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Dear Mom & Dad,

It has been a real drag here at college. The people are all in clicks and the professors are even worse. I had great plans of doing as Dad wanted and become a teacher, but the English Lit Professor is the world's biggest ego trip jerk, and told me he was hell-bent desiring to dash my hopes! He wants those not in frat houses to brown nose him at every exam time, or buy him gifts, and he has a list!

Although my grades are still acceptable, I thought of looking around at some part time jobs. The pay scales offered are lousy and hours even worse, or until by chance, I saw a note at the student union.

The renowned Professor Haun, head honcho of the science department has his own projects and experiments. The note as posted told of the science department appointing paid volunteers (Is that an oxymoron) to act as guinea pigs for the choicer experiments. The whole thing sounded like something from Dad's collection of old "B” class movies, but I called and applied anyway!

Imagine my surprise receiving a phone call requesting me to come for my first interview. There I met the Professor and his assistant asked me dozens of questions about family background. I soon could tell where the conversations were going. The two of them were concerned with the possible complications. The two professors argued openly as professor Beaker wanted a volunteer to become in part or completely as a consequential- surrogate within their gene therapy experiment. What they really had as a needed want for security purposes, were volunteers without any next of kin or, were foreign exchange students.

I told them exactly what they wanted to hear. My imagination worked at deriving a long, as equally sad story about me growing up as an orphan. It was a great sounding story, almost made me begin to cry. After that first interview, imagine my surprise when Professor Beaker offered me a contract as a volunteer, and after the signing, he handed me a check of one thousand dollars, really! The signing and check all happened on a Monday, but it was Thursday afternoon, when I went to their Laboratory, to begin by getting a full physical. I do not have classes on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays, as such I informed them, allowing for their possible complications during the testing could allow me time to rest after each episode.

It was odd how things worked out as one of the questions asked, ventured me to remembering when we resided at Grandpa's farm, the professor wanted to know which of the animals did I like best, the draft horses, my pony, or cows, and the bull?

My answering that strange question made Professor Haun excited and after the second rather short interview, he asked me into his private office and made me a lucrative financial offer. His proposed new contract was for me to enter into a, as he said it, a long-term experiment. He said I could continue with my studies, and he would ask the other professors at the college to refer my assignments to me at the Lab. No running to classes across campus in the winter cold, and better yet, he increased my wage to three K per month.

The experiment to which I signed as accepting is the Homo/Equine/Procreation –Gene –Dartmoor-Induction.

Naturally, I talked with the professor asking him as what my part was in the experiment, but all he talked about was the sponsor being some Equine Society that requested the gene therapy, they based in Britain. What I read between the lines was of me offering some of my cell structure as young, human, male cells chemically merged, made a serum and injected into some equine to add human traits of increased intelligence.

A secondary project was of using the serum to culture produce a chemical virus. The virus acting as a interregna, it when injected into a person causes what might be unhealthy tissue to reformat, becoming new cell tissue and return a subject to perfect health. It is all medical scientific jargon! I think what it means is that the Professors invented a D.N.A. reformation serum. Its planned use when injected into pregnant mares causes a D.N.A. distillation in the womb and a preferred realignment to the foal cell structure.

A third and final serum generated by the foal body after the birthing, come from the penis glands, and added to the Reformation serum stimulates athletes to gain muscle mass and stamina equal to that of the equine genus.

This serum when injected would give an athlete ten times their physical strength of bone, muscle, and endurance even to common biological illnesses. If it works as directed, the final serum could render all human population as immune to infections and/or cancers.

I was then and remain proud to be a partner in this experiment!
All was going very well until last week, my third week into the experiment when a Jim Hullen, the assigned assistant came to give me two injections of my Antibiotic drug. It was as he did my injections, the professor noted the assistant had used the wrong ampoules. As what I received through the injection given were two loaded syringes with the full-strength form of the H.E.D. Reformation serum.

Stunned to here that horror, I felt a wave of fainting come over me, it being a sudden drug induced form of shock, and put me into a coma like state. This was the reason for me not writing sooner, as I was in the coma like sleep for five weeks.

Complications arose and the Professor had me moved to a swing room where Nurses, pretty ones, kept watch over me until all vital signs became stable. Professor Beaker came to visit me several times each day. He would check my vitals and then did what AI thought was quite odd, he measured my toes, feet, and shins.

