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The Cycle
Michael J. Simmons

(ADULT SITUATIONS: Male on Female, Male on Male or Female on Female. If you happen to be offended by sexually explicit situations or language between, Peoples then please do not read further. Also any Resemblances between this work of Fiction and any person’s living or dead, is not intentional.)

Sebastian slowly got out of his car. It had been a long, long day at the Base and he really wanted to get home so he could go for a swim in the Commune pool. He walked up to his mailbox and pulled out his mail. He leafed through his mail, checking out what he had received. He started to proceed back to his apartment, nodding to some of his neighbors and friend who also lived in the Commune; he passed by the Gym/ Pool/ Sauna. He noticed Patricia Lupine, who was expecting again and her brood of kits as he passed the pool. He smiled to himself as he passed by wondering who her latest boyfriend was, in the commune, as she appeared to have one about every other month.
As he stepped up to the stairs to his dwelling he passed by Samantha Lupine, Patricia’s Twin sister and some one whom he would like to have shared some intimacy with from time to time, as a rabbit she was fairly picking and circumspect in her choices of Partners. Her sister and him who have been intimate in the past, claimed that they where ‘friends with benefits.’ He looked at her, ‘Hey Sam… How’s life?’ he asked innocently.
‘Not Bad Seb, Sierra Squared, Delta Squared and all that.’ She quipped back, with some air of distractedness. As they passed, ‘Got to go help Patricia round up the horde.’ She said with some air of frustration. Seb turned to watch Samantha go as she headed out to the pool, as he watched her go, he could feel a stirring in him that he could not place. Except the idea of going to the pool and sauna was even stronger then before but with Samantha also, Her creamed color fur catching his eyes as he watched her, play with her nieces and nephews as she helped her sister round up the unruly brood and getting them dried off and ready to go back inside.
Seb ran up the stairs taking them two at a time, keeping him in shape, was a priority for him. He reached the door to his room, placing his palm on the reader, the door slid open with a silent hiss. He walked in and proceeded to head to the bedroom, while he unbuttoned his shirt, laying the tan uniform of a member of a United States Naval officer on the floor. He proceeded to strip out of the remainder of his uniform, and appraise himself in the mirror. His fur was a sleek and silky looking; his coloring was an off brown w/ splotches of black on white. He proceeded to groom himself, slowing getting rid of the tension of the day. While he was grooming his thought kept flashing back to Samantha Lupine, what it would be like to be with her and to feel him in her. The smell
Of her musk on him and around him, he growled low in pleasure as his hands reached slowly down to his nether region and he stroked himself to rising. His body now set on fire by his imagination and his own lust, he proceeded to grasp himself gently and stroke with increasing vigor as he lay on the bed. Slowly he felt the pressure build up in him and finally exploded outward. Covering his hand and menses with his cum.
‘Damn it,’ he thought,’ I need to get laid.’ He knew if he really wanted to he could go see Patricia, but that really was not what he wanted, he wanted Samantha. He got up off the bed and proceeded to the scrubber unit in the lavatory.

