You Can Fuck Me, If My Husband Watches. free porn video

It was a dark, wet, cold November evening. It had been raining all day making the pavements sparkle and shimmer with reflections from the shop fronts and streetlights.
Sam was making his way to the train station; his train was due to depart in twenty minutes and all he wanted was to be somewhere warm and dry.
He pushed through the swing doors; they silently swung shut behind him stopping the rain and wind from attacking him. His initial relief was short lived. Looking up at the departure monitors his eyes scanned for his train time departure. He silently muttered, “Shit,” when he read the word, CANCELED.
Sam placed his suitcase on the floor. He stood staring at the departure board feeling the rainwater trickle down his neck. He now felt weary. Picking up his case, he walked to the back of the queue at the information desk and waited for someone to talk to.
“Yes sir,” said a hassled looking young man who briefly looked Sam up and down.
“The 18:30 to Lancaster. It’s canceled; when is the next train?” Sam asked, trying not to sound irritated.
The young man grimaced. “It’s a power failure and the next train will not be until tomorrow sometime. You will have to ring in the morning for a departure time; sorry, sir.”
Sam was cold, wet, and tired. He stood thinking and tapping on the wooden counter with his index finger. “Can you tell me where the nearest decent hotel is?”
“If you want clean and cheap, then go out of the main entrance, turn right, and look for The Victoria. It’s a small, family run place not far that I would recommend. I am really sorry, sir,” the young guy seemed genuinely sympathetic.
Sam was resigned to the situation, “Its not your fault, sometimes life is shit,” Sam wearily picked up his case and walked out of the station, returning to the dark wet cold night.
Luckily it was not far to walk, and as Sam approached The Victoria Hotel he noticed that it looked quaintly old fashioned, slightly run down but welcoming.
Stepping inside Sam felt weary. The cold and damp had penetrated his clothes and he was starting to shiver. The lobby was warm and welcoming. Twenty feet ahead he saw the reception desk. As Sam approached it the lady on reception looked up at him from a magazine she was reading and smiled, “It looks really bad out there. Can I help you?”
Sam replied, “I hope so. First, have you a room for the night, and second can I get a hot meal?”
She looked at the book in front of her and nodded, “No problem on both counts sir. We have a room for the night, and the hotel restaurant serves meals from 8 until 10:30.”
Sam felt relieved because at last something was going his way, “That’s great because all I want is to feel dry and warm then get something to eat.”
The receptionist completed the paperwork quickly and efficiently then gave Sam his key. Sam thanked her, picked up his case and went up a flight of stairs to his room.
The room was a decent size. It was basically furnished and had a large comfortable looking double bed. The furniture was 1950`s style brown varnished wood. It consisted of a desk with facilities for making tea and coffee and a comfortable looking padded armchair. There was also a wardrobe and through a door was the toilet and shower room.
Like all the decorations in the hotel the paintwork was faded and on the dark side. Pastel wallpaper in shades of cream and red. It was tired but clean.
Sam peeled off his clothes and hung them up to dry. Naked and shivering with cold he entered the shower. He turned it on as hot as he could stand then let it gradually bring him back to life. The bone numbing cold slowly seeped out of his body. He closed his eyes and felt contented as the hot water splashed over his skin.
Stepping out reluctantly after twenty minutes Sam felt better. He dried himself with the large fluffy towels and luckily had a change of clothes in his case.
Checking his watch it was now 8:30 and he was feeling hungry, so he made his way down to the restaurant.
Approaching the restaurant he saw it was a large room. The floor was covered with a red patterned carpet, and there was space for twenty tables. This evening it was practically empty.
The lighting was subdued with only four large ceiling lights. Each table had one or two candles depending on how many it seated.
A waiter stood at the doorway looking somewhat uninterested. Sam asked him for a table for one. He was courteously shown to a small table with two chairs.
