Kindertransport IIChapter 5: Per Ardua Ad Astra free porn video

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Hope cried as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing her new black Navy uniform. A uniform. The last time she’d seen Daddy he’d been wearing his uniform, a green Army uniform, but still a uniform. She was crying for Daddy. The pain wasn’t as bad as it had once been, but she still hurt. She was proud of her success, but like so many things her emotions were mixed.

She’d scored 6.6 and the whole family had held a big party to congratulate her. That first day she’d been in a daze, coming to terms with the success she’d worked so long and so hard for. She was a sponsor! She’d volunteered for the Navy of course and had started training the next day.

She hadn’t thought it through properly; she should have, but she hadn’t. She’d been concentrating so much on getting her CAP score up to 6.5 that she hadn’t thought enough about the immediate aftermath. She arranged to meet Signifer Wei during a break in training to talk about finding a pair of concubines.

“You have four dependents, Private?”

“Yes sir. Twin babies, a five-year-old and my brother who’s ten, almost eleven.”

Signifer Wei was Chinese as his name indicated and he looked serious. “That is a problem for us. With four dependents you will need an experienced mother to look after them when you are away.”

“Yes, sir,” Hope agreed, she’d had the same thought.

“Unfortunately, I do not have any experienced mothers available. They get selected almost as soon as they arrive in the pool. Mostly I have fourteen-year-olds with some training in school and a little experience at home.”

“I would prefer a mother with real experience, sir,” Hope explained. “I don’t think an inexperienced teenager could cope with my four on her own while I’m away on deployment with my male concubine.”

“My thoughts also. We do have a few older women, but I could not recommend any of them to you. They aren’t suitable as mothers, which is why they’re still in the pool. The good news is that we have plenty of suitable young men who will become excellent fathers with experience.”

“What can I do, sir?” Hope asked worriedly.

“What are you doing at the moment, Private?”

“I’m staying with my old family, sir. Jun-Hee lets us stay in her pod for the moment and her concubines can look after my children while I’m off training. I’d prefer not to move out until I have my new family set up.”

“For the moment that will have to continue. I’ll circulate your request to the other towns to see if they have anyone suitable for you. At least that will give you a wider pool to draw from.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Cycling back to Jun-Hee’s pod Hope could appreciate Signifer Wei’s problem. Most new sponsors were fourteen with no children. They could easily be satisfied with a pair of equally new fourteen-year-old concubines and all three of them could learn childcare as they went along. She remembered the woman she’d met on her first day here on Waller. Natalie didn’t have much experience, but she wouldn’t have needed it for nine months, then she could learn gradually as her baby grew, the way most new mothers did. Hope’s concubines would have to deal with four children of various ages right from the start. A very different situation.

Lorna, the brothel madame from Arundel township, connected her video-conference link. Seeing her face appear, Centurion Mark Robertson started their meeting. “You have a problem, Lorna?”

“I’ve got two problems, Mark. Two women who are really unhappy. I want to move them out of the brothel into something else. I’m afraid one or both of them will suicide if I don’t.”

“Are they pregnant?”

“Yes, they’re both expecting. Their original sponsor saw to that in transit, but he dumped them almost as soon as he arrived and got himself a couple of newly minted fourteen-year-olds instead.”

“How old are they? Are they experienced mothers?” Mark knew that mothers with experience were a lot easier to place.

“Twenty-two and thirty-six. The younger one hasn’t had kids yet. The older one has a seventeen-year-old son back on Earth and a fifteen-year-old daughter who was extracted about a year ago, so she’s got the experience. Despite that, they will probably be difficult to place: they’re conservative Christians, they’re lesbians and they really want to stay together. If a sponsor won’t accept them both, then they’ll always turn him down. That’s happened a couple of times already with the older one. If I could place them singly then I wouldn’t have had to come to you.”

The rewards of promotion, Mark thought, other people handled the easy cases and passed the difficult ones up the line.

“Lesbians and conservative Christians!” Mark said, surprised. “That’s not a likely combination.”

“I think that’s why they’re here,” Lorna explained. “They couldn’t see a future for themselves back on Earth. Whatever they did, they’d have to leave their families if they wanted to stay together. Given the threat of the Swarm they joined us instead. The thing is that they think they’ve made a huge mistake. The brothel goes against both their sexuality and their religion. Even if you can’t place them with a sponsor, it would be better if you could move them to different work.”

