Homecoming, Ch 2 free porn video

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Later that morning, we were back down in the restaurant eating breakfast, when Michelle brought up something I’d completely forgotten about, “You remember I said there was something I left out of my story from that night?” she asked me.

I’d just stuffed a bite of ham in my mouth, so I nodded. I’d forgotten about it but now remembered it clearly.

“After we dressed, and Jeremy and I were ready to go, we started talking. They’d noticed my wedding ring and someone asked me about my husband, how you felt about me doing the things we’d done earlier…” She went on, “I told them about originally telling you about Mike, and how you encouraged me to have that weekend with him.”

I knew she wasn’t finished, so I sat quietly waiting for her to go on with what was obviously on her mind. “Being in the college setting we were in…I got a little nostalgic about Mike…and, I guess to make a long story short, I’ve been really curious about him.”

She was obviously getting nervous telling me this story. “What I’ve been trying to say, is that I’d like to call him sometime, see how he’s doing, if he’s married yet?”

I processed that for a minute, remembering why she’d left him that last time. She’d had an affair with him for several months until he wanted more, all of her. He’d insisted that she leave me and move in with him. I’d been really afraid then but was much more secure with her now. I thought that if she wanted to meet him one more time, to see how he was doing, it’d be fine with me.

“Why don’t you call him then. Invite him to dinner with you, so you could have a good visit with him.”

“I don’t know about that, I don’t think I want to start something with him again.”

I hate to admit it here, but I was starting to get an evil thought in my mind, “You wouldn’t have to. You could just visit and reminisce. Find out what’s been happening in his life.” Then I suggested, “Why don’t you call him now, see if he’s available to go to dinner with you tonight?”

“Honey, are you sure? I just got back. I should be with you this weekend. Besides, I don’t have anything to wear. We’d have to go shopping and I have something else I want to do this afternoon.”

Now, my evil thought was coming to the forefront. “You could wear what you wore last night. In fact, I’d love it if you did. You’d have to make it clear to him beforehand, though, that it would only be for dinner.”

She looked at me for a long moment. “You want me to wear that dress…with my ex-lover, the man I’ve never been able to say ‘no’ to?”

I reminded her, “You said no to him once, a pretty big no as I recall. And yeah, I’d love for you to wear that on a dinner date with him.”

She sat, looking into my face for several minutes, until she picked up her phone, scrolled through some numbers, clicked on one, and put the phone to her ear. I hadn’t realized she still had his number in her phone but wasn’t surprised. I waited, listening.

Shortly she said into the phone, “Hi…Mike, it’s Michelle.” I couldn’t hear the other end of the conversation, only hers. “No, I’ve been thinking about you a little lately, and was wondering how you’re doing?” There was another long pause, then, “That’s too bad. I was hoping you’d found someone by now.” “Uhh, yeah, I am in Seattle right now...That’d be great, I’d love to have dinner with you. Why don’t you meet me here at my hotel, the Four Seasons, say about eight?” Then she added, “But Mike, it’s just for dinner, okay? Nothing else…Great, I’ll be looking forward to it, see you this evening.”

She clicked to end the call. “I hope you’re really okay with it because he’s meeting me here tonight,” she told me.

I reassured her, “I’m fine.” Then I smiled at her, “I get you the rest of the night!”

I remembered something she’d said before she called. “You said you had something you wanted to do this afternoon?”

“A little surprise, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Let’s finish eating and go for a ride.”

I was more than a little perplexed but we did as she suggested and finished our meal. After breakfast, we jumped in my Corolla and she directed me to Renton, still not telling me where we were going. She had an address, though, that she put into our GPS. When we found the address, I was surprised that it was a Mazda dealership. She directed me into their parking lot and after parking, told me, “Sweetheart, we are going to trade your Corolla in for a new car.”

I looked at her with what had to be a dumb, shit-eating grin on my face, “We’re what? But, but, but…”

We got out and a salesman greeted us as soon as we were in the dealership. I let Michelle do the talking since I hadn’t a clue what we were doing. “Hi,” she said, “We’re looking for a Miata, a convertible.”