Sam noticed the nearest people were a middle-aged couple. They were sitting three tables away. The man's face could not be seen because he had his back to him, but the woman who was sitting opposite to the man was facing Sam.
Sam could clearly see her face, and as he sat down she was watching him. She caught his eye and threw a friendly smile in his direction.
Sam returned her smile and on a second longer look realized the woman was rather attractive. Her hair was brunette and gently brushed against her shoulders. She had large dark eyes with a pert nose. When she smiled at him her pretty face lit up.
Sam’s eyes automatically moved down from her slender neck observing that her top was cut low. It was cut low enough for Sam to realize she had small breasts that from where he was looking appeared firm and round.
She watched Sam looking at her, and when his eyes moved to her breasts her smile got slightly wider.
She leaned closer and said something to the man opposite her. He then turned his head to look hard at Sam.
Sam was embarrassed because he had been caught red-handed staring so he immediately looked away.
Sam sat down and picked up the menu and concentrated on reading what was on offer. He quickly decided on a simple meal of steak and chips. It was somehting he liked cooked medium rare with a side salad.
He waved his hand to attract the attention of the waiter who came and Sam gave him his order. The waiter wrote it down then asked if he wanted a drink.
Sam considered the question and said, “What the hell, as I am making an evening of it I think a bottle of Merlot will go with the steak, thanks.”
The waiter politely thanked Sam and walked briskly away.
Sam’s attention now returned to the couple sitting near who he noticed were in a deep conversation. Sam wondered what she had said to the man to make him look at him.
Sam was waiting for his meal, and as he had nothing better to do, was trying to covertly observe them.
She looked his way again, made deliberate eye contact and smiled.
Sam was a little embarrassed at being caught looking again but nevertheless he nodded at the pretty woman. Her smile grew visibly wider.
It was perhaps ten minutes later that the waiter brought his meal. Sam thanked him and ate his meal at a leisurely pace.
He was hungry and that made it even more enjoyable. By the second glass of Merlot he was feeling content to the point he had nearly forgotten just how miserable the day had been so far.
Sam had been glancing clandestinely at the pretty lady from time to time. He now realized she was also observing him quite openly.
Her glances and smiles together with the wine had reduced his inhibitions so he began to return her smiles. It was all just harmless fun to pass the time he told himself.
Sam estimated her to be early sixties in age, and she was attractive. Sam had always found mature women seductive.
The couple were now engaged in an animated conversation. She was nodding and intermittently glancing Sam’s way. He was slowly drinking the bottle of wine wondering what they were talking about.
About fifteen minutes later or one large glass of wine, she looked intently at Sam with those dark sensual eyes. She was studying him as if making up her mind about something. She suddenly turned and spoke to the man. He listened intently and said words she must have liked because she nodded and laughed.
The man took a big drink from his glass pushed back his chair and stood up. To Sam’s surprise he turned and walked directly towards him.
Sam now saw him clearly for the first time. He was about Sam’s height wiich was perhaps a couple of inches under six feet. He looked to be about sixty years old and was handsome with short graying hair.
An amused grin flickered across his face and his eyes sparkled with what Sam thought looked like mischief and intelligence.
“We noticed that you are alone and if you are not waiting for someone my wife and I wondered if you would care to join us?” he asked very pleasantly.
Sam was a little taken aback wondering if she had she told him about their flirting. "I am staying overnight because my train has been delayed. I don’t want to put you out,” Sam exclaimed.
He responded in a calm friendly voice. “I promise you wouldn't’t be putting us out. We would both would appreciate a little company. It would give us a chance of having a different conversation so please come over and meet her.”
Sam said, “Okay, if you insist,” picked up his bottle of wine and followed the man.
The table they were sitting at in the restaurant was quiet and secluded. The woman’s chair was close against the wall. She pulled the seat to her right as close to her as possible and gestured for Sam to take it.
The man sat back down in the chair opposite them and said, “First let me introduce us. I am Dave and my lovely wife is called Jo.”
