I Broke My New Year s Resolution Version A
- 2 years ago
- 30
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New Year’s Resolution - January
I hurt. Everywhere on my body hurts: legs, ass, back, arms, chest. And I swear even my hair seems to scream in pain. “Diane,” I think to myself, “how did I get here?”
December 25, 2016
The holidays used to be a happy time for me before the death of my wife Diane a year and a half ago. I remember when the kids were small we used to stay up most of Christmas Eve wrapping presents, putting together toys, drinking a little too much, and then make love whenever and wherever while the children slept in the hopes Santa stopped by the house.
Now, I am just trying to put on the façade of enjoying Christmas when all I really wanted to do is go downstairs to my man cave, drink beer, eat whatever was handy and watch a whole day of football. But with the kids here for a few more hours before leaving for their ski trip their grandparents planned for the winter break, I guess have to suck it up and stick it out.
“Dad?” asks my daughter Erin
“What honey?” I reply.
“Are you okay?” she looks at me with worry. “You seem to be a million miles away.”
“Yeah dad, Erin and I are getting a little concerned about you,” my son MJ says glancing at his sister and then back to me.
“I’m alright” I whispered, “I am just a little blue thinking about your mom. I wish she was here with us so she could see how both of you are doing in college and growing as people knowing she would be proud. I never thought of it before she passed but the sharing of everything we had between us was all encompassing. She is missing on a lot of events I wish I could share and can only hope she is proud of me.”
“We miss her too dad and I have no doubt she is pleased the way you have been a rock to us.” Erin chokes with tears in her eyes as she comes to give me a comforting hug.
“Okay then, let’s take a few minutes, regroup, and let’s start opening presents.”
“I seem to be notice a theme to what you, your sister, and Santa have given me this year. Let’s see: 3 gym shorts, 3 exercise type t-shirts, multiple pair of sweats, 2 pair of sneakers, and the ever popular dad gift, socks, “I say with a conjured smile.
Erin got up to come sit next to me and MJ to stood and sat across.
“Dad,” Erin taking my hands and looking me in the eye, ”MJ and I are worried about you, seriously worried. Ever since mom died you have not been able to get back to life. Sure, you work here at home and Skype with us most every week so we stay close. But Dad, you are only 39 and too young to sit here and do that for the next 30 years. And at this rate maybe not that long.”
“What are you talking about? This is what I do. I worked hard when I was younger and can work from home. I can program about anywhere. And I love our weekly visits,” I say sternly on the verge of being mad, upset, and scared. I’m not sure which.
“Dad,” MJ said quietly to counter my emotion, “We lost mom because of cancer we could do nothing about. By the time she was diagnosed, it was already too late. And as painful as that was, watching you kill yourself, it twice as hard.”
“Again, what the hell are you talking about?” I say standing up screaming looking at MJ and then Erin. This is not the way I envisioned Christmas this year.
With tears streaming down her face, her mother’s face, Erin says, “Dad, have you noticed how much weight you have gained since mom died? We both let it go because at first we were all grieving but have you noticed how much bigger your clothes are. I do most of the laundry when we are all home, and I’m scared for you, and for us. We lost Mom, we love you and don’t want to lose you too.”
She got up and got my stocking down from the mantle over the fireplace and brings it to me.
“You have one more gift from both of us as well as grandma and grandpa. We all chipped in and got you the VIP package at the gym down the road for the year. It includes use of all the facilities which include: pool, sauna, hot tub, personal training, classes, a massage once a month, a nutritionist on call, and 3 doctor checkups. I made your first checkup, scheduled for January 2 at 9:00am at the gym for an initial baseline.”
“I, we, hope you use it.” My son says, “At least, you get out from behind your desk and out of the house. At most, maybe you could find people your own age you can talk to and get back to living like mom would want. I need to go up and finish packing for the trip. Love you, Dad, Merry Christmas”
“Merry Christmas daddy, love you,” My daughter says and exits.
After the kids leave I am where I thought I wanted to be, in my comfy chair in my man cave eating, drinking and watching football but can’t settle. I am half watching the game and half thinking about the conversation earlier. Am I really that much in denial? Am I really at risk physically? I know I gained some weight but I lost my wife, my partner, my other half. Why wouldn’t I go under for a little while? Who wouldn’t?
