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Ich sitze auf dem Beifahrersitz seines Wagens. Er hat mir gesagt, was ich für ihn anziehen sollte, und natürlich habe ich mich genau so angezogen. Ich mache alles, was er will. Er kann alles von mir verlangen.
Und so hat er mich vorhin abgeholt, direkt vor meiner Haustür. Mein Auftritt dort war mir extrem peinlich, ich traf einige Nachbarn, die mich fragend von oben bis unten ansahen: So hatten sie mich, eigentlich eine ganz normale Hausfrau, verheiratet, zwei Kinder, noch nie gesehen. Verlegen stöckelte ich vor der Haustür auf den 15cm Absätzen der kniehohen schwarzen Wildlederstiefel auf und ab, versuchte, den Saum meines schwarzen Stretch-Minirocks wenigstens soweit herabzuziehen, dass meine nackten Arschbacken bedeckt waren, und bedeckte mit einer Hand meine Titten, die praktisch aus den viel zu offenen Ausschnitt der viel zu engen, nuttigen Bluse hervorquollen. Mein Ehemann hatte nur den Blick gesenkt, als er mich so sah. Seit langem lasse ich ihn nicht mehr an mich heran, und heute nun wird es öffentlich, dass es einen anderen gibt, einen anderen, für den ich mich so anziehe.
Ich drehte mich zu unserem Haus um, im Wohnzimmer stand mein Mann am Fenster und sah mich an. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, aber ich glaube, ich konnte Tränen in seinem Gesicht sehen. Irgendwie tut er mir Leid, aber ich kann es nicht ändern. Der Andere hat von mir Besitz ergriffen, und ich kann nicht anders.
Die Blicke meiner Nachbarn sind mir peinlich, machen mich aber auch in gewisser Weise stolz. So begehrend bin ich von den Männern der Nachbarschaft noch nie angestarrt worden. Die Frauen sahen mich eher feindselig an, sahen sie in mir doch anscheinend jetzt eine Bedrohung.
Endlich kam er mit seinem großen schweren Wagen vorgefahren, um mich abzuholen. Klassische Musik, sein männliches Aftershave. Er betrachtete mich zufrieden und sagte: "Mach es dir gemütlich."
Was er damit meint, ist klar: Er hält mir ein Wasserglas hin, und ich weiß, es ist eiskalter, teurer Wodka. Er mag es, wenn ich ein bisschen betrunken bin, und ich tue ihm gern den Gefallen, denn ich merke, dass dann ich um ein Vielfaches enthemmter bin. Ich lehne mich in dem großen, bequemen Sitz zurück und öffne das Fenster, spüre den warmen, sommerlichen Fahrwind, der in den Ausschnitt meine Bluse fährt und dafür sorgt, dass sich meine Nippel fest zusammenziehen und sich durch den dünnen Stoff der Bluse drücken. Auf einen BH habe ich verzichtet, genau so, wie er das gewollt hat, trage ich überhaupt keine Unterwäsche. Das macht mich geil, dieses Wissen, dass ich unter meiner Kleidung komplett nackt bin, und dass ER das weiß.
Der Wodka rinnt heiß meine Kehle hinab, und er schenkt mir nach. Ich kann es nicht fassen: Es ist 10 Uhr morgens, ich habe Mann und Kinder allein zu Hause gelassen, sitze wie eine Nutte gekleidet in einem luxuriösen Wagen und trinke Wodka. Und fühle mich gut dabei. Ich schließe die Augen, genieße den Fahrtwind, und spüre die knisternde Spannung, die zwischen uns herrscht. Wir reden kein Wort. Ich spüre seinen Blick, der über meinen Körper streift.
Er lenkt den Wagen auf die Autobahn, es ist nicht allzuviel los, nur einige Lkws sind unterwegs. Dann sagt er mir heiser: "So, und jetzt lass mich deine Fotze sehen." Ich glaube, ich habe mich verhört. So hat er noch nie mit mir geredet. Ich spüre, wie mir die Röte ins Gesicht schießt, aber auch, wie ich feucht werde. Ich mag es, wenn er mich herumkommandiert. Langsam ziehe ich den Saum des Minirocks nach oben. Natürlich weiß er, dass ich rasiert bin, er will es so. Früher hatte ich immer noch ein kleines Büschel oberhalb stehen gelassen, aber auch das gibt es nun nicht mehr. Komplett blankrasiert will er mich haben, hatte er mir vor einer Woche gesagt, wie eine Teeniejungfrau.