Sam nodded to them both in turn and said, “I am very pleased to meet you both and I am called Sam.”
Sam then told them about the unfortunate event that had lead to him being here. They in turn told him that they had been to the local art gallery. It had an exhibition of Art Nuevo paintings and then decided to have a meal before going home.”
Dave waved the waiter over and ordered another bottle of wine. They shared the wine and talked about art, who they were and general chitchat.
Wine flowed freely and the conversation by small degrees was steered by Dave down a more intimate avenue.
Dave asked Sam, “I think she is a beautiful and sexy woman but what do you think. Is my wife is pretty to you Sam?”
By now Sam was slightly drunk and spoke more freely than he would sober, “She is more than pretty. If you won't take offense I would like to say she is a very sexy woman.”
Jo smiled and placed her hand on Sam’s leg, “Do you really think that Sam? As you entered the room I thought that you looked attractive. I want to have a little fun now that we know each other. Lets play a mischievous game that is easy to play. You have to imagine that when you first saw me I was sitting all alone. Now tell me honestly what would you have said to me?”
Sam looked towards Dave who said, “You don’t have to play her game Sam but she likes games and if it helps I can tell you she likes compliments. She also likes to think she knows what you are thinking.”
“I would probably have come over and asked you if you were alone. If you said you were then I would have offered you a drink,“ Sam replied diplomatically.
“And if I had accepted your kind offer would you have flirted outrageously just like you have been all evening? I dare you to tell me how far would you have tried to take it Sam”
“What am I supposed to say to that Jo? I am sitting in front of you husband.” Sam was slightly embarrassed by how forward Jo was.
Dave shrugged his shoulders, “Forget about me Sam. After all it’s just a silly what-if game of words that you and Jo are playing, I enjoy watching and listening.”
Jo moved her face closer to Sam. “Remember the game. It's only us alone, me and you sitting here. So tell me the truth Sam. I want to know, do you really find me pretty or were you just being polite? After all, don’t most men lust over young women with large breasts? All I have is my old small tits.”
Sam’s eyes wandered to Jo`s cleavage. He could feel her warm breath on his face and smell her perfume. Sam watched as her tits, which were close enough to touch rose and fell with her breathing. “Lots of men do but I would rather hold your small soft breast in my hand and feel your nipple harden against my thumb. I know that older women have experience and they also know what they want. They also have the confidence to get it. I also believe that you like to tease and I think you like the attention.”
Dave was watching and listening, “Bravo Sam. I can see why Jo said you looked like a man that she would take to. Now I can ask if you're willing to play a far better game than talking?”
Sam had felt the warmth of Jo`s leg pressed against his for some time. He had let his hand rest on her thigh and she let Sam’s hand slide up between her legs.
Jo looked at Sam and purred, “You are a tactile man aren’t you Sam? I really like how that feels.”
Sam was uncertain about what was happening. Confused, he withdrew his hand and looked at Dave.
Dave was smiling and said, “Its okay Sam. I will now explain everything.. Jo liked you from when she first saw you walk in, and it's obvious that you like her. But the question we need to answer is just how much do you want her?”
Sam was a little uncertain. He said, “If I have, I didn't’t mean to offend you both. She is a very attractive woman and I admit I was flirting with her.”
Dave nodded, “If it was all just a little flirting then we can say it was a misunderstanding. There has been no harm done and we will bid you goodnight. We can go home and you can finish the wine and have an early night alone.”
Dave paused and looked deep into Sam’s eyes. He smiled his warm broad smile and continued, “Or you can choose to stay, and perhaps you will consider giving my pretty wife and me an invitation to visit you in your room, where we can privately continue what you and Jo have started?”
As Dave was talking, Jo`s hand had slowly drifted up Sam’s leg. He then felt her pulling at the button holding his pants together. After some fumbling she managed to undo it. “Dam that was hard to undo. I want you to just relax Sam. If you don’t mind I am going to have a little fun and I promise you will like it.”