January 2 2017
Here I am, at the gym about to get the baseline physical. Ever since Christmas, I have been waging a war in my head what to do. The kids never brought the subject back up when we talked on the phone. They knew that the decision was mine and mine alone. I don’t know if I’m making the right choice, but if both of them have thought this through, and I’m sure they did, there must be something I have not seen.
“Michael Hayes,” calls the nurse.
“Follow me please.”
I am lead down to one of the exam rooms. It is your normal room for a doctor’s office but I wonder how this and the gym are associated. It has all the usual stuff, laminated pictures of various joints, the potential injuries, and what may have caused them. The table with the paper draped from the enormous role of paper at the end. Plus, it has all the diplomas and certifications of Dr. William J. Miller, who I guess I’ll be seeing shortly.
“Your blood pressure is a little high, so is your heart rate. “Says the nurse and snaps me out of my daydream. “Are you on any medication or take anything on a regular basis?”
“No, nothing.”
“”Okay, let’s get your height and weight.”
I step on the scale and watch as she moves the counter weights over, and over again and again until it finally rests on 331. I feel my heart stop, go lightheaded and grip the wall for support.
“Mr. Hayes, are you all right?”
“I don’t know. Are you sure this is accurate?”
“Quite sure, we zero out the scale before the first patient of the day and you’re it.”
“Okay, give me a minute.” I knew I gained some weight but never thought it was that high.
“Let’s go back to the exam room,” She says walking back to the exam room, “Would you like some water?”
“That would great, thanks.”
The nurse returns, hands me a cup and lets me know that the doctor will be right in. Five minutes later I hear the knock, and in walks the Dr. Miller, at least I hope so.
“Michael Hayes, William Miller, nice to meet you.” We shake. “So, what brought you in here today?”
“Well, long story short, my kids and parents got me the VIP membership at the gym for Christmas and here I am.”
“Okay, let’s check you out.”
45 minutes later there is not a part of me that hasn’t been touched, prodded, pick at, and examined closely.
“Mr. Hayes…”
“Call me Mike, since I feel you know me intimately now,” I say smiling at the doctor
“Then call me Bill,” smiling right back at me,”Okay, Mike the bad news is you are overweight, dangerously so, have elevated blood pressure, and if the tests come back as I would expect, high cholesterol and maybe pre-diabetic.
“Okay, Bill don’t sugar coat it, give it to me straight.”
“The good news is you have loving children and parents and apparently your sense of humor is intact. Have you always been like this?”
“No. I am usually in good if not great shape.”
“Do you have an idea how you got this way?”
“Well, that is the long story. A couple years ago my wife was diagnosed with cancer and died shortly after that. I suppose that was the beginning of my downward spiral. I work from home doing programming work sitting in front of the computer most days for long periods of time. I have not really had an exercise regimen like I once had.”
“Whenever I think about it”
“I drink more than I used to but not often to excess. Programming and hangovers don’t mix all that well. Make a small mistake and it could be hours to fix it. “
“Yes please,” smiling into stern eyes, “okay, probably more than is good for me. Usually coffee, cokes, or iced tea during the day.”
“Alright, here is what I propose you do. First, for your diet, start eating regularly. That does not mean eating doughnuts for breakfast every morning. Eat healthy, with your membership you can have a nutritionist come and evaluate and teach you what to eat and when as well as how to prepare some meals. Second, cut off almost all caffeine and cut out all sodas including diet sodas. Throw whatever soft drinks that have sugar attached to them away. They are empty calories and do nothing but damage your liver and kidneys. Occasional adult drinks are fine but limit it to a total of two at one sitting. Last, you need to sweat. You got full access to every part of the gym, so use all of it. Go talk to my wife, Maria, she is in charge of that end of the building and she will set you up. Let me show you something first. “
He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of a man that looks even bigger than me. “That was me about 10 years ago after soon after finishing my residency in cosmetic surgery. Between the stress of med school and my duties at the hospital and then the specialization I did not notice anything until one of my clients said I could use some liposuction myself. So, I know how the journey seems daunting. I may not have lost someone as dear as you have, but I can help with your journey. If you have any questions, advice, or just need support, call me.”
