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„Mann so ein Kackwetter“, fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen.
„Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können“, meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die Gefahren des plötzlichen Winterwetters nicht sah.
Hinten im Wagen saßen noch Regina und Eva, die aber schon eingeschlafen waren und sich nicht an der Diskussion beteiligen konnten. Die vier jungen Frauen hatten sich in der Sport AG der Universität kennengelernt. Alle waren leidenschaftliche Wintersportler und so beschlossen, ein gemeinsames Ski Wochenende zu verbringen.
Sarah war mit 28 Jahren die älteste. Sie war kurz vor dem ersten juristischen Staatsexamen und hatte lange blonde Haare und war 1,90 Meter groß. Durch den vielen Sport in der AG hatte sie einen sehr durchtrainierten Körper und feste, runde B-Cup Brüste.
Melanie war eine 25jährige Medizinstudentin. Mit ihrem dunklen lockigen Haaren, die sie von ihrem italienischen Vater geerbt hatte, bildete sie das optische Gegenstück zu Sarah. Durch ihren olivfarbenen Teint vervollständigte sich dieser Eindruck. Im Körperbau waren sich die beiden jungen Frauen aber ähnlich.
Regina studierte ebenfalls Jura, war mit ihren 20 Jahren aber in einem unteren Semester. Sie hatte reiche Eltern und war ein ziemlich verzogenes blondes Püppchen. Äußeres Zeichen dafür waren neben ihren teuren aber geschmackvollen Klamotten, die DD-Cup Brüste, die ihre Eltern ihr letztes Jahr zu Weihnachten geschenkt hatten.
Die jüngste der Gruppe war Eva, die mit 18 Jahren gerade von der Schule gekommen war, um Geschichte zu studieren. Mit ihren kurzen roten Haaren und den kleinen A-Cup Brüstchen sah sie sogar noch ein wenig jünger aus.
„Ja schon, aber wenn das so weiter geht, landen wir auch noch im Straßengraben“, entgegnete Sarah, „so wie der Typ da vorne“ und deutete auf den weißen Lieferwagen, der hinter einer Kurve auftauchte. Der Wagen war offensichtlich aus der Kurve getragen worden und lag nun schräg im Graben neben der Straße.
„Oh mein Gott! Das sieht ja schlimm aus. Lass uns lieber mal nachschauen, ob da jemand verletzt ist.“ Als angehende Ärztin wollte Melanie nicht riskieren, sich einen möglichen Patienten durch die Lappen gehen zu lassen.
Sarah stoppte den Wagen und weckte die beiden Mädels auf dem Rücksitz auf. Die vier stiegen aus und näherten sich dem Lieferwagen. Die Hecktür des Wagens war bei dem Unfall aufgesprungen. Im Laderaum befanden sich metallene Behälter von denen einige durch den Unfall aufgebrochen waren. Aus ihnen war eine durchsichtige Flüssigkeit ausgelaufen.
Regina rief mit ihrem Handy die Polizei an und meldete den Unfall, während Sarah und Melanie durch die Beifahrertür an den Fahrer des Wagens gelangten. Er war bewusstlos und hatte eine blutende Wunde am Kopf. Sie konnten ihn aus dem Wageninneren nach draußen ziehen. Melanie diagnostizierte bei ihm lediglich eine Gehirnerschütterung, nichts Ernstes.
Bald schon hörten die Mädchen Sirenen näherkommen. Neben der Polizei und einem Krankenwagen, näherte sich auch ein ziviler Geländewagen der Unfallstelle. Aus dem Geländewagen stieg eine junge Frau in einem weißen Arztkittel und kam auf die vier Studentinnen zu.
