- 3 years ago
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It was hour four of our eight-hour ride home from my in-laws - exactly half way. I hated this drive almost as much as I despised visiting with my husband’s family. It isn’t that they aren’t friendly or anything. They are perfectly nice people. It’s just that I have to be ‘on’ the entire time I’m around them and it is just exhausting for an introvert like me.
I was ready to be out of the car and knowing we had so long to go was killing me. I love my husband, but there is only so much conversation and podcast listening I can handle. I was at my wit's end. As we drove, I stared out the window. We were listening to some podcast about unsolved mysteries, which allowed my mind to wander a bit.
“I’m bored, babe,” I said.
“Bored? Already? We still have four hours to go!” Jack teased back.
“Ugh, this is brutal. What should we do?” I asked.
“I’m not sure there is really anything we can do, hon,” he replied, half listening to me, half listening to the podcast still playing.
As I sat there, I thought of a fun idea. Normally, I was pretty reserved but once per month, my libido spikes a day or two before my period. Today was that day. The more I thought of it, the more excited I got. It would be so much fun to play with my husband while he drives. I could just reach over and pull his waistband down a little to expose him, then stroke him casually as he drives, I thought.
“I have an idea,” I said, with a tone of mystery.
“What’s that?” he asked.
Without actually telling him, I reached over and placed my hand on his crotch. He glanced over in shock.
“What are you doing?!” he exclaimed.
“Giving you a little treat while you drive,” I said, trying to be sexy.
I applied a little pressure and felt him start to stiffen under my touch. I loved having that power over a man. It made me feel so hot to make him so aroused, so quickly.
“Tracy, no. No way! It’s broad daylight right now! Anyone could glance over when they pass us and see everything!” Jack said, pushing my hand away.
I was stunned. He never turned me down for sex. I was more embarrassed than anything. I had tried being a sexy, little wife for him and he shot me down - it stung a bit.
“Fine. Suit yourself. But don’t think that offer will still be on the table when we get home,” I said, angrily.
“Babe, don’t be like that. It’s not safe and I’m pretty sure it’s illegal!” he argued.
“Whatever,” I said back and turned up the volume on the stereo to signal that I was done talking.
I stared out the window and thought about how excited I was just a few minutes ago to fool around with my husband, and now I was just angry. Fuck him, I thought. I’ll be sure to remember this the next time he tries something. I was already planning on relieving myself when I got home to put out my own fire without him.
As we passed cars, I found myself glancing at the drivers. It’s so strange how often people look right back at you, as if they can feel your eyes on them as you coast by. Most people simply look away, while others smiled or nodded their head. I decided to occupy myself by trying to see how many people would respond in each way. Yes, I was that bored.
After about twenty minutes, we had passed about fifteen cars and my game was getting a little old already. But then we passed a black SUV. It looked expensive and the man driving it looked exactly like the kind of guy I would picture behind the wheel of such a nice car - mid-forties, handsome, rich-looking, if that’s a thing. Up until this point, I was trying to remain neutral to get unbiased responses from drivers but for some reason, when he looked over, I smiled at him.
I immediately caught myself and probably blushed a little bit. He smiled back and winked. I also noticed that he sped up just a bit to keep us from passing him. It wasn't an aggressive move on his part or anything. It was simply to keep our cars even. I knew that he was doing this to keep an eye on me. I was annoyed with Jack so I decided to flirt a little. He would never notice and in a few minutes this person would be gone and never to be seen again!
So I winked back. It was simple and innocent, but it felt so dirty and wrong in the moment. I saw him laugh to himself and smile back at me.
“Who’s that?” the man mouthed to me, nodding towards Jack.
I rolled my eyes dramatically and flashed him my wedding ring to indicate that he was my husband. He shook his head, as if to signal he was disappointed, but then raised his left hand to show he was also married.
Seeing as how we were both married, I decided to take it up a notch and have a little more fun. In response to him showing me his ring, I gave him a pouty frown that kind of said ‘too bad, huh?’
He then decided to one up me and boldly mouthed the words “I want to fuck you” to me. I was shocked. I was actually getting more and more turned on by this little game. I glanced over at Jack to make sure he had not caught on. He was spaced out still listening to the podcast playing through the stereo. I turned back to the man and pressed my tongue into the side of my cheek, the international sign for a blowjob.