I got dressed and headed to the front desk but before I could get there I heard someone call my name. It was an attractive woman, very attractive. She had curves where they should be and what I would define as having a tight body. She has light brown hair stylishly cut with soft brown eyes. She was not a woman who would turn all the heads, but would absolutely demand a second look.
“Yes, can I help you?” I ask.
“Mike, you don’t recognize me?” she says with a big smile, "it’s Maria Taylor; we went to school together through High School.”
My mind was spinning trying to put the face and the name together. But the Maria Taylor I remember was as plan as a paper bag with a bad haircut and without any kind of feminine curves. The person in front of me would not be described with any of those adjectives.
“C’mon don’t you remember me?” She says still smiling.
“I remember a Maria Taylor but you look nothing like her. If you are she, what was our second grade teacher’s name and what did we call him/her?”
“He was Harry Rose but we called him behind his back ‘Rosie Nosie’ because his nose was always looked sunburned.”
“Wow, look at you. You look absolutely great. How have you been and when did you get in such great shape?”
“Well, in a nutshell, I went to college I got the freshman 50. A few years later, met Bill when I had to go the hospital after falling down and gashing my head. He consulted for the cosmetic portion. He showed me his before picture and was in the process of losing weight, suggested if I wanted to take the journey with him and support each other. Now, we’re married for eight plus years with two children. How about you? Married? Kids? Job?”
“Well, I am a software programmer; I have two great kids, one of each both in college, and have been widowed for some time now.”
“I know ‘I’m sorry’ does not cover it but I am. So, if memory serves you were a pretty good athlete in school and went to college for basketball.”
“And if I had to guess, you started gaining weight when your wife passed.”
“Again, true.”
“Again, I’m sorry. I was here when your daughter came to get your VIP membership and made sure I was here today after you saw Bill. I am going to make sure you get everything out of your membership. Let me show you around and how things work and walk through the weight room. Let me grab you a locker key for the VIP locker room. It only has 10 lockers in it but only seven are being used. Also, it’s a co-ed locker room. Bill and I have lockers in there as well as a few other staff members, so don’t be surprised if you see naked men or women in there. If you are not comfortable, we can make other arrangements. If you want to use your own padlock, feel free.”
The tour was about you would expect in a higher end club. Equipment was clean with the latest model treadmills, elliptical, stair climbers, and machines I've never seen before. The trainers were in great physical shape and the pool area was well kept.
Back at the front desk, Maria hands me my key to my locker. “One more thing,” she turns to a man stationed at the front desk,” this is Marco, your personal trainer for the year. Marco, this is Michael Hayes, he has the VIP membership for the year and a special friend of mine. I am putting him in your capable hands for the year. Is that good with you Mike?”
“Sure, why not? How much worse can it get for me?”
“Marco, put him through the gauntlet, novice level. He was an excellent athlete at one point and your job is to get him back there. Mike, this is day one, do what you can as hard as you can. It will get better, I promise,” she says and steps in and gives me a big hug.
It occurs to me that I have not gotten a hug from anyone other than family since Diane passed. As I squeeze, I fight back the tears trying to fall.
January 3
I hurt. Everywhere on my body hurts: legs, ass, back, arms, chest. And I swear even my hair seems to scream in pain. “Diane,” I think to myself, “how did I get here?”
Marco put me through the gauntlet yesterday, at the lowest level, and this morning I woke not being able to move. Slowly, very slowly, I roll to my side to look at the clock reading 8am. As I attempt to lever myself up, the doorbell rings. I stand on wobbly legs and an aching back, slowly, very slowly; I make my way down to the door, open it and see Maria there with a big smile on her face.
“You’re not what I imagined the Grim Reaper would look like, but I’m not complaining.”
“Good morning, and by that comment, I would say you are not a morning person.”
“Before coffee, I’m not any kind of person, come on in.”
I waddle, no other ways to describe it, to the kitchen, start the coffee machine. I proceed without a word to the bathroom, relieve my bladder, retrieve Advil and take four. When I return to the kitchen, Maria is leaning against the counter waiting for me with that smile still in place.
“I see you not doing well this morning. I would guess that most of your body is sore, but the good news is I am here to help.”’