Samantha was not feeling well at all, ‘The Need’ was upon her again, and normally she is able of holding it off. But this time it was not so, she could feel the twisting in her gut and the need to have it quenched, but knowing intellectually that the only way to extinguish it would require her to bed a ‘Mel’ and there was none that she was really interested in. Specifically one who’s kit or kits’ she wanted to carry and raise. While she watched her overly pregnant sister chase her brood around. ‘Well maybe one…’ she mused perceptively, as she watch Lieutenant Canius head into the apartment building in which his dwelling resided. ‘Hey Sam, could you grab, the twins and start herding them upstairs.’ She heard her sister ask her. As she waddled after her other four children, Samantha picked up the two squirming young members of the ‘Lupine’ family and proceeded to take them back to their home. It was not until later after the younger rabbits where settled, feed and tucked into bed and asleep, that she and her sister had a chance to sit down and relax.
‘So Samantha, how is it going?’ her sister asked, as she waddled over to the couch in the shared living room. ‘Honestly Pam, it sucks…’ she sighed. ‘I honestly wish I could just either be rid of this “curse” of ours or find someone I can be with.’ She said as she stood next to the open window feeling the cool breeze over her fur. ‘Why try to find someone… it serves the same purpose whether we are with someone or naught. The continuation of our species.’ Her sister said. It was the same argument that they have been over before; the idea of ‘The Need’ was or was not an act of Lust or Love, and that it was something that could be controlled and handled. Samantha believed that giving into this ‘Need’ would make her less. But, this was getting ridiculous, she could feel the burning in her gut and the almost uncontrollable urge to just grab a ‘mel’ and plant himself in her and quenching her aching, burning need. But she did not want to give into a ‘Biological’ imperative; if she was going to mate she wanted it to be for love. She wanted to have a child made from a joining with some one she loved and wanted to have. Her sister had no compunctions about this ‘biological’ conditioning, and it showed, in the number of children she has had to date.
‘Pam let’s not get into that argument again, Please… I have no desire to try to make a point about indiscriminate rutting and love, right now I am going to go down to the Gym and the Sauna and work my body till I am so tired that I can no longer see straight.’
Samantha then turned away and proceeded to her room, to get changed. Pam slowly struggled to her feet, and waddled to the patio door, trying to sort out what was going on with her sister. She noticed at that time, the young Sebastian Canius heading for the gym. She smiled to her self, as she had been with the young man a while ago and enjoyed his company, both mentally and physically. “This ought to be interesting” she mused quietly. As she heard Samantha come out of the room, putting her hair in a bun and wearing her athletic leotards that where a deep blue and pink in color, ‘Have fun sis…’ she said as Samantha passed by her.
‘I do not see why you would consider this fun’ Samantha quips back.
‘Oh, I think you will see.’ Pamela smirked.