“How far along are they with their pregnancies?”

“Not far enough to justify me pulling them off brothel work, I’m afraid,” Lorna said.

“OK, I’ll let you put them onto other work: childcare, gardening or whatever. They’re pregnant by a sponsor, so we don’t want them to suicide. They may have to stay in the brothel accommodation though; all my other barracks are single-sex male and I’m certainly not putting two women there.”

“I can see that, Mark, but the other girls won’t like it. It will look like these two are getting special treatment.”

“They are getting special treatment, aren’t they?”

“Yes, I suppose so.”

“Then you’ll just have to deal with the fallout.” Lorna didn’t look happy with that, but it was her job to keep the ‘working girls’ happy.

“What are their names?” Mark asked.

“Judith and Sarah.”

Judith and Sarah came into the interview room. Hope smiled at them, “Would you like something to drink?” she asked.

Signifer Wei had suggested these two women to Hope. She could tell at a glance that they had been concubines, their former sponsor had given them the common male-fantasy look – all legs, breasts and blonde. Some sponsors had no imagination.

“How much did the signifer tell you about me?” Hope asked them.

Judith, the younger of the two replied, “He said you needed an experienced mother to look after your four children and that you would take both of us together.”

“That’s right. I have four dependents, so I need an experienced mother right now, not in nine months time. Since you two want to stay together I’ll take both of you; four children of mixed ages is probably too much for one person to look after. I’d rather have you both happy together than separated and miserable.”

“Won’t that use up both your concubine slots?” Judith asked. “You don’t have a seven or better do you?”

“No I don’t. Signifer Wei has a surplus of young male concubines and he has agreed to let me have a supernumerary man. That will round out my family and take one of the spare men off his hands,” Hope explained.

“What is the man like? Can we meet him?” Judith was taking the lead, while Sarah stayed silent, her hands in her lap.

“I haven’t picked him yet. I want to pick a mother first, so the AI can suggest someone compatible with myself and with my other concubines. If I do take you both then I’ll tell the AI to pick a few men who will got along with you two for me to look at.”

Sarah looked worried at that. “Will we have to do test drives with him?”

“No,” Hope reassured her. “I’m heterosexual so that side of things will be between him and me. You will both have to have children of course, but that will only be once every eighteen months or so. If you want to say no to him then you can.”

“You don’t mind us ... being together?” Judith asked hesitantly.

“Not at all. I was a concubine myself for a year and my sponsor was lesbian. She had her girlfriend from Earth and a bisexual woman in her family, so I’m used to it. That may be one of the reasons Signifer Wei suggested you both to me; I’m already used to two women together.”

“If you took us on, would you want to keep us looking like this?” Judith gestured at her over-large breasts. They were hidden behind her dowdy concubine smock, but their size was obvious.

“Do you want to change your looks?” Hope confirmed.

“Yes please. We both want to look like we did before, not like this.”

“AI, show their original appearance please,” Hope ordered.

The two holograms were real women, less perfect than their current male-fantasy inspired bodies. Sarah looked her age, mid-thirties, and showed the pooched belly and somewhat deflated breasts of a mother with two children. She was dark brunette, not blonde. Judith was blonde and in her early twenties. Short and a little chubby, definitely not like her current slim, long-legged look.

“I don’t see any problems reverting your appearance,” Hope said. “Or with making any minor changes you want done.”

The AI interrupted, “Both unattached concubines Sarah and Judith are pregnant. Some changes will have to be delayed until after they have given birth. Other changes can be implemented immediately upon approval by a sponsor.”

“As long as we know the change is coming we can wait,” Judith confirmed. Sarah just nodded.

Hope had a question for the AI. “I have two new babies to feed, AI. Can you induce early lactation in pregnant women?”

“Yes, that is possible. The process occurs naturally and it is possible to speed it up.”

Good. Currently Isabel acted as wet-nurse while Hope was in training, but she wouldn’t be available once Hope moved out into her own accommodation.

“One more thing,” Hope said. “Lorna would like you both to help her by working some hours in the brothel kindergarten in Arundel. All the women she has there are either inexperienced or bad mothers; she said you two did a good job looking after the children. You’ll have to do some community work anyway and I’m happy for you to carry on working there.”

