Homelands Pt 2 Ch 14 free porn video

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That night, we conceived our firstchild.

Even if Lily hadn't told me she was choosing to become pregnant, I'd have sensed it. As I poured my seed into her womb, I felt warmth fill us both, yet I also felt her Libido all but collapse. And not because I'd drained her.

If that was an unpleasant experience for her, though, it didn't show. She smiled ear to ear and looked like she might cry tears of joy. We didn't fool around any more that night.

But that wasn't to say we weren't physical. We cuddled like Mom and I had used to. Though I'd never felt as much guilt or fear when Mom and I laid together.

I wasn't supposed to be developing feelings for this woman. Had sworn to my mother that I wouldn't let it happen. Maybe that didn't matter now, since I wasn't sure when or if I'd ever see my mother again. But it still felt wrong.

And there was Iva to consider as well.

It came as something of a surprise when Lily informed me that women of our kind didn't need nine months to carry a baby to term. Just three. It wasn't surprising that pregnancy worked differently for us, but that I'd never heard that before. I wondered if I'd ever cease to feel as though I knew next to nothing about the rules of our world.

After a brief honeymoon, we returned to the Homelands. We agreed that we'd stay there for a month or so, then go to the mortal world for the rest of her pregnancy. That way, we'd be gone from the court for less than a week. Yet we'd still have plenty of time alone to get to know each other better before our child was born.

We didn't do a very good job of getting to know each other in that first month, but it sure was fun. And we often invited others to join us.

By the time we headed to the mortal world, I felt confident that Wendy and Iva could handle most of the affairs of state well enough without me. Wendy was proving to be an even better choice for prime minister than I'd hoped. She was smart, efficient, politically astute yet not unfair or unscrupulous, and dedicated. Madly in love with Iva, as well. Which was good, since Iva would be the one she'd be working most closely with, at least for a while.

Back in the mortal world, Lily and I threw ourselves into pretending to be a normal mortal couple. It was summer, and I was tenured, so I didn't worry about work.

As we started spending less time in bed and finally started to get to know each other, I was more and more sure that we were falling in love, as my mother ha said we would. My mother was never wrong about anything, though, so that shouldn't have surprised me.

We had plenty of disagreements, to be sure. About all manner of stupid little things. And there were some things I thought we should talk about, but we never did, because the very mention of them would make Lily shut down. But we never really fought.

Not while we were wearing people skins anyway.

Finally, the three months were coming to a close. It had been a tough time for both of us in many ways, though of course more so for her.

But there was nowhere else I'd have wanted to be than with her.

She looked so beautiful, carrying our child. Many of the women of our world, and perhaps even the mortal one, really were not meant to be mothers. Lily, however, was.

Nothing could have compared to watching my beautiful wife give birth to our first child. A son. It was trying, exhausting, exhilarating, and humbling. We'd made a life. A little boy that would one day make women melt without even trying. Including his mother.

We'd already chosen a couple to adopt our little boy. Though it was hard, as we both wanted to spend time with the baby, we delivered him within the hour. Otherwise, we'd get attached and we wouldn't want to give him up.

Which, perhaps, might not have been so terrible. But I wasn't ready for that yet. We'd at least have to wait until I'd given up the throne.

Lily agreed with all of that, but it still wasn't easy for her to let go. The next two days saw a lot of crying, and more than a little fighting. She eventually apologized for everything she said. But I was finally starting to consider the possibility that there might be more distance between what she wanted from this marriage and what I wanted from it than I'd allowed myself to believe.

But everything seemed fine during our first week back in the court. I took care of business during the day. More and more, that meant recruiting, and distributing patronage to, vassals. There were times that Wendy needed to consult me about things, but fewer and fewer. Particularly since Daphne seemed to have decided she wasn't ready to treat with me after all. That worried me, but was a huge relief at the same time.

By the end of the week, Lily told me she was ready to get pregnant again.

The second experience with childbirth was easier than the first. Lily took some pain medication, and I numbed her further with the same energy I'd often used to amplify or suppress her senses during sex. Why I hadn't thought of that last time, I don't know. Perhaps I'd just been too in awe. Or too confused.

It was no less humbling to watch. Perhaps more so, precisely because Lily was feeling no pain. It was an absolutely beautiful moment. The doctors couldn't believe how well she handled it, which made both of us smile.

Again, she gave birth to a boy. And again, we gave it away to a family we'd pre-selected. A model family, stable and loving, who lived in the suburbs, but was not too conservative. We didn't want our son to grow up with puritanical views about sex, after all.

On the drive back to our place, she was numb and non-responsive. "Babe. Did you see the nursery they'd set up? Wasn't that cute? I think he's going to be happy with them."

She broke down crying.

I pulled over and we climbed into the backseat. I held her in my arms while she cried and cried. She didn't yell at me, call me names, curse me for talking her into giving up her baby, or anything like she had last time. But it took a while before she calmed down.

That night, I didn't try to convince her we did the right thing.

By the next day, she was better. Depressed, yes, but not catatonic.

A day later, she was ready to return to the court. And the day after that, it was as if everything was fine. But I didn't raise the question of whether we were going to have more children. During the day, I tended to court business. At night, I was with her.

Holly's Rite of Elevation was coming up soon. When I brought it up, Lily said that maybe we should wait until after that to get pregnant again.

"So, we are having more children then?"

"Don't you want to?" she asked. "I thought you did. You knew I wanted lots of kids when you married me, you know. I didn't make a myst-"

"Oh, no, I absolutely do," I cut in. "I just wasn't sure how you felt. I know it's harder than we might have hoped to let go of them."

"Yeah, it is. But I still want more. Now, don't freak out if I get depressed after giving birth again. My hormones take over and I start thinking like a mortal. But when I'm thinking straight, yeah, I'm fully on board."

"Good," I said, running a hand up and down her back.

"So have we thought at all about whether to take them vassals?" I asked.

