Unfinished MORFS Steele Crossover free porn video

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Notes: I don't often do cross-overs in to other peoples stuff, but sometimes you've got to practise how to make things like that work. Especially when something your dreaming up is called 'Worlds Collide'. I never got around to finishing this practise piece but figured someone might like to read it, play with it or well whatever really. Sarah Panting the woman ran through the forest pushing aside branches and vaulting logs, behind her a tree exploded in to splinters. Sweat pooled at the bottom of the rebreather attached to her full face helmet, another tree exploded closer this time. He was getting better. Vaulting over a fallen tree she corrected her landing and slid down the embankment in to a clearing. The bipedal machine followed and fired again. The woman cart-wheel out of the way and opened her palm, the three energy bolts seared the front armour of the machine and she sped off smiling. The large shoulder mounted gun swivelled and fired. The three had been planning the camping trip since the winter snow had first appeared, sping dutifully followed dragging summer along behind it. They'd always been close and since MORFS had ripped through their genome they'd grown closer; in some respects each thought themselves lucky. None of them had to undergo a forced sex change with all that entailed and whilst two of them had picked up a little animal it was neither excessive or one of the more complex changes. In fact it was Nathan's wings which had carried them to this remote woodland paradise. "I thought I heard something," Jessica looked around the cat like ears on her head swivelling and her tail twitching nervously, "smell something... burning." In the distance the sound of a repeating 'thud' slowly carried on the gentle breeze. "I don't need your ears to hear that," William said, a loud 'CRACK' drowned out the thud, "bloody hell!" The 'ratta' of gun fire followed and it was getting closer! "I think we should get the hell out of here." he called. Nathan, watching the clearing from the shady area they'd set up came looked at him, "Too late! HIDE!" The woman moved with an agility and grace even the feline enhanced Jessica found envious, it was after the woman had scorched the armour and started to run it happened. The machine fired it's large cannon and rather than simple dodgy the woman spun; her shield flickered and deflected the shot in to Nathan's chest. The two friends rushed over to their friend as he lay motionless. Unheard due to Jessica's screams at the blood and William's frantic, but noisy, work with the little first aid pouch they didn't notice the woman until a leather gloved hand holding three vile of neon blue liquid appeared and promptly injected them in to their friends neck. A strange flashing piece of technology was quickly wrapped around his wrist. "Just what," the woman's voice sounded mechanical almost like an ancient speech synthesiser, she loosened the rebreather and tore the helmet off, "the hell are you kids doing here?" At least now she sounded normal, incredibly pissed off but normal. Behind her the machine trotted over and two panels folded out of calfs. "I'm getting unhooked," the machine said whilst rocking slightly, "there's more nanobot solution in the medpacks." "Did you call for a media?" The woman called back, "Christ I think this kid took a chunk of shrapnel." She ran to the leg section and grabbed a large canvas bag. "Medic's enroute, be here in 5." The front of the machine opened and a man in similar clothes to the woman climbed out, grabbing another bag he ran over, "Anyone else hurt?" The woman knelt beside the boy and held out her palm, "I don't think he's got 5," she glanced at the others, "I'll do my best. Check the others out and if they don't need it keep pumping him full." The man quickly and forcefully checked over the other two and steadily emptied more of the blue liquid in to Nathan's body, "They got splatter nothing else." He reported. "He's slipping." The womans voice sounded strained, "Ohh no you don't!" Her face became a mask of effort two large glowing wings appeared on her back, "Tell..." she struggled to speak as her palm glowed and sweat trickled down her face, "the damn medic to hurry." After an eternity yet more soldiers appeared, both William and Jessica were slightly revealed to see red +'s on their shoulders, "Jesus!" one of them commented looking at the large hole in the boys side, "Ok. I want two IV sites in him," the media motioned to his elbows as the corpsmen started work, "mainline saline, nanostech and get that wrist strap on a power cell." He pulled a small ready filled syringe out of his kit, "This'll help the pain." The man shook his head, "Commander, ease off we've got him." The woman closed her hand and slumped, "Go!" With well practised easy the medics lifted the boy on to a stretcher, secured the IV's and power cell to him and ran off in to the wood. The pilot of the machine slipped her arm around his neck and helped her walk away. Neither knowing anything else to do or wanting the two friends followed. Finally Jessica picked up the courage to speak, "Who are you?" The woman, pulled herself up and took a deep breath, "I'm Nanaia Hernandez," she looked at them an instinctively produced a pair of sun glasses to cover her glowing eyes, "I take it you want to keep tabs on your friend?" They nodded, "Understandable, tag along." She patted the man on the shoulder, "I've got it Captain, go get your unit