I’m thinking the only things that could help me would be some serious controlled substances but somehow I don’t think she has that in mind.
“I’ll bite. What are you going to do to help?”
“Question first, how big is your bathtub?”
“It’s a whirlpool and big enough for two people, but if you want sex, you are going to have to do all the work. I really can’t move.”
“Smooth talker, go fill it up with cold water, put on a swimsuit or not, I’ll be right back.”
Still not moving because, hey, I hurt, I stand still dumbfounded as to what kind of torture she has in store for me. Grabbing coffee, I go upstairs, start the water. After 10 minutes go by, I am slowly getting my suit when hear someone enter the house and hope it’s Maria. If someone is here to rob me, I can’t move to stop them. She enters the bath with four big bags of ice.
“Hop in the tub and start the jets,” she says.
“No questions get in.”
I slowly get in the tub and start the jets and I fear I know what is about to happen. When I get used to the water, my fear is confirmed, Maria empties all four bags of ice into the tub. My only thought now is at least I don’t hurt anymore, in fact, I don’t feel anything anymore.
Maria breaks my thoughts saying, “You are to stay in there for 15 minutes, after that drain the tub and then a hot whirlpool for 15 minutes. Dry off, put on some loose clothing so I can give you a good stretch. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”
After the 30 minutes, I was able to move much better but far from perfect. Just as I was putting on my t-shirt, Maria walks in and stops my breath. When I saw her yesterday and showed up today, she had warm up clothes that showed she had a nice figure. Now, she walks into the room wearing Lycra shorts and sports bra that showed she has a fantastic figure. My eyes must have gone still and I probably started drooling.
“Thank you for looking like that. It lets me know my hard work keeps paying off. How are you feeling physically?”
“Between the coffee, Advil, and the whirlpool I am functional again. Thanks.”
“Great, let’s work the rest of the kinks out.”
Maria proceeds to stretch my body gently but firmly starting with my back then down my legs and rear before she asks me to roll over. Pressing and pushing different spots I feel pain then pure pleasure as the muscle spasms and relax. She is talking the entire time but I hear little to nothing trying not to cry from the pain or sigh with the pleasure. I’m not sure how it happened but I fell asleep. Crawling through the fog of the nap, I smell coffee. I open my eyes to Maria back in the warmups, dangit.
“How do you feel now?”
I sit up, stand, and start walking around. Not one hundred percent but a far cry from before. “Well, spank my ass and call me Sally. I can walk, whatever you did, thank you.”
“Your welcome, I know what you needed because I was there at one point and Bill did this for me. Now, let’s talk about goals. What do you want from this year?”
“When I woke, I was hoping to walk again without pain. Honestly, I don’t know.” I told her of the conversation with my children on Christmas day and by the end, Maria had tears in her eyes. “The worst was watching my daughter with her mother’s face crying, that was hitting bottom. So, I hope to get down to 210.”
“First thing is not think I need to lose 120 pounds. You need to think about losing 10 pounds a month and even smaller, losing 2-3 pounds a week. Now, if you succeed in achieving your monthly goal, I will sweeten the pot.”
She hands me a large manila envelope with some weight to it. I opened the envelope and my time stopped. I imagine I looked about the same when she walked in the bedroom earlier because I heard a chuckle through buzzing in my ears. In the envelope were photos, lots of photos, of Maria in the altogether except all of them were blurred where her tits, pussy, and ass were located.
“Mike, if you reach your goal, you can see the real things at the end of the month.” With that last comment, she stood, walked down the steps, and the front door closed with a small click.
Special thanks to ChuckEPoo for your help and support.
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Tuesday morning. I really would have to bug Jimmy to invest in darker curtains. The morning sunlight was streaming in, almost painfully bright. The answering machine clicked off, Kelly's message to me now complete. Ah, hell. That had been a mood killer. Alana was coming fully awake now; her hand quickly finding my cock was also fully awake. She murmured dreamily, her cool fingers wrapping around my joystick as she absently pumped it while turning her head up to look at me. I just stared...