She sighed. I thought maybe she was going to protest. And it wasn't that I didn't understand her concerns. But I just didn't see why talking them into becoming our vassals was all that bad.

But to my surprise, she said, "Yeah. Let's do it."


Lily nodded. "Only if they're okay with it. But, sure, we can ask."

"That's all I ever meant," I said.

Which was probably true. I hadn't though carefully enough about it before saying we should make them be our vassals that one time. That was all.

Maybe I was willing to do things to gain power that others were not. This wasn't the first time it had occurred to me that this might be the case. But even I had limits. And I suspected that once I got to know my kids, the last thing I'd ever want to do is push them into something they weren't comfortable with.


Perhaps surprisingly, the Rite of Elevation demanded abstinence from the participants. I'd been hoping for it to require an orgy, but apparently there was even greater power in the ache that our kind felt when forced to forego acting on our urges as there was in the act of coupling. Or so Wendy claimed.

It also required thirteen of us. Dad, Cindy and Grandma refused outright, because of the abstinence. But between the rest of my family, my wife, and the vassals I forced to assist us, we got to thirteen. The decided lack of cooperation from House Farrier would not be soon forgotten, though, even if we didn't need them. The Rite required the expenditure of massive amounts of energy, and it would have been orders of magnitude easier to complete with Grandma in the circle. Dad and Cindy would have helped more than my vassals as well, though their absence was not as keenly felt as that of my grandmother.

The Rite consisted of the thirteen of us sitting in a circle around Holly, holding hands, visualizing her as a sexual being. When I expressed confusion over what exactly that meant, Wendy explained that the only written account she'd been able to find had been performed on an elderly couple, and it might not have been so trivial a detail in that case. Yet again, I deferred to her judgment.

Much as it pained me to admit, with women like Wendy and Iva around, my intellectual contributions to tasks such as this were minimal to non-existent. For that matter, my raw power hardly marked me as unique either. Were I not the king, it would have made little sense for me to direct the Rite rather than Iva.

Thankfully, the Rite was neither complicated nor lengthy.

It was, however, dreadfully exhausting. I blacked out afterwards, only to wake up in my bed nearly fourteen hours later.

A few days later, I decided to visit Holly. She and her family had returned to the mortal world, while Lily and I were staying in the Homelands until she was much closer to term. That meant Lily would hardly notice my absence.

I was stunned by the magnificent beauty that answered the door.

She wasn't exactly a whole new woman. If she looked better now than even in the photos Todd had showed me of her modeling days, it was a close thing. And he still didn't have the curves I preferred, though her breasts were a little larger than before. With her already thin waist a bit thinner, she almost had a proper hourglass shape. Only almost though.

But despite the fact that she was still thinner than I preferred, she had my knees wobbling the instant I laid eyes on her.

There had been a time that I'd thought that my cousin Brianna had the prettiest face ever. And if not for my nearly fetishistic obsession with seeing black hair combined with ultra fair skin, I perhaps would not have thought Holly any prettier than Brianna. However, if only because of that particular preference, I had to say that Holly was now the prettiest woman I could even imagine.

Of course, a pretty face is only worth so much. My newly immortal sister-in-law was still trying to figure out how to use her powers. And even if she hadn't been inexperienced in their use, she only had about as much raw power as Aunt Cindy anyway.

It was an enjoyable afternoon, to be sure. Like all immortal women, she had her own unique taste. And hers was especially sweet. Her juices had a peppermint taste that was vaguely reminiscent of candy canes. And while I couldn't bust out all my favorite moves, she allowed me to do things with her that I'd never have been able to do when she was still a mortal. Like growing an extra cock and fucking both her pussy and her ass at the same time. She also had greater stamina and flexibility, allowing us to try more positions than she'd have been able to handle in one afternoon prior to her Elevation.

All in all, I was very glad I came to visit her, and glad that she was so eager to express her gratitude for my part of Elevating her. I was even glad to hear her say that Todd seemed to have rediscovered her, and Sean was more persistent in chasing after her than ever before.

But I didn't stay as long as I'd thought I might, no matter that she repeatedly mentioned that she had the house to herself for several hours yet.


The next night, while Lily slept, I went to visit Brianna. She was less defensive than the last time I'd seen her, but no closer to wanting to return to the court. Remembering how she'd said she'd wanted to Devour me last time, I didn't try to sleep with her either.

A few days later, after a meeting with Wendy ended earlier than expected, I finally went to see my sister. In the middle of the day. At least, it was in the Homelands.

When I appeared in her apartment, she'd been entertaining five young gentleman, all of whom were black. At first, I thought they were all strangers, but then I realized that two of them were our cousins, Vince and Ismail. They were polite enough, but cool and detached.

I guess I couldn't blame them.

I'd thought I might put Skye next on my list of people I needed to visit, but the looks on her brothers' faces alone convinced me I'd better wait a while longer.

Natalie wasn't a whole lot happier to see me. At first, she'd told me to leave. She caved on that quickly enough, but still told me to wait outside while she finished up. And it was nearly a half hour before she came out onto her patio, wearing a bathrobe and nothing else.

As she tucked a cigarette in her mouth and lit it without the aid of matches or a lighter, she asked me, "The fuck do you want, Frank?"

"Good to see you-"

"Cut the shit. I'm in no mood for your lame jokes."

I drew a deep breath. "Since when do you smoke?"

"Since when do you give a fuck whether I smoke?" she asked, inhaling deeply. The cherry on the end of the cigarette flared. "Ain't likely to kill me, is it? Not like we're normal."

From someone else, that would have sounded like a boast instead of a lament.

"You ever hear from Rob?"

"Yeah, we play golf on Saturdays," she deadpanned. "Seriously, Frank, tell me why you're here or get the fuck out out my face. You could have at least let me know you were coming, you know. Pretty rude to just drop in on me like this."

"I didn't know I was coming, until some free time opened up-"

"That's just fucking great. I'm an afterthought. Lovely."