„Guten Tag meine Damen. Mein Name ist Dr. Tatjana Battenberg, ich arbeite in der Forschungsabteilung der Biopharm AG. Der Wagen, den Sie gefunden haben, sollte einige Proben von neuartigen Arzneiwirkstoffen zu einem unserer Laboratorien hier in der Gegend bringen. Da es den Anschein hat, dass einige der Behälter beschädigt worden sind und Sie eventuell mit biomorphogenen Substanzen in Berührung gekommen sind, würde ich Sie gerne zu einigen Untersuchungen mitnehmen.“
Die Mädchen schauten sich verdutzt an. Als sie sahen, dass die Rettungskräfte, die den Lieferwagen bargen alle Atemmasken und andere Schutzausrüstung trugen, wurde ihnen klar, dass sie sich in einer ernsten Lage befanden. Sie folgten Frau Dr. Battenberg in ihrem Wagen zum Labor der Biopharm AG, wo ihnen Blutproben abgenommen wurden und andere Tests vorgenommen wurden.
Nachdem sie einige Zeit warten mussten, kam Frau Dr. Battenberg mit den Ergebnissen zu ihnen.
„Meine Damen, ich kann ihnen sagen, dass Sie wohl Glück hatten. Es sind zwar einige der Substanzen, die bei dem Unfall ausgetreten sind, in die Luft übergegangen aber Sie haben anscheinend nur eine unbedeutende Menge aufgenommen. Daher sollten Sie keine Folgen der Exposition spüren. Falls Sie doch irgendwelche Veränderungen bei sich bemerken sollten, melden Sie sich bitte umgehend bei mir. Ich möchte Ihnen weiterhin auch noch im Namen von Biopharm Dank aussprechen und Ihnen eine kleine Anerkennung für Ihre Hilfsbereitschaft übergeben. Ich hoffe weiterhin, dass Sie diesen kleinen Vorfall für sich behalten.“
Sie gab den Mädels jeweils eine ihrer Visitenkarten zusammen mit je einem Scheck über tausend Euro. Alle vier Mädchen bedankten sich artig dafür.
Nach diesem unfreiwilligem Zwischenhalt machten sie sich wieder auf den Weg zur Skihütte. Da sich das Wetter mittlerweile beruhigt hatte, waren sie schnell an ihrem Ziel angelangt. Durch die vielen Verzögerungen war es aber nun schon Nacht geworden und nachdem sie ihre Sachen ausgepackt hatten, verzogen sie sich alle in ihre kleine Einzelkammer und schliefen rasch ein.
Sarah schlief tief und fest. Als sie am nächsten Morgen aufwachte, spürte sie einen großen Druck auf ihrer Blase und sie wankte schlaftrunken aus ihrer Kammer auf die Gemeinschafstoilette und schloss sich in einer Kabine ein.
Sie setzte sich auf die Schüssel und raffte ihr Nachthemd hoch, um zu pissen. Da erlebte sie den größten Schock ihres Lebens: Wo normalerweise ihre süße kleine Pussy war, hing nun ein großer, fetter Schwanz! Sarah blickte geschockt auf die Wurst zwischen ihren Beinen und war überzeugt, immer noch zu träumen. Sie fasste den dicken Penis mit beiden Händen an, wog und fühlte ihn mit ihren Fingern. Unter dem Penis fand sie auch noch zwei schwere, haarige Eier, die an ihr herabhingen. Ungläubig spielte sie mit dem neuen Fortsatz herum, zog die Vorhaut zurück und wieder nach vorne. Das Teil, das sei da fühlte, war genauso, wie sie es mochte: Schön hart und dick, mit einer glatten Haut. Solche Dinger holte sie sich gerne von den diversen Unifeten mit nach Hause.
Das Gefühl, dass beim Spiel mit der langen Latte entstand gefiel ihr und so machte sie weiter, bis ihr neuer Penis sich ganz versteifte. 25 Zentimeter Fleisch standen jetzt zwischen ihren Beinen hervor, die sie hemmungslos mit beiden Händen wichste. Mit einer Hand ging sie dann unter ihr Nachthemd an ihre festen Brüste und spielte an ihren Nippeln, um ihre Erregung noch zu steigern. Der Mix der beiden Stimuli war bald zu viel für Sarah: Ihr neuer Schwanz spritzte in hohem Bogen seinen Samen ab. Die Wichse flog mit solcher Wucht heraus, dass sie Sarah mitten ins Gesicht traf. Das Gefühl des warmen Samens in ihrem Gesicht, machte dem Mädchen endgültig klar, dass das hier kein Traum war. Ihr waren über Nacht ein großer, mächtiger Penis und ein Paar dicker Eier gewachsen und sie hatte keine Ahnung, wie das geschehen konnte.
