Cum Compulsion free porn video

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It all started the end of my sophomore year in high school. When I turned sixteen my parents decided I was old enough to go on actual dates, at night, alone with a boy. With the testosterone running high, and my own sexual desires now freed after having been a bit repressed, it did not take me long to begin down my road of sexual exploration.

Greg and I were already totally enthralled with each other, so by the time we got to be alone together, in a way that we had no worries about anyone, especially parents, catching us, the intimacy started. There was a rapid progression from making out to more and more physical exploration. I held back a bit, and also held him off a bit, just due to the combination of threats and anxiety my parents had instilled in me. But when you are locked in a tongue probing embrace, with hands running over your already highly charged body, resistance is futile.

I let him fondle my boobs and discovered just how fantastic it felt to have my nipples rubbed and squeezed. Not only was the feeling shooting to my brain, I could feel how hot and wet my pussy was becoming. Of course his hands were there also, but I kept my legs crossed tightly; not there, not yet. He also used every opportunity to put my hand on his cock, hoping I would explore and give him what he wanted. I did explore, but only from outside his pants. It did not matter, he held me tighter as he moaned and I felt his pants become wet and warm. I was not totally naive about the male body; I knew exactly what had happened.

Variations on the theme of this revelry occurred the next two times we were able to be safely alone. By then he was practically begging for more, and I was almost ready to fully give in. This was the day of our first actual hand to genital contact. His sweet, loving whispers and the ardent movement of his hands had overwhelmed whatever resistance I had left.

He happily opened his pants, and my hand slid into his underwear, finding his hard cock. This happened at the same time as I had spread my legs and given him access to my panties. His hand slid in and explored my soaking pussy, as I stroked and explored his organ. Two of his fingers found my opening as I began a determined and steady pumping of his boner.

We were both caught up in a frenzy of motion that would soon culminate in his first, non self-inflicted, orgasm. Although I did not cum, it was my first male introduction to the thrills my pussy held for me. As we kept up our exploration it was not long before his moans started. I felt his cock begin to pulse. A warm fluid flowed out, filling his underwear and soaking my hand.

We both came down from the fervid highs we had been riding and removed our hands, his moist with my clear juice, mine dripping with a slippery, sticky, creamy white liquid. An image flew through my mind about how I was dripping the sperm, the cum I had seen in porn videos. I thoughtlessly brought it to my mouth and licked it, salty, gooey, not like anything I had ever tasted—I liked it. I did not know it then, but that was the beginning of my craving and obsession with sperm, the male seed, filled with millions of invisible searching swimmers.

After this episode we were both ready for that final step, jointly losing our ultimate virginity. But we needed to find that right time when we could be alone, isolated with enough time to enjoy it for as long as we both wanted. Until that happened, my memory of his taste had filled me with thoughts of nothing but my first chance to suck his cock and drink in his wonderful semen.

I’m not sure I recognized it at that time, but I was changing, evolving. I was moving from a physically innocent girl to one who enjoyed what girlfriends had told me was yucky, something they just put up with to make their guy happy, to keep him theirs.

The next day, after school, we did not have time for what we both so desperately wanted, but I knew I could suck him in his car. He wanted that as bad as I, so we drove to the local mall and parked among a group of cars that we knew belonged to employees who would not be returning soon. He unbuckled and unzipped, freeing his cock and balls. I quickly took him into my mouth and marveled at how wonderful it felt to have that warm, soft yet rigid tube rolling on my tongue. My lips held him as I moved up and down. His balls were hanging free, nestled in my other hand. Even though this was my first time, the internet had provided wonderful preparation. I knew what to do and to expect, but not what his release would actually feel like.

He held my head as he moaned more and more. His legs began to stiffen. I knew he was close as I tasted the precum I had learned about, that just caused me to redouble my efforts—I was consumed with my goal. I was not disappointed. His balls began to contract and an instant later he exploded into my mouth. I was almost overwhelmed by his seed, but I loved it! I did not lose any and savored every last drop that I could squeeze from him.

I flashed back to what my more experienced friends had told me and could not relate to their feelings—I loved his semen, his cum. It affected me deeply.

“Oh my god Hannah! That was so fuckin great! You are so fuckin great! God I love you.”

“Baby, you taste so damn good! I could suck you endlessly.”

He pulled me up into a long, deep passionate kiss. It was one of those days you never forget.

A few days later we had our opportunity to again be alone for quite awhile. Greg had wanted to go down on me, to bring me pleasure and return my favor from a few days previous. He had learned the same way I did and was not hesitant to plunge right in. With a bit of guidance and encouragement from me, he soon had me squealing in delight. He kept it up until it was my turn for my legs to shake and stiffen.

“Greg, I’m cummin. Fuck, oh fuck it is so good! Eat me more, yes baby yes!”

Suddenly I had to push him away. My clit was super sensitive. He did not understand why I did what I did, thinking he had done something wrong.

“No baby you were perfect! A girl’s clit just gets so super sensitive; it cannot take any more contact. It needs a few minutes. Come up here and kiss me! Share my juice with me. Just a few minutes and I want you in me. Take me and make me yours.”

I felt like this was my last step to becoming a woman. My body had changed. My mind had changed. I had taken a guy’s full discharge for the first time and loved it. There was only one thing left. I wanted his seed in me, deep in my womb.

