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Angela Mancuso, die 28jährige brünette als Topmodel durchgehende Leiterin ihrer weiblichen S.W.A.T.-Einheit war mit ihrer Truppe höchst erfolgreich im Kampf gegen Zuhälter, Menschenhändler und Drogenschmuggler.
Ihrer Einheit gehörten noch weitere 5 Topgirls an. Maria Gonzales, 25 Jahre, schwarzhaarig mit ebensolchen Augen, man sah ihre mexikanischen Vorfahren deutlich. Die blonde, blauäugige Jennifer Connell, 24; die 23jährige brünette, langhaarige Shauna Frazier mit den sanften braunen Augen; die 26jährige Schwarze Mary Bota und die rothaarige, weißhäutige Maggi Fletcher, 26.
Sie waren im amerikanisch/mexikanischen Grenzgebiet die erfolgreichste Truppe und daher nicht nur bei den Gangstern gefürchtet; sondern auch bei den Kollegen nicht beliebt; stellten sie doch jede männliche S.W.A.T.-Einheit in den Schatten.
Nun noch mal kurz zu den sechs im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bildhübschen Polizistinnen der Spezialeinheit :
Angela, brünette, gut schulterlange naturgewellte Haare, braune Augen, einen festen 80B Busen, Wespentaille, Knackarsch, lange, schlanke Beine und bei 1,76 wiegt sie 62 kg. Sie ist verheiratet, bi, steht auf harten versauten Sex, ist dabei gerne devot; steht besonders auch auf Analverkehr.
Maria, schwarzhaarig, fast bis zum Po reichend und gewellt, leuchtend schwarzen Augen, einem 85C Busen, schmaler Taille, fester, großer, runder Fickarsch, dazu passende etwas kräftigere Beine; bei 1,68 wiegt sie 61 kg; sie ist lebisch, ledig und dominant.
Jennifer ist blond, hat kurze Haare, blauäugig, hat eine kleine Stupsnase, einen kleinen Busen, Wespentaille, einen kleinen festen Knackpo und lange, schlanke Beine; bei 1,73 wiegt sie 52 kg. Sie sieht ganz lieb aus, ist aber sexuell total versaut und devot, mag auch harte Schläge, hat einen dominanten Freund.
Shauna hat brünette, gut schulterblattlange, glatte Haare, meist zum Pferdeschwanz gebunden, hat sanfte braune Augen, einen 80B Busen, Wespentaille, einen knackigen runden Po, wunderschöne lange Schenkel, bei 1,75 wiegt sie 60 kg. Sie hat einen sanften Blick, ist eine kleine Schmusekatze und liebt zärtlichen Sex mit ihrem Verlobten.
Mary, schwarz mit ebensolchen schulterlangen Haaren und schwarzen Augen, mit 85C Busen, schmaler Taille, einem knackigen runden Arsch und strammen nicht zu dicken Schenkeln, sie hat eine weiße Lebensgefährtin, liebt Zärtlichkeiten und ist bei 1,79 um die 71 kg.
Maggi hat grüne Augen, rote schulterlange, gewellte Haare und Sommersprossen, einen 75A Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen kleinen Fickpo und lange schlanke Beine, sie ist verheiratet, liebt aber dennoch auch Frauen, ist bi und mag es andere Girls zu dominieren und wird selber von Männern dominiert, sie ist 1,75 und wiegt 60 kg.
Alle Frauen der S.W.A.T.-Eliteenheit sind vollkommen rasiert, haben blankrasierte Pussys und Popospalten.
Sie traten für Recht und Gesetz im Amerikanisch/Mexikanischen Grenzgebiet ein und hatten Ideale die sie nie verraten würden, sie ahnten nicht daß gerade gegen sie ein Verrat lief. Chief Bill Bush hatte bei Börsenspekulationen jede Menge Geld verloren und stand kurz davor den Boden unter den Füßen zu verlieren. Dies hatte auch Hugo Sanchez der mächtigste Rauschgift-, Menschenhändler und Zuhälter im Grenzgebiet, dies- und jenseits der Grenze erfahren.