“We can do that,” Judith said, while Sarah nodded. “We get on well with the kids there. As long as it’s just in the kindergarten, not...”

“Just the kindergarten,” Hope reassured them. “Do you have any other questions?”

The two women looked at each other. “Are you Christian?” Judith asked.

“Yes,” Hope answered. The question wasn’t unexpected. Signifer Wei had asked it earlier when he’d explained the situation to Hope.

The two women looked at each other again and nodded. “We accept, Hope. We’ll both become your concubines so we can stay together.”

Navy training was a bit like school and a bit different Hope decided. The different parts were military: how to salute, who to salute, when to salute. The same parts were ordinary lessons: English, Mathematics, History, Biology and the rest. She was only fifteen and she still had lots of things to learn. The best thing was the simulators the training base had for the various stations on a typical warship. She could run the engines, fire missiles, read a sensor display and more. It was almost the real thing, very close anyway. The one she liked most was operating the mock-up of a battlecruiser turret. You could actually see the target being hit, which you couldn’t do with a missile launcher. That was the best part, seeing the Sa’arm die. Even if it was only a sim, she could enjoy that. How much better it would be when she was doing it for real!

Most evenings, after training had finished for the day, she could return to her family and see her children: Mercy, Precious, Bobo and Solomon. She’d been allocated one of the larger apartments, over half way up the building. That gave them a nice view from the balcony, though it could be windy that high. Judith and Sarah had settled in nicely and were doing well with the children. They were obviously much happier not having to work in the brothel any more. Bobo preferred Hope as his mother, but was happy enough with his two extra mothers. Solomon was glad to be away from his rival, Ram, so he’d settled down a lot. It helped that he got on well with Joseph, Hope’s fourteen-year-old male concubine.

Joseph had led a peripatetic life. Born in Nigeria, his parents had moved to England to increase their chances of being extracted; there were many more extractions from England than from Nigeria. After the Earth First party won the election and started to turn racist, the family had moved across the Irish Sea to Dublin. His father was a Doctor and his mother a trained Nurse, so it wasn’t difficult for them to find work. The Confederacy had extracted him with his family and he had been on Waller for three years. Joseph was quiet and unassertive, much more of a follower than a leader. His father had wanted more of a go-getting ambitious son, so Joseph decided to try his luck away from his dad. For Hope he was almost ideal. Definitely heterosexual and far too polite to force himself on either Judith or Sarah. He lacked experience with children, but he was learning fast. He learned fast in bed as well, which Hope very much enjoyed. She had liked sleeping with Steve while in Jun-Hee’s family, but she’d had to share him with Isabel and Laxmi. Now she had Joseph all to herself!

She had asked the AI to remind her and of course it did. Just as well, since she had forgotten. She sent a good luck message to Khadija for her first CAP test. A few days later she got the reply. Khadija had scored 5.3 and Mohammed, her guardian, had taken her on as a concubine. Hope was glad that Khadija was settled with a Muslim sponsor as she had wanted.

Hope enjoyed the passing out parade at the end of her training, it was fun. Marching in unison made her feel the camaraderie with her fellow trainees. The spit and polish (without any real spit these days) before the parade wasn’t so good, far too tedious and nowhere near as much fun as the marching. Still, one thing Hope had learned was that most grown-up things included boring bits as well as interesting bits. Not sex though. Sex didn’t have many boring bits, or perhaps she was too busy enjoying herself to notice?

After three months basic training Hope had a promotion to Private First Class and a happy family – apart from when Mercy or Precious was teething, which could get noisy. Despite being a sponsor and having finished training, Hope still had some learning to do. The Navy kept her in school for two days a week and assigned her to the dockyard for three days. Navy school wasn’t the concubine school she’d been in before since it had Naval officers as teachers and young sponsors as pupils. The subjects were mostly the same, but with a Naval emphasis. They’d disguised trigonometry as ‘Celestial Navigation’ and history classes included some of the Naval battles fought against the Swarm: what went right and what went wrong.