back to the barn." The man saluted and ran back to the machine. Nanaia led them to another clearing, signalling with her radio a section of the found rotated in to itself and a small platform appeared, "Step on." she looked at them as they remained motionless and exchanging looks, "Your friends in medical," she stated matter of factly, "medical is in the outpost, the outpost is underground." This didn't seem to convince the two, the Jessica grabbed hold of Williams arm, "Ok." Nanaia sighed, "If I was going to hurt you I could of done," 'several times over' she thought but kept that to herself, "you saw the medics working on your friend, it was an accident and I'm truly sorry but if you want to see him you've got to come with me." "What's stopping us running away and calling the police?" Jessica asked nervously. "Nothing what so ever," she pointed, "thirty miles or so that way you'll get to a dirty track. Follow it another ten or fifteen and you'll find a tarmac'd highway. Should be a pay phone somewhere along it. Of course if you do phone the police, it'll instantly go to the FBI, then Homeland Security hotly followed by the CIA. At which point Omega group will take charge and your friend will never have been born." She stepped on to the platform, "Or you can come with me and we'll figure out what the hell I'm going to do to clean this mess up." "Never been born?" It was Williams turn to speak and like Jessica he didn't sound confident. Nanaia said nothing but drew a finger across her neck, "Everyone?" William asked. Neither of them had heard of an organisation known as Omega but the emphatic nod convinced them, finally, to step on the platform. "Welcome," Nanaia said as the platform headed down the shaft, "to the Foundation." - The base was small but perfectly formed as they say, several people saluted Nanaia as she marched past with the two teenagers in tow. Opening a door she motioned for them to enter, "Medical." She reassured. The room could of come from any modern hospital, large articulated beds were lined up against the wall with curtains hanging around them, various pieces of monitoring equipment were stood on trolleys waiting. The both noticed the two pieces of equipment that were distinctly out of place. Large cylinders with metal caps where stood on their end, one was filled with the strange neon blue liquid and had several pieces of equipment fastened to it and people monitoring. Floating inside was Nathan, a mask over his face and nose. "What are you doing to him?" Jessica screamed as her friends head twitched. "Trying to stave off brain death." a man in a white coat answered. "Doctor," Nanaia warned, "they just saw their friend here take a chunk of HVR sharpnel, these aren't grunts." The man finally looked around, "I do apologise," he sounded a little friendlier, "your friends body is," he paused and searched for a word, "injured. The damage to his chest is quite extensive and most of his major organs are either damaged or destroyed." He looked at them, "He's going to be fine." The machine chirped and he glanced at it, "Interface is up and stable, it's up to Sharon." He looked at the woman, "Commander if you'll excuse me this is going to take quite a while just to get him fully stabilised." Nanaia nodded, "Ok you two," they looked pale but she saw their eyes more to her, "you heard the Doc. Time to go and get something to eat." With some cajoling she managed to get them in to the mess hall and delivered a bowl of Jelly Babies with three mugs of steaming dark liquid. "The sugar will help with the shock." she explained. "All these years," she mused with a stretch, "and I'm still a caffine fiend." She left them alone whilst she refilled her mug. Jessica looked at William, "Who is she? What's going on?" Colour was slowly returning to her face, "What do they want from us?" she whispered. "I think she's Nanaia Hernandez" William shrugged, "The name doesn't ring any bells but then I've never heard of the Foundation either." He looked around the older woman was still busy fighting the coffee machine, "I don't think they want anything," Jessica shot him a look of disbelief, "really, I think we've seen something we're not supposed to of and they don't know how to respond. I think she's on the level, something bads happened and they're trying to help." Jessica shook her head, "But I've heard about groups that kidnap MORFS survivors... and do things to them," she shuddered, "what are they doing to Nathan?" William patted her shoulder, "We're not exactly special are we? I've never caught it, you've got some feline and Nathan's got wings and can fly. It's not like we can fire energy bolts from our hands or anything is it?" Two fresh mugs appeared, "You should listen to your friend Jessica is it?" Nanaia sat down, "To answer your questions: I am Commander Nanaia Hernandez of the Foundation, technically Foundation Defence Force or FDF for short but why split hairs?" she smiled, "What's going on is exactly as you've seen. You three were caught in the middle of a live fire exercise and your friend has been injured, we're fixing him up." She paused and took a deep breath, "What I want from you is kind of tricky." "Tricky?" Jessica asked quietly. Nanaia nodded, "You've already figured out we're a rather hidden group of people. Yes, usually seeing me is the last thing you'll see and it usually means it's a big job to boot; but whilst we're mercenary and for hire we do have rules. No innocents, no civilians." She sighed, "Which is the tricky bit, we've not been in this situation