Verwirrt wankte Sarah aus der Toilette. Sie musste mit jemandem über das reden, was ihr passiert war. Sie ging in die Gemeinschaftsküche, wo ihre drei Freundinnen bereits zusammensaßen. Eva saß heulend auf einem Stuhl, während die anderen beiden versuchten, sie zu trösten. Als Sarah eintrat und sie die Wichse auf ihrem Gesicht sahen, wussten sie, was los war.
„Du auch?“ Fragte Melanie.
„Ich denke schon. Habt Ihr alle auch….“, fragte Sarah zurück.
„Ja“, sagte sie, „wir haben jetzt alle fette Schwänze“, bestätigte Melanie und hob ihr Nachthemd hoch, um ihren neugewachsenen Penis zu zeigen, der ihr bis zu den Knien hing.
At this day, windows were open to get in a more oxygenic air than it was usual in our old school building. Accordingly to the season, farmers had brought out manure to the fields outside the city, so the air wasn't really clean and fresh, anyway. Maybe this smell in the air triggered Janet to get into one of her shitgames again - I never found out. Anyway - at this day, the teacher was showing an educational video tape to the actual topic of the history lessons. I remember the videos of this...
I grew up in a rural Maharashtrian village. I was tall for my age of18 years, about 5′7″ and thin. I had round breast with big pointednipples, thin waist and well moulded buttocks and tapering legs. Mycolor was slight dark and my face was oval shaped. I had slanted eyes,thin pointed and slighltly upturned nose, pouting lips and good eventeeth, which sparkled when I smiled. I was not considered beautiful ina traditional way but by the age of 19, I could observe that most menwere giving me sly...
Okay, let me set the stage. My name is Denise and I am thirty five. I am in relatively good shape for my age, tall, thin and with dark shoulder length black hair that curls at the ends, no matter what I do to try and straighten it. (Kind of like me -- pretty much a conservative straight arrow, with a wicked uncontrollable twist, which my friends and my hubby hates!)Okay, so you also know I am married. Very married. I would never cheat on my spouse, because I know better. Or do I? I have often...
CheatingI barely had time to arrive at Mulligan’s when I noticed that the bar was packed pretty heavily for a post-pandemic night. Damn, word got around already, didn’t it, that coronavirus was history! No doubt, the doctors would be shaking their heads and yanking out their hair to learn what was up. So would the scientists, of course. Immunologists in particular. I grabbed the fountain pen and wrote down that, “All of the women are easy sluts tonight and the men are all horndogs. All of them will...
“Well you’re not getting it,” Maeson replied teasing her a little bit. It was a play on words, and he was still her older brother, and it was still his right to pick on his little sister at least some; which did include when his little sister was kneeling naked at his feet. However, he didn’t leave her hanging long, that would be cruel. He said that just to tweak her nose and let her know that it wasn’t going to be all grave and serious all of the time! After all, this wasn’t some movie and...
Introduction: I have always loved seducing others and being seduced for that matter. Hey everyone, Sorry have not written much lately. I have not been as active as I was and am still recovering but am almost ready to get back into some fun. This happened a few years ago when I did not have a steady roommate. I worked at a store and there were a lot of men and women that came in from diferent cultures. Japanese, Hispanic, Black and White. No one really attracted me or even flirted much as was...
The next day, precisely at six Ted’s condo phone rang. He pressed the entrance button which opened the building door and then he opened his condo door. He also turned on the nanny cam as he thought what he was going to say should be recorded since the existence of Marcia’s torn panties with his dried semen had never been discussed. About a minute later Marcia walked in. What was a little different this time was that she was not wearing a business suit which was what she normally wore. This...