Plötzlich klingelte Bushs Handy und Sanchez sagte ihm auf den Kopf zu was er wußte und machte ihm ein Angebot, er sollte Mancusos Einheit in eine Falle schicken und er würde für jede getötete Polizistin $ 5000,-- und für jede zur Nutte gemachten Polizistin $ 25000,-- bekommen; auch wenn es für teurer würde, wäre er daran interessiert die Girls lebend zu überwältigen und auch am Leben zu lassen wenn sie sich ergeben würden. Bush war kurz davor Pleite zu gehen und sagte zu die Girls in eine Falle zu schicken.
Bush und Sanchez trafen sich und besprachen alles, für einen schönen Sommertag war dann die Falle geplant. Bush rief Mancuso zu einem sehr geheimen Gespräch und teilte ihr mit wo und wann Sanchez zu finden sei. Mancuso war sofort voller Eifer, galt Sanchez doch als der Kopf der Grenzgebietgangster. Auf einer Ranch bei Soccoro bei El Paso würde Hugo Sanchez mit Rauschgift und Mädchen handeln. Mancuso rief nach dem Gespräch ihre Girls zusammen, die es Sanchez zeigen wollten. Schon bald hatte Angela Pläne der Ranch und wußte, jedes Girl mußte erst mal für sich kämpfen.
Das Haupthaus hatte drei Eingänge, die würde sie, Maggi und Mary übernehmen. Der Stall mit seinen zwei Eingängen würde von Shauna und Jennifer übernommen werden und Maria würde das Gesindehaus mit einem Eingang übernehmen.
Mit ihrem schwarzen Hummer machten sie sich auf den Weg und hatten 6 Stunden bevor das Treffen sein sollte die Ranch erreicht. Sie sahen sexy aus, mit ihren schwarzen Policekappen, schwarzen kurzärmligen SWAT-T-Shirts, ihren knappen olivgrünen Shorts (darunter schwarze Strings), ihren weißen Tennissocken und Turnschuhen. Im Waffengürtel trugen sie ihre Walther P 38, 9mm Luger, ihre Taschenlampen und Handschellen.
Sie observierten die Ranch und ahnten nicht, daß sich bereits 10 Gangster einen Tag vorher auf der Ranch eingefunden hatten.
Pünktlich kamen aus 2 Richtungen Geländewagen auf die Ranch zu, die Sonne war untergegangen und es wurde rasend schnell dunkel. Die Autos hielten und je 2 Leute stiegen aus und gingen ins Haus. Angela machte mit ihren Girls Uhrenvergleich und sie sprachen den genauen Zeitpunkt wann jedes Girl zeitgleich vorgehen sollte.
Sie ahnten nicht daß hinter jeder Türe 2 Gangster mit Maschinenpistolen warteten, sie schlichen sich an und alle waren pünktlich an ihrem Platz. Dann war es so weit, noch 5 Sekunden und alle Girls waren bereit vorzugehen.
Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University. ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...
Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept. The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke. As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed Sarah and...
CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...
Hi ISS lover’s. Hers is Pradeep Reddy (Deepu Reddy ) age 26, height 5’9″, good looking guy from Hyderabad. Edi na sex experience, this is happened 2 months back. Ikkada natho sex chesina girl change chesanu due to privacy and naku sukam ichhina girl ni and thana details ela expose cheyyadam istam ledu. Naku oka friend unnadu vadi peru Uday, nenu vadu chala close ga untamu, eppudina free ga untey valla intiki velthanu, Uday ki oka sister (akka) undi, tana peru Swathi ( name change chesanu), tanu...
I woke up and looked over at Goldie, she was sleeping soundly. She had a soft smile on her lips. I wanted to kiss her but instead I got up and went to relieve myself. When I returned she was sitting on the side of the bed. I sat beside her and pushed her back and kissed her sweet lips, she tried to pull away but my hand slipped under her gown and between her legs. She stopped struggling and her arms went around my neck. She pulled her face back, ‘Please let me go to the bathroom. I’ll be...