He smiled big then slammed on the gas and sped off. Had I offended him? Did I take it too far? I was embarrassed for the second time today! This really wasn't that big of a deal though. He probably wanted to leave on a high note or something. Plus, what else could have been said at that point.
At this point, I noticed that my panties were slightly wet. That innocent flirting had really gotten me going. I adjusted my position in the seat and decided maybe I would try to get Jack to play again. There was no way that he could possibly resist me offering him a quick blowjob.
“We need gas. I’m going to pull into this rest area to fuel up,” Jack said, snapping me out of my daydream.
“Alright - I have to use the bathroom anyway,” I replied.
As we pulled up to the pump, he asked if I wanted anything to drink or snack on when he was done filling up. I asked him to grab me a soda and hopped out of the car to find the restroom. Walking into the gas station, I saw the sign for the restrooms on the far wall of the store and headed towards them. I didn’t really have to go, I just needed to get out of the car and get a little alone time for a minute.
Once inside, I realized that it was my favorite kind of public restroom - the kind made for one person at a time. I always hated sitting down in the rows of stalls, knowing that someone else was doing the same thing only a few feet away - gross. It was reasonably clean too. I reached under my sundress and pulled my panties down to my knees before sitting down. Feeling the damp material peeling off my smooth mound reminded me of my own arousal.
I looked down and saw that the crotch of my panties was beyond damp - they were damn near soaked! When I saw that, I instinctively felt myself. I parted my slick outer lips and slid a fingertip from just below the entrance up to my clit. Without thinking, I repeated that a few times, enjoying the sensations. Suddenly, I had the realization that I was so turned on that I could probably get myself to orgasm rather quickly if I tried. I rarely even masturbated at home but I needed it so badly that even being in a gas station was something I could overlook.
The quickest way for me to cum is always by stimulating my clit, so that’s what I did. With my fingers well-lubricated from my natural juices, I was strumming my little button using small circular motions. Almost immediately, I felt the beginning stages of an impending orgasm. I knew it wasn’t going to take long but I still needed to hurry.
Suddenly, the door opened and I looked up, startled and surprised. How had I not locked it?! I looked up and before I could say a word, I saw a familiar face enter the room. It was the man from the black SUV! He strolled in with the kind of confidence that cannot be faked. I froze with my hand still on my pussy but I didn’t panic. We stared at each other for a moment or two. I think it was to give ourselves a moment to figure out what was about to happen.
To this day, I’m not sure what made me do what I did. As I remember, my mind was blank. I wasn’t embarrassed that he had walked in on me masturbating. I wasn’t offended that he had barged in. I wasn’t afraid that he was going to hurt me. I wasn’t worried about my husband or his wife. I simply stared into his eyes, wondering what would happen next.
He seemed to realize that I was not going to react to him entering the room like most women would. I know now that I should have covered myself and demanded he leave. But I didn’t. I said nothing. I did nothing. Well, that’s not entirely true. After he entered, I had stopped touching myself. In the moments since, I had resumed my ministrations. Maybe that was the signal he needed to know he could make a move. Looking back, I’m not even sure I realized I was doing it.
In a single stride, he closed the distance between us and was unzipping the fly on his slacks. There was no time for romance and he was not interested in wasting time. His pants fell to his ankles as he undid his belt and top button. I was still sitting on the toilet but he was now standing between my spread legs with his boxer brief enclosed dick inches from my face. I took the hint that it would be my job to unwrap it.
With boldness I didn’t know I had, I reached up and pulled his waistband down to free him. The black cotton had hidden what was hiding beneath or maybe everything was happening so fast that I didn’t notice. Either way, what he was hiding inside was stunning. Only half-hard at this point, he was already the size of Jack and was growing rapidly. I was in awe. I haven’t seen many penises in my life and none had looked like this one. It’s not just that it was long. In fact, it didn't even look that long because of how thick it was.
It was not until I grabbed it that I realized what a monster I was dealing with. I grabbed it at the base and saw that there was still at least half the length above my hand, meaning it had to be about nine inches long. In addition, I couldn't even close my hand around it! He pulled my head towards his cock and I opened my mouth to take the head in.
Knowing that I had been in here for about three minutes already, I wanted to make him cum quickly so we didn’t get caught. I still had one hand on my dripping pussy, driving myself towards an orgasm while sucking and stroking the largest cock I’d ever seen. I was drooling all over it to lube it up for better stroking and really working it as hard as I could. He was now as hard as possible at that point and it was staggeringly impressive.