Sam looked at Dave and he said, “Like I said, Jo really likes you. She wants to show you just how much. I enjoy watching her indulge herself.”
Sam looked around the sparsely filled restaurant. There were only three other couples sitting at tables and they were on the far side. From where they were no one could see what was going on as the room was dimly lit.
Jo tugged impatiently on the zip. Then as she finally managed to open it she triumphantly exclaimed, “Ha ha let the fun begin.” Sam felt her pull down the zip; he was exposed and aroused at the same time.
Jo`s hand slipped into his pants and explored. She found Sam’s cock and it was semi hard so she pulled it free. Her hand returned to his pants and fondled his balls. She also pulled them free from the constriction of his pants.
Sam felt his cock stiffen as Jo was caressing his balls.
“Sam you shave. I like the way your balls feel. They are silky smooth in my hand. I would like to see them and perhaps you would like to watch me playing with your balls. I know Dave would.”
Sam exhaled deeply and looked at Jo, who was smiling broadly.
“What are you going to do now Jo?” Sam asked nervously.
“You know exactly what I am going to do, don’t you Sam? I also know you want me to do it. Now that I have your big hard cock in my little hand, unless you stop me I am going to jerk you off. Well Sam are you going to stop me?”
The only thing Sam was aware of was feeling Jo`s hand holding his cock.
Jo smiled and squeezed Sam’s cock. She knew that Sam wanted her to jerk him off but she was not going to unless he admitted it.“Tell me you want me to jerk you off Sam.”
Sam whispered, “Yes, Jo, Jerk me off.”
Jo kissed Sam gently on the cheek. “Good boy,” and began to slowly and deliberately stroke his cock.
Dave checked the restaurant once more to satisfy himself that all the guests were engaged in eating and talking. They were all occupied and no one was paying any attention to the three people, who were apparently in an innocent conversation at a dimly lit table.
Dave relaxed enjoying the delicious activity unfolding across the table. He was slowly sipping his wine as he watched his wife.
“Sam place your hands on the table and try to look natural. let’s not draw attention to ourselves.”
Sam placed his hands on the table and let out a little moan of pleasure.
Jo was good at what she was doing. Her right arm was moving from her elbow to her hand, which was gripping Sam’s cock in a tight embrace. Her rhythm was steady and slow and Sam was concentrating hard on not moving. His hands were on the table clenched tightly.
Jo was thrilled by Sam’s predicament and she giggled with delight. “Are you terrified of being seen and at the same time excited by the thought someone might be watching you Sam? Is this your first time exposed in public? You know that I am going to make you come with me and Dave watching, don’t you?”
Sam nodded.
Jo felt Sam’s cock twitch. “My you are very excited and I think you are you going to come soon, Sam.”
Sam nodded. “Soon,” he hissed.
“That’s okay Sam, I want you to. Shall I wank your lovely cock faster? Would you like that?” Jo asked teasingly. She was enjoying the control she had over Sam.
Sam nodded unable to speak.
“I don’t think I heard you say please to Jo.” She stopped stroking Sam’s cock.
“Please Jo, please don’t stop,” begged Sam.
Jo was smiling, “It’s such a turn on for me to see how desperate and excited you are. Do not worry Sam, you will get jerked off. It's your first time in public and you will remember it.”
Jo gripped Sam’s cock firmly in her hand and resumed stroking it but this time much faster than before.
Jo whispered in Sam’s ear. “Look me in the eyes Sam. I want to watch your eyes as you come. It will make me wet seeing your pleasure.”
Sam turned to Jo. His face was contorted; he opened his mouth slightly and exhailed gently through clenched teeth.
“I adore your cum face. There no turning back now Sam, you are about to go off in this restaurant. Does knowing that make you more excited? I am so turned on now Sam. Let me see your face and feel your cock pulse in my hand as you come. I know you are almost there Sam, so don’t try and resist it.”
