Digimon sex world
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It was around five in the morning when sora came into your room. She had thought since you have been depressed, she would plan a vaction. Luckily her friend Rika had two cruise tickets she was getting rid of, so she gave them to Sora & Me.
"Kari Sweetie; You need to wake up right now because or ship leaves in two hours; I'm taking you on a one month cruise,said Sora."
"Uh I'll go under one condition & only one condition; and that one condition is that we share a bed together, you said."
"Ok; I have no problem with it. I made us a nice breakfast scrambled eggs with bacon. Lets hurry and eat before it gets cold, said Sora."
"Breakfast was delicious & it was by far the best I have ever had, you said."
Thanks; Your so kind and sweet, said Sora.
Introduction: The digidestined finally make it to the digital world and face the tension building between them Tai woke up slowly. His body felt like it had been beaten with a bag of ice. He was in complete pain and he could feel the icy chill in the air. He opened his eyes and looked around. He looked around and found himself in a lush field in the middle of nowhere. There were mountains in the distance. How could this have happened to him? The last thing he remembered he was sitting at a bar...
Figures. Three years since the last time they had gone to the digital world, and not ten minutes in there they were already in over their heads. After Tai had received a distress call from Agumon, they had opened the gate to the digital world with the help of Davis' odd new digivice, which appeared in his hands as they prepared to leave. That new model he held could open the gate to the alternate world, and now Tai, Kari, T.K and Davis had all gone through to answer the call for help. Dark...
Crossover Janet L. Stickney [email protected] There was never any doubt that I was going to be a girl someday. I mean, from early on I would wear pale lipstick and eyeliner with my hair usually braided. Then came the Crossover week and I was able to dress like a girl from the skin out, complete with hips and boobs. My father was a drunk that never cared what I did, and my mom was long gone so how I dressed was never an issue. I work at a small shop that makes and repairs video...
“Tai I know how you feel but we need to decide our next move.” TK said gently. Tai said nothing and merely nodded. He stood up and joined the group. Joe and Izzy looked completely lost. Matt paced back and forth looking nervous. “We have to go after them.” Matt declared definitively. “I agree with Matt. This is our fault and we need to save them. We need to leave now. Carry the Digimon and when they are rested we evolve them and use them to ride on.” Tai commanded. Izzy shook his...
Introduction: The digidestined seperate well the girls become closer Tai knelt on the cold ground with tears streaming from his eyes. The pain echoing through his body could not match the deadly agony bursting from his heart. All he had ever wanted was to protect Sora from harm but in his greed and his arrogance he put her in danger. The image of Sora with Apocalymons hands wrapped around her body drilled into his mind. He couldnt imagine what horrible ordeals she was enduring at his hands nor...
Introduction: Sora, Mimi and Kari are tortured to their very limit Sora, Mimi and Kari marched through the dark cave with the hopeless faces of criminals being sent to the guillotine. Their lack of clothes that only moments ago made them feel natural and warm now bought feelings of shame and helplessness. Sora looked around at her surroundings that sent a chill down her spine. The cave that they resided in had become a house of horrors. All around them were blazing fires with iron pokers...
Fifteen years ago, Pokemon were used for battles, to fight and gain money through cockfights. However, the Government realized that this method of fighting was Pokemon cruelty, forcing the Pokemon to fight against their wills, even if they did want to fight. Therefore, Pokemon Battling was destroyed, and the era of Pokemon Slaves began. Although Pokemon Slaves were by no means legal, they were not illegal either, as the Government had not passed a law stating anything against this method...
Welcome to the world of humanoid Pokemon! This idea originally comes from several interactive stories from writing.com, but CHYOA has much better tools to avoid requiring 20 chapters just to choose your pokemon. You can be either a trainer, being shrunk by one of your Pokemon or a Pokemon you are trying to catch, or an average citizen in the pokemon world. You can shrink unbeknownst to your pokemon or they can be the reason for your reduction in size. Most chapters I'll allow (within the...
FetishThere are many sexy female and male digimon alike whose paths you can follow in the world of Digimon: Digital Monsters. Ever had a curiosity as to what would happen between two characters if they were alone? Have a pairing you really want to write out, or maybe even a pairing that not a lot of people would think of? You can do so right here! And there are a LOT of choices. There is the lovable knucklehead that is Veemon. He is the partner of Davis Motomiya. He has a heart of gold but can also...
