Die neuen Nachbarinnen
- 3 years ago
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Meike saß am PC. Eigentlich sollte sie noch etwas für ihre Magisterarbeit machen, aber sie hatte keine Lust mehr. Sie hatte das Gefühl, dass sie schon seit Ewigkeiten studierte. Sie war bereits im 15 Semester und schon seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr bei der Sache. Das Studium hatte den Reiz verloren. Mit ihren 28 Jahren wusste sie nicht genau, was sie daraus mal machen sollte.
Not hatte sie keine zu leiden. Ihr Freund hatte viel Geld. Sie wohnte schon seit einigen Jahren in seinem großen Haus. Obwohl ihre Beziehung in sexueller Hinsicht abgekühlt war, liebten sie sich immer noch. Er war nur leider nie da. Er war ein beruflich sehr erfolgreicher Mann, der regelmäßig auf Dienstreisen war.
Auch jetzt war sie schon wieder seit einigen Tagen allein in dem großen Haus.
Gedankenverloren schaute sie aus dem Fenster und sah zum Haus der Nachbarin hinüber. Ihre Nachbarin Anja war seit einem Jahr geschieden. Anjas Exmann hatte sie schon lange nicht mehr gesehen. Aber seit ein paar Wochen gingen mehrmals täglich Männer ein und aus. Meike fragte sich was da vor sich ging. Eigentlich war sie nicht neugierig. Aber ihre Nachbarin fand sie toll. Es war ein sehr gutaussehende 35 jährige Frau. Da Meike sie schon öfter nackt im Garten gesehen hatte, wusste sie dass sie einen tollen großen Busen hatte. Eigentlich stand sie nicht auf Frauen, aber Anja hatte eine irre erotische Ausstrahlung. Anja hatte es sich zur Angewohnheit gemacht Meike zur Begrüßung eng zu umarmen und auf die Wange zu küssen. Dabei rieb sich immer förmlich an Meike. Bei dem Gedanken daran überlief Meike ein wohliges Schaudern.
Jetzt kamen wieder zwei Männer an die Tür ihrer Nachbarin. Ohne zu klingeln gingen sie hinein. Beide waren schon älter, zwischen 50 und 60, und schon etwas beleibter. Die beiden wirkten in ihren Anzügen wie die älteren Geschäftspartner ihres Freundes mit denen sie manchmal zu tun hatte.
Was wollen die da nur? fragte sich Meike. Sie beschloss raus in den Garten zu gehen. Ihre Neugier ließ sie nicht los. Ihre beiden Häuser standen dicht beieinander. Es gab eine Stelle im Garten von der sie Anjas Haus gut beobachten konnte. Als Anja noch mit ihrem Mann zusammenlebte, hatte sie Meike manchmal beim Sex beobachtet. Sie war immer sehr erstaunt und auch ein bißchen erregt gewesen, wie rauh der Sex zwischen den beiden ablief. Sie konnte einige Male sehen, wie Anja von ihrem Mann gnadenlos von hinten gefickt wurde. Beim Ficken hielt er sich an ihren langen Haaren fest und ritt sie ein wie Rodeopferd. Der Gedanke daran ließ sie etwas geil werden. Beschämt erinnerte sie sich daran, wie sich dann manchmal versteckt hinter Büschen selbst gestreichelt hatte, während sie den beiden bei ihrem Treiben zuschaute.
Meike hatte lange keinen Sex mehr gehabt. Allerdings war der Sex mit ihrem Freund sowieso nicht besonders spannend. Wenn er mal Lust hatte, ging es immer relativ schnell. Nur ein einziges Mal in den letzten Monaten hatte sie einen Orgasmus beim Sex mit ihm gehabt. Das war als er betrunken nach Hause kam. Er war damals über etwas sehr zornig gewesen. Er hatte sie genommen, ihr die Kleider vom Leib gerissen und ihr den Hintern unter wüsten Beschimpfungen mit klatschenden Hieben vertrimmt. Zuerst war sie entsetzt gewesen und hatte versucht sich zu wehren. Aber dann merkte sie, wie sie es genoss, mal nicht auf Händen getragen zu werden vom ihm, sondern wie ein Stück Fleisch behandelt zu werden. Anschließend zwang er sie ihm seinen Schwanz zu blasen, bis er sich in ihrem Mund ergoss. Durch diese rauhe Behandlung war es ihr tatsächlich, ohne dass er etwas davon mitbekam, gekommen. Am nächsten Morgen hatte er sich bei ihr auf Knien entschuldigt. Er konnte ihr seitdem nicht mehr in die Augen schauen. Sex hatten sie seitdem noch seltener.
