Trysting with Lauren and Dimitri
- 4 years ago
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„Wen haben wir denn da? Carmen das Flittchen.“ Ich bleibe abrupt stehen. Gerade bin ich aus meinem Mini geklettert. Im Büro hat es heute mal wieder länger gedauert. Jetzt ist es schon 21 Uhr. Es ist dunkel in der Tiefgarage unter dem Apartmenthaus, in dem ich wohne. Gerade einmal die Notbeleuchtung funktioniert. Schritte kommen auf mich zu, schwere Schritte. Schritt von mehreren Männern. „Du hast dir aber heute lange Zeit gelassen“, sagt der Rädelsführer. Sein ukrainischer Akzent ist nicht zu überhören. Dimitri! Ich kralle meine Handtasche fester, presse die Lippen zusammen. Vier Männer oder genauer gesagt, drei jugendliche Schnösel und Dimitri stehen um mich herum, keilen mich zwischen Auto und Wand ein, hindern mich am Weglaufen. Doch das würde ich sowieso nicht machen. Man läuft nicht weg vor Dimitri. Dies hier ist sein Viertel. Das macht er jeder klar, die hier her zieht. Vor allem bei Single-Frauen setzt er seine „Rechte“, wie er es nennt, konsequent durch. Aber ich kenne auch eine Menge verheiratete Frauen, deren Typen nicht genug Arsch in der Hose haben, ihre Frauen vor Dimitri zu schützen. „Wie lange haben wir uns denn nicht mehr gesehen?“, will Dimitri wissen. Ich weiß es nicht genau. Zwei Wochen oder drei? Wahrscheinlich eher drei. Ich denke an das letzte Mal, als er mich besucht hat. Sie waren damals zu fünft. Vier junge Männer unter 20 und Dimitri. Dimitri ist irgendwas um die 40, die Jungs, die ihn begleiten sind meist deutlich jünger. Seine Garde. Sie machen alles für ihren Boss. Wirklich alles. Dafür erlaubt er ihnen den Zugriff auf die hübschesten Frauen in seiner Gegend. Seine Jungs tragen Waffen, Dimitri selbst nicht. Seine Jungs sind auf ihre Waffen verdammt stolz. Einige von ihnen haben mir ihre Automatikpistolen schon in die Möse gesteckt und mich damit gefickt. Ob die Waffen dabei geladen waren? Ich weiß es nicht und nachzufragen habe ich mich nicht getraut.
In der Regel hat Dimitri zwei oder drei Mal im Monat Lust auf mich. „Damit ich ihn und unsere Liebe nicht ganz vergesse“, sagt er oft, wenn er mich von irgendwelchen neuen Leuten besteigen lässt. Dimitri fickt mich bei solchen Gelegenheiten selten selbst. Nicht mal den Schwanz lässt er sich blasen. Wenn Dimitri mich will, geschieht das leiser. Er schickt mir eine Nachricht und kommt eine halbe Stunde später vorbei. Ohne seine Jungs ist er ganz erträglich. Er ist dominant, fickt hart und konsequent, aber er schlägt mich nicht, macht keine sonstigen bösen Dinge mit mir. Seine Jungs sind anders. Sie leben ihre vermeintliche Dominanz viel brutaler aus. Dimitri lässt sie gewähren, steht daneben und schaut zu. Ob es ihn geil macht, wenn sie mich so behandeln? Anmerken lässt er sich nichts, aber ich bin mir sicher, es macht ihn geil. Es macht ihn geil, wenn sie mir in die Haare packen und mich hinter sich her zerren. Wenn sie mir ihre Dinger in die Möse stecken und mich fertigmachen damit. Wenn sie mir alle möglichen Dinge in die Möse stecken, mich fesseln, auf mir abspritzen und mich anpissen.