I went to live with my gran after leaving school as I had an apprenticeship to become electrician, local to her house, she is 48 years old and I have never knowing her have a man after granda was killed ten years ago. I usually visit gran once a week with my mam and have sometimes stopped with her as well. She is five feet eight, pony tailed blond hair and has a trim figure, she works part to full time as a legal secretary and has her horse morning and night to look after as well.I’m stopping...
But in case your wondering about me being raped and all, its true. they say eyes are the windows to the soul, and im told i have quite large and beautiful eyes. yet no one can see my soul, perhaps i dont have one, i dont know. if my eyes are so big and expressive, people should see the real me, lying in the corner curled up in a ball crying, reaching out for help. but instead they see the fake smile, and refuse to try and look beyond it. when i was 11, i was looking at porn for the first...
You stare deeply into my deep blue eyes with an intensity I had never seen before. As dark wings suspend us in the air I allow myself to drink in those eyes that suck me in like a black hole. Comfortable being pressed tightly against your naked, clean, muscular chest my mind is bombarded with delicious thoughts. You are holding me to you in a way that makes me wonder if you are afraid to drop me. If I began plummeting toward the earth would you catch me? Lost in transit we slowly descend back...
This is intended to be a literary exploration of sexual devices for which I've had ideas but can't afford to prototype. If you want to, write a chapter about how you would use them. If you have ideas for your own devices or want to share how you imagine using them, you can submit your own chapters as well.
FetishSteph wanted to say thank you but Lexi quickly turned around and had already left the room. Leaving Steph completely alone in the room. Steph looked around the room and almost wanted to get up so she could check out the rest of the room. Possibly get something to eat. She just realized that she was hungry. It had been awhile since she last ate. But she also didn’t really want to get up. Before Steph could make up her mind whether to get up and get a quick snack or just lay there and wait,...
"Hey B, sorry I'm late." I walked inside and hung up my coat. "Here, I got ya some presents..." I handed her the three wrapped parcels. "Thanks Faith, yours is under the tree. You're staying with us tonight, ok?" Buffy looked amazing, her hair was shinning and the top she was wearing just looked... wow. "I-" "You're staying." No argument. "Faith!" Dawn came out of the living room. "Dawn, Happy Christmas!" I gave her a big hug. "I got you a present but you can't open it until tomorrow, ok?"...
Edited by Zaffen Tasha hung up the phone from talking with her boyfriend Phil. He had invited her out for dinner and then to a new nightclub to which she'd been wishing to go. He's so cool she thought, how did he know she had been wishing to go to that club. She started getting ready in the early afternoon even though the reservations were not until eight that night. She spent hours in front of her closet deciding what to wear and finally decided on a simple red blouse unbuttoned just enough...
The clock had just hit 5.30pm and as usual on a Friday I was struggling to finish up the days paperwork. I packed a few files into my case and let out a sigh of frustration … the McDonough case was really stretching my nerves. And I didn’t have time to mess around tonight; my friend Lizzie was expecting me at 7.30pm sharp. Lizzie was having a few people round and I couldn’t tell her again that I wouldn’t be able to make it. She was getting worried about me as I always seemed to be stressed out...
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Chapter 1 To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Quite a story Wow, you really had some fun, girl. And William sounds wonderful. I can almost see that nice long, pink cock of his. Makes me envious. Oh, and those twin brothers. Know their whereabouts? Got a phone number? Email address? Anything? Well, I guess it's my turn, now, huh? Funny that much of your early sexual exploration was with a family member. I wonder just how much that happens. I suspect a lot. Anyway, here...
Zoë felt quite excited as she pushed open the door to the flat she shared with Esther. Tonight was the night of the dinner party for which they’d been preparing for ever such a long time. Ever since the last such party in fact. That one had been such a success that they could hardly wait to get another organised. She smiled at her reflection in the hall mirror as she slipped off the denim jacket she’d been wearing. It had been so much fun her pussy had been sore for a week. She could hear a...