It was a wonderful experience. He went slow. I felt a bit of pressure and then he slipped fully in, no muss, no fuss.

“Okay Greg, go for it! Pump me like crazy. I want you so bad baby. Fuck me, just fuck me deep and give me your cum!”

He did just as I asked. We were both exhilarated. I kept urging him to fuck me faster, harder, deeper. I used every word I could think of to drive him to just relentlessly pound me. I wanted to cum and I wanted to be sore. I never wanted to forget this.

I don’t know how he lasted so long at the speed and strength he was using. I was rubbing my clit gently to give some extra stimulation towards my coveted orgasm.

“Hannah, I am really close to cumming. You are dripping wet; I feel it running out. I can’t hold back much longer.”

“I’m close too. Just go for it. I know when I feel you shoot in me I will go over the edge. I want it so friggin bad. Go Greg, pound me!”

Suddenly he gripped me like a vise. I could hardly breathe but managed to scream out, “Shit Greg, I’m cumming! Oh my god your cum is so hot! Fill me Baby, fill me. I want every drop.”

He managed to stay hard and keep pumping me for a minute or two after I thought he was spent. Then he abruptly collapsed on me, our sweaty bodies pressed together. Even though we were both gasping for breath and he was crushing me into the bed, all I could think of was how astoundingly awesome I felt. This was it, I thought. This was why all the women in the videos I watched had screamed so much. This was definitely worth screaming over!

He finally recovered and rolled off me, apologizing and asking if I was okay. I just laughed and said,”I am not a china doll. I won’t break. I expect this or better from you every time we do it. Just wait ‘til I get on top of you!”

Then I instinctively reached between my legs, cupped my hand below my puss and pushed out all the cum I possibly could. It seemed so natural; I intuitively wanted it. Bringing it to my mouth, I licked in every drop, and after toying with it a bit, swallowed it all. I think that was when my infatuation was cemented in my brain.

Greg was in love; I was in lust. He wanted us to be exclusively together and I had no problem with that. I don’t think I ever felt what he felt, but I did love having sex with him and keeping every delicious drop of him either in me or on me.

We were at it like wild animals in a rut. When we could not find the time or place to give us the duration we wanted, I always gave him a blowjob. One way or another I was getting his luscious creamy semen every day. I was becoming more and more addicted. I didn’t know how alcoholics or drug addicts felt, but I was really beginning to develop a serious need. That is when I got curious about how other guys tasted.

I wondered if it was possible that all guys tasted exactly alike or had the same texture. It seemed highly unlikely. One type of tomato would taste similar to another but not exactly the same. That was true for most things we consumed. Now I had to know.

Greg never understood what had now turned into my full on fetish. He loved me and loved our sex. He loved my blowjobs and seeing me eat his seed. He never did understand why I sometimes wanted him to shoot his load all over my face. I’m not sure I totally understood, but the first time we did that I looked in my mirror; I loved seeing his cream on my face, slowly running down in various sized rivulets. I would carefully use one finger to wipe them off and deposit them on my tongue for further enjoyment before they disappeared down my throat.

The need to experience other guys was now so strong I could no longer ignore it. I did not want to hurt Greg, but I had to tell him. I tried to explain that I still cared for him very much, but I just had to experiment. It did not mean we could not still be together. He, of course, did not understand. After an extremely emotional exchange, he told me it was over for him. Even though I knew I had hurt him, I felt relieved. Now I was free to continue on my odyssey of discovery to satisfy my craving for the male seed.

Word had been out at school about Greg and I being an item. Now word quickly spread that was no longer the case. I was suddenly more popular than I had ever been, especially among guys that were not shy about expressing their desires. I’m sure there were plenty of other girls who saw me as “easy” or a tramp, but it did not matter to me. The guys wanted me; I had my pick. I chose the elite, the ones with the reputation for proficiency and expertise in delivering what I desired.

I found three guys who had no problems sharing me. I got what I wanted and they got what they wanted. It worked out nicely. Virtually everyday of the week I was having sex with at least one of them. My thoughts regarding taste proved true. Slight differences in all areas of taste and consistency, it was all wonderful. They never left me without at least one orgasm and always made their deposit wherever I wanted it. It just made my craving increase.

More and more I was wanting their creamy essence on my face and boobs. I would rub some into my skin and skim most of it to my lips. Of course there was always the direct discharge into my mouth. Feeling the powerful bursts of semen explode into me was almost as good as an orgasm. With some help from my fingers it was often simultaneous.

There were a few times when it worked out that I knew I would be home alone after school and all three could come over. They fucked me and I sucked them until I had drained them dry. I was left exhausted and covered in cum. I lay there as long as I knew it was safe, their seed sticking and drying on me as I rubbed it around and brought my fingers to my lips.

It was especially on these three-on-one days that I thought about how I had transformed. I knew I was promiscuous, but was I really a slut, a tramp or whore? I knew I was being used, but I was also using them. Was I so psychologically out of the norm that I needed help or was I just an over-sexed, relatively normal girl enjoying herself? I decided that only time and circumstance would tell.

I never got involved in another real relationship in high school. Everything revolved around my semen fetish. Fortunately the school was very large, my graduating class had over six hundred students. My proclivities were known within a relatively small group; I was not known throughout the school as a slut.