Und genau das bekommt er jetzt von mir zu sehen. Ich habe sorgfältig gearbeitet und kein noch so kleines Härchen übersehen. Ein bisschen stolz recke ich meine glattrasierten und etwas geschwollenen Fotzenlippen vor.
"Sehr schön.", sagt er nur. "Reib dich ein bisschen, mach dich ein bisschen nass für mich."
Jerry was hanging out at his apartment with Elaine one afternoon when the self-centered brunette was doing her usual whining. Today’s topic was sex, and the fact that she wasn’t getting any. Jerry reminded her that he was always willing to be her “fuck buddy” if she was really desperate. I mean, what are friends for?She complained that her boyfriend kept wanting her to try anal sex, making a gagging sound with a scrunched up face to match as she went on about his disgusting request.”You’ve...
Seinfeld: The Rejected TG Final Episode found by Cabinessence Seinfeld is a creation of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Spells R Us is a creation of Bill Hart. Ellen Degeneris is a creation of her parents. Scene One: Spells R' Us store Paramus NJ location. Old Man: Jerry Seinfeld, I haven't seen you in here in oh about ten years. Jerry: Well I had this little TV show that has just about wrapped up. You may have heard of it. Old Man: I don't watch much TV. I haven't had...
Als Töchter eines der vermögendsten und einflussreichsten Männer im Staate Virginia des Jahres 1864 wachsen Miranda und Rebecca Beauregard liebevoll umsorgt, behütet und – trotz eines möglicherweise kurz bevorstehenden Bürgerkrieges – völlig unbeschwert auf einer der größten Baumwollplantagen des Landes auf. Doch während die knapp neunzehnjährige, schwarzhaarige Miranda bereits eine verwöhnte junge Südstaaten-Prinzessin ist, die sich ihrer außergewöhnlichen Schönheit inzwischen sehr wohl...
Zaid hatte letzte Woche seinen fünfzigsten Geburtstag gefeiert. Er hatte einiges zu bieten, auf das er stolz sein konnte, seit er vor fünfundzwanzig Jahren mit seiner Frau Jamilia und ihren beiden ältesten Kindern aus Somalia nach England gekommen war. Sie hatten zusammen vier weitere Kinder. Alle seine Kinder waren gesund und erfolgreich, alle hatten die Schule erfolgreich besucht, und obwohl er in seinen drei Geschäften hart und lange arbeiten musste, bescherten sie ihm sie ihn und seine...
InterracialFather vs. Son“Please don’t be alarmed or think this is a sick joke, but my name is Bradley Patrick; however you knew me as Benjamin Reese. Chelsea Reese was my mother.” I say to the Donna Reese“That’s impossible. Benjamin is dead” She tells me.“It’s not ma’am, I am him, and I was given over to my father, the man that ****d Chelsea”“I think you better come in and explain yourself”I walk into her house and she led me to the living room. I sit down when she offers me a seat. She walks out of the...
Mall Break Room Scene: Lauren’s POV: My heart beat strong as I heard two sets of footsteps climb the stairs. I felt a tingle from my nether region. It strengthened and rippled down to my vagina and filled me with anticipation. My Carolina Blue bikini panties became uncomfortable as they pulled tautly across my crotch. Her mom dangled naked, her full boobs hanging and her legs stretched out off the floor, bare, round bottom up high. I spied on mom’s whole sex scene that night. The juicy...
After the girls' shopping trip we stopped at the duplex where Beth and Gail disappeared into our bedroom with the bag from Vickie's. Since we had plenty of time we decided to eat at a local Italian restaurant. Good food, just not as good as the Pizza Palace. With food taken care of, we drove to one of the campus parking ramps and walked to the auditorium. My brother promised to wait in front of the auditorium after the concert. Since he was almost hopping up and down with excitement I...
author's Note: This is a reposy but I do have permssion to do so.The Piano Teachers' PussyIntroduction: A story about a young man's introduction to love... I was 14 years old and in grade 9. I never really wanted to take music lessons but it was a forgone conclusion in my family. Both my parents were very musical. My mother was a backup cellist in the cities symphony and my father had taken music lessons his entire c***dhood. My parents had tried to get me enthused about some instrument – any...