Jo had Sam’s cock tight in her grasp; she was breathing hard with the effort of sliding her hand up and down his rigid cock as fast as possible.
Jo suddenly felt his cock quiver as Sam’s hips bucked. Cum spurted in sticky globs splattering the underside of the table.
Jo continued pumping his cock and watching his face as he came. She could feel his cock pulse as each spurt of cum was violently spat out. Sam gave a grunt at each gush of spunk.
After four powerful jets Sam’s spurting slowed, then became a trickle. She gently stroked it as it softened and his cum dribbled over her fingers.
Jo released his throbbing cock and raised her hand to her face. She was examining his cum which was sticking to her fingers. Then her pink tongue slid from between her lips and licked his cum off her hand.
She opened her handbag and took out a handful of tissues. “I think you might need to clean yourself up a little Sam. I am so sorry for making such a sticky mess.” Then she laughed, “But it was such fun, don’t you think?”
Sam took the tissues from Jo and trying not to look conspicuous furtively wiped off as much of the cum which was splattered on the underside of the table and his clothes as he could.
Dave and Jo sat back in their chairs feeling very satisfied with the evening so far. They watched patiently until Sam finally finished cleaning up his mess and dressing himself.
Jo politely said, “Thank you Sam,” as she took the soggy tissues gingerly between two fingers and dropped them into her handbag.
Dave spoke. “It's not late and as we mentioned, Jo and I have something more in mind.
If you don’t want this evening to end just now why don’t you invite us up to your room, Sam, where we can have some privacy. Jo would really like to finish the evening with something special that can’t be done in public. Not without getting us all arrested.”
Jo excitedly butted in, “The question is a simple one Sam. If you are willing and want to, my pussy is aching for a fuck. I really want you to fuck me. Just tell me you want to. All you have to do is say yes.”
Sam didn't’t need much time to think about the offer, “Jo, I would love to see you naked, finally get to stroke your damp pussy and feel your tiny tits in my hand. But most of all I want to bury my cock in your warm pussy and fill it full of cum.”
Dave smiled at Sam’s response and continued where he had left off. “You can have all that but it’s a little more complex than simply having a fuck, Sam. My wife orgasms powerfully when a stranger fucks her. We also have an understanding that she never fucks anyone unless I am there watching bcause I find that exciting.
She likes to feel a strange cock moving in her pussy as she is watching me stoking my cock. I find it stimulating to jerk off watching my beautiful naked wife with a guy between her legs. Will you pound her pussy with the savage intensity of a stranger Sam? You come and Jo comes and Jo watches me come so everyone gets off. Can you perform for us, Sam?”
Sam could already feel his cock start to become aroused, “This is insane. It's totally nuts but this whole evening has been crazy. If you are both serious then what the hell, yes we can go up to my room.”
Jo beamed. “I just knew you were up for it when I saw you Sam. I am already wet thinking about being fucked by you. I want to see your cock then feel it stabbing deep inside me. Tell us your room number and we will follow you up in five minutes.”
Sam pushed back the chair and cautiously stood up. He hoped he had managed to wipe off all the cum and looked normal. He glanced at both of them, hesitated for a second, then said, “See you both soon. I am on the first floor staying in room fourteen.” He then walked calmly out of the restaurant.
Sam left the restaurant. He didn’t look back as he unhurriedly made his way up to his room.
Sam unlocked the door and entered the darkness. He turned on the light and closed the door behind him. He sat on the bed as his head swam with thoughts. He was a little drunk and was trying to recall the events and make some sense of the evening so far.
Already the last two hours seemed like a dream. Did a pretty woman just jerk him off in a public place?
Are they now actually going to come up to his room and is he going to fuck Jo with Dave watching?
Is Dave actually going to jerk himself off as a stranger fucks his wife?