Dimitri schaut bei alledem zu und sagt kein Wort. Er lässt die Jungs spielen, lässt ihnen ihre Geilheit und ihren Sadismus. Heute sind es außer Dimitri drei. Ich kenne sie nicht. Dimitri bringt immer neue Leute mit. Ich lehne mich mit dem Rücken an mein Auto, stelle die Handtasche auf dem Boden ab. Ohne das ich aufgefordert werde, knöpfe ich meinen Mantel auf. Drunter trage ich einen hellgrauen Hosenanzug, Bluse und passende Wäsche. Langsam knöpfe ich das Sakko auf, dann die Bluse. Dimitri grinst mich kumpelhaft an. Er blickt die jugendlichen Schnösel an. „Das mag ich an Carmen, sie weiß, was man von ihr erwartet“ Er blickt auf meinen Schritt. Nervös nestele ich meine Hose auf, schiebe sie samt Höschen herunter. Dimitri lacht. „Sie ist nass“, stellt er trocken fest. Dann schiebt er seine rechte Hand zwischen meine Beine. Seine Finger berühren meine Spalte, ich stöhne auf. Ohne Probleme gleiten zwei seiner Finger in mein nasses Loch rein. Er beginnt mich hart zu ficken. „Carmen ist eine der besseren hier im Viertel“, doziert er. „Sehr willig, sehr gehorsam, hält eine Menge aus, genau das, was wir brauchen.“
Warum redet er mit ihnen in Deutsch? Warum soll ich verstehen, was er sagt? Das macht nicht häufig. Meistens reden sie in ihrer Muttersprache. Seine Finger tun mir weh und machen mich gleichzeitig geil. Er schaute mir in die Augen. „Wir gehen nach oben und ficken ein bisschen, dann muss ich was mit dir besprechen“, sagt er beiläufig. Der Kloß in meinem Hals wird immer größer. Was hat er mit mir vor? „Kannst du nächste Woche Urlaub nehmen?“, will er wissen. Ich überlege panisch. Das wird verdammt schwierig, aber Dimitri ist keiner, dem man mit Problemen kommt. Seine freie Hand legt sich auf meine Kehle, er drückt mit wohldosierter Brutalität zu, während er mich gleichzeitig schneller fickt. „Also kannst du?“, will er wissen. Ich nicke, denn ein Wort bekomme ich nicht raus. Der Druck auf meinen Hals lässt nach.
Before I walked out of the tunnel that I was in, I checked the bicycle paths in front of me and when I was sure that nobody was coming, I ran out and did those few meters to the other tunnel in record time, while barefoot. Maybe, I should have checked inside the tunnel first before running in, but I was in luck because it was empty. This time, I couldn't hear anything that would suggest that there were people ahead, so I walked to the other end of the tunnel. This one was a little shorter,...
This story for those Who wanted to enjoy pleasure of sex maximum and maximum and maximum even after 10-15 years of marital life who is in 30+ age group but they too wanted to enjoy sex just like as new couples. Dear friend sex is the only thing which keep the male female relation intact whether they are husband-wife, girl-boy friend, old man-woman and this relation help our family and society easily movable. Those who are not satisfied with their spouse can take help of ours to satiate but...
My partner and I share a fantasy about me watching her have sex with another man more me than her at this point. She is seriously the best partner in the world and has started to have a seriously sexual side to her more so now than when we first met, we decided that we would go for it even tho she was still abit unsure about it...i joined a online dating site and made her profile pic to one where she was all done up ready to go out with her short blonde hair and I tight short blk dress, it...
Dear Indian sex stories readers and authors !! I am back again Vijay, who at the moment residing in Nepal. I have already told about myself in my previous narration “Pune History with Sanjana”…You can read the below and please give the feed back to or Any girls or ladies who would like to have a great pleasure can contact me. Secrecy and respect is well maintained You can read for my intro and how am I. I have already informed in my previous narration that there are many more to come all my...
Introduction: the start of a larger story Hi my name is Honey. If you have time to read this i will tell you about me. I am 46 years old and live in Tasmania. I have long blonde hair small tits, and a cute ass or so everyone keeps telling me. I love sex, or more to the point i cant get enough to satisfy me. I like all kinds of sex, and have tryed most. The story starts when i was five I was asleep in my room with Vicky my three year old sister, and the one year old twins Adam and mary. I...
Chance is lying in the bed when he hears the sound of feet walking on carpet. He opens his eyes to a room that is half lit by the moon outside. Across from him the bed is empty which means either Rory is using the bathroom or couldn’t sleep. When there isn’t another sound, Chance opens his eyes more to roll over to look at the clock. It feels like he hasn’t gotten much sleep, but with the day he had, he could just be tired. But before his eyes can settle on the brightness of the numbers on...