Like ninety percent of the boys on the planet, Sylvio masturbated incessantly. Normally, he shouldn't have had to, what with his steady stream of high school girlfriends and an occasional graduate. At six feet tall, with piercing dark eyes gazing out from a smooth olive complexion, an athletic but not overly bulging frame, and long black thick hair that always looked as if it had gel, Sylvio epitomized of the phrase: tall, dark, and handsome. Sylvio's sister (Maria) was also tall, dark,...
I was a bartender for years when I was younger. This story and others to follow are about my experiences during those years. I have some other story lines going, Gonna Sell The Bitchs’ Car in particular, but due to some feedback and my work schedule right now it’ll be a week or two before I can post my reworked third installment. I already had this and some others written so I thought I would submit it. It’s a cautionary tale, while I hope you enjoy it but take the message to heart. ...
Best friends Carla Cox and Carmen McCarthy are two horny hotties who have ordered a big box of dildos in this cheeky lesbian porn extravaganza. These gorgeous vixens aren’t getting much satisfaction from their husbands, but the two gorgeous blondes have no trouble getting each other to, reach intense climaxes, using tongues to juice up those puffy pussies, as well as fingers and their new vibrators. These sex kittens don’t care who hears their screams of pleasure here on...
xmoviesforyouSo I have had this scat fetish for quite some time now. However, since this is taboo in India, I never dared to pursue it. I am 31 years old and really wanted to try this. Let me tell you how I got into this. All my life, I have been a voyeur. So when I was young, we used to go to our native village in Kerala. We had a maid who was good-looking and young. We see a lot of her cleavage and navel when she mops the floor. I kept drooling over her perfect boobs and navel as she mopped the floor. I...
My girl friend Geeta call me so many time for date but, I was busy with my office, for few days I was out of city and then with Fareedha yesterday night she call me at her home the parents of Geeta was not at home and late she told me they are out of city for one night as Sonia cousin of Geeta is leaving on upper portion of there house there for her family left her with Sonia. Geeta call me at 9:00 PM I visit her house at that time she was alone in house and watching new movie “Josh” she told...
It felt like a normal day. I went to work, the day moved by in centimeters, and I longed to come home to my husband. I couldn’t stand being away from him for more than a minute. I was so passionately in love with him, that even after 3 years of dating and marriage for 4, I still get the butterflies. Yes, even when he calls me. As plain as it is, we are young and in love.But on this particular day I wanted to hurry home before he did. It was his 26th birthday. He loved when I threw him parties...
On Sunday Rick was admitted into the VA Hospital. He was given a preliminary examination before being fed dinner. Erin rented a room at a Comfort Inn across the street. She wore a pair of sweats, white socks, sneakers, and her hair was pinned up under a baseball cap. She wore only a light smudge of lipstick and a bit of mascara. Monday the doctors did exploratory surgery on his leg. They found an infection down to the bone. The bone being completely knitted, they pulled the pins out and...
"So, is it cool if I come over today?" Frank, her ex-boyfriend, asked as their school bus neared her house. His expression was smug, his intentions very clear. Not that she didn't feel like a good fuck to punctuate her day, it just wasn't Frank's dick she wanted inside of her. She sighed, scooting over to the edge of her seat, preparing to get up and depart (escape, rather). "No, Frank, my mom is going to be home all day today," she said, which wasn't exactly false. "And the last thing I...
IncestIntroduction: It was Myras turn now…. Part#2 Before Myra could turn around to investigate the noises in the bushes behind her several sets of large hands took control of her little body. She screamed in surprise. The last thing the girl on the ground mumbled to her was enjoy it. She was carried off away from her. A giant hand controlled her head by grasping the back of her neck. Other large hands grabbed her wrists like vice grips and she was whisked up off the ground when her ankles were...