I grabbed the cigarette from her mouth, took a long drag, then handed it back. I didn't care for the taste, or the way it seared my lungs, but it did soothe the nerves. "I want you to come back, Nat. This isn't the life for you."

"It look like I'm retired? You do still recognize your cousins, right?" she asked. "Why don't you just say what you really mean. You miss me. You want to fuck me again." Then she barked a laugh, accompanied by a puff of smoke. "No, that can't be it. You've got more women than you can handle as it is. It's not my vag you want, it's my forgiveness. Am I right? Your poor conscience can't live with all the shit you've done, and you need to hear someone tell you that they understand, that it's okay, that you're not a bad person."

I didn't respond.

She was more or less right, of course.

"You should have said you wanted to fuck me. That, I might have given you," she said. Then she dropped the cigarette on the concrete, rubbed it out with a bare foot, and went back inside. She closed the sliding glass door, leaving me alone on her balcony.

Though we were only four years apart, I'd never gotten to know my sister that well. Not like I had Dom and Todd. Even Dom had a better relationship with her, and with six years separating them, they had less reason to be close. So the truth was, I didn't know how she'd react to what I was about to do. All I knew was that she'd made a few comments in the past to indicate she'd been disappointed that I wasn't more persistent in trying to get her attention. She was the girl, she'd said.

I took a deep breath and moved from her balcony to inside her apartment.

Nat was just getting to the couch upon which I now sat. She sighed, crossed her arms under her breasts, and glowered at me. "Still here?"

"Still here."

"I'm not going to tell you it's okay, Frank. Because it's not."

"I know," I said.

"Do you? Really? Because, I'll tell you what. I understand why you did what you did. And maybe, if I wasn't his mother, I could look at things objectively and say he had it coming. But none of that changes the fact that you killed my son. You may have done it with Iva's fucking cunt rather than your own hands, but you killed him all the same. I'll never see my baby again, never hold in my arms, never feel him inside me, and it's because you took him away from me. And ruined my marriage in the process. Sure, we were in rocky waters to begin with, but if not for this, we might have pulled through."

"I know it's not okay," I said, "and I don't expect you to forgive me. I can't even imagine what you're going through."

"So if you're not here for sex, and you know I can't forgive you, what do you want?"

"I don't know," I said. "I guess I hope that maybe someday you won't hate me. Not that you'd forgive me, but maybe that we could-"

My sister settled down next to me on the leather couch and draped a hand across my thigh. "I don't hate you, Frank."


She rolled her eyes at me. "Yes, really. I'm not sure I'd know how if I wanted to."

I put an arm around her shoulders, pulled her against me, and kissed the top of her head.

We sat there like that in silence for a while. Eventually, she turned the TV on, and we watched some stand-up comedy. Had a few drinks together. Just hung out, as if we were ordinary siblings. Nevermind that I was wearing jeans without a shirt, and she was wearing even less. Nevermind that I had allowed our aunt to swallow her son whole with her pussy, or that the two of us had fucked each other's brains out many times in the past. We couldn't have been less normal. But, for a while anyway, it didn't matter.

For a while.

Eventually, though, between the drinks helping our inhibitions to take some time off, and just being around each other, laughing, being ourselves, it started to become pretty obvious where things were headed, no matter that I'd claimed I hadn't come for that.

One second we'd been laughing, the next I was pulling my sister into my lap.

Natalie looked a question at me as I lined my cock up with a hole no brother should have even considered violating. But whatever the question was, she didn't ask it. Just held her breath and waited for her big brother to slide inside her.

As with the last time we'd had sex with each other, we skipped the supernatural flourishes. At first, anyway. We began with slow movements and intent stares, then worked our way up to furious pounding, cursing, and not so soft love bites. I wondered if I'd ever have the kind of tender, affectionate sex I preferred most of all with my sister, the way I often had with our mother. Before she'd left me.

Maybe I didn't deserve anything but angry sex from Nat though.

After my sister popped like a champagne cork, I poured her down onto the couch and gave her the full treatment with my hands and mouths. From her toes to her earlobes, there wasn't a remotely sensitive part of her that I wasn't stimulating either orally or manually. Blue bolts of ecstatic energy shot out from my hands now and then, bringing her to climax instantaneously when they touched her skin.

She then did much the same for me, though she was nowhere near as powerful as I was anymore. Once, she had been. But we'd followed very different paths since our parents had first initiated us. She wasn't weak, though, and she was more than up to the task of milking several loads of cum from me. And, unlike last time, she didn't cough any up on me. Most of it, she swallowed, but some she asked me to shoot on her face and breasts.

After we climaxed together, the two of us collapsed onto the couch.

"You know I still hate you, right?" Nat asked.

I slapped her bare ass. "Right. Like I'm falling for that."

"I wouldn't have expected you to think so before either," my sister said with a smile. "What do you say we go a little easier for round two, by the way?"

"Fine by me," I said.


Lily didn't love giving up our third child, our first daughter, but she dealt with it a lot better than the previous two. A lot better. Yet, despite that, she decided she didn't want to have any more children for a while and began a vigorous campaign to talk me into stepping down. She recognized that it would be unfair to try to insert ourselves into the children's lives while they were still growing up, no matter what we planned to do when they came of age. We'd given them away to loving adoptive families, and we couldn't go back on that. But she was itching to raise children, from infancy, and my position had always been that we'd do so after I handed the throne over to someone else.

So I decided to have a talk with Iva. Heck, as much as I didn't like thinking about it, I had to admit that if I didn't name her as successor and step down soon, I might find myself being pushed out the door. And rightfully so, really. Iva was running the court these days, not me. With more than a little help from Wendy, of course. Offering her the position of prime minister was likely to be remembered as the best decision I ever made as king.

My aunt and I sat at a folding table atop the roof of the royal palace, drinking coffee.