Samantha choose to take the stairs instead or the elevator, as she made her way to the gym and sauna. Figuring that a good run will help relieve her tensions. She soon arrived at the gym after her run, to see Sebastian there running on the treadmill. ‘Oh, No! I don’t need this not now.’ She stood there in the entrance way watching him running on the treadmill, his legs pumping as he ran on a steep climb on the tread mill. His fur gleaming under the florescent lights, with the sheen of his work out, She murred quietly to herself enjoying the view and feeling the carnal need spiking in her. Slowly she moved into the room and proceeded to the nautilus machine to begin her work out, this being the farthest machine in the small room from the young Husky as was “humanly” possible.
These communes had been set up by Humanity in an effort to still control the contagion that was known as the ‘Circe Virus’, back when the Plague was the thing and everyone was afraid of being infected. What they where turned into now was living space for about a thousand furs, the gym itself was quite with the exception of her and the husky. She was soon pounding the weights on the nautilus machine, pumping the weights and feeling the burn.
“Yea that works she thought to her self, God I need this, work this thing out and I will not have any more problems.” She worked herself building up sheen of sweat. When she heard a low whistle of appreciation from behind her. ‘Damn, Samantha you are pushing yourself.’ Stated Sebastian quietly, ‘is there something you need to get out of your system, anger issues or something.’ He grinned at her teasingly. A gleam of humor in his ice blue eyes, ‘ Nothing really Seb, Just frustration.’
‘Ah, well if you are done their can you care to help me on these free weights I need a spotter.’ He asked in an off handed and friendly manner. Samantha got up off the leg weights and proceeded to saunter over to where the Husky was setting himself up, she looked at the weights that he had set up, about eighty pounds total. ‘Buffing your self up for any one their stud.’ She remarked casually as she placed her hands on the top of the bar and he placed his hands on the bottom of the bar. She sided a little closer to the head of the bench press board, not really thinking about what may happen. Sebastian sided himself on the bench and lifted his the bar with Samantha’s assist, he started to hyperventilate his breathing and proceeded to push the weights in a series of ten reps.
It was when he was starting the first rep, when a smell assailed his nostrils. He felt his loins tighten in response to the smell, but not knowing why. As he pushed the weights and counting, four, five, sex, seven, eight, nine, ten… breathing heavily he placed the weights back on the bar. He felt Sam move up to assist him in the settling of the weight bar, it was when he noticed where the smell he was sensing was coming from. “Is she in? Season?” he thought in some sense of awe and trepidation as some ‘fems’ where known to be sensitive to the subject. Even though he can feel his own need to just want to grab her and pull her down and fill her with him. He adjusted himself again on the bench and proceeds to grasp the bar again, he breathed deeply, inhaling her scent as he inhaled and began to push his reps again. Samantha proceeded to watch Sebastian as he performed his Reps and she sensed his shift in position and as she looked over his body she became consciously aware of his male endowment. Seeing it stretching in his shorts trying to break free from its confines. She felt her own breath catching in her throat as she watched him pumping all his muscles showing off his ‘melness’ as he lifted the bar the final time. He let out an explosive breath with the final lift and settling of the bar, his breath which was warm on her skin, made her shiver in excited expectation.
‘Here… Have a seat, what do you press?’ he asked her as he vacated the bench.
‘I really don’t know…’ Samantha said unsurely. ‘I have never had a chance to work out with a bench press.’ Sebastian took a moment to adjust the weights to something less then what he was pressing. ‘We can start light and work you up!’ he said sincerely… ‘How about fifty pounds total, Does that sound all right to you.’ He lifted the bar and set it on the rack. She sat down on the bench and laid back till her head was under the bar, she placed her hands on the bar. In doing so she felt his hands cover hers, ‘Okay, I’ll keep my hands on the bar, to assist the first time can be strenuous to some.’ He said in a straightforward manner. As he positioned him self at the head of the bench, she started to hyperventilate her breathing and also scenting him.
Where she lay she noticed his ‘attributes’ as it were. She grasped the bar and proceeds to lift it off the arms while Sebastian stood over her watching her pumping the bar up and down, through the first two sets of reps ‘One… Two… Three… Four… Hey Seb, tell me what do you feel about… Five… Six… Seven… Eight…about being in a ‘Rut’, Nine… Ten…. Finishing her third set. ‘A Rut, My life has been good so far no problems at all.’ Sebastian smiled at her toothily.
As he helped her place the bar back on the bench arms. ‘A “Rut” Seb like being in Rut, you duffus, the male version of a Fems curse you know.’
‘I know Sam, I was just teasing you.’ He smiled. ‘ Frankly, I do find it bothersome, because you are not sure if the feelings you have for the person your with are real or just a chemical reaction.’ Seb stated with some matter of fact ness, his face was soulful in thought and expression. ‘I understand the natural implications of being in cycle and season. However, I would like it to be for love or at least respect for that person. I mean after all the whole object of being in cycle is to create offspring.’
‘You would think my sister would assume that sort of attitude, she uses being in heat as an excuse to go out and get laid.’ Said Samantha with some contempt in her voice. ‘She believes being in Heat is License to have uninhibited sex with out any concerns or thoughts.’
‘Yea, I kind of noticed that about her.’ Smiled Sebastian. ‘Samantha, what is this all about?’ he asked concern in his voice for where his thinking was going. ‘Seb, I am in season, as if you couldn’t tell and I refuse to just bed any Mel that comes along with a tent pitched in his trousers.’ She said with vehemence in her voice as she stood up and walked to the window to stare out into the night. She stood in front of the window staring out with her arms crossed in front of her, her body tense. ‘ Really Seb it sucks, I can feel my guts twisting up in a knot, I can feel the need on me to have a cub or cubs moving in my belly and the feel of a mate by my side. Instead If I give into it now, I can expect to be nothing better then my sister, a craven slut.’ Her body quivered under the strain and tension she was feeling.
Slowly she became aware of something, she felt a presence behind her, along with a soft touch on her left shoulder. As Sebastian came up behind her, slowly she felt his other hand gentle wrap around her in a friendly hug as he pulled her into him. She felt her back up against his chest.
‘I am sorry you feel that way, Samantha… for what it is worth, I wouldn’t mind sharing my life with you.’ She heard him say in a soft whisper in her ear. His words not only rooting her to the spot but also making her legs weak and rubbery, She slowly felt him nuzzling her neck, as her own right hand came up and locked around his head, her fingers caressing through his fur. She murred deep in her throat, allowing for the current sensation to run through her body, ‘Oh, Sebastian… I want to be loved, I don’t just want to ‘Fuck’ just because Mother Nature says so.’ She felt Sebastian break from her neck,
‘Who says this is about you being in season, my dear Samantha? I’ve been wanting to do this with you since I first saw you move in over a six and half months ago, and then you where not in Heat nor I in Rut.’ His husky voice reverberating in her ears, slowly she felt his head come up as he nipped at her throat and jaw. Until her mouth was even with his, she felt his lips on hers as his tongue slowly flicked out and touched her lips, making her own jaw open to accept his tongue as it caressed her tongue and teeth. Her mind was trying to scream warnings about where this might lead, but her body overrode those warnings in wanting to satisfy its need.
She turned around feeling his hands caressing and holding her gently and softly, stimulating her and cooling her all at the same time. She felt her breast rub up against his naked chest as her own hands came around and touch his back and buttocks giving him encouragement. Her own tongue thrusting it self out of her lips and into his, as her left hand held his head to hers, her left leg came up and encircled his hips, followed by her right as he pressed her into the wall. She could feel his own desires through the gym shorts he is wearing. As her hips ground into his, she broke their kiss breathing heavily, smelling the air thick with their musk.
‘Oh… Mrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Please … Sebastian…. I need…. Someplace…. Oh Gods…. Somewhere….’ She tried getting out as he proceeded to nuzzle her neck with greater ferocity. His hands going to her Gym Leotard pulling down one shoulder then the next releasing her breast to the air and then his lips, teeth and tongue. Stimulating her even further. What happened from there on in she could not say except that her senses where turned inside and out. As she and Sebastian rolled around the room, the feeling of him moving and thrusting in her, until they both collapsed in semi satisfied exhaustion. Slowly she felt her self as she was carried back to his apartment and laid into his bed with him, slowly she felt his caresses again and it brought her to readiness far sooner then she thought she would be.
As her world exploded with each of his sexual explosions that went deep in her again and again and again, each throb and pulse quenching her natural need and desire till they both lay there in the bed spent.