The dockyard work was better than the simulators in the Training School because it was on real ships. Newly constructed ships, or repaired old ships, needed someone to press all the buttons to make sure everything was properly connected and worked as expected. The AI guided them through testing the many combinations. The team was mostly young recruits like Hope, with a leavening of veterans having a rest between battles. The AI locked out the weapons systems of course; firing lasers or missiles in the dockyard was not a good idea. Those would be tested on the firing ranges by the ship’s crew during shakedown and acceptance after the dockyard handed the ship over. Hope was still frustrated at not being more directly in combat against the Swarm, but she was getting closer. These were real ships in space, not simulators on the ground. It gave her a better feel for what things would be like when she was crewing a ship for real. Maybe next year she’d be able to go out on a mission?

Judith and Sarah were much happier in Hope’s family than they had been at the brothel. However they still had some questions that she couldn’t answer, so she put them in contact with Reverend Tony, or more formally Signifer Tony Grifman, who had been a minister back on Earth and broadcast services every Sunday. Their talks with him were very helpful. Concubines had babies, many babies, and he reminded them that the Bible said, “Go forth and multiply.” Concubines had to do some things they didn’t like, but in Ephesians the Bible told slaves to obey their masters as they would obey Jesus and obeying Jesus could not be wrong. Reverend Tony even pointed out that lust was sinful for everyone, heterosexual or homosexual, but love was very different from lust. Hope wasn’t sure about some of his theology – it was very different from what Pastor had preached back in Africa – but she kept quiet because his advice definitely helped Judith and Sarah become better reconciled with their situation.

Three months after Hope finished training, Judith and Sarah had their babies a week apart. Not quite twins, but with the same father and almost the same birthday they were as good as. Judith had a girl, Abigail, while Sarah had a boy, Aaron. With four babies in the apartment, things could get busy at feeding time. Two more babies meant that Bobo decided he was really grown up at six years old, almost as grown up as Solomon. Hope got a week’s leave for the births; much more rewarding than the boring work in the dockyard. She looked forward to her sixteenth birthday in five months time. Perhaps they would assign her to a berth on a ship that would actually leave the dockyard?

The scout ship arrived at the edge of the target system. They were almost on the plane of the ecliptic, so the primary hid a part of it. Captain Newbound waited two hours to see if anything unusual showed on the passive scans. There wasn’t anything so he ordered a move to the system zenith to get a better view of the entire ecliptic, still keeping a safe distance outside the system’s hyper-limit in case they needed to make a quick getaway. A scout didn’t get close to anything until sure it was safe to approach.

This system had a potentially habitable planet. It had been scouted before and was on the list for possible future colonisation. Being suitable for humans meant it was also suitable for the Swarm, so scouts visited the system regularly to make sure that the aliens hadn’t settled. After six more hours watching there was still no sign of any intruders, so the captain ordered a move to the next system on their list. Not very surprising since all the systems they were scouting during this mission were on the opposite side of Waller from the nearest Sa’arm occupied systems, but they still needed checking in case the Swarm had sneaked in.

Once the FTL drive kicked in the Captain sent the scan section off duty to get some rest. Hope stretched her back and stood up. She’d spent her eight hour shift checking her instruments with no excitement at all. At least she’d have some excitement with Joseph once she got back to their quarters. Paradoxically, Joseph was doing what she’d wanted to do: he was a medical assistant on board the scout. With his parents’ medical background he was a round peg to fit into a round hole.

Most of the crew were young and inexperienced like Hope, even some of the officers. There were a few experienced NCOs and officers, including Captain Newbound, to guide the newer crewmembers. Hope suspected that was why their orders took them away from the Swarm, many of the crew needed more experience of service in space before confronting the enemy directly. She was sixteen now, one year older and with an increased CAP of 6.8. As Jun-Hee had told her, the older she got the closer she would be to fighting the Swarm directly. The wait was frustrating, but she put her energy into learning her job and getting ready to fight. At least this scout was an improvement on training simulators and dockyard work. She wasn’t where she wanted to be yet, but she was getting closer.

Next was an F-class star with no habitable planets. This system hadn’t been scouted before, so their approach was even more cautious. Captain Newbound took a full twelve hours to check before moving closer. With no habitable planets the only possible use for this system was resource mining. The scout ship had a small laser and a spectrometer for mineral analysis. They fired the laser at any interesting looking asteroid, throwing up a cloud of vaporized rock for the spectrometer to analyse for interesting minerals. A couple of asteroids had a higher than expected proportion of Yttrium, so the AI noted them in its database. Maybe a small mining operation here might be useful in future?