Group SexThursday Waking up Thursday morning was weird. There was a hand wrapped around my erect penis. The erect penis didn't bother me. That was usual first thing in the morning. The hand, however, now, that was interesting. It took me about five seconds to remember where I was. I shot up out of bed as the events of Wednesday night came back in a rush. I'd almost been raped. Aunt Susan had invited Renee and her friends to a 'rape Mira' party. If it hadn't been for Lisa and her dad, I...
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This is the story of the first three payments. Story contents include nudity, oral sex, reluctance dominance and masturbation. Comments are welcome. More to come! ******************************************************************** A Penance of Twelve Parts 1-3 Denise sat on the overstuffed chair and swung her feet up onto the sofa beside it. She had just showered and her brown hair was still drying as she fanned it out absent mindedly. The man she was waiting for wasn’t late but...
He was about halfway home and riding along a residential street when he felt a shudder from beneath him. The rear tire locked up and skidded along the pavement a few feet before Joey lost control of his bike and felt himself thudding against the hard pavement of the sidewalk. He felt tears welling in his eyes, and struggled to hold them down. He looked around to see if anyone had seen him, but the street looked deserted. Looking down at his arm, he saw a big scrape running along most of his...
© 11-2001 "Kathy! Dinner time!" I looked up from my reading and acknowledged my mother's call. "Coming Mom". I walked slowly into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Ever since my Dad died, my Mom had moved in with me, and taken over the upkeep of the house. I was 22 years old and divorced, and had discovered that I really liked women better than men. I also was into bondage and was definitely a 'top'. I stood about 5'8" tall and weighed about 118 lbs., all nicely...
Also, I've got a plea for my female readers: Please, Please PLEASE, let me know if I overstepped or got it wrong. I'm a guy, through and through. I have no right to claim that any of the ideas or the sensations in this story are true or or even close to the mark. I'm just assuming, and everyone knows where that will get me. So do me a favor. If you're reading this and you have a problem, or maybe if you just want to help me out, then leave a message or PM me. I'd love to get your take on...
I wasn't much of a superhero, but I was a good guy. By the time I was in 4th grade, I had made myself stronger and bigger than the bullies in school. I was careful however to not overdo it. I remember a conversation that Aimee and I had in our treehouse that same summer before we went back to school. "Okay," she said, "So you can make your body do things, change things by thinking about them or wishing them. But you are going to have to keep it a secret, just like Clark Kent's identity...
The last eight years have been mostly peaceful. Shortly after we annexed Flanders and Holland to Normandy, the Duchies of Brabant, Luxemburg, and Brittany sought permission to join what has become known as The Kings’ Council, even though many of the participants are now Counts and Dukes. Upon receiving unanimous permission to join, Brabant and Luxemburg immediately withdrew from the Holy Roman Empire or “The Empire” as they preferred. There were threats by the Empire of trade embargos against...
Chat 1! You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You and the stranger both like daddy. You: haii You: asl? Stranger: M43 You: f 18 Stranger: Daddys home You: ;) Stranger: Im james You: I'm ashley! Stranger: Nice Stranger: Wanna sit on daddy's lap You: Daddy... I wanna ask you something... Stranger: Go ahead You: At school today... People were talking about blowjobs... what is that... ;) Stranger: Ill show you You: Ok Daddy! Stranger: *goes on the pc and...
I lied down and had both Tricia and Avi come down to my boobs. They both grabbed onto one and began licking my nipples."Oh, once again, I have a mother and daughter getting me," I moaned, feeling each of their heads.That time, I got to lie down and take pleasure. Needless to say, Avi had some chick-on-chick experience, so she definitely had some more joy to bring to the table. Once again, they started licking them very slowly, but that time, they both grasped my jugs harder.I already had my...