‘ARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!’ she screamed as the pain went ripping up from her loins through her back and all the way through her body. ‘Its okay, just one more push honey and it will all over come on Honey, I can see the babies head.’ Samantha looked at her mate as she stood with her legs spread and her hands on the birthing bars which where the only items holding her up, she could see the leather thongs that where wrapped around her wrist and where attached to the posts. Her mate’s hands where gently stroking against her swelling belly as a minor ripple of muscular contraction went through her, causing her to whimper.
‘Its okay Sam, Just one more and then it will be all done…’ Her sisters voice replied as she was busy rubbing down her two nieces that had been born already as Sebastian stood poised to collect the final small bundle as it slide slowly from its mother womb. ‘GAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!’ was all Samantha could say as she felt her cub come out, ‘He’s here, darling he is here, All toes, fingers, arms, legs and head. There we go, as he snipped the final umbilical cord after passing over his son to his aunt and then helping his mate get unsecured from the birthing posts. He slowly got her up and moved to a cleaner part of the birthing sheet and began to rub her off gently and methodically as they where taught in the birthing class. Slowly he got her up and carried her to their bed, laying her gently on the bed.
‘Hmmmm Seb… How are they?’ she said weakly and tiredly from the past twenty-seven hours of exertion and the last eight months of carrying the cubs around. ‘They are fine love, more then fine two girls and a boy, we could not ask for anything more.’ He said as he watched his sister in law, bundle up the last cub and then start to bring them over with the help of a neighbor. They lay all three bundles on the bed so that Samantha could look at them for the very first time.
Sleepily she looked at her three cubs as her thoughts raced. Finally they came to rest on a single thing… “I guess being in cycle is not so bad.”

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Beckys after school surprise part two

"OOOO" I moaned as he licked, and bit my neck whispering breathely, "You dirty little girl, you like my hard cock up in your tight little pussy don'cha?" He pulled out to the tip, and then slowly, inch by inch, he slid his thick meat back into me. He'd stop, pulling out then back in, working that inch four, or five times real good, before slowly going in another inch. I suddenly realized that I was moaning, and panting to the rhythm of his thrusts as he's hovering over the last few...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Reagan Foxx Upset Stepmom Swallows

Step-Mom was a bit frisky when I came into her room. She was telling me all about how upset she was at my step-dad. Then before I knew it, she was getting fully undressed in front of me! “Should we be doing this?” I ask her, but it was too late before she laid me down on the bed and already had me deep inside her milf cunt! Watch my busty blue eyed step-mother ride me and take my big cock until she begs to taste my cum! I fill her mouth with my seed and she makes me promise to keep...

3 years ago
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I was very naive. It wasn't all my fault. From an early age I studied ballet. I was actually quite good. For a while I thought I was going to be a ballerina for the rest of my life. At 15 the shine started to fade. I began to understand that not many girls could actually earn a good living at it. Plus I got tired of spending so much time working so hard. It was not a good combination, and I began to drift away from ballet. By 16 I was working only half as hard, and by 17 I had pretty much...

