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Jack and I dated for six years before we got married. At the start of this story, we'd been married just at three months. Despite our long time together, our familiarity with each other, not to mention this all happening in our horniest teenage years, I learned more about sex that first night with Javon than I had my whole life up to that point.

My choir girl upbringing and the strict society training I got took a lot of getting over. But the culture was shifting right under our feet. I admit that a lot of those three months after we got married, I spent sitting in our apartment crying. He'd joined the army and we'd moved 900 miles from home. I missed my mom and dad and my regular life back home. I missed my school friends since I'd dropped out to get married, and everything was so totally different now.

I have to admit, I wasn't always very nice to Jack. I tried to be a good little housewifey and have dinner ready and the house picked up, but that was both boring and hard. And Jack would come home at the end of the day tired, dirty, and wanting sex. I felt taken advantage of and caged up from not being able to get out all day since he had to take the car to work, and at the end of the day, I wanted to go someplace and do something. But we were too poor to do much. Even just driving around cost gas money. So I was an unhappy little girl and usually took it out on him.

It was obvious that I should drive him to work and then pick him up at the end of the day so I could have the car, but that meant twice as much gas. Not only that but he usually had to be in by 7:00, and I hated having to get up early enough to take him to work. I didn't think I'd ever get used to that, but having the car that day made it worth while.

Getting out and around post was really liberating for me, and my attitude toward life in general, not to mention toward Jack, got a lot better. I would surprise him with meatloaf some evenings, a real favorite of his though I knew it wasn't as good as his mother's, and he started to pay me more attention and make me feel more appreciated and wanted.

But being out and about more meant that I was seeing a lot more people, and a lot more people were seeing me. I felt a little guilty about it, but I was starting to like being 'checked out,' having guys talk to me with obvious interest. It was kind of funny how little difference it made that I wore those flashy wedding rings. Maybe it shouldn't have, but being noticed made me feel appreciated too...and wanted!

One day, Jack brought home a couple of magazines. One was on how to give a massage. He also brought home a bottle of safflower oil and some sented candles. The other magazine was a Penthouse. Needless to say I encouraged him in developing his new massage skills volunteering to be his practice dummy. My attitude toward him warmed up quite a bit when I could look forward to laying naked on a pile of towels and feeling the delicous relaxation that even a massage rookie can give. And soon he started to get pretty good.

Despite my struggles, largely due to what I now know was my immaturity and selfishness, I knew Jack loved me. He had stayed with me and essentially waited for me to grow up before we married, and everything he did was honestly about caring for me in the end. So as we were feeling closer, our sex life started to improve. We had hot passionte make out sessions and he never failed to 'get me going,' as I like to refer to it, but intercourse just didn't do it.

So, our evenings would often find me naked on my tummy getting massaged to heaven while I read him the stories and letters from Penthouse. We got a lot of ideas and did some experimenting from that information source, but we were, at least I was, totally shocked at what seemed to be totally normal in the sex department, stuff I'd never even heard of. The thought of flirting, flashing and immodest dress in general, not to mention oral sex, anal sex, partner swapping, multiple partners, even interracial partners, were mostly new ideas for me. As intimidating as it all was, as much of a challenge to my moral core, I found it all intensely exciting and erotic.

Picking hubby up after, meant waiting for him outside his work, which is where I met Javon. From the first time Javon and I saw each other, we noticed one another. I mean there were other people there; mostly black guys, but a couple of other girls too sometimes. The guys tended to be a little crude sometimes, but I wasn't going to get run off like some of the other girls. I got to enjoying the time waiting for my husband, chatting with the guys and even giving them back some of their barbs. Javon was always there and seemed particularly interested in me. He was good looking and very smooth, always knowing just how to compliment or tease.

My husband keeps saying I told him that I thought Javon was cute. I don't remember saying that, but he got the idea someplace. I think I would have been too worried about what he'd think to say something like that out loud, but it was the truth, I do think he's cute. And though he's not tall—he's about the same height as me in heels—he looks strong, muscular, and has this 'Eddie-Murphy-like' smile that makes for a pretty attractive guy. I liked him and felt like he liked me.