Von ihrem Garten aus konnte sie nichts sehen. Sie beschloss rüber zu gehen. Ihr würde schon eine Ausrede einfallen. Sie schlich sich von hinten an Anjas Terasse heran. Sie hoffte von hier aus in das Haus schauen zu können. Sie war nur noch wenige Meter von der Fensterfront entfernt, als sie Stimmen hören konnte.
Noch war es undefinierbar. Sie hörte Stöhnen, klatschende Geräusche und brutal klingende Stimmen. Ihre Freundin Anja würde sich doch nicht von diesen Männern ficken lassen? Warum sollte sich diese wunderschöne Frau von so alten Knackern benutzen lassen?
Endlich konnte sie durch die Scheibe schauen. Anja befand sich mit den Männern im Wohnzimmer. Anja kniete vor den beiden Männern und blies abwechselnd die Schwänze. Es schien ihr zu gefallen. Sie griff geradezu gierig nach den Schwänzen und schlang sie sich ganz in Hals. Wie kann sie das nur ohne zu würgen, fragte sich Meike.
Einer der Männer zog Anja brutal an den Haaren nach oben. Enttäuscht ließ sie den Schwanz aus ihren Mund fahren.
?na, da wollen wir doch sehen, was so eine Analhure aushält.? sagte er zu dem anderen Mann.
?ja los, fickt mich endlich in den Arsch. Dafür bezahlt ihr mich doch auch.?
Meike war irritiert. Anja ließ sich bezahlen? Für Analverkehr?
Meike sah wie Anja über einen Sessel gebeugt wurde. Wie es aussah, rammte ihr der Ältere von den beiden seinen Schwanz einfach so in Arsch. Anja schrie auf. Ohne Gleitgel in den Arsch gefickt werden? Wieso ließ Anja dass mit sich machen?
Meike hörte Anja schreien: ?Los fick mich härter, du alter Sack. Kannst du es etwa nicht mehr besser? Soll dein Freund lieber ran?? Sie schien den Kerl, der sie gerade fickte in Rage zu versetzen. Er stieß sie immer härter. Sie feuerte ihn immer mehr an. Als er kurz davor war abzuspritzen, zog er seinen Schwanz aus Anjas Arsch, trat von vorne an sie heran und spritzte ihr seinen Saft ins Gesicht.
Der Andere nutzte die Gelegenheit und steckte nun ebenfalls seinen Schwanz in Anjas Arsch. Auch ihn feuerte Anja auf die gleiche vulgäre Art an.
Meike war fassunglos. Wie konnte das sein? Gleichzeitig war der Anblick ihrer völlig enthemmten Nachbarin Anja, wie sie sich für Geld in den Arsch ficken ließ, sehr geil.
Meike streichelte sich unbewusst über ihre Brüste und rieb sie durch ihr dünnes Top.
Auf einmal wurde sie sich bewußt, dass Anja sie sehen konnte. Au verdammt.... was sollte sie tun. Anja ließ sich nichts gegenüber den beiden Männern anmerken. Sie blinzelte Meike zu.
Der alte Mann, der sie gerade fickte, schien kurz vor dem Abspritzen zu sein. Anja feuerte ihn an, bis er sich röchelnd in ihr ergoss. Er gab ihr noch einen paar kräftige Schläge auf den Arsch, dann zog er seinen Schwanz heraus.
?du geile Sau, das war wieder ein geiler Fick. Wir sehen uns nächste Woche wieder.? Einer der Männer warf ihr Geld hin. Beide zogen sich an und gingen.
Anja stand von ihrem Sessel auf. Aufreizend langsam mit einem seligen Lächeln ging sie zur Terassentür, wo Meike immer noch stand.