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Ek Innocent Pativrata Bhabhi Ko New Year Party Per Kiya Majboor

Ek innocent pativrata bhabhi ko new year party per kiya majboor! Hi readers I am about to share my fantasy with you. It’s a story of a housewife, a very sweet innocent, and pativarata type, her husband were three brothers, and her hubby was the eldest one and others were younger, one was doing inter in arts side, and another was in his graduation, they were both attracted towards their bhabhi, both used to flirt with their bhabhi, but she never taken them seriously, one day her it was raining...

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Meri Pehli Chudai Mere Ghar Per

Mera naam Meera hai or mein 21 yrs ki hu ye kahani tab ki hai jab mein college k first yr mien thi. Meri height 5’2 hai aur mere stats 34C 28 37. Gora rang aur teekhe nein naksh. Kul mila ker I have a nice figure and beautiful face. College mein humare group mein Raj naam ka ek ladka tha jiske mein jyada close thi. Hum log kaafi time saath mein bitate the aur dil hi dil mien ek dusre ko pasand kerte the lekin kabhi apni feelings express nahi kia tha. Raj 5’10 height ka strong built wala handsom...

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Maa Ki Kehne Per 3 Mousiyo Ko Pregnant Kiya 8211 Part I

Hello my dear frnds my iss ka bahut bada fan hu me is site pe 1 yr se ho socha mai apna experience apke sath share karo mera naam soham hai mai ek college student ho ye story meri life change kar di ye meri first story hai to mujhe aap logo ke comments bahut important hai plz comment on my email id plz bahut sare comment dena mai un galtiyo ko right kar dongaYe ghatna aaj se 3 saal pehle hui jab mai 18 yr ka tha mere maa ke papa ko 6 betiya thi per ek bhi beta nhi tha meri maa sab se badi beti...

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Meri Purani Job Per Mili Ladki Se Friends

By : Samir_chauhan29 Hello dosto me Samir from Gujarat aapko bata du k me iss ko kariban 2-3 saal se padhta aa raha hu isme kayi saari stories padhi he per kitni such he ye to padhnewalo ko sam aa hi jaata he wese me ye stories padh ker kaafi muth mara kerta tha but kabhi socha nahi tha k me kisis ladki ke saath sex karunga apni wife ke alava wese meri wife ab nahi rahi aaj 30 July 2011 ko me ye story likhne k liye inspire ho gaya hu. Kyu k ye meri pehli story he or ye ghanta mere saath aaj se...

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The Perils of Dating Supergirl Part 2

Hi there!My Name is Robert Shephard, but most people call me Bobby. I was living an average life, I had a good job teaching High School Chemistry, and was dating an absolute knock out named Linda. Then everything changed when I (through a complete fluke) discovered she was in reality Supergirl. Messed up huh?A Day after I discovered the truth I found myself Orbiting the Earth in a Massive Space Station called "Watchtower". "This is the Coolest.....thing....ever!" I said pressing my face against...

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Cousin Ki Wife Tour Per Chudai

Hi friends, kese ho ye meri dusri story h . Jo ek real story h . Mera naam vedant h main delhi me rhat hu . Dikhne me kafi handsome hu . Apko story kesi lagi muje mail jarur krna meri email id h ab apko boor na krte hue story per aata hu. Last summer me hamara haridwar or rishikesh jane ka program bana family k sath bua ji bhi ghr aayi hui thi bua k ladke ki newly sadhi hui thi bua ki family bhi sath jana ka program ban gya . Sunday raat ko hum delhi se nikle maine mere friend se car xchnge...

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Bhanji Ko First Time Choda Diwali Per

Hi friends, mera naam tarun hai and main mumbai me padta hoon and age 21. To baat aaj se 1saal phle ki yaani 2014 ki diwali ki hai. Meri ek cousin sister hai wo surat me rehti hai meri mausi ki sabse badi thi wo toh meri mom se bs 8-10 years badi hai and unki ek 18 years ki beti hai. Diwali vacation bs 3 days ka tha toh maine socha ki di ke yaha hi ghum aate hai. Meri bhanji ko leke mere man me kabhi koi bura nhi tha but is baar wo sb hua jo kabhi socha b nhi tha. Toh main di ke yaha chala...