I felt fine, better than fine, excited, the nurses were arousing me, and my given task was to lie in bed, watch television, and lounge for several days.
It was on the Tuesday of the seventh week since my mistaken injection that my skin which in summer is very dark a tan, reoccurred in November without the being out in the sunshine. Each day after that realization, my skin color darkened one shade or more until by the end of the eighth week the textured feel of my skin was changing.

I asked the Professor some questions, but he ignored me, and he would change the subject. I knew then that the injection was making some changes and the Prof. either did not know what to expect, or was delightedly looking forward to the results, as whatever might happen.

The Lab assistants moved me from the swing room to a special secure room without windows, and no visitors, except Prof. Haun and another man named Justin.

My first day in that room I noted no mirror on any wall. They removed the bathroom mirror as well this made me suspicious. While each day my skin color continued to change darker until after tenth week, all of my skin became thicker as a dense charcoal-black coloration.

I was on a 24/7 watched basis and not allowed even a shaver to whisk off those few whiskers, which Dad says is peach fuzz. Well that too is changing fast, as some of my whiskers grew to being three inches long. Most of my new facial hairs as grown remain short. It is the long ones, which felt like the feeler hairs around the mouth of Grandpa's horse Buster, you remember.

I awoke scared the next morning, discovering my head, body, and arms as legs wrapped thickly, as if mummified. Completely immobilized, as during the night and sedated, they bound me and strapped to the bed, I had a cathode jammed up my pecker, and another sort of suck pipe, shoved up my butt.

Between my screaming I heard then Justin trying to tell me it was due to a drug interaction and that for a day or two, I needed to lay quiet. I calmed myself and decided it was for my betterment to remain quiet, since I was stuck, could not move, could not walk around or even feel my hairy face.

It was a Sunday when most of the staff was off for the day; Professor Haun and Justin decided to release my bonds. The result of their visit is why I am writing you this long letter of explanation.

During those days stuck in bed, I experienced such leg cramps that I know I screamed. My back ached and even my groin felt different. Hands and arms seemed strange and worse of all my sense of smell and hearing became so acute, it hurt when the Prof would speak, or Justin came into the room wearing his old spice aftershave.

They told me to lie very still as the gauze wrappings were removed. Justin released the security straps, allowing me then to sit up, but warned to do so slowly. Doing as told, I waited for a chance to sit up and or stand up.

”OK, sit up and remain calm!” said as warned Professor Haun.

I opened my eyes to what had to be the most terror-filled moment of my entire life. It felt like when they say you about to die, the whole of life's memories poured out in a flood of emotion.

My legs were what I saw first. My skin was still very dark, actually black! My toes are gone as they merged into a single solid toe. Hair, black in color grows on my feet and they are very much longer than my shoe size of being thirteen's. My shin and upper leg now look more like Grandpa's pony, drastically different then what walked in here some weeks previous.

Please Mom, do not cry, they told me this does not need to be permanent, as soon in time, an antidote is coming and then the real, true me could come back.

I became more afraid of it all when I felt the pinching as I sat up on the bed of me having grown then a hairy tail. After some moments of hands reaching as feeling behind me, I gained an unreasonable thrill about my changed rump, as being rather neat! The tail and the thick fur black hair grown on all of me from head to hoofs offered me a strange sense of pleasure. As later, and when standing upright, the new tail I could swing, it brushes over what is now protruding, being tender and soft to the touch. My tail sways whenever I walk, and by thinking, I can move the tail to flicking it, and find this brings me a tickling sensation.
The other drastic change came to my maleness, it changed too, becoming leathery, and a grown as thick-skinned sheath attached itself to my lower abdomen. The penis, it is held up inside, but when aroused for urination or from varied strange odors, what is my penis, protrudes out the sheath. The sensual sensation is surreal! I feel it as the arousal is beginning, the leathery skin of the sheath bloating, pushing out the collapsed penis from within.
As I gain an erection, and it takes very little stimulation to making it happen. My changed as immense of girth, and a lengthier penis, bloats, extends to stand arching away from my lower abdomen what the Professor measured as being twenty-two inches from sheath edge to the blunt ending tip. Oh sorry, but I need to report that with this radical shift in my physical form, the circumcision that Doctor Michael did on me is now gone. The end of my penis is flat now, having a flange like gland wrung about the end. It does swell when I become erect, looking somewhat tulip shaped, but circumcised, it is not!