I felt him throb and thought that he must be getting close. I was happy for several reasons, but not just that I wanted to get out of here before we were caught. I wanted to taste his cum. I wanted to know I had been too much for him to handle. I was also on the edge of my own orgasm and knew that him exploding in my mouth would be enough to push me over the edge.
Suddenly, he stepped back, denying me from bringing him to completion. I looked up confused, but before I could say a word, he pulled me to my feet and spun me around so that I was facing away from him. He then guided me to the sink and gently pushed me forward so that I was bent over in front of him. My panties were still around my knees and I felt my dress being lifted up to expose my ass.
Again, in hindsight, I should not have allowed this to happen. Blowing him was bad enough, but I knew what was coming and did nothing to stop it. I was in a sexual frenzy and being so close to orgasm, my thoughts were no longer clear. I saw our reflection in the mirror - me, flushed and makeup slightly smeared, him behind me looking into my eyes as he lined up his massive tool. I felt the tip on my pussy and prepared for the invasion.
He was gentle but not patient. I would think that a normal encounter with a cock like this takes some easing and getting used to. This man knew we had minutes to finish so he grabbed my hips tightly once the head was at my opening and began pushing in. The stretch was unbelievable. It was a crazy combination of pain and incredible pleasure. Luckily, I was so well lubricated and he was wet with my saliva that there was not much resistance. His progress was steady but not too fast. I couldn’t believe it was going inside me. I was moaning as quietly as I could and doing my best to not cry out.
With one hand on my hip, still pulling me back onto himself, he reached around with the other hand and pulled down the front of my dress, exposing my C-cup breasts. He was probably about three-quarters of the way inside me and it was already more cock than had ever been inside me. I felt full in a way that I had never felt before. It was euphoric!
He pulled me back towards him so I was no longer bent over the sink. I was now standing with my back to his chest with his cock still buried inside me. His size allowed this position to work without falling out of me. Both hands now came around my sides and were pawing at my tits, squeezing and pulling my sensitive nipples while he began his thrusts. He stared into my eyes in the mirror as he kissed my neck and fucked me from behind.
The angle of penetration was new to me as well and had the effect of hitting me directly in the g-spot. Every forward thrust sent shock waves through my entire body and I knew that orgasm was just around the corner.
He was using short, rapid thrusts and his breathing was picking up so I assumed he would be close to cumming. Pushing me back down to a bent over position, he grabbed my hips tightly and began fucking me even harder. I was biting my lip to keep from yelling out and was afraid I was going leave a mark! As his tempo built and built, we both knew the end was coming.
I saw him lift his hand behind me and before I could even comprehend what was going to happen, he slapped my ass one time very hard. No one had ever slapped my ass before and it was like knocking over the first domino in a long line. The sting and sound of the slap sent me over the orgasmic cliff that I was teetering on since he came in.
“Oh, fuck!” I hissed, as my orgasm crashed over me.
My legs were shaking and I think that he was actually holding me up to keep me from collapsing. It was the stereotypical vaginal orgasm that I had always heard of but never experienced fully. I saw stars and felt like I was blacking out. My pussy was convulsing and contracting, squeezing his shaft inside me. As he continued his thrusting, the waves kept crashing and I thought maybe it would never end.
With one final thrust, he pulled me back into him and pushed inside me all the way. I felt him inside me, throbbing and pulsing. I knew what was happening, and again, maybe I should have pulled away from him to minimize the chance of him impregnating me. But I didn’t want to. I wanted as much of his cum inside me as possible. As his orgasm subsided, we locked eyes and he pulled out of me.
I turned around and looked down as his cock, still mostly hard, dripping a drop of his come, and glistening with my juices.
I opened my mouth to speak but he shushed me.
“Shh, no words. Pull up your panties and go out first. It’s only been about five minutes total so just tell hubby that you had some stomach issues. I’ll come out in a few minutes when you’re gone. That was fucking incredible but I never want to see you again,” he said kindly, but sternly.
I understood. This wasn’t a romantic fling. This was fucking a married stranger in the bathroom of a gas station. I was all in on his plan. I pulled my panties up, adjusted my dress to cover my tits, and he tucked his cock back into his pants.
