- 4 years ago
- 42
- 0
Chloe woke with a start, there was movement in the room, she felt it. Noiselessly, she slowly twisted her head around on the pillow. She felt the presence more now, it was by the door, a vague shape in the dark. She moved her hand slowly to the light switch dangling from the lead to her bedside lamp. Click, she had shut her eyes and then opened them, her eyesight took in the room, seeing the guy all in black, night vision goggles whipped up as he rubbed his eyes. She stepped out of bed and slid the baseball bat round in a winding motion. Whack! the bottom three inches caught him on the side of the face whipping him round and sending him flying back against the door, sliding down in a heap. He murmured something then slid gracefully sideways lying in an ungainly heap.
‘Bullseye.’ said a voice to her left, she looked round as a cloth was wrapped over her nose and mouth. She struggled slightly, the sickly smell making her gag, then she too slid awkwardly to the floor. Her attacker enjoyed the thrill of her petite body sliding between his hands. He grinned and pulled off the ski mask that had disguised him. He looked round the room, all clear. Stepping over Chloe’s inert body he reached for the walkie talkie on his hip.
‘Eagle, Redchild calling, over.’
‘Eagle listening. Go ahead Redchild, over.’
Eagle we have the prey, but also a wounded Bluechild. over.’
‘Copy that Redchild, the vet will call in, repeat the vet will call in, out.’
Redchild moved Bluechild out of the way by grabbing his boots and dragging him across the floor. Grinning he sat down next to Chloe and lifted her nightdress, looking pruriently up her body he licked his lips. Just then he heard a soft knock, dropping the hem he crossed to the door and gently opened the door. Two further black garbed figures appeared and pushed in a box on wheels. They opened the lid and placed her inside. By now the dawn was breaking, so they swiftly manouvred the box out and carried it down a flight of steps. Meanwhile Redchild threw water over Bluechild and helped the groggy assailant downstairs.
The box safely stowed in the van, they all settled in and it moved off. The duel powered vehicle, moved silently by it’s electric motor, left the precinct of the University lodgings. They crossed the junction before they engaged the heavy duty diesel motor and roared off into the night. The city sped past until the fields and streams of rural Essex appeared. Soon they turned along a narrow track and bumped along until a smaller track took them to a small deserted farm building. They hauled the box out and dragged it over the rough ground, causing it to sway and wobble. Once inside the box was lifted up stairs and Chloe was unceremoniously dumped onto two old mattresses and left. The door clicked as the lock was engaged, there was no handle her side.
Chloe woke with what felt like cotton wool in her mouth and a diesel engine thumping through her brain. Groaning she tried to focus on her room. Except it wasn’t her room. As she focused she became aware that she was in a small room, with a high, barred window and a door with no handle. The smell of the old mattresses began to infiltrate her senses, making her gasp and want to heave. she felt her throat contract and unconsciously moved her hand to her mouth and nose, trying to blot out the aroma. She groaned and spilled off the mattresses, rolling awkwardly across the bare floorboards. Looking back she saw they were stained and sunken, obviously well used. They smelt of pee and worse. Some of the stains were a dark brown, she tried not to think they might be dried blood.
She sat and tried to assemble her thoughts. Looking round the room she took in her surroundings, the bare floorboards, the high window, the locked door. In one corner was a dusty black plastic bucket, by the mattresses a two litre bottle of water. She smiled ruefully, even more basic than her simple room at University. She stood and tried to lick her lips, her mouth was too dry to let her do it. She struggled across the floor to the bottle. Twisting the cap she was glad to feel the resistance, it hadn’t been tampered with. Lifting the cap towards the window she squinted and looked for pin prick holes, in case they had injected something. There was no obvious marks or holes, so dropping the cap she tilted the bottle to her lips and drank steadily.
The cool liquid spilled from the bottle, massaging her mouth and easing her throat. She felt the bottle lighten and stopped to check, she had chugged down almost a third of the contents. Sighing she put the bottle down and reached for the discarded cap. Screwing it on tightly she left it by the mattresses. By now her bladder made itself felt. She raised her eyes to heaven and wandered to the bucket, lifting the hem of her nightdress. Straddling then squatting, she relaxed and felt her grateful bladder release its contents. She wrinkled her nose at the acrid smell and looked absently round for something to wipe herself with. Standing she pulled a face and pulled the front of her nightdress between her legs and walked away from the loathsome bucket. She sat on the mattress and waited.