My testicles have also increased size, growing larger, become quite heavy, but snug tightly and held high up in my deepened groin.

All the skin on my body is thicker and more toughened like the hide of Randy the farm pony. You cannot see much of it as covering me all over is a coat of dark saddle brown colored hairs or fur. In contrast, my mane and tail, they are a shiny black, glistening in the light of day, making me look dashing, or so I think.

My shoulders narrowed some, drawing my upper arms closer together, this and my arms have since conformed to the serum injection and became as forelegs. The use of them to stand and walk seemed to add further thrills at the need for walking on all fours.

As did since all of me change and bodily conform to looking like an equine pony, my neck too grew longer, increased more muscular. I find it allows me greater flexibility to turn my head a changed head, it conformed, offering new ways to extend my head and scratch.

I am sorry to report as of this letter, my head has made the transition. I find this somewhat disturbing, as I am really losing my facial identity, becoming plain and common in look, the same as all other ponies. My nose is the strangest of the entire change. It grew and merged with my mouth and upper lip. The nostrils are quite soft and flex with breathing in or out. The lips feel and work strangely, but conform to what I will need for eating food, having to learn the skill of grazing pony style.

My vision distracts me from thinking, I am very nearsighted since this all began, the ability to see things in colors are also, sadly different. Oddly, I can see things more in two side views, limiting what I can see directly in front of my face or mouth.

Now I want to tell you some about Marge. She has become a very good friend, and being she is as a contractual volunteer for five or more years. She talks of this granting her enough earnings to build her own new house.

Since my arms rotated and became as my forelegs, my hands began to stiffen and they like my toes the fingers grew together forming hoofs.

I thought back and remembered some of those aged limerick rhymes dad would repeat, during long nights of strange feelings I would humor my fears by rewording and making up songs to mimic what is happening to me:

"Daniel I regret to state, had his D.N.A. changed by fate.

We miss him when its time to dine, but he now grazes and eats just fine.
He with body strong, his maleness stout, he longs for stand upright, and mount, showing his mares what being a pony is all about.”

Dear Mom, I am Marge and since my friend Daniel has lost the use of his hands, they are as his fore hoofs, he is not able to write further this letter or any future letters.

We were good friends at the college, dating twice and then bumped into the other, while here at the Lab. I have become better acquainted with Daniel, and since both of us are assigned to the same testing group. His present transition is far more along then what I contracted, and willingly agreed to accept; yet we still can remain friends and be together.

About three weeks back I brought him a book from the library, one on ventriloquism. The book's author Edger Bergen was a famous actor who used two dummies; and was in the movies during the 1940', and 50's. Daniel read it during his long dull days of transitioning. He actually learned how to work his larynx, making very intelligible sounds. I write down the very words from his mouth on paper. The Professor is amazed at this stunning progress, being he had great concerns about Daniel's brain size mutating, becoming that of a common equine.

His continued rational thing, the ability to speak, helps him fight the natural onslaught of his procreation minded as bestial instincts, and the chemical coded instinctive lifestyle of a real stallion pony.

Enclosed, the original contract signed by Daniel. The Professor gave me a check to include. It is Daniel's salary wage. Obviously, he does not need or have the use for things like money, not since he has become in all outward essence as a pony stallion. He says he wishes for you to keep this money! He assures that more royalties shall follow, checks coming monthly. It begins after Daniel transfers to reside at the Pennyworth Dartmoor Stud Farm in Great Brittan. He added into the Dartmoor registration studbook should by mating with brood mares, will add his genes to the continuing pool.

Dan asked, said verbally, "Please Mom and Dad, as from and because of this whole situation you would prefer I should not return to being your son; then I ask that you allow my transfer from here to live my new lifestyle as a stud pony.

I feel good, and do so love the idea of me living inside this pony stallion form.
The Dartmoor Society at Devonshire has rights in the contract and can require me for use there and as a stud. When with considering all of what happened and is this new me, this seems authorized. I know it might be difficult but please allow me go now to live as I now feel pleased!