Educated With A Garrison Of Paddle SwatsThe private high school located in the rural hills had a reputation for providing a superior learning environment for the students with a stern handle of discipline. The prestigious school was now celebrating its twentieth anniversary in 1971. It was well known that there was a lack of fairness between the type of punishment given to misbehaving boys and girls. While corporal punishment was administered using a wooden paddle at the private high school...
If you know to handle a women in bed, then you will know to handle anything in this world. Words said by me, when I was praised by her in bed. Lol. Satisfying women in bed with lust is not much interest than satisfying with love and lust, I am karthik age 25, 8 inch lovable monster working as an engineer in MNC working in Mumbai & basically from Chennai. Here to write my first story & experience which shown me what women and life is. Bit lengthy but worthy. I got transferred to Mumbai 6 months...
IncestNew Abbey, Scotland, 1914 CHAPTER ONE One. Two. Three. Four. Four steps would bring Madeline Welby to her brother’s bedroom door. Maddie’s heart pounded painfully in her chest and her body trembled, teeth chattering as she stared ahead of her in the dark hallway. With each step, she could feel the brush of the carpet under her bare feet. A late winter rainstorm was approaching outside, and the rumble of the thunder matched the rumble inside her being. Maddie took the first step. I’m barmy!...
Sadie's Education Sadie licked the last of Miss Maple's envelopes. "Are you done, dear." MissMaple, a six foot two Jamaican woman and Sadie's typing teacher asked her. "Yes,Miss Maple. I really appreciate you giving me the work." Sadie said gratefully.Money was tight, and she didn't want to work part-time and screw up her businesscollege scholarship. Miss Maple had never seemed the sympathetic sort, andwas a tough critic of her students, once embarrassing Sadie in front of theclass by...
This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesOnce upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...
CHAPTER THREE On Monday, Freddie decided that she really wanted to face King on her own terms and get it over with. She dressed in jeans and went in search of the man. She started by knocking on his door. When she didn’t get an answer there, she looked in the kitchen, where she had found him the week before. When she didn’t find him there, she searched for him in the motel. But no one had seen him and no one had any idea where he was. Disappointed, Freddie returned to her rooms. As she...
Please send comments or your valueble feedback of this story to my mail Any female looking for the sex chat are welcome. Hi to all. I am a software engineer working in a MNC in Chennai. Here I am going to narrate a fantasy of mine. Hope you enjoy this story. Characters in the story: Geeta – She is decent looking girl of 5 4″ with curly hair and her stats may be 32 26 34. Swathi – slim and sexy with height of 5 5″ with stats of 32 24 34. Her ass looks very soft. Madhavi – She has very big and...
Guys this is pavan.this is my first story in iss and i want to share one of my experiences to the never ending world of iss.this starts when i finished my in hyderabad and returned to banglore my hometown.i was well greeted by my mother and father for the successful completion of my studies while entering my house .mom told me to take bath and we can all have lunch together .we all sat together on the dining table and ate our lunch sharing many lighter moments.after my lunch i felt a...
Andie & AjaxHello everyone! Peachy here
Her neighbor, Dave, was a fairly nice looking guy and had a really great smile. It was easy to be attracted to him, although both of them were already married. His two kids’ ages put them a year ahead of her two girls, who were in first and third grades. Edie was barely 18 when she and Jack married and got pregnant immediately. They moved to the small town when the first child was ready to start school, thinking that a smaller school system would provide a better education. Dave and...
Hi all, This a lengthy story of my first experience and proceed to go further only if you have patience to read everything in detail. This is vinesha, born and bought up in hyderabad. I am 27 years old now working in bangalore with an mnc. I came to this city due to some issues with my boy friend and family and wanted to stay away from them for some time. I took a transfer in same company and moved here. When I came here first time, I was having lot of mixed feelings as I never stayed away from...