She must have dozed, but was woken by the sound of the door rattling. Two balaclavered men entered, dragging a vaguely human form between then. The shape moaned and whimpered. Dropping it on the mattress, they withdrew, though the door was not re-locked. They returned briefly to leave a small cardboard box. This time on withdrawal the sound of the lock turning and engaging showed they would not be back for a while. She sat still, the moaning, groaning shape inches from her. She stood slowly and looked down on the body. She recoiled as she recognised her stepfather. He had been badly beaten, blood covering his face. His left eye swollen to the point of closure. He moaned and whimpered, his right eye unfocused. Chloe felt a brief pang of warmth, no one, no matter who, deserved to be treated like this.
She found the water, removed the cap and slowly tilted it towards his lips, watching it trickle across them. His reflexes made his tongue cross them and his mouth opened wider. She slowly allowed a thin stream to flow. He swallowed then choked a little forcing her to stop. He moaned and his good eye sought out his angel. Looking at her his consternation was evident. He tried to speak, but succeeded only in producing a thin reedy croak. She placed a hand on his shoulder and made a ‘shushing’ sound he relaxed a little and she placed the bottle to his mouth. He slowly swallowed more water and eventually raised a bloodied hand to urge her to stop. She raised the bottle and nodded. He grunted and closed his eye. She stepped away and let him rest.
She walked to the box their captors had left. Inside she found a packet of ham, a packet of sliced cheese, a loaf of white sliced bread, crisps, biscuits and two apples in a plastic bag. She sighed and picked up an apple. She ran her hands over it and twisted it in her hands, again looking for any obvious attempts to tamper with it. With a shrug she bit into it and enjoyed the taste as it exploded on her tongue. She savoured the apple and ate slowly and carefully. She heard a sob and turned to the mattresses. Edward was awake and trying to sit up. She padded over to him and watched him struggle upright.
‘Chloe!’ He croaked, his eye swiveling over her body.
‘Edward, what happened to you?’ She asked gently.
He sat back on the mattress trying to maintain his balance, he lifted a hand to his bloodied face and tried to wipe the crusted blood away from his swollen eye. Chloe stepped forward and gently moved his hand away, shaking her head.
‘I think you should leave the eye alone, it’s pretty swollen and bruised. Maybe later if they give us more water we can try to clean it up.’
Edward nodded and she heard him take a big breath. He coughed and clutched his chest. She sat next to him and placed an arm round his shoulder, feeling his body relax into he
‘I set this up,’ he whispered, ‘but they double crossed me, they wanted to cut me out of the ransom, I was so stupid.’ He began to cry, sobs racking his ruined body. Chloe gulped and held back her tears.
‘You stupid bastard, you’ll probably get us both killed.’ She wanted to slap him, jolt him out of his pathetic self pity. Somehow though she held back and let it go.
‘I’m so… sorry,’ he whimpered, she held him close, he sobbed until he had no more. Presently he relaxed and she lay him gently down. She needed to think, they had to try to escape, to find some way of letting people know where she was, make sure they could track her down. She sat on the edge of the mattresses, then she turned to Edward. Moving slowly she began a search of his pockets. In the inside of his jacket pocket she found his mobile. It had almost a full charge. It was her only chance. Thinking logically, she realised that their captor would reach the same conclusion she had and would be back to search him. Quickly she removed it and searched for a hiding place.
The phone began to vibrate and ring. She quickly turned it off, but heard noises downstairs. She moved to the bucket and wrapping the phone tightly in the plastic bag that had contained the apple she dropped it into the liquid. As the door opened, she quickly squatted and relaxed. As the door opened she stood awkwardly she pulled the hem of her nightdress down. The captors made for Edward and roughly searched him, spinning him over and rummaging through his pockets. He moaned and his eye opened, he screamed a thin raspy noise and was rewarded by a vicious backhanded slap across his face.