Different guys came and went during my junior year and the first semester of my senior year. I never lacked for dates. During spring break of my senior year I went to Panama City Beach with my best, most loyal girlfriend, Julie. My parents were so trusting. I was their sweet little girl who was soon to be in college, so why not a little party fun for her since she was going to graduate with a 3.9 GPA. It was pretty much the same story for Julie, in terms of her parents letting her go. They knew we would be good and watch out for each other. She did not share my fetish but was every bit as horny for the male body.

It was four days of partying like neither of us had ever known. We shared a room where we slept in the mornings and then spent the afternoons and evenings in our string bikinis on the beach, in one of the clubs, or in some guy’s room. Our age did not seem to make any difference. We were both very sexually mature and looked older than our age. My 34C’s and her 34D’s went a long way in convincing less than concerned bouncers to allow us in.

Those four days were the high point of living my fetish. We had our pick of guys, who were mostly on break from college. They swarmed around us like bees to the nest. It was a dream to have older guys wanting us. We drank, teased, danced, flashed our boobs, and occasionally our pussies. Every day we both went to a room with a guy in the afternoon and another in the evening. The guys were all bigger, stronger and had more stamina than the high school boys we were used to.

It was our first real total freedom, and we both completely let our passionate, sensual sides loose. I sucked more cock and had more guys between my legs than I ever dreamed possible. I knew I would never see these guys again so I could not have cared less about my reputation, it was meaningless here.

It all built day by day. We were not really ready for the possibilities that presented themselves. We had talked about how we might meet some boys and what fun we might have. That was all conceptual until we hit the beach that first day. There were ripped guys everywhere who wanted nothing more than us. Talk about pick of the litter.

The guy I picked on my first afternoon had been so confident and straightforward I did not know if I should have been offended or thrilled. I went with thrilled.

“Hey babe, you are hot as hell in that suit! Your bod is fantastic. Those tits are killer. I’m Gary, wanna go to my room and get it on?”

Stumbling for words, I said, “You’re pretty bold. What makes you think I would go for an approach like that?”

“Cuz we are both here for the same reason, and not to seem braggadocios, but I absolutely guarantee you will not be disappointed in the result. You can leave when ever you want, I am a lover not a ravager.”

He was handsome, older and well... simply sexy and charismatic. “Well Gary the lover, I am Hannah. Lets give it a shot.”

“This way sweetheart.”

He had my top off and was playing with my tits as we walked to his room. God, he had me squirming and creaming in my ‘kini bottoms before we got there. As he showed me in the door, he untied my strings, picked me up and tossed me naked on the bed. I was so ready. Little did I know what was coming. I thought I knew what good oral sex was until he got on the bed with me. He knew more tricks and techniques than I realized existed. He had me screaming and squirming in minutes. He did not let up until I thought I would pass out from cumming.

Then I got to suck his cock. It was the largest I had ever seen.

Damn, I thought, I get to suck this and then he is going to fuck me! How did I get so lucky?

I had perfected deep-throat and he loved it. I thought I could get a guy off pretty quick if I wanted to. He resisted all my attempts. Finally he let loose and flooded me with the most massive volume of spunk I had ever received. I had to use my hand to catch some dribbles, bringing then all to my mouth. Oh, that was so satisfying.

Oh my god, I wondered, was this what the rest of our week would be like? I had visions of what I had come to acknowledge as my fetish being emphatically realized in a no-holds-barred way.

He flipped me on my back and plunged his still hard cock fully in me. Grabbing my legs and bringing my knees to my head, he proceeded to pummel my puss. I was utterly amazed at his capacity to go fast and furious without ever slowing down. I was overwhelmed and began screaming and cumming. There was no moving, he had me completely pinned and under his control. All I could do was surrender my body to him and let him drive me into orgasm after orgasm. Ultimately he reached his maximum endurance. With a triumphant primal scream, he pulled out and shot his load all over my face.

He fell by my side, as covered in sweat as I was, gasping for breath. I stretched out my legs as my breathing began returning to normal. Scooping his seed from my face with a finger, I brought succulent gob after gob to my lips and down my throat as I contemplated that this was only the first afternoon.

The next two and a half days went in a similar manner. Many guys tried to pick us up. We flirted and teased as they drooled over our boobs and tiny string thong, dying to partake of what they hid. Every afternoon and night we each picked one, and a scene similar to my Gary experience was repeated for both of us. I have to say, for me, no one quite measured up to Gary, in several different ways. But I was never left wanting. I got my fill of their yummy cum, and orgasms to fulfill my desire.

It was our last night. Julie and I started out together but as much as we tried, we eventually got separated in a club. I was standing among a crowd of guys and girls, drinking a beer I had been handed and watching a wet tee shirt contest. I saw Julie off to the side of the stage. A guy was apparently trying to talk her into participating. She definitely had the boobs to be a major contender, and she could shake her booty like crazy when she got in the mood.

As I was adding my voice to the crowd, shouting encouragement to all the contestants, suddenly two athletic hands quickly slipped under my top and grabbed my nipples, squeezing them and pulling me tightly back into him. As I tried to turn to see who the culprit was, a voice said in my ear, “So how is my little cum slut tonight?”