LesbianHaving studied very hard, Swati had graduated from her school with honours. Although her parents were not thrilled that she had rejected their choice of husband, they had eventually relented and she married her classmate Siva. Much to their delight, the young lovers both found jobs as IT professionals at the same company. Five years later, they arrived in America. It was supposed to be a two year contract with an option to extend if business continued to improve. In the beginning, everything...
Hi friends, in the last episode, episode 3, you read about the new character Amit and his beautiful young cousin sister Swati. Things went casual by the end of the dinner. But later, Amit came to know further about her. Let’s read it today. For those who want to send me their feedback, can mail me at . Narrated by Amit After dinner, Swati and uncle left the dining table, leaving their plates there. I finished mine and took my plates to the kitchen to wash them. After washing my plates, I...
IncestNarrated by Amit Hello, this is Amit here. You read about me and my hot cousin sister Swati in Kumar apartments Parts 3 and 4. You read how I arrived in Bangalore looking for a job and was staying at my uncle’s house. It was after 15 years, I was seeing my cousin sister Swati. She was now a grown-up beauty and, moreover, a very naughty girl. I had a hot Whatsapp chat with her the previous night. The next morning I got up late. I am not used to sleeping late. But yesterday was a special night...
IncestHi friends na peru rahul from hyderabad. Na age 28, height 5.10 parledu good looking. Nenu hyderabad lone private job chestunnanu. Nenu iss ki pedda fan almost last ten years nundi indulo stories chaduvutunnanu naku baga istaminavi incest stories inka friend wife and sister stories na fantasy avi. Ah stories chadivinappudu naku enduku alanti vallu dorakaledu naku enduku alanti chellelu akkalu leru anukunta na friends wives kuda kondaru super ga untaru appudappudu stories chaduvutu vallaki...
Seven Swats Game Seven Swats Game By Wolff ? 2006 Wolfwerks. The natural born brat asked for it. Nike was running down the corridor propelled by her muscular legs.? She had on her tennis whites, sneakers and short socks, and her racket in a sports bag. She stopped by her locker and grabbed a fur paddle that was waiting for her. Tennis was good. She won and now she was on her way for the real reward and the one who was willing to mette it out to her. Nike offered a paddle to the Wolf.?...
Hello friends, mera nam vishal hai, mai bhilai, chhattisgarh ka rehne vala hu or abhi mumbai ki ek software company me job karta hu. Ye kahani mere or meri cousin swati k beech bane sambandho ki hai. Swati mere mama ki ek lauti beti hai jo mujhse 2 sal choti hai. Swati cousin hone k sath sath meri bohot achhi dost bhi hai. Dikhne me swati bohot sundar hai, gora rang, khoobsurat chehra, sexy figure(32/28/34). Baat 2016 ki hai jab mai apni company ki ek training k liye hyderabad gaya tha. Swati...
Jodie looked across the room at Mark with distaste and contempt as she propped herself up on her elbows and knees ready for their landlord to take her from behind. She heard the landlord unfasten his pants and then drop them to the floor and felt his cold calloused hands grip her ass cheeks roughly and pull them wide apart. He plunged into her without hesitation causing her to wince and bite her lower lip. He was not a handsome man in fact he was at best an untidy slob but she was hopeful of at...
BIRDIE Winnie Winkle is my hero, a single mother who became the premiere fashion designer of our time. I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame; I wanted to be her disciple. So, after high school, I took off for the big city. Some of my friends were sharing a loft there; they worked some gigs in the theatre district, helping out here and there, and one place let them use their loft as a sort of studio apartment. But their space was cramped, and I had no money for rent, and no...
This is an entry in the Valentine’s Day Contest 2008 — if you enjoy the story, please take a moment to cast your vote. * * * There was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. The ominous silence that followed sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie’s veins. Blindly she ran across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet – although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying...
My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler just broke down and she didn't have the cash to get it repaired. So unbeknownst to my wife, I lent Jodie three hundred and twenty-five dollars to get her car...