But then one day, Carolyn, tells me that Javon really, really likes me and was really going to come after me. She's our neighbor and my sometimes friend, who has been involved with blacks around post.  She actually has this black boyfriend, Richard, who knows Javon, so I don't think she was just teasing me. Jack had mentioned rumors about him liking me so this wasn't totally coming from left field. As conflicted as I was about it, it was sure seeming to be true, not just a rumor.

When it first dawned on me that he might really be interested in seeing me, I admit that my heart raced and my pussy got wet. But the news also scared me. All I could think of was that my husband would think I was cheating on him, or doing something to cause it. I told him about it immediately, terrified of what he'd think. He heard me seriously sharing my fears and very much to my surprise, he didn't react as I'd expect—like getting mad or something. Actually, he laughed and made light of it. I felt hurt, like he was taking me for granted or didn't care enough to protect me, although he'd assured me a thousand times he loved me and wouldn't let anything happen to me.

Letting my confidence in Jack's love for me grow, and trusting in his desire to protect me, I began to relax a little with the idea of Javon being 'after me.' Thinking back, I doubt if I concealed my interest in the idea of being pursued. I know at times I was like a silly schoolgirl, laughing at what he said, agreeing with him, and all in all showing flattered receptivity to him. At the same time, I was self-conscious about people seeing me with him and talking about us. In some ways, it was a relief when Jack told me he'd invited him over to our place where we could talk someplace besides out in front of the whole world.

I'm not totally naive. I had a pretty good idea what Javon was coming over for and also knew that my husband was going to give me the freedom to follow my desires, whatever they were. Coming to understand that, I started to get really excited about Javon coming over. Jack wanted me to wear something slinky, something sexy, but I didn't have the courage for that. I didn't want to look like I was doing anything more that just being friendly and nice, so I could preserve my dignity if nothing happened, which in the back of my mind was a pretty strong possibility.


Before that Friday night, I'd never seen Javon except at the end of the day when he was always wearing a dirty work uniform. But tonight, he had on this form fitting black mesh shirt, with a gold chain and black slacks. He was beautiful, his smile so big and broad, I was wowed. I'd been a little distracted getting dinner together, but the very sight of him put that totally out of my mind. When I hugged him hello, his velvety black skin, so smooth against my cheek, and his intoxicating cologne made my head swim.

I know I felt nervous, but I was also giddy with excitement as I brought him a beer. Trying to play it cool, I hesitated trying to decide whether to sit next to him. Thankfully, my husband encouraged me to do it, so I just plopped down next to him on the sofa. That was probably the turning point in my mind for the whole evening. Sitting next to him, hip to hip, I knew something physical was going to be happening, whether I liked it or not.

I know I talk too much. And if I'm really nervous, I talk to fast and more often than not just start saying any and everything that comes to mind. My husband is always laughing at me for that, but it's just how I am. Javon was sitting back sipping his beer as I started telling him all this stuff he probably didn't want to know or even care about. He just smiled politely and listened, letting me calm myself by talking. Only then did he start asking me about myself with a charming blend of compliments and questions. The tone of his voice, the body language he conveyed made me feel so very much at ease.

Javon slipped his arm around my shoulder so casually it seemed to be totally natural and right. Looking back on it, I should proably have played a little more hard to get, but he was really charming me, making me feel pretty and wanted. When he kissed me, everything else disappeared. Nothing mattered to me but that delicious tongue and how powerfully turned on it made me. He told me he wanted to make me feel beautiful, and boy did he.

I was so high after that kiss, that having to eat dinner was an unwelcome interruption. Javon made it easy though making casual conversation and teasing me while we ate. I was getting even more comfortable around him every minute. I loved how strong and masterful he was around me. He was a little dismissive of my husband, but to me that just made him look more solid, more in control, and I liked it.