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Hot Cold

Same gist. The first part is for buildup and character development, so if you’re only here for the sex, hit CTRL+F and enter “SEX STARTS HERE” or scroll down to that. Cheers! Please leave comments/critique!Snowflakes fell from the sky periodically, but few and far between. The air was chilled and not a soul was in sight. All in all, it was a typical yet lonely winter scene. My teeth chattered as I clung my skeleton-like fingers to the wheel, mumbling something about her being damn lucky. I was...

2 years ago
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One Night in Quito

Sometimes in life, things just don’t turn out the way you thought they would. I had married my high school sweetheart at the age of nineteen. At the time, I was pregnant and decided to be a stay at home mom while my husband worked and attended college. When he graduated three years later it was my turn to get a degree, which I did. After working for different companies for a few years my husband and I decided to open our own business.We did very well for ourselves. By the time we were thirty we...

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Night at Beths

CHAPTER 1I was sitting at the coffee shop counter in my local town reading the daily news.  A few booths over from where I was minding my business, 2 ladies sat.  I recognized one of them from seeing her around town.  Beth was her name; she had a house on the edge of town that she shared with her husband. Beth was in her 30’s she always presented her well toned body very nicely.  I think she was proud of her figure with the clothes she wore.   Nothing to revealing, but always showed that she...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a reluctant wife chapter two

So, I had broken the ice. After many years of being a faithful and loving wife, I had now had two extramarital lovers in 5 months. I had discovered that you can have great sex without love. And I didn't feel at all guilty, because it was just what my hubby wanted.Tony had become a regular lover. I visited his flat at least once a week and always stayed the night with him. The sex with him got better and better, and more adventurous too. Graham was a different story. He was married, and...

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Making the Movie

Kayla was laughing at me. “What’s so damned funny?” I asked her. “You’re taking this so seriously,” she pronounced. “I just want it to be good. We said we could do it better. If we don’t have a good story, it will suck.” We were leaning across the breakfast bar, drinking coffee. It was my favorite time of the day because I got to look at my gorgeous wife and drink my favorite non-alcoholic beverage at the same time. “What’s the hang-up?” she asked. “I’ve got about four or five different...

4 years ago
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Generation Gap in Poetical Prose

I am just a man. Yes, I am tall and I am "built" so the young woman said.. But, I really don't think that I am that great looking, average looks, perhaps. So, why are young women attracted to me? I can honestly say "I have no idea!" Beauty, sexiness and sex are in the eyes of the beholder.“I’ve waited all day, ”She said, “What kept you anyway?” She sat on my sofa with a pout, Early I guess her classes were out. “I do work from time to time,” said I, “But now you are mine,” she chimed, The pout...

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Piyakkad bete ne chod dala

Hello mera naam parvati hai , main apne parivar ke saath madhavpur naam ke chote se shaher main rehti hoon. Ye sab tab shuru hua jub mera beta punjab engineering collage se degree khatam karke ghar aaya. Iss baar lekin uski harkato main badlav tha , aat hi usne mere pair choone ki wajay mujhe kaske gale laga lagaya tha, usi samay mujhe kuch azeeb lag raha tha . Din guzarte rahe , mera beta bas mere saath baith ke baate karta rehta din bhar , dheere dheere wo aisi baatein bhi karne laga jinse...

2 years ago
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10 July 2008Chapter 2

Karen smiled noticing the DJ, Darin, walking onto the stage carrying a microphone. She recalled receiving a nice fuck from this mid-twenties black man during her birthday party there last May. “Alright, alright, let’s get this wild party night started!” his voice boomed over the loudspeaker system. “I’m your friendly DJ, Smooth Lover, you’re host for tonight’s sexy activities.” He shielded his eyes from the stage lights peering into the crowded audience, “It appears that we have several...

3 years ago
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The Wardens Whore IIChapter 2

Becky lay on her back on the warden’s desk with Hannah busily devouring her tender breasts. Becky was in heaven, enjoying Hannah’s hot mouth and warm tongue playing over her hard, stiff nipples. She was moaning and writhing and grasping at the desk edge as the sensations began to take control of her mind. But as much fun as he was having watching Becky squirm, he knew she could do more. He didn’t want her to just squirm and moan ... he wanted her to beg! Grabbing Hannah by her auburn hair,...

4 years ago
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What Happened Last Night Pt IV

Two days later, I picked up the phone and called Tom. ‘You won’t believe what my wife said.” “I’ll bet it was pretty choice, whatever it was,” he answered. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Well, all she had to do was snap her fingers and you dropped me like a rock,” he said. “You know I didn’t have a choice,” I said “I told you all along that my marriage and family come first.” “Yeah, but you could have called me just once, or even emailed, sent up smoke signals, anything,” he...