I was very nervous yet very turned on at the same time. Here I was, restrained in a very vulnerable position on Connie’s bed, a “hard” Christine was about to cum deep inside of my rectum and I heard voices in the other room – one of which was Connie’s yet the other was definitely a male. My hard cock was pointing down across my belly right at my face and Christine was about to empty her cum into me. She let out a muffled moan as her eyes screwed tightly closed. I felt gobs of her cum paint the...
These stories was written as part of a Hopper Swap, where two writers get together and use two story ideas, one from each writer and make them into a story. The other writer on this occasion was SaraH. We had one week to write the story. I've put the story ideas at the end so they don't spoil the story. "I tell you it isn't like that!" shouted Marlene. "Once you get married, it's forever, it's not just until someone else attracts your attention!" "You have no idea what men are...
I walked out of my office and headed for the sidewalk going around the other side of the house toward the cottage and Farley. When I got in view of the guard's shack, I saw a late model car sitting at the gate. The security guard looked like he was arguing with the driver, so out of curiosity I walked over. Just as I reached the shack, the driver stuck a pistol out of the window and shot the guard. He went down, bleeding from the shoulder. I pulled my forty and shot the driver as he started...
Introduction: This is a true story of my first time My name is Tiffany and this is my story. I was reading some of the others and thought I would give it a shot and tell my story. This website is great ???? I guess getting the story started is the hard part, so here it goes: I was 14 years old and living in upstate NY &hellip,way upstate near Watertown in military housing with my parents. It was cool because most of all the kids in the neighbor hood were military also and we all went to school...
Not all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan discusses her other passion the automobile. Of all the things that I learned about driving faster from Bob Bondurant and his team of drivers is that driving smoother is faster. With my eyes only looking to where I want to go, needing to feel the car to know what the car is doing, every move must be planned. Stomping on the gas, jamming on the brakes, missing the apex by turning in too soon or turning...
On the seventh day of Camilla’s predicament in the public aquarium in Montreal, she was being gang-banged by two spirits: those of a younger man and an older man she’d met one night thirteen years before, while visiting another strip joint in Toronto, called the Solid Gold. The boy’s invisible cock was in her ass, and the older man’s was in her pussy. Cell-phone cameras never stopped getting video of those two gaping holes as her naked body continued to hover over the water tank. Since Camilla...
Reaching and taking her hand, my wife rose from the couch and started working on the ties on the front of the corset. Tammy stepped forward and assisted her, quickly freeing her from the confining garment. Beth jumped up from the couch and pulled the flimsy white negligee over head. I watched as her huge tits rose and fell as her arms lifted up, then bounced joyfully as she hung the light fabric garment over the arm of the couch. Grabbing both of my hands, she dragged me through the doorway...
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Monday, July 28th, 2014 – The Ghost of Paris – Caissa County, ID "We would have," Marissa shouted, standing naked next to her twin sister. "We want to be with the Ghost. We left our families behind for him. We knew what we was signin' up for." I stared out at all these women. I had molested them all, reveling in my powers and their pretty bodies. I never thought I would stir up such loyalty and love. I had only been after pleasure. I was a horndog that needed to fuck, and I hadn't...
Brianna and I laid on the sofa after we made love. ‘That was incredible,’ I whispered in Brianna’s ear as I rolled off her to stand up. ‘Yes it was, but I need to get back home, my kids are probably wondering where I am,’ Brianna replied as she stood up. ‘I did not realize you have kids,’ I said with surprise look on my face. ‘Yes, a 16 year old girl and a 14 year old son,’ Brianna replied. ‘The kids will be gone tomorrow night. I would like to make you dinner?’ Brianna asked with a...
I am Sanjay, 37 yrs old businessman who works from home. My wife Pooja is in a job. She is very career oriented and often works late. S our married life is virtually zero. Sex for her is a necessary thing in marriage, but she does not enjoy it much. So I end up becoming very sexually unsatisfied and often lonely. In this state I was contacted by my old neighbour Satish. He was 3 years my junior and we used to play cricket together when I was in my doing my MBA and he was in college. He used to...