I knew at once it was Gary. I turned my head as far as I could and was about to protest when he kissed me deeply. Between the nipple treatment I was getting and his kiss, my initial panic gave way to amusement and delight.

When our lip lock broke I punched him in the shoulder saying, “What do you mean ‘cum slut’? That’s kinda mean, especially from a guy who seduced and ravished me, leaving me totally drained.”

“I’m not sure who drained who, but okay, how about cum fiend? You have to admit you have more than a passing interest in the male seed.”

“Well I... Damn will you let go of my tits! Jesus, you already have my passions inflamed. Okay, so I do have a certain appetite for cum. Does that make me a bad person?” Having been deep in my fetish for about two years, I was now starting to have occasional perplexing thoughts about the wisdom of my behavior. I was having the time of my life, what could be wrong?

“Hannah, it makes you a wonderful woman and lover. I was hoping you might want to spend some time together and if you are so inclined I could arrange for you to indulge your hunger to an abundant degree.”

As he was talking I peaked down and noticed he was significantly protruding below the waist. I reached down and held it as I asked him exactly what he had in mind.

“Now look who’s inflaming passions,” he said, grasping my nips again and saying, “I am not here alone. I could easily have at least ten hot guys at my room who would do whatever you wanted. Anything from fucking to just jerking off on you. You could have your fill. My guess is it would be way more than you have ever even considered possible.”

“Christ Gary, I was happy with just you... You have me figured out too good... This is really tempting. It just does feel really cum slutty... I don’t know if I can do it.”

“Totally your choice and no judgement here. Also I will keep you anonymous, and I can stop it at any time. I want to be last so I can spend some time with you, so keep that in mind when you decide what you want to do.”

I stopped rubbing him and had to pull his hands away again so I could think. I asked how it would all work. Who were the guys? Where would they come from? How well did he know them? My mind was boggled by the possibilities. Gary alone would be a treat but the thought of his offer... This would probably never happen again. He explained the guys would all be his fraternity brothers and they would do whatever he said, he was the frat president.

“Okay, lets do it. Get us out of this crowd and back to your room.”

He easily made a path for us and got on his cell phone as we walked. Call after call went out. By the time we got to his room there were already two guys waiting. He was right, they were as ripped and handsome as promised. My heart was pounding and my pussy dripping as he opened the door. I whispered to him that I just wanted to do blowjobs and save my pussy for him. I wanted them all to cum on my face and in my hair so I could get soaked in spunk and wipe as much as I wanted into my mouth.

Soon there were five or six guys waiting. As promised, he introduced me as Carol to hide my identity and went on to tell them what the evening would entail. As he did that I pulled my strings. The suit dropped away, and I kneeled on a folded towel. Now I felt confident and assured. I saw how the guys were looking at me, eyeing my body up and down. I returned the smiles of anticipation and excitement.

“First guy gets to cum in my mouth. I want to start off with a tasty discharge. It’s going to be Marcus. I’ve not had any black cock yet so get over here.”

He was instantly in front of me, offering his already hard dick for my pleasure. He did not disappoint. His blast was not long in coming. Filling my mouth with thick, creamy seed. I had all I could do to swallow it all without losing some.

The rest became mostly a dazzling blur. All I saw were the cocks presented to me. When I tasted their pre-cum, I pulled them out and they finished on me. I felt spurt after spurt hit me in different places. They just kept coming. I mean the number of guys and their jizz. It was running down my face. I could feel my hair was dripping. When I could, I gathered some with a finger and brought it to my tongue.

Finally my jaw and hands were beginning to ache. When one guy finished, and before I let another one in, I sat back on my heels and said, “Enough.” I knew I was covered. Never had I experienced anything close to this. Most every part of me covered. Their luscious seed dripping down from my face to my boobs and onto my legs.

“Okay guys, funs over. I think you all owe Carol some thanks.”

They broke into applause and then their words of appreciation washed over me. I just looked up and said, “Thanks. It is something I will never forget.”

As Gary was hustling them out, I stood up and began to wipe my face and chest, taking time to lick their deposits off my fingers before returning for more. Now, I thought, now I really was a cum slut. How had I let this obsession, this fetish, bring me to this point? What must Gary think of me?

After he had ushered the last guy out and locked the door, he came back to me.

“So was it everything you wanted or expected?” he asked with a big grin on his face.

I know he meant this question to elicit a positive, approving reply from me, but it touched that perplexing nerve that had been occasionally floating into my consciousness. I collapsed to the floor and started sobbing. My tears ran freely, running over the semi-dry jizz that was left on my face. Those two words kept running through my mind, Cum slut, cum slut, cum slut. On and on. Gary didn’t say anything. He sat on the bed and let me cry myself out. Finally the tears slowed and then stopped.

He stood, came over to me and offered his hand. I reached for it; he pulled me up. “Lets get you squeaky clean in a hot shower. You promised me a date, and I intend to hold you to that promise.”

“Oh god, what you must think of me. You really want to be with me after that? You could have most any girl out there tonight. Why settle for a silly, stupid cum slut?”

“Hannah, it is you I want. We all do things we regret. The important thing is to learn from them. I believe you have learned something important about yourself tonight. You are the better woman for it. Life goes on. Remember the past is the past, even if it is only a few minutes in the past. Now go get a shower and come back to me. You are not getting out of our date. I want you too much to let that happen. Now scoot!”