You who are rich and whose troubles are few might come around to my point of view... Hum as you work. The room you are in is mediocre. The glass is dark, keeping anyone outside from looking in. Steel panels could be deployed at the touch of a button, delaying any attempts to break in until a contingent of guards could apprehend them. All of it unnecessary. No one knew about this base. The boss was getting paranoid, albeit not without cause. Team Rocket couldn't risk their work here being...
Mind Control“Now Shakespeare’s Macbeth stands as a literally classic for all generations. It’s message of the danger of corruption and the price of power is timeless. Now I know that you all think of Shakespeare as complex, old and boring but his plays have deep meaning. Macbeth’s plot deals with witches, murder, and revenge.” Kari continued her lesson and slowly the students began to become more and more interested. Kari finished her lesson and the students gave her a round of applause. Kari smiled...
Introduction: A multipart story conbines the world of Digimon with real adult problems and of course sex Fear, Solitude, Hate, Ignorance, Vanity, Selfishness, Despair and most of all Darkness. These were the things that made up Apocalymons life. He floated among the cosmos but was unable to appreciate its beauty. He was trapped in a cube that made his prison. 13 years he spent unable to do anything. At first he tried constantly to break free of his digital hell but despite all of his god like...
It is the year 2068, in the city of Tokyo. After a period of mass upheaval the world finally seems to be entering a state of relative peace. While large corporations still exist and some parts of the world still reel from the disaster of the resource wars Japan has managed to become a relatively idyllic society of the future mostly thanks to its prodigious technological advancement. The city of Tokyo is cleanly run, an ideal fusion of the high-tech and the traditional. A mix of modern...
Prelude: Welcome to the World of Pokemon! To start with are you a Boy or Girl? ;)
Note: Sword is a recurring character in the Darkswords series. He is also a character in the game Time Stalkers, which is owned by SEGA and CLIMAX ENTERTAINMENT. In this case, Sword is from Darkswords. The SRU elements belong to Bill hart. Guess I got bored and decided to see what would happen if they crossed paths. Darkswords/SRU Crossover: The Fish That Got Away. Sword, your not-so-typical half elf, half vampire adventurer, always seemed to be in the right place at the right...
Sora put down her needle and thread. She picked up the outfit she had been working on all week and smiled. It was the final piece in her collection. It had been a long climb for her but she knew that she had what it takes. She lay on the floor and stared at the ceiling with a big smile on her face. She took a moment to relax and reflect on her accomplishments. A representative from a fashion company would be over in a few minutes to inspect her work for purchase. She looked at a picture of...
Despite being a fighter and hero he couldn’t stand the idea of possibly hurting another person. He couldn’t even stand the sight of blood. Despite this his father pushed him to the path of a surgeon. He couldn’t let him down so he did as he was told. He graduated medical school and went to work at his father’s hospital. He spent his first few weeks there doing his best to fly under the radar. That was until one fateful day. Joe was sitting in the break room. He was silently enjoying a...
“Wow you look like you are about to throw up.” Tai opened his eyes. A beautiful woman in her 20’s sat in front of him. He gazed at her lovely face with absolutely perfect rack. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. He smiled at her slyly. “Yeah maybe out of boredom. This is taking forever.” “Well if we do this wrong it would be a bit of a disaster. Is this your first time?” “Well sort of but I’ve done a bunch of stuff like this before.” “Really what kind of stuff?” The...
Life after the digital world has been mostly good to Izzy. He breezed through high school with minimal effort. He went onto study at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and graduated at the top of his class. He developed an app that could detect the best wifi hot spots in any area. He had all the tools for a successful life and was clearly destined for greatness. So why was he here? Izzy sat at his desk in the tech support department. He was smart enough to run the company and yet he was stuck...
Life after the digital world has been mostly good to Izzy. He breezed through high school with minimal effort. He went onto study at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and graduated at the top of his class. He developed an app that could detect the best wifi hot spots in any area. He had all the tools for a successful life and was clearly destined for greatness. So why was he here? Izzy sat at his desk in the tech support department. He was smart enough to run the company and yet he was stuck...