before I mean you three have parents right? I mean your not orphan runaways who won't be missed right?" "We're just out her camping for a few days, our parents will get worried if we're not back by then." William answered flatly. "I couldn't be that lucky," Nanaia sighed, "you see the tricky bit I assume." Their blank looks said it all, "It'll take longer than a few days for your friend to recover. So I need to engineer a solution to keep your parents satisfied and away from other groups." Jessica looked at her, "Can I ask another question?" Nanaia nodded her consent, "What are you?" Nanaia blinked a few times, "You're rather direct aren't you?" She looked at her, "I am... complex." Jessica frowned, "It can't be that difficult," she stared intently at the old woman, "I mean you must have caught MORFS at some point, I guess you were one of the first. All I'm asking is what your powers are." "I," she sighed, "I never caught MORFS. By the time those lunatics released it I was long past puberty, but it's nice to know I look younger than I am." "That's impossible," William stated, "I mean how else could you do what we saw?" "Complex." she reminded them, "If you want to pidgin hole me," she looked through the terms she'd seen in the reports, "energy elemental?" She shrugged, "Well it's close enough. If it helps think of me as that." "But you're not," Jessica said flatly, "so if you never morf'd what are you?" "I'm the original freak," Nanaia smiled coldly, "Homo Atlantean, Tower angel, I've been called various things over the years including queen bitch. But I am not and never have been one to catch bio-engineered aliments." Mysteriously she cocked her head to one side as though listening intently, "Ok," she nodded and stood up, "I'm afraid I need to leave you for a little while, something requires my physical presence. Help yourself to anything you want but please, don't wander around." - The two sat looking at each other for a second or two, "I'm not sure I trust her." Jessica said quietly, "She can't be telling the truth." William nodded but remained silent, he couldn't see the sense in her tale either. The only people with powers were MORFS survivors, he remembered something from the dim and distant past that had quickly been taught in history; super soldiers... he dismissed it as a possibility, the programs had been closed down and any produced would be long dead. He tossed the word 'Atlantean' around his head, "Did you hear how she described herself?" "Queen bitch," Jessica nodded, "appropriate." "No not that," he scowled at her, "the Homo Atlantean thing." "Yeah, I thought Atlantis when I first heard it but... come on." Jessica forced a laugh. "Problem?" A man had appeared next to them, he was wearing the same sort of clothes as everyone else they'd seen, black boots; trousers and shirt. William looked at the man, he couldn't place it but something seemed off about him almost too perfect, "We were just talking about what Nanaia said," William looked at him, "she said she'd be back soon." "The Commanders heritage is a matter of record," he smiled, "although a little hard to believe." "How do you know that?" It was Jessica's turn to pump for information. The soldier sat down, "Because until I caught MORFS I was a spotty, coke bottle wearing nerd." "How'd you end up with these people?" Jessica asked quietly. 'Did he just change his appearance when he said nerd?' she thought, but dismissed it, shape shifters were possible but not a common mutation. "How'd you end up with cat ears dear? I am," he smiled, "one of the Commanders little annoyances." "How do you mean 'annoyance'?" William looked at the man and couldn't see it. "MORFS delivered with it the genetic sequence of Homo Superior, a hybrid of Atlantean and Human DNA." The man shrugged, "could of been worse I guess. But the downside was, as I'd never tested positive nobody was there to catch me when I awakened. Hey," he smiled, "it could of been worse, no sex change." "Awakened?" William asked, "Seems an odd term." The man nodded, "The genetics don't guarantee anything, think of it as an engine. Awakening is the subconscious turning the key. In my case, I ended up a Void Angel," he saw their confusion, "Yeah freaky terms, I had that aplenty when the Foundation caught up with me. Think of it as a Bio elemental on steroids; with the right training and skill I can manipulate my body on a cellular level," he looked embarrassed, "which is how the Foundation caught up with me." William looked at the man, nothing about him suggested his previous life in a few of the gender swaps he'd seen you could often pick up a sign of the former self in there; this man sat with an air of supreme confidence and power nothing suggested he'd ever been something else. It didn't help him believe the mans tale, "Go on then," he said flatly, "how'd they catch you?" The voider shrugged, "You know when you go to the MORFS centre and they usually get a telepath to poke around in your head?" Jessica nodded, "Well the shape of a persons body dictates how it wants to act and puts pressure on the mind to conform," he smiled, "strange sounding I know but the telepath poked a few things that I wasn't trained to handle and well." He put his arm on the table, slowly it grew larger and more muscular, finger nails became razor sharp looking talons, "If I let the change continue it would be impressive, but at that time in my life utterly uncontrollable. Before the soldiers appeared and shot me full of enough sedatives to put a city under I'd done a lot of harm."