EroticFrom my last post, I had jerked off into Edies nylon panties and almost gotten caught in the guest room, having just enough time to return the soiled pair I had cum in to the laundry and the clean one to where it came from. I also had out a bra from the laundry, that I accidently put back with the clean lingerie, and that would be my downfall. About 3 months later, Edie came to visit again, with her 18 year old daughter who is a freshman at a NY City college. I was in heaven hearing this,...
This was my fantasy about wanting to have sex with a girl I know. Her name is Jodie and even though I'm married. I still have a fantasy of having sex with her.My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler...
This was my fantasy about wanting to have sex with a girl I know. Her name is Jodie and even though I'm married. I still have a fantasy of having sex with her. My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler...
AffairHi, sabko mera good wishes. Sabse pahle to aap sabse maafi mangta hoon itne din koi story update na karne ke liye. Woh darasal sach bolu to Karnataka election ke karan mera pura bussiness down ho gaya tha pichle 4-5 mahino se. Is liye itna time to bilkul bhi nahi mila ki story likhoon baith kar. Aaplog mujhe maaf kare aur Kumar apartment ke agle aane wale kisso ka maza le. Aap apni opinion mujhe mere mail pe de sakte hai kahani padne ke bad. Aap logo ke mail ka mujhe intzaar rahega. Mera mail...
Hello ISS readers, hope you all are in good health. Hope you have read all my previous stories and enjoyed them. I will take this chance to thank everyone for the amazing response to my last published story. Now here I am here with a new fiction about my hot 30 years slim and sexy neighbor, Swati. She was married to Rajesh 2 years back. But it was a month since they rented an apartment just next to mine. Rajesh was working as a sales executive in a pharma company. He was a smart and handsome...
Hi this is Swaroop 23years old from Bangalore my height is 5.10 medium built with 6 inch gun which can satisfy any one. I’m regular visitor of iss but this is my first (real) story i am submitting here. Let me introduce my partner who satisfied me, my maternal aunt’s daughter name Swathi (name changed) 32 years married. Her height is 5.7 or something around it with good assets which make any guy to fall for her. It all happened few months back someone tried witching on our family so we were not...
IncestI am Faraz from Mumbai. This is a real life office incident that happened last year with in my Bangalore office with my female colleagues. It’s a long story so I will write it in parts depending on feedback from you reader. It’s my I have done story on ISS so please send your reviews at I am 26 years old. Last year I joined a Bangalore based investment company as a BDM. I was introduced to a south Indian girl who was to be my assistant. She was a lean, shy south Indian girl with just the right...
Breathless, Jodie knocked on Julie’s front door with her school books in hand. She needed to focus and calm down. Her body was still buzzing from being fucked hard by Mister Hunter. She really never had an orgasm last as long or was as intense as earlier this evening. She felt his cum still leaking from her pussy and her body trembled. Thoughts of sex were taking over her teenage mind; she had to get her mind on school and not Mister Hunter’s hard cock thrusting deep inside her horny cunt. Her...
TeenThere was a sickening sound of screeching tyres followed by a dull thud. Ominous silence sent ice-cold fear racing through Maddie's veins and she ran blindly across the street, the gravely tarmac shredding her bare feet - although she barely noticed. Another car stopped and voices buzzed like mosquitoes on the edge of her consciousness. Sasha was lying in the road, deathly still. Maddie dropped to her knees, dirt scraping her flesh. She touched the familiar silky fur, trying to convince...
Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...
Reddit NSFW ListBlood is thicker than water, a phrase that is supposed to bind families together. An interesting concept don’t you think? Todger65 was the editor for this story, I liked his work so much I asked if he would edit this one for me as well. I do hope you enjoy your read. ***** It had taken twenty six years for me to finally say my life was my own and I was damn well enjoying it. Oh what it is to tempt fate like that because you know life is going to stick it to you in the most gruesome of ways...