She told him very specifically what “we” were looking for, a bright red Miata convertible, leather seats, navigation system, everything. He smiled and said he was sure he had exactly the one we were looking for. When he was leading us to it, I whispered in Michelle’s ear, “Sweetheart, how are we paying for this?”

“Trust me,” she said, “We’re okay.”

Okay, I’ll trust her, I thought, as I tagged along. They actually had a row of several Miatas. The one he was looking for was near the end of the line, bright red, tan leather interior, convertible Grand Touring. It was only a two-seater, so Michelle took it on a test drive with the salesman. They returned a half-hour later and we went into a sales room to negotiate. Again, I let Michelle handle it completely. They were asking a little over $32,000. She negotiated it down about fifteen-hundred dollars.

While this was going on, they had been assessing our trade-in, my 2006 Corolla. The salesman showed us the Kelly Blue Book value of $2,940 and offered $3,000. Michelle told him we’d take it, but we’d need to get them the title later.

After going through all their after-market add-ons; extended warranty, clear-coat, licensing, sales tax (ugh, another $3,000), and so on with the sales manager, we owed them $32,200 plus some change. Michelle pulled a card out of her purse, handed it to the sales manager and told him to take it from the card. When he’d left with her card, I looked at her inquisitively. “A little bonus from Brett,” she told me with a huge grin on her face, “fifty-thousand dollars to get home.”

My jaw must have dropped to the floor! Then she added, with a little flourish to her voice, “You might want to check our bank account too.” I pulled up our US Bank app on my phone and looked at our checking account balance, There’d been a deposit the day before of, THREE. HUNDRED. THOUSAND. DOLLARS! And that was on top of what he’d deposited earlier when she’d first left home after our thirty days of abstinence. No wonder she thought she could afford this car. Altogether, Brett had paid her $400,000 for that little trip!

We’d been at the dealership most of the afternoon but drove back to the hotel with the top down on our new Miata convertible. She told me that from then on, the Accord would be my car, but she’d let me borrow hers occasionally.

That evening, I watched Michelle get ready for her date with Mike, the first time she’s seen him in nearly two years. She sat at the hotel dressing table carefully getting ready: putting on her makeup; eyeliner, blush, bright red lipstick; she sprayed the perfume I’d fallen in love with between her breasts and on her neck; then pulling on a fresh pair of thong panties, her silk stockings, and the black boots. Then she pulled that white leather, form-fitting dress down over her body, and asked me to please button it behind her neck. That huge cut-out bare back was even sexier than I remembered from the night before. It went from the two-inch wide strap around her neck to just above where a thong would be if she was wearing one.

When all else was done, she brushed out her beautiful hair into the tendrils and golden waves that were so beautiful the night before. It was about a quarter till eight when she was satisfied, and asked me how she looked.

My God, she was so beautiful…and sexy, she was literally Aphrodite re-incarnated! I thought I had to be crazy, out of my fricken mind, to let her go to dinner with her ex-lover looking like that! Like I’d said from the night before, her dress showed every curve of her body without a single wrinkle to mar the sexy effect.

She kissed me on the cheek when she left and said she didn’t know how late she’d be. A little later, she sent me a text message, “Mike’s here. Going out to the Trinity Nightclub, where he took me the first night two years ago.”

I thought they’d have dinner downstairs, then maybe go to the hotel bar. Obviously, he planned to try to seduce her again, probably to renew their affair. I’ll admit I wasn’t particularly happy about that. Although, I guess I understood from Michelle’s perspective. It would be a little embarrassing for her to be in the bar downstairs on two successive nights with two different men.

I thought about going down to the restaurant to order a cheeseburger to take back to our room to wait but decided I’d rather wait in our room watching the beautiful view out the window. I left the TV off to watch the boats come and go when I was surprised to hear the door being opened half an hour or so later.