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Dear readers , you may recall that Indra left my house without lunch , telling my mom she was tired & didn’t feel like meeting Jaya , that day. Later, Jaya arrived about half an hour later. My mom was having lunch at the hall ,after she tried to wake me up for the same, which I refused feigning tiredness, but actually didn’t feel like having lunch, what with so many thoughts floating across my mind , after hearing the conversations & having darshan of my mom & Indra’s cunt. So, within about 3...
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I work for a multi-national company as a system analyst so I am often travelling to oversee the implementation of new software and system processes. This was why I was in Toronto, working with some very reserved Canadians, at least they seemed reserved and relaxed. There was this one woman, whom I had met online, and been exchanging dirty texts and emailing very not politically correct stories with for a while. So seeing as I was in town and had some free time I sent her a message that I was...
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Hey guys, this is Rahul and I am back with another sexperience of mine which happened a couple of months of ago. This experience was a threesome and the two beauties to it were my family friend Gautami (who was also present in my previous story) and my neighbor Radhika bhabhi. The story is quite long, please bear with me. To the audience reading my story for the first time let me tell you a little about me, I am a resident of Bangalore ; I am fair, on the slim side, fair, a die-hard football...
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Rachael Cavalli lost her ring somewhere between the couch cushions, and asks her stepdaughter Athena Faris to help her find it. As they poke amongst the nooks and crannies of the couch, Rachael’s hand gets stuck. When Athena tries to assist Rachael, she gets her own hand caught too, so now they’re BOTH stuck while bent over on the couch, as their panties are peeking out from under their short skirts! Uh-oh, now what? Luckily, Rachael can reach her cellphone, but they don’t...
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Gay MaleWhen Hilly used the cardkey on her hotel room door, it flew open by itself as she pushed causing her to fall on the floor. "Fuck." "There you are!" Madison helped Hilly up, then grabbed her garment bag and shook it out flat. "I was worried when I didn't see you get off the bus." "I'm too short," Hilly said as she tossed her duffel bag on the far bed and yawned. "I could barely see the movie over the headrest." Hilly didn't have many girl friends after growing up with three...
Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...
Introduction: Casey loved this house… Casey had babysat for the Smith family now for the past year. She remembered the first time she had met Andrew and Jane Smith for the initial interview. She knew she would like the job from the beginning. There would be perks and lots of them. Casey would steal drugs, money and material items from the home. The biggest bonus was the sex. When Andrew caught her stealing he would fuck her silly for hours to teach her a lesson. Sometimes he would also have...
We finished watching the game on T.V. and I have to say it was more exciting the night before because we were there last night. We knew everything that was going to happen. Anyway, The game was finally over and and all three of us were hungry. So I grabbed some stakes for the freezer and headed out to the backyard. Gabby and Diem when back to my room to find some clothes to put on and come out with me. BBQing was fun for me and i liked to cook so it was no big deal. Then I saw both of...
Serving Her ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Serving Her Our world has not always been kind to women and sadly much of it still is not.Though coveted for their beauty, intellect and insight they have often been relegated to be trophys of war, excuses for war and abandoned to rebuild society by their own hands. Civilization has progressed and, with that, the stature of women has progressed. Within my lifetime I have seen a growing awareness of the worth, the equality...
This girl I knew from school pulled up her shirt and showed me her tits. Chelsea was a cheerleader and normally never even gave me a second look. That's when I knew I was just having a sexy dream. Since turning sixteen I'd finally gotten my subconscious trained so that most times when I had a sexy dream I could go on long enough to enjoy it, but wake up in time to keep from making a mess in my jams, or worse. I always slept in boxers, so my hard-on found it pretty easy to poke out the front...
Just when life can seem regular and uninteresting, a sharp turn can take place. That recent sharp turn in my life was brought about by my wife of two and a half years, Elaine. Now, wives often cause life to be rather exciting and mine is no exception. Elaine is a pretty twenty-three year old blond, medium length with blue eyes, exactly five feet tall, right on the money. Yes, she’s fairly short, just don’t kid her about it, it does piss her off, I might add. She’s rather feisty, one...