?Na du, wie hat dir die Show gefallen? Anja begrüßte Meike wie selbstverständlich mit einem Kuss auf die Wange und hinterließ dort eine schleimige Spur von der Wichse, sie sie ins Gesicht bekommen hatte.
?Oh entschuldige? sagte sie und leckte keck die Wichse von Meikes Wange.
Meike blieb sprachlos. Da stand diese Traumfrau vor ihr. In ihrem Gesicht glänzte das Sperma eines Fremden und aus ihrem Arsch ran der Saft eines anderen Mannes.
I kiss him on the lips, pressing my breasts into his chest, caressing his cock through his jeans pocket. It is conveniently veering left and I can touch it with my well-trained right hand. I rub it back and forth slowly through the cotton lining of the pocket. He is getting longer, harder, breathing heavier. I worry that the cotton lining is a bit harsh – cocks are so unbelievably soft. He does not seem to mind – this is a stage where pain ceases to exist.I squat down with my knees spread wide...
Oral SexIntroduction: A new promotion and a new assistant Mr. Anderson walked Phillip down the walnut paneled corridor to the corner office. I think youll be pleased, Phillip. Youve worked very hard to get here, and saved the company a lot of money along the way. The sign on the door said Phillip Duncan Senior Vice President, Marketing. Phillip smiled to himself. At age thirty-two, he was the youngest senior vice president in the company. Although many would say he hadnt paid his dues, no one...
Since our marriage, her adventures have nearly stopped. On rare occasion she’s slept with other men, but it’s much harder to meet safe men than it was at school. Condoms are no fun – I want men to use my wife, abuse her and treat her like the slut she is. Cum oozing out of her holes and down her body is the payoff! So, as an interim to finding a way to more actively share my Jessie, I’ve decided to begin posting her college adventures. I’ve also posted some fairly...
I didn't think there would be a part 2 of this story but as i thought about it more i knew that part 2 had to be written. If you haven't read Finding new love it is a grate read and part 2 will make more sense' Carrie my soon to be ex-wife didn't come home for two days it seems that after i got tired of trading insults and left the bar Carrie continued to drink and preceded to get into an altercation with a woman because the woman's man had bought Carrie a number of drinks. Carrie was arrested...
"So, have you set a date?" Mrs. Kelleher asked Warren and Sophia. They were getting a late supper after the OD. "Well, we've got two possibilities. We have to get married in the summer. Late July or August," Warren said. "After the tours end, so all our skating friends can be there," Sophia clarified. "So," Warren continued, "We have two choices. We can get married this summer, which means we'd get married before the baby came, but Sophia would be walking down the aisle very...
"All right," you had said. "Come over. I can meet you over here, if you like. There's a cafe next to the railway station. It's a nice place; very friendly. We can meet up, have a chat and just see how things go from there. Play it by ear. No commitment, no promises. However, I will expect you to buy me a coffee."I had liked the closing line. It was always good to break the tension, had there been any but as it happened, there was none. I mean; here was an offer to meet, so that could only be...
She looked up from her place on her knees at His feet to meet His steeled gaze, His voice deep and firm sending her deeper into her perpetual state of bliss “who am I? “ He practically growled out, His voice saturated with raw unfiltered need. She breathed in deep allowing the truth of the words as they formed on her tongue to solidify her choice and remind her what her submission would mean, as the words left her lips a warm peace cascaded thru her entire body...
BDSMDamn it, she was late again. Would there ever be a time that she wasn’t running between twenty minutes to an hour behind for pretty much everything? Lisa thought to herself in frustration as she stood in front of her bathroom mirror hurriedly applying the finishing touches to her mascara. She slid her burgundy lipstick over her lush lips and pressed them together to ensure an even coat. She was replacing the cap when the doorbell rang. Ugh! Of course. Just one more delay to ensure that she...
I had seriously overdone it that weekend. My cock was rubbed red raw on the underside, and I had to be very careful for a few days to give it a chance to heal. It was really uncomfortable, but all the sex had been well worth the pain. I had learned a lot about pleasing a woman, and I'd fucked two gorgeous girls who I hadn't expected to be the slightest bit interested in me. I still couldn't believe my luck, and would have had to pinch myself to check I wasn't dreaming, if it hadn't been...