IncestThe story you are about to read is true. The names and places have been changed to protect the not so innocent. Don, (not his real name) and I have been friends since third grade. We went to the same schools up to and through college. Don and I trust each other with our lives. This is why he told me his story and gave me permission to publish it.Don met a very hot and sexy single woman who was a nurse working at the local hospital. She was working when Don was admitted after a horrible auto...
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EroticIn this 4th chapter about the seductions of Adam, he joins Megan in her tutoring sessions, only to be seduced by the tutor, a friend of theirs. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16...
As a young girl my wife had a neighbor named Walt . He was a very tall Black man that had the only swimming pool in the neighborhood .All the k**s wanted to swim there and he would let them a couple times a week. Her bedroom had a direct view of the pool and his bedroom window . My wife's first experience happened one night as she was getting ready for bed . She had changed into her pj's with the curtains open . As she was closing them she had noticed Walts curtains were open as well . She...
That evening the Xylotropic Lounge was bathed in a cold blue light. This done under the orders of none other than Masters McClain himself. The effect, he said fervently, was to be one of complete technical sensuality--everything was to suggest the beauty of the clicking, whirring machine. The customers, or perhaps we should say-potential customers-- were gathered by eight-thirty. That, as was the custom with McClain's affairs, was the time stated on the embossed invitations. No one was...
The Hotel by Miss Anonna I swiped the little plastic card through the slot and watched the light turn green, then a click. I opened the door of the hotel room and shut it behind me, walked to the bed dropped my bag and threw myself onto the bed. It was so nice to relax for just a moment but my mind wouldn’t shut off so after a few minutes I sat up, threw my legs to the side of the bed, grabbed my travel case and unzipped it. I removed a small business suit and let it hang over the bed and...
In the kitchen he was seated on a chair, his hands tied behind his back and his legs to two sides of his seat. As he was surrounded by his captors he was scared for his life like never before in his young life. One of the men took out a gun and the woman started talking. „I am now going to remove your gag. If you scream, André will shoot you. Understood?” Joey nodded and the woman took the rag out of his mouth. „Joey can take whatever you want just please don't kill me” Joey started...
"Why don't we head on out to the beach? We can get a head start on some sunning and swimming before your mother and brother get home." Tiffany's face brightened. "Really?" "Sure," I said. Get your stuff and we'll go now. Probably have the place to ourselves since it's only midday." About 45 seconds later, we were cruising down the highway to the beach. It was tough to drive with my 17 year old daughter's legs barely contained in her cut-off shorts, long milky legs crossing and...
I awoke the following morning to a beautiful Canaries sunrise. Slightly disorientated due to being in a strange bed I lay back wondering if what happened the previous night had been a dream. Meeting my new friends Sven and Inga seemed so surreal I couldn't accept that it really happened. Well I was in Tenerife, wasn't I? At least that was not a dream.I arose and made my way onto the balcony dressed in a tiny pair of pants. The winter sun felt good, Britain can be so grey and cold in November, I...
BisexualWell it all stopped a couple of weeks ago, My fuck buddy asked me to shave her pussy ready for her holidays, WE was sat in the living room I said ok know problems lets do it now, ok she says. we got up to go to her bedroom on the way out of the room I says to her flat mate your turn next she looked at me & laughtsI told my fuck buddy to get undressed & get on the bed, she was laid legs shut show all her hairy fanny, I asked her to open her legs so I could have a good look at what wanted...
Claire lazily opened her eyes. A few moments later she remembered where she was – curled up in Scott’s bed. Last night she had given her virginity to him, and it had been perfect. Afterwards they had simply curled up together and watched a silly rom-com, laughing at all the same parts. She had slept soundly in his arms, amazed at how soft Scott was deep down inside, beneath his ‘bad boy’ facade. After a while she sat up and stretched, then opened the window just a little. The breeze caressed...
This incident happens almost 2 year ago. At that time I am not aware of desi papa .I only came to know about this site about 2-3 month’s. After reading the stories from desi papa in which some of are very much escasticating and terrified with the blend of pain, pleasure and sex. I felt that why should not I also write my true-life incident so that all the reader enjoy. Now gays and girls I am from good family. As a good family as you know sex talk is prohibited and you will keep far – far away...