Fünf junge Frauen haben nach dem Schulabschluß das Leben auf dem Land satt. Es zieht sie in die große Stadt. Sie kennen sich zwar von der Schule, planen aber nicht unbedingt gemeinsam ihr neues Leben in der Stadt meistern zu wollen, auch wenn sich ihre Wege manchmal kreuzen können. Svenja (18) ist sehr naiv. Sie hat einfach einen Koffer mit den wichtigsten Dingen gepackt, ihr Sparkonto geplündert, 500 € sollten für den Anfang reichen, meint sie. Ansonsten glaubt sie, in der Stadt leicht eine...
There I was just sitting in the livingroom reading my kindle when the doorbell rings and I come back to reality slightly annoyed, putting down the kindle down I walk over and open the door and lo and behold there in front of me looking through the screen is my lovely friend Lyndsi with a cute sheepish grin wearing a very short colorful yellow sundress. The light from outside is shinning brightly and because of that her sundress, being thin material, I can clearly see through it. Obviously she's...
Hi there. This story is a fantasy of my son and I in a few years time...A few years had passed since I first became involved with my brother, and although we remained close I married the father of my son and lived with him for awhile. However, when my son was 11 we began to have trouble with our marriage. He was far from faithful and I couldn't put up with some of his habits anymore. During that year we had more and more trouble and fights until finally we decided that a divorce was the...
Tina worked in our data processing division. She always looked and conducted herself as the total professional who was dedicated to her job. Some of her co-workers dubbed her a cold fish, but I always felt they read her wrong. Since it always seemed that we had our lunch at the same time I attempted to break the ice by starting a conversation, and she responded. After a few weeks of polite conversation in the lunchroom I finally got up the nerve to ask her out, and she accepted.I...
FetishDawn had three classes on the day Faith came to visit her, and Faith followed her to each one. Every time the doors opened and the students streamed out, carrying thick books and ragged messenger bags, lighting up cigarettes, Faith meant to get up and find Dawn in the crowd. Instead she stayed put, leaning up against the wall or sprawled out on a concrete bench, and watched the girl with an outsider's eye.She still looked like a model, tall and skinny as hell, with narrow hips and perfect hair,...
When I had just started my current job we had an intern join us for a year from university - she had started a couple of months before me. Kelly was given the job of showing me around the building and making sure I was settled in ok.After a week or so I was into the swing of things and didn't really see much of Kelly, except on lunch breaks or in the car park in the morning.Kelly arranged a staff night out, just some drinks at a local bar one evening. About twenty of us went along. It was the...
TrueMegan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...
The Doctor Owns Me – Chapter 2 It has been a week since Mike had his surgery and he was feeling pretty good. He is still at home, not scheduled to return to work until his post-op follow up visit, next week. The familiar clank sound of the brass mail slot in the front door told him today’s mail had arrived. As Mike picked up the pile and sorted through the usual: junk, junk, junk electric bill, junk, a letter from the Health Insurance Company. The others went in a pile on the coffee table as...
Dave felt rather shitty about what he was doing, but Nancy had left him little alternative. He had been asking her where she worked and she simply refused to tell him, saying only that she was a cocktail waitress, and that he couldn’t see her at work. Mystified, he decided to tail her to work one night and find out. Now he was sitting in his car a half block away from her apartment, facing the driveway to her apartment. She had told him she had to leave to go to work at about seven, and sure...
Friday Morning--Tylea and Lee. "I think that for the rest of the semester, I will only have Chinese take-out, if anything, delivered to the Sigma Lambda Tau house. I don't even think I have it in me to look at another pizza for a while, much less order or even eat one," Lee commented on their ride back to Middlebury. The four youngsters had had breakfast before departing their hotel for their last meeting with their paramour clients at the Pizza Grande Northeast Regional Operations...
This story continues on from Lost in Isolation, though you do not have to have read that story to understand this one This story continues on from Lost in Isolation, though you do not have to have read that story to understand this one.? Clare?s New Life Chapter 1 The morning that my life changed again started in the usual way.? Joe and Shane had just finished preparing me for another day of slave training.? I did not know how long I had been held for, or how many men had used my body,...
This story has a fairly long lead in before you get to the action, so be patient, and I hope you think it is worth it. Part 2 will be up shortly as well, which will raise the temperature a lot of degrees more. We’d been away from home now for nearly 3 weeks, and were getting close to our goal. Our boat had conquered 30 foot waves, and horrendous hurricane force winds, and the 6 person crew (four men and two women) had become a slick team, any rough edges having been long since knocked off. ...