I could sense that my husband wasn't being treated very well, but I found it easy to just not worry about that at the moment, because I had this gorgeous black guy totally honed in on little old me! I knew I was getting a little silly, but I just wanted to please him and let him know how much I was enjoying being with him. When Javon told him to stay in the kitchen for a while, I felt a jolt in my pussy. I knew we were going to really get into it.

Hubby was hardly gone before we were necking like crazy. His big hands and long Black fingers were soon all over me, exploring me, opening my clothes, touching and probing me in all of the most sensitive places. There was no more pretending we were just friends. I could feel the want, and needed nothing more than to surrender to him totally, let him do whatever he wanted.

The way he fondled my breasts, sucked and kissed them, his hand running up my skirt, made me feel so dirty. I felt deliciously used when he fingered me. We weren't talking much, just sort of whispering to each other how good it was. He was taking me to an orgasm and I was loving every second of his attention.

When my husband's presence intruded on my awareness, I suddenly felt very self-conscious. I mean, I was laying back on the sofa in Javon's arms, my blouse open, my bare breasts in his hands and his hand up my skirt frigging my bare pussy. I wasn't used to being 'observed' in this state and didn't like it. Javon sensed that and sort of toyed with him a little, I thought to get him to leave us alone. He even made him play with himself, putting him down in a way that might have bothered me, but in the arms of my black stud and approaching orgasm, I just made it go away from my mind. Knowing he was going to fuck me, I whispered to him to please take me upstairs to our bed so we wouldn't be watched.


Sex with Javon was a totally new experience of anything sexual I'd ever experienced. Watching him undress, helping him undress, I got to touch and feel and smell and taste that smooth velvety black skin all over. I know guys would rather be thought of as tough, but his body was positively sensuous, delicious to touch everywhere. His kisses continued, making me feel them all the way to my core. Wrapping my arms around his neck and feeling his naked body against mine, every part of me loved the touch that only my fingers had experienced until then. His dick was stiffening against my tummy, heightening my erotic excitement.

I wanted my consent, my desire, to be known and not just guessed at. “I want you to fuck me,” I breathed hotly into his ear as his black hands stroked up and down my bare sides. When he pushed me onto the side of the bed, my face was level with his big dick for the first time. I reached up and took it in hand, sliding one hand under his ball sack. I looked up just to see him smiling at me, then went back to examining this beautiful piece of flesh.

If it were possible, it was even more sensuous feeling than the velvety softness of the rest of his skin. I knew what a foreskin was, but had never seen one, especially not up this close and personal. It fascinated me to pull it back and let it slide forward. I had zero experience with oral sex despite reading about it and giggling with my husband, but the actual thought of putting my mouth there was gross. I couldn't imagine being willing or even able to do that without my stomach turning. But in that moment, feeling so turned on and feeling so loved and desired, and knowing how adventurous I was being, I let my mouth do what it wanted. I took the head between my lips and let my tongue swirl around it. Then suddenly realizing what I was doing, I pulled back from it.

Javon looked down at me patiently “That's not so bad,” I heard myself say.

“No, it isn't. Feels pretty great too,” he smiled, stroking my face. Was he huge, like the studs in the letters and stories? I don't know. I do know he is way bigger than my husband and the look and shape of his dick seemed so much more erotic to me. Maybe I was just imagining things, but he had me from the mere sight of his dick, and the brief taste lingering in my mouth just added to my sexual desire.

He nudged me back onto my elbows. My legs came apart of their own volition as his big hand slipped down over my bare belly and he started fingering me again, separating my lips and opening my pussy. He pushed that big dick into me, my lips parting to the point of stretching. He was gentle and kind, but insistent. His belly lowered onto mine, his chest onto to me as his mouth closed over mine, pressing me back onto the bed. He fucked me slow and deep, moving all the way in and out, making me feel so, so full and so, so good. I wrapped my arms and legs around his black body, holding him close while inside me.