I stared out at the landscape, surveying what would soon no longer be my kingdom. As it was every day of the year, not that years had any real meaning here, it was the middle of autumn. The rolling hills were packed with ancient trees. An ocean of red, orange and yellow stretched as far as the eye could see, at least to the north and east. To the south and west, the hills were dotted with manor houses and sprawling estates.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked, still staring at the foliage.

"Sure is," my aunt said, sipping her coffee.

"Before I knew what I was, fall was my favorite time of year. I used to love driving through upstate New York on the weekends. The trees were just gorgeous. So does that make it especially fitting that I turned out to be who I was, or is this, here, why I loved fall so much in the first place? You suppose Daphne's got grandkids out there somewhere, in some fake mortal world that they believe is real, who just love winter?"

"You're in an awfully wistful mood. What's up?"

I sighed and finally turned to look at her. "I want to ask you something, and I'd really appreciate the truth. Whatever it is. Don't much care what the answer happens to be. Honestly. I just want to know that you're being straight with me."

"Oh, dear," she said.

"If I don't step down soon, I'm going to seriously regret it, aren't I?"

"You think Mel is-"

"Not Mel, Iva. Come on."

She looked shocked. Genuinely appalled. "Frank. Please tell me you're not seriously accusing me of what I think you're-"

I took her hand in mine. "Asking. Not accusing."

Iva looked away, blinking back a few tears. "No, Frank. I'm not...no."

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't really think so, but I've been away so much, and you've got almost as many vassals-"

"You told me to-"

"-that you're queen in all but name already. And, quite honestly, the court is much the better for it." I paused to let that sink in. I felt the defensive shield that had suddenly surrounded her Libido start to recede. "I just assumed that if I can see that, surely you can too. You're you, after all, and you don't miss anything. And we both know Wendy would prefer to see you on the throne. Heck, if there's anyone out there who would prefer me to stay on, they're keeping awful quiet."

Iva fell silent.

"Am I right?"

"You really think so? That the court would be better in my hands?" she asked.

"Absolutely," I said. "You and Wendy make a great team."

She blushed. "That's...I don't know what to say." She took a sip of her coffee before adding, "I actually think you've done a lot of good for the court, you know. Especially before you went and got yourself that wife. You haven't been the same since she showed up."

I laughed. "That's nice of you to say. But all I ever really did was fuck noblewomen, either to reward them for becoming my vassals or to encourage them to do so in the first place. And, yeah, I guess I'm good at that, because over time, the little extra trickles here and there have added up to a very nice steady stream of energy. And putting Wendy in charge was certainly a good move. But other than that?"

Iva waved my comment away. "So what? For the first time, the nobles feel like the court exists to help them live their lives the way they wish. It takes a wise and humble man to delegate to those who can more effectively get things done rather than trying to control everything themselves. And you can make light of all the time you spend distributing patronage, but I assure you that your supporters appreciate it. And they talk about it too. No one sang Brianna's praises like they do yours. Let's not forget peace with the First Autumnal Court either. I think Jack deserves more credit than he's going to get for paving the way for you, but even so, you brought it home."

"Well, it was me who negotiated an agreement declaring peace. But declaring peace and bringing peace aren't the same," I said. "It's not like we were at war anyway. I know, I know, it still makes a difference. But let's not oversell it. And though she doesn't seem to believe me when I tell her this, the truth is that I did it in no small part so that Lily could go free. Besides, there are a lot of nobles who will never know their sons and daughters because they were forced to bear the cost of bringing that agreement about."

My aunt nodded. "All true enough. But that's politics for you. There are no heroes. Only heroic narratives about people whose policies created as many losers as winners, or who happened to be in the right place at the right time." She paused, tipped back her mug.

I wanted to disagree, but maybe I was just too idealistic.

"Anyway, my point is, yes, I do think I've got a knack for this, and yes, Wendy and I work well together. But neither of us cares if you get most of the credit for what we do. What matters most to me is that you're not a tyrant like your cousin was, or like my mother was, for that matter. I think I might like to sit on the throne when you've decided you've had enough, assuming Melanie and Sean can be persuaded to wait a little longer. But if my turn doesn't come for some time yet, or never does at all, I won't complain. I find what I'm doing now to be plenty rewarding." She reached across the table and smacked my wrist, "And if none of that was true, I'd tell you."

We leaned across the small table and kissed.

Settling back into my chair, I said, "Well, as I'm sure Iva the All-Seeing has already guessed, I'm stepping down."

Iva sipped her coffee without comment.

"I have only one condition. Or maybe it's more like a request, because there's no sense in trying to bluff with you. If you say no, I'll be sad, but the throne will still be yours."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "And that is?"

"I want you to issue an official pardon for Brianna."

"Of course," she said without hesitation.


Iva kicked my shin gently. "Yes, really, stupid. Remember when I told you how pleased I was that you showed her mercy? Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. I mean, it was you and Jack who deposed her. But, you're right. I guess I knew you wouldn't have a problem with that. It's actually her I'm more worried about. She doesn't seem to think she deserves forgiveness. Maybe it will be easier for you to get through to her than it was for me though."

"I'll do my best," my aunt said.

"You do have a way with women,," I said with a grin.

"Not just women, right?" she said.

"No, certainly not," I said, staring at her with animal lust.

There were more details I wanted to talk through with her. But just as quickly as that, we both decided it was time to put the conversation on hold for a little while.


Lily was absolutely ecstatic at the news.

For what it was worth, she approved of my decision to name Iva as a successor. But then, if I'd told her that I'd handed the court over to Silas, even that might not have have dampened her mood. Certainly nothing short of that would.

"So how hard will it be for me to convince you to move back to the mortal world?" she asked, eyes wide and lips turned up in a smile even as she spoke.

"For good?"