Finally, after squirming and seeming a little antsy, she spoke up. “I’m not really tired, so, want to hang out at your place for a while?” “Sure,” I replied. Thoughts of potential sexual exploits entered my mind briefly, but Hannah and I hadn’t even come close to making love yet, so I honestly didn’t expect too much action tonight. Hannah and I had been dating for a few months now, and believe me, I’ve taken a bit of abuse from my friends for not having gotten anything more than a few...
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Living Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison My sister had finally arrived. It was like looking at myself ten years from now, or like looking at Missy. I was searching for words to convey how I felt but nothing seemed appropriate. "Malissa, are you ok?" she finally asked. "Uhh, yeah, I'm fine. This is just, well everything is happening so fast." "It usually does in battle," she commented. "Thankfully this one is staying peaceful. That's why we're moving so fast, before the...
Times had been tough for George and Ala. Married just on a year from being young sweethearts Ala had just lost her job, and the house payments and bank notices were mounting. Ala thought that surely it wouldn’t be that hard to get back into the fashion industry, an industry she loved but it proved so. Every day she would present her 5 foot 9 inch frame in knee length skirts and tight tops that enhanced her small firm boobs before chasing work. Problem was Ala looked a bit too high class, and...
I always considered myself straight. I only ever had sex with girls. I loved girls of all shapes and sizes and never ever fantasised about guys. That was until the day I had a very erotic dream, a dream that I simply couldn't get out of my mind. A dream that I simply had to act out. Let me explain how it unfolded. One July weekend I decided to ignore the calls and texts from my friends and stay home alone. A break from partying and chasing girls was needed. My plan was to chill out on Friday,...
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Detective Liu Chang nervously entered Captain Ames’ office. He rarely spoke to the captain one on one, but today was different. He took a seat and waited for Ames to arrive. He was confident that he didn’t do anything “wrong”, but the definition of wrong changed by the day. “Good morning, detective!” Captain Ames said as he quickly walked towards his desk. Liu stood up from his seat and nodded to the older man. He sat down again, trying to keep his nerves in order. “Chang, I’m...
I found Nilwint resting in her quarters, recovering from the reward Kirnwan had given her. I found myself beginning to harden as I looked over her well-used body, but I restrained my baser urges. I wanted a quick rundown on Lantral, so I could get back to the party before I was missed. "We don't gossip, as I understand the term," Nilwint said when I asked her. "On the other hand, in a small community like the Embassy, things either stay secret, or everyone knows them before too...
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CHAPTER 12 .Janet looked up as the wardress entered her room to get her ready for discipline. Now stripped the wardress first fitted the tight restricting black rubber disciplin corset it was made so that Janets breasts were exposed. This coset used from medieval time was pulled on from over the head it had to be pulled on forcibl.y .. Janet gasped a little as the wardress pulled the corset in down it was so tight. Janet now had the protruding Barkly institutional protruding bottom as all the...
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My ex-girlfriend is crazy. I know, everyone says that, but I mean it. I ended up breaking up with her after she tried to get me to agree to some majorly weird kinky sex slave thing. I mean, I like to spice things up in the bedroom as much as the next girl, but there’s such a thing as going too far. She had a fucking locking collar ready for me, for the love of god! And she just stood there, telling me to put it on, do it for her, do it and everything would make sense and I’d be hers forever. I...
Thanks for the previous comments. I think this is getting better, hope you agree. This is the 3rd part of the Amy story as seen largely through Beckys (the oldest daughter) eyes. It may be helpful to start at the beginning if you havent read the first two parts. Please note that this is a STORY Beckys story. Becky sat in Martins lap sobbing, I cant do this again. I cant go through all of this all over again! Martin held her so tight, she felt like he was pulling her inside of him. This...
Lynne watched on as Barbara fitted the suspender belt and stood in front of the mirror admiring the garment. Lynne still holding Barbara's undies in her hand commented that perhaps she would get a better feel if she wore some stockings as well. Barbara thought that a good idea and asked if she could try some. This gave Lynne the opportunity to go back in the shop and put the garments to her face and feel them against her knowing these intimate garment had been in contact with Barbara's pussy...