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Meri Wife Ke Saath Trip Per Threesome

Hi iss readers my friends, it is the best and only place where we can share our private moments, feelings and thoughts also. I’m not a writer so pardon me for my mistakes. Your comments are precious to me. Personally i like mature or married ladies. I like to suck vagina most. I always attract to women with big ass, boobs and one thing more some hairs on their legs (if i can see). Ok come to the story.  I will write the story in Hindi because feeling of words in Hindi is amazing. Let’s...

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Sonia Ki Mast Chudai Us Ke Ghar Per

By : Waseem Khan Hello Readers I’m back again, as you all know me if not then let me introduce once again my name is Waseem and I am 29 years old living in Hyderabad and always on hunt for hot sexy married lady with big gaands, lolz its’ my weekness. I hope you all read my previous story Mast Gaand wali Ritu ki chudai. This is my real story too, as I got few emails from the readers 2 of them become so close to me and sended me some of their pics I like both of them but I loved a sexy hot lady...

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Emperors BodyguardChapter 6 Long Live Emperor Albert

I glanced at Sergeant Tao and Senior Sergeant Davis beside the door as I tapped and opened it. Albert looked up from tickling the baby while Molly only wiggled her fingers as she focused on the chest board in front of her. I closed the door and crossed the room to reach down and move a piece on the board. She glared at me, “Wait your turn.” I grinned and looked at Albert, “Your father has requested you and Molly have lunch with him and your mother.” Albert looked up, “Did he apologize to...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore

Quando quella sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare l'amore, e io a un certo punto gli dissi che era mia intenzione cominciare a vivere come una donna, la donna che ero sempre stata, la sua reazione alla mia notizia fu una faccia a met? tra lo sbigottito e il sorpreso, quasi come a voler dire: "Ah. Beh, per? in fondo me lo immaginavo." Nei cinque anni precedenti, Achref aveva sempre sospettato che il suo pelosissimo orso gay passivo che lui inculava a piacimento potesse essere in realt? una donna...

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Non rifiuto un aiuto per mia sorella

Ho 22 anni vivo in provincia di Firenze, studio, ho una fidanzata carina che non mi fa mancare nulla.La mia famiglia è composta da papà, mamma e una sorella di 19 anni.Mia sorella è 'grassottella', non grassa, sicuramente poco appariscente, non voglio dire che sia brutta. Certamente lei non fa nulla per apparire, a volte un pò di trucco e una gonnellina ti cambiano completamente.Non ha molti amici e a volte il Sabato sera la porto con me e i miei amici, la speranza è sempre che trovi un...

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Rent Per Rehne Wali Aunty Ko Choda

Hello dosto, myself prem or meri age 26 years hai and meri email id() hai.Ager koi girl ya aunty (only delhi and faridabad) mujhse sex chat kerna chachati hai ya mere sath sex kerna chahti hai to plz mujhe meri email id per mail karein.Or again thanks apne meri pichli story padi or mujhe email pe response diya abhi tak mujhe 659 email aa chuke hai or maine sabhi ko reply kiya or bahut si females ke sath sex bhi kiya. Ok to main chudai story per ata hu ye story abhi current ki hai jab main apne...

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Roof Chatt Per Mazey

Yeh unn dinno ki baat hai jub humarey city mein TV nahin aaya tha…iss waqt mere Dad ne London se TV laya tha…aur unnhi dinno mein TV station bhi lug gaya tha….usswaqt sirf English films ya baher key dramey waghera dikhte thay… mere mahelle mein mallom hoogaya ke mere gher per TV aagaya hai….tau humarey paroos ke larke…mujhey akser kehte ke hunain bhi TV per koi English film dikhana…..Uss waqt zamane ki mashoor film lagi huwi thi…..mahale ke larkoon ne kaha “Musaveer Bhai tum kooch arrange...

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Una Brava Mamma Per Ogni Occasione

Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio. Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono. Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...

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Una Brava Mamma Per Ogni Occasione

Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio.Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono.Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...

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Perla and Benito

Perla and BenitoBy Shabbadew2002Email me @ [email protected] Chapter 1Mommy Likes to MasturbatePerla made sure to lock the door.  He had gone to the beach, but she wanted to make sure she would not be disturbed.  Benito had been coming in and out without knocking since they had been on holiday.  At home, he never would have entered her bedroom if the door was closed without knocking, but staying at a hotel gave him license.  Therefore, she flipped the lock, lay down on the bed and sighed......