"I don't mean like this sister of yours I keep hearing about but apparently will never meet. I just mean instead of moving back and forth all the time, let's make a real go of blending in. Getting to know our neighbors. Keeping up with the Joneses. Being monogamous. At least, for the most part. I mean, obviously we'll visit your family from time to time. Like on holidays. But we've got a lot of time until our kids come of age. Wouldn't you love to see what it's like to be a normal couple for a while? Then when our kids come of age, we can dive right back into the depravity, head first, and it will feel like we're discovering it all for the first time, the same as them. Doesn't that sound perfect?" she said.

I drew a deep breath.

Which was apparently the wrong answer.

I wasn't even sure I was going to say no, though the idea was a little scary. But before I could say anything, Lily buried her head in my neck and mumbled, "Oh, god, you hate the idea, don't you? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I don't care if we stay involved in this world. All I want is to be with you, baby."

Her Libido had all but emptied out.

"Even if we live in the Homelands, it will still be two years before they come ofTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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The New Girl

My name is fadi and I’m almost 19 years old. It was the first day back at college after the summer holidays. I was pretty pissed off still, I should have finished last year but because I spent too much time messing around and not studying I essentially had to retake my final year.The only plus point was I got to see the young fresh girls coming from school for there first year. I was eager to see what was on offer. I sat patiently in the college yard before registration checking out the young...

2 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 21

Cockatoo 21Nikkie SilkAki jumped as I slid my mouth over his cock, but then Yut had got past the bodyguard and was yelling something. Aki turned towards the noise, but I kept my lips locked around his cock; no way did I want Yut to see my face. I didn’t know if he would recognise me, but I didn't want to take that chance. Yut was still struggling with the bodyguard, but Aki shouted something in Japanese and the sounds of the commotion stopped. Aki put his hands around my head and pulled my head...

2 years ago
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Dancing to Louie Louie A Halloween Story

This story is more Sci-Fi than erotic. There is nudity, but no real sex. It will appeal primarily to the exhibitionists and voyeurs among us. And, of course, it will appeal to the nerds and techies. I guess I belong in that last group. After all, I am “The Technician.” = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional...

2 years ago
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love older pussy now i understand

I am 58 years old married with a very good sex life. Well I think I have a very good sex life and getting better all the time. My wife whom I love dearly gave me the green light to fuck around as long as I am careful, don't get caught by friends or relatives and don't fuck with anyone she knows. She to has the green light and fucks a friend at work but he doesn't know that I know he fucks her. She tells me how open she gets with him and does thinks that she could never do with me, like pee...

2 years ago
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With the departure of Don Alonzo Puertocarrero I was to continue the campaign in Mexico alone. His departure was a relief. Now no one in the expedition was more high born than I, and so no one could countermand my orders. Even so I had argued with him when he said he was going to depart. He was foolish to leave. Fortunes were to be made here in the New World. Why toady at the courts? So much more could be made in this strange land of gold and flowers than in Madrid or even Vienna. At his...

3 years ago
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Felicity Ch 08

Chapter 8. Carly Carly had been my ex wife’s divorce lawyer. She was my age or maybe a bit younger, fairly small, a green eyed redhead with freckles that she did not bother to bury under makeup. I liked freckles. At our meeting when my lawyer presented her with all the evidence of my wife’s peccadillo’s she quickly convinced my ex that her best bet was to sign everything and disappear, that with any luck she would not end up in jail. Before the day was over Carly had the signed papers and I...

2 years ago
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Bruce I really had acrush on him

Bruce, Charlie and Daniel was three of the most brutal teenagers I ever met. My very first encounter with them resulted in the three of them taken me by force for six to seven hours. Repeatedly having anal and oral intercourse with me until I was submitting to their will! In the basement of the home Daniel and Charlie shared with their parents the three of them used me until my will was broke and submitted to them. After the assault I was traumatized so much that I fringed sickness for almost a...

3 years ago
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A massage to my Aunt Vivian

My name is Evans and today I’m here to tell you s story how one day my life changed when I massaged my aunt Vivian. Before I jumped to the story allow me to tell a little intro about my life. My parents were in their early twenties when they met and they didn’t get on that well and split up when I was eight years old. Three years later my mom died so I went to live with my dad, during this time my father was on and off with women so he never really introduce me to them. He always told me that...

2 years ago
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Fucked in New York

My trip to New York was ace. The city is frantic, the shopping was fantastic and the food was brilliant. I even managed to get in a couple of discrete fucks while I was there. It was most unexpected, but incredibly sexy to say the least. A nice set of genuine intercontinental one night stands. I was fucked by total strangers on another continent. How it all came about was I met this guy from England in the apartment Kitchens. The kitchens were communal and I was making some coffee as mum was...

2 years ago
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Sexy Mom1


4 years ago
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Serious RelationshipsChapter 7

Jim and Megan's date lasted over three hours, most of it just talking and dancing. "Jim," Kae's mother started. "I... I really like you, you know. But it's been so long..." "Since you've been with a man," I finished her sentence. "Yes," she nodded nervously. "You want me?" I boldly asked. "Yes, but Kaelee is at home," Megan reminded me. "That's okay," I told her. "My place is along the way. We can stop there for the nightcap." Hearing that, she got up and I placed...

3 years ago
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FemDom pt 2

If you think being in a collar with a leash, being tugged at by a beautiful Dominant Woman that seems to be in a bit of a hurry to get her fuck toy down into her basement is an easy thing to do...think again. All the while Mistress seemed to be tugging at me to get down there, pulling me face first, forcing me to crawl, so she could use me for her pleasure as she saw fit. While she tugged at my collar all i could focus on was her ass, her wonderfully round, perfectly shaped ass. While gazing...

4 years ago
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War Of The Worlds II part 6

There was pandemonium, confusion and mayhem as we tried to exit the confessional booth. Men, women and children were running or hobbling in different directions like ants in an anthill, screaming and shouting. I finally finished stuffing myself away and buttoning myself up, and turned to see my beloved appearing at my side, immaculate, composed, beautiful and serene. A look that she had obviously mastered in her former life of royalty - she was just a doctors wife now. Or was she? I was unsure...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 61

Present – Thom – Looking for Inga I get ready to put on my clothes and realize I smell bad so I take a long hot shower, put on some clean clothes then leave my room to find Inga and smooth things over with her. I can't find her anywhere so I head to the control room, walk in and ask, "Does anyone know where Inga is?" Gretchen glares at me (I guess she knows what happened) and spits out, "Inga and Mabel just left in a taxi and headed to town." I leave the control room and head toward...