“2 minutes Mimi” the stage manger told her. “Be right out” she replied. Mimi sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. She stared at her luscious brown hair and her perfectly formed body. She had been truly gifted and blessed in her life and now it was time to give back to the world. She strutted out to the edge of the stage. She peered out and thousands of her biggest fans waited patiently in anticipation. She smiled at them for they were so loyal and sweet. They were not just her...
He thought of those who put him there and his blood boiled. The digidestined mere mortals, mere humans, mere children, defeated him and sent him to this hell. Their strengths held him here for eternity. He was left with nothing but the worst emotions a being can feel. Every night he dreamed of total revenge against the digidestined. The thought of wrapping his hands around their necks was the only thing that kept him going. He wanted them to make them suffer until the light of hope leaves...
Introduction: The 6th chapter is possibly the darkest one yet. It is not my kind of thing but I hope you enjoy it. Joe washed his hands slowly but thoroughly. The water was scolding and burning his skin. Joe didnt care for he was miles away. He looked at his life as though he was watching a movie. It was not his own it couldnt his own. Joe would never be in this situation. He had a bright future and spent all his life studying to be a doctor. His father believed in him and provided all the...
Introduction: The new chapter dealing with Tai. Tai let out a deep breath. His eyes were closed tightly. Fear and Courage swirled in him like a whirlpool. He knew he needed to relax he had done stuff like this all the time. Not only that but he faced life and death numerous times in the digital world. So why was he scared of something so simple? The plane around him rumbled and it made his stomach turn. Soft footsteps moved towards him but he gave them no heed. A female voice sounded. Wow you...
Introduction: Chapter 4 deals with the struggles and emotons of Izzy Apocalymon felt himself getting stronger. Already half of the digidestined had been corrupted. He felt the weight of his living hell lifting from his shoulders. Soon he would be free and soon he would have his revenge. He felt power course through his veins and a wicked smile appeared on his face. He used his powers to view the digidestined in the human world. He could reach them if he focused allowing him to unleash the...
Introduction: Chapter 7 deals with the yin yang emotions of love and hate. It dives much deeper into the hidden feelings of Matt and Sora Sora worked her fingers faster and faster. Sweat dripped from her body and she had begun to pant. She was begging to reach her limit but she had to finish. Time was running out and she had to share her gift with the world. She could not fail not today. She felt as though a thousand eyes were on her at once. She could not fall to the pressure she had to...
Introduction: Chapter 4 deals with the struggles and emotons of Izzy Apocalymon felt himself getting stronger. Already half of the digidestined had been corrupted. He felt the weight of his living hell lifting from his shoulders. Soon he would be free and soon he would have his revenge. He felt power course through his veins and a wicked smile appeared on his face. He used his powers to view the digidestined in the human world. He could reach them if he focused allowing him to unleash the...
You feel something that is all to common. As the this feeling of power comes over you all you can think is that you are not killed as soon as you come out. "look this one is about to hatch," you hear coming from the light. "I wonder what you are going to be" you hear this voice says louder as you get closer. Who are you
FantasyBelow is a brief background about a few of the digidestined girls. Kari Kamiya- Is 20 years old and is the sister of Tai Kamiya. She Just recently broke up with her boyfriend TK. The two people she confides in the most is Zoe and Sora. Zoe- Is 18 years old she has a couple of friends named Sora & Kari. She is the shy type. Sora- Is 20 years old and recently broke up with her boyfriend Matt. Because he wanted to have sex with her but; she wants to wait until she meets the right person. The two...
They named her Ice for her ice blue eyes and her white almost translucent hair that fell down her back. Entei was her main father figure and took the girl into the cave he had made in the side of the mountain. There the three legendary beast Pokémon raised the little girl to become a strong sexy woman. Soon after she hit puberty Ice felt strange sensations that came from her groin and made her sticky and wet. When she was thirteen and Entei had fallen asleep she felt around in her panties...