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PerraChapter 2

"Damien." Perra called softly. "Damien!" More urgently and louder when he didn't come. "Damien!!!" She finally heard a response from behind the door. It opened a little and Perra saw the familiar visage, or one side at least around the edge. "Damien!" The joy in her voice was obvious to Damien regardless of who she was or what she was doing there in the middle of the night. She was young enough that she didn't seem threatening and her outfit looked familiar enough. Was she...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 61 The Goat Whisperer

Friday, September 5, 2008 I had to do a lot of yard work at that resort. Kelly was very insistent that the lawn needed to be mowed as often as possible. I also had to ‘clear the weeds’, ‘trim the shrubs’, ‘edge the lawn’, and perform every other possible type of yard maintenance. On the other hand, I considered it critical to provide the best customer service possible. It’s just the kind of guy I am. Still, we did have to get out of the room on occasion, if simply to gas up the mower....

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore 4

Fu la notte pi? bella della nostra relazione. Dopo la pizza, passammo un po' di tempo seduti sul divano. Lui mi teneva la mano dolcemente, guardandomi con occhi che non avevo mai visto prima e tenendomi la mano come si fa con la donna amata, baciandomela pi? volte. Persino la sua voce quella sera aveva un tono diverso, molto soave, ad esprimere tutto il suo neonato amore per la sua donna. Achref non mi aveva amato particolarmente come uomo gay, considerandomi pi? un oggetto sessuale che...

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Jaspers Scene

I was in the park, my usual spot for a warm Sunday afternoon. It was nice and clean after a long week of spring rains, everything had turned green and the sky scrubbed blue. Not a cloud in it. And I'd found a good spot near an old beech tree to put my big quilt comforter. It was old and a bit ragged, a classic patchwork of fabrics hand stitched by my own grandmother before I was even born. I loved that comforter and sat on it happily, pulling my long skirt down my legs and finding a well worn...

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Origins of the Personalia

Personalia: their origins and development [The following paper, ( amended from a talk given to the Rehome Historical Society, which later appeared in the "Journal of the Rehome Historical Society", issue no. 73), is a brief historical review by Robert Kempe, junior, of The Personalia from their ancient origin to their present interactions with the human race.] Author: Robert Kempe, eldest son of Governor Bob Kempe and his first wife Diane Enloe. Background of the author: My father has...

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Copyright 1999 by Elaine Blankenship and Shannen Greggs. All rights reserved. ============================== Esperanza by BoyChiq and Lainie Lee The rain came down hard, harder, hardest near Buttonwillow. I had got stuck behind a couple of big rigs going up a hill. The wet gloom made mid-after-noon into almost-night. Just as I slowed to no more than a walking pace, the right-hand door of my car opened and a girl climbed in. She dripped water on my seat cushions and turned...

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les bienfaits du sperme sur la santeacute

Le sperme et ses bienfaits sur la santéAvec des qualités nutritionnelles intéressantes, ses propriétés anti-âge établies et son rôle d’antidépresseur pour les femmes, le sperme est définitivement bon pour la santé. À tel point que certains chefs le cuisinent ou le transforment en cocktail.De nombreuses études prouvent les bienfaits du sperme pour la santé des femmes. La semence masculine influerait sur notre humeur ainsi que sur le vieillissement, en plus d’avoir des qualités nutritionnelles.Le...

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Parte 4 Después de mi muestra de sumisión, mi Dueño se alejó ordenando a su sumisa “Hecha a este a****l al porche”. Aquella, con una sonrisa burlona, se agachó y cogiéndome por el tobillo de una pata trasera, me arrastró sin miramientos por el suelo, hasta el rincón donde tenía el colchón. Allí, me tiró sobre él, sujetó la cadena al collar y a la anilla de la pared y dándome una patada en el culo, se marchó dejándome sucio y dolorido. El dolor de los pezones, me estaba pasando, pero los...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore 2

Era passata una settimana dal nostro ultimo incontro, in cui gli avevo rivelato di voler cominciare la transizione, quando venerd? pomeriggio arriv? il solito messaggio Whatsapp che mi informava del suo arrivo: "Ordina pizza. A casa tua per le 20.00". Achref si annunciava cos?, ordinando la pizza e, come contorno, il fatto che dopo avremmo fatto sesso e dormito insieme. Nella nostra relazione esclusivamente carnale, lui veniva a casa mia ogni venerd? sera dopo il lavoro e il copione si ripeteva ug...