Mike was outside the door, and I heard and watched Michelle tell him goodbye. It wasn’t “good night,” as in, “I’ll see you later,” it was goodbye as, “I won’t see you again.”

When she came to me and kissed me on the lips, I asked her, “What was that all about?”

“I discovered it wasn’t going to work out again, I’m over him.” She wrapped her arms around me, leaned back a little and said, “I wanted to be with my husband. Let’s go for a drive in our new car.” I could not have been more pleased!

I was all for it, kind of anxious myself to do that. We went down to the parking lot and Michelle climbed in behind the wheel of her new toy and put the top down. We were both excited to finally take this thing out and play with it. It was a little cool out and Michelle was still wearing her backless dress, so we stopped at Wal-Mart to pick her up a sweater. I couldn’t help but laugh a little at the incongruity of her wearing a custom-made dress that she said was over four-thousand dollars and a twelve-ninety-five sweater from Wal-Mart.

She drove up to Snoqualmie Falls, laughing and playing with her new car, telling me it felt more like driving a really cool go-kart than a car. The top was down, and we loved the feeling of the cool wind blowing over us. Neither of us had ever been in a convertible before. It wasn’t quite like Kristen’s Corvette had been, but it was pretty darned cool…and it was ours! We kind of wished it took more than forty-five minutes to get there.

After she parked the car, Michelle and I walked hand-in-hand over to a bench overlooking the falls. They had colored lights shining on them making it beautiful to just sit and watch. Michelle scooted next to me, laid her head on my shoulder, and we sat like that, snuggled together with my arm around her, watching the falls and listening to the roar of the water for probably an hour in the middle of the night. What a wonderfully, perfect evening it was turning out to be! Over the past couple months, I’d forgotten how good life could be. A few other people come and went, but we had our bench to ourselves.

When we left to go back to our hotel, Michelle handed me the keys, telling me it was my turn. I felt like a kid with a new toy on Christmas Day. That thing was fun to drive, kind of like a hot, wet dream come true! I asked her why she hadn’t ever said anything sooner about wanting a car like that?

“And what would you have said, sweetheart?” she asked me.

She had me there, I’d have told her we couldn’t afford it. We probably could have, but it was an extravaganza we wouldn’t ever have actually bought. I’d have probably told her that this time too, if she’d asked me instead of just doing it, even with that money in the bank. I was damn glad she’d just done it, instead of discussing it first.

Speaking of the money in the bank, the next day, on our way home, Michelle told me that Brett told her that he’d have his accountant help with our taxes that year, plus he’d pay any taxes due. So, that money in the bank was basically going to be tax-free!

But I jumped ahead of myself a little. When Michelle and I got back to the hotel, we played with our car a little, putting the top up and down a couple times, marveling at how smoothly it worked. It was a hard top that hid away in the trunk. Much more importantly, when we went to bed that night, we made perhaps the sweetest love of our lives!

In the morning at breakfast, Michelle said she’d like to see Jeremy before we went home. She called his cell phone and didn’t get an answer. She checked and discovered she had put his mom’s number in her contact list as well, so she called her. She answered, but said he was out with his girlfriend until about three that afternoon. She told Michelle that she had the girlfriend’s number and would call her to let him know we’d be there about three that afternoon. She told Michelle that he was living at home during the summer, and was working until school started. When Michelle hung up she was beaming at the fact that Jeremy had a girlfriend and how pleased his mom had seemed to hear from her. She’d asked his mom if it was okay to meet him with his girlfriend there and was assured he’d be thrilled.

We had several hours until three, so went to Pike Place Market, a huge, permanent outdoor market on the Seattle waterfront. We bought a few little trinkets, had an artist draw a caricature of both of us, and of course, bought a salmon to take home. You can’t go to Pike Place Market without buying a salmon.