I ran to the shower and scrubbed myself over and over. As I was scrubbing I wondered how I had gotten so lucky to find Gary not once but twice. He read me like a book and said just the right things, things I needed to hear. I would never again be consumed by some compulsion, some obsession, some fetish.

As I stepped out of the shower, my skin red from the hot water and the scrubbing, he grabbed me with a large bath towel and dried me from head to toe. Only my hair was left damp, it was a good damp, smelling and feeling fresh and invigorated.

Scooping me up, still wrapped in the towel, he brought me to the bed and tossed me on it just like our first encounter. That night was one of the most phenomenal and loving of my life. It had part of the urgency of our first time, but it also soft, tender, loving moments that I treasured that night and still do to this day.

We spent the night together, and I left the next morning. That was the last time I ever saw or talked to him. I will be forever thankful for his short presence in my life.

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December 15, 1990 My wife, fetchingly clad in Scarlet cap and gown, ran up and triumphantly waved her newly-awarded diploma over her head. "Here it is," she said with a proud smile. "At long last." "Your reward for all that hard work, Doctor O'Malley," I told her, wrapping her up in my arms. The graduation ceremony had been brief and somewhat subdued. "That's what I get for graduating in December," Inez pointed out. "The ceremony for May graduates is a lot more elaborate. But I...

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New Neighbours

Introduction: After moving from the city to the country, Tom gets to meet his new neighbours I had done alright working in the city in London and had gained quite a hefty promotion linked with relocation to the Midlands. What that also meant was that with the difference in property prices I was able to buy myself a pretty good detached house with gardens in a nice quiet village. My neighbours, Paul and Jane and their daughter Sarah, were fifty yards or so to the left and the next house was...

1 year ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 21

Jake came down for breakfast, feeling relaxed after a morning blowjob from Della, and found June sitting at the table in a long T-shirt, an empty glass in front of her. Jake sat down, yawning as Sara placed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of him. June looked at him shyly and he smiled while pouring himself some orange juice. When he asked if she wanted some she nodded and he refilled her glass. Nancy came in, helping Sara as she began breaking more eggs into a bowl. She pulled...

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National Lampoons Clark and Ellen

a few doors down the hall, Clark and Ellen Griswold were just finishing up some packing. Clark was messing around with their new camcorder and Ellen was finishing up a shower. Ellen stepped out of the shower and Clark walked into the bathroom filming her. "Oh Clark come on, get out of here" she said as she put one hand over the camera lens and one over her face. She was wearing a towel that covered her nice body. Ellen had a great body for her age. She had nice athletic legs and full B cup...

4 years ago
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Becky Learns A Lesson

Becky!! says: Hey there good looking! :) Jack. says: Hey! What up? Becky!! says: Well, I’m super bored. Truth or dare? Jack. says: Okay, I’m game. Dare! Haha. Becky!! says:  Hmmm! Haha I know... Go out to the nearest lamp post naked! Jack. says: Can I wear shoes? I have a gravel driveway. Becky!! says:  Yeah, alright. Jack. says:  I'm back! Truth or dare? Becky!! says:  Dare I think! Jack. says: Go stand on your deck naked for twenty seconds J Becky!! says: Okay I’m back! That was coldL! It’s...

1 year ago
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Futa Delinquents

"Today is the day, I finally get to go to see Destroyer of The Flesh. I've been waiting so long to get into that mosh pit, with DoTF playing it's going to be fucking brutal." I hit send and the text blasts to all the friends I made in the mosh pit over the years. Still don't know their names, but who cares? They make a great pit, and they were in the wall of death last year at the fest. It's too bad none of them are going but one. The tickets are cheap, but everyone has plans, they always...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 116 Sex on the Plane

The spread of Nudism was everywhere and had even shown up on the aeroplane as the four flew from the USA into Germany. All the female air hostesses on Lufthansa were young and topless and wore the shortest of tight, black, mini skirts and no underwear. Those miniskirts were a part of some incomprehensible bureaucratic health regulation otherwise these hostesses would have been completely naked. Another reason might also have been that they just looked red hot in them ... but the airline...

2 years ago
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Drafted Into SpaceChapter 5 Last one standing

RJ explained to several Lyconians 'werewolf looking' males A - how to load the magazines B - insert them into the proper weapon C - chamber a round aim and fire. Then quickly did the same for the shotguns and assault rifles. She told them to show everyone else as they came for the new weapons. I loaded a Kel-Tec and 6 extra magazines that I put into a bib-vest rig then I loaded eight magazines for my Glock and put them into the slots on the front of the vest, the pouch on the left side of...

3 years ago
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Virtual Reality Girl

Joanna's best friend Tiffani had called her up and invited her over to see something very special. Tiffani was very secretive on the phone as to what it was. She said it was something that Joanna would never believe in a million years. With her curiosity peaked Joanna left her home immediately and soon arrived at Tiffani's house. Joanna rang the bell and within a few seconds Tiffani opened the door. They hugged upon seeing each other as old friends often do. Once the hug was broken,...