Incest"Come on," George whispers, looking every bit as terrified as I am. "Mr. Jackson has said we can go into form early so that we- well, you- don't have the rest of the form staring at you." "Okay," I whisper. "Mr. Jackson your form tutor?" Megan- who has joined the 'convoy' of myself, George and Priya- asks. "Yeah," I say as I take step after step on my quivering legs. Despite the protection of three of my closest friends surrounding me, the walk to form is still the most...
At 0500 I was eating breakfast at my desk with a cup of orange juice and coffee as a chaser. I finished just as kitchen staff brought in fresh coffee and a pitcher of orange juice to put on the table we were going to use. The Russians were escorted in by the Secret Service and my staff to begin today’s discussions and clear up any questions from yesterday. Yesterday we listed the topics we wanted to discuss. We were going to take one from the list and beat it to death before moving on to...
I NEVER TOOK that wolf-tooth necklace off. It wasn’t like it was on a chain with a clasp. Merv knotted the cord around my neck and it was just too short to pull over my head. Oh, I didn’t wear it outside my clothes or anything. But I always felt those teeth against my skin. I did, however, take to wearing a bandana around my neck. I had two ugly red scars that I didn’t want people staring at. On Saturday the next weekend, Kyle, Aubrey, and I went up to the Bearclaw cafe to get a burger. I...
How much longer I have I cannot say. My strength is fading. But I need it to come to me once more. Just one more time.It has been months now. I was a strong man when it began. My body was tall and muscular from the work I did. I was a forest ranger. I would drive over gravel or dirt roads out in the woodlands, or I might hike the trails up into the mountains and into the valleys, each day. Climbing fire towers was common. Clearing trails with power tools or just hands and bare strength was...
Monster SexTodd slammed down the cell phone onto the desk, and dove into his bed. Wanting to scream into the pillow, but failing to find any noise in his throat. He didn’t remain immobile for long before getting off of the bed and grabbing his phone and falling back onto the bed, unlocking his phone and opening up the messenger app and scrolling up in his most recent conversation. He quickly closed out of the app and switched to the app store. With almost no hesitation he downloaded and opened up the...
This happened about thirty years ago. I was 23 years old and had gone to visit my grandma, she lived on her own about 5 miles away from where we lived so I liked to visit her at least once a month when my work allowed. This day was a Wednesday and as I walked in her friend, Audrey, was sat with her in the kitchen they were talking away. I’d been there around fifteen minutes when the phone rang, as grandma came off it she said “I’ll have to go to the shop I’ll be about an hour, you know where...
It had been two days since Dana had blown him away...literally. Two whole days since she even gave him so much as a lustful glance or even any sexual sign that she wanted him. Could people do that? Be insanely sexy one encounter then completely untouchable the next? Must be female thing, Derek concluded as he patted his forehead with a towel. If Dana was suffering the least bit, then he was in complete agony. Whenever he saw her, all he could see would be her sweet lips wrapped around his cock...
Straight SexNote : This story is completely fictional! As a teenaged boy growing up with two sisters it was almost impossible to not have a fantasy or two about them. One was 2 years older and the other was 2 years younger. Both were pretty hot too, skinny blondes with good bodies. I have to admit, though, it was my oldest sister who I fantasized about the most. For the most part I thought of Meghan, my younger sister as a kid. Rebecca, my older sister, was a different story. I was 18 the first time I...
IncestStorm and Sarah had been on their way to Silver City when Alexus had called them. They then stayed with them for a few days to them to help out, before heading to Silver City. Now that Alexus’s had his apprentice’s box working, he and Penny believed they could get things, up and running during the winter season ahead. Kale and Selwyn planned to help the couple for a few more days before joining David and Kelli in what was to be their new home in Nickle City. Kale and Selwyn were having a...