Kissing passionately, I felt the flowering of orgasmic pleasure flowering deep in me. That was a new sensation, surprising me, and growing way past anything I'd ever felt, even in my best masturbation orgasms. He started fucking me stronger, not a lot faster, just stronger, deeper, more insistent and suddenly, my stomach knotted and spasmed in the most intense orgasm of my life. And it didn't just hit and fade, it kept going and going and going for so long I wondered if it would stop, or if I would just die!

Sex with my husband always finished at that point. We'd get up and go shower or whatever. But, Javon made no move to stop, and I was seriously delighted that he wasn't in a hurry to end these wonderful feelings going on inside me. For several more lovely minutes, we rocked together. He was teaching me to fuck like I didn't know was possible! He suddenly kissed me again, holding me to him hard. I felt his dick twitch, then start throbbing with strong movements, obviously ejaculating a lot of sperm into me.

Our pleasure seemed to continue for a long time, several minutes at least, before it began to recede into a warm, wet loving connection. His mouth slipped over onto my neck, slowly kissing and nibbling at me. I was in sexual glow land, not able or even willing to think, just enjoying laying there together, under him.

Then, out of the blue, I was hit with the realization of where I was, what I was doing, and what was happening. Still under his heavily breathing body, my mind began to explode with fears, worries, and concerns. Sensing my unease, Javon kissed me again and got off of me, pulling out slowly. Without a word, he started getting dressed. My eyes moistened as I started freaking out. He'd ejaculated in me. A lot. I could feel it coming out already. I was married. And I'd just fucked a man not my husband. And he was black!

“That was great,”he said as he kissed my forehead and went back down stairs. I couldn't answer. I rolled over onto my side and went into a fetal ball. All the terrible possibilities rolled through my mind in living color, my parents calling me a slut and disowning me, my family and friends back home calling me an adultress, a cheater, an immoral slut, and refusing to speak to me again. My highschool and college friends calling me airhead bimbo, a dumb slut, a mudshark! I was flooded with shame, embarrassed to death. I started to cry, then I just lost it and started sobbing.

My husband came upstairs about an hour later. He'd taken Javon back over to the barracks and cleaned up downstairs. I think he was kind of afraid to come up to me when he heard me crying. Guys seem to think there's no way to comfort a sobbing female, but that's not always true. I was hoping deep inside that he'd come up and help me, maybe just be with me, help me hide from what had happened. But he chickened out, waiting until I was asleep, then lay next to me until morning.

He was up before me in the morning and was downstairs getting ready to leave for work. I was glad I didn't have to drive him in today. The thought of seeing Javon was too intimidating. I got in the shower, my mind still wandering all over the place. The hot water calmed me some, but I still felt dirty, used, unloved and undeserving of anything good. I was just desperately hoping my marriage and family would survive my sins.

Jack met me with a big fluffy towel as I got out of the shower. He pulled me close and started drying me off. I couldn't keep from crying again, but I got control of myself as he started kissing me and telling me how much he loved me and how proud of me he was. Calming a bit, I wrapped my wet hair in a turban and slipped on my robe. We went downstairs to the kitchen where he poured me a cup of coffee and held my hands, reassuring me as best he could.

I thought long and hard, all night long really, before I announced to him, “I can't do this.”

“But Ains, you liked it. I mean I wasn't up there, but I could tell from the sounds you were making you were loving it.”

I admitted to him that it was good.  No...great, really. “But don't you understand, just because it was good doesn't make it okay. I'm married, but now...” she teared up again, “I'm dirty, I'm used...I'm an adultress.”

“No, no, baby,” he held me. “You're okay. It was okay. You liked it. Javon liked it. Heck, I even liked it. It's okay and you don't have to let people call you names. You can do what you want to do.” I just cried softly and let him hold me for a while. I knew he'd have to leave soon. Finally, he broke the hug and told me he had to get to work, and he'd hurry home to comfort me tonight.