‘Where’s your phone, where is it. Where’s the fucking phone grandad, what have you done with it. Give me the phone, or they’ll be more of this.’
With that they began to pummel him again, he tried to protect himself, weakly and to no effect. Chloe shouted and ran towards them, but was propelled backwards by a large fist, she flew with an ‘ooof’, landing in a tangle of limbs. Meanwhile the pair had given up with Edward who was curled into a ball whimpering. Turning to Chloe they advanced menacingly.
‘Right love, if you don’t want what he got, you’ll give us the phone.’
‘I don’t have a phone, look at me where could I hide a phone?’ She looked appealingly at them. Exchanging glances they moved towards her and held her down, running their hands over her. One pulled a mobile out and pressed buttons, then they listened. Nothing.
‘Fuck, it’s not here, could be outside or in the van, come on let’s get on with it.’
Pushing Chloe roughly away they retreated from the room. The lock sounded and they clumped downstairs. Chloe shook with fear and rage. Edward was relaxing and uncurling. He slowly sat, looking for Chloe. He finally spotted her and focused on her. She raised a finger to her lips. He nodded. They sat and waited. The noises downstairs faded, then a van started up and moved off. Chloe moved to Edward, sitting beside him.
‘They were after your mobile.’ She said flatly, he nodded.
‘I guessed, but they couldn’t find it, where did you hide it?’
Chloe looked over at the bucket, Edward’s eye followed.
‘What’s in the bucket?’
‘I peed in it,’
‘Jesus, no, it will be ruined.’
‘I wrapped it in plastic first.’
‘You clever girl.’
‘That’s the first time you’ve ever given me any praise.’
‘I know, but you deserve it, now we need to get it out and make some calls.’
‘OK, I suppose, that means I retrieve it, you make the calls.’
‘Given my condition, I guess you get to do both.’
‘So we trust each other?’
‘I can’t see any advantage to me not too, you?’
‘OK, I trust you, but if you start anything I will kick your arse.’
‘I don’t doubt it, get the phone.’
Tony was awakened from his sleep by the shrill ring of the phone. Struggling up he reached blearily for it. Eve stirred beside him, sitting up and running a hand through her sleep tousled hair. She looked quizzically as he mumbled into the phone. He sat up straighter and began to issue instructions, he slammed the phone down and slipped out of bed.
‘Tony, what?..’
‘Chloe’s been kidnapped, professional job. The College security guy found our man on the floor, concussed. He went to Chloe’s room, empty, no signs of a struggle, but she wasn’t there.’
‘Oh God no! Grace! We need to let Grace know.’ Eve was out of bed and pulling on a robe. Tony nodded.
‘I’ll get coffee sent up, Mike’s on his way and so are Val and Paula, we’ll need to plan for a ransom. I’ll phone George put him on standby, we may need to move money quickly.’
‘Do you think it’s money? or?’
‘God I don’t know, I’m just hoping…’
‘It’ll be fine, you see.’ She kissed him, gripped his hand and then left for Grace’s Suite.
Within an hour, Tony had a small task force in place. A private forensic team had been dispatched to the University. A team of private protection agents were on standby for a quick ‘entry, extricate and exit,’ raid. All they had to do was await the inevitable ransom call. Tony paced the lounge area, until Eve and Grace intercepted him and got him to sit. They fed him coffee. Breakfast arrived, they picked at it, not hungry. The room was electric. Tony’s mobile rang, he answered and pushed speakerphone.
‘Mr Manners good morning, I have a little surprise for you…’
‘Just tell me what you want and where, then release Chloe…’
‘Oh so you know, pity, I was looking forward to teasing you. Well no matter, yes we have your ‘cousin’, and you’ll want her back. Well it’s simple, you pay me six million, as a facilitation fee naturally, and I arrange her safe return as a trusted intermediary. But there is an additional cost. A group of my friends would like you to step down and take a permanent holiday. They will, of course, arrange for a suitable replacement to take things forward. You keep your fortune, well minus six million, and enjoy a long an peaceful retirement. Well what say you, do we have a deal?’