3 years ago
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Stuarts graduation

So after nearly two years of meeting Stuart on days off. We and more importantly he, had grown in both our sexual experiences. I, in the fact he made me have sex with him outside. We'd stop in places either on the way to mine or taking him back home. Sometimes both. On one occasion he just said "pull over" got out and walked into some wooded area. I of course followed. He reached on opening, pulled his joggers down and bent forward presenting his peachy arse. I needed no instruction. Just...

4 years ago
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An Affair With My Crush 8211 My Chachi

Hello friends. My Name is RJ (obviously not a real name) and presenting to you my first ever story about me and my Chachi who is my neighbor too. So here I go. I am from Mumbai and live with my parents and a brother. In my neighborhood stays the heroine of my story my chachi with her son and chacha who still is unaware that his wife fucks around with me in his absence. Just thinking of her and writing this story has made my tool erect. This is love and lust. Combination of both you guys can...

3 years ago
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Can I fuck your Ass

Well I honestly must say, I have always loved anal sex. In porn it has always been the thing to get my cock diamond hard. Just to find a woman who was willing to say "yes shove your cock up my tight ass" just did it for me. While this has always been a must in my jerk off sessions, translating this fantasy to reality never seemed to come to fruition. I remember hinting to every girl I've ever fucked, only to have each say "eww", or "hell no, let me stick a sumthin up your ass? See how that...

1 year ago
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wheelchair sex

the story you are about to read is 100% true. as I've stated on my profile unless I said it's fiction then you can rest assured that you are reading a true occurrence. some may find this story strange, or weird or even sick but please bear with me as I relate the time I had sex with a wheelchair dependent woman. I'll explain it as you read. her name has been changed to protect her from any embarrassment.I worked for an agency that had a residence for handicapped wheelchair bound residents. they...

3 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 3

"So, let me get this straight. You and your girlfriend ... Jenny, you break up for a period of time and she sleeps with a married man, no less. So, because he won't man up and claim the child, pay child support, etc., you're going to leave school and not only get back with Jenny, but marry her and raise the baby as your own. Why in the world would you want to do this?" my father all but screamed at me. "Because she realized that she loves and needs me, and I miss her ... I want to share...

3 years ago
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Choco Fun Part 1

After a tough day at the office, I pulled up to my girlfriend's house, looking for nice dinner, a blowjob then some good night's sleep. I knocked on the door, as I undid my tie. "Welcome hon.." Megan greeted me with her usual soft, feminine voice and gave me a hug. She looked different. A dark green gown flowed from the shoulders of her petite body up to her knees. A large slit on her chest reveled her tan cleavage, closing just near her nipples. God, she looked sexy! I wanted rip her clothes...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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I gotta try it

on watching women get it on together. I even masturbated to one in a store that had booths where you could watch videos. I also buy lesbian magazines. I love watching women kiss each other, lick each other's pussies, grind their pussies together, and fuck each other with strap-on dildos. I never really liked walking into adult stores though because I felt someone I knew would someday see me walking in. So mostly I ordered magazines, books, and videos by mail. I usually received a free...

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Housewarming Gift

Susan noticed the cab pulling up next door. “I think our neighbors are back.” I walked over to the window to join her. Sure enough, a handsome black man was helping the driver pull suitcases out of the trunk, while his beautiful wife, a light-skinned black woman, was digging in her purse. When she looked up to pay the driver, she noticed us watching through our living room window. Susan waved and the other woman waved back. I gave a little wave myself, feeling very much like a...

1 year ago
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The Tale of Jessica Moonshadow Pt2

I felt like I was floating on air as I made my way back to the motel room. I had just under three hours to kill before I met Jennifer back where we had parted company. I entered the lobby and made my way to the elevator. It took me all the way up the thirtieth floor without stopping. I walked the whole way to my room and didn't take in a single detail. In my head, we were still in the conference centre and she was kissing me passionately with the taste of our combined cum lingering on her lips....

4 years ago
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Part 1 How I Met My Wife True Story

This is the first on a series I will be posting documenting my relationship with my wife and our adventures over the years.This happens in 1980 while I lived in Houston. I hadn’t had a date in about a month and my work buddies said I was getting moody and needed to get laid. One of my buddies said his girlfriend had a friend that was easy and that she usually went home with someone different from the parties they attended.My buddy assured me that she was good looking, so I said sure why not. ...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 282

Partial Character List: Jeff – The Prime. Diana – The Clan Queen and Jeff's first wife. Arlene – Jeff and Diana's daughter and Jeff's young wife who is also a Queen. Susan – Wife and Diana's mother, who is also a Queen. Jennie – Young wife. Melissa – Young wife. Laura – Wife and computer guru. Ann – Laura's daughter and Jeff's young wife, also a computer guru. Helen – Genius wife and teacher. Nat, Nicki, and Whitney – Young wives who were rescued by Jeff and his team. Joyce –...

4 years ago
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Play for Pay

I try on a few outfits while you watch; a light blue tank top with cream lace trim and a cream lace pair of panties, a thin almost see-through white shirt with a burnt orange thong, and a pair of knee-high black socks with matching lace bra and panties; spinning around for you to see my curves as I giggle and move from outfit to outfit. You help me settle on the pink and black pot socks that come up almost to my knees, the black fabric shorts with a pink seam that runs right under my ass,...