I followed him to the front door, hugged him one more time, and looked him in the eye. “That will never happen again.” He looked at me surprised, confused. “Never,” I repeated, and closed the door.



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The Present...Hannah gave me a ride to the hotel to change from my 'wedding rehearsal clothes' into my 'day wear for Danny's house clothes'. I think she appreciated the brief, quiet time she had to herself while I changed clothes before she drove us to the farm. While I'd treated the ladies to Mimosas, Danny had gotten a haircut before returning to the farm to wait for me. He looked pretty good dressed in slacks with a button-down shirt instead of jeans and a ratty, old t-shirt. If anything the...

1 year ago
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Evacuee 12 David and caroline are discovered

Helen had suggested that she go for a stroll in the forest and had recommended the walk down to the lake. Rose knew that David and Caroline often played down there and secretly she hoped she might see David in his swimming shorts again. As she approached the lake, at first she couldn’t see the children but then she saw movement on the far bank. To her astonishment they were both lying there completely naked! Rose grinned to herself. She was all for a bit of nude sunbathing herself...

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MaureenChapter 6

After we got out of bed, I went to take care of my morning preparations and shave before dressing for the day. Ms. O’Farrell, I guess that I should call her Maureen now, had volunteered to make breakfast for us while I was busy. She had donned a robe before getting out of bed. Arriving in the kitchen twenty minutes or so later following dressing, I found she had made ham and eggs plus there were hot biscuits and orange juice. The coffee maker was just finishing brewing a batch of coffee, as...

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PureTaboo Lena Paul Sloppy Seconds

After months of his begging, a prude teen virgin (Lena Paul) finally agrees to have sex with her horny older boyfriend (Robby Echo) … even without a condom. She awkwardly allows him to mount her and fuck her missionary, before turning her around to fuck her doggy style. As he is about to cum, the boyfriend doesn’t pull out in time as he promised and creampies the girl. When she realizes what he’s done, she gets upset and asks him to leave. Ashamed and nervous, she goes to...

3 years ago
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Mom sister

Hi all you ISS readers, this is Mithun, I am 19 yrs old, this happened last year. I will tell you about my true sex experience with my mother sister Renuka. Renu was married to her boyfriend, she now also has 2 sons one is one year elder to me. When ever Renu comes to my house she comes with her kids. But that day she came alone. My parents and her sons & hubby had gone to a family marriage. She didn’t want to go and as I also didn’t want to go she was agreed to stay with me and look after me...

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CHAPTER 2: ISLAND FUN – THE COUPLEI hadn’t left Adam’s room until mere hours before sunrise the next morning. Poor Adam would be exhausted on his travels back home, but it was a mutual desire for the night not to end for us. The hours with him was like a light switch that brought back the hotwife feelings Ryan had thought he wanted so much. When I finally was getting ready to leave his room, it occurred to me that my room was on the same wing of the resort. When I started putting my clothes on,...

1 year ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 7 Summer Plans and More Surprises

I got a few hours in over spring break at the brewery, and that helped restock the bank account. Dating Diane with the longer travel and other entertainment was costing more than dating Belle had, but it was worth every penny. I had a nice surprise when Mr. French called me into his office and asked me if I was interested in a different job at the brewery this summer. He was very pleased with my work, but felt I was being wasted on the production line. He wanted me to work in distribution. I...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Fun Chennai

About me, I am a guy from Chennai with good physique and most of the girls in office get attracted towards me. I am going to narrate you about an incident happened to me. I work in leading IT MNC in Chennai and due to project requirement I have been moved to DLF location. That was my first day in that office and while returning home I planned to take a bus. It was around 7 pm there was a huge rush in the bus stop and suddenly it started to rain. So I boarded the next bus, mad rush started to...