Swinging is not an activity for all people. By definition, it is a couple’s activity, and it requires a couple that is strong in their commitment to each other and open to new experiences. Here is the story of how my wife and I got started.My wife might say that she and I had been more or less happily married for fifteen years when we decided to explore. I am the story-teller, and I am very certain the story started long before that.Before we got married, my wife was a player. She might not see...
SwingersShayla, my cousin, a few years older than me. A long-time family member and very close friend of mine. We used to always hang out when we were younger. Even in the last few years we used to keep in touch. We were very open with each other about our lives. We trusted each other fully. But last night, I had slept with her. I had slept with my cousin. I instantly snapped my head sideways. Shayla was gone. Panic set in quite quickly. Shayla was probably out now telling our family’s what had...
Back at the office, I gave Sheila a sheet of paper, where I had printed the names of her six family members. Beside each name, I put $100,000.00. “Josey, you’re going to make me cry.” “No I’m not. You’re the only one, besides me, who’ll ever know all the names I’ve listed, and how much I want invested for each of them. I love you as my best friend, I trust you with my life - and my money. Now, I’m asking you to help me do this, and forget about it. I want you, and all your family members to...
It was now several months since Gwen Mitchell's husband Tom has passed away and the fifty-eight-year-old Gwen was now having a couple of drinks in the pub with her longtime friend Mavis Tompkins. They had had a couple of drinks when Gwen said, "Do you know what I miss most with Tom gone?""Getting shagged?" asked Mavis."No, I do miss that but mostly I miss getting spanked," announced Gwen."I never knew Tom spanked you, Gwen," said Mavis who was very surprised at that admission."Often, but I...
SpankingMost of the drive into the city was made with Ty talking, Lee driving, and me gazing out the window. My thoughts were a total mess. I felt halfway between kidnapped and stolen, halfway between relieved and terrified. Aside from leaving his hand on my thigh and occasionally giving me a squeeze, Ty hardly acknowledged my presence. He asked me few questions but talked mostly with Lee or with people on his cell phone. This gave me time to consider my predicament. I had no idea what these men...
Eva Long is a playful MILF, but even she has her limits. So, when her step son starts pulling down her clothes while she is making breakfast, she gets a little annoyed. Maybe if she sucks him off, he will leave her alone! Later, he comes into the bathroom while she is taking a shower, and she asks him for a towel. He tells her they should have some fun since his dad is gone for the day and she is already naked anyway. She is horny, so she turns around and gets her pussy pounded. Later, Eva is...
xmoviesforyouBig ass redhead, Madison Morgan, can’t help but feel wet and horny as her man gives her a sensual massage. She can’t stop herself from giving her man a blowjob after he rubs her body. Madison has a pleasant smile on her face as she gives the lucky stud a sensual head and intense ball-sucking. The naughty redhead fingers her tight cunt before riding the big cock in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. Madison lets out sweet moans of pleasure as her man fucks her from behind. The aggressive...
xmoviesforyouNowadays, watching Sally is complete pleasure. I admit that in the early days I was nervous, wondering whether I would be jealous, wondering whether she would find a larger cock preferable to mine, and a dozen other doubts. I need not have been apprehensive. Sally has always made it clear that I am, and will remain, her number one priority. The people we meet and enjoy add to our relationship; they take nothing away.Moreover, knowing that before the session ends I will fuck the female half of...
Spanking‘plumber ravi aur didi’ me huye ghatna ke bad ravi ne didi ko promise kiya tha ki ye bat unke bich hi rahegi. Par sharab ke nashe me ravi ne ye bat ramesh dudhwale ko bata di. Dudhwala didi ke ghar dudh dene ata tha. Didi ne kai bar uske samne nighty ke button khule huye gayi thi, aur janbujh kar use tease karke maze li thi. Par dudh wala lalchata, fir dudh deke wapis ajata. Par ab, ravi ke muh se sari bate sunkar aur didi ke chut aur chucho ki tarif sunkar use yakin ho gaya ki jis chucho ki wo...