4 years ago
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Who Do You Want

As soon as I met Donna at a party, I knew I wanted to be with her. I’m pretty tall, six-five, and she was five-eight, so we are at least in the same part of the stratosphere. She was bubbly and fun with wavy blond hair down just past her shoulders and her body, well, she’s slender and curvy with beautiful long legs and a nice figure. Really she’s got great boobs and likes guys to notice them. Well, the night of the party, I certainly did and I left with her phone number and email address and a...

3 years ago
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Dinner for Twins

Hannah sat there, alone on the couch, watching TV. It was lazy day. Still warm from a long bath, she flipped through the various channels. It was getting late and she wondered where her sister could be. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She quickly got up and ran to the door. After unlocking the deadbolt, she opened to door. To her relief, her sister, Samantha was standing outside."Overtime today?" Hannah asked as she walked in, "You normally come earlier." "No," Samantha grinned...

1 year ago
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A half virgin boy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi I am Mahfuz. I am 19 now but when the fact occurred I was 18 then. It occurred in my cousin's house. My cousin was 24 but it wasn't with her. She had a best friend of her named Shila. I was still a virgin then but knew about sex and watched lots of xxx movies. Shila came to cousin's house and then we met and talked about different things. Shila was a little bit naughty I think. When she got me alone she started to tease me but I actually enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Joeys Mom Gives Him His Virgin Fuck

My name is Joey and I'm 26 just in the beginning stages of what I hope will become a long, exciting, and successful career in the software development business. My Mom and I live alone together as we always have. Mom had me as a very young girl one week after her 13th birthday and has never been married. I have no idea who my dad was and frankly, I could care less. My Mom has been the very best thing that has ever happened to me. She has always been very honest with me. She has always...

3 years ago
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Sorority Auxiliary Part 1 My Application

The only child of egghead parents, I’m a geek, I admit. I’m tall and thin, but lousy at basketball and other sports. There are good aspects to being a geek. I’m smart, I get good grades, I ought to get a good job when I graduate from engineering college. Kids in high school asked me for help with homework in sciences, so I at least had that kind of popularity. Girls, even some cheerleaders, wanted my tutoring. But that was all. They didn’t want to tutor me on the subject I was just as...

3 years ago
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Plight of an Illegal Teen

John Beckman had been an ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officer for twenty years. He had been married but, like so many other officers, the job had cost him his marriage and he found himself divorced. John had been a straight arrow his whole career. He had never taken a bribe or accepted sex from the women and girls he had arrested and deported over the years. This particular day John had gotten a tip on a couple of illegals living in a small two-bedroom apartment on the slum side...

2 years ago
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Oma amd Opa

Ever since I can remember, I would visit Oma and Opa and spend the night with them. We would all sleep in the same bed. Oma on the right, Opa on the left, and me in the middle. We would all sleep naked.Some times Oma and Opa would get on one side of the bed. They would kiss. Oma would be on the bottom and make the bed bounce. Other times Oma would be on her hands and knees, Opa would be behind her. She would make moaning noises and Opa would be grunting, it sounded like Opa was smacking Oma...

1 year ago
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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 16

My Dad's next business trip was cancelled so it was looking like a seven week delay before his next one. I could see my mother was anxious. I imagine Grandpa Jack was too. He usually came over on the first night of Dad's trip to spank my mother, then have a little father daughter blow job. I kept my mother on edge the whole time. Every opportunity I had I would swat her bottom and remark how good it was going to be to put some color on it. Whenever she was on top during sex I would make it...

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Cousine Heike

Es ist jetzt schon einige Jahre her, ich war schon 18 aber noch in der Ausbildung und wohnte auch noch bei meinen Eltern.Nach der Arbeit radelte ich bei schönem Wetter nachhause, vorbei an der Videothek, das grosse Plakat vom neuen Schwarzenegger Film hing im Fenster und ich stoppte um mir den Film zu leihen. Aber wie üblich waren alle Kopien verliehen und ich schlenderte duch die Videothek, ich war schon in der Abteilung ab 18und ging noch um ein Regal zu den Pornos. Wenn schon kein...

4 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 40

The next morning I was up at six. My eyes still heavy with sleep and dressed in nothing but my boxers and a tee shirt, I opened my motel room door and peeked outside. It was dark, gloomy, chilly and drizzling. Quickly closing the door, I retreated to the warmth of the bathroom where I shaved, brushed my teeth and took a hot shower. As soon as I was dressed I packed my gear and checked out of the motel. Regardless of the weather I was eager to get on the road. On the way to the I75 freeway...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Intro

When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sleep over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me.Harry went on to explain that...

3 years ago
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BTVS Dawns Wish Part 5

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Dawn's Wish Part 5 "Anything you want Dawnie."Dawn's question had been rhetorical, however the little brunette couldn't help find it cute that Buffy answered her anyway.Unfortunately Buffy ruined the moment by whimpering, "Please Dawnie, just stop. If... if you stop I promise I won't punish you and we can forget this ever happened.""Please, I don't even need to ask to know that's bull." Dawn scoffed before smiling, "Now get your cute little butt upstairs, go to my room...