Yours still in heart, your
Daniel and friend, Marge

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The Tutor - Part 2 Introduction "I need your help, please, My Lady," I stammered, looking at the floor. "Why Miss Clarke, whatever is the problem?" Mrs. Roberts, the tall, well endowed, matron of the Roberts Mansion and her impish 17-year-old daughter Denise were finishing breakfast at the dining-room table. Both were wearing sleepwear from the night before under their robes. I shifted my weight back and forth, unsure of how to begin. "I seem unable to control myself, My...

3 years ago
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Mass Effect

[NOTE: Thane's death did not happen ] It has been exactly a year since the Reaper threat was put to an end. After you destroyed the Reapers, you were found buried under large piles of rubble and scrap by Alliance soldiers only a few days later. People were in disarray once you were brought back to Earth; all synthetic lifeforms had been destroyed. You were holding onto your life by a thread when you were rushed into hospital, countless doctors and nurses hoarded over you as you were brought in...

2 years ago
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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 5

Annie sat on the sofa while Hollis paced. Ten minutes passed that felt like thirty. The phone rang and he answered. "Hello ... yes..." Hollis listened. He nodded. "I understand ... when?" He listened some more. "Yes, I'll drive up there first thing in the morning." He set down the handset. "Hollis -- what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" "I can't believe it." "Believe what?" Annie asked. "Is she better?" Hollis shook his head. "She's dead." He looked at...

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Devotional Sex Training Your Husbands

This is a true story of how my wife and I stumbled across a very exciting part of our current sex life. It may seem incredible, but it is all true and she will be reading this before I post it online. It explains how the first cum tasting experience happened and our discovery of something called "Devotional Sex". Later in my other recounting of our experiences, I will go back in time as to how we met and how our desires developed into all sorts of play including Pegging.We have been together...

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MisfitsChapter 15

"I don't know, Billy..." Trista smacked her lips around the tart flavor of estrus fruit pickled in bull semen. The rare delicacy from the ringworld of Kryslys-V was an acquired taste perhaps, but doubtless my daughter had enjoyed the dish previously. "You don't know if you like it?" I dipped her spoon into the milky bowl. "You swallowed too quickly, I think. You have to savor each bite ... Open wide..." She teased me with her dark eyes, opening her mouth and extending her tongue. I...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 25

She lay passively beneath him as he continued to screw her. She smiled up at him periodically as he slowly drove his eight inch cock into her. She couldn’t help but think about her other man, her David—and yes he was still that on some level—about how he had been raped and beaten to give pleasure to other men, evil men. She felt guilty about the pleasure she felt being with Ronald, her Ronald. He was wonderful as a bed partner, far better than her David. But, David had been good too, in other...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 15

{Yes Alana, there’s nothing they cannot make happen. Now, they want you to let yourself go and be as naughty as you’ve ever dreamed. They really are magic, they love sex and they love for my friends to be happy and sexy too} (I want to be happy and sexy. I love the way I feel right now. I want another orgasm! I want to feel like I’m fucking your magnificent cock right here) {Be careful what you ask for Alana, they’ll double up on you and you’ll feel like you have my cock inside your pussy...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 2

Shielding herself against the white-hot fire surrounding her, Lisa curled up at tight as she could. Rather, she tried to, anyway... ‘Where are my fucking legs? ‘Fuck, I’m bleeding all over ... Can’t back up ... fucking bomb is behind me – Shit! Just like last time! ‘Mom! Help me! I need ... to ... nuugh ... can’t ... flare ... Got ... Go forward! ‘I am really, really fucked... ‘ Lisa reached toward a face she knew and pushed as hard as she could against the expanding white fire she had...

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Spectator Sport

There was a huge difference in their ages, but that didn't seem to bother either of them. Molly was twenty one and straight out of university, whilst bookish Nick was in his sixties, though he was secretive (even to her) about exactly which part of the sixties he was currently in.Up to now it had been a platonic friendship, albeit laced with overt flirting on both sides. They had even talked about going on holiday together.Over a quiet supper in a local pizzeria, Nick had decided to up his...