First of all, choose your character - Nicole is an average-height 18-year old girl. She has bouncy, D-cup tits, bright red lips, an ass to die for, blonde hair and is still a virgin. She's not into sex, but she's curious. She's bisexual. David is a tall 18-year old boy. He has a serious, good-looking face and a 9" dick. He is perverted and into sex. He is straight. If you choose Nicole, David will be the first character you meet from your Point of View. If you choose David, Nicole will be the...
choose between these stories Cyhoo unviersity- Your a freshmen in the college. Pick your sex and start a story Chyoo revaled- interviews with the chyoo stars Chyoo she spys- Spy stories dealing with two fighting spy networks or be a bastard a pick your own
You wake up in a bed but you don't remember how you got there or where you are. You slowly get up and look around the room it seems to be a hotel room a crappy one. You only have a plain shirt and shorts on and there are no clothes around but you are decent enough to go to the front desk and find out what happened. You exit the room it is a bright sunny day where ever you are. As you get to the front desk you see no one is there. You ring the bell on the desk hoping for a response. Nothing. You...
Leo and Aeris end up in the world of Soulcalibur. Contains not only VGC characters, but also character from other series' like Naruto, Warriors Orochi and such. Characters in particular are: Da Ji (WO), Bu Lianshi (DW7), Tayuya (Naruto), Sakura Haruno (Naruto), Ino Yamanaka (Naruto), etc. Some fan characters are included, but none of which are any that do not belong to me solely. Kōten Yūjin in particular. Before it should begin, you will need to choose who you would like to play as...
Sitting in the driver’s seat of your parked convertible, you lean back and enjoy the view of the sun’s glow over the ocean. Next to you, your new traveling companion is still sleeping. The chloroform her family used on her still hasn’t worn off. You hope she wakes up in time to see the sunrise. She’s young, slim, and blond, with long hair. She was still in high school, but it’s a safe bet to assume she’s an adult, since there are rules about that here at CHYOO. Not that you’ve had sex with her,...
You sit in a room that seem totally empty accept for a couple of chairs and long table. The room is the size of a football field and painted completely grey. Your were a member of the Multiple Reality Task Force (MRTS). This is the task force that monitors the infinite amount of realities there are in the Universe. There go on forever starting at one string and then going off into multiple of tangents. We are here to make sure no one abuse the portal to these realities and cause damage. You are...
Notes: I don't often do cross-overs in to other peoples stuff, but sometimes you've got to practise how to make things like that work. Especially when something your dreaming up is called 'Worlds Collide'. I never got around to finishing this practise piece but figured someone might like to read it, play with it or well whatever really. Sarah Panting the woman ran through the forest pushing aside branches and vaulting logs, behind her a tree exploded in to splinters. Sweat...
Massachusetts is a place different than any other state in the USA and the week of Presidents Day is about as unique as you can get among school calendars. The kids need a break from a month and a half of hard work and bad weather. The downside of the vacation is the students are well rested and able to participate in the annual state mandated testing. Willie Pena, Alex Vincent, and Mike Daniels saw it as a nice way of getting away from Winnisimmet, MA while driving their three sons to...
Some are human & some are furry humanoids in this plot twist co-existant world. This is an alternate Chronicles sample of different pov per page as long as its pointed out. Similar in some aspects to the Passion Humiliation Club story, if need to see a humans only based, read that one as planned for it to be continuous also w/multiple endings. The city is Outfall. County is Canti, has a light rail for other destinations not shown. Canti Park has an indoor public gym for sports & the like,...
So, having just missed out on my first encounter with another female in my tender very young and very smooth years. i went home and for a few nights i got a funny feeling in my NuNu ( as she? was reffered to back then ) and when i awoke in the morning the chrtch of what ever i wore, shorts, nickers, Pj's was always moist, other than that i just did all the things girls my age did, played with dolls, threw stones in the river, went scrumping and swimming, i didnt really have any friends as we...
They had been shifting the crap for nearly three hours now and Carl was starting to feel the ache deep down in his muscles. He hadn't properly exercised in years and so he had no idea if the worst of the fatigue was just down to his poor condition or due to the other thing. It didn't seem to be bothering his co-worker too much. 'That's what really pisses me off about these clowns,' said Adrian the Student. 'I mean, look at Batman, here's a guy who spends his whole life fighting crime...
Monday The alarm rang and Sally woke up, turned it off as fear seemed to wash over her and for a second she was not sure why; then it all came back to her, the violation, and the stranger every detail of the weekend. She looked at her clock realizing she had not set the alarm, but it had been set for her and correctly, how did he know what time to set it for? Her thoughts were all jumbled as she...