The Saturday arrived of October 15th 2011 with a fast forward week. Raj called us in the morning and reminded about our visit to a Village on the highway near Nashik. That day, Mom had a hectic schedule in her office due to various official works. She returned back at 01.40 PM and got straight in the bathroom for bath and came out in 15 mins before the arrival of the car. I was in a Jeans and Top wear as were in periods. Mom came to the hall in tight transparent white hosiery slack, a short...
Hlo friends mera naam rajesh h. me engg. karta hu. me aaj apko apni sex story btane jaa rha hu. Doston mere ghr k thodi door me ek boutique thi. Wo boutique ek bhabhi chlati thi. Unko me pehle se bhi jaanta tha. Darasal wo hamare thode known hi the so isliye meri bhi jaan pehchan thodi bahut pehle se hi thi. Unka naam swati tha. Or unka figure to bahut hi mast tha k kya btau. Maine jab unhe pehli baar dekha tb hi me unka thoda bahut deewana ho gaya tha magar jab se unhone boutique khola tbse...
The next morning, I woke to feeling John's morning wood trying to find it's way to my hot entrance. I turned my head to look at John over my shoulder. I smiled at him as he was fondling with my clit. His fingers slid up and down making me very moist. I lifted my right leg for him to have better access.John spooned closer to enter himself into me. As he worked his hardened dick further, we both moaned from the feeling. John held onto my breasts as he worked his magic in my pussy. Slow...
I lay Swati down in bed and wiped her mouth, thighs and pussy with a damp towel. A shiver ran through her frame, so I covered her naked body with a sheet and lay down on my side next to her, my head propped up on one hand. ‘My God, Swati! That was the most incredible thing that ever happened to me. Where did you learn to do that?’ I asked, running my fingers through her tresses that had worked loose and spilled around her face in a dark halo. ‘I am so glad I was able to please you. I didn’t...
Hallo friends, me phir se hajir hu apni nayi kahani lekar meri sari kahani o ko aap logo ne kafi saraha is liye thanks, me wapis aap logo ko batadu meri peech li sari kahaniya aap samuhik chudai section me padh sak te hai (desi sex story samuhik chudai section writer seyxman) aap muje mail kar sak te hai mera mail id hai : Jai se ki mene apni peechli kahani be bataya ki kai se swati bhabhi ke sath mene park me maje kiya, lakin us se mera ji nahi bhara, me kafi bar park me sham ko gaya lakin...
“Ya I found it. Fuck! There is no light in the stairs, dude!” “Arre come upstairs, wahi hai.” “But I’m scared! You know how scared I am of the dark!” “Hehe, come upstairs! I’m waiting at the door”. “Be naked!” “Shut up! I have neighbours! Come home, I’ll be naked the entire weekend!” “No!” I said, petulantly. “I’ll go back right now if you aren’t naked when I reach your place!” “Don’t be like this na! Their door is also open! What if they see me!” Swati sounded annoyed. “Dekhne do! I’m...
IncestSwati was my landlady’s daughter. She was around 38 years old. Although she was married but got divorced within two years of her marriage with an alcoholic husband. She never married after that. We got along well, and a couple of months back, I fucked her as well. Now we got along very well. Swati lived with her mom who was around 70 years old. She had arthritis and walked with a walker. She preferred staying in bed most of the time. I knew Swati needed sex badly. I worked at a BPO with mostly...
The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...
While there can be no doubt that what had happened between Swati & I was nothing short of adultery & fornication, it did have a salutary impact on her marriage. Our little affair brought her morally down on the same level as her husband. Satish had awaited Swati’s return with some trepidation and was rather pleasantly surprised by her sweet & pleasant demeanor. She had really forgiven him, he was happy to note. Both of them made a genuine effort to work on their marriage and succeeded in...
Author’s Note: I am writing about events that happened long ago. I write with the benefit of hindsight as well as with the knowledge of Swati’s innermost thoughts, feelings and motivations that she has so generously shared with me over the years. I would appreciate receiving readers’ feedback. That is a great motivator for an author. *** I’ve known Swati ever since we were kids. We grew up in the same small city in Maharashtra. Our mothers knew each other as they belonged to the same little...