‘It appears I have little option, I value Chloe above any material considerations, what do you need me to do?’
‘Well firstly, tell your eavesdropping friends not to bother, this call is untraceable, I may be there near you, or I may be in say Spain, but you’ll never know, so don’t waste your money. Next, I will call again in four hours with details of the money transfer, although I’d guess you already have a line of credit ready and access to the money transfer system. Really it’s just time to compose your retirement speech we’re giving you. Four hours Mr Manners, goodbye.’
The air was filled with the sound of white noise as the connection was broken. Tony stared at the phone, then dropped it onto the sofa by him. Eve sat by his side, put her arms round him and held him tight. His face was impassive. He held Eve, then gently disentangled himself.
‘Mike, tell you team, ready on twenty minutes notice, if necessary get them in the air, a circular flight plan over Essex and East Anglia. My guess is they won’t take her too far. This will have to be a smash and grab, so time is of the essence.’
‘Done, I’ll confirm in ten.’
‘Grace, you and Eve be prepared to move in thirty minutes, if we can locate her, she’ll need you both, ok?’
They nodded and moved out to dress appropriately. Just then Tony’s mobile rang again, he looked at the name and frowned, his finger moving to to reject the call, but something made him press accept.
‘Edward, how strange you should call no…’
‘Tony, it’s me Chloe, I’ve been kidnapped, I’m here with Edward, he’s been injured and they have us locked in a room. Please help, this is Edwards phone and they’re looking for it.’
‘Chloe hold on we’re trying to get you located, we need another few minutes. Have they harmed you?’
‘No, they beat Edward up pretty badly then again when
they were looking for this phone, but I’m unharmed, please hurry. They drove off to look for it, but they’ll be back…’
‘Got it!’ echoed from across the room, as a nerdy man bent over a laptop and grinned. ‘I have them about four miles from a beacon in Wivenhoe. I’ve cross checked and there’s no doubt.’
‘Get the grid co-ordinates and feed them to Mike’s team.’
Mike walking back in, stared, then nodded. Taking out his mobile. The nerdy man turned the screen to Mike who fed the numbers into his mobile. He raised a hand to Tony, thumb up.
‘Ok princess, the cavalry are coming, hold on, we’ll have you out in no time.’
‘Thanks, gotta go there’s the van again.’
The line broke and disconnection noises filled the room again. Tony wiped a hand over his forehead. Eve and Grace appeared dressed in jeans and thick shirts, they were brought up to speed and then were whisked away by Mike. Tony sat down and started to shake. Paula, who, until now had sat quietly in the room, rose and went to the decanter, she poured a large whisky and handed it to Tony, he drank and nodded a thanks. Paula touched his shoulder and walked to her bag. She rang Val and brought her up to speed. Val had elected to go straight to the office and try to keep up an air of normalcy. Rearranging appointments and keeping a lid on things whilst she awaited a call from Paula. Now though Paula needed her here at the command centre.
‘Val’s on her way, we had a car ready on the street for her. Here in fifteen minutes.’
Tony nodded, and looked at Mike who was confirming with the Security team they were on their way. Mike nodded grimly and Tony relaxed slightly.
Chloe having ended the call set the phone to silent and turned the vibrate function off. Wrapping the phone in the plastic again she dropped it gently into the bucket. Edward nodded and sat back on the mattresses. They heard footsteps coming up the stairs, the door was unlocked and the two balaclavered heads appeared in the doorway.
‘Not long now your highness, seems your ‘Uncle’ is prepared to stump up the ransom.’ The taller one said, he turned to Edward, ‘You, however, are no use to anyone, so when she goes, you disappear.’ He laughed and making a pistol with his fingers, he pulled the trigger and murmured, ‘boom’. They withdrew locking the door. They thundered down the stairs and the silence following this was deafening.
Chloe looked over Edward and decided to use some of the water to remove the blood from his face. She patted his pockets and found a clean handkerchief. Wetting the cotton square with the water, she gently cleaned around his face, leaving the area around his swollen eye til last. She coaxed him to lie on his side and trickled water over the area, loosening the dried blood. Lightly she brushed away the loosened clumps. His eye socket and above were turning a yellowy purple and he was unable to open the lids. Chloe touched his shoulder and he sat up awkwardly. Chloe steadied him and his hand touched hers. A single tear dripped from his good eye and he nodded slowly. Cradling him, Chloe allowed him to rest against her body.