He had cum so deep inside me that it was not leaking out yet, but that would happen eventually and I couldn’t help but smile, thinking of it pooling in my panties for the rest of the ride home. I looked in the mirror and straightened my hair a bit. My makeup wasn’t perfect but I didn’t really have time to do anything about it.
As I walked out of the bathroom, the cashier gave me a knowing look. I felt awkward and just put my head down and walked out the door. Jack was sitting in the car, waiting patiently for me.
“Hey, babe, everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah - of course. Just a little upset stomach thing, but I feel much better now!” I said as I got in the car.
I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself. I should have felt shame and guilt, but it just never kicked in. I had tuned into some inner slut that was only interested in satisfaction, and boy, was I satisfied! I only wished that I could have spent an entire night getting fucked every which way by him. I didn’t even know his name! But I’ll never forget that cock.
I’ve had the urge every once in a while since then, but I’ve never acted on it. I still think about how much I loved getting pounded by that gigantic cock but I really think it will be a one-time thing. I love my husband I don’t want to be a cheater. Maybe someday I’ll see that black SUV again, and maybe I’ll just smile and ignore it. Or maybe I’ll honk and tell him to pull over. It’s unlikely that will ever happen though. So for now, I’ll just live with the memory of getting fucked better than ever before in a bathroom and riding home with Jack, leaking another man’s cum for the next three hours.
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Dorothy could feel the sunrise on her face. She cracked her eyes open and looked down. Leandra had fallen asleep with Dorothy left nipple in her mouth, sucking on it like a thumb. Dorothy smiled, opened her eyes and looked up at the blue sky but saw the end of a spear inches from her face. The spear was being held by a hunched over green creature. It was a little smaller then Dorothy but was very muscular. Its skin was a deep hunter green color. The skin looked slimy but was not dripping any....
For the past few months I’ve been lucky enough to get a ride home from work most days. This past Monday morning though was different and I forgot how crowded the bus was now that University was back in session. I got on and took one of the last seats at the back of the bus only a few stops before it began to over fill with young students on their way to class. I must say this year’s crop was as good looking as ever. (At least as far as I could see when the inside lights came on during the...
That night I looked for one of the king's advisors. There were a lot and I was happy that none of them were actively against me at least not to my hearing. I asked, "Who is the woman here that is most like a man in the way she acts?" I had to go through three until I found somebody that might know and he had to go and ask others. It was getting late and I was directed to a large tent near Sapor's. apparently his sister AsA was too outgoing for most men. She had not been invited to the...
“Excellent.” First thing next morning Janice was looking over my shoulder while we took a look at the footage. “Isn’t she lovely? Still fifteen too, that’s premium. Well, worth more than sixteen anyway. Such a vigorous orgasm, and that bit of reluctance is pure gold, especially with her getting into it so thoroughly afterwards. Okay let me have me the five-minute edit this evening, then see what we’ve got from later on. They’re still at it, aren’t they?” “Yes,” I switched back to the live...
January 21, 2155 Twenty-four days later. Tira was shocked awake by Tika's almost incoherent scream for help coming from the cub's den. She scrambled around to it in a panic, and ducked inside with her screen on maximum brightness. Tika was shaking and sweating heavily, covered in blood from the waist down, crouching hugging herself and staring in horror at the puddle of blood beneath her on the sleeping fur. "I hurt everywhere!" she moaned, her teeth chattering. "And I am bleeding...
Jim is 27 years old, skinhead, brown leather jacket. He's supposed to be here to just buy some weed and leave but her boyfriend and flatmate aren't home so he's decided to stay a little longer and admire Juliette. She reaches out to offer him the joint. Overcome with a strong primal urge he pushes her hand away and grabs a fistful of her lightly curled blonde hair pulling her face towards his. He forces his tongue into her mouth. She tries to resist as he grabs her cunt through her...
Recital and Sanctuary Extracurricular activities were now freely accepted. I had shown Mom the pictures, letting her in on a secret, and I had proved worthy of her trust. I was justly rewarded. I came home most days to a quick blowjob before Dad got home. On the weekends, Mom let me get her outside and allowed me to lead her around the side for a blowjob in front of the trellis, sometimes twice a day. Perhaps Mom was so generous because real piano practice was now being taken more seriously as...