I had not left my room for what felt like weeks. Sure, I had gone out to get something to eat here and there, and shower, but other than that I was in my room. My father expressed his concern through my door, telling me that it was unhealthy to lock myself up like this but it didn’t change anything. I was not ready to come out. “Elaina,” my father spoke softly though the door. I could hear the concern in his voice, but I could not bring myself to answer him. “Please talk to me.” I didn’t know...
Incest$400 for three days work, and a chance of more,when I was so broke I was bumming smokes, I would do anything for that. I was sitting in the passenger seat of a Mercedes, my skirt up round my waist, rubbing my pussy gently with an order not to climax, going to spend three days at where I didnt know, with a guy I only knew as Johnathon, but who gave a damn , there was a pandemic on, fucking Corona Virus 19, and as a street walking hooker I was starving to fucking death. I had only pulled my...
Continuation of the text: https://pt. Xhamster. Com/stories/cl-o-a-lady-of-respect-9742776The candle sparkles, almost goes out, they hold their breath until the light fires. Rodolfo lights the other one. The room illuminates up enough tô make the place more cozy.The sound of a sax gives the rhythm, creates an even more stimulating, seductive atmosphere.Rodolfo twists the opener and pulls it gently until the cork comes out. Hold and pour the wine into the crystal glass. Smells, swings and takes...
I gaze upon your exposed athletic legs in those sheer silk hose and your can see your bikini panties. You seductively peel your panties to your ankles, you kick them off and hop up on the desk, spreading your legs to make your tasty pussy available to my hungry mouth. I lean down, my nose close to your opening and take a deep breath, savoring the aroma of your ripe young pussy. You keep your pussy neatly trimmed, and besides, with it trimmed, your clit and succulent lips were much easier...
Hi. I'm Lena. You won't know me. Although some of you may, in a way. I wasn't always known as Lena, you see. I'll explain. When I was 15 I was in all the papers locally. A schoolboy went missing. Massive hunt. Then, several weeks later, he showed up again. There was no real explanation and all was forgotten. Until now. I was a regular teenager. Chased the girls a little, never really pushed my luck, I should be quite clear. I had a pal from early childhood, let's call her Anne....
The sun had barely risen over the horizon when Marie entered through the gates of her employer's country house. Her employer wouldn't wake for several more hours, but Marie needed to be there in time to have the fires lit, breakfast made, and the myriad of other chores begun before starting the day's real work of managing the property. Normally, she would have the help of the other servants to ease the burden of managing an estate, but as this was her master's retreat from the world of the rich...
Straight SexThe place is always different, but's somehow it always feels the same. A shitty bar on Nar Shadaa, a rundown Cantina on Tatooine; it really doesn't matter. The music is always too loud, the drinks are never strong enough, no one smiles when they see you. Big wide galaxy, but nothing really changes. Sure, the job might be different. Sometimes it's a fool who borrows money he knows he can't repay, or a "virgin" daughter runs off with a handsome smuggler. But someone's always trying to find...
At 7:30, things were starting to finish up. Karla was on a mattress in the center of the court being sandwiched in her ass and pussy by Jimmie Williams and Craig Hixon. She was exhausted and sore, and drained internally from her night’s multiple orgasms. Her moans of pleasure were echoing off the walls of the empty area. Under one of the baskets, Vicky was being impaled reverse cowgirl style on Ronnie Simpson’s 9 and a half-inch pole. As she hopped up and down on his thick black bone, she was...
I just stood there, not knowing what to say, but I also kept rubbing my dick on my palm, that just felt so good that I didn't want to stop. "Have you?" "Um, no," I whispered in embarrassment at the question. "Well, there's a way to masturbate that feels a lot like that. Do you want to try it?" I nodded and she made her right hand into the 'OK' sign using her thumb and first two fingers, so I formed mine the same way. "Now put your hand down and push your penis head between...
Hi all. This is Mit. I’m you average north Indian guy, 22 yr old, with a little over 6′ height and a lean build. I’ve completed my graduation and work with a consulting firm. The story I’m about to narrate happened about an year ago, when I was still in college and had to go to another city for a month long training. Since a very close friend of my father used to live in the city where my training had been arranged, it was decided that I’d be staying at their place only. Uncle and my dad were...