‘I’ve been a complete arse, haven’t I. I’ve lost everything through sheer greed and stupidity. I wish I could reel things back a few years. I’m so sorry Chloe, Whatever happens, tell Grace I do love her, I just lost the plot completely.’
‘Shut up you silly old fool. When we get out of this you can make your peace with Mum. She really misses you. I don’t know why?’
‘Ha, thanks for that. Go on rub it in, I deserve it.’
‘Don’t you dare start feeling sorry for yourself or I’ll beat the shit out of you.’
Edward laughed and his arm tightened around her waist.
‘That fancy Finishing School did nothing for your potty mouth my dear.’
‘Fucking right.. wait! Listen…’
They heard a helicopter coming from a distance, it seemed to be getting nearer. Chloe looked Edward in his good eye. She grinned and kissed his nose, feeling him flinch.
‘That better be the cavalry, I’m bloody freezing and my nipples are like bullets.’ She shot a look at Edward who grinned and giggled. Then the world turned upside down.
The train journey took two hours, and I sat staring out of the carriage window, oblivious to the countryside flashing by, oblivious to other passengers, oblivious to everything except thoughts of my daughter Chloe.It had begun when my wife was killed in a car crash when Chloe was s*******n. I was devastated – it had been a terrific marriage, not least for the fantastic sex, where nothing had been taboo. Chloe seemed to grow up overnight, taking charge and looking after everything. She was...
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CHLOE I felt wretched. I'd woken up in a strange hotel room next to a woman I'd met for the first time the night before. I'd gone out drinking with some friends to try to get rid of the gloom which had been hanging over me for weeks, and predictably it hadn't worked. When my friends decided to call it a night, I'd been too far gone to see that that was a good idea. I'd carried on drinking in my own solitary, dismal company until the bar I was in had closed, and then I'd staggered...
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My first time with a guy, orally was a bit different than what usually happens with young teenage boys and their sexual experimentation, but not as much as it might seem. Growing up, next door to me was a pair of sisters, the youngest was 3 years older than me, which during this time in the story, I was 14 and she was 17 and her sister was 19. One summer day, we lost power in the neighborhood cause of a bad train wreck. Well, the sister's, their names were Cathy was the younger one and...
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Thanks for all the love you guys have shown for parts 1 and 2. I truly appreciate all of you who have liked it and personally emailed me. Just to recap, I applied Nutella on my penis and my balls and my married Tamil maid Jaya sucked my dick for almost 10 minutes like a lollipop. She used her tongue to clean all the remaining patches of Nutella on my dick and said – Jaya: Enough now, don’t make me wait more, come on. Make me feel heaven on earth right now and right here. Then I made her lie...
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this is my 1st story ladies & gents what do you think about it?? please comment weather you liked it or not, good or bad.Mikey's guide to great anal sexok well if it is her 1st time or not a nice body temperature enema, let the water in slowly, when she starts to get full rubbing her belly, hold her in your arms, kiss her, tell her how much you luv her, sweet talk her, do it twice so that she is real nice & clean inside, even do this when she empties herself out, give her a nice gentle...
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Introduction: It was punishment time…. Casey entered the van. The automatic doors locked. Jane said nothing and drove. Eventually they arrived at Caseys house. Jane told her to get out. Casey did and went inside. Casey wondered what was going to happen. Jane drove away. About a week later out of the blue Casey received a call. It was from Jane. At the mere sound of her voice Casey began to sweat. She had been stressed all week waiting to see her punishment. Jane was as nice as pie on the...
'Blue Betty' leapt out of Norfolk Naval Base Gate 2 and shrieked onto Terminal Boulevard as Bailey wound the modified V-8 engine to redline. A quick shift into second gear and again he mashed the gas pedal to the floor. The Mustang GT responded by chirping the back tires under the car. The rear end lost traction, wiggled for a moment, then bit the asphalt with a renewed vengeance. Betty took off and I felt my body literally pulled deeper into the cushion of the back seat. As our speed...