That afternoon, we zipped to Jeremy’s house in our little car, getting there a little after three. Jeremy met her at the door and hugged her vociferously. His girlfriend was there as well. Jeremy reminded Michelle that her name was Belinda, the waitress they’d met that night at Shari’s Restaurant. She said she’s going to school to learn to be a nurse. Jeremy seemed to beam with everything Belinda said or did. We stayed and visited for about an hour.

When we left, Jeremy gave Michelle another very affectionate hug and asked her to please keep in touch. Judy, Jeremy’s mom, walked us to the car and thanked Michelle profusely, telling her that Jeremy had opened up, and was so much happier now than before. She said we’d always have a friend with them. Michelle told her that the thanks should be hers, how much she’d enjoyed her time with him. She also told Judy, “If I was younger and single, Belinda would have serious competition for him.” Michelle laughed and said, “She wouldn’t have a chance.”

We enjoyed our drive home. The trip over Snoqualmie Pass is beautiful and in that little Miata with the top down, was so much fun. Michelle drove and I couldn’t stop glancing over and marveling at the woman beside me with her beautiful hair blowing in the wind. It was undoubtedly the best trip home from Seattle in my life.

Michelle was pleased when we got home and stepped foot in our house for the first time in nearly two months. I’d meticulously cleaned every nook and cranny, inside and out. What else did I have to do those last couple weeks? It made me feel like I was actually accomplishing something, that her return home was actually getting close.

Monday, my workday was the most pleasant in recent memory. It’s simply amazing what a difference it makes to know your beautiful woman is going to be there when you get home! She didn’t disappoint me either. When I got home that evening, I smelled the odors of fresh, homemade lasagna and bread wafting through the house. She greeted me with the news that she’d called the law firm and was going back to work the following Monday, August 22nd.

Then she said she had another surprise waiting for me. She led me into our bedroom and had me sit on the edge of our bed. She looked at our ceiling, smiled and said, “We have to have a mirror there.” Then she placed her left foot on my lap and handed me the new wire cutters she’d bought earlier in the day. Her intention was obvious. I took the wire cutter from her, put the blade around her anklet chain and cut it off her ankle. I handed her the cut anklet, she placed it in her jewelry box and closed the lid.


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Bonjour, je m'appelle Marie-Claude, j'ai aujourd'hui 45 ans, et, vu le faible niveau de mon anglais, c'est dans ma langue maternelle, le français, que j'ai choisi de vous raconter mon histoire. Elle commence d'une façon sordidement banale. Mariée et menant la vie paisible d'une épouse bourgeoise avec deux grandes filles, j'ai découvert que mon mari me trompait depuis des années avec plusieurs femmes plus jeunes que moi, et peu après nous avons divorcé. Ma vie s'est écroulée, j'ai dû quitter...

4 years ago
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Horny in the 60s

I was an average young horny guy, 5’9” with 7” cut cock and grew up with a brother and sister, younger than me but never seemed interested in sex play much. My mother, 5’, dark hair, slim, wore glasses and attractive of typical French ancestry and smoked a bit but I had not really thought of her in a sexual way much. She would sometimes ask me to wash her back at times but I never thought much about it as I never saw her small tits when that happened until one day after the female cousins...

3 years ago
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Chuck And Sue Always Hot And Ready To Fuck

Chuck and Sue had been married for several years, and they were still as hot as firecrackers for each other when it came to their sex life as man and wife. Unlike many couples, both Sue and Chuck were very attractive and they were certainly very attractive to each other. Chuck still found his sexy wife as hot in bed and as sexually desirable as he ever had. He loved to play around with Sue, play with her body, kiss and caress her, and he always loved it when both of them took their sexual...

4 years ago
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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part II

A part of her wanted him to stop, but that small weak voice of protest had been fading away with ever increasing speed for a while now. For the part of her that remained it was contented just to let her lay on her back as he skillfully stroked tenderly the inner borough of her parted thighs with his fingertips. Kara would never thought it would be possible to become so aroused by other persons merely touch her, but the growing euphoric bliss she was experiencing proved her wrong. ...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Company

My name is Peter Morris and this is my story. I really don’t quite know where I should begin. You see I’ve kept a kind of journal over the last few months in which I jotted down notes on things that’ve happen to me. I did so in an attempt to try to make sense out of the various predicaments I’ve found myself in. I know this may not make sense, so let me give you some background on me and tell you my story since you’ve been good enough to at least pick this up to...