I am a bisexual male with 8 inch uncut thick cock. I love rough deepthroat, hard ass fucking, cum swap, facials, and cum gargling and swallowing. Enough about my likes..(for this story my fuckfriends will be referred to as Mike, and Becky.) I had a wild ride previously with Mike, and I deepthroated and got facefucked by him while we drove down a long empty road. If you want to read that story check my story blog of filthy stories. Anyways back to this story... Mike invites me into his house and...
My step-daughter and her girl friend came over for the weekend, I let them stay in my room since I didn't have to worry about anyone getting PREGNANT. As they slept in my room, I started watching PORN on my computer. Suddenly the door opened and it was Jane her GF, she looked down and saw me stroking my 9" cock. She said sorry I didn't know you were still up. She went to the bathroom and came out with her clothes in her hand. She walked over and got on her knees and took me in her mouth. She...
Years of emasculation and feminization by my ex-wife and her live-in lover, plus constant exercise and the female hormone drugs I take have paid off. Of course, I'm still a man, but a man with breasts, wider hips, and a rounder, more womanly butt.I have no hair on my body at all. Oils and lotions have made my skin soft and smooth. Wigs and make-up contribute to my femininity.I believe I'm too big at 6'5” to pass as anything other than the cock loving sissy I am. Being short-waisted, in the...
Gay MaleMy family was staying in a hotel, and we had two connected rooms, one with two beds and the other with one bed. The first night we were there, my brother John and I were assigned to sleep alone together in the room with just one bed. I waited until John was asleep, pulled down his pants past his ass, and began to hump him. He must have known that I would try to fuck him that night because his asshole felt like it had been played with earlier in the day. As he started to wake up I started...
Alec is 14, a freshman in high school. He has long blonde hair, blue eyes, and plump pink lips. He’s very slender, maybe 120 pounds at most and 5’4. He’s very feminine, too. He has no facial hair, and he shaves his legs, pubes, armpits, and arms. Alec wears girl’s jeans, shirts, and underwear. He’s thought about being transgender, but isn’t sure if that’s him. And lastly, his cock is around 6 inches long. James is 16. A sophomore. He has brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and amazing teeth....
An Impartial Exchange: Part 1 A gender-bender love story. RONAK SHINDE This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. All the characters and incidents in this story are imaginary, resemblance to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental. The author doesn't intend to outrage, insult, wound or hurt any religion or the...
Jason and Mark ran hurriedly around the house getting everything ready for the game. The girls were going to be over anytime now and they wanted to make sure they had everything ready. The attic was the perfect set-up in Jason’s old three-story house, boasting thick walls and parents that went to bed early. The boys were both 18, enjoying their last year of high school with gusto. Parties, panties, and pornographic lifestyles in general seemed to be their taglines as graduation was only a...
Lisa came over on Tuesday. We drank coffee and sat around and talked for a while. Lisa and I have always been good friends, at least since Dale and I joined the car club. But now we’ve become especially close. She’s just as excited about last weekend as Dale and I are. It turns out that Frank and Dale must have a lot of the same fantasies. They both got a big kick out of watching what Glenn did to us, and let others do to us. Lisa and I talked for a couple of hours. Then, and I’m honestly...
Dear friends I am a daily reader of ISS.This story is my true life story happened few years back.I was 17 & my cousion (father’s sisters daughter) was 16,she had come from punjab for my sisters marriage.As she was in mumbai I took all my cousions for a sight visit of mumbai.during the visit we happened to play for sometime in the garden,& this sister of mine Anu put a challange to all of us she the winner would get what ever he want,I re conformied with her she said yes.Then I won the challange...
Incest“Awh… fuuuuccck….That feels goood!” Vicky was moaning. “Stick it in…….Put it all in!….. Get it deeper.” Vicky and Christina had been in the shower for almost 20 minutes. “It’s in almost to the wrist.” Christina sounded like she was working hard and determined. OK. Now they had my attention. Pushing the bathroom door open, I could see them through the clear plastic shower curtain. Christina was sitting on the shower floor. Vicky was standing spread eagle over her face, her hands pressed...
Hi everyone, i want to share my experience that how i have been attracted to sex. I’m Banu 27 years old married having a kid. Am of 5.6 inch tall with stats of 36, 32, 34. I am regular reader of stories of this site and now got courage to post my experience also. Am from T.N brought got married to a man when i was 24 years old. My hubby was working in Bangalore and we both got shifted over there after 3 months of marriage and then started to starve for sex. While doing self-excitement when...