1 year ago
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Those Soapy Executive Massages for Men

In 1982, I moved to Tokyo to live and work for several years and began to learn as much Japanese language as I could, as well as try to navigate through Japanese behavior and lifestyle. At that point in my life, I had not been introduced to the pleasures of Japanese boys and/or men, so my journey began.One evening after work, I navigated my way to the gay section of Shinjuku, one of the major neighborhoods of Tokyo. It was a jumble of tiny, messy streets, neon signs and mostly men who had come...

1 year ago
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Sensory Deprivation

Sensory Deprivation Do you enjoy sensory deprivation and if so how do you incorporate it into your sex life?A long time ago I had a sexual partner that dabbled a little into this and if I'm honest with myself I've craved to explore it a whole lot more but have yet to find a partner who is willing and capable to take control of me.I remember the first time just like it was yesterday, I came home from work and he was waiting for me with a length of rope and a blindfold, he told me to undress and...

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Hot Summers Night Erotica Ch 01

I was thinking about you, what you said about me being a tease. I know I can’t be there with you tonight. I wanted to let you know how much I desire you. This is what I came up with… Print this out, have a nice hot bath, light some candles turn out the lights and read this in bed (this is going to be fun). (Okay, this is where the pretend fantasy part starts, start imagining now) It’s a hot summer evening, it’s twilight you can see the last fading traces of light on the horizon from the...

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Slutty Whore Fianceacutee Part 1

Slutty Whore Fiancée (Part 1) My then-fiancée and I discovered the ecstasy of acting out sexual our fantasies quite by accident. It was late one Saturday night and we'd just gotten home from a party. We were both more than slightly tipsy and exceedingly frisky as a result. Our first kiss inside my apartment rapidly escalated into an impassioned grope. "I love how easy it is to get to your tits in this dress," I whispered as I fondled Helen's tall, proud globes through her borrowed cocktail...

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The Haunting of Charles Tate

The Haunting of Charles Tate. By Tanya H. A haunted house? Ghosts don't exist. Right? If you drew a triangle on a map of Lincolnshire, from Horncastle in the West, Louth in the North and Spilsby to the East you'd find at its centre an unremarkable village surrounded by the rolling, beautiful secret of the Lincolnshire Wolds. A secret? Most of the folk who visit Lincolnshire get no further than Lincoln's cathedral and castle, or they're drawn to the beaches and gaudy delights of...

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Teaching Carol Ch 8

Teaching Carol, Ch. 8 By Zen Mackie When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend; I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin. She answered my knock on the door in a dress of dark maroon silk—or some fabric that looked like silk. It was very conservative in cut and came down past her knees....

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Pink Star

Your parents were killed on your 16th birthday in a seemingly random double murder while you were out running errands for them. You managed to find a silver necklace with a pink star pendant attached to it while your were out. It turns out that necklace belonged to a woman before you owned it. You learned later that woman got killed, leaving the necklace to bestow it's powers on the next heroine! You found the necklace gave you superpowers. With your newfound power, you decided to fight crime...

2 years ago
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Woman In Need

It was time to go for my nightly jog, it was about half a mile to one of the few local hotels that had a pool. Every night at 10:30 the pool gate was locked, about 15 or 20 minutes later I’d hop the fence and swim about 50 laps then jog home. It was on one of these nights I decided to take a short cut and cut through from one block to the next. As I walked through a 5 or 6 foot wide opening between a mechanic shop and a small little slightly elevated home good fortune smiled upon me. The...

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My Neighbour 4

W?ell as the weeks went on to follow our first sexual adventure. The experience of my wife in disguise, screwing my brains out before she finally unmasked to show me who it was. And the fact that she watched and helped me take on Matt and Steph's cocks, as well as her own big rubber cock. I was now completely devoted to being her little sex toy. There was many nights to follow at our own house with just Helen and myself that involved me being the woman and Helen being the well...

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The Preacher ManChapter 26 A Day to Remember

Time: June 26, 8237 10:37 PM After evening Prayers I rushed home, took a quick shower and jumped into bed. I pulled out something to read, but mostly I was waiting for Michal. The room was a bit cool, certainly below 20C, but it was cozy under the covers, and made even cozier by the howling blizzard outside the windows. Winter had arrived at noon today, and the sun's aphelion was due at 2 PM on July 11th. Karbala is a challenging place to live at any time, but in winter, especially without...