As usual I was sitting reading my newspaper, while the TV news was on. I only did this when my wife was out, because she didn’t believe I could read and listen to the TV at the same time – and she would turn the TV off. I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt the breeze of our daughter as she half skipped – half run into the room, and took up a position at the far end. Out of the corner of my eye I could see fast movement from Swati and flicked my eyes up. She was dancing; nothing unusual...
IncestJodie Sweetin sat in the outside office waiting to see the producer of Dancing With The Stars. The pretty blonde former c***d actress had been invited to be on the upcoming season of the very popular show and was asked to come in and speak with the producer. She’d been waiting for about 10 minutes when the door opened and out came Mischa Barton. She looked up and couldn’t help but notice the large wet stain on Mischa’s silk blouse. Mischa hurried past her and then the secretary told her she...
I have sometimes wondered, many years after the event, what made Swati & I do what we did. Or rather, what made her do what she did, since what I did was perhaps no different from what any other nineteen year old boy with raging hormones would have done, given the opportunity. Swati was after all a recently married Indian woman in an age when female adultery, apart from being completely taboo was virtually unheard of in our society. Nor was she a slut or an easy lay. It had all started off as...
This is the story of Swati. This story between Anushree, Swati and me would invite many more beautiful women to enjoy our bed with us. You might say we are of ‘mature’ age but our sex life is very hot! We’ve been together for 1month now and the sex just keeps getting better. We both agree sex is one of the greatest joys in life and also very healthy. While talking about our fantasies one day I inquired as to whether she ever fantasized about other women. “No way!”Anushree said, “I have...
I knew exactly what she meant. From now on nothing would suffice except sex, fucking, and plenty of it. From that afternoon on we would fuck whenever we could, which was at least once a day. The only pause we had was when Swati was ‘in periods’ as she put it. Oh, and after our first time, She went on the pill. We couldn’t have a pregnancy now could we? Too much to explain. Somewhere before this Swati and I changed from a young daughter and dad loving each other, to being just lovers who...
IncestSreeja and Aswathy where my first cousins, we used to play together when we were young as our houses were very close.Even though they were many years younger than me, (aswathy 8 years younger and Sreeja 5 years younger) we had a great time. The last time I saw them were, when I moved out to the city. I was about 18 years of age. Even at that time I clearly remember Sreeja having very beautiful hair which almost reached her cute little butt, soo thick. I still remember her hair to be very...
IncestThe following photos and videos helped inspire this...
Hi, sabko mera good wishes. Sabse pahle to aap sabse maafi mangta hoon itne din koi story update na karne ke liye. Woh darasal sach bolu to Karnataka election ke karan mera pura bussiness down ho gaya tha pichle 4-5 mahino se. Is liye itna time to bilkul bhi nahi mila ki story likhoon baith kar. Aaplog mujhe maaf kare aur Kumar apartment ke agle aane wale kisso ka maza le. Aap apni opinion mujhe mere mail pe de sakte hai kahani padne ke bad. Aap logo ke mail ka mujhe intzaar rahega. Mera mail...
Jodie and I were getting ready to go into the downtown area for dinner and a little fun when I called her to come in the living area of the beachhouse. Holding up a fairly large buttplug I said I have a little something extra I want you to wear this evening. Jodie pushed her shorts down and bent over the padded arm of the sofa. Running a lubed finger in her cute wrinkled hole she loosened some and I started pushing the plug in she is tight and it took a little bit of slowly fucking her with it...
Hi friends na peru rahul i am from hyderabad idi na second story na first story “Pinni kuturu swati tho” ki continuation. First part ki manchi response vachindi andaru positive gane reply icharu, nenu chala koddi mandi untaru emo anukunna nalaga incest lovers, kani vachina response chusaka ardam aindi nalanti vallu chala mandi unnaru ani gents ye kaadu ladies lo kuda incest lovers unnaru ani, naku ekkado chinna guilty feeling undedi kani ippudu adi ledu. Ika story loki veldam. Na previous story...