Now he was alone and thinking clearly he was feeling uneasy. What if he locked the door and refused to answer?
Sam was brought back to reality by a gentle tapping on his door. Then it opened and Jo peeked in and it was as if she was just visiting an old friend as she smiled, “Hello Sam, It's just us. Can we come in?”
Sam answered, “Yes.”
They both entered and Sam stood up to greet them. “Sorry but there is only one chair to sit on.”
Dave sat in it. “That’s fine, because Jo will want to sit with you on the bed. That is if that`s okay with you Sam?"
Sam just nodded his acceptance.
Dave looked at Sam, “How are your feeling? Still eager to go through with it?”
Sam shrugged, “To tell you the truth Dave, after thinking about it I feel a little edgy because it may be fine for you but this is all new to me.”
Jo put a friendly arm around Sam and gave him a cuddle. “Don’t you worry, I will soon put that right Sam. We are all going to have a great time. I feel so turned on after jerking you off, and Dave is so looking forward to watching me get…fucked.”
Everyone was silent then Jo stood up. “Lets get started, I am so horny.”
She unbuttoned her top, took it off and casually dropped it at the side of the bed. She then took off her skirt and tossed it on her top. “Come on Sam don’t be so shy. Get your clothes off or do you want me to undress you?”
Sam undid his shirt and pulled it off. He slid his shoes off and pulled his socks off. Then slowly took down his pants and as he was not wearing any underwear he was now naked. He felt exposed standing before two strangers. Sam felt vulnerable as he sat back down on the bed.
Jo watched Sam undress. She was very animated and asked, “Do you want to see my little tities, Sam?” Without waiting for a reply she undid her bra and as they poped out, her tits gently bounced free against her chest.
Sam’s eyes rested on her brown nipples that were big and hard. Jo took a step towards him and his hand reached out and cupped her tit. It was warm and firm in his hand. His fingers brushed against her nipple and Jo sighed at his contact. “Are you feeling better now Sam?”
The warmth of her body made Sam’s crotch tingle. He pushed her back onto the bed and then he proceeded to suck on her left nipple while fondling the other small but firm breast with his right hand.
He carried on sucking and fondling her tits until Jo said breathlessly, “Take off my knickers Sam. I want to feel your fingers inside me. Will you play with my pussy and finger me until I come?”
Sam stood up and with both hands pulled at her white knickers dragging them over her hips. Then he forcibly slid them down her legs past her knees and smoothly over her feet. Sam could smell her sex clinging to the damp patch on her knickers as he held them under his nose. He breathed in her sex then dropped them on the floor.
Sam gazed down at the now naked Jo and his erect cock twitched involuntary. She had long slim legs; her crotch was coated with fine black hair. He could now clearly see the pouting lips of her pussy.
Sam bent forward and got hold of her ankles and pushed her legs apart. Jo gazed at Sam’s erection and offered him no resistance as he spread her legs.
Sam climbed on the bed and knelt between her open and inviting legs. His hands slid upwards lightly brushing against her smooth skin as they made their way up to her pussy. “Mmm, oh yes,” Jo murmured in expectancy.
Sam’s fingers gently pushed aside her pussy lips letting a finger slid inside. Now he finally felt her hot wetness.
Sam’s finger slithered up and down her slippy lips. Then a second finger joined it and Sam pushed them both deep inside her.
“Oh god. Yes Sam, that feels so good,” Jo purred.
While these fingers were probing deep inside Jo`s pussy, his left thumb was searching for her clit and as he made contact Jo twitched and said repeatedly, “Yes, yes, yes.”
Sam had consciously decided to return the favor she had given him and jerk Jo off. He wanted to watch her come as she had done to him.
Sam began gently with feather light touching, probing and teasing her with his fingers. Jo pleaded, “Push them in deeper Sam.”
Sam obliged fingering her pussy faster and deeper. His two fingers smoothly sliding in and out.