1 year ago
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Quantum Dream

Authors Note: This tale is story-driven with sexual aspects. Many chapters may not have sex scenes. “John, John! John!” John's eyes slightly opened. He’d fallen asleep on his bed, head encased in his Quantum Dream helmet. He sat up straight and glanced out his window. The sun was starting to set. The doorbell rang. His older brother yelled again,”John! The doorbell! John!” He slightly groaned and got up from his chair, walked into his restroom and washed his face. After washing his face John...

3 years ago
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The Overthrow

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE OVERTHROW By Wyrdey Zaadon the Great sat on his throne, smiling thinly to himself as he pretended to read one of his books of the Dark Lore. He always enjoyed days like this, it was why he'd made himself a king. Around him in his luxurious throne room, his advisers sat, laughing and amusing themselves in their normal, depraved fashions. Zaadon despised them to a man. He...

3 years ago
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Good Son

You groggily woke up and looked at your phone to see that your alarm wouldn’t go off for another half hour or so. You tried to turn over and get a little extra sleep but found yourself just laying there listening to the sound of cars driving up and down your middle-class street, along with Mrs. Johnson’s dog yapping away presumably at the mailman but who knows with that thing anything seems to set it off. Giving up on sleep, you stand and look around your room, it’s pretty big and has...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Asia Oakley 01212021

Today’s update is a meeting of two bodies, combining in perfect unity where the world’s Ying & Yang are in harmony. It’s a meeting were orgasms and squirting abundantly flows and inhabitations run wild. It’s where 18 year old far East hottie Asia Oakley meets resident Western stud Jake Adams in an all out passionately intense fucking of a life time and the world can now rejoice. Ok that’s quite the buildup, but this is a hot scene. So once we pick Asia up from...

2 years ago
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The waiter

It was the perfect day and the perfect evening on our honeymoon. Married only a few days, we had gone to see the Space Needle, and had an amazing dinner at a steakhouse. As we walked back to the hotel, my wife whispered in my ear, 'I want you so bad today'. Not one to argue, I held her hand even tighter as we walked, and suggested we went to the hotel bar for a drink before bed, just to get us even more in the mood.We ordered champagne, and when the young, black waiter brought it over, I...

2 years ago
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Texas Dildo MassacreChapter 2

It had been only a couple of hours since the girls had chatted and flirted at the road side with not care in the world. They taken advice on a short cut and now they realised with growing horror what a mistake it was. In that time there had been a crash; a death, and for Bianca and Sophie sexual humiliation beyond their young minds imaginations. The group had become split and even now for some the clarity of their predicament was far clearer than it was for others. Sandy had tumbled down the...

2 years ago
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Chrissys UnveilingChapter 2

“OK Mike” I growled, “that’s enough. Spread her arse cheeks wide and her cunt open for Stan. The once humiliated guy was now trembling with lust and quickly moved to the side and did as he was told. Stan tore off his clothes and approached the luscious but degrading sight from behind. “Keep holding her cunt lips open wide” I barked, “until his cock’s in”. Stan’s prick is about the same size as mine, a helluva lot bigger than Mike’s. I got Chrissy back onto my cock and watched intently as...

1 year ago
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My Didi My Goddess My Queen 8211 Part III

As Didi left my room , I was overjoyed at the prospects of seeing her tonight .All alone , my Goddess , my queen had consented to come to me .. had agreed to sleep with me … was it real ..or I was dreaming … the one woman whom I so much liked ..just the thought of her would make my cock hard like an iron rod….whose swaying hips would sway my whole being ..on whose thought and imaginations I had shagged my lund numerous times … was coming alone ..all alone to me in my room tonight …in my arms...