You should probably also know about my older sister Sydney. She’s 16 and absolutely, drop dead gorgeous! She stopped growing at about 5’ 4”, she has the same dirty blond hair that I do, blue eyes that you could lose yourself in in... well, the blink of an eye! She has legs that go on forever and hips and an ass that scream for attention every time she’s around. And topping it all off is a pair of 34C cup breasts. My sister and I only being a year apart in age, were inevitably close in our...
Hello friends, mera naam Neha hai age 28 years aur me married hu. Ye ek real life story jo accidental swapping ti. Meri ye first story hai to isme bahut mistake ho sakti hai aur sath me jo real me hua use ekdum 100% express nahi kar payi to sorry. Apke suggestions, feedbacks, comments please muje mail kare pe. Is incident ke bad se me aur meri husband naye experience ke liye thode bold ho gaye aur different chije try karna chahte hai. Ye ek real incident hai jo kuch time pehle hamara sath hua....
I hadn't heard from Cindy for 2 or 3 weeks, I had left messages, had not received any call backs. Sarah, Cindy's mom had tried at times to get Cindy on the phone with no success, Cindy just would just say "Tell him I am not home!". Sarah finally asked me what was going on? I told her that Cindy had more or less broken up with me over some crap reasons that I didn't understand. Sarah tried to get me to talk about it, but I wasn't going to be the one to open a shit can on what she was doing!...
Main Ratan jaisa ki main apani pahali story didi ki chodai jikra kar chuka hun . Meri didi ki ek saheli jisaka nam Megha tha megha didi ko roj apani mummy daddy ki sexy bate batati. Ek din megha ne didi se kaha aaj meri daddy ne mummy ko kitchen me kitchen par bitha kar usake sath sex karane lage. To didi ne poochha ki tu kaise dekhi to boli main bed room me padai kar rahi thi to aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ui maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ki awaj aayee to main dhire se darwaja kholkar dekha to daddy mummy ke dona...
Email id : Hi friends, today I am sharing my recent fun with Shreya (real name). She is a Telugu girl, fair color and she has a great body. Her stats would be 34-32-34. She is of 5.4 height. I met Sherya in facebook from a group ‘spread the word Hyderabad’ we were friends since past two months. I use to chat with her regularly. She has married four years ago and her husband works in Microsoft and she works in MNC company at Hitech city. Both of them use to work and she use to be very friendly...
Fiona is Auctioned Off ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Fiona is Auctioned Off In accordance with the law, my schooling ended the day I turned 14. I said goodbye to my teachers and picked up my dossier in the school office. It was a Tuesday, so I had a few days to be with my family before the auction took me from them forever. Getting home from school at mid-day was a problem. Being unescorted on the street, I might be seized as a runaway. Or any man...
Note: Completely fictional, like all of my stories.My name’s Melissa, and I have a problem. I’ve known Ms. Jones for years, her daughter Vicki is my best friend. Ms. Jones lives alone, she’s single, and she kept the large house from the divorce. Vicki was about to go to Europe for grad school, and she invited me over for a sleepover, a throwback from our grade school days. When I was 19, Vicki invited me over for after she had a bad break-up. I left to use the restroom down the hall, and I was...
That night, we conceived our firstchild. Even if Lily hadn't told me she was choosing to become pregnant, I'd have sensed it. As I poured my seed into her womb, I felt warmth fill us both, yet I also felt her Libido all but collapse. And not because I'd drained her. If that was an unpleasant experience for her, though, it didn't show. She smiled ear to ear and looked like she might cry tears of joy. We didn't fool around any more that night. But that wasn't to say we weren't physical. We...
IncestHello guys I am Andy from Mumbai abhi ek engineer hu aur ek acchi company me job karta hu.I m a big fan of iss stories. Isliye mene socha kyu na apna experience share kiya jaaye. Ye story mere gf ki saath ki he jiska naam payal he.Dikhne me wo ekdam sexy he gori aur figure uska 36 28 34 he.Koi dekh le use to pagal ho jaye college ke 1st yr se hum dono ekdusre ke sath bohot pyaar krte the. Aur un dino me humne kissing and all to kiya tha but sex kabhi nahi kiya tha after that uske ghar walo ne...