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Afternoon Delight

My name is Joy and I’ve been married to Kevin for most of our adult lives. Although it’s been an unhappy and sexless marriage for many years, we have never to my knowledge cheated. It’s just something I’ve never thought about, even though we are more like roommates than a married couple.  I'm 5’4" and have long brown hair and brown eyes. I try to stay in shape and healthy with regular workouts and my body, with firm 36D breasts, looks pretty good. Kevin, too, is in decent shape. He is 6'4" and...

3 years ago
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Getting just what I asked for and much much more Part 3

getting just what i asked for, and much much more. Part 3 By debbislut caution this part of the story includes extreme themes authors note: this is a story i have been meaning to write for some timeafter finding a hot transgender contract online several years ago (which is at the end of part one) xx I awoke in the dark, in the most extreme heels imaginable with my hands cuffed above my head not sure where I was until the memory hit me, Miss Aimee had delivered me to a slave...

2 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 001 A Splash of Cold Water

Bombarded by sunlight, my eyes flutter suddenly open. Blue sky. Wet. Am I in the water? Ughhh. Salty… Seawater? Yuck… Where am I?The liquid I’m immersed in is cool, but not icy. I try to sit up as I think about the last question I’ve asked myself, but fall backward before I am an inch off the sand, and determine that I am in fact, on a beach. As I collide with the sand once more, the water is disturbed, splashing outward. For a moment it recedes, drawing away from me, and for the peak instant...

Straight Sex
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 48

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 48 Friday proved to be a day for Paula to put aside her success in the go- karting and look to two weeks without Kelly. For Kelly was going away with her parents the next day and when they came back the following Saturday, Paula and her family would be going away. So, for now, Kelly's now routine visit had an extra bit of importance to it. It was just well that Kelly had got over her period and was feeling much more in the mood for kissing. "Two...

4 years ago
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We were not really a swingers but it happened to be as we were married for six years & Sarika my wife she is small but full of sex our sex was never dull because she is hot at her age of 28 she has lots to give me we are a social animals & we have few close couples which our good friends we often have party’s so we enjoy one couple that is Dinesh & Annu were very close actually Annu is very close to my Sarika & one night we were watching a blue film in it there were two couples who were have...

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I luv Egypt

I've been serving tha army for tha past 8 years of my life! I'm single about 6'5 full blooded samoan, brown eyes, blk hair, and toned brown skin. For some odd reason when traveling in tha army I never seem to be satitified with the selection of woemn there was. Untill one day I was in egypt my last year of serving an I was going to retire. I was in tha market shopping when a beautiful female with golden brown skin long dark black hair and the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen bumped into...

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Sisters friend

Jin logon say meri story kaa first part nahi para un ko main apna introduction karwa doon mera naam imran hai age 27 lun kaa size 8” yeh story meri choti sister sara ki class fellow nadia ki aur meri hia agar aap first part parhain gay tu aap ko iss story ki sahi samjh bhi aye gi aur maza bhi aye gaa tu main apni story kaa second part start karta hoon. Next day nashtay ki table par main nay mehsoos kia keh nadia mugh ko kuch ajeeb ajeeb si nazron say ghour rahi hai main tu buhut dar gaya keh...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 19 My Girlfriend

Two things made eighth grade a new experience for me. First, I had no study hall, so all my homework had to be done after school instead of during school. The reason I had no study hall was that I was approved to take high school chemistry during fifth period. That was usually at least a sophomore class and every day I crossed from the junior high halls into the high school halls. I was taking high school Algebra, too, but they had a whole eighth grade class for that. Talk about feeling like...

2 years ago
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Eager Horny CousinCHAPTER TWO“Hey sleepyhead, wake up! Come on, Pam — up!”Racing into the bedroom all flushed and surging with energy after her recent experience, Susie pounced on her cousin’s big double bed and tumbled over the sleeping shape snuggled there, shaking Pam awake.“Whuh?”A thick mane of glossy dark brown hair cascaded across the pillow as she jerked back the single sheet wrapped about her cousin’s shape, and uncovered Pam Harmon’s attractive face.“Susan, don’t!”Pam tried to pull...