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 9 The Evil Dr Steele

When we were eight hours from Tau Ceti, Anu had everyone suit up in their Gore-Tex suits. He arranged our approach to Bangalore so we were shielded by Tau Ceti 4. We came up on Bangalore so we were on the opposite side of the moon from the hospital. Anu skillfully parked the Endeavor in synchronous orbit shielded by the moon. Day 1 Bangalore: Sushi, James, Marsha, and I launched the F-16s. As soon as we came out of the moon shadow, our bodies switched to wired WE mode. We were under WE...

4 years ago
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Cold Steele and Mrs Robinson Ch 04

Matt Steele continues on his quest for justice for Mrs. Robinson. Please read the previous chapters to have a full understanding of this one. Thanks for your interest. Comments, critiques, and emails that are constructive are very welcome and appreciated. ******************** ‘Okay Jasper, I’ll call an ambulance for you.’ I was lucky to get the information from Jasper before he went into shock. Dialing 911, I reported the shooting and requested an ambulance for the wanna be kidnappers....

1 year ago
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Cold Steele and Mrs Robinson Ch 01

I’ve been away for a while. Real life and other projects have kept me busy. Things have stabilized a little and I hope to get back to writing shorter stories. This is a return visit to one of my characters that I like very much. It is a standalone story but I would suggest that you read the other two installments of ‘Cold Steele’. Those stories will give you insight into the main characters and their personalities. Either way, I thank you for reading my work. Constructive comments,...

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LaceySteele Chapter 5

She laid on the bed for a while, holding the shark, trying to process everything she had been exposed to. She thought about the interactions she had with each of the people in the house, knowing that they were all about to have sex. She thought about her interactions with Lacey specifically, the thoughts lingered as she drifted into a nap. Knocking on the door startled her awake. It was Scarlette, who was showing off shimmery blue nails. “Lacey would like you to wear this bikini under this...

2 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 29

2010—2011 I sat holding my wife in my lap for a long time. I just could not believe, still not believe that she was gone. I was remembering me staring at her body in the street that night. Remembering how my daughter, my biological daughter, had treated her just hours before, all I could do was sob. It seemed like it’s all I did apart from work and eat and sleep anymore. And then, still clutching my wife to my breast, I thought of other things. I thought of that day so long in the past when...

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The Adventures of Lance Steele Ch 01

I sat in my office smoking a Lucky Strike and reading the paper. The Japs were still in Washington trying to negotiate an end to their assets being frozen. DiMaggio had a 40 game hitting streak for the fucking hated Yankees. It was sweltering in my office on Main Street. The fan in the window was succeeding only in blowing hot air around the room. Outside, the palm trees at Five Points corner were still. I poured myself two fingers of whiskey. It was quality stuff, a dime a pint. But, it kept...

2 years ago
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Unfinished Business

Dieter was sitting looking out over the water.   He slowly sipped his beer.   From somewhere behind him he became aware of an English voice speaking on a mobile phone.    “Must go, sorry…..and you…..take care, you.” In an instant that voice took him back to L'Auditori in Barcelona, several years before.     Vividly he saw legs, and thighs.   In his mind he played that scene again, savouring the feeling he had felt in his loins as his eyes ran up those legs and over those thighs. It was as if...

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 26

“So, you did go over there then, talked to them?” said Victoria. “Yes, and it was a battle. You were right; they hate us,” said Selena. “In retrospect, I can’t blame them. I guess my words hurt the woman real bad. I didn’t need to do that, say the things I said. It was just selfishness on my part. I see that now. The man has done so much for me and for your dad ... well, I just don’t know what I was thinking,” said Victoria. “Yes, and he is my dad too,” said Selena. “He was really hurt and...