Jo cried out, “Finger me harder please Sam.”
Sam said, “Its my turns now so say please like you mean it if you want me to finger fuck you Jo.”
Jo raised her head and in a loud almost desperate voice pleaded, “Please, please finger me hard Sam.”
Sam now fingered her violently. His fingers were slipping in-between the folds of her pussy making squelching sounds.
Jo grasped Sam’s wrist pulling his hand against her pussy, as she was moaning and shaking her head.
Jo began gasping and trembling; Sam’s hand was pushing his stiff fingers into her pussy. Now it was his turn to watch her come.
She moaned and shook repeating, “Oh, Fuck, Oh yes.” Sam fingered her until the shaking lost its intensity and her body relaxed.
Jo asked Sam, “Don’t stop, will you carry on fingering my pussy gently?”
Sam obliged and continued to stoke his fingers in her wet pussy until she finally closed her legs on his hand. “No more Sam I am feeling so sensitive.”
Sam stopped and was now comforting Jo and gently stroking her stomach watching her tits rise and fall in time with her steady breathing.
Sam had not noticed that Dave was now naked, sitting in the chair with a huge erection in his hand; he also had a smile on his face, “That was entertaining and now that you are rested I have a stiff cock that needs attention. So can we all now enjoy the main course. Sam will you kindly fuck my lovely wife Jo?”
Jo raised herself onto all fours sideways to Dave because she knew from past encounters what she had to do. “I am ready to feel your cock inside me Sam so come and take me from behind.”
Sam went behind Jo and knelt on the bed. His cock was erect and precum was seeping from the small slit at the tip of his swolen pink head.
Jo was on all fours, her head resting on the pillow with her arse sticking up in the air. Sam’s eyes followed the curve of her white inner thighs from her knee up to her pussy. Her puffy wet lips just visible standing proud between her dark wispy hairs.
Then Sam focused on her arse which he found round firm and inviting.
He caressed it then ran his fingers between her crack as he kissed and licked her firm white buttocks.
Jo shook her head. “That feels good but no Sam, not this time.”
Jo looked behind her, “That tight little hole is for another day and a different game. Now my pussy is aching. I want to feel your cock filling it. Please Sam, fuck me now.”
Sam shuffled forward. His cock brushed gently against Jo`s inner thigh and Jo shivered in expectancy. Sam had his cock in his hand and probed for the entrance to her pussy. He pushed it against her lips trying to force it between them.
Jo reached under and took his cock in her hand, “Let me guide you in.” Then she skillfully steered it between her outer lips and to the hidden soft depth of her pussy.
Sam thrust his hips forward and his cock slid in as deep as it could go.
He paused for a long moment savoring the warm wetness enveloping his cock and then began to slowly fuck Jo.
Jo felt Sam’s cock fill her pussy with his hardness. As he thrust forward she pushed back and they developed a rhythm. Sam’s cock was stabbing into her softness and she desperately wanted it in deep. The slow steady rhythm almost imperceptibly began to increase in tempo.
Sam and Jo were moving in time together until Sam whispered, “Keep still Jo I want to feel my cock moving inside you as I come.”
Jo felt Sam’s hands grasp her hips firmly and pull her against him; she was held fast and could not move. Sam began to thrust with urgency and grunt desperately.
……Dave comes…..
Dave was stroking his cock with a satisfied grin on his face. He was intently watching his wife as her small round tits shook back and forth at each violent thrust.
Sam was behind Jo stabbing his cock with an urgent intensity hard into her pussy.
Then Sam grasped Jo and held her firmy, thrusting forward and pulling her against his hips. His pounding was increasing and Dave could hear his grunting getting louder at every thrust.
Dave was stroking his cock in time with Sam’s thrusting.
Sudenly Dave let out a groan as his body tensed. His hand was now stroking his cock faster than Sam’s cock was stabbing into his wife’s pussy.