Written especially for Mina where ever I may find her Chapters: 1~~Checking In 2~~Room Service 3~~More Towels Please 4~~Complimentary Chocolates 5~~Happy Trails ———————————————– Checking In ———————————————– Rain rolled over my windshield as lightening flashed overhead and the crackle of thunder echoed through the mountains. Traffic fishtailed in front of me on the steep downgrade of the narrow winding interstate as the headlights of approaching traffic flickered through the rapid...
When our stud needs his house cleaned, he calls a special service to send over a maid with the thoroughness he requires for the job. They send the impeccably hot Asian babe, Mia Leilani, and she seems to fit the bill. He tells her that she must call him Master and cannot look him in the eyes as she cleans. When she slips up, he punishes her, spanking her ass with a black leather crop. She moans as he spanks her on her hands and knees. Then, he picks her up and fucks her hard on the kitchen...
xmoviesforyouI took some photos of her with it because it was her wedding dress. Now she wanted to show photos so I showed her. She said by herself these are not so sexy. I said-“ Yes and if you want very sexy and seductive photos you need to follow my instructions fully.” She said-“ Of course I will. Didn’t I remove my bra and panty when you said? Just tell me I will do.” I asked her to take a saree which is almost transparent and a white panty which has elastic. She called me to cupboard for choose. But...
It was the summer of 2015; we were visiting the island of Rhodes. Most people reading this will know of our lifestyle; this is just another memory from a few years back.Jaq and myself were in a bar for a pre-dinner drink in the local town; also in the bar were four lads on a stag weekend from the UK. The lads were enjoying a few drinks and were becoming very loud. Paul, who we found out was to be best man came over to say that he hoped we were okay and were not offended in any way. Jaq and I...
MoneyDan is relieved to be back in his body. Those losers at Fictionmania will now see the upside to being a man. A Great Relief By Dawna Thomson June 2001 Jun 14 - Now that I'm back I thought it might be a good idea to keep a journal. I'll keep it for a while at least, so I can record how great it feels to be Dan again. My first impression of being back? A great relief, satisfaction, "euphoria," wouldn't be too strong of a word. I was so looking forward to getting back. Toward...
OHGirl:I landed in Columbus in the early morning and caught a cab back to my condo. I spent a few hours catching up on all of my mail, emails, messages and general work before I decided to head back to our country house. I needed a little rest from the long flight and afternoon of work, so it would be easier to relax at my house. When I arrived the house was quiet and it appeared that no one had been home for months. A message on the door from our mail carrier let me know that there was quite a...
Hello dosto mera naam Sonu hai. Meri age 21 hai. Main sex ka bada hi dewana hu. Main kafi waqt se sex story padhate aaya hu main Mumbai ka rehene wala hu. Ye meri frist story hai. Mujhe aunty. Bhabhi ladkiyo se jyada pasand hai. Main aasha karta hu ki ladies log is kahani ko padhake apni chut ka paani rok na payegi. Or bhai log hilate hilate mer jayenge. Chalo ab story pe aata hu, Ye ek sacchi ghatana hain. Mera ek dost hai uska naam Vicky hai. Hum best friends hain. Hum hamesha saath saath...
Hello friends, I’m Vineet mujhe ISS ski stories bhaut achi lagti hai. Specially jisme mummy apne son ke friends se chudati hai. Mai bhi aapko ek esi hi story batne jar aha hu jo ki meri mummy ki hai. Mummy ke age 48 hai aor unka fig tik tik hai, veek house wife hai. Mai rajasthan k eek shar ka rahne vala hu and aaj kal jaipur k eek engineering college mai padta hu aor ab 3rd year mai hu. Mai jaipur mai ek rent ke room mai rahta hu. Jaipur mai khane ki problem hai is liye meri mummy bhi mere...
Saturday Night 10:20 PMNaked, John walked off with the camera to the high-backed chair and sat down to wait. The bed belonged to Mack and Mary now; John would be invited to return if they both agreed. He knew there were three components to long term wife-sharing: shared eroticism, marital commitment, and acceptance of extramarital relations. Long term wife-sharing, like a three-legged stool, is only good if the three components are equal. Too much of one, or too little of another, makes a...