3 years ago
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You BetchaChapter 13

“Hey, look, it’s Mom and Dad, and they want to zoom with us!” Becca called me over, forcing me to get some sweats on with a tank top to make it look as if I just had a nice workout. “Becca, why are you naked?” Mom pointed out the obvious, noticing the beads of sweat on my forehead. “Um ... Mom, Dad, please ... don’t panic. We sorta have ... guests. For the duration of the lockdown,” Becca dropped another bombshell on Mom and Dad on top of the nudity. “Are your friends nudists who need you...

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Alex and Vicki Teachers Pet

It was Saturday, and the bright sun bursting through my bedroom windows woke me before my alarm did. Since I didn’t get home until 3:45 a.m., I was still pretty groggy. I guess the amount of straight tequila I drank with Ms. Picard early this morning wasn’t helping matters either. Once I slithered out of bed I decided to take a nice long shower. As I showered I thought about Ms. Picard’s student/teacher sex stories. Fact is I’d love to hear more of her stories, and someday I will. In reality...

4 years ago
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Awaited Sex With My Aunty

Hello everyone, this is Ricky from Mancherial, Telangana. I am a regular reader of ISS and this time I thought to submit my own story which happened with me couple of months before. This story is about my aunt who loved me very much (which she said later), any aunt, girls,ladies who is unsatisfied with husbands may drop me a mail, I can satisfy you up to the core and everything will be confidential. Ok this my first story on Indian sex stories, please excuse me if you find any mistake, ok now...

2 years ago
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High School Sweethearts

Benjamin Coleman watched with unhidden glee as his father pulled out of their driveway, carefully manoeuvring the vehicle around the hedge that acted as their front fence. As the vehicle peeled out of sight, Ben pumped his fist and yelled in triumph, the house was his for the next three days and he could do what he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted to do it. Adults, he mused, were sometimes way too serious and needed to lighten the hell up. Although, his father was usually a pretty cool...

1 year ago
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The best deal we ever made Part 3

Ana woke me up early that Saturday. At that point my balls were full and aching to cum. My cock was sore and tender. But she didn't relent. Ana reached over and began to tease me. First pulling the cage as though she was stroking me, then tapping my testicles. "Only one more day in that little cage," she quipped. We began making out as she continued to tease me. "I have one last special surprise for you tonight, but you really have to earn it today. I've got a list of chores around the house. I...

3 years ago
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18 year old Mark was in the school toilets at the urinal he was getting verbal abuse from other boys because he was gay, a teacher came in and all the other boys left, the teacher told Mark to hurry up and left, 16 year old Steve entered Mark got worried Steve was a local thug and school bully who gave Mark no end of hassle, Mark waited for the normal verbal abuse and was surprised when none came and was totally surprised when Steve stood at the urinal unzipped his trousers and pulled his dick...

1 year ago
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Porn Model

(originally Still Life in Blue) It's funny how people react to what I do. Usually, it happens at parties when one of my friends tells a small group, a couple of drinks after I arrive. Actually, it pisses me off a little, as though taking pornographic pictures was my life's work. I've always figured I'd go on to something else, after I build up a nest egg, which is easy to do. There aren't that many good guys in the business, so if you can focus well, understand light and filters, and have...

2 years ago
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Married Preachers Daughter Seduction Ch 2

It was a Friday night, rainy, when I had "accidently" bumped my hard cock into Laura, a preachers daughter and my friend Ray's MILF wife. She is a hottie, pleasantly thick with curves in the right places, wonderful tits and ass, long sexy brown hair and pretty eyes. She has lips to cum over and a little mommy belly from having k**s. She is conservative and quite, but, damn I wanted to fuck her.I waited until I heard her up in the shower Saturday morning, she was the first one up. I watched...

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 47 Truth and Consequences

November – Year 2 Bosco had decided against going to pick up the visitors himself. The members of the Tyler, TX Club agreed that they would meet as soon as they could and about midnight the rental car pulled up to the bar and three men got out. They looked like many of the men in the bar on any given night. They were the leaders of The Club of Brothers in Texas. Bosco was sitting at a table against the side wall and some of his members led the visitors to his table. He stood and shook hands...

2 years ago
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By the Sea

BY THE SEA [This is a story partly autobiographical but also to portray what for me would be the ideal D/s relationship.] In their run-of-the-mill, everyday lives, the couple appeared to all outward appearances as a rather boringly typical pair--committed to one another, each with a career, saddled with expenses and responsibilities, and in all other respects just like any number of "normal" spouses. What was not observable from the outside was the intense interior life the pair...

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Screwing my Stepsister

The thought of watching his step-sister screw, excited Justin. She was a cute girl, blonde with big blue eyes and a cute smile. She had had sex before, and he always wondered what it would be like watching her do it. He had seen Janet naked a couple of times, and had promptly jacked off after each time. He and Scott both were virgins, but it looked like Scotty was gonna get his first. All the girls liked Scott. He had brown hair and eyes and was a cross between Scott Baio and the Karate k**....

3 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 5 Settling in

That first morning the two new friends were off early to the Salvation Army and Goodwill stores, looking for lamps, chairs, a sofa-bed, a tiny fridge. They found some good things, having arrived before the crowds of other students. Anne's car got stuffed again and again, and they huffed and puffed getting it all upstairs. There were always guys around who were willing to help with the heavy things, and the two of them handed out a few beers to reward their helpers. The next days were full...

3 years ago
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The Longest SaturdayChapter 3

I chose this moment to freeze Time again, so as to not only give me more of a chance to do what needed to be done without distractions for myself or others, but also to reduce any risk of a rush or hurry. This would not be a rush to judgment at all, so most of humanity was indeed frozen. During that time I made one very essential tweak to all sentient adults of all races and sexes, making them hypersexual, polyamorous, promiscuous, and omnisexual: all of them! I would usher in a world that...

2 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 4 Married Bliss

His bus from work had been delayed, but Stephen Higgs thought he would just manage to get back home before the time for the male curfew. Being out after curfew had two perils. Getting stopped by the police would end up with a night in gaol and a fine or worse if they decided they wanted some “amusement” before letting due process take its course. Getting stopped by a bunch of women who weren’t affected by the curfew would be just as bad. That was something every man had to worry...