Dave raised his arse off the chair and his eyes locked with Jo`s.
His body was rigid and his legs trembled. He gasped as a spurt of cum shot from his cock, the drops splattering him from stomach to his chest. He pumped his stiff cock as the drops of cum coated his torso.
…..Jo comes…..
Jo`s pussy was impaled on Sam’s rigid cock. He was thrusting into her as his grunting became louder and more desperate at each savage stab. His hands were gripping tightly to Jo`s hips.
She turned her head to watch Dave. He was staring at her and stroking his cock. It was pointing towards the ceiling and his hand was moving fast up and down his slippery shaft.
Then he looked her in the eyes and she knew from past experiences he was about to come.
As she stared into his eyes his hips bucked and she watched enthralled as cum spurted from the swollen head of his cock. The creamy liquid shot out in a sticky stream striking his chest.
Jo gazed as his hand continued pumping his cock even as the jets diminished in strength.
As Dave started spurting it detonated an orgasmic tremor deep in her pussy and the intensity made her dizzy.
She moaned and quivered, watching intently as Dave was wanking his cock, which was spitting out cum. Her pussy was pulsing with waves of pleasure as Sam’s cock continued pounding it. As she came a gush of her pussy juice streamed down over Sam’s balls.
…..Sam comes…..
Sam could feel her pussy gripping his cock firmly. He felt he was getting close. He grasped her hips and began to pull her against himself as he heard himself grunting. His cock was hyper sensitive in the firm embrace of her pussy.
Then he heard Jo moan loudly and try to push herself back against him. His cock felt a trembling pressure as Jo`s pussy went into an orgasmic spasm. Then her gushing wetness was suddenly dripping down his balls.
Sam groaned as his cock made its final deep thrust into her hot, wet pussy. His cock exploded pumping cum in pulses as he clung tightly to her hips. He arched his back to try and push his cock deeper inside her.
He held Jo securely as his cock pulsated, pumping his cum into her pussy.
Sam held Jo tight as he came and for a long time afterwards as the orgasm pulses waned. Then his hands let go of Jo`s hips leaving red finger marks from the pressure of his fingers.
She fell forward, his cock sliding smothly out of her wet pussy. It was glistening and a strand of cum seeped from the head.
She turned over and spread her legs. Sam could see her pussy. It was shining and his cum slowly tricked out.
“My pussy is tingling Sam. Will you lick it for a little while?” Sam leaned forward and his head disappeared between her legs. Jo felt his breath against her skin then his tongue flicked along her sticky lips.
“Lick me Sam and push your tongue inside my pussy.” She felt his tongue slide along her pouting lips then slip into her. She massaged her erect nipples with the palms of her hands. Sam continued to slip his tongue in her pussy as she let the sensation engulf her.
Dave watched Sam’s head bobbing up and down; he was gently stroking his semi hard cock resting on his stomach.
After only a few minutes, Jo groaned and pushed Sam’s head from between her legs, “Oh Sam I can’t take any more, that’s enough, that’s enough.”
Later after they all had a shower and dressed they sat on the bed talking warmly to each other. It was as friends do when they have shared a pleasant experience.
They finished the wine, Dave putting down his empty wine glass said, “We are going now Sam, but if we leave our phone number, perhaps you will you think about another evening of pleasure?”
Sam smiled, “That is an offer I would like, but only if Jo wants it as well?”
Jo smiled at Sam and tenderly kissed his cheek.
“I don’t know which felt better in my pussy, your hard cock or your gentle tongue.”
Dave and Jo stood up, and as they walked out of the door, Dave turned and said, “Perhaps we will see you soon, Sam?”
The door silently closed leaving Sam alone in the room. He studied the piece of paper with the phone number written on it. He listened as the sound of footsteps slowly faded.
He was tired but he knew he would sleep well tonight (sweet dreams?)

- 21.11.2022
- 43
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- Category:
- Mature