Hai everyone. This is Preethi (name changed). I am not a regular reader of this site. I just came to know about it a few months before. I would like to narrate my life incidents and it’s completely real. First of all this is not a story related to only sex but about a girl’s feelings, fears of having sex. Please be patient while reading this story. And I welcome all the comments. Forgive me for all the mistakes I have made while writing this story. Ok coming to me I am a beautiful girl of age...
Im back again everyone. After doing some thinking I remembered that I left one story out from my previous sex experiences. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember, my stories are real because I went through all these experiences. There was this guy I knew that I played basketball with. He had a real hot girlfriend that was really sweet and always trying to make friends. She sent me a friend request one day and I accepted it. On her top friends she had this really cute white girl so I sent her a...
Kristen's Story or Clockwork Kitten: A Forced Feminization by Alana Bonetto PART I I think If I hadn't been so cocky, I wouldn't have wound up where I am now. I was a trim, hard-bodied guy with dreamy eyes, the kind of man-boy women love. They always commented on my long hair my tight butt, my smooth hairless body and my fat 9-incher. More often than not, it was no chore to lure them into my bed. I played a careless game of seduction, and my playing fields were the bars, discos...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My head was spiining as I sat, satisfied for the moment, in the backseat of my mustang. N had just finished lapping my spilled jism up off the seat and resumed sitting next to me. We were both still naked, as she curled on the seat in my right arm. The guy in the car next to us was clearly stroking his cock and his eyes had not left N since she had stripped and I had begun fucking her. She giggled and said, I need to pee after all that exercise. Well,...
EroticA gap in the correspondence occurs here; Louisa has returned and Tom and she are meeting at Harry’s studio I closed my last letter with an intimation that we turned in for a delicious night. It was so in fact. My darling Louisa, like all her sex who have committed infidelity to us, seemed to grow doubly loving and endearing in her caresses. I don’t think we ever enjoyed a more delicious or lengthened fuck than we had after our first endearing embraces. Louisa excelled herself in the...
A day off work had provided the perfect opportunity to head to the beach for a long overdue catch up with friends. The weather had been perfect, and the food, company and beach fun had been much needed relief after a busy few weeks in the office. By mid afternoon, friends had started to pack up and go their separate ways, until only myself and Ryan remained. Ah, Ryan. Friends for several years, we had the kind of relationship that only we could understand; an undeniable connection that pleased,...
Straight SexOpen letter from your once conservative squeeze... Hey! Several years have past since the first time you brought up your little fantasy during one of our intense sessions where you would fuck me with all our toys before fucking me. You know the one you brought up during every session we've had since??? ; ) Since the very first time you brought it up I've been putting all the pros and cons into perspective to figure out if I (we) should move forward with it. Having said that, although the cons...
One night after watching some skin flicks i went in to get some tissues for my mess. When i opened the cabinet door i noticed that Julie had left her cabinet door open and I could see clear in her room. That was the first time I started looking at my sister in a sexual way, she was asleep in bed and the covers were pulled down almost to her nipples, just far enough that I could see she was sleeping in the nude. I had never noticed how fucking sexy she was before. She was about 5'6" and...
Introduction: Chapter 2, want to write more if this goes down as well as the last The next few days of my life were awkward, to say the least. My brain was over run with a thousand questions, would I ever see Colin again? Does he like me? Would my brother ever come out of his bloody mood? Things just hadnt been the same since that night, it was all a blur in my head. One minute I was having the best sex (well thats a lie, but top three at least) sex of my life and the next I had two guys...
Five days later. Time: Thursday, February 14, 2019 4:45 AM Fatimashivered and her eyes blinked open at the end of a very strange dream. She glanced at the clock. It was three hours before sunrise and one hour before she wanted to get up. Was it worth while trying to coax her mind back into an extra hour of sleep? She thought for a moment trying to capture the memory her dream. Fatima had been a pre-teen again, back home in Syria before the uprisings, before ISIS. Her home was a hydroponics...