3 years ago
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Steele And Jake Forever

10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...

Gay Male
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 3

The prison’s rules, limiting almost everything relating to clothes, makeup and or female accessories of any kind had been a tough nut for her; but limitations notwithstanding, she’d still looked absolutely stunning; and the looks she got from the locals at the hotel, well the men, were embarrassing. She paid them no note at all. None of them would ever do for her what her man had done for her, none of them! She smiled recognizing as she did their collective inferiority to her man. A man, an...

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Kimberly Steeles Horror OrdealChapter 9

"So that is the whole story!!!" Kim laid down on the couch inside a psychiatrist's office!!! Kim made an appointment about the dreams she had been having and even told the psychiatrist about Craig's death and about her being ostracised by everyone else because of it!! The psychiatrist was sat down by his armchair!! "From what I can tell you is that your mind is guilty about Craig's death!!! That is understandable!! What you need to do now is to forgive yourself!!! What's done is...

1 year ago
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Steele And Jake Forever

10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...

3 years ago
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Unfinished Business

It’s been almost a year that these neighbors from around the corner have been parking their vehicles in front of my house and my neighbors on the same street. I never really understood it as they rent a house around the corner that has a huge driveway. I get the fact that they can’t park their vehicles overnight on their street, but why can’t they park in their own driveway?It was actually over 6 months before I actually figured out who’s vehicles these were. There was a extended bed truck...

1 year ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 22

2009-10 “So, you are getting out tomorrow,” said Gilbert Hoskins. “Yes,” said Nathan Grimes. “Were you able to take care of the things we talked about the other day?” “Yes, the man’s prosthesis will be the best money can buy: super light-weight, and easier to attach than the other devices. And, he will not be in the know that you had anything to do with getting it for him. Also, he will have no medical bills for anything ever again. I did have to make sure that he always uses GMC as the...

2 years ago
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Cold Steeleand Ice

Another adventure with Matt Steele There are no descriptive sex scenes in this story. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are welcome and very much appreciated. ******************** ‘I thought you grew up in the country,’ Abigail Stewart said laughing at her companion. She pulled her horse to a stop next to a small spring seeping from under a crumbling granite wall. The small dell was surrounded by large trees, oak and hickory, and the ground was covered with vegetation, moss grew...

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 4

1992 “So how did your visit John Michael go?” said Nathan. “Good, I guess,” she said. “That was number four. I feel so bad for him. I know there is nothing we can do to get him out of there, but...” “Honey, I tried. Short of actually bribing somebody, which would be a crime in itself, there is no way. He killed a cop. There were half a dozen cops in attendance at that special hearing of the parole board. I was able to get that much, the hearing held, but even with Jennifer running point,...

1 year ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 9

2003-2007 I didn’t mind the man, and it was the man not the woman, getting me a job. I wouldn’t be taking anything else from him or them, the job was enough, and as far as I was concerned it squared things with them. Whether they saw things that way or not was immaterial to me. All I really cared about was going to work and being able to count on them, her really, keeping the promise to not harass me. It’s all I needed to be content. “Yes, Mister Steele, we have heard good things about you....

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 21

I was sitting on a bench in the outdoor patio area of the Taitano Apartments which apartments my wife and I were now calling home. Lower middle class it was, but it did have a few of the luxuries that Henrietta and I appreciated. One of which, again, was our small but nice and tree shaded front porch mini patio. It was new, well it looked, new the Cadillac Coup Deville that pulled up to the curb across from me. A teenager got out, noticed me, and came across the twenty yards of grassy sward...

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 23

I stood there staring. I couldn’t speak, not yet. “Yeah, it’s me,” said Darrell Cabot. “Let me formally introduce you to my wife.” I just continued to stare. “Andrea, this is my friend John Michael Steele. You guys did meet briefly that one time, but this is different.” The other attendees had been standing a little back and smiling. But now the big man spoke up. “Yes, John Michael, I know Darrell. Actually, he is, was, one of my employees. I hired him to watch your back, and that of...