I entered the next-door girls’ dorm and immediately saw Agnes. She was wearing sneakers and shorts. I smiled. “Hi, Agnes. You look good this evening. Would you like to walk?” “That sounds good, Eric. Thanks, and thanks for coming over.” “I enjoyed talking to you earlier. That’s why I called. I’m just glad I could help out. I guess you aren’t a big-time TV watcher either?” “No. I really don’t care for pro football and that’s what is on, too. Mike had showed up at our room. He’s rough on...
He barged in along with another guy. He said, “Bill, hold pretty boy while I take a turn with the bitches.” He kept moving toward Agnes and Melody while “Bill” came at me. He was planning on grabbing me but I hit him first. I hit him hard. My father had taught me that, if I had to fight, I should fight like I meant it. Bill was heavier but not as tall. He took my first punch in his gut which folded him over. I helped him find the floor by chopping down on his neck. He landed limply. I heard...
The two men entered with pistols drawn. I said, “Officers, I think the time for violence is over. Let’s all talk.” The two looked around and slowly holstered their weapons. I looked at one and said, “You’ve been here before. How did they get out?” I had a free hand and arm now and used them to point at Mike’s body and Bill. “I don’t know.” The officer answered. “I would like to find that out myself.” “Someone was criminally negligent in releasing that animal. He was, we believe, going to...
We were sitting at a longer table and were quickly joined by Melody, Tracy, and Amanda. Carl arrived moments later and asked if he could join us. Agnes nodded and I said, “Sure, Carl. Leave your stuff and get a tray.” He got in line leaving his books on the table. He returned shortly with a tray of food. “Eric, who are all these pretty ladies?” “The one on my right is my beautiful lady, Agnes. Next to her is Melody, her roommate. Those two are Tracy and Amanda. They’re all good...
We had a delightful meal. I noticed that Melody was more at ease with Mike out of the way though that had been a violent episode in all our lives. I also realized that it was the people not the food that was so good. We had been joined by Tracy and Amanda and my roommate, Carl. We had sat a longer table more or less in the middle. That allowed a number of people to join us. It was fun but the lady by my side made it best in my mind. I was proud to have her by my side and felt she likewise...
I had floated back to my room. I crawled into my bed and slept solidly through the night. I had set my alarm but beat it by a couple of minutes. I got up and went into shower. After that, I dressed and left to meet Agnes. We ate together with Melody accompanying us. After we finished, we went to our classes. On the way, Agnes asked, “Do you mind Melody’s presence?” “No. It cramps our style which is probably good and, hopefully, helps her. She’s a nice girl who got into a tough and bad...
We ate lunch with our friends. It was fun. As we were walking to Agnes’ history class, I received a phone call. It was from the District Attorney’s office notifying me that there was going to be a hearing Friday over Mike’s death. I asked what was the purpose of the hearing. I was told that it was to determine whether or not charges would be filed against Miz Stover for murder and myself for assault and battery. I asked if we should obtain legal representation since we had only protected...
Mom was waiting for us. We were close and she rushed up to us. She hugged me first. After kissing my cheek, she moved to Agnes saying, “You’re even more beautiful in person. You’re tall, too.” “It’s good to meet you, Missus Daniels. I appreciate your son. He’s a great guy.” Mom was surprised a bit. Dad came up from a room. He and I exchanged man hugs before he went to Agnes. “Agnes, you’re gorgeous. My son is showing good taste.” “He’s my personal Viking. I like it that way.” She smiled...
I woke in the morning to shower, shave, and dress before meeting Agnes. I walked over in nicer than class clothes to meet her and found her waiting with Melody, Tracy, Amanda, and the R.A. plus some other girls who were going for moral support. We went into the cafeteria together, got our food, and sat together. As we ate, others heard and gathered. We left for the courthouse at eight thirty and were now about a hundred strong. We all pulled up in our cars and found parking places. We walked...
After my history class, I met Agnes in the dorm’s common room where she laid an emotional kiss on me while plastering her beautiful body against mine. My mother said in a low voice, “Fred, I may do that to you later when we can thoroughly enjoy the aftermath.” I decided not to say anything but to concentrate upon the kiss. We finally ended the kiss and I was breathing a little quickly and heavily. We went over and sat with my parents. I said, “Dad, is everything with the court and police...