4 years ago
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Midnight Moanings

My eyes slowly opened... was it morning? Had I actually slept through the whole night? Whilst my head was trying to sort itself out, I realised my dick was rock hard. My girlfriend was lying behind me, her hands wandering over my legs and boxers. That's what had woken me up. I stayed as still as possible, not wanting Holly to know I was awake just yet. Her hand slipped under the waistband of my boxers and she grabbed my dick, massaging my balls slowly. I was getting so horny and I struggled to...

Straight Sex
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 27

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 27 Kelly awoke Tuesday morning wondering what her dad had got to say about her. She went down to breakfast and found him quickly sifting through the morning paper. He quickly glanced at her over the top of it and then retreated behind it again. Her mom just gave her a sympathetic shake of the head. In fact, not a word of the heated conversation was mentioned that morning. "Have a good day at work," said Miriam to her husband. "How long before...

4 years ago
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Private Dick Chapter 2

Mrs. Reynolds arrived at my office right on time. She looked as stunning as ever, today dressed in red knee-length tank dress with matching red heels. The dress showed off her very appealing form, but wasn’t quite as tight as the one she wore when I first saw her. Still, she was amazing looking and my heart skipped a beat when she walked into my office again. ‘Hello Beverly, thanks for coming by. It’s nice to see you again. Please, have a seat,’ I said as she came in the office. ‘Hello Peter,...

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 6 Her First Day Out

"Good morning. You look like you're happy to be going back to school." I said as she got in my car Tuesday morning. "You must have read my mind," she joked before kissing me on the lips. "How did it feel to sleep in your own bed last night?" I said as I waved to Lee and pulled out of her driveway. "Actually," she yawned, "I didn't get much sleep. Lee kept me up until two... " I waited patiently as she yawned again and then stretched, enjoying the glowing happiness she was...

4 years ago
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Barn Fire

Introduction: A drive through the heart of Missouri has never been so exciting. I was restless. Just 26, but divorced from a horrible man that held me captive. After breaking free I realized it was time to live MY life. I had been denied pleasure & passion for the last 6 years. I was yearning to strike out on a new path, so I was taking a trip to find myself. To get back my lost years to revel in pleasure & spontaneity. Just a quick trip from Kansas City to Saint Louis for the weekend. Hadnt...

1 year ago
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Family affaie

Note : This story is completely fictional! Marjorie bent over in the boys bathroom and let Luke fuck her. When he was done they hurried back to class. Her mother was a nurse and got her birth control pills. Luke promised to take her to a motel after school where their love making could be more comfortable. Finally the school day was over and she jumped in Luke's car and was surprised to see his brother and his friend sitting in the back seat."What are they doing here?" They are coming with...

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The Builder

Julie arrived home from the office tired and cranky from the hot day and long week. What she wanted was a long cool shower and a drink. These hot, humid days had always left her drained and feeling down. Life had become routine for her, work and home, over and over, sometimes meeting a friend or seeing her sister and her family. But routine it was. She wasn’t unhappy, in fact she was a joyful person, but there was something missing, and that was a special love. She wanted to find someone...

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Get Together Ends With Threesome

Hi guys, this is my second story in ISS and hope you guys will enjoy it. I am Gautham and I am a final year engineering student. The incident which I am gonna narrate happened recently. High school was long over three years back and as you all know, there will be get-togethers arranged after a long break by high school friends to meet everyone once again. I was quietly excited to see all my teenhood friends once again and the thing which I most awaited was to see all those chicks back in high...

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SAIGON LESBIANS– PART 2 « Are you sleeping ? », whispered Marlene“No”, giggled LouiseBefore Louise had to go back to the base, the girls always spent Sunday night together. It was hot and humid in Saigon at this time of year. Both women slept naked on the mattress. It was not conducive to sleeping. “Was she good ?”, asked Marlene“Yes she was fine. A little rough but fine. “ answered Louise who had told her about Anna“I tangled with her a few times. You can’t avoid her is you’re a dyke and in...