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"And Puissard," the old jailer warned, "Leave the poor girl alone."  He gave the foul-smelling rabassier an unceremonious shove through the outer gate and into the cobbled alleyway behind the Périgueux jail. The grizzled Frenchman turned as he stumbled to the curb, and spat his disdain at the provincial gendarme, but the constable had already shut the gate behind him and turned the key, hoping the old fool wouldn't recidivate yet again. Gardien de la Paix, Fabien Fournier picked up a corn...

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My Man Percival

Percival Hedgespeth came into my life at a time when I was at a low ebb in affairs of a carnal nature. I had been an early bloomer safely ensconced in the family estate near Cornwall and managed to remain a sort of capricious creature with plenty of available cock to choose from whenever the need arose. Of course, my traditional-minded parents were convinced I was a virgin long after the dirty deed was actually accomplished late one night by a drunken house guest with no idea whose snatch he...

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Emperors BodyguardChapter 10 The passing of an Emperor

I watched young Constance as she slowly circled me. She had a serious look on her face and the other Dragons in the Salle knew better than smile. Molly was mopping the sweat from her face as she stood with Samuel, Huntress and Dancer. Constance suddenly kicked and I turned and brushed it up. She was already turning as her other foot left the ground, her body rolling and then her other foot lashed out. I slid back, grasping her foot and twisting before releasing it. Constance hit the mat hard...

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Quando una sera Achref venne a casa mia per fare lamore 3

Le prime iniezioni della terapia ormonale sostitutiva mi furono fatte da una mia amica alla quale avevo comunicato la mia decisione di intraprendere la transizione. La scelta del giorno, venerd?, era altamente simbolica. Per cinque anni, infatti, vedermi con Achref prima del fine settimana era stata la mia unica opportunit? di esprimere la mia femminilit? con un uomo che mi amava e sapeva come farmi sentire una donna. Ma dopo tantissimi anni in un corpo che non rifletteva la mia vera essenza, f...

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Silkie and Casper from the Shamrock Tavern2018

"I got up on a weekday morning, took a long shower, washed my hair, put on a little light lipstick, then changed my mind and put this ugly, really red shade on. It looked terrible against my pale freckled skin.I put a lot of it on my lips. I thought "This is going to be all over some guy's dick pretty soon.""I piled my hair on top of my head, like I was preparing for some kind of stage role. I never used eye shadow or eyeliner, except on stage, but I found some and put that on around my eyes....

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

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Concerning BodyHoppers

CONCERNING BODY-HOPPERS A Body-Hopper is a creature unlike any in existence. For the most part unknown to the general public, these strange beings dwell among civilization in secret. A parasite, the Body-Hopper's physical form appears to be that of a normal human male. But, with a mere thought, the Hopper can make himself insubstantial, more gaseous or liquid than solid. In that fluid state, a Body-Hopper can physically meld itself with the body of a normal human. The Hopper flows...

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SPH III The Return of Santas Perverted Helper

For the third time that cold December afternoon I tried to adjust the digital binoculars on the house across the street but I was unable to focus them. That was because my young assistant had succeeded in removing my yule log from its confinement and she was doing her best to grow it to its full holiday dimensions with her small, warm hands. “Susie, if you keep that up then we’ll never be able to accomplish this mission,” I told her, hoping it would stop her from what she was doing though...

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Body Hoppers The Complex

Body Hoppers - The Complex By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: This story is in the effort to reboot the body hopper world and to set the rules firmly in place for all who wish to make a body hopper story. It just seems that years after the original, everything is just out of place now. So, I hope you all enjoy it, if not well then, sorry to hear it: D Thank you.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hi. My name is Steven. I have a last name, but I am not going to tell you what it is. I work...

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Casper The Dog Makes Me His Bitch

I’m just a regular 21 year old girl, I’m 5’6″, slim and quite top heavy. But then that doesn’t really matter as you are going to imagine your own fantasy girl as you are reading this. I would like to say now this story is based on truth. So allow me to begin to tell you all on how it came about me becoming Casper’s little slut. As I was growing up as a little girl I have always had an affinity towards dogs, they just seem to get me if you can understand that...

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