Oral Sex
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Rebirth IIChapter 24

I woke up now very mindful of the microphone. A hand was holding my erection while Jamie was cuddled to my back. I could feel that a portion of his anatomy had slipped out of its confines and was now between my legs. When I moved to get up Jamie moved to keep me in place as if it were important we stayed this way. It took a little work but I got away from him and covered him with the blankets again. I walked into the kitchen with my pajama bottoms sticking out and found Edgar there having a...

2 years ago
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Sunita Chachi 8211 My Anal Slut Fucked Inside The Bathroom

Hey guys, this is the second part of my series of Rohan’s adventures.In this we will get to know how Rohan got a chance to peek at his gorgeous cousin Riya’s body after fucking her mother. Let me give you a recap of the first part for relevant details. In the first part, Riya and her mom Sunita came to Rohan’s house for spending their holidays. Rohan lost his virginity to his chachi Sunita on a car trip. Since then they both had been fucking each other at every opportunity they could grab. Now,...

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A Pastors WifeChapter 6

After the Olson's moved to their new home two hours away, the group's sexual activities became less frequent. It wasn't that they no longer wanted the sex but life just started getting in the way. Janet realized that putting in eight to twelve hours a day behind a desk could be very exhausting. Things she normally did during the week, like cleaning the house and doing laundry were put off until the weekend because she was just too tired when she got home. Doug was very busy with his...

4 years ago
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Fucking Hanks Mom

He groaned as the pain streaked through his head. Rolling over his eyes opened as slits and quickly closed again. The body laying next to him moved and he started.“Oh wow,” he groaned again. “Who are you?” he asked of the person next to him.“Good morning Ted. You don’t remember me? I’m Vicky, Hank’s mother. You do know Hank your best friend?” She rose up on one elbow and looked at him.“Oh, Mrs. Franklin. How did you get in my bed?”“You might ask how you got in MY bed,” she smirked.Ted looked...

1 year ago
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Racial SwapNightChapter 2

Alyce's smooth, long-legged tanned beauty topped by her upswept golden sun-streaked hair was reflected back to her in the bathroom mirror as she stepped gingerly from the tiled shower on to the fluffy bath mat. Vigorously, she toweled herself dry, being especially careful of the upthrusting mounds of her breasts; they were rather tender to the touch and in particular the darker pink of the nipples, standing erect now from the stimulation of the terry toweling. She looked into the mirror with...

2 years ago
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Aphrodite wakes part 3 repost

It was time for her to begin to expand her knowledge of this new world. Aphrodite had used her vessel to connect to a vast electric knowledge store. It had required her to wait until her vessel was asleep to take command of her body and make the necessary connections. The tome that contained all she wanted to know was a metal and silicate box called a computer. Somehow it rode the rivers of knowledge through electric current. She had dedicated a new node in her matrix to translate the signals...

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Femdom Politics

Mistletoe at the Office I am really not looking forward to going to this year's office party. Since I'm the director of HR, everyone always tip toes around me like I'm kryptonite. To make it bearable, I think I'll use an egg vibrator under my dress. That should keep things interesting during the party. Maybe there will be someone disposable there for me to play with. As I walk into the office, I'm bombarded with garish Christmas decorations spattered about the room. I decide to kick the...

3 years ago
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My first love of lingerie

It started at home, my wife had left left her pile of clean clothes on the dryer again. While home for lunch she texted me and asked what I was doing? Truth was I thumbing through her panties on the dryer so, that was exactly what I said - I’m playing with your panties. She said leave them alone, they are too small for you LoL. I didn’t reply to her but I was still thinking, I’m alone and horny so the next thing I know I am standing naked in the laundry room trying on her panties. Rubbing...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Ch 11

Bobby encountered Miss Ingalls in the hallway the next day when he was returning to class after lunch. ‘Robert, would you mind stopping at my office after school?’ Doreen asked. The assistant principal’s request startled the young man. What did she want? As far as he knew, he hadn’t done anything to warrant being called to the office. Why did Miss Ingalls want to see him? ‘Ah…sure, Miss Ingalls,’ he replied. After the dismissal bell rang, the young man walked down the hall toward the office,...

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My Scottish Girl

A few years ago I went for a family trip to Scotland. I drove up on my own because I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time and all my other family already there. So when I got there I checked into my hotel room where my aunt worked and then unpacked and waited for her to finish because she was having a party at her house and I offered her a ride. So the next morning I wake up with abit of a headache but I go for breakfast with my family and they go on about how we’re going out for dinner tonight...

