She exudes peacefulness at this moment. Her peace...
Love StoriesAfter our shower, we put on our clothes and get ready to head out."Hey, I am going to call Shelby for a quick check on the kids," Kira says, picking up her phone.I walk out of the bedroom and hear her happily chatting on the phone. Then, she walks into the living room holding out her phone, "Shelby wants to talk to you."I wave my hands signaling no in the air, but she thrusts the phone at me smiling.Sigh. "Hey, sis.""Okay. Listen up. Kids are great and Kira sounds happy, so whatever you...
Love StoriesI walk out on the porch to enjoy the star-lit evening with my wife. I am not prepared for what greets me.To say my wife has angry eyes at this moment is the understatement of the year.“What’s wrong?” I ask, surprised by her expression.“Just go away!” she yells.“What the hell, Kira? What has happened? I just gave you a great massage and now I come out and you look like you hate me?”“I saw you,” you spit.“Saw me? What does that mean?” I ask trying to comprehend what has happened to drastically...
Love Stories