We went inside and sat on the couch. There weren’t many people there as many had gone home for the weekend. With no football here, there wasn’t much to hold people on the campus over weekends in autumn. Many left Friday after their classes. We sat down on a couch in the common room. There were only three others in the room and none of them were close to us. Agnes came into my arms and kissed me. I helped. We finally broke the kiss panting a bit. It had become impassioned. I think she enjoyed...
I woke to my alarm and cleaned up to meet Agnes at her dorm. I got there just as she was getting off the elevator. In the middle of the common room, we embraced and kissed each other. “My personal Viking, are we going to eat breakfast and go to church together?” “Yes, dear lady. I look forward to all that.” Agnes was a vision in an ivory pants suit with a deep emerald colored blouse. She looked great. We went to the front door holding hands and looked for my parents. They drove up moments...
Things were quiet. We had a light supper and everyone then loaded up for the football field. I rode in back with Agnes and Aaron using the backseat of Mister Stover’s big pickup. I had my arm around Agnes. We didn’t make out. Small town high school football games in the south are fun even if you don’t know anything about the teams. The communities get into the spirit of the competition. Everyone who is local knows everyone else. You easily can get included. Since I was with the Stover...
Shortly thereafter, we left for town with Aaron in the back seat of my wagon. It wasn’t far and Agnes had me park in front of a farm store. Then, she gave the list to Aaron and said, “Aaron, take the list and get the stuff on it. Put it in the back of Eric’s wagon. I’m taking him walking.” I think Aaron wanted to protest but he didn’t. He went inside the store and we walked along the sidewalk holding hands. We hadn’t gone fifty feet when we had two girls walk toward us. One of them, a...
We arrived and all was well and had been quiet. Melody, Tracy, and Amanda were excited to hear that we were engaged now. Supper was a happy meal. Carl even managed to congratulate me. After supper, we went to “our” couch in the common room. We kissed and held each other. The week sped by. Friday afternoon, we got in my wagon and I drove us to the home of my parents. We pulled in and were met by both. Dad had gotten off early. I had emailed them to let them know that we were engaged...
We left after my history class with a few books going with us because of reading. We pulled in before supper to be greeted joyfully. The game was an away game and only Jimmy and Aaron were going. Actually, they had already left for school to ride with the team. Her mother wanted to see the ring which Agnes was glad to show her. Her father also seemed to like it. We stayed home Friday night with Agnes’ parents and had a good time. They got to know me better and I got to know them better. We...
We went to the Sunday school class and enjoyed the lesson. After it was over, we met Mister and Missus Stover to go into the sanctuary. I noticed Agnes looking around. Jimmy wasn’t there. I figured that wasn’t good. Agnes and I were holding hands and she reached across her body to hug herself to my arm. I didn’t mind. That feeling was good. We made our announcement and enjoyed the service. Once it was over, we talked with a few people who knew Agnes. Others talked with her parents. Agnes and...
Settling for now the topic of compensation, Colonel Rijok unfolded his arms and looked to Cattelin. “Apprehend the criminal”. At last, being given the permission to act as she so much desired, thrilled and gratified, Cattelin strengthened the grip on the shaft of her scythe with one hand and with the other saluted. “Thank you, Colonel Rijok!” An ebullient fiery aura emerged around her like volcanic eruption. WHOOSH! Receiving a slight push from Colonel Rijok’s mantle, Cattelin dashed...
We left for my parents’ house after our Friday classes. The trip was quiet and we pulled in at their drive and went inside. My mother was there and hugged us both. Dad was due momentarily. He came inside and hugged my mom first. He then hugged Agnes before giving me a hug. He said, “You two are looking good. I think the prospect of getting married is helping both of you, not that Agnes needed much help.” He grinned. “My Viking is doing well for me. We’re happy.” She grinned back and hugged...
We arrived after lunch but weren’t hungry so planned to skip that meal. Her parents and brothers were glad to see us. We wee glad to see them, too. Mister Stover grinned. “I heard that the surprise for your honeymoon is out of the bag.” He grinned even bigger. “And you’ve agreed to the requirements.” Agnes asked, “Does Mom know about this?” Missus Stover responded, “Yes, it’ll be fun.” Agnes said, “Just remember, paybacks can be hell.” Everyone laughed. We went inside and enjoyed family....