2 years ago
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A Very Very Naughty Girl

* Set in New Zealand CHAPTER 1 For nineteen years Greer Gregory spent New Year’s Eve and all of January ‘at the beach’. Being at any beach in mid summer was where many New Zealanders females lost their virginity by the age of eighteen. But not Greer. She’d turned nineteen in July and at the end of December, Christmas just behind them and the family was packing to go to the beach (they never called it Sinclair Beach named after the original surveyor) she was appalled she’d remained a virgin....

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Jenny was excited. She and her husband Ted Kidd were enjoying a free, all expense paid weekend in Las Vegas, curtsey of the company Ted worked for. Ted had to attend a five-day convention that would start next Monday and end Friday, but the company booked the rooms for the full week. They had arranged a golf outing for key employees on the Saturday before the conference leaving that evening and Sunday for the couple to enjoy a mini vacation. Jenny and Ted arrived late Friday night and Ted had...

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Couple and little old me plus a surprise

Last night I went to meet with a couple from work, I had been kinda hinting at what I was hoping would happen with Gabby (friend from work), but I wasn't sure if she was really into it or not. I'd only met Gabby's husband (Steve) a couple of times before, he's not a bad looking man about 6 foot average body, dark hair and eyes. Gabby and I had been talking about spicy up our sex lives at work for awhile now, I think Gabby actually might have a crush on my hubby, I have told her I am trying to...

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Fall From GraceChapter 2

The plantation used to be richly furnished and the tables were set with solid silver tableware, gold-banded china, and imported linens. However, the Yankees and the Confederates had completely ransacked our valuables. It was better that then they take our virtues though and Madame had appealing to their sense of horror and through her force of will. That evening when I prepared dinner, Abigail regarded her Grandmother with a kiss on the cheek. Madame doted on Abigail and tried to spoil her...

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A Second Chance Chapter 51

MONDAY, June 13, 2016 Rachael was up early and got Bobby fed and off to school. Then she headed back to the church and the house next door where Mrs. Winchester lived. As she got close, she saw Larissa, Carly and Mikki heading in from the opposite direction. "Yippee. The whole team together again," Carly said. Apparently she had slept over with Mikki the night before. "No, Rachael can't help us," Mikki explained. "It will only be the three of us on this project." "I'm...

4 years ago
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The Schoolboy And The Farmers Wife Part 4 Final

Due to the nature of my work, I was living away from home for a couple of years and I didn’t get a lot of opportunities to have our lovemaking sessions as frequently as Sally and I would have liked. When we could, we did, and they were frantic and were physically exhausting. We fucked and sucked like there was not going to be a tomorrow. It surprised us both that I never failed to ejaculate even after so many orgasms. My balls were often quite sore from all coming and being thrashed against...

1 year ago
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Jordanian ConnectionChapter 11 The Lurking Fox

During the following days, I was very helpful to mom around the house. I hugged her a lot, too. Most of the time I was the only one at home with her, having dad at work, my sister at school and Sameer in Irbid. Of course I attended school but usually late in the morning. I flattered mom every chance I had. In the beginning it was very innocent such as complimenting her on the way she cooked or arranged things. On Sunday morning, I attended her workout session on the basis of working out...

2 years ago
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Travelling DbferChapter 15

Patti and I were finally alone together. Patti gave me a grin and I leaned in for a kiss. We kissed each other passionately for at least 10 minutes. Finally we took a break. I said, "So Patti, What's the square root of 9?" "3, Why?" "I knew it. You're probably smarter than me." Patti blushed. "I don't know Jay. You seem pretty smart to me." "So, are you a reporter Patti?" "Yes, I was planning on writing a story about you." "I knew it. Please Patti, don't write a nasty...

4 years ago
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Krystenah Visits a Salon for Sluts

Before Master J left on his trip, he left detailed instructions for me. When I woke up I saw them paper-clipped together. On top was a small note written in his hand. Obey me, slut was all it said. The instructions were extensive. When I had foolishly complained about being left alone, my master had devised plenty of activities to keep me focused. He didn’t need to tell me he would check on me while he was away. First on the list was a haircut appointment. I hadn’t heard of the salon, but if...

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