3 years ago
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I was in my second year of college attending school out of state when word reached me that my father had died. It had been totally unexpected and a major shock to my mother and younger sister along with myself. Busy as I'd been away at school it had been almost an entire year since I'd even seen them. My sister Mandy had just recently graduated from high school and like me had been planning on attending school out of state. All that had changed now with the death of our father. Mandy and mom...

4 years ago
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My ldquoGayrdquo date Seeing him again

Even though he had given me his phone number, I threw it away. Thinking it was a one time, passing case of curiousity, I would never want to see him again. I was wrong. Within days I began to realize just how wrong I was. I found myself craving him, yearning for him, wanting to experience being with him again.I began to wait outside his place, When I finally saw him, my heart raced, my pulse quickened. Feelings I had not had since maybe jr. high school were now flooding through me. I waited a...

1 year ago
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Tushy Kristen Scott Hot Mistress Enjoys Anal

Kristen is a naughty girl. She’s been the mistress of a married man for a few months now, and she’s been having some of the best sex she’s every had. After his wife leaves on a business trip for a week, she turns up at his house unannounced, to find him on a video call to his wife. While he tries to keep it together, she strips slowly at the window, leaving him unable to resist her advances. When he comes off the phone and has her in his arms, she knows this will be an unforgettable experience.

3 years ago
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Renting a Room Ch 04

Ch. 4 A Call from Washington The next several days were busy at the lab and at the house, where Arthur and his crew were demolishing and replacing seventy-five year old utilities at a great rate. It turned out that Arthur also could deal with the wall problem, when they discovered it was not load bearing, and a deftly inserted glulam beam easily carried the ceiling sheetrock. Aimee and Adrienne were in their element, supervising the cleaning and painting of the large room that had been...

1 year ago
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Sukky Foxxe contracted pornstar

The continuing story of Sukky Foxxe, one time glamour model, now a porn star, and more!!!!Contract GirlThe Euro star thundered into the channel tunnel. The internal lights flashed by in a blaze of green, blues and gold’s. She glimpsed the occasional worked, frozen in a burst of light. Sukky relaxed into her seat, and closed her eyes. She dozed, and then slept. Sukky woke as the train slowed at Brussels’ Midi. She had to change trains here, onto the Belgium/Dutch intercity, which would take her...

2 years ago
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blackmail insecurity check

I was walking past the security checkpoint in my apartment block's underground car park when I was stopped by the guard inside the cubicle. In fact he'd come out the cubicle when he saw me approaching, obviously wanting to say something. I knew most of the guards by name, but not this one. He'd only been around in the last couple of weeks. Not at all bad looking I'd thought, but that was all the notice I'd ever taken of him. "Can you spare a minute, Ms Kubota?" "Sure. What's the problem?" "Not...

1 year ago
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Ronnie Repents

?Ronnie Repents ? Ex-Wives 5?   by Richard Stryker © Copyright R. Stryker 2005.   The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. Published by www.a1adultebooks.com Reproduced with permission of the author and publisher. CHAPTER 1 She opened an eye, but her whole world was still one of darkness.She felt something around her face, like a mask. It made her grow cold withfear as...

1 year ago
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The Gift Book IIChapter 9

Shit, shit! SHIT! It had been two weeks since I was attacked, and I still could not connect to the 'between' or move myself through time. I thought back to the care I had been given in those first days, by Arthur and his wife, Beth. They had taken good care of me, but they kind of smothered me, too. No wonder their kids were forever trying to get away from them! You just never know about people until you live with them. Still, they were good decent people, and I was grateful. I was...

3 years ago
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Kink Neighborhood Ch 1

Eric and Michelle Wiseman are a married couple that have a loving relationship. They met in college, got engaged shortly after Michelle's graduation, and have two young c***dren. Eric works as a medical advisor, while Michelle is a stay-at-home who is very active in her c***dren's school as the PTA head. On the surface level, they are your stereotypical suburban family. However, they do have one secret, and it's a big one; They're swingers. They love to swap spouses, bring home single babes and...