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Used at McDonalds

Up to this point every task she had given me had taken place in the privacy of my own house.I'd met her here on Xhamster a number of months ago. She had told me how she was turned on by submissive, obedient guys. She'd give me tasks and ask me to write to her telling her about them. The tasks had been simple enough. Jack off and eat your cum...tell me how it taste. Tie up your cock and balls and masturbate. Fuck your ass with a toy. Things like that.This time she wanted me to put in my butt...

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New girl in schoolPart one

" hey sarah" she responded as I looked at er chest once more and see her breasts are perfect. not to big not to small and shaped like small bowlingballs "sarah can u help me find my classies" she said a bit awkwardly as she noticed my gaze. i nodded and smiled like nothing had happened and said " hmmmm...yeah sure. " I leaned over so I was alot closer to her " what calsses? "I asked and acted like im looking for her schedule" art" she responded simply. I nodded " art next eh? okay....

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Seduction Plus Two Part Two

In the dining room, Jenny watched the laptop feed intently, waiting for the action to start up again. She did not have to wait long as the redhead returned to the main basement room, carrying a blindfold. “Here, put this on,” Sharon told Enis. “What are we doing with this?” Enis asked. Standing there in gray sweatpants that clung to his muscles and a white tee, Jenny thought he looked good enough to eat. “Please tell me that we are not going to replay what happened at your house a few months...

Group Sex
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By Oediplex 8==3~ "January First, Two Thousand Eleven ... 1/1/11 ... A New One - one, one, one one; a new year and a new day. I need a new . . mmm" she pondered out loud, but her husband was making sonorous vibrations still asleep next to her. She turned and looked at the nightstand ... 6:10 am; why she awoke she was unsure. But she was awake and alive and still a bit buzzy from the party last night. It was two in the morning by the time the last of the guests had left their house. ...

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My twelve year old sister and the bane of my life I was six years older than Chris but she had appointed herself my Girlfriend approver and guardian. Every Girl I brought home failed to impress Chris they were either too fat or too thin, too tall, too short and finally how could you go out with HER you must be STUPID. Above all everywhere I went Chris always followed I could go nowhere she was always there. Dad had died seven years before following a car accident this had brought Chris and...

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Adventures on Omicron69

The year is 3300. For a long time everything was pretty great. Mankind ventured out into space and spread humanity to a hundred colonies and a dozen star systems. Mankind made contact with many alien species, weak and powerful, numerous and rare. There were wars, but humanity always came out on top. Back home on earth scarce resources prompted conflicts that spanned into space. Civil war fractured humanity and wars raged against alien enemies and with alien allies. Eventually, only one human...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 8

Jason woke to the sunlight streaming through his apartment window and blinked against the bright light. He smiled, knowing that today was going to be a good day! Having found out Brad’s secret and exposing him, had dusted the bastard in a way that he would never recover! He still shivered at the thought of what both he and his dad had gotten away with for all those years. He also felt a pang of sympathy for Luke, who had found out the real reason behind the breakup with his high school...

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The Bracelets

After three years of war peace had come to the Kingdom of Valark. Tonight, was Lady Seranna’s wedding night. She was supposed to have married Prince Thelrian, but he had fallen in battle. So, she had married his younger brother Prince Nelralan instead. Seranna was an elf as was her husband. She had lived 21 years while he had lived 15. In the time they had known one another, they had gotten along splendidly. Although Nelralan felt that Seranna saw him as nice little brother instead of as a...

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Filet Afrocuntis0

I lay my queen down in the hot arid environment and my hands pace her leg chambers open as I enter the hot musty fumes of her erotic jungle, I scale my hands down the tender walls of her theigh's feeling the lake currents traveling through to the grand lake that contains the wild fiesty Afrocuntis vaginal fish. Now I must comb through the black fur terrain with gentle precision folding each black bush gliding my hands down the...

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 50

“You know, as much as I’ve fucked you, I never tire of you. I just wish that your brother was alive to partake in this orgy,” I told Margaery while pumping furiously in and out of her in a fresh orgy at our chosen site. The Harmon house in the AHS Murder House universe, where else? I was very glad that Carol and Susan had joined us, though I had to glamor Caroline Bellefleur into watching Ben for us. I didn’t want anyone else whom I could entangle to stay out of the festivities. I also made...

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