The three of us walked into the kitchen together. Agnes and I refilled our cups and sat at the table. We sat next to each other very closely. Jimmy grinned. “Don’t you get enough of being close?” Agnes grinned back. “Nope. My Viking is pleasant to sit close to and I’m planning on continuing to do that for the rest of our lives. He is a good man.” Jimmy smirked. “As long as all he does is sit.” Agnes smiled. “That will change in two weeks. Then, we’ll debauch each other. I’m looking...
I regained consciousness slowly. I started to remember what happened when Agnes came in and ran to me. Tears were running down her cheeks as she leaned over and kissed me lips gently. I could tell she wanted to hug me tightly but was holding back. I smiled at her slowly. Hoarsely, I asked, “How bad is it?” Dad said, “He hit you in your right side almost nicking a lung. You should be okay after a while.” I looked to my right and saw Carl with his arm in a sling. I looked puzzled. Dad...
The farmhouse became our headquarters. It was a place Bran liked, very much. The site was a crossing of many Ley Lines, a sure sign that the site was significantly protected. Iysla liked it too, the defence of the site would be unhindered by the landscape. There were many rooms in the farmhouse as well. We all, I considered us a unit now, moved in. Maggie, Sara and I shared one bedroom. Amy had her own bedroom next to ours. At first, Aileen had a bit of bother with the idea of having two...
After that night, our lovemaking began again on a regular basis, the sweet, warm kind I wanted so badly. I knew I loved both Ellie and Patrick in a special way, and my spiritual connection to them grew. I found I could sense the messages they sent if I relaxed and became open to their nods and glances, intuiting what they wanted. A caress or a soft kiss said much more than words could convey. Every afternoon after feeding the kids, Ellie and I shared a shower or a tub together. Our bodies...
A sudden knock on the loose-fitting screen door sounded like a gun shot, loud and jarringly unexpected. With a faintly British accent, a young man's voice called out, "There's a phone call for Billy or Jean." And in another moment, "Anyone there?" Jean and I looked at each other. I lifted an eyebrow that asked, 'Do you know?' She shrugged her shoulders as if to say, 'Beat's me.' A naked Margi had slumped to her knees, one hand thrust between her thighs and the other...
SPRING (May 2006) "What the hell are YOU looking at?" My eyebrows furrowed and I felt a massive headache coming on. I took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, the seconds ticking by as the air whistled out between my lips. Sensing that her joking greeting had not gone over as planned, Amber fidgeted and bit her lower lip. But even when I was done exhaling, I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say. I WAS, however, looking the hell at her. Three years had been very kind to Amber....
Rob, Brad, Leslie, Sheila, and I were together almost every night after that, and we hung out all weekend long except for time for a few errands. Yes, we had a lot of sex and it was very gratifying. I did a Skype call with Paul one Saturday morning. He was in Beijing and the clock was twelve hours ahead of us, so he and Mike were about to head out for dinner. I teased Paul, “Have you found a beautiful oriental woman to keep your bed warm for you?” He laughed and said, “Yes,...
William "RUN!" Nadil screamed. I took off running, and I heard the girls' right behind me. I then heard a roar that I would remember until my dying days. I noticed the ground ahead was flat and clear for forty feet, so I looked over my shoulder and I felt my balls retreating up into my belly again as they cried 'Mother!' Two of the T-Rexs were tearing apart the one we had killed, while the one chasing us must have been the king of all of them. The creature was around seventeen meters...
Sgt. Martinez wasn’t there when Chloe arrived at the police station, but when she asked for her, the desk sergeant took one good look at her and called her at home. Sgt. Martinez was there half an hour later. There was questioning. She was taken to the hospital. There were photographs and samples taken. She had a broken nose, a broken rib, and numerous small electrical burns, plus the fading injuries from earlier in the week which were still visible. Peter Reed was arrested that day. It took...
The divorce was finalized a few weeks later. Catherine at first tried to contest it, but when it became evident that Manny wanted nothing more to do with her, she signed the document allowing the divorce to proceed. The house was sold and although she received a fair settlement Catherine was forced to move into a small apartment and take a job clerking at a department store. She was miserable, not sure whether she missed Manny, Mark and Serena or Alexandra the most. At last she could take...