3 years ago
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Cult of Sexuality

Detective Liu Chang nervously entered Captain Ames’ office. He rarely spoke to the captain one on one, but today was different. He took a seat and waited for Ames to arrive. He was confident that he didn’t do anything “wrong”, but the definition of wrong changed by the day. “Good morning, detective!” Captain Ames said as he quickly walked towards his desk. Liu stood up from his seat and nodded to the older man. He sat down again, trying to keep his nerves in order. “Chang, I’m...

2 years ago
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The Mile High Club

I always hated flying. It's not that it scared me or made me sick, it's just that I thought it was a terrible waste of good working time. That time spent in the air and on layovers could be put to so much better use than just sitting there. I didn't mind trains, because you could actually get some work done on them - providing they weren't too crowded. Unfortunately, trains don't cross oceans very well and since most of my business travel was overseas, that posed a problem. But my views on air...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Fucking My Girlfriend Rashmi

Hello my name is Siddharth and m from Mysore. I completed my engineering before 3 years. I am a very fair color and have muscular body because I used to go to gym when I was in college. I have a 6″ cock. I am a porn fan I always used to watch different kind of porn movies and used to masturbate every often. After my graduation I got placed in some govt company in Bangalore as a trainee. So I joined the company and started working. There are so many girls working as a trainee in my...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 8

Janet’s suite was on the second floor, and took up about four thousand square feet. It was beautifully decorated, beautifully kept, and completely organized. The neatness and careful presentation made me realize that Janet intended to bring me up there all day, and got the place ready to impress. At the center of the bedchamber was a super king sized bed, all ready for a tumble, and Janet started toward it, while unbuttoning her blouse. I stopped her with another mind searing kiss, and...

1 year ago
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Land Ne Dilaya Promotion Part l

Hi Friend I am ‘prem’ Here i am from Roorki (U.P), meri age 22 hai or dekhne me itna to hu k har ladki pat jati hai or rahi baat hatiyar ki to wo kisi bhi lady ki chikhe nikalne k liye kaafi hai. So meri jo story hai us me maine kaise apni office ki senior ko pata k choda or promotion liya is bare me hai. Story 1 saal pehle ki hai sardiyo ka mausam tha meri ek finance company me nayi nayi job lagi thi or wo kafi acchi or badi company hai mujhe abhi office join kiye hue 2 mnths pure nhi hue the...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 140 Domestic Responsibilities

"Got any basil in this place?" Jess grumbled one night. "Sorry, Jess, no basil," Warren told her. "Who does the shopping around here anyway?" she said. "He does," Sophie said, pointing at Warren. "Good. I'm going with you next time," Jessie told him. "Hey, if I'm going to help with the cooking, I need to help with the shopping." "OK," Warren grinned. That Saturday, Warren and Jess headed out to the supermarket. "So, you went out with Ryan last night. How was it?"...

1 year ago
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The Paper Route

Laura probably noticed this also because she always seemed to be both ready and not ready for me at the same time. I would show up and she would look amazing in a short bathrobe with her bare legs hanging out or a thin pair of pajama bottoms and a very tight tank top with no bra on. I loved this and couldn't take my eyes off of her. She would then look all over the place for some money, bending over, reaching over her head. I would get fantastic glimpses of her cleavage or her ample ass. ...

2 years ago
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The White Handkerchief Part 1

I live in a house in a big city with a bunch of other people who can’t afford (or don’t want) to have their own place yet. There’s a rotating cast of guys, girls, straight, gay, etc. Even though we are not best buddies, we like hanging out together and we keep the house in pretty good shape.A couple months ago a girl moved in and I noticed right away that she dressed a little preppier than usual. Tight sweaters (showing off her ample boobs), expensive shoes, and very nice makeup, showing off...

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