IncestPim loved a lot of foreplay and she taught me how to control my orgasm and release. She would suck on my cock and take me exactly to the edge of no return. Then she would press down with her thumb to block my release and stop the fellatio until I could regain control. She would do this again and again until I could really establish control. She would put my cock in her tight pussy and contract her muscles and take me up to the point of no return, to the point of release, but somehow she...
Hi ISS readers, This is Akshay and it is my first attempt at writing a sex story. This is based on my most recent experience that happened in the beginning of 2017. I have had several encounters before I got married but this is the first one after I got married. Hope to write many more stories ;) Maybe a quick introduction before I begin. I am little over 6 feet. I indulge in sports and of late lawn tennis has helped me maintain my fitness level and also increase stamina. Recently, I did a full...
I really did it this time. Normally, she’d come up with some little way to punish me when I screwed up, and then get angry when I don’t notice my punishment. Confrontation wasn’t our thing, but she was waiting for me when I got home. “What have you got to say for yourself?” she had demanded. “About what?” I dodged. “Stop it! I’m not an idiot. Stop treating me like I’m an idiot!” She slung her purse over her shoulder. Her keys were already in her hand. “Fine. Then stop acting like an idiot....
SpankingHello to all and a fast introduction, my name is Raj and I am an MBA from one of the top B-school and working in an US company on high designation. This is an incident that took place with beautiful women named Prachi who is 28 yrs, 34-28-36 with 5’6″ height, long and tall hairs, big eyes and curvaceous body. She is my friend wife named Ravi. The incident took place on 5 Jan 2012, I was working in office as usual and around 5 pm and I received a call on my mobile from an unknown number. On...
Authors Note: This is the concluding part of the story ‘The Three Sides of a Triangle’. In the previous parts Koushik, Ratna and Geeta have narrated their story of sexual adventure with each other. I humbly request the readers to read the previous parts before this part so as to get familiar with what all have happened. Geeta’s Narration *************** Sunday morning, I woke up hearing some sound in the kitchen. It was just 4:30 AM. I tip toed into the kitchen and saw Ratna dinking water. I...
Incest“I have a surprise for you,” Candace calls from the bathroom. “Okay...” Luke says, not sure what she could possibly have hidden in the bathroom with her. “You still naked?” she calls again. “I haven’t moved,” he assures her. She takes a few minutes more before emerging from the bathroom. “Holy shit...” Candace struts confidently out of the bathroom toward him. Her tiny little skirt bounces above the pink nylons she wears as she walks. Little pink straps hold them up and connect to a...
In Which Leon rediscovers Innocence, and Honore is introduced to virtues beyond the normal condition. Leon never enjoyed his visits to the city of Congress whenever they were necessary. He was very uncomfortable squeezing his enormous penis into the leg of his trousers – even though he always made a point of wearing them very baggy irrespective of how fashionable or not that might be at any one time. He particularly dreaded getting an erection as it pushed so obviously against the inside thigh...
“Naked Pizza Festival, I see!” the delivery girl, a Tejana named Jessica, licked her lips, having visited him before. Julian had made a note to himself to seduce her and the other delivery folks in time into joining his tribe and his church. He moved so fast this time that she didn’t see him until he had her in his arms and began making out with her. He gestured for the others to kiss her, but nothing else for now. He noted that she was single, at least for now, though that was no issue for...
Working as a maid, the husband seduced and fucked me while his wife was a sleep in the bedroom [email protected]
First TimeMy name is Ram. I am married living in Mumbai, having good business. Linu the lady of my dreams is my wife’s Aunt . She is 42 yrs old. Her husband, is a very rich man. Her husband is also a very powerful & influential man. Sara is 5′.5 tall with whitish complexion, long black hairs up to her massive hips and attractive face. She has very big and well shaped boobs and ass. I always used to stare at her beautiful ass that jiggles by her each step. She caught me red handed many times but didn’t...
IncestMary stood at the entrance of the barn in amazement and stared at the harness that Spence had told her about. It looked like some medieval contraption for torture. But she was also excited by it. She heard the stallion pounding his feet in his stall. She walked over and looked at him. She had been fascinated by his cock from the first time she had seen it and now she had a chance to sample it for herself, if Spence was telling her the truth. She hoped she could take the full length of his...