Work is work as usual... meetings, calls, drawings, brainstorming till it hurts. The job is great and the money is greater. Being a beautiful,single woman working her way up to the top of the company definitely has its perks. Great parties, meeting famous people, rubbing elbows...... and other things if you know what I mean. My assistant Tracy is flawless..... she keeps me caught up on everything that's going on in the building and never skips a beat. I mean she's smart and I think she has a...
We had been dealing with a lot of issues lately that had been keeping us apart. So she and I decided to meet, even if just for a night. AND, because of the nature of how we met, we never actually had a real “first date”, haven gotten to know each other so well by phone and mail long before we met in person. SO… we decided to make this our actual “first date”. Richmond, Virginia just about halfway between us, so we made plans to meet there at the Copper Grill – a very romantic restaurant. ...
Hey there, I am Percy. It’s been a long time since I have written a story. I am a Software Engineer in a reputed company in Bangalore but presently in Mangalore. I am 24 years old, good looking and a sarcastic person. So, coming to the story. I had got many responses for my previous story. I tried to reply back to all of them. Recently, I received an email from the heroine of this story. Let’s name her ‘Rose’. We started texting and instantly hit it off. Rose seemed to be a cool person who was...
Lisa had lived with her dad Frank since he and her mom separated when she was 15. She was now 18 and her dad still hadn't dated anyone and she was starting to worry about him. She knew how lonely he was. Whenever he wasn't at work he would just sit around the house doing nothing. Sometimes she would hear him moaning late at night in his bedroom and she knew he must be in there crying. She hated knowing her daddy was upset so she decided that the next time she heard him crying in his room she...
AF Changing of Minds by Lorna Samuels Prelude: Interaction with the Medallion of Zulo inevitably wreaks havoc on otherwise mundane lives, each of whom must deal with its consequences in their own ways. This is the story of how one young couple coped. After an early morning feeding, the new mother detached her sleeping newborn from her breast and settled the 5-month-old baby girl into her crib. She paused and watched as little Carrie slept, sighing with a deep soul pleasing...
The two slept the sleep of the exhausted until Dan woke at about six the next morning. He was used to getting up even earlier than this, but then his activities the last couple of days had been demanding to say the least. "But I certainly am not complaining," he thought as he looked over at Lisa's tight ass as she lay still asleep. As he watched her sleep and thought about their activities, Dan realized he was already hard. Lisa began to stir and Dan took advantage by running his fingers...
When John saw Natasha in the parking lot, he must have known by the look in her eyes she was there to get a backseat fucking. The fact she was waiting for him in the back seat of her car was probably a good clue as well.Tall, thin, blonde and blue. And in my way, I do love you, Natasha thought to herself. God, she loved really tall men. She and John were opposites. She was of average height, long black hair, brown eyes, but they were both athletic. John made Natasha get out of her car and feel...
Group SexVery little happened over the next few days. They moved slowly looking for all dangers. Atlanta felt they were over seventy miles from home. The only redeeming factor was they could ride the horses they would purchase back Monion. Atlanta was very excited about this. To Valerie, she didn't care either way. She knew she was here in the future for the duration. She wished to get back to Jackson and become his lover. Even though she had spent a night with Hollis, Valerie really wanted Jackson....
My name is Adelino I live in Canada…. I am a 18 year old straight guy…. Me and John have been best mates for long time….. John is 20 tears old… his elder brother Danny is also a good friend of mine….he is 25 works with some company and he always hugging me. It was a normal Friday night… me, John and Danny stayed over at my place doing the usual stuff, drinking alcohol , watching TV and chatting on the computer. It was 11 o’clock when Danny went on the computer, nobody was online so he decided...
Gay Male"What in the heck? That's not the kind of stuff you should be talking or even suggesting at the moment. She's still not recovered from her old Man's attack, yet. Shame on you," I yelled. I was going to get up but then Val put her arm around me and sleepily asked? "What's going on? Why all the yelling?" "Don't worry it's nothing serious. My mom is here and I really need to talk to her in private for a little bit. So if you could go upstairs I'll meet you in my room shortly." I...