Dimitri sighed as eyes darted from his watch to the clock and back again. They were two minutes apart, but at least by his watch Madi was only 31 minutes late. She had promised to be back for dinner at six and the hour was slowly ticking away. He rose, moving back into his room to check his computer for instant messages and e-mails. No word. Nor was she picking up her phone. Maybe she was in the shower. He shook his head, picking up his sweatshirt and darting out the door to make the quick jog...
Illegal immigrants are boycotting Arizona by the thousands and moving elsewhere - showing their outrage with Donald Trump’s proposed law of sending illegal immigrants back to their native countries. In the small town of Guadalupe, AZ, south of Phoenix, Manuel Renaldo is one of those who are vowing to punish Arizona by leaving. As he loaded his stolen car with his taxpayer-furnished belongings and family of ten, Renaldo told this reporter through an interpreter: “It’s a matter of principle;...
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DAWN ARRIVES BY JANICE Anita and I have been friends since we first met in High School. She was a cheer leader and I was a nerd. She could have any guy she wanted and she had guys following her around like puppy dogs. I knew that a guy like me would never have a chance with her so I could just worship her from afar, which I did. After high school we went our own way and ... as sometimes happens... we found...
Today was a great day for me. It has been a long time since I was with another MWM and I was looking forward to it. We chatted over the past few weeks and found out he was the same age as me, retired military working at the Defense Center in Philly. Because of my work schedule we were not able to meet and when we thought we could something came up. Finally today it happened. I met him at the Navy Depot and we went to the cafeteria and just introduced ourselves and because of where we were...
Hot Sex with "Hot Chick"Cont’The next day as I awoke to a beautiful surprise, she was rubbing my cock while her head rested on my chest. We were laying there naked and she was just caressing my cock with her fingers. I say good morning and she replies it gonna get better… She turns to me and kisses me while jerking my cock to get it hard. She kisses down my chest and engulfs my cock in one slow motion. Then all of a sudden stops and says we gotta get to class, that was just a taste of what to...
So if you havent already go back and read the first part they will build from there After the day at the pool I was worried to death that Tommy and Richie would tell everyone about what they caught me doing I wasnt worried when they caught me because I was so turned on even after they left I jacked off all weekend thinking about what had happened Monday came and I decided to skip the pool again and get dressed up in the white lace teddy hoping they would come back and scared to go to the pool...
The next time that Sandy was able to collect a conscious thought, she was naked, cuffed and collared. The cuffs one her wrists were bound together behind her back, and a chain connected the cuffs on her ankles, limiting her movement. She was vaguely aware that she was in her Mistress's home once again. She could faintly recollect entering the large house, being stripped and collared, bathing, having her hair dried and styled, and being led back through the house by a leash. Then, a single...
I was so wrapped up in watching Halle ride my cock, I didn’t notice that Sherry had moved over to let Catherine lie next to me in her place. As soon as I realized what they had done, I cut my eyes over to look at Catherine’s pile of pubic hair, running halfway up to her bellybutton, and down both her thighs. I had never seen a woman or girl, in my short history of being naked with them, with this much bushy pussy hair. With my guitar pick between the fingers on my right hand, I twisted my...
Bank Girl Who offered Herself As Loan !! Hello, my names is Vasanth. This is a real incident and happened when I was working in a BPO in chennai. I received call from a girl named Ramya asking for a loan. I asked her to call back later with a intention to avoid her. She called me few times and when I picked up she asked if I need a loan. I said No but was intersted to speak to her. The conversation started and course of time we because friends. Let me describe her. She is 5.3 feet tall. 55 kilo...
EroticHe’s gorgeous, Kara Stevens thought, her eyes focusing in on a man in a dark gray Armani suit, crisp white shirt, and red power tie. His slightly curly auburn hair was stylishly rumpled as though he had just run his hands through it and his arresting green eyes were stressed. The perfectly tailored suit accentuated his rippling muscles as he purposefully strode down the sidewalk, briefcase in hand. There was no doubt about it, she had to meet him. As Kara passed him, her arm brushed against him...