Around 3:30 am that night. I woke up being rather dazed; I wasn’t sure where I was when I came to. I didn’t bother to sit up because my memories were flooding back. George; we kissed, he brought me home, and … right… lost my virginity. That’s when my vision started to clear up and I could clearly see him beside me, he was wide awake, but I don’t think he knew what I’d do if he continued from this point. “Can you turn on a light…?” I mumbled softly to him, he just nodded, complying with my...
Quickie SexDear Readers, as I promised you to tell the last part of the story, here it is. Now all our fun was over again. Within 2 weeks my friend’s marriage got fixed and he got engaged and married next months. Till then it was smooth, no fun nothing. As Animesh doesn’t want to disclose any of these incidents on his wife he decided to take another flat in a different colony which was 7-8 kms away. As the flat was his relative’s flat so I also had to vacate the house. I took a different flat near by. I...
Nail Polish Fetish By Margaret Jeanette Jenny Wright was in a quandry. She was having lunch with her best girlfriend, Julie, and Julie could see something was bothering her. Julie asked what it was. "I hate to say this but after four years of marriage somethng has gone out of it. Robert is attentive but when we make love he comes right away before I am even getting warm, not hot. Also, he isn't as attentive around me as he was when we first got married. I just would like to...
A/N: Be warned! there may be the occasional bad end/game over chapter in the story where either the protagonist, protagonist's party member(s) or NPC(s) die. Said chapters may just involve the character(s) dying and it may include some smut too (no necrophilia tho cuz eww, seriously) so its up 2 u whether u wanna read it. I will put in capital letters for the bad end chapters so u can avoid it if u don't wanna read a bad end/game over chapter. If you have any suggestions then feel free to PM me...
Fantasy12:07 pm, March 23 cdobrowI decide to come home from work early to surprise you. I sneak in our front door and I hear you in our bathroom just getting out of the shower. I have on dress pants and a dress shirt with a tie. I walk towards the bathroom while undoing my tie. As I walk into the bath I see you naked bending over drying your legs off. I take my tie and wrap it around your waist and pull you to me. At first you seem a little startled, but when you realize its me you relaxed and start...
GYM FUCKING XXX.....Se eblepa kathe meras to gymnasthrio pou erxosoyn......mmmmm...panta forages poly kollhta kolan gymnastikhs...afhnontas ra andrika blemmata na kanoun prostyses skepseis me ton kayto soy kormi..mmmm......................Htan deytera.....kai nkaname thn gumnastikh mas apenanti o allos apo ton mi stigmh synanththikan ta htan...moy xamogelases me nohma...kai katalaba oti ayth h mera tha eixe....kaytoo...
The four of us were up before six; Izzy and Peggy helping Lilly finish her packing while I was in the shower. Breakfast was light, coffee and cinnamon rolls, the conversation even lighter. No heavy discussions, thank goodness, although I did pass on the list of presents I'd promised our daughters for their birthday. Izzy and Peggy promised to pick them up and hide them away where they couldn't be found. I had some doubts about their ability to manage that. "Better, I hope, than you hid...
WHEN I SLID INTO BED, it was next to Kate. She turned toward me and started to say something, but I silenced her with a kiss that went on and on. While I kept my lips locked onto her, I hugged her to me with my left arm and let my right hand explore her body, stroking and caressing everything I could reach. I felt her tender breasts as if it was the first time. I cupped her ass in my hand and pulled her toward me, grinding my cock against her stomach. I pushed her to her back without...
Business failing and only my self taught business computer skills and long managerial experience my daughter had passed freelance computer work to me. After a year one of her directors surprisingly offered me a full time job as researcher and managerial adviser to him and a junior partner in the firm. Nice BMW and a salary offer double what I expected I was fully employed again instead of self employed. What had I let myself in for though. Louise was 43 and a workaholic dynamo with a string of...
EroticHello friends, This is a fictional story and is a part of a series. You can send me feedback on I am writing this sex story from the perspective of a village girl rani. Hello, guys and girls. I am rani from Arapur. I am 19 years old and have a well built sexy body, with perfect curves and assets. I have several friends in the village mostly of my age group. We often hangout together by the stream where we usually bath together (nude). In my village, there is chaudhary, who is very rich and...