1 year ago
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Aliens GiftPart 5 New Mission

I. Colt pulled off the highway to the rest stop. He looked over at Brandy and saw a grin on her face. He knew she had been eyeing his hard-on for the last hour and she probably thought it was for her. "A lot she knew," he mumbled and then turned around to look at his naked step-sister. Sheri was fingering herself nonstop. The scent of her sex played on him like an aphrodisiac. Colt was momentarily distracted by Brandy who seemed to be reacting to Sheri's display as well. He pushed...

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Christines Story II

Introduction: As told to me By Christine The scenes of being fucked kept recurring. I could still see his naked cock as he stood over me. From my point of view it seemed enormous. His circumcised dick stood straight out from his loins supported by a tight sack. It bobbed up and down like a caged animal. Then I was being fucked. Over and over again this movie replayed itself. First I could see his phallus then I was being fucked. I awoke with a start. I was disoriented for a moment. Then the...

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my friend and her daughterPART 1


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Warm Milk

I was sitting in a bar trying to forget the world when I saw her coming in. She was an older woman, a bit behind her prime. But she looked astonishing in the black and blue dress she wore. It was a thing of beauty: a silky glow to a garment that enhanced her bosom and her rear. You see, unlike most men, my interest in women mostly ended on what they were wearing. And so it was with this older beauty, but alas I only admired her gown. And as so many times before, I sighted as I was...

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My Mother My Slave Part II

Note : This story is completely fictional! I sat up in bed and streached my arms. Man what a fantastic dream. I tossed off the covers and sat up. I saw my new slave curled up on the floor next to my bed....., this is going to be a great day..... I stood up and nudged my mom with my foot until she woke up. Her eyes opened and saw me naked standing over her. She realized that her nightmare was true. Come on doggie, I said. I need to pee. I nudged her again. Come! I walked to the bathroom with my...

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a foot perv 6

I woke up Sunday morning kind of late and headed down to the kitchen follow a few minutes later by Kate and Ann. Grabbing something to drink we all sat down at the table and I ask the girls if they had seen Doug yet this morning. Ann told me he had left early because he had to help his dad move some wood. With a stern look at Ann I said I hope you didn’t do anything you’d regret last night. Being on the subject I asked them how they learned so much about sex being that I could count the guys...

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Sandra is Different Pt 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 It was Saturday the next day and my first full day as a working girl. Not the type of working girl that you are thinking of, although being one of those girls had crossed my mind and would suit my ‘condition’, no, I was starting work at the clothes shop. I quickly showered and got myself ready and set off for the 10 minute walk, stopping to get a coffee and a pastry on the way. I just made it as Lisa was rolling up the shutters. “Morning Sandra.” Lisa said, “bright...

2 years ago
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His Affair Her Affair

Married salesman picks up married hooker in a hotel bar. [/b]He sat at one end of the bar, nursing a drink. His sport coat was unbuttoned and his tie pulled down. His eyes kept darting down to the blonde sitting at the other end. Of medium height, she wore a black leather skirt. Already short, that skirt was cut up the side, showing the tops of her fishnet stockings and the straps of the garter belt that supported them. She crossed and recrossed her legs, obviously aware of his scrutiny and...

4 years ago
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Fucking fatties is always fun

It’s true that life can throw you some curves, but how boring would it be if it were all straight lines? No, not all curves are bad. Take, for example, Tuesday, three weeks ago! I’m leaving my appointment, walking across the entrance plaza, heading for my car, checking the clock and figuring I’ve got time enough on my meter to stop for a coffee, when I become aware of a ruckus at the bus stop I’m passing. Voices raised — some taunting, one pleading. “Stop!...

1 year ago
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Garbowskys Wedding and After Party

We took a bunch of photos then were on our way to the hall. By now it was about 6pm-ish and the guests were to join us at about 7-ish. I could feel someone looking at me so I turned around and saw Ashley staring at me. She quickly averted her gaze when I turned around. But even I must admit she looked beautiful in a long, tight-fitted purple dress. Reeve was matching, wearing a black tux, purple top and dark purple tie. Although I do miss our time together, I’ll never want to go back. What...

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I found her on an Internet site while looking for women close by with similar interests to my own. It's hard to be that blunt in an ad though."Extremely sexual 50 year old woman seeks women for wanton, sweaty sex. Loves your taste, smell, the way your voice shakes when you're getting the best oral sex of your life. Loves being the one giving it to you.""Latina lesbian" looking for women. My breath caught in my throat. It wasn't surprising that I worked with lesbians, in fact it is quite common....

2 years ago
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Author's Note: Simulacrum (pronounced sym-yoo-lak-rumm) is a Latin term that means something that looks like or represents something else. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. SIMULACRUM By Lana B. Ritchie Tomlin walked into his office and placed the newspaper and Styrofoam cup on his desk. He took off his coat and tossed it onto the wooden coat-hanger. He settled into the black leather chair behind his desk and removed the lid from the cup. For...

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Rachel and Chris

Part 1 : Rachel and the Ring Yesterday was clear with a light but chilling winter wind present to remind all that the bit of warmth in the sun would only last a couple of hours at best. I struggled between sweating and freezing as I worked to remove the winter street grime from my roadster. Top up and windows closed may have some keep the roadster in the garage all winter but not me. Unless it is icy, I want to drive the corner hugging, light and fast two seat roadster in all seasons. The...