3 years ago
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TimeChapter 41

Two weeks after I left Washington, President Stevenson had a news conference and showed films of our launches on the 'secret Japanese atoll'. Since I had a thousand witnesses, I did not mind some going to testify. The Americans in our group were very proud to say that we had launched a full six months before the Russians. Proof was given by the fact that Bell had offered the new phones and connection to our satellite system a bare month after the first unit was launched. They had displayed...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Natali Ruby Anal Fuck For Hot Brunette

Hands on Hardcore presents super hot couple Natali Ruby and Oliver Trunk in this naughty tale of two horny strangers. Big titty babe Natali is an art loving seductress who picks up a hunky beefcake in the park, getting him back to hers and naked for some life drawing. However, his huge dick proves to be too much of a distraction for her. She can’t wait to get her mouth around it, sucking him off before he tongues her clit and fingers her pussy. Join these nubile young lovers as they...

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Making the Grade PrefaceIntroduction Revisited

A young man's choice of what was traditionally a woman's career, and a very traditional trade school at which to learn it, leads to him taking on a very untraditional role in his quest for success. The first day of class Greg a little nervous. The 20-something college dropout was pinning a lot his hopes for the future on a new vocation. After leaving college mid-way though his freshman year, Greg hopped from one part time job to another. Fed up by the following summer, he visited...

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The View From the Hill at TwilightChapter 6

When Emily had come into the apartment Sunday night, Lynn had already returned a half hour earlier. The two girls spent a few minutes talking and then Lynn looked at Emily. For several long seconds she studied her friend and finally said, “You know, I think maybe you might have had a rather exciting Thanksgiving.” Emily felt herself flush but managed to reply, although a little uncertainly, “What do you mean?” Lynn smiled. “It’s just that there’s this look about you.” After a couple of...

2 years ago
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Her Tongue

I through the door and head strait for the bar. I head strait for the bar stools. It was a rough day at work, and I look cute, and I deserve a drink. I sit down. "Long Island Iced Tea please." I ask the bartender. He nods and starts to prepare my drink. I notice that the room is quite quiet for a Friday night. But then again I am quite early. I look across the bar area to find a beautiful girl. Beautiful brown hair down to her back, brown eyes, and the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen! I...

2 years ago
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The Girlfriend

Meet my girlfriend. Lina, Kelvin. Kelvin, Lina" Patrick said as he introduced the pretty girl to me. I was surprised but didn't express it. It's been just two weeks since the semester has started and I couldn't believe Patrick has already landed himself a new girl. "Hi" I said. She replied "hello". I briefly took in everything about her. She's fair, about 5ft 2inches and kinda escaped being plump so I could say she's average bodied. She's pretty and.........well that's all I could say cos...

3 years ago
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The Biggest Chocolate Cock Ever

Everyone knows the French Quarter is the best place to party in New Orleans. Every night, that entire neighborhood turns into one massive rave, fueled by happy people, live music, and a ‘let’s get fucked up’ attitude. According to most, the hottest spot in the French Quarter is Bourbon Street.Bourbon Street is a crazy place, but it’s not the hottest spot. The hottest spot in the French Quarter isn’t even on Bourbon Street; it’s one street over. Those looking for some sexy fun, hot music, and a...

1 year ago
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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 21 The Prom

3 PM Three Hours Until Prom Zoey pulled her car into the Departures Ramp for Terminal A and found a spot between two other cars where families were saying goodbye to each other. As she left the car running and ran into the ticketing terminal, a bellhop complained, "Hey! This is a no-parking zone!" Zoey ignored the bellhop and just kept running. She wished she had asked Tyler which terminal he dropped Lance off at. She knew Tyler's lazy tendencies and took an educated guess that...

3 years ago
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First Time bi experience

This happened over 30 years ago. Admittedly at the time, I never expected it but at thirteen years of age, I would never had to consider that it would have happened. Growing up , I had a good number of friends and acquaintances. One "older guy" (about 18) had been k**ding around with me for sometime about rolling and horsing around with friends by wrestling with them and knocking each other to the ground. At that age, I never even gave it a second thought, but was reminded of it every time I...

1 year ago
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It had been a couple of days since Tyler had informed me that he only wanted to be friends. I was a mixture of upset, disappointed, and severely pissed off. We had spent weeks getting to know each other, and it just so happened I knew his biggest fantasy. Schoolgirl. He especially loved knee high socks. I craved a lot more from him that just friends. I knew the way to get it. My hands were shaking as I slid my baby blue pleated plaid skirt onto my hips. Trembling with each button of my white...

4 years ago
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My brother in Law

When I was in the 9th grade I dated a boy who was in the 12th grade. When he graduated he joined the service and I didn't see anymore until I was 39. He had been married and divorced and I had moved away got married and divorced as well. We have a big family and is always doing family things. I went home to visit and everybody was at my mothers house and my half sister who I'm not very close to came in with her new husband and it was my ex boyfriend. Nothing happen between us for years I just...

1 year ago
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Nothing I Can Do About It NowChapter 2

As I remember, to start with it was like all the other Fridays when I’d just returned from one of the regular foreign trips, that I had to make on behalf of my employers. Sweet-talking trips, that’s what they were really. The company liked to call them planning or liaison visits, but the whole point of the exercise was to keep our local agents happy and show them that we hadn’t forgotten about them, or their customers. Oh - and to chivvy the lazy buggers along a bit as well. These visits...

2 years ago
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Public Exposure

The parking lot was almost totally empty save but just a few cars. It was a large area set behind the shopping mall. Shadows were beginning to form as the sun slowly sank, touching the horizon. Ross found the isolated spot he wanted well away from any other car and shut off the engine. He walked casually towards the buildings and went inside. He found his favorite bench and sat down to watch. One of his favorite pastimes was sitting alone in the mall watching the girls as they went from shop to...

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