Waking from a very enjoyable dream in which she was being kissed, Briana had a momentary shock when she wasn’t certain were she was. Instantly she realized that she was naked and in a bed not her own. In the next instant she knew that she was in Mitch’s bed and the memories of the previous night came flooding back into her mind. As she stretched she found multiple wet spots in the very rumpled sheets, causing her to smile brightly as she thought about how they gone after each other last night...
AnalCanela Skin likes to speak Spanish in the bedroom and we do not mind because this chica is hot, hot, hot. She wants to show off some positions for us, and obviously we are not going to say no. She shows the Come and Get It, the Submission, and the Who You Think You Playing With? We hope to be playing with you, Canela! She lies down on the couch and lets our stud peel her tights off her fat ass in all its glory. He plays with it a bit before she mounts and rides his chico stick. She does not...
xmoviesforyouI first started speaking to Greg a few weeks ago via the lush stories site. Jaq is my wife and always likes to know who I am talking to.As I was chatting to Greg I found out that he was separated and was not getting a lot of action. I spoke to Jaq about the possibility of inviting Greg over at some point.Now anyone who has read any of my true stories will know that Jaq is a very hot wife. Jaq and I discussed how to go about it and it was decided that we would just invite Greg over the following...
Group SexAfter a while it was time to leave. The Florida heat was pretty intense and with the clouds building up all day, it was about time for the regular afternoon monsoon. Lightning flashed high up in distant nimbus cloud columns while strapping my child into the stroller, the other little girl being nearby and helpfully gathering our playthings. “Thanks for hanging out with Alyssa,” I started, “you are really good with little kids. What’s your name?” “ Ronnie,” she told me as we started...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I often wonder why did not she marry. I am talking of my aunt, my mom’s younger sister. On deep investigation I found that her boyfriend who she loved very much and soon she was to marry him died just weeks before their marriage ceremony in fatal car accident. Despite several request from friends and relatives she refused to marry and now stays in South Delhi working as a high school teacher. I am Suraj, 18 lives in Chandigarh.I am one of those million...
IncestWhile everyone was supposed to be out, beautiful big tit Jasmine slips off her bra and panties as her step daddy Ramon peeks in on her young curvy body. Ramon surprises Jasmine and lets her know he has decided to stay home and play a little with her. As she stands in the hallway with her towel Ramon begins to grab her big juicy tits and ass as she strokes his cock. Spread wide and wet Ramon licks up her sweet pussy juices and then slips in every inch of his hard cock down her hot mouth and...
xmoviesforyouHow Adam kissed Eve has been described in “Paradise Lost:” —— he, in delight Both of her beauty and submissive charms, Smiled with superior love, as Jupiter On Juno smiles, when he impregns the clouds That shed May flowers: and pressed her matron lip With kisses pure. Though we may be unfortunate in tracing back the origin of this pleasing custom, let us see if we have better luck in an attempt to answer the question, “What is a kiss?” First, we will go to the dictionary where we learn...
Both Sam and Mellos growled, “I don’t know about Mellos, I refuse to be a pawn in the petty war that your two groups had against each other.” Fino was about to speak again through Sam when he held up his hand. “I don’t want to hear it father. I am the sum of all that you and mother did.” The male voice spoke through Mellos, “Don’t believe him son your father always lied to you and all of us.” “I am not your son; I also know what my father and mother were trying to do. Please don’t try to...
It was about a month since we had been to the club, and I was eating with Caroline. We were at the Inbetween, an upscale restaurant on the bay. Chuck and I cruise over here to have dinner once or twice over the summer. She asked me if I would meet her here to talk.“Thanks for meeting me at such short notice.”I told her, no problem and continued to look at the menu waiting for her to start… something. After enough time for me to read the menu, she said, “What makes you fuck someone other than...
Wife LoversIn the end, I never had a choice. Had I been born into better conditions, I would not have had to keep up with ripoffs. The governor would never have caught me and I would not have had to kill him. The trial was nothing more than a verdict. They wanted to make an example of me. And so I was banished to prison planet C15-B. I was only nineteen at the time. An age when you would normally be sent to a colony on earth. From the colonies one could get free again. The prison planets in the Gliese...