He walked into the local library and saw that Carolee was working behind the counter. He had long noticed her and found her very attractive and she always seemed to be very cheerful.. She was always dressed in either a just above the knee dress with hosiery and high heels, or nice fitting slacks with hose and high heels. Seeing her just drove him crazy and he knew that he had to do some- thing about it today. He noticed that today she had on a green dress and light black hosiery and a pair of...
EroticWatching her husband pulled out of the drive wave Christy waved goodbye to him from their living room window, then turn to yell at her eleven year old son Ron, to hurry up getting ready for school before he missed the bus. Ron ran down the stairs, waved at his mom and was out the front door. “Have a good day at school,” she said as she saw him run down the street. With a big sigh in her breath, Christy turned to walk into the kitchen and began clearing the table of dirty dishes....
"Wow! I can't believe we just did that," I said. "You betcha, we just did it," Kay replied. We walked across the parking lot towards the car. My mind was racing; I just suck off two guys! So did my girlfriend! I was having a difficult time fathoming that our dares would take us to an adult bookstore where we would flash patrons and suck cocks through gloryholes. "Did you mean it when you told the clerk that we would be back?" I asked. "I meant it." I stopped Kay and kissed her....
Dave and I got together twice in the next couple of weeks. It wasn't easy as we didn't have a venue to enjoy ourselves as we would have liked to. One Monday night we had his house to ourselves for a couple of hours, supposedly to watch Monday night football. Chloe was at work. We relieved the sexual frustration we had by sucking each other to orgasm. It was nice knowing that we didn't have to rush off afterward and that the other guy wasn't some sexual deviant. "There is a party we are going...
Group SexThe fourth round is about to start and it is said to be an elimination round. We should eat a minimum of 15 members shit to survive this round. The mistress arrived, “It is going to be fun” shouted M.Chitra. I went near my aunt and asked her about these two mistresses, She started to tell me about them, First of all M.CHITRA means Mistress Chitra and G.CHITRA means Gangbang Chitra. These two women gained these names from their teenage itself, these two beautiful women were cousins. They used to...
Shhhh! My mother may be asleep, wait out here while I check. “Whispered Shelly to her two male companions. “Okay.” Carl whispered. Carl Fields grinned knowingly at Greg Sullivan, as the two of them sat down in the darkened hallway outside the Burnside’s front door. They started talking about the exhibition she had just put on. What they had seen in the movie was nothing like what Shelly had just accomplished. They talked about getting a camcorder next time she was over...
“All existence is in vain: unexplained and sterile. I’ll end up alone with all my doubts that will haunt me forever, even after my death...” —E.C. Lemus, The Master of the Realities I’VE ALWAYS HAD TROUBLE being the center of attention at a party. It’s exhausting, like I should be entertaining everyone. This was my birthday party with my six girlfriends. And I felt like I should be the one making sure each of them had a good time. I wasn’t too worried about Rachel and Livy. Livy didn’t...
It reminded me of that night my boyfriend and I were watching Silent Hill on my iPad. I was wearing something he loved to see me in. A white, sheer gown that was frilly and had two thin ribbons that you could tie and untie in the front. We finished the movie and I put my iPad aside and laid on my back and closed my eyes. “Alright, goodnight.” I said. He just laid there though. His body propped up with his elbow as he gave me a calm but confused look. “That’s it?” He asked. I didn’t open my eyes...
"I've got them both on me," she said. "Let me see them a minute please," I said. When she handed them to me I unloaded them. I left the percussion caps in place but removed the bullets and shook out the powder. I told her to store them inside the wagon and to let Dad know where they were. "We'll see if he wants to kill me now and when he tries it there'll be nothing but a loud pop from the caps," I said. She looked at me so funny then but said ok. We were up with the sun the next...
- Tonight, May I bring a friend of mine? She is great! You'll love her! - Okay! If you say so! - She danced like me! She is very open to sex! She is easy. You can nail her if you want to! - Okay! I mean, it is ok for her to come, not to fuck her. Maybe I will, but you know what I mean! She laughed. I told her to stop. But she said she was laughing with me. I was pretty sure she was laughing at me. I liked her laugh. Then she talked about the event last night. She shared with me that...