She Males
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Family MeetingChapter 2

From the look on Dad's face, I could tell that he was in no mood to talk. After all, he had just caught me in a lie when I told him earlier that day that he and my brothers and grandfather were the only men that I had fucked since I left home for college. The truth was that I had become another family's sex toy and the proof was standing right in front of him. "I asked you, Girl, who in the hell are these people, and why did this man have his hand on what belongs to me?" "Dad, please....

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A Quick Fuck In The Woods

It was the spring of my sophomore year in college.  I had matured sexually since I had started college.  I was no longer a relatively inexperienced teenage girl from small-town America.  I had grown into a sexually active young woman of twenty.  Sure, I made sure academics came first.  But I also I made sure to learn more and more about the sexually voracious woman I had become.  Mom and Dad would have been devastated to discover not only how sexually active their daughter had become, but also...

College Sex
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Ed BiggersChapter 16

John had been working a case in which children were being swapped in a sex ring. The preliminary information they had was that the children were actually children of the members of the sex ring, kept in ignorance and serving only as sex toys. When the kids became too old for the pedophiles, they would get dumped in a large city to fend for themselves. As John, Ed, and Leroy moved into position behind a van in front of a middle class suburban house, Ed looked around and noticed a large number...

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Anna Intro to Bondage

-- Anna and Bondage --I'm having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We've only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seems to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we have the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we're comfortable with each other and always find something to chat...

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The Most Embarrassing Moments Ever

I was taking a shower one day.Suddenly my at that time 2 year old son came into the bathroom and he had wrapped himself in toilet paper. Although he made a mess, he looked adorable, so i ran for my camera and took a few shots. They came out so well that i had copies made and included one with each of the Christmas cards that year. Days later, a relative called about the picture, laughing hysterically, and suggesting that i take a closer look. Puzzled, i stared at the photo and was shocked to...

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waking too late

My head was screaming as I awoke! I kept trying to remember last night? All there was darkness,emptiness, and forgotten hours. The booze had been free and it did nor it matter that I knew no one. Free kept repeating its self! I was not even sure what day it was."Morning sleepy..." I open my eyes to a girl that I did not remember. I tried to move,found out that it was impossible! "Shhh." her finger touched my lips. "You cannot move sweety. Nor can you escape." Fear shook me fully awake! I tried...

2 years ago
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Golf School

An anecnote about former President Jack Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe gave inspiration here. Don’t know if it’s true, but Marilyn used to straddle Kennedy as he laid on his stomach. She’d slide back and forth on Jack’s back. (He’d been known to have back pain.) So, she’d masturbate on Jack’s back, which subsequently felt better as a result of the massage. The contrast of the bright blue Carolina sky against the green fairway was stunning. The trip was a reward to myself, a week of swing...

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Yorkshire Incest Chapter Three

After their early morning sexual adventures, aunt and niece lay side by side with Rosie’s head on Mary's chest as the older woman stroked her hair. “That was wonderful, auntie, best I have ever known,” Rosie whispered“It will get even better, sweetheart, you have your uncle’s cock to come yet.”“We have him together tonight, auntie?”“Yes, but I have an idea I think you are going to like,” Mary said.Rosie snuggled tighter into the older woman and let her hand stroke Mary’s still-moist, hairy...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Yum Thee Boss A Real Ass

Yum the Boss is looking for Johnny everywhere but he’s too busy jerking off to big asses on XVideos. Yum Can’t deal with his nonsense. Why look at porn when he can have the real thing. Yum offers her gigantic ass to him. She sits on his face suffocating with her butt and pussy. She starts rubbing his meat. She sucks his dick hard, dominates him, and eats his ass! They they finally get to fuck. She presents her hole in the doggy. Then to ridding and then missionary. He finally cums...

2 years ago
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The First Day of school series A week later

My phone vibrated and I looked at the message from Luke. It said that his parents had to take an emergency trip out of town because his grandmother had been taken to the hospital. They would be back Sunday afternoon, and he had the whole house to himself. I was excited as hell, and told my parents I was going to my friend’s house. I hopped on my bike and rode as fast as I could. I knew that I could finally have sexual contact with him. That was the one thing I had been waiting for, for...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVII 6 Love at First Sight

I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my life for the first time. Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue this drop dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. "Wow, man... Who is she?" Brad said to me. "Gloria Harr, Junior, just moved here from California," I said as I scanned. "So far she hates it here, and she only digs guys who skateboard." "Shit. I knew I should have kept...

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In Peters Arms Ch10

One night I was at my house taking a shower when my father knocked on the bathroom door and came in. I told him I was taking a shower and ignored him. The next minute I heard him getting in the shower with me. I was about to scream when he covered my mouth with his hand and yanked on my ginger hair. "Be quiet," he hissed. I sobbed quietly as his hand drifted down to my breasts. His finger circled my nipple, and he could tell it wasn't becoming erect. That just angered him, so he...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 3 The Hopeless Quest

"Anoint her and give her a Quest!" screamed Vivian, her voice muffled by the knight's tangy pussy and thighs sitting on my face. My face was smeared with pussy juices. Knight Angela was a squirter. I did love eating pussy, but now my insides twisted as I awaited to hear what horrible Quest she received that would drag me away from the temple for weeks or even months. "Let it be easy, Saphique," I prayed into Angela's pussy. "And I'll be the most faithful priestess ever. I'll...

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