3 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 15 A Fitting End for Dr Steele

Remember the Evil Doctor Steele? He is working on the farm as a farm hand. He really likes taking care of the chickens. He spends most of his days cleaning, feeding and watering the chickens. We run the chickens free-range. Doctor Steele sets up fencing on fallow plots of land and lets the chickens go. Every night he feeds the chickens in the hen house. He provides nesting materials in the same location. Every day he harvests eggs. He marks three eggs and leaves them for the hens to hatch....

4 years ago
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Cold Steeleand Mrs RobinsonChapter 2

"Okay, I'll go with you," Matt said. Abby had asked him on Monday to accompany her to a charity fund raiser that coming weekend. "But my good suit will have to be enough; I'm not wearing a tux. And you'll owe me for making me get dressed up." She smiled, hugged me and gave me a kiss that left me breathing hard. "Consider that a down payment on my bill." Saturday evening at 7 we entered the ball room of The Four Seasons Hotel. The hotel sat one block from the Mississippi shore line,...

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Cold Steeleand Mrs RobinsonChapter 4

Matt Steele continues on his quest for justice for Mrs. Robinson. "Okay Jasper, I'll call an ambulance for you." I was lucky to get the information from Jasper before he went into shock. Dialing 911, I reported the shooting and requested an ambulance for the wanna be kidnappers. Next, I called Frank Wends. "Do you enjoy waiting until I'm sleeping to call Matt?" Frank said in a raspy voice. "I just shot two guys outside of the Dive Bar. They were trying to kidnap me. I've already...

2 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 30

2013 “You want to what!” said, Nathan Grimes, and he said it loudly. “Dad, the man spent fifteen years in a maximum-security prison. And when he came out he’d lost a wife a daughter and really any chance at a decent life. Yes, you could buy him one, talk about an unacceptable consolation prize. Anyway, after talking to Jack last night; I finally got it. I finally understood the man’s, my dad’s, bitterness. So yes, that’s what I’m asking for, and I know you can do it. I need to know dad. I...

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Cold Steeleand Mrs RobinsonChapter 5

In this concluding chapter there are some ... well legal details that may not be strictly correct procedure. Please don't beat me up over it; I'm not a lawyer; just a guy trying to write a story. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are welcome and I thank you for taking the time to make them. The Hard Case Tavern is a large shotgun type space; in that it is narrow and long. No more than thirty feet wide it ran seventy feet to the back wall. There were small two person type...

3 years ago
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Kimberly Steeles Horror OrdealChapter 17

"So you are telling me that the cleaner found her body!!" the detective asked Mr Grady. "That's right!!! She used to live up but told me that she wanted me to shift her to another apartment and she lived in the fourth floor!! I have no idea what's she is doing up here!!!" responded Mr Grady. Mr Grady, a police detective and two other police officers were standing on the hallway of the thirteenth floor of The Goblin. Kim's body laid on the floor, with blood stain all over the...

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Unfinished Business

One of my fondest memories of growing up was a camping trip with my best friend, Michael. I was 12 and he was 13. We pitched our tent in a field near to our village and settled down for the night. After 30 minutes or so of chatting, Michael suggested that to keep warm perhaps we should zip our sleeping bags together to make a double. I wasn't too sure about this, so I declined, however when he suggested we play 'army inspection' by standing to attention naked outside, I agreed.Something inside...

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Unfinished Tales

Foreword: For the sake of publishing something (and because finding the time to write new things is hard), I have uploaded some very old things I wrote which I never really finished. I've tried to put up a lot of warning signs to keep anyone who doesn't want to read something without an ending from wasting their time, so hopefully no one gets mad. I'd imagine doing this might hurt my integrity as a writer. If you're worried (please don't leave!) I'll say this: All of the...

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The Boy the Girl and How MORFS Came Between ThemChapter 2

The next day I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't stomach my breakfast and left earlier than usual. I made my way to school with a strange mix of excitement and nervousness. I was excited to see Lisa again, and also nervous to see how she might have changed. My mind was running through horror scenarios, could I love a girl with flippers? Approaching the gate, I had half a mind to run in the other direction, but I steeled myself for the worst and headed through with an eye out for a girl with...

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The Boy the Girl and How MORFS Came Between ThemChapter 5

Monday came and I met Lisa at the gate determined to start things off right. I gave her a kiss and taking her had asked her how her weekend had been. "OK," she said gruffly. "Did you have a good time with Andi?" I asked. "It was alright," she grunted. "What did you do?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going. "None of your business!" she said angrily. "OK, just making conversation." She seemed to be in a bad mood. Maybe it was down to it being Monday. Her mood...

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