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It took years but finally it happened

."I'm shaking?" I told my fifty-five-year-old wife, Rose."Me too," she said. "And there are a few butterflies now."We were waiting for Jason to arrive.I suppose this story began twenty, maybe as long as thirty years ago, when I told Rose I wasn't against her having sex with another man. Nothing ever happened until just four short weeks ago. We were at a friend's house, with a few others having drinks. Most had come inside because it was getting chilly.When I was making my way inside, something...

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Fun on a lazy afternoon

When I hear your car in the driveway, I come to the door to greet you, as I always do. Today something is wrong, you’re moving slow and carefully like you are in a great deal of pain. “What’s wrong?” I ask, “What did you do?” You just look at me and shake your head. “Yeah, ok, so I ask a lot of stupid questions.” I said, “but that’s only because I failed the home study course in mind reading.” You reply, “I was helping a friend move yesterday. I twisted wrong and hurt my back and my...

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Kakula Patwun Saat Diwas Zawalo

Maze nav gaurav ahe. Mi mazi sex story tumchyashi share karu ichhito. Hi story mi ani mazya kaku madhe zalelya sex baddal ahe.3 varshapurvi jevha mi aurangabad la job sathi aalo tevha mazya kaka kade rahayla aalo. Mala 2 kaka ahet. Dogehi javalch rahtat. Mi mothya kaka kade rahat hoto.2 mahine zale tari mala manasarkha job milat navhta. Mi khup upset hoto. Tevha eke divshi mala mazya chotya kakune phone karun vicharla ki ‘tu 2 mahine zale aurangabadt aala ahes, pan ikde yayla vel nahi ka milala...

3 years ago
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SwapChapter 29

"Hi, Eric," my father said when I answered the phone. "I thought I'd check on you. I'm also calling to thank you. The accommodations you arranged for us are fantastic." "I'm happy you're enjoying yourself," I said. "Listen, before I called you, I called Detective Newman. Hobbs finally rolled over on the cooker. Robert Jones is under arrest and in custody, and we have nothing to fear from him. Newman says he's non-violent, a nerdy chemist, not a drug kingpin. Escalante was the...

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Pure Strip Poker 4

My heart stopped, and then raced at a thousand beats a minute. Mary had just said we could use Kat's bedroom tonight. What did this mean? I tried to think. Mary went off to try to straighten things up after the evening festivities. What was I supposed to say? What was I supposed to do? Protection. That was it. Was Mary on the pill? I didn't think so. Charlene had said she was a virgin, so how many virgins were on the pill? I had no idea, but it didn't seem likely. So...

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Accidental Discovery

My wife has been a severe pain in the ass lately. Now I can't say it is entirely her fault that we have not been getting along, but to make a long story short we've been having difficulties for quite a while. Due to this our sex life has been, in a nutshell, pitiful. I have always been a very sexual person. My wife, Lynn, used to be as well but over the past few years she has become less, how can I say, adventurous. Our sex life now exists of wham-bam-thank-you ma'am, which really does little...

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InterviewAt 45 years old, Doris was a successful businesswoman. She built her Amazon Executive Women's consulting company from nothing to a thriving business with six great women employees. Doris loved being in charge whether it was her business or her personal life. She was going to hire her first male secretary, who would open her mail, screen her calls and assist the other employees if needed. In reality, he would be used as her own personal oral sex slave and face seat.There was nothing...

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Stockings as Condoms

I have, since I was old enough to discover the sensation of nylon and jacking-off, always loved that intense feeling when I masturbated my cock through a sexy black nylon stocking, using it like a condom. Making love to a much older sexy lady is hot, and getting a fantastic wet blowjob from red lipsticked lips is also out of this world, but sometimes when you masturbate using a nylon stocking, your erotic fantasies go wild into overdrive, not to mention the most intense orgasms you can give to...

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