My name is Marci. I have been seeing a really great guy named Jerry for two years. I stay over at his place on occasion, mostly when his step daughter is at her mother's in Washington. Jerry’s step daughter is twelve years younger than I am, and Jerry is eleven years older, so I am very much in between the two of them. Actually that’s the point of the story. Claire had told her step Dad that she liked girls, and Jerry had made an attempt at humour by answering her with, “me too!” That didn’t...
TabooA second-person-viewpoint narration of a Pagan journey through a year-and-a-day of the familiar, to find the mystery behind the mysteries. Yes, this is a magical gendershift story. ---------------------------------------------------------- Between Two Fires --Kiai 24sep03/29jul06/05mar07 Perhaps it is being brought up Pagan that has brought you to this. Where other religions segregate the sexes with walls of guilt and shame, never to meet...
"329, 331, 333..."I muttered to myself, reading the numbers off the doors as I made my way down the narrow hotel hallway. I could almost hear the sound of my own nervous heartbeat over the quiet buzzing of a nearby ice machine as I pushed my hand into my pocket to pull out a folded, crumpled piece of paper. Cursing myself for the inability to calm my shaking nerves, I unfolded the small parchment and read the number scrawled upon it. "335." My eyes moved from the paper up to the door before me....
It was my mother who told me."Jennifer, I mean, Thuy's back from Yale for spring break, Jacob."Thuy's our neighbor and an old classmate of mine from high school. We had been friends since we were c***dren. One day when she was eleven, she had randomly decided her new American name would be Jennifer. I argued for something like Thea that would be at least close to Thuy, but she stuck with Jennifer and in time only her family and I were left using her original name. My mom sometimes accommodated...
He hadn't. She could accept that in her head, but emotionally-emotions were a whole other story and she just couldn't get past the whole 'sins of the father' and all that. She wanted to be angry, and righteous, and injured. She wanted to hold all that pain close to her heart because it was something new and fresh. Because it replaced the empty ache of a father that was just a collection of stories now and the idealized memory of a little girl still in pigtails. Knowing John Winchester had...
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Between Visits (AKA My Brother-in-Law Part 4) By Erica Wright December 3, 1998 This is a stand-alone story but will make a little more sense if you read "My Brother-in-Law 1 + 2 + 3". Robert had left sometime during the night. He had thoughtfully set the alarm clock so that I had plenty of time to get cleaned up and ready for work before my wife Connie got home from her night job. I was incredibly sore (in more ways then the obvious one!) for a few days, but almost immediately...
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I was dreaming that my legs were spread and that there was someone between them I could feel his hardness rubbing against my vulva and I thought how nice that felt and I could feel myself getting wet in anticipation of having sex until it wasn't a dream and I was awake and someone was really between my legs! At first I froze I was thinking fast don't scream you might scare him and he'll hurt you then I felt him still rubbing my vulva with his really big cock well I haven't gotten laid in a...
“Shit! This wasn’t supposed to happen.”“What?”“Us together. Alone. You know my wife’s always been jealous of you.” You open your mouth to protest, but I cut you off. “Yeah, I know, I know. It’s not like anything is really going on between us, but she’s just kinda… insecure I guess.”“What for?” you ask, straightening your back. “We’re just colleagues.”“I know. I never thought we were more than that, but… I mean, I don’t know if I should tell you this, but she put on some weight the last couple...
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Donna Hartley was no shrinking violet. She had the kind of job many men would have envied; she was a sports commentator for super bike racing and loved every minute of it. She presented the image of a tall confident woman in her late thirties, not frightened of the world and what it had to offer. She began commentating fifteen years ago because of her love of motorbikes coupled with her journalistic training, and now worked for the major sports station as their “star reporter” on...
The roar woke me up. I blinked, confused, dazed by the freight train tumult that raged on every side. When I finally realized what was happening, I grasped at my phone on the nightstand. No! It was supposed to turn! It was supposed to turn! But the angry-red, swirling radar image didn’t lie. The hurricane was right on top of me.I jumped out of bed and went to the window, but couldn’t see anything. Just water splashing- pressed into millions of